Yahoo mail mail. Yahoo Mail - updated free mail. Summary of free mailbox from Yahoo

October 17, 2015

Yahoo mail

Email holders Yahoo can now log into their mailbox without entering a password. It is enough to know your login and have a smartphone. Revolutionary passwordless login technology allows you to identify any user by his smartphone, guaranteeing a high degree of security and significantly simplifying the use of mail. According to Yahoo officials, in the future, most Internet services will abandon passwords in favor of other, simpler and more secure ways to identify users.

The company also introduced a new version of its email service for computers and mobile devices, using an improved search function for messages and contacts. From now on, users Yahoo Mail can use the service to access messages through accounts of other mail services: Hotmail, AOL And Microsoft Outlook.

Yahoo Email, which first began its work back in 1990, and to this day remains the cornerstone of the company. However, now Yahoo developers are striving to make it as convenient as possible for use in the era of smartphones and tablets. More than half of Yahoo Mail's daily usage now occurs on mobile devices.

New Yahoo Features: Removing Login Password, Improved Search, and Authentication Key

In the current competition, the Yahoo mailer strives with all its might to remain on the market and is therefore forced to look for new solutions and improve its email. The company has spent tens of millions of dollars over the past 2 years creating new passwordless login technology and tens of millions of dollars improving the email search function, which also required a significant increase in server computing power.

Starting this week, all users Yahoo Those who register for an "access key" will receive a special notification on their mobile phone every time they try to log into their email account from a regular computer. The message will include information about the location of the computer that is requesting access to the user account. This will happen every time Yahoo will not detect any strange user behavior that may indicate another user is logging in or a hacking attempt is underway.

This feature goes beyond the so-called two-step authentication offered by major competitors, including Google. Let us remind you that with two-step authentication, a secret code is sent to the user’s mobile phone, which must be entered into a special field to log into your account. Yahoo developers claim that they are the first to introduce a completely new method of user authentication using an “access key.”

What is the most popular email?

By making its mail more secure and easier to use, Yahoo hopes to recapture some of the market it lost when mail arrived. Google Gmail, which immediately overtook all competitors and became most popular email in the world. In the United States, approximately 96 million people each used Google and Yahoo email services in 2013. Over 2 years, Google grew by 40%, increasing the number of users to 135 million, while Yahoo, on the contrary, lost 26% of the market, falling back to 71 million users.

Rating of Email services in Russia and Europe

In Europe the most popular postal service is Gmail, followed by Yahoo, it is noteworthy that in 4th and 5th place are Russian And Yandex Mail.

Most popular email in Europe

In Russia, the most popular postal service remains mail, followed by the rapidly developing Yandex Mail. Interest in these email services increased even more after they launched their own cloud storage and .

Which email is most frequently asked about on Google?

What mail are people most often interested in?

As we can see from the graph, despite the fact that back in 2012, Gmail surpassed HotMail in terms of the number of users, most people are interested in information specifically about this mail. It is difficult to say whether this speaks about its popularity or, conversely, about the existing problems that arise when using it.

As for the new technology for quick search in Yahoo, the developers here cannot boast of originality. It provides that after entering just 2 characters in the search field, the system itself will guess the user’s further request and provide the necessary options. Such a search system has been around for a long time, but the developers insist that their algorithm will be based on thousands of different parameters, ranging from the user’s search history to the time of year and time of day. In this case, according to Yahoo programmers, you will not need to enter more than 2 characters. We will be able to see whether this is so in the very near future.

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9 comments to “Yahoo cancels email password”

    This is some kind of nonsense. Here, with a password, email is hacked, and without it, picking up poppy addresses will be even easier. What if you lost your smartphone? What if you left it unattended for a minute?

    Yahoo has been disappointing lately. I had several mailboxes, half of them I haven’t been able to access for six months; they require some kind of secret word, although I haven’t set any secret words. I remember this for sure. Moreover, I managed to enter one of the mailboxes, but I did not find any function for changing or setting a secret word. As a result, several Yahoo mailboxes disappeared, and very important services were linked to them. Now I don't know what to do

Yahoo! (read as Yahoo) is an English-language web service, ranking second on the network in popularity. Includes a search engine and mail. According to Alexa Internet statistics, Yahoo was one of the TOP 5 most visited websites in 2012. In 2013, the developers integrated the Dropbox data storage into the service’s email, which expanded the capabilities of sending and receiving emