The cheapest online stores in China. Chinese online stores Shopping from China via the Internet in Russian

Taobao is today's largest Asian Internet platform for purchasing various types of goods. You will find here everything you need, from small office supplies to clothing, electronics and computers. Taobao was created in 2003 and belongs to Alibaba Group. The principle of this trading platform is that it unites many different user online stores, which post information about the sale of certain goods. Some products are also offered for sale by private sellers. Items offered for sale may be either new or used. Sales can be made either at a fixed price or through an auction. In the general understanding, Taobao is a kind of Asian analogue of the well-known eBay auction. The only exception is that the sale of goods on Taobao is focused mainly on the domestic market.

Quite recently, anyone could register on the Taobao website until the site’s management blocked this function. Now, in order to fully register, you must have a working Chinese phone number. Residents of the CIS and Europe cannot now register. The only way to create an account on the site, if you are not in China, is to seek help from a huge number of intermediaries who can be found on the Internet. They will register for you for a certain fee. You can search for products on the site, as well as place orders, regardless of whether you are registered or not.

A country: China.

Payment by Russian (Ukrainian, Belarusian) bank cards: No. In order to be able to make payments in the Taobao store, the cards must be imitated in China. You must have an account in a Chinese bank to be able to transfer money for goods from it.

Other payment methods: The most popular payment method on Taobao is Alipay. It is with the help of this system that most payments are made on this site. In addition, you can transfer payment directly to the seller’s bank account, as well as resolve the issue of payment through an intermediary.

Free International Shipping: It is possible, but as a rule in this case the delivery cost is simply taken into account in the cost of the goods.

Cost and terms of international delivery: It is quite problematic to make a purchase on Taobao without being in China, since sellers are not very eager to deal with international shipments of goods, therefore, the best way to purchase on this site is to use the services of intermediaries. In this case, delivery times will be determined by the processing time of the ordered goods by intermediaries.

Discounts, codes, bonus points: Present.

Weekends and holidays: The largest and most revered holiday in China is the New Year. It is at this time that all factories, factories and suppliers stop. In order to fully understand exactly when the site does not work, you must know on what dates the new year begins.

Here is the schedule for this event for the next three years:

Despite the fact that these days the state declares only six days off from January 22 to 28, sellers will not work one week before the start of the new year and two weeks after it.

We have already mentioned above that registering and making full purchases directly on Taobao is only possible for residents of China. However, in China, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus there are enough companies that offer intermediary services for making purchases on Taobao and delivering goods from this site.

It is quite clear that the conditions for making a purchase through one or another intermediary will be different, as will the tariffs for their services. Therefore, in this article we will not consider the mechanism of working with an intermediary (this can be viewed directly on the website of the intermediary company). We will focus only on finding the necessary goods, selecting goods and choosing sellers, because... This is a fundamental process and no matter what intermediary company you use, you will have to deal with it one way or another.

As a rule, you can also search and sort products on the website of the intermediary company. But for the most part, not all sites allow such searches to be carried out accurately and correctly. But on almost all websites of intermediary companies it is possible to search for a product using a direct link from the Taobao website.

Thus, the main purpose of visiting the Taobao website directly is to search for that very link to a very specific product from a very specific seller.

Searching for a product on the Taobao website is done in two ways. The first way is to use the search menu on the main page of the site. In order to search for a product, you will have to use a translator and enter names in Chinese characters, since if you enter them in English, it is unlikely that you will find anything.

The second way to search is to use the rubricator, which is also located on the main page of Taobao.

For a more convenient search, in the future we recommend translating the page using Google Translate or using the translators built into the browser. As a result, you will get an image like this.

After you have gone to the required category menu or entered the name of the product in the search bar and clicked “Find”, you will see a page with the results of your request.

Here you can use the menu to sort products according to the parameters you are interested in, by price range, models, material, color, as well as many other characteristics. Just below, you can sort by criteria such as TaoBao Mall, Auction, Popular, Used and New. You should be aware that in this online store, if you end up with an unscrupulous seller, you can get very low-quality items, consumer goods. To prevent this from happening, be more careful when choosing sellers. The surest way is to visit TaoBao Mall.

After you have sorted all the products you are interested in, you can select the best offer and then go to the website of the seller of the product that you liked most.

To make it more clear how to get all the information you need about the product you have chosen, you should go to its page by clicking on the product picture. As a result, we will see a page with the same layout as in the figure.

