Accessories for fitness bracelets. Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet: description, instructions, reviews Mii bracelet

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is a modern “smart” bracelet that can count steps, calories, distance traveled, and also record the pulse of its owner. For those who have just bought or are planning to buy this gadget, it will be useful to know what it is capable of and how it all works.

What's in the box?

Switching between screens is done by pressing the touch key located under the display.

The information on the screen alternates in the following order:

  • current time;
  • number of steps taken;
  • distance traveled;
  • number of calories burned;
  • pulse;
  • remaining battery charge.

In order for information to begin to appear on the display, you must do the following:

Register a Mi account

Install the Mi Fit application

The Mi Fit application allows you to fully interact with the Mi Band 2 smart bracelet. To connect it, you can use not only Android devices, but also Apple products with some restrictions:

  • operating system Android 4.3 or higher with Bluetooth 4.0 module;
  • operating system from iOS 7.0 and a smartphone no older than iPhone 4S.

For Android smartphones, the application can be downloaded from Google Play, download Mi Fit in Russian or install a modified version, and for iOS you will need to find it in the AppStore.

When you launch the program for the first time, you will be required to log in using your previously registered Mi account and enter information about yourself:

  • date of birth;
  • height;
  • daily goal (the desired number of steps taken per day).

This is necessary for more accurate calculations, since the system calculates the distance traveled and calories burned taking into account the approximate step width.

After entering personal data, select “Bracelet” from the list of selected devices.

Some problems may occur during connection. If Mi Fit does not see Mi Band 2, try to find a solution in these articles:

If everything went well, using a Bluetooth connection, the smartphone updates the Mi Band 2 firmware and the set system time appears on the tracker display, and the counting of steps and other parameters begins.

If desired, the list of displayed information can be changed by going to the fitness bracelet settings.

Xiaomi Mi Fit

Since the Mi Fit application in Russian is installed by default, it will not be difficult to understand it, but we will still look at the main features of the program.

The application consists of main windows: status, notifications and profile.

In the upper left corner of the “Status” window there is a button that switches the device to running mode.

Thanks to it, you can keep a constant record of your heartbeat while jogging, record the route, distance, calories burned, step frequency, average pace and other parameters.


Key indicators are displayed, including: sleep information, weight (set automatically or measured using Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale), heart rate, as well as the results of achieving the daily goal. You can go into each of the indicators and study the statistics in more detail.

Sleep statistics allow you to find out how long it lasted and in what periods it was deep or light. The moments of awakening are also recorded. The application allows you to view daily data, as well as weekly and monthly data.

The weight tracking section will be of interest to those who want to lose weight or gain weight. If you do not have a “smart” scale that can synchronize with Mi Fit, you will have to periodically enter data manually.

As for measuring heart rate, the Mi Band 2 heart rate monitor can work both in automatic mode (by pressing the touch button and calling up the corresponding menu item) and through the Mi Fit application. The difference is that when called through the application, the measurements will go to the database, and when you press the tracker button, they will simply appear on the bracelet display.


In the notifications section, you can configure events during which the bracelet will vibrate or display information messages.


In this item, you can configure notifications about incoming calls and display the name of the caller on the bracelet screen.


Possibility to set vibration when the alarm goes off.

Each of the alarms can be set to a certain time and a certain period of operation - once, daily or on certain days of the week.


Vibration of the smartphone upon notifications of certain programs.

The list of programs is customizable individually.


Vibration of Mi Band 2 if the user sits without moving for more than an hour.

It is possible to set the start and end times of the waking period. At other times, the bracelet will not bother you with reminders to walk a little.


Notifications via vibration about the arrival of short text messages.

You can choose to display the sender's name or number.

Do not disturb

Setting the period during which vibration does not work.

The system itself can monitor that you are sleeping and automatically turn off vibration.

Lost connection

Vibration alert if connection with smartphone is lost.

When you enter Bluetooth coverage area, the bracelet will automatically connect to your smartphone.

Unlocking the screen

The ability to unlock a smartphone without having to enter a password or pattern when the bracelet is close to the mobile device.


