Types of email. Organization of e-mail service on the Internet

Under text messages in a narrow sense, messages are understood as consisting of lines of limited length, each line consisting of alphanumeric characters of the base ASCII set and punctuation marks (such messages are also called 7-bit). Characters with 8-bit codes (for example, Cyrillic) are not included in this set.

The email address looks like

[email protected]

This email address protected from spam bots. To view it, you must have JavaScript enabled

where mail.domain is something Domain name, and mail_box is the name-identifier of the correspondent. A mailbox can correspond to one person, a group of people, an official mailing address, an automated processing machine, etc. - the form of the address does not depend on this. Further in this paragraph we will assume that mailboxes are personal. A mail domain is a domain name for which a record of type MX exists in the DNS system (see the topic "DNS"), or a record of type A if there is no MX.

The computer that the MX record points to is the mail server for that mail domain. All mail sent to addresses in this mail domain, arrives at this server, which makes a decision on what to do next with this mail, see below.

Three types of programs play a major role in the email system:

Transport agents (MTA - Mail Transport Agent),

Delivery agents (MDA - Mail Delivery Agent),

User agents (MUA - Mail User Agent).

The interaction of these programs and the operation of the email system are presented in Figure 2 (see Appendix)

The transport agent usually runs on the mail server. The transport agent functions as a router for mail messages. Its functions are as follows:

1. analysis and conversion of addresses and headers of mail messages, including:

Converting addresses to another format postal system if the MTA functions as a gateway between two mail systems (for example, between Internet Mail and Sprint Mail);

Converting the sender's email domain name (masquerade);

Setting service headers in a message, reflecting its route and processing process;

2. DNS poll for the name and address of the mail server of the message recipient;

3. determining the delivery agent for each message and transferring the message to the selected delivery agent;

4. managing the message queue, deferring and resuming delivery agents if immediate message delivery is impossible;

5. return of messages that for some reason cannot be delivered to their destination.

The delivery agent delivers the message in some specific way. There are several standard types delivery agents:

Local - the letter is sent to a mailbox located on the same computer; delivery is made, for example, by adding the contents of the message to specific file(on Unix this is the file /var/mail/mailbox).

SMTP - the letter is sent to a mailbox in another mail domain; delivery is made by connecting with the transport agent at remote server using the SMTP protocol.

Prog - the letter must be processed by some program; delivery is carried out by calling this program, the input of which is the contents of the letter.

In general, delivery methods (and, accordingly, agents) can be varied: for example, saving a letter in a database; forwarding a letter by fax, etc. The choice of delivery agent for each specific letter is made by the transport agent in accordance with given configuration transport agent and destination address of the letter.

The user agent is a user shell for working with email, its functions:

Receiving messages from the mail server;

Presentation, storage, disposal and cataloging of mail messages;

Creating a new message and transferring it to the transport agent for further processing and delivery.

Mail agents in various operating systems

email internet computer

In Unix OS, the transport agent is the sendmail program, which has become the de facto MTA standard. In addition, sendmail includes an SMTP delivery agent. Local delivery agent - mail program with the "-d" switch. Mail, pine, various MailTools for X-Windows and other programs can be used as MUA. The qpopper program can be used as a POP server. All of the above programs are freely distributed or are part of the operating system delivery.

MUA with built-in POP client (Unix, Windows) - Netscape, Eudora, The Bat and etc.

Mail servers such as Netscape Messaging Server and Microsoft Exchange run under Windows OS. They are administered through a windowed web interface, in which all necessary functions: the transport agent itself, the POP3 server, the system for administering user mailboxes, aliases, groups and mailing lists. However, compared to sendmail, such servers are cumbersome, unreliable, less transparent, and do not have the degree of flexibility and versatility that sendmail has.

· Provider mail service

The provider address, as you can easily guess from the name, is allocated by the provider - the organization that provides the user with access to the Internet.

The specific terms and conditions vary greatly from provider to provider. A mailbox from a provider can be provided free of charge or for a fee; individual conditions determine the size of the mailbox and the list of possible additional services.

· Corporate mail service

The corporate address is obtained at the place of work. In this case, the mail server belongs to the organization, mailboxes are allocated to employees.

· Commercial postal service

Commercial postal services provide mailboxes for a fee. They charge money specifically for creation and support. mailbox.

Free postal service

Free services simply provide the opportunity to use mail for everyone.

Server list

1. "Mail.ru" - Russian communication portal

Free Post service with unlimited mailbox size, protection against spam and viruses. Social network, photo and video hosting, search system and other communication and entertainment services.

2. "I.ua" - free mail service

Email with unlimited mailbox. Anti-spam and anti-virus scanning, filters and sorting, redirection.

Protection against spam and viruses, unlimited mailbox size, the ability to get a short address (@ya.ru), spell checking, translation of letters. Collection of mail design themes.

4. "Rambler-Pochta" - free postal service

Possibility to register an electronic mailbox of 1 gigabyte size for free. Tips for working with mail and setting up mail clients.

5. "Gmail" - Google's free email service

Mailbox capacity 7 GB and higher, connection via an encrypted channel using SMTP/POP3/IMAP protocols, marking letters using shortcuts, built-in chat, social tool"Live Tape".

6. "NextMail.ru" - email

Free email, file storage, the ability to forward mail to a cell phone.

7. "Rost.vladivostok.com" - email

Free mailbox, chat, blogs, photo albums, etc.

8. "Freemail" - Ukrainian email

Free email system with the ability to send files up to 1.5 GB, anti-virus and anti-spam protection for letters.


9. "[email protected]" - free mail service

The size of the mailbox is not limited. Access via IMAP/POP/SMTP, web and wap interface. Spam and virus filtering. Demon paid hosting with an address of the same name as the mailbox address.

10. "Mail.ua" - Ukrainian postal service

Free email. Rules for registration on the service.

11. "Webmail.meta.ua" - electronic mailbox

12. "Gmail.ru" - free mail

The ability to send large letters and increase the size of the mailbox; support for email clients using POP3/SMTP protocols, etc.

13. Automatic mail decoder

Automatic decryption of unreadable Russian-language letters. The decoder supports encodings: MAC, KOI, WIN, DOS, ISO.


14. "Mail.tut.by" - free mail service

Unlimited mailbox size. Supports POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, WAP and Web protocols. Anti-virus scan mail and spam filter.

15. "Rin.ru" - free mail

Possibility to receive a mailbox of 15 megabytes in size.

16. "E-mail.ru" - free mail service

Free services mail hosting. Tips for setting up and operating the system. A selection of news.

17. "Antispam on Rin.ru"

Materials about types of spam and ways to combat it. News. Review of anti-spam programs. Tips and lessons. List of spammers.

18. "S-Mail" - secure email

Free mailbox with PGP-encrypted messages.

19. "Liveinternet.ru" - postal service

Free email with a web interface (connection via POP3 and IMAP protocols).

20. "Zap zone" - free mail server

Opportunity to receive a free mailbox [email protected]. www.zzn.com

21. "Mail in the picture"

Description of the service for creating an email address in a picture, list of supported domains, answers to questions.


22. "E-mail.ua" - email

Free email with an unlimited mailbox, anti-spam and anti-virus protection, access from a mobile phone and other features.

23. "Mail Library"

A large selection of materials about email (articles about email, spam, mailings, mail clients and etc.). Forum.

24. "AllBat.info" - unofficial website of The Bat!

Collections of various plugins, distributions, help files. Secrets of the program. Forum.

25. "Sibmail.com" - free email service

Mail server with access via POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocols. FAQ, user services.

26. "Ekaterinburg" - regional portal

News in the world and region, news archive for the month. Free mail [email protected].

27. "This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. To view it, you must have JavaScript enabled" - free email service

50 MB mailbox, access via web interface and POP3, spam filtering and anti-virus protection.

28. "Scientific letter" - mail program

Description of the program for creating letters with complex mathematical expressions: technical requirements, interface, formula editor capabilities.


29. "@NetMan.RU" - free mail service

Description of the properties of the mail system. Registration form.

30. "Tyt.in.ua" - free postal service

Services: 50 MB mailbox, spam and virus filtering, notification via SMS and ICQ about the arrival of new mail.

