What is the most secure email? Which mailbox is more reliable and secure than others. Business-oriented email service

In 2013, Edward Snowden confirmed what many already suspected: governments are watching you. Intelligence agencies monitor your traffic and create digital profiles of your online habits. Unfortunately, they are not the only ones interested in your data. Hackers and cybercriminals are also not averse to intercepting your personal information. Additionally, free email services can also track your emails and contacts to show you targeted advertising.

According to the Breach Level Index, more than 13 million accounts have leaked or been compromised in various incidents since 2013. Of these 13 million, the vast majority, namely 96%, were not encrypted. What method do hackers use to hack into accounts, steal personal data, or disclose confidential information?


Email is a very “ancient” technology compared to modern communication solutions, which has many technical limitations. The advanced age of technology has a negative impact on safety. Fortunately for the 4 billion email users, many developers and security researchers are working hard to improve the venerable technology so that it remains viable and relatively secure in the era of fast and intelligent attacks.

Let's look at a few secure email services and highlight their key security benefits.

ProtonMail (web service, Android, iOS)

  • Price: Free (up to 150 messages per day). Eat paid accounts
  • Storage: 500 MB free. Up to 20 GB in paid accounts.
  • Server locations: Switzerland

The ProtonMail project started in 2013. The service was originally developed by CERN researchers through a crowdfunding program. ProtonMail's beta testing phase ended in March 2016. This service has an open source and uses end-to-end encryption, so messages are encrypted on the user side and the data cannot be decrypted by your employer or anyone else.

Since the service primarily offers free accounts, it is reasonable to ask where the funds to maintain the postal service come from. ProtonMail makes it clear that the project has its own financial fund, which is capable of maintaining the service for a year without any other injections.

Benefits of ProtonMail

All user data is stored on servers in Switzerland. The European country is well known for its tough stance on privacy and data protection. A very important plus for security is the open source code of ProtonMail. Closed and proprietary software cannot be analyzed by anyone, so you must blindly trust the development company. Open source services can be reviewed for security by any researcher or competent person.

Although emails to other ProtonMail users are protected by end-to-end encryption, when interacting with unencrypted services such as Gmail, ProtonMail scans the message data and protects against spam. However, these messages are scanned into memory, which means they are not saved and will be overwritten in a very long time. a short time. Immediately after verification, the email message will be encrypted.

According to ProtonMail's privacy policy, IP address logging is disabled by default, although you can force it to be enabled if you wish. This behavior can significantly improve privacy because it in this case prevents leakage of your location by IP address. ProtonMail does not save your data when you delete it. If you delete a message, it really will disappear. The only exception is when the data was saved in backup copy, in this case for complete removal may take up to 14 days.

To register with ProtonMail you do not need to provide any personal information, although you can ask additional address email to restore access. ProtonMail supports Ephemeral messaging - the exchange of messages that, once read, disappear forever. This concept is also used in the Telegram messenger.

TutaNota (web service, Android, iOS)

  • Price:
  • Storage: 1 GB free. Expandable storage in paid accounts.
  • Server locations: Germany

The Tutanota email service from the German company Tutao GmbH was launched in 2011 using a freemium model - i.e. basic functionality is available for free. The name is no coincidence - translated from Latin “tuta nota” means “ secure message" The service's servers are also located in Germany, making them subject to the strict German Federal Data Protection Law. However, its reputation was tarnished by reports that the German Federal Intelligence Service was cooperating with the NSA in its surveillance programs.

Benefits of TutaNota

In any case, Tutanota makes a very attractive and secure service. By by and large, TutaNota's feature set largely mirrors ProtonMail's. The service uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that mail cannot be viewed on servers. If you send a message to a Gmail user, then Tutanota sends a link to a temporary account, where the recipient can view the encrypted message.

Tutanota is also an open source project - all code is posted on Github. Currently, the service does not encrypt metadata associated with stored messages, such as sender, recipient contacts and date. The developers plan to add such a feature in the future.

Tutanota uses 2048-bit RSA encryption and 128-bit AES encryption. However, the service does not currently support PGP, although there are plans to develop an API to interact with PGP encryption. Tutanota maintains logs exclusively from technical information, warnings and error messages. The developers state that none of the logs contain personal information and are only stored for 14 days.

Tutanota is free to use, but to get advanced features you need to purchase a Premium account. For one euro per month you can add up to 5 aliases, use your own domain and set up rules for incoming messages.

Mailfence (web service)

  • Price: For free. There are paid accounts
  • Storage: 250 MB for mail and 250 MB for documents for free.
  • Server locations: Belgium.

Important information

If you see a message when registering We temporarily do not take new registrations, then use a VPN to register, for example, the Browsec VPN plugin. In some countries, including Russia, registration is limited.

The Mailfence service was developed by the creators of the ContactOffice virtual office. Mailfence includes encryption and privacy features and is offered for free use. After the Snowden revelations in 2013, the ContactOffice team felt the need for a secure and confidential email platform. As in many European countries, Belgium has strict data protection laws that prioritize the user over the interests of companies.

Benefits of Mailfence

ContactOffice was launched in 1999, so the MailFence developers have plenty of experience and knowledge in developing the service. The experience gained over the years leads to one of the key advantages of Mailfence. The service offers secure work not only with mail, but also with calendar, contacts and document storage. Although the company sells a Premium account, most of the funds come from licensing software to companies and educational institutions. Unfortunately, the Mailfence source code is closed for inspection, so when using the service, you have to trust the slogans of the developer company indicated on the official website.

ContactOffice donates 15% of profits from sales of Pro accounts to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and to the public organization “European digital rights” (European Digital Rights Foundation, EDRi). Privacy laws in Belgium dictate that access to data be granted upon a judicial decision. However, any external organ has no right to access the data.

Mailfence uses end-to-end encryption and supports OpenPGP. You can create a key on your computer, which will then be encrypted using 256-bit AES algorithm and stored on Mailfence servers. Two-factor authentication is also supported to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

One of the significant disadvantages of Mailfence is the lack mobile application. If you want to sync with a mobile device, your only option is to use Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync. If you decide to upgrade to a Pro account, you will also be able to use POPS, IMAPS and SMTPS.

SCRYPTmail (web service)

  • Price: trial version 7 days free. Paid accounts only
  • Storage:$2 per month for 300 MB storage. Storage can be upgraded to 1GB for $7 per month.
  • Server locations: USA

SCRYPTmail is a web-based email service with strong security features. The service offers end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication, and is also open source and freely available for security audits. SCRYPTmail servers are located in the United States.

One of the interesting features offered by SCRYPTmail is the function of hiding your real address emails from recipients. Disposable addresses email can be used in cases where contact information needs to be provided to a person or organization whose legality and safety you are not sure of. You no longer need to register for a temporary account, reducing the risk of your contact information being misused.

SCRYPTmail is a fully featured and reliable service with a high level of security and transparency that is hard to beat. However, some competitors offer the same level of security with better documentation (ProtonMail), usability (Tutanota) and value for money (Posteo).

Posteo (web service)

  • Price: Paid accounts only
  • Storage: 1 euro per month for 2 GB object storage.
  • Server locations: Germany

For just $1 a month Posteo offers 2 gigabytes secure storage Email. The storage is completely anonymous and protected by two-factor authentication. Posteo servers are located in Germany, and the core values ​​of the service are privacy, ease of use and stability.

Like many dedicated privacy tools, Posteo became popular among the public after the Edward Snowden revelations. Posteo became the first email service to launch DNS Authentication of Addressing Objects (DANE) on its servers to protect users from hackers impersonating them or their email recipients. In other words, DANE allows you to protect against MITM attacks or man-in-the-middle attacks, which are detailed in the NSA disclosures.

Posteo not only refuses to collect personal data from its customers, but also regularly fights legal battles for the right not to hand over user data to the authorities.

Their 2017 transparency report shows that Posteo received 48 requests to obtain user data and "seize" the mailbox from German and international authorities, and three requests were successful. However, Posteo does not store the user's identity or IP address, so any seized email content cannot be officially associated with the user.

Posteo encrypts all data sent through the service's servers while it is in transit or at rest, but does not offer automatic end-to-end encryption like ProtonMail and Tutanota.

This means that any intercepted communication could be read as plain text by an attacker (though Posteo largely negates this risk with its DANE feature).

Since Posteo does not use end-to-end encryption, the service account can be added to standard applications for working with email in iOS and Android.

Kolab Now (web service)

  • Price: Paid accounts only
  • Storage: for individual accounts $4.41 per month for 2 GB. Expandable space up to 10 GB
  • Server locations: Switzerland

Kolab Now is a secure alternative for G Suite and Office 365.

The service offers email service, calendar, contacts and file storage. Kolab Now positions itself as a secure alternative to G Suite and Office 365.

Kolab Now was developed for the German Federal Office for Internet Security and was primarily used in Germany until it gained media attention following NSA leaks. The founder of the human rights resource Groklaw, Pamela Jones, said that she switched to email address Kolab Now on the same day it closed the site in 2013:

If you need to use the Internet, my research shows that Kolab can be used to protect against email surveillance. Kolab servers are located in Switzerland, which means they are not subject to the laws of other countries. The service is trying to provide citizens with more privacy.

Kolab Now is completely open source and offers advanced security features. Although it does not offer end-to-end encryption (outside the client computer), Kolab Now supports perfect forward secrecy (PFS) protocols, i.e. that encryption keys are ephemeral - if encrypted content falls into the wrong hands, it cannot be used with a key different from the key used in a particular session.

To access mail from mobile devices you can use the web interface through your device's browser, or connect Kolab Now to your POP3/IMAP client, e.g. iOS Mail. Kolab Now also supports SMTP, CalDav and WebDAV protocols, so if your organization's systems are already integrated with one of these protocols, this will be a definite plus.

mailbox.org (web service)

  • Price: Trial version 30 days free. Paid accounts only
  • Storage: from 1 euro for 2 GB email storage and 100 MB cloud storage
  • Server locations: Germany

The time-tested secure email service mailbox.org is overseen by privacy journalist Peer Heinlein. Peer began his career in the security field network services back in 1989. In this case, you need to worry about passing your Mailbox into the hands of a shaky startup, mailbox.org has stood the test of time.

Mailbox.org's servers are located in Germany and are subject to favorable privacy laws, but that's not the only advantage of the service. mailbox.org is dedicated to anonymity: a user can register an account without entering personal information using Bitcoin using its own chain of Tor nodes. Mail headers are also anonymized to hide the location of users' devices and their recipients.

Just like Mailfence and ProtonMail, mailbox.org is compatible with OpenPGP, allowing users to send encrypted mail even to recipients who do not use mailbox.org. In this case, emails will appear in a special guest inbox, and the recipient of the message will be able to reply to it using a one-time link. This approach uses Tutanota to solve the problem of communicating outside of your encrypted network (with users of Gmail or other plaintext services).

Keep secrets safe

Many free email services either do little to protect your privacy or even take steps to undermine it. Finding a protected and encrypted service is important step. When making your final decision, you should consider the encryption method used, the service's funding source, and the location of the servers.

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By email we share personal secrets, conduct business negotiations, and do many other things. But most emails are sent in plain text and are stored in a format that is easy to read. Services with encryption have a higher level of confidentiality. Your letters will be encrypted both during transmission and on the server, and no one except you and the recipient(s) will be able to read them.

Which mail is the best and safest?

Encrypted email clients come in different types. Some work entirely in the browser, while others are desktop application, still others connect to already existing mail and create an additional level of security. Let's figure out what Email the safest.

Hushmail is one of the most famous encrypted email services. Here your mail is stored in encrypted form and is only decrypted when you log in with your password. Between accounts within Hushmail, mail is decrypted and encrypted automatically. When sending a letter to another mailer, you can use Secret Question, which the recipient must respond to in order to decrypt the message.

By clicking on the link, the recipient must answer the question, and if the answer is correct, the letter will open.

But it is worth noting one detail. In 2007, Hushmail released correspondence from three email accounts following a court order. How did he do this if all mail is encrypted? The fact is that the system captures user passwords. In a candid interview with Wired Technical Director Hushmail Brian Smith said: "Hushmail helps you avoid conventional government surveillance like Carnivore and protects against hackers, but it is not suitable for protecting data if you are engaged in criminal activity and have a warrant against you from a Canadian court." So it definitely can’t be considered the most secure email.