Allows other devices to see the bracelet.

Sync with Google Fit

Synchronization of data with a service from Google, which is designed to collect and store data on the user’s physical activity.

Behavior Tags

In this section you can mark periods of performing various physical exercises.

It is assumed that in this case the device learns itself and adapts to the rhythm of life of its owner.


This section is intended for setting goals, searching and adding friends, turning on activity and sleep notifications, as well as finding friends, setting up and operating the bracelet.

Here you can unlink the bracelet from your account or find it if you lost it among the things in the room.


  • The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness tracker has IP67 protection, which allows you to use it in the rain or shower. You should not wear the gadget while swimming in a pool, river, or especially in salty sea water.
  • In some cases, the rigidity of the strap may weaken, which may lead to the loss of the tracker. This problem can be resolved by purchasing a new bracelet.
  • It is recommended to charge Mi Band 2 with a charger with a current of no more than 1 A. Modern chargers with a current of 2 A can damage the gadget.
  1. Task 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules broken in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) while driving, hold on to another vehicle;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Task 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist doesn't break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move on highways and roads for cars, as well as on the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby;

  3. Task 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who should give way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  4. Task 4 of 15

    4 .

    What loads is a cyclist allowed to carry?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Cargo transportation


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. A cyclist may only carry such loads that do not interfere with the operation of the bicycle and do not create obstacles for other road users.

    22. Cargo transportation

    22.3. Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not interfere with the stability of the vehicle and does not complicate its control;

  5. Task 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclists violate the Rules when transporting passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (except for children under 7 years old, transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Task 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will vehicles pass through the intersection?


    16. Driving through intersections


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves. At any unregulated intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it along an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

  7. Task 7 of 15

    7 .

    Riding bicycles on sidewalks and pedestrian paths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under the supervision of adults);

  8. Task 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has the right of way when crossing a bike path?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  9. Task 9 of 15

    9 .

    What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists traveling in groups must ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the roadway must be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a movement distance between groups of 80-100 m.

  10. Task 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass through the intersection in the following order


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving on an equivalent road in the opposite direction straight or to the right.

  11. Task 11 of 15

    11 .

    A cyclist passes an intersection:


    16. Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. Traffic controller signals take precedence over traffic light signals and road sign requirements and are mandatory. Traffic lights, other than flashing yellow ones, take precedence over priority road signs. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the additional requirements of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, road signs and markings.

    16. Driving through intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around when the main traffic light is green, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving straight in the opposite direction or turning right. Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves.

  12. Task 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at railway crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-lunar and two red ones are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-lunar signal indicates that the alarm system is working and does not prohibit vehicle movement.

    At railway crossings, simultaneously with the prohibitory traffic light signal, an audible signal may be turned on, additionally informing road users that movement through the crossing is prohibited.

  13. Task 13 of 15

    13 .

    The driver of which vehicle will cross the intersection second?


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

    16 Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic light signals have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow that allows a left turn also allows a U-turn if it is not prohibited by road signs.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), switched on together with the green traffic light signal, informs the driver that he has priority in the direction(s) of movement indicated by the arrow(s) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), together with a yellow or red traffic light signal, informs the driver that movement is permitted in the indicated direction, subject to the unhindered passage of vehicles moving from other directions.

    A green arrow on a sign installed at the level of a red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on one-way roads), subject to the provision of priority in traffic to its other participants moving from other directions to a traffic light signal allowing movement;

    16 Driving through intersections

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow turned on in the additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    When driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table installed at the level of the red traffic light with vertical signals, the driver must take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.

On Thursday, the Chinese company Xiaomi officially introduced the new fitness bracelet Mi Band 3. It differs from the previous version in its capsule design, slightly larger display and support for NFC payments for Chinese users. You can swim with Mi Band 3, and the price remains as low as it was. Another day, another Xiaomi bracelet - will all subsequent fitness trackers be as similar to each other as two peas in a pod? We've come up with a list of features that the yet-to-be-released Mi Band 4 and Mi Band 5 would love to have.