On this page you can find out not only all the information about the product, but also about the seller and in which province it is located. This page also indicates the quantity of goods that is in stock, but note that this figure is almost always unreliable. Also, the cost of the product and the cost of shipping by various types of mail are indicated here.

To imagine the approximate cost of the goods in more familiar monetary units, we will give an approximate exchange rate of the Chinese yuan to the US dollar and to the Russian ruble.

1 CNY ≈ 0.16 USD

1 CNY ≈ 5 RUR.

When deciding to purchase a product, you need to evaluate the reliability of the seller. After all, the quality of the purchase will depend on his conscientiousness.

All information about the seller is on the product page. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail.

The store's rating depends on the number of transactions completed. Visually, the rating looks like the presence of pictograms under the seller’s name (box 1 in the picture). There are 4 types of pictures: hearts, diamonds, blue and gold crowns. The gradation of ratings is shown in the picture.

It becomes clear that sellers with golden crowns have the best ratings. It is safer to order a product from a store with a rating of at least 10, that is, the icons are blue and gold crowns. The fact is that sellers can artificially inflate the sales rating for money, so low values ​​should be alarming. However, you should not immediately discount sellers with low ratings. Perhaps the store is still new, and the required number of sales simply has not been achieved. The opening date of the store can be viewed in box 2. It may also indicate in which province the store is located. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the product: if the product is seasonal or very rare, sales will also be small. If the store has been open for a long time, and there are not many sales, there may be something wrong with the seller or his product. Therefore, we continue to explore the product page.

Let's look at box 3 in the picture. Another row of ratings is displayed here. It is better that these values ​​are not lower than 4.5. What are these indicators? The first line informs about the correspondence of the information specified by the seller in the product description with the actual product received by the buyer. This is a very important rating, because sellers often use only pictures from catalogs in their descriptions, while real photos are not posted. By the way, the presence of real photographs in the description is a very good sign. The second line talks about the seller’s attitude towards the customers of his store. The third line reflects the speed of delivery of the goods by the seller. If these ratings are high enough, the store can be trusted.

Another good sign of the seller’s reliability is indicated in box 5. If this icon is present on the product page, it means that the seller has passed personal identification and provided his documents.

Information about the seller can be viewed in a separate window. To do this, click on the seller's rating - hearts, diamonds or crowns (box 1). The following page will open.

This window contains almost all of the above information. In addition, you should pay attention to the presence of the following icons in box 6.

1 – the seller provides the opportunity to return the goods within 7 days from the date of receipt if the buyer is not satisfied with the product.

2 – the seller guarantees that this product is original. If the buyer manages to prove otherwise, the store will reimburse three times the cost of the goods.

3 – this icon indicates fast delivery of the goods – within 24 hours after receiving payment.

4 – the product is under maintenance within a month from the date of sale (most often this applies to electronic goods).

5 – the product has a quality certificate.

In addition, another icon, box 7, is important - it indicates a high correspondence of the description to the real product.

In box 8 you can see the number of reviews - good, neutral and negative. Review icons are also displayed in this box: a good review is shown with a red flower, a neutral review is shown with a yellow flower, and a negative review is shown with a dark flower. The reviews themselves can be read below this table.

Another way to assess the reliability of a seller is to host a store on TMall. TMall or otherwise Taobao Mall is a division of Taobao. This includes stores with high ratings, whose sellers have been verified by the Taobao administration.

Taobao, like any other online store, provides its customers with sales, discounts and bonuses. But unfortunately, if you are not familiar with Chinese characters, it will be incredibly difficult for you to find out about the appearance of hot prices. In order to make searching for discounts easier, below we provide the main hieroglyphs that indicate the start of sales and the hieroglyphs that indicate the size of the discounts

特价 - a hieroglyph meaning a special discount on the site.

促销 - sale on the website.

优惠 - current additional discounts

包邮 - This product offers free shipping

The following hieroglyphs will also be very useful to you:

杀秒 - large but short-term discounts

清仓 - goods sold at cost, seasonal discounts.

- this hieroglyph must be used to find the size of the product you need at a discount. In order to carry out such a search, you will have to indicate the discount hieroglyph, and then write this hieroglyph.

The TAOBAO discount is indicated as follows:

1折 - 90%

2折 - 80%

3折 - 70%

4折 - 60%

5折 - 50%

6折 - 40%

7折 -30%

8折 - 20%

Good afternoon, dear readers. Let's consider a topic such as online stores in China. Moreover, where there is free delivery, plus the reliability and convenience of all processes. There are a lot of online stores, especially with Chinese products. But choosing good stores is difficult. Unfortunately, there are cases when people chase cheap prices and end up with money.

This post will be useful especially for beginners who don’t know where to start, are afraid, and so on. We will present you with our selection of the best online stores in China.

Do not forget that this article is relevant at the time of publication of the article and in the near future. We will update the list as soon as possible. Although below are large giants that are difficult to move, but nowadays everything is possible))) And so, let's go:

That's all for me. Of course, online stores in China are not limited to this list. There are a great many of them. By the way, if you know reliable online stores in China, write in the comments, we will help each other make not only profitable, but also safe purchases. Bye bye everyone.

The best online stores in China with free delivery to Russia. updated: September 26, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Not so long ago, goods from China were famous for their low quality and obvious inability to adapt to the realities of domestic life, but with all this they had one big plus that decided everything - they were cheap; much cheaper than Russian and (especially) Western products. Over time, the trend changed radically: Chinese consumer goods began to improve in quality, and domestic distributors (read: resellers) had a reason to increase the price.

The solution to such a prosaic problem came with the popularization of online trading platforms. It turned out that purchasing goods directly from China is much easier than one might think. Added to the ease of ordering are thousands of manufacturing companies, a huge range of products, the possibility of free delivery and low prices - a set that would appeal to every Russian consumer.

Today, there are dozens of different trading platforms operating on the Internet, but only a few of them are trustworthy. Having analyzed the market according to a number of criteria, we have compiled for you a rating of the ten best Chinese online stores, approved by millions of users not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

In order to get a correct understanding of the selection principles, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the key aspects of evaluating online stores. All ratings reflect the personal opinion of the author and may not coincide with your vision of the advantages/disadvantages of a particular candidate. We strongly ask you to express your opinions, comments and suggestions in the comments to this article.

  1. Popularity is a criterion that takes into account the frequency of search queries, mentions of stores in various communities, social networks, mass media and on thematic forums.
  2. Assortment – ​​some online stores sell clothing. Some only sell electronics and home appliances. And others contain in catalogs products for all occasions. The size of the assortment is one of the leading rating criteria.
  3. Delivery cost – the store should have free and paid delivery options depending on the group of goods and the cost of the product. The ideal can be considered to be the availability of purely free delivery for all types of goods in the assortment.
  4. Speed ​​of delivery – the prestige of the trading platform largely depends on how quickly the goods reach their destination. It is also important that there is no confusion...and no defective items.
  5. Payment methods - PayPal, of course, is a good payment system, but for the domestic consumer, an abundance of payment options is important.
  6. Product prices – the difference between the average market value of goods and their prices in the assortment of the online store is taken into account.
  7. Mobile application – provided that the online store has a mobile version of the application, the ease (convenience) of its use, as well as its functional equipment, are taken into account.
  8. The convenience of the site is very important so that the user can easily find and order the product he is interested in. That is why the site must meet the criteria of convenience, have a well-developed design, comprehensive product descriptions, the ability to add products to the cart in one click, a personal account, etc.

TOP 10 best Chinese online stores



Cost of delivery

Delivery speed

Payment Methods

Product prices

Mobile app

Convenience of the site

Bottom line

10 GearBest

Large range of products in the Russian warehouse
Rating (2019): 4.3

The tenth line of the rating goes to GearBest purely nominally, since the store is a trusted supplier of purely household and electronic equipment (with a variety of accessories and beauty products in its assortment). The store came to the Russian market quite suddenly and immediately indicated its intentions by building a warehouse for goods, so that every domestic user could receive a parcel in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, the situation with a product being out of stock happens very often, which is why you have to wait for delivery or change the shipping point.

Another drawback is directly related to the site. In addition to the fact that the Chinese store does not have a mobile application, its (generally identical) interface structure does not have a translation into Russian. For many, this becomes an insurmountable barrier, which is why the site loses millions of users and does not have a high enough level of popularity.

9 Pandao

Potentially promising project. Focus on Russian consumers
Rating (2019): 4.3

Another product of popularization through advertising, aimed only at the Russian audience. Looking at Pandao’s assortment, one gets the feeling that the site operates on the basis of some major competitor. But even if this fact is not far from the truth, its asset can include extremely “tasty” prices, which captivate the user.

Alas, the quality of the goods sent out does not always correspond to what is stated in the description, which is the direct reason for the mediocre growth and expansion of the customer base. The Pandao website was designed with an eye on the more experienced market inhabitants, using calm and unostentatious tones. To be honest, the fact that the store will progress quickly is very doubtful: in the presence of strong competitors, its owners will have to come up with something fundamentally new - otherwise they will definitely not be able to win over the target audience.

8 Banggood

Best quality delivery of goods
Rating (2019): 4.5

Despite the fact that Banggood has been on the market for more than ten years, it could not reach the laurels of the leader of the rating (and some of the nominees). However, low popularity has a beneficial effect on working with clients. Due to the unloaded sorting lines, goods are delivered to customers very quickly: from 15 to 30 days, depending on the distance of the checkpoint. The assortment is not as extensive as that of the conventional LightInTheBox, but is constantly updated with new products and is generally distinguished by a low price level. The store's full-size website follows a standard layout using a corporate identity and is very user-friendly, but the mobile version has some problems with searching, updating prices, and filtering products in the catalog.

It is also noteworthy that Banggood is a supporter of free shipping. Without the requirement for express receipt (for which, of course, you will need to pay extra), the store will send your purchase completely free of charge, no matter how cheap (or expensive) it is.

7 Tinydeal

Stable trading platform. Availability of gifts for making purchases
Rating (2019): 4.5

A store that does not have clearly defined strengths and weaknesses, and is just another typical store from China. The Tinydeal catalog contains more than fifty thousand products for various purposes: from tablets and smartphones to decorative small items for the home and family. The interface and settings contain a crooked Russian language, the accuracy of which is quite sufficient for an online chat, where you can find out all the information you need.

It is noteworthy that a track number in Tinydeal is issued for making a purchase of $33 - otherwise the parcel is sent “blindly”. Fortunately, this lasts no more than two to three weeks. Delivery itself is free, but only if the product weighs up to two kilograms. A nice addition to such a strict policy of the online store is the possibility of receiving a gift when ordering over $200 - a radio-controlled model of an airplane, an electromagnetic device, and everything in the same spirit.


Best Customer Experience
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Chinese online store TomTop enjoys well-deserved popularity in the West, but Russian users paid attention to it only a few years ago. Developed in 2004, it has long and successfully passed the period of being a newcomer to the industry, acquired a wide range of products (the main part of which are gadgets and equipment), an advanced dropshipping system and a non-trivial affiliate program. And yet there is one small feature that indicates that TomTop is aimed at Western consumers. Payment for the order can be made only in two ways: through PayPal, if the amount for the product does not exceed $200, or through Western Union transfer, if you need to pay more than $200. Domestic sellers are also upset by the fact that they pay for a track number, which costs $2.

To the credit of the store, it is worth noting that cases of sending a low-quality product are extremely rare here: the retailer cares very much about its own prestige and does not allow itself such liberties.

5 Joom

The Jum online store has only recently established itself on the Russian market, but thanks to a breakthrough advertising campaign it has already acquired millions of fans. There are obvious prerequisites for this, but there are also plenty of disadvantages. Its assortment very often contains goods that cannot be obtained on the more popular AliExpress. The average cost of products is on par with the market price, and even with a downward trend.

Be that as it may, it’s impossible to call Joom one of the clear leaders. The fact is that the developers were in a hurry to launch the site and did not take into account a number of small nuances. Thus, many consumers experience difficulties with track numbers - a package tracked using one identifier arrives with a completely different code, which causes some dissonance upon receipt. The supply of goods is damp, there are some gaps in the assortment: in general, the online store is going through a typical beginner period.

4 BuyInCoins

The cheapest Chinese online store
Rating (2019): 4.7

BuyInCoins is a store that fully lives up to its name. Prices are the lowest among all competitors. Especially in light of free international shipping, the only exceptions being Italy, India and the African continent. It is very popular with the female half of the population, since the main part of the assortment consists of various types of beauty items, diluted (for the sake of decency) with accessories for electronics, sporting goods and home paraphernalia.

The site interface is friendly, adapted for the Russian-speaking audience. BuyInCoins has support on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, where all current discounts and promotional codes are reported. But the company’s most successful step was the introduction of “artificial” restrictions on transactions. Unregistered sellers have only the option of paying via PayPal, while after completing the authorization process, payment through the QIWI service becomes available.

3 LightInTheBox

The most reliable retailer
Rating (2019): 4.8

LightInTheBox is the most reliable free shipping store from China, founded in Beijing in 2007. It is absolutely not suitable for those who like freebies and large-scale promotions - the latter are not here often, and the prices for goods are high. However, the accuracy of the description and presentation of the lots will appeal to everyone (one can feel the high-quality work on the Russian translation).

The range of goods is truly colossal - analysts count more than a million items of goods, the list of which is updated every day. As is the case with the vast majority of sites, LightInTheBox has the possibility of express delivery (via EMS, DHL, FedEx, etc.), and its cost is relatively low (compared to competitors). There are very few negative reviews about the store, which indicates a serious approach to preserving its reputation and guaranteeing a solution to any problem that arises. There are a large number of ways to pay for an order, including the Yandex.Money service and Western Union transfers.

2 DealExtreme

Best prices on electronics
Rating (2019): 4.8

The store, with a clear focus on selling gadgets, began its work back in 2006, and since then has acquired a huge army of fans around the world. The reason for this is simple: low prices for electronics of any level (be it a phone, tablet, smart robot or gaming computer) will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. It’s also nice that you don’t have to pay extra for parcel delivery – the Hong Kong company doesn’t count pennies.

But the delivery time can be a cause for disappointment. The average time to receive a package from DealExtreme is 20-50 days, which is due to the huge flow of orders from buyers all over the world. Because of this, the company loses up to a million new consumers every year, although it is trying to increase sorting capacity. Otherwise, there are no complaints about DX: the website and mobile application operate in Russian, have a standard design and a convenient management interface. Payment is made by Visa and MasterCard cards, as well as PayPal and WebMoney services.

1 AliExpress

The most popular online store in Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

And of course, what rating of Chinese online stores can do without this legendary site. AliExpress is an incredibly popular trading platform in Russia, founded by the Alibaba Group in 2010. The main feature of the store is a completely new purchasing system called Escrow: the seller receives funds only after the buyer confirms receipt of the goods. If the package does not correspond to the description or does not reach the user at all, he has the right to request the money back (and, if evidence is provided, return it).

In terms of visibility of the website and mobile application, AliExpress is ahead of everyone - regardless of the platform, all functions provided by the store are available to the consumer. Prices are humane and very often are lower than market prices. The cost of delivery, as well as speed, entirely depends on the distributor: sellers fighting for ratings are very conscientious about customer expectations.

A significant event in recent years has been the creation of the Mall, a Russian branch of the company that provides fast delivery of goods (about 2-11 days) to all corners of the country. Unconditional first place.

Only a small portion of novice online store owners immediately begin working directly with manufacturers. As a rule, the main option for purchasing goods for further sale is Chinese wholesale online stores. In this material, we will carefully analyze the leading Chinese sites, identify their features and draw a conclusion where it is better to make purchases.

Let's look at the most popular trading platforms in China that are worth paying attention to.


About the resource

The main reason for the popularity of this resource is the opportunity that this Chinese site offered immediately when it appeared on the market in 2006. The company's office is based in Shenzhen; there are no representative offices in other countries. Chinavasion actively cooperates with popular sites Molotok, eBay, where it organizes sweepstakes and finds additional options for selling products.


The catalog is quite modest when compared to competitors' offerings. Particular attention is paid to the following products:

  • Cell phones;
  • tablets;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • watch;
  • accessories for equipment.

In total, according to the information on the website, you can buy here about 700 types of goods. Note that there is certainly everything basic here, but something unusual is missing that can make a businessman’s store stand out from the crowd.


Almost no complaints were found. Firstly, because Chinavasion checks all products before shipping, and does it really carefully. Secondly, the company is loyal to complaints and exchanges goods, even if they were damaged due to the fault of the buyer (although the delivery of a new product is made from the buyer’s funds).


Average market prices for equipment, but very low prices for any kind of accessories. Businessmen need to keep an eye on promotions because sometimes, without announcing the reasons, Chinavasion sharply “drops” the price of certain goods.


About the resource

No list of Chinese stores can be considered complete without AliExpress. This largest trading platform, which features tens of thousands of sellers and hundreds of thousands of product items. A special Russian-language version has been created for Russians, as well as several applications for mobile devices in Russian.


There is absolutely everything here, and there is no way to highlight any specific product item. Electronics, household appliances, accessories, clothing, shoes, sports equipment, automotive products, etc. Separately, it is worth highlighting various little things: souvenirs, key rings, interior decorations, “useful” things. This will be extremely interesting for businessmen who do not specialize in a particular product, but strive to please customers with a choice.


This is the most difficult parameter when working with AliExpress, because here a lot of manufacturers, which means that the risk of cooperation with unscrupulous partners is high. But on AliExpress there are several rules designed to protect the buyer as much as possible from fraud:

  • money is not transferred to the seller’s account until the buyer notifies the resource that the parcel has been received and there are no complaints;
  • AliExpress provides a full refund if the goods have not arrived for any reason not related to the buyer;
  • the buyer has the right (within a certain period after receipt) to return the goods without explaining the reason, if the packaging is not damaged;
  • if delivery is not carried out within the stated period, the buyer has the right to demand a refund;
  • if the seller claims that the product is original, and the buyer can prove otherwise, then AliExpress will return the money for the purchase.


It is impossible to definitely estimate the cost of AliExpress goods (compared to competing sites), because... There are too many items here, and some are cheaper, others are more expensive. AliExpress organizes auctions for some products. Note the variability of the purchase volume: you can buy one copy of the product or a whole lot. And it is clear that wholesale will be more profitable than retail. You can pay for your order and delivery in dozens of ways: almost any bank cards and almost all “electronic” money. It is possible to pay the seller through a guarantor.


Lots of options, starting from domestic delivery service AliExpress Standard Shipping(it is important to understand that this is not a carrier company, but a logistics department that cooperates with carrier partners), and ending with popular companies in China, Europe and Russia. The only thing is that not all options are available for every product, so we can only talk about delivery methods in a specific case. Prices depend on the method of transportation, timing and order volume expressed in weight. Some items have free shipping, but it always takes longer than paid shipping.


About the resource

This Chinese resource is as popular as AliExpress, and it is impossible to answer who is better and who is worse. And this is not surprising, because... both sites belong to one group of companies. But if AliExpress is good for retail and small wholesale, then Alibaba is more focuses on large wholesale.


Main product areas on Alibaba:

  • cars and motorcycles;
  • electronics;
  • sporting goods;
  • goods for automobiles;
  • equipment;
  • cloth;
  • glasses, jewelry, watches;
  • goods for home and garden.


Here, as well as on AliExpress, there is protecting customers from low-quality products. The conditions are standard: the product and money can be returned if the quality does not meet the stated level, there was damage during transportation, the product turned out to be a fake, or the delivery time was missed. Let us note the “Reliable Suppliers” section, in which, as the resource claims, manufacturers have been selected whose products have almost never had any complaints.


The cost of goods on Alibaba is extremely low compared to competitors, and there is nothing to add to this. You have to try hard to find cheaper Chinese products. True, the price “falls” due to wholesale. Payment for the order can be made through a guarantor.


Several delivery options: your own logistics department (AliExpress Standard Shipping), local Chinese delivery services, popular organizations in Europe and Russia. Certain items can be delivered free of charge, and sometimes the seller pays for delivery if the order amount exceeds a certain limit.


Having considered three main trading platforms, we can conclude that it is safe to buy, and in the vast majority of cases the buyer is protected from unpleasant situations. To find the best deal, you need to monitor all sites, and not focus on one. But you need to understand that some focus on retail, while others focus on wholesale.

Among the wholesale stores with free shipping, it is worth highlighting AliExpress and Alibaba, which have their own logistics department, AliExpress Standard Shipping. But free shipping only applies to certain items or for a certain order amount.

Chinese online stores with descriptions in Russian are an opportunity to buy Chinese goods without a markup based on the ratings and reviews of our visitors. But where can you find cheap Chinese online stores with free shipping? It's simple - in our catalog!

Why do you need a directory?

A catalog of Chinese online stores in Russian with free delivery, where we have collected a large number of services from across the network. By looking at the card of a particular resource, you can get comprehensive information about its range, current payment and delivery methods. There are also detailed instructions for the registration process and order creation. We present only official websites of Chinese online stores that are trusted by consumers.

What are the advantages of working with a catalogue?

The rating can safely be called the connecting link between the buyer and the seller. Due to the fact that information about the most popular cheap Chinese online stores is concentrated here, users do not have problems choosing a suitable site. Since all the information is presented in Russian, studying it will not cause any difficulties.

Online stores from China are:

  • saving time. You can find the service you need and understand the basic principles of its operation in a few minutes;
  • saving money. Chinese goods offered in online stores are sold at the best possible prices, which will certainly please potential buyers;
    preservation of nerves.

The reliability of all sites has been verified by hundreds of users, whose reviews can also be found.

Previously, goods from manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom did not inspire confidence among domestic buyers. It is not surprising, because their performance characteristics were not up to par. Now the situation has changed dramatically - most Chinese companies have introduced enhanced quality control of their products.

The “Made in China” label is no longer considered a sign of low-quality products. It is very easy to verify the validity of this statement; just make a purchase in a reputable online store from China. We will help you implement your plans competently, providing the most complete information about each resource.