31. "Microsoft Outlook" - blog about the mail program


32. "Mail commander" - mail client

Possibility to download an email processing program. Description of possibilities, conditions of purchase.


33. "Mail.open.by" - free mail service

Access to mail by IMAP protocols, POP3/SMTP and Web. Protection system against spam mailings and viruses.

34. "Mail.Nur.kz" - free mail service

Unlimited mailbox size. Checking attachments antivirus program and antispam filter. Accessible from any mobile device.

35. "BusinessMail" - sending mail according to schedule

Possibility of on-line translation of Russian text into transliteration and vice versa.


36. "Gmail" - community

Community for discussing the work of Gmail.


37. "Nizhny Novgorod free mail server"


38. "Bazarov.net!" - free postal service

Information about the capabilities of the mail system (10 Mb, filters, collecting mail from other servers, address book). Registration form.

39. "@ROL mail" - free mail service

Description of the rules for working with the system. Form for registering a free e-mail.

40. "Ovi Mail Setup Wizard" - mail program


41. "WapAlta" - mobile email service


42. "ProfiMail" - email client


43. "Yandex.Mail" - free email

Protection against spam and viruses, unlimited mailbox size, spell checking, letter translation. Collection of mail design themes. In Turkish. language.


44. "Chat.ru" - free hosting services

Placing home pages, mailboxes, chats, guest books. Registration, assistance to users.

45. "Tripod" - hosting web pages and mail

Opportunity to get free place for website and mailbox. Terms of service. Tools for creating a website (web page builder, scripts, etc.). In English.


46. ​​"Reg.ru" - paid website hosting and mail

Description of features: mail protection from spam, hosting and mail control panel, data backup, etc. Tariff plans. Payment methods, technical support.


47. "Trend" - corporate email hosting

Corporate hosting mail servers with unlimited mailbox capacity, protection against spam and viruses, encryption of POP/IMAP/SMTP/HTTP protocols during mail transmission. www.tendence.ru

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Nowadays the email system is becoming more and more popular. What is it, how can it be used, how to understand E-mail addresses?

We know what mail is. These are traditional means of communication that allow at least two subscribers to exchange information. In order for this exchange to take place, it is necessary to write a message and, indicating the address, put it in the mailbox, from where the letter will inevitably reach post office. If the specified address meets generally accepted standards, then after some time the postman will put it in the recipient's mailbox. Next, the subscriber will open the message, and the exchange of information has taken place. To speed up the process, you pick up the phone, dial phone number and if it happens correct connection, then your subscriber will hear what you want to convey to him. If the subscriber does not answer or his number is busy, you will have to repeat the procedure again, regretting that you are wasting your precious time on this.

These two types of communication - postal and telephone - have become traditional for us, and we already know their advantages and disadvantages well. What is email? Email - exchange of email messages with any subscriber Internet networks. It is possible to send both text and binary files. The size of an email message on the Internet is subject to next limitation- the size of the mail message should not exceed 64 kilobytes.

It allows you to forward messages from almost any machine to any machine, since most famous cars, working in different systems, they support her.

Email is similar to regular mail in many ways. With its help, a letter - a text equipped with a standard header (envelope) - is delivered by specified address, which identifies the location of the machine and the name of the recipient, and is placed in a file called the recipient's mailbox, so that the recipient can retrieve it and read it at a convenient time. At the same time, between mail programs on different cars There is an agreement on how to write an address so that everyone understands it.

E-mail turned out to be in many ways more convenient than regular, “paper” mail. Not to mention the fact that you don’t have to get up from your computer and go to your mailbox to receive or send a letter,

In most cases, messages are delivered by email much faster than by regular mail;

It costs less;

To send a letter to several recipients, you do not need to print it in many copies; you just need to enter the text into the computer once;

More convenient to store a large number of letters in a file on a disk than in a desk drawer; it is easier to search in the file;

And finally, paper is saved.

The reliability of email depends greatly on which emails are used. mailers, how far the sender and addressee of the letter are from each other, and especially whether they are on the same network or on different ones. In our conditions, it is perhaps better to rely on email than regular mail. If the letter is still lost, you can find out about it soon enough and send a new one.