From left to right: Mi Band, Mi Band 2, Mi Band 3


So far, no Xiaomi fitness bracelet has had a GPS module. So far, two obstacles to the appearance of such a function have been cited: with an additional chip, the device will become more expensive and will work less, because GPS drains the battery greatly.

Huawei Band 2 Pro

More recently, Huawei began selling the Band 2 Pro bracelet with GPS support. Current prices for it (not starting, but reduced) are in the range of $43–60, which is twice the cost of Xiaomi devices (~$20–25), but significantly cheaper than Fitbit and Garmin smart bracelets ($120–150 and $120–300). There are also children's watches with GPS that cost no more than Xiaomi gadgets.

Huami Amazfit Bip

The startup Huami developed the first Mi Band, and now it has made the Amazfit Bip smartwatch - a “copy” of the Apple Watch with a 30-day battery. With the GPS module always on, the Bip battery drains quickly. Judging by reviews, moderate use of GPS and heart rate monitor reduces the watch's runtime to 14-19 days - a reasonable compromise. A couple of years ago, Huami flew out from under the wing of Xiaomi and turned into a serious competitor with a wide line of smart watches and bracelets. If Xiaomi wants to seriously compete for wearable technology users, it's time to think about GPS.


Wearable devices are facing challenging times. There are two reasons: Apple entered the market with popular smartwatches, and the lack of understanding by manufacturers of why someone would need to attach a pedometer to their hand.

Every smartphone can easily be turned into a fitness tracker, just without a heart rate monitor. Turn on Apple Health, install Google Fit, Endomodo, Strava and enjoy almost all the same features as a simple bracelet. The bracelet needs a smartphone to download data, show graphs and connect to GPS. Someone is the third wheel here.

Mi Band stores information about heart rate, number of steps and sleep quality for 10 days. This is not a perfect system. A sports geek meticulously analyzes his data and regularly synchronizes sports gadgets. Such people take more complex devices so that they can count VO2, work under water, and support circuit training. But a simple user buys a bracelet so that the gadget motivates him to lead a healthy lifestyle, and does not force him to be distracted by the application. A third of buyers get rid of bracelets within a couple of months. They would like to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle, but being dependent on a smartphone tracker does not help them. It must become a self-sufficient solution. No crutches.

Level of body saturation with water

Every body needs water! Dehydration increases the chance of a stroke, spoils sleep and skin, and reduces performance and training efficiency. People forget to drink regularly, which means there is a place for a gadget. The topic of the so-called “hydration” was what the startup LVL tried to reveal. Its engineers have created a tracker that measures the level of water in the blood using infrared light and estimates how much and how often the owner needs to drink. The gadget never went on sale. Xiaomi should take a closer look at this technology and beat out Western competitors.


Aura Band

“Excess” body weight is not the enemy. The enemy is bad habits that create a weak body with excess fat and lack of muscle mass. These deficiencies can be recognized using the bioimpedance analysis method, which determines the mass of water, fat, bones and muscles in the body. Instruments for bioimpedance measurements look awkward, like a physiotherapy device; There are also floor scales with the same function. But the bioimpedance meter bracelet was first made by the startup Aura Devices. The new product will cost about $200 at retail, and production is still a long way off - just like the next generation of Mi Band. Maybe Mi Band number 4 or 5 can tell you how much excess fat you have? I would like to believe.

Improved Mi Fit app

Currently, Xiaomi's main fitness app is not popular among users, as evidenced by its low rating on Google Play and the App Store. The main problem is constant crashes and crashes. The application's functions themselves are few. But it would be better the other way around: fewer flights, more analytics and information.

More Big Data

Lack of information is a problem not only with Xiaomi, but with all “amateur” fitness gadgets. All the information they collect and display is of limited benefit to the end user. Pushkin, during his southern exile, wrote a report on the locust invasion in the Novorossiysk province in the following words: “The locusts flew, flew and landed; she sat and sat, ate everything and flew away again.” Count Vorontsov compared the laconic poem with the “real” reports and realized that they said exactly the same thing. So the standard tracker says: “you don’t walk much” and “you didn’t sleep well,” adding numbers for solidity. As if the owner of the gadget does not feel that he slept poorly and sat in the office a lot.