Some people don’t use Hushmail precisely because of this, but we note that any other service can, under pressure from the outside, one day change its system so as to capture your encryption key. The only solution in this case is Enigmail or similar program at the do-it-yourself level. But even with such programs, authorities in most countries can still force you to give up the encryption key.

VaultletMail, part of the VaultletSuite, is a desktop program rather than a browser-based one. If two users use VaultletMail, messages between them are always fully encrypted. If you want to send a letter to another postal service, you can use the SpecialDelivery system.

With SpecialDelivery, you can create a secure passphrase that your recipient will use to decrypt all messages they receive from you through VaultletMail.

What additional features does VaultletMail have?

VaultletMail has a lot of features. It protects the recipient from forwarding, copying, printing and quoting letters. You can set the time after which your message will self-destruct in the recipient's VaultletMail. You can even send letters from anonymous addresses, thereby allowing you to avoid recognizing that they were sent.

Enigmail is a free extension for Mozilla Thunderbird. There are similar plugins for other popular mail programs. To work with Enigmail you need to install the appropriate extension in Thunderbird and GNU program Privacy Guard – in the operating system.

After Enigmail installations Thunderbird will have a new OpenPGP menu with a setup wizard. This wizard will walk you through the setup process, including creating or importing a public and private key.

By default, messages are signed only digital signature, thanks to which the recipient will be able to determine that the letter came from you. To enable encryption, you need to select the “Encrypt This Message” option in the S/MIME section of the letter writing window.

What are the disadvantages of this mail extension?

To correspond with other people, you need to exchange keys with them, so the setup procedure is somewhat complicated. Unfortunately, this always happens when working with encrypted mail. But there is one advantage: Enigmail can be used in combination with other email services, such as Gmail. There is no need to create a new account. Using FireGPG, a popular extension for Firefox, this could be done directly in the browser, but this extension is no longer supported and is no longer compatible with Gmail.

Will Yandex and Gmail help answer the question of which email is the most secure?

How much standard services Are emails secure? Many people ask this question, so let's answer it by starting short review from the Russian service.

Over time, the Russian postal service has acquired sufficient regular users security services. For example, Yandex identifies phishing emails on the fly, allows you to set up two-factor authentication, and can also enable special passwords For third party applications.

Naturally, there is also a visit log, the ability to set white IP addresses for login and much more. But Yandex doesn’t know how to encrypt correspondence, which means it won’t be possible to call its mail the most secure.

The protection capabilities of the American postal service are, of course, wider than those of the Russian one. It all starts with two-step (not two-factor) authentication, adding allowed programs (not just IP addresses) to access, and flexible setup access modes of sites and applications.

However, Gmail does not have phishing alerts and, like Yandex, does not have the ability to encrypt correspondence.


There is another option to make your own secure mail on the Internet: with the help of special encryption programs, you just need to encrypt messages and send them by regular mail as attachments, which the recipient must then decrypt.

Of course, encryption helps protect your privacy, but it's not a universal solution to government encroachment and won't give you the most secure email on the Internet. Neither Hushmail nor Enigmail's own encryption will help here. Often codes and passwords are obtained not by hacking, but by knocking them out of the owner in one way or another. And encryption in this case, alas, is powerless.

  1. Hidden mining: how to detect unauthorized use of a computer?

Modern technologies are developing so rapidly that it is very difficult for the average consumer to keep track of all the innovations, not to mention some small nuances. This rule is fully applicable to such a familiar phenomenon for many users as email.

The best services work tirelessly to please fastidious consumers in everything, and a good half of the latter continue to change client after client in search of their ideal. Experienced users know perfectly well what and how they want to see in the next service, but for beginners it is noticeably more difficult. Therefore, for many, the question of which email is better to choose remains very relevant.

The choice is also complicated by the fact that each user has their own evaluation criteria and requirements for the service. And to the question of where it is better to create an email, everyone answers differently. Some people like the albeit not so functional, but beautiful interface, some are more than satisfied with the asceticism of the service for the sake of advanced capabilities, and for some, such clients are installed in a viral way.