This is the most popular use of the Internet in our country today. Estimates say that there are over 50 million email users in the world. In general, worldwide email traffic ( smtp protocol) occupies only 3.7% of the entire network. Its popularity is explained both by pressing requirements and by the fact that most connections are “on-call access” class connections (from a modem), and in Russia, in general, in the vast majority of cases, UUCP access is used. E-mail is available with any type of Internet access.

E-mail (Electronic mail) - electronic mail (colloquial - an electronic analogue of regular mail. With its help you can send messages, receive them in your electronic mailbox, respond to letters from your correspondents automatically, using their addresses, based on their letters , send copies of your letter to several recipients at once, forward a received letter to another address, use logical names instead of addresses (numeric or domain names), create several mailbox subsections for various types of correspondence, include in letters text files, use the "mail reflector" system to conduct discussions with a group of your correspondents, etc. From the Internet, you can send mail to adjacent networks if you know the address of the corresponding gateway, the format of its requests, and the address on that network.

Using e-mail, you can use ftp asynchronously. There are many servers that support such services. You send an e-mail to the address of such a service containing a command from this system, for example, give a listing to a certain directory, or send such and such a file to you, and you automatically receive an e-mail response with this listing or the required file. In this mode, it is possible to use almost the entire set of commands regular ftp. There are servers that allow you to receive files via FTP not only from themselves, but from any FTP server that you specify in your e-mail..

E-mail makes it possible to conduct teleconferences and discussions. For this purpose, mail reflectors installed on some node working machines are used. You send a message there with instructions to subscribe you to such and such a reflector (discussion, conference, etc.), and you begin to receive copies of the messages that the discussion participants send there. Reflector mail just upon receipt emails sends copies of them to all subscribers.

E-mail makes it possible to use in asynchronous mode not only ftp, but also other services that have similar servers that provide such services. For example, network news, Archie, Whois.

You can send binary files by e-mail, not just text ones. In UNIX, for example, the programs UUENCODE and UUDECODE are used for this.

When using e-mail, due to its efficiency, you may get the feeling telephone communication, but you should always be aware that this is still mail. All messages are written, so they are almost documented. Adhere to normal correspondence etiquette. In addition to this, remember that e-mail does not have the same degree of privacy as regular mail, never write anything in e-mail messages that you would not want to see displayed for everyone to see. Anonymity is also excluded: the source can be traced without difficulty. Not worth using technical features your terminal.

When the ARPANET first entered the arena, its designers expected that the predominant traffic (that is, the amount of information transferred between nodes) would be process-to-process. They were wrong. To their great surprise, the volume of e-mail between people overwhelmed the volume of communication between processes. While snow, rain, heat could stop postal couriers, the ARPANET's ability to deliver messages from the West Coast of the United States to the East Coast within seconds began revolutionizing the means


The main attraction of email is its speed. However, there are other benefits that are not so widely known. The phone also provides almost instantaneous access, but studies have shown that about 75% phone calls end unsuccessfully (“I’m very sorry, but Mr. Smith is in a meeting/went on a business trip/left the room.”). Email has the same access speed as the telephone, but does not require both subscribers to be present at the same time on different ends telephone line. In addition, she leaves a written copy of the message, which can be saved or passed on. Moreover, a letter can be sent to several subscribers at the same time.

Let's assume that you are lucky and become the proud owner of a personal computer. You have composed a message for your subscriber - you have entered the text into the computer, prepared a file containing some program or, for example, graphic data for transmission, indicated the address and, having picked up the phone, sent your letter over the telephone line. Is the subscriber not at home? No problem: the letter will reach him as soon as he turns on his computer. Is his phone busy? It’s also not scary: as soon as the line is free, he will be able to receive your message, even if you hung up the phone a long time ago. There is only one exaggeration in this seemingly fantastic story. Pick up the handset and dial the phone number

Processing and sending of outgoing documents, as well as receiving and processing of incoming ones, are carried out centrally either by a secretary or in an expedition (forwarder). Having received a document for sending, first of all they check the correctness of its execution: the presence of a signature; the presence of a date (if it is not on the document being sent, it is stamped); the presence of a heading; presence of a mark about the performer; correctness of addressing; if the document is intended for a one-time correspondent, the presence of an address; the presence of all pages in the document and all specified attachments.