Picooc Mini scales

Unique information that encourages the user to take a specific action is the key to the success of a fitness gadget. Startups Picooc and FocusMotion are collecting and analyzing such “deep” data. Picooc collects statistics on the body composition of users through its scales and advises exactly how to lose weight in a healthy way, in a specific case, and at a specific point in time. FocusMotion sensors analyze the position of body parts and monitor the technique of performing yoga asanas, deadlifts, squats - any exercise. Even a simple fitness bracelet should have a couple of trump cards in this regard. Otherwise, an electronic gadget will remain a fashion accessory, nothing more.

Focus Motion Sensors

...And help with finding the capsule, please

All electronic components of Xiaomi fitness trackers are located in a special capsule. The capsule is in a silicone strap. The strap is on the hand. When the silicone slot is stretched, the capsule pops out. If someone accidentally hits the bracelet too hard during a vigorous game of basketball, she too risks being thrown out. The Mi Band search feature is available in the Mi Fit app. The capsule makes itself known with a quiet vibration signal, which is difficult to hear on the street. Bluetooth search trackers like Tile and Chipolo, which are attached to keys or wallets, operate in a completely different way. They announce their position with a loud melody that cannot be confused with anything. Losing the Mi Band is almost a rite of passage to become a Xiaomi user, but I would like to do without it. This tracker needs a speaker.

An activity tracker or fitness bracelet called Xiaomi Mi Band 2 will appeal to people who play sports or just like to go for morning runs.

Many people will prefer it because it has a screen. It also has a more capacious battery than its competitors.

And the ability to control using gestures makes it more convenient for everyday use.

We bring to your attention a complete review of this true king of modern mobile electronics.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 review

Main characteristics of Xiaomi Mi Band 2

  • Primary requirements: Bluetooth 4.0, Android 4.4 or later 7.0 iOS or later
  • Main material: plastic, aluminum
  • Degree of protection: IP67
  • Configuration: 0.42 inch OLED display, Bluetooth 4.0 BLE, accelerometer and optical sensor with cardioverter
  • Cuff: total length - 235 mm, adjustable length - 155-210 mm, material - thermoplastic elastomers, aluminum
  • Battery Type: Lithium polymer
  • Input current: 45 mA (TYP) 65 mA (MAX)
  • Battery capacity: 70 mAh
  • Weight: 7 g
  • Waiting time: 20 days

The main differences between Xiaomi Mi Band 2 and its predecessor: the bracelet has become a little larger and heavier, but this does not affect ease of use.

It has an OLED screen and is equipped with a touch button. It, like a wristwatch, consists of a main module and a strap.

The bracelet is compatible with the same devices as its predecessors.

Contents of delivery

Equipment Xiaomi Mi Band 2

In the cardboard box, the buyer will find the bracelet, the main unit itself, recharging and instructions written in Chinese.

The main changes affected the appearance of the device. A screen appeared and a sensitive control button appeared.

An excellent matrix allows you to easily read information in high light levels, and glare will not blind the user in the dark.

Basically, the display is in standby mode, it lights up if necessary. You can activate it in different ways - by pressing a sensitive button or by looking at your watch.

The device panel has a flat shape. The capacitive button does not respond to third-party objects.

In addition, other changes have appeared in the device. In particular, this is an improved heart rate monitor.

The intensity of light from the sensors has decreased significantly, and they are located differently.

The location of the heart rate monitor window has changed, now protruding 1.5 mm above the module.


There have also been changes in the appearance of the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 strap. It now becomes possible to adjust it from 155 to 210 mm. At the same time, the total length of the strap is 235 mm.

The inconvenience of using the previous model was the location of the module on the outside, and it often fell out.

The design advantage of the new model is that the capsule can only be inserted from the hand side.

Also, being completely recessed into the recess, it protrudes above the device, which prevents the possibility of scratches on the screen and protects it.