We will try to figure out which email is the best, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each service, as well as the advisability of using it in a particular case. We will take into account the opinions of experts in this field and reviews of ordinary consumers.

Where is the best place to set up an email?

Quite a few Internet services offer their own email services, but it is better to stick to proven and most popular options that have been working for many years and have acquired a large number of users.

In addition, the specifics of the domestic user cannot be discounted. Only three services can be called the best email for Russia - Gmail, Yandex.Mail and Mail ru. We will consider them in detail, weighing all the pros and cons.


This is an absolutely free service from the venerable American search engine Google. Since 2013, the client has been considered the best email in the world. Then she by a large margin overtook her then very serious competitor from Microsoft with its Hotmail.

Moreover, the best email climbed to the pedestal for a reason. The developers worked long and hard on their brainchild, and high-quality service coupled with user-friendly interface and excellent functionality led the service to success.

"Yandex Mail"

Many users consider the Yandex client to be the best email for Russia and the CIS countries. Judging by statistics, almost 30 million people use the service every month, sending more than 100 million letters a day. Moreover, this figure does not include viral spam mailings.

According to the American independent statistical agency ComScore, Yandex.Mail is confidently ahead of similar European clients in terms of development rates. In addition, some Europeans are not averse to using the services from the Russian search engine and good email in particular.

"Mail ru"

Despite all its shortcomings, the Mail ru client has won universal recognition among domestic users. The service is considered the best email for beginners. It’s a long way from Mail Ru’s first two clients, but it has found its niche because it is installed on an impressive number of computers and mobile gadgets.

In addition, the service boasts one of the best proprietary email programs. If you omit aggressive advertising this client, it is quite convenient to use.

Which email is better?

Next, we will analyze the main characteristics of each service, which users consider critical when choosing a particular client. Registration in all three services follows approximately the same scenario and a mobile phone number and a spare email address are linked to each account.


Here the developers have found their ideal formula for a good email interface and all three clients are not much different from each other in terms of interface. On the left side there are folders with letters: “Inbox”, “Outbox”, “Sent”, etc. Buttons for some actions with correspondence are in the upper part, and the settings panel is in the upper right corner.

There are, of course, differences in design, but they are so insignificant that they are unable to critically influence the choice. So in terms of interface, all email is nice and beautiful. In this case, you have to choose only according to your taste and color.

Ease of use

A good half of ordinary users define the qualities of good email as “it works and is fine.” But some people need more than just sending a couple of emails a day. When it comes to tens or even hundreds of pieces of correspondence, you have to choose a service more carefully, taking into account the functionality, as well as the client’s efficiency.

Gmail It was not for nothing that the venerable search engine was recognized as the best service for working with correspondence of any complexity. One of the notable features of email management is grouping into chains, where messages and replies are intelligently sorted according to user filters. In addition, the variety of labels allows you to separate, as they say, the wheat from the chaff, which greatly facilitates the perception of incoming correspondence.

Yandex.Mail boasts excellent functionality, aimed at processing large quantity letters. The hotkeys and the mass of all possible combinations alone are worth it. It is also worth mentioning the possibility of web highlighting, where correspondence can be marked for subsequent processing by holding the left mouse button. This is much more convenient than placing checkmarks next to each letter.

“Mail ru” cannot offer anything innovative to users, and here we have the usual functionality that copes well with Not big amount correspondence, but it begins to choke if you load the mailbox with a hundred letters. Among some distinctive features, one can only note the ability to work with several local addresses at the same time, without re-authorizing accounts (hello Gmail). So Mail Ru is suitable mainly for average users whose correspondence does not exceed a dozen or two letters a day.

Letter delivery

As a rule, Google mail does not have any problems with the delivery of letters. The client accepts all correspondence and carefully places it in folders. He does this without delay and does not lose anything on the way to the recipient. In addition, the Google service copes well with large investments.

Advanced users who do business not only with Runet, but also subscribe to resources from all over the world, prefer Gmail precisely because of its omnivorous nature. He never disdains anything, and he places even obvious spam with due care in the folder of the same name and does not decide for the user what to do with this kind of correspondence.