These design elements are required when sending a document either by mail or by fax. If the document is executed incorrectly or is not presented in full, it is returned to the contractor for revision.

When sending a document by mail, it is converted. Documents sent to the same address are placed together in one envelope. Envelopes are addressed and marked. For regular correspondents, envelopes are prepared in advance. All preparation of documents intended for postal registration, is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of Postal Rules.

However, in last years With the development of document transmission via telephone communication channels (fax, e-mail), the amount of correspondence sent by traditional mail is constantly decreasing.

Transmitting documents using email significantly reduces the time it takes to transfer information and increases the reliability of delivery.

At the same time, we should not forget that transmitting documents by e-mail poses the problem of verifying the authenticity of the signature (authorization of the document), that is, the use of special program "electronic signature"And concluding a special authorization agreement with each correspondent.

Email systems are divided into two types- global and corporate (departmental). If a user connects to a global email service (such as Relcom), this means connecting to an already existing network data transmission covering vast territories, the nodes of which are equipped with powerful equipment that ensures the passage of large volumes of information messages. In addition, some users of one global system email can exchange information not only within its network, but also with subscribers of other global networks. Enterprise systems email - departmental - are created to ensure internal document flow, which is especially effective if the organization has big number subordinate structures, including branches. Corporate email uses several personal computers, combined into a local computer network(LAN). Most powerful computer network performs a management function and is called a file server. Other PCs connected to the network are called workstations. So everything shared resources networks (databases, software, peripheral devices) can be accessible to every user. Many corporate email systems have already been created: Microsoft Mail; cc:Mail; 1C: Email, etc. So, with using Microsoft Mail can be carried out following operations: receive and send emails; transfer files created in other MS Office programs; store messages in special electronic folders; realize quick search necessary messages; print messages.

39. Concepts: “case”, “formation of cases”, “nomenclature of cases”. The importance of the nomenclature of cases for the classification of documents of an organization.

Case- a set of documents or a document related to one issue or area of ​​activity, placed in a separate cover.

Formation of cases- grouping executed documents into a case in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and systematizing documents within the case.

Nomenclature of cases- a systematic list of names of cases opened in the organization, indicating their storage periods, drawn up in in the prescribed manner. This is a very useful document in office work, because it allows you to rationally organize work with documents: group documents into cases according to specific system– ensures, if necessary, the efficiency of their search and safety; used in the process of document registration - assigned registration number according to the developed classification and indexes of cases; used as the main document in the process of selecting cases for submitting them to the archive, selecting cases with expired deadlines for their further destruction; used as an accounting document for files with temporary storage periods (no additional inventories can be drawn up); in archival affairs, it serves as the basis for drawing up inventories of permanent and long-term storage files, including for personnel, acts for the destruction of documents. The nomenclature of cases is a multifunctional document and, from a practical point of view, every organization needs it to streamline current paperwork. For government agencies and municipal institutions that transfer documents to state or municipal archives, as well as for joint stock companies, notaries, etc. drawing up a list of cases is a regulatory requirement.

Basic requirements for organizing the prompt storage of executed documents in office work. Responsibility for the safety of documents. Storing documents in electronic form.