The new gadget, despite a lot of advantages and disadvantages, still has some disadvantages. In particular, it is large enough for a child and a woman.

Despite the fact that the fair half of humanity can still wear it, the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 will look bulky on their delicate hands.

In addition, the dimensions of the gadget increase the risk of damage. A durable strap ensures a secure hold on the hand and prevents it from falling to the ground.

The increase in dimensions made it possible to make the charger more durable and reliable. The charging pins built into it have increased, and the charger itself has become larger.

Therefore, the device from other models will not be suitable for recharging.

At the same time, you can use it to charge other models, but only if you use gaskets with which you can achieve reliable and precise contact between the contacts.

Functionality of Xiaomi Mi Band 2

This device differs from the previous version in its ability to work offline or through an application.

The set of functions of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 remains the same.

The gadget is capable of: tracking the user’s activity, counting the calories he used, heart rate, number of steps, and even monitoring sleep phases.

The device is equipped with an improved pedometer, which is characterized by increased counting accuracy. Therefore, the accuracy of the device has increased by 10-15%.

Heart rate monitor Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The heart rate monitor installed in the gadget is also more advanced. Its error has dropped to 5%.

The notification system operates in the same mode as its predecessors. The bracelet vibrates to indicate incoming calls and SMS.

Any notification from the application is accompanied by vibration and the display of the App icon.

Using this device, you can unlock another gadget associated with it, for example, a tablet or smartphone.

Unlocking is carried out via Bluetooth if they are in a paired state or within the coverage area of ​​this interface (5 meters).

The operating temperature of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is – 20 - + 70 °C. But at the same time, if you overcool the device, its battery life will be reduced to 128 hours.

It is not afraid of falling onto a hard surface from a height of 1.2 m.

Offline mode: screen and gesture capabilities

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 device

The Xiaomi Mi Band 2 screen displays information about the number of steps taken, time spent on training, and heart rate.

To display these readings on the screen, a special touch button is used.

The first press turns on the clock. After the second press, the device displays information about the number of steps.

The third press displays a heart on the screen, which shows the pulse value and subsequently displays any changes that have occurred during the past minute.

If you do not click on the key, when the screen appears, it will display the time and the last heart rate reading. The system will work similarly when performing step statistics.

Data updating occurs through built-in sensors. Synchronization with is required if the battery is completely discharged.

Constantly maintaining the battery level of the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 virtually eliminates the need to use an application or smartphone.

They may be needed only for the purpose of viewing statistics.

It should be noted that the time display function is conveniently implemented. A sharp turn of the hand will wake up the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 screen, which will immediately reflect the current time.

This effect is observed even when typing information on, if the hand with the bracelet is located on the table.

If you do not tear it off the surface, the system is guaranteed to work.

Device compatibility

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 connects to any Android phone

The functionality of the device directly depends on the application you choose.

At the same time, taking into account the number of steps, tracking the phases of sleep and wakefulness of a person, and the distance traveled always occurs in any programs that this device can be equipped with.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 goes well with programs and devices running . It should be noted that it has not been tested with iOS applications.

Therefore, if it is important to you, then it is better to install previous versions or use software from amateur programmers.

You can find other software on the Internet that can work with this gadget.

They have both advantages and disadvantages. You can try them and choose the most suitable one for a particular user.

And to avoid compatibility problems, look at .

The Xiaomi Mi Band wrist device has created a real sensation in the world of small electronics and has especially attracted the attention of activists, athletes, and male and female audiences of fitness clubs. The fitness bracelet does not have a high price or a big name from the manufacturer, but it does an excellent job of measuring steps taken, heart rate, displaying real time and a smart alarm clock.

The laconic, stylish shape of the hand-held gadget attracts with its simplicity and ability to be worn in any circumstances and even in extreme conditions. The brand has released several fitness trackers; sales of the latest improved model have become the largest among fitness devices.

Manufacturer's advantages

The Chinese brand Huami once launched the “Xiaomi Mi Band” fitness bracelet at an affordable price of just over $10. The accessory appealed to everyone who doubted the purchase of such a device and decided to purchase the most affordable device “Xiaomi Mi Band 1”.