Yandex.Mail is actually in no way inferior to its foreign counterpart and also easily accepts all incoming letters, regardless of their content. The service is quite suitable for registering on foreign resources, so there is no difference here with Gmail as such. The only thing worth clarifying is that some users sometimes complain that correspondence is delayed by 5-10 minutes, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

“Mail ru” in this case is not the best option for registering on foreign Internet resources, as well as for subsequent receiving correspondence from them. The service is so picky about sending/receiving protocols that it can easily ignore letters from dubious (in its opinion) sites. Serious resources even directly recommend specifying an email address other than “Mail ru”.

Data storage volumes

Today's users are not limited to exchanging only text messages. Many people attach photographs, audio files or videos to their letters. So the total volume of one letter can be calculated not in megabytes, but in gigabytes. Naturally, the service needs to be provided with a place on the server where all this information can be stored.

Mail from Google provides 15 GB for storing personal information, which is more than enough for the average user. But if this turns out to be not enough, then you can always remove the restrictions for additional fee. For example, a 100 GB server space can be purchased for 300 rubles.

Yandex.Mail gives its users 3 GB disk space, but this is enough in a good half of cases. To store a larger volume, you can, just as in the case of Gmail, buy yourself space on the server at a cost similar to Google.

The Mail ru service compares favorably with its competitors here. Users are essentially not limited in any way in storing and transferring files. After registration, a modest amount of 500 MB is available, but after filling it, the service offers to increase your storage space by 2 GB for free. And so on every time the threshold is reached (2+2+2, etc.).

Additional functionality

All services can boast of having some additional functions and “tricks” that make working with correspondence much easier, or are not related to it at all, but will also be useful in certain cases. Such bells and whistles, as a rule, not only do not repel users, but, on the contrary, motivate them to switch to a competitor with an attractive feature.

One of the main features of the Google mailer is the presence of messenger functionality. And not just for show, but quite a full-fledged one. In terms of functionality, the service is comparable to the same Skype, Discord or ICQ. The user is provided with two messenger options - a regular simple chat and an advanced video client with all the accompanying bells and whistles.

Yandex.Mail boasts video letters, where any user who has a web camera can record a video message for the recipient. There is also a pretty smart organizer that will further simplify the work with a large amount of correspondence and its own chat for transferring short messages like ICQ.

“Mail ru” in this case does not lag behind its competitors and offers users its own own version video messenger represented by a separate client - “Agent-Mail ru”. In addition to the usual chat and video calls, there is free SMS sending to the numbers of popular domestic mobile operators. You can also note the presence of a built-in translator and spell checker. The benefits of the latter are highly questionable due to the abundance of similar functionality in browsers, but as a pleasant bonus they are quite suitable.


Safety email correspondence is no less important than paper. Especially if we're talking about about a business mailbox that is linked to money making accounts and web wallets. No matter how much you think about the password, in addition to it, you also need other security guarantees.

Google's service is again ahead of other respondents with its two-step user verification. The first stage is the usual logins and passwords, but the second stage can be flexibly configured in the service interface. There may be additional authorization using a code from an SMS message, through a letter on a third-party mailbox, or even limited authentication by browser or equipment ( motherboard, processor, hard drive, etc.) or a specific IP address.

Yandex.Mail has standard security protection HTTPS protocol and the ability to connect authorization using a one-time code that comes to mobile phone in an SMS message. In addition, the service provides the user detailed journal visiting an email client.

"Mail ru" boasts productive work with the venerable Kaspersky Lab. The entire part of protecting user data from hacking and other actions of attackers fell on her shoulders. The interface responsible for security is burdened with a huge number of settings and presets, ranging from the already familiar SMS verification to the prohibition of parallel sessions. So the security section here is organized at a very decent level.


It would be logical to assume that free services provided should at least somehow pay off. The simplest and most effective way to pull off such a gamble with an ordinary user was and remains advertising. We're talking about banners here. contextual links and other ways to earn an extra penny.

A little earlier than Google mail client was filled with his trademark AdWords advertising. But after a couple of scandalous lawsuits and court decisions, the blocs began to fade away, and today they no longer exist. It is unknown how long this situation will last, but the advertising-free service is pleasing to the eye and does not interfere with work.