The final stage of the paperwork process is the preparation of executed documents for storage and use. The main goal of organizing and storing executed documents is to create conditions for their use in the reference work of institutions and replenish the State Archival Fund.
Storage of executed documents of the current year is carried out in special folders-registers. Documents completed by office work are handed over to the organization’s archives at the end of the year.
Preparing the transfer of cases to the archive includes the following steps:
1. conducting an examination of the value of documents in cases;
2. systematization of documents in files;
3. registration of cases;
4. compiling an inventory of the affairs of a structural unit.
The listed works are carried out by employees of structural units responsible for maintaining documentation under the methodological guidance of the head of the archive.
Before technical design cases carry out additional systematization of documents in cases. To do this, documents are removed from the folders and placed in chronological order, i.e. V reverse order. The earliest document is placed at the beginning of the case (at the top), and the latest at the end.
The nomenclature of files is an approved, systematized list of files opened in an institution, indicating the periods for their storage in the prescribed manner. The nomenclature of cases is used as a scheme for the distribution and grouping of executed documents into cases (classification scheme), an index for indexing documents and cases, their storage periods, and also as a scheme for constructing a reference file of unexecuted documents. In addition, it is an accounting document in the records management and archives of the institution for temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage.
The nomenclature of cases is necessary for quickly searching documents by their content and types. The efficiency of working with documents and their safety depend on how well it is compiled. The presence of a list of cases in every institution, organization, and enterprise is mandatory.
When compiling a nomenclature of cases, enterprises must take into account the requirements for the nomenclature of cases contained in state system documentation support management, Basic rules for the operation of departmental archives, a list of documents indicating storage periods. The nomenclature of the enterprise’s affairs is developed by a specialist responsible for organizing work with documents and approved by the head of the enterprise.
The nomenclature of cases can be specific, approximate and typical. In addition, there is a distinction between the nomenclatures of affairs of a structural unit and an institution.
The specific nomenclature reflects the documents of one specific institution or structural unit.
Approximate and standard nomenclatures of cases reflect documents of a certain category of institutions with the same type of activity and composition of documentation. In addition, the standard nomenclature establishes a unified indexing of cases for the relevant institutions of the system (department) and is mandatory. The approximate nomenclature of cases is advisory.

Overall responsibility for organizing the storage and ensuring the safety of documents lies with the head of the organization.

With the transition of office work to computerized technologies, the question arises of streamlining and organizing the storage of documents created in electronic form.
Documents in electronic form can be created by employees of the organization on computers, received by email, or converted into electronic form (by scanning) from traditional paper form. The created or received document must be saved in the computer memory - written as a file on HDD. Documents can be stored on a computer’s hard drive, or on a specially dedicated computer (file server), on removable media.
First of all, folders (directories) are created on the hard drive in which documents will be placed. Just as paper documents are put into files, so files are put into folders. Each folder can have subfolders within it, which in turn can have their own subfolders. Each folder is assigned a "name". The “name” should begin with the type of documents (orders, acts, reports, etc.), why the content of the documents is clarified with information about the authorship, issue, correspondent, period for which the documents (files) are grouped.
Current office work files are stored on the computer's hard drive. When working on a network, the user may have access to disks or directories on other computers. In this case, they will have serial letter numbers and can be worked with as devices located on own computer. To do this, on a computer containing necessary resources permission is set for sharing to this or that file. Access can be limited either by using a password for full access and read-only access, or restricting access only to certain users. You can enter a password to restrict access to the folder. Organizations with a large volume of shared documents use dedicated, highly reliable computers - file - servers - designed for continuous operation and providing simultaneous access to data from units to tens, hundreds and even thousands of users.
All documents received for office circulation must be stored in shared folders created in accordance with the nomenclature of affairs of the division (organization as a whole) based on standard classifiers.
One of the main issues that determines the successful use of computer technology in the office is the reliability of storing documents in electronic form. The security of documents consists of:
- stable power supply;
- Reserve copy;
- antivirus protection;
- prevention and diagnosis using special utilities (support programs).
The peculiarity of electronic storage is the sending of documents to an electronic archive immediately upon completion of work with them in office work. This allows you to ensure the safety of documents, their centralized storage, quick search and distributed access to documents both using local network, and using remote access(by telephone and via the Internet).
A database of documents is formed during the process of their registration.
Data on documents for the past year are stored separately even after all documents for the past year have been executed. The database is used only for reference work and can be rewritten to external media information. Depending on the amount of information, it can be a floppy disk, magnetic tape, CD-ROM or other archival media.
Documents with permanent and long-term storage periods are usually recorded on CD-ROM, and documents with a temporary storage period are usually recorded on media that can be erased and rewritten upon expiration of the storage period.
The storage periods for documents do not depend on their form of existence - paper or electronic - and are determined by special directories - lists of documents indicating storage periods.
Archival documents are usually used as a place to store documents. logical drive or several computer folders. If there are programs like “ Electronic archive” accounting and copying are performed automatically. Otherwise, this is done manually: documents are divided by storage period, folders are created corresponding to the annual sections of the inventories. If there are a significant number of documents in permanent storage, they are located inside the annual section, in the folders of the relevant departments.