Manufacturer Huami has created the world's first affordable fitness bracelet with a set of unique functions necessary to form and count your activity. The gadget lasts up to 30 days of use, its battery capacity ranges from 40 to 70 mAh depending on the release, but each of them lasts up to 20 days of continuous use. Among the features of the brand and its product, it can be noted that you can buy the Xiaomi Mi Band gadget cheaply only in China, and if the equipment is new, then on pre-order. Resellers, and even the official seller, increase the price at the beginning of release and noticeably lower it at the moment when the excitement subsides.

The main advantage of the Huami brand is the release of an affordable and decent fitness tracker "Xiaomi Mi Band", which contains the most important functions: pedometer, heart rate monitor, alarm clock, notification of calls, SMS and events, heart rate counter and the ability to use an application for tracking activity, management gadget and viewing statistics.

What it is

A fitness bracelet is a stylish and useful accessory for those who track their activity throughout the day and night. The smart gadget allows you not only to determine the time, but also to notify you about the number of steps taken in kilometers, calculate your pulse, report incoming calls and messages, and even track activity statistics and heartbeat rhythms based on special applications on the IOS and Android platforms. A fitness bracelet is also a smart alarm clock that tracks sleep phases according to heartbeat and wakes a person up during REM sleep, when it is easiest to wake up. This is an indispensable assistant in sports and daily activity in order to be aware of biorhythms and adjust your activity to accepted algorithms.

All generations of the gadget: review

"Xiaomi Mi Band 1"

The first version of the most budget fitness bracelet is a device made of thermoplastic plastic, a rather pleasant soft material. Among its functions are a “smart” alarm clock, a pedometer, a calorie counter and notification of mobile phone calls through a series of short vibrations. The bracelet is a one-piece design with a capsule in the middle; it is packaged in a simple, laconic package of decent quality. The modular bracelet comes complete with:

  • Charger;
  • Chinese instructions.

Among the advantages of the fitness tracker "Xiaomi Mi Band black" of the first series it is worth noting:

  • Waterproof. The manufacturer claims that the device will withstand immersion of up to 1 meter in water, so with the bracelet you can safely go to the shower and wash your hands without removing the smart gadget.
  • Impact resistance. The "Xiaomi Mi Band" tracker will withstand shock loads from a height of up to 1 meter; for example, the bracelet can be dropped on the asphalt and nothing will happen to it.
  • Applications. Several applications have been developed for smartphones on the IOS and Android platforms to work with the fitness bracelet, which allows you to track your activity on the screen, view statistics of distance traveled and calories burned, and set an alarm during REM sleep. It is important that the smartphone has Android 4.3 or later; for Apple analogues, the applications are not so serious.
  • Battery capacity is 41 Ma H, or 30 days of battery life.

"Xiaomi Mi Band 1 pulse" is an improved model of the first series of fitness tracker. From the name of the device it is clear that the addition is a heart rate measurement function - an indispensable element of an active lifestyle. The new version features more rigid material and has become more reliable, despite the fact that the external design has remained virtually unchanged. We note several improvements of the Chinese brand below:

  • The battery capacity became 45 mAh;
  • White LEDs appeared on the indicator (instead of three-color ones;

"Xiaomi Mi Band 2"

The bracelet is based on thermoplastic silicone vulcanizate; the capsule is made of durable plastic and polycarbonate. Unlike previous versions, the new generation “Xiaomi Mi Band 2” bracelet has a capsule screen and a touch button. Now the gadget is a thin thermoplastic bracelet with a hole for the capsule module, which is easy to take off and put on. Description of the "Xiaomi Mi Band 2" device kit:

  • Module with LED screen and touch button;
  • Bracelet;
  • Charging cord;
  • Instructions.

The differences between the new model and the previous release are:

  • Availability of LED display with high quality matrix and button, sensitive to touch;
  • Flat panel display, recessed in the bracelet. By the way, you will now only have to put on the module from the inside of the bracelet, which will prevent you from losing or even damaging the device;
  • The bracelet has become larger thanks to an increase in the size of the module and strap, the weight also increased to 7 g (this is not too noticeable when worn). The strap length can be adjusted from 155 to 210 mm;
  • A modern heart rate monitor is located on the back of the device and has high measurement accuracy;
  • Charging for the gadget has undergone changes– has become larger, so its previous version may not be suitable;
  • It is now possible to synchronize the "Xiaomi Mi Band 2" bracelet with the Google Fit application;
  • The battery capacity is 70 mAh, which is almost twice the capacity of the first release.

As before, to use the official Mi Fit application for the Android or IOS platform, you must have a Bluetooth module 4.0 or higher and firmware 4.4 and 7, respectively.

"Xiaomi Mi Band 3"

The latest version of the Chinese fitness tracker, which combines high functionality and an affordable price. The new product has not yet gone on sale on the Russian market, but it is already known about its characteristics that:

  • The battery life of the gadget will be increased;
  • A full-fledged OLED display will appear;
  • The heart rate monitor will operate continuously.

It is too early to talk about the exact characteristics of the new “Xiaomi Mi Band 3”, since the electronic product is not on sale. It is worth noting that fans of the brand are looking forward to the release of the smart gadget.

How it works

The principle of operation of the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelets from the Chinese manufacturer Huami is known and not complicated, but the most important thing is the reliability of the data it provides. Modern versions of bracelets have been improved so much that they allow you to see the actual number of steps taken (the first version of the gadget had an error of 10-20% in measuring the distance traveled).

A heart rate sensor is installed on the back panel of the device (adjacent to the hand). The device measures the heartbeat in an active and quiet state, you need to place your hand at the level of your heart and sit there for 7-8 seconds, the data will be displayed on a small screen (the exception is the “Xiaomi Mi Band 1” model without a heartbeat sensor).

Based on the rhythm of the heart muscle, the smart device monitors the phases of sleep and determines the REM phase, when the heartbeat quickens. Determining the frequency of impacts determines the work of the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness tracker; by the way, the gadget tracks it perfectly and allows you to get enough sleep even for a short period.

To measure your running activity, you need to synchronize your smart gadget with the official application; on your smartphone screen you will have to track the number of kilometers and statistics for several days.

Features and functions

The sports gadget has several mandatory functions that are found in each model:

  • The pedometer measures the number of steps taken per day and converts them into kilometers. You can regulate its operation and set the norm that you plan to cover in a day or simply track your activity;
  • Alarm. The classic alarm clock works at the set hour - the tracker vibrates several times in a row. A “smart” alarm clock detects sleep phases, triggers during the short sleep phase and literally selects a convenient time for a quality awakening;
  • Counting abdominal crunches. Additionally, new models can track cycling. Now this type of physical activity will count.
  • There is a heart rate monitor in trackers 1s and 2, The very first build does not have this function.
  • Run tracking allows you to monitor your activity and running cadence using the app. The bracelet records the data and transfers it to the smartphone.
  • Notification of incoming calls and SMS comes with a short vibration signal, the gadget can also notify about inactivity or any other event planned through the application. To use this feature, you must set the settings in the app and turn on Bluetooth.

In order to start working fully with the fitness tracker, you need to install the official Mi Fit application on a smartphone on the Android or iPhone platform or select other suitable versions and create a personal account in them. This will allow you to keep statistics of your own activity and manage additional functions, and working on a full screen is much easier than on a small gadget capsule. After installation, you need to go through a simple registration, during which you need to provide information about the owner’s age, gender, and weight. This information is necessary to calculate calories burned and to determine the normal heart rate.

In the Mi Fit application, you can set the number of steps per day, select the color of the identifier and set vibration for incoming calls and messages. The notification function is very useful and necessary for megacities, office workers, students and all those for whom loud ringing on the phone distracts them from the work and creative process.

The fitness bracelet can be worn without removing it for up to 20-30 days of active use. You can shower in it, swim in the pool, run, sleep, in general, lead an active lifestyle. During sleep, the smart gadget monitors heart activity and sleep phases. You can set two types of alarms - regular and advanced. A regular alarm clock will wake you up at a given time using a series of vibrations (usually 5), a smart alarm clock will work half an hour before the desired time and vibrate at the most favorable time - during the REM sleep phase. By the way, the smart gadget is compatible with Microsoft, Android, IOS.


The strap of the iconic Xiaomi Mi Band tracker is made of thermoplastic vulcanized silicone. The plastic capsule consists of an alloy of magnesium and polycarbonate, which determines its noticeable weight (compared to the first version of the Xiaomi Mi Band 1 bracelet).

The silicone bracelet is pleasant to the body, flexible and durable despite its simple appearance. It looks stylish and laconic on the hand. You can purchase accessories such as a strap and a removable capsule separately: among the unique designs, metal, iron, and silicone in shades of lilac, yellow, and pink stand out.


"Xiaomi Mi Band" bracelets have a stylish, laconic design and minimalist style. The only thing that can distinguish the bracelets from each other is the main color of the gadget.

The black bracelet is the most popular. It is chosen by both women and men. Along with the white tracker, it is considered universal and suitable to complete any look (including combined with business style clothing).

The color shades of the "Xiaomi Mi Band" bracelets are presented in blue and pink, but the color of the accessories can be changed: just purchase a replacement strap separately. You can purchase a pendant for the capsule separately (it is traditionally black) and further diversify the design of the electronic gadget.


A waterproof fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor allows you to determine your heart rate and pause or increase physical activity.

The waterproof design of the case allows you to use the tracker directly in the shower and wash your hands without removing it from your wrist. Is it possible to get the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet wet? This is the most pressing question among future users. Our answer is yes, just don’t immerse the electronic device to a depth of more than 1 meter.

Charging lasts as long as possible (up to a month) of active use, and reviews from real users confirm this fact.

The release date of the new generation "Xiaomi Mi Band 3" has not yet been determined (the manufacturer promises to release it on sale in 2017), but fans from all over the world are waiting for the new product.


The following are included as add-ons to the fitness gadget:

  • Replaceable strap black leather or silicone (blue, pink, lilac, green, white, yellow, blue);
  • Replacement capsule orange, black or other color;
  • Charging cord;
  • Button clasp in various colors.

Accessories for the "Xiaomi Mi Band" can be purchased separately if one of them is lost or malfunctions. Each element of the device can be replaced, but the capsule itself (in case of loss or breakage) cannot be purchased - you will have to buy a new full-fledged bracelet.

How to check authenticity

You can distinguish a copy from the original fitness tracker using our recommendations. So, the original sports bracelet "Xiaomi Mi Band":

  • Has a laconic square box with the Mi logo. The packaging does not have any other symbols on the front side;
  • The box is sealed;
  • The internal instructions have the Mi logo;
  • The bracelet capsule has the Mi brand logo on the left side, on the opposite side - the serial number of the product (it is also indicated on the packaging);
  • To ensure the authenticity of the product, check the serial number of the fitness tracker(located on the side of the capsule under the aluminum insert) with what is indicated on the box;
  • Indicator backlight white(except for the first version of “Xiaomi Mi Band 1” - it has a three-color backlight);
  • The original instantly connects with the official Mi Fit application under the name MIS1. Other names of the bracelet found do not allow us to verify the quality of the fitness tracker and indicate that it is an analogue.

To purchase a genuine version of the best-selling “Xiaomi Mi Band 2” bracelet or buy the latest third-generation product, you need to contact the official online store of the Chinese brand (if you know Chinese) or the official representative of the brand in Russia, or alternatively, order a fitness tracker from a bona fide seller on Aliexpress, having read the reviews about it in advance.

You can wear the bracelet for up to 20-30 days - the battery allows you to do this and track your own activity. It is not necessary to remove the gadget in the shower or when washing hands, but it is recommended to remove it when diving to a depth of more than 1 meter. You can sleep with a fitness bracelet from a Chinese brand - the device does not interfere with your rest and allows you to get enough sleep; to do this, install the “smart” alarm function. You can wear it at temperatures from -20 to +70 degrees, regardless of snow or rain.