Yandex.Mail has an option in its settings to disable the display of banners and context, but from time to time advertising still slips through. It doesn’t interfere with your work, it’s not an eyesore, but sometimes an unpleasant aftertaste remains, especially when you’re working with a large amount of correspondence and you need complete concentration.

“Mail ru”, as always, in its role and with advertising, things are not the best for the user. Here we have a bouquet of everything and everyone: animated banners, a diverse “Yandex.Direct”, as well as a bunch of spoilers, where scientists have once again discovered another panacea in tandem with an exceptional opportunity to enlarge all parts of the body, and at the same time make money from it.

You can only get rid of this nightmare using third-party applications and special browser plugins, like AdBlock or AdGuard. It is also worth noting the company’s very aggressive policy in introducing its software. After visiting another Internet resource or installing some application (usually domestic), you will find that start page browser was changed to “Mail ru”, as well as search system default. Plus, the ubiquitous “Mail Agent” will appear in the system tray.


The definition of the best email service in itself is not entirely correct. Each user himself outlines the functionality he needs and what tasks it should help him perform. Advanced consumers prefer powerful, versatile and resource-intensive Gmail. Average users get a service from their native Yandex, and fans of branded Mail ru applications get the mail client of the same name.

Didn't receive another letter? Stole the account? Spammers are constantly coming in with their annoying advertising? Is the interface too complex to work properly? – If at least one of these problems is familiar to you, then this article is for you. Here, the most popular services among Russian-speaking users (Gmail, Yandex Mail and Mail.ru) will be assessed according to a number of important criteria such as security, spam protection, working space and others. The information provided should be enough to select a more suitable mailbox option. Let's get started.

Functionality and convenience

In this paragraph we will talk about the basic capabilities of postal services, designed to ensure the effectiveness of their work for their intended purpose.

Gmail makes it as easy as possible for users to manipulate emails. The attached documentation can be grouped at your discretion, transferred into folders, assigned shortcuts, and also opened and viewed directly in the browser. A convenient search form (this is Google) significantly saves time for owners of a slow Internet connection. All incoming mail is lined up in chains, which makes it possible to track the entire dialogue from beginning to end. If you don't like some features, it doesn't matter. There is always the opportunity to turn them off and return to the usual model.

Owners of mailboxes on Mail.ru should not count on anything special. The same set of basic functions as all similar services: managing and sorting correspondence, address book, sending small files in letters. The only innovation worth noting is the ability to work with several email accounts simultaneously, without having to log in again. Of course, most users will, on the contrary, like this state of affairs - there is no overload with unnecessary functions that they will have to constantly get confused about, but serious clients will be limited in their capabilities.

At first, being a fan of Gmail, I couldn’t get used to the Yandex Mail interface, but then, after several updates carried out by the administration, it became more logical and thoughtful. Still, it’s not for nothing that a lot of money was spent on the designers of Artemy Lebedev’s studio. The technical part is also at the level - a very convenient mechanism for uploading files, letters are grouped by date, subject and many other criteria, which does not give much information active users you can get confused in them, and all contacts and mail recipients are stored in a separate list, which can also be changed and grouped at your discretion.

Working space

Like their offline counterparts, email inboxes tend to fill up. If there is not enough space, new letters simply will not arrive.

2017 is already behind us, but the hunt for the most reliable and best email service continues in 2018.

In this article about anonymity, I will tell you about the five most reliable email services. Everything stated below is my subjective opinion, based on my experience and the experience of my friends who live on all sorts of underground forums.

Outsiders are safe

Services like Gmail, Hotmail (Outlook) or Yahoo are easy to use, but do they protect your privacy? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Yahoo developed special software for the National Security Agency (NSA) so that the agency could secretly check users' emails. Google admitted in court that it reads users' emails. Well, as far as Microsoft is concerned, it's even worse. She was so generous that she helped the NSA monitor Hotmail, Skype and Outlook users as part of Project PRISM.

What are the criteria for choosing reliable mail?

Reliability is determined by the following factors: 1. Protection of mail from hacking and interception by third parties. 2. Confidentiality - protecting information from the developers themselves. 3. Refusal of developers to cooperate with intelligence agencies.

All the services discussed in the review meet all of the above requirements. At least that's what they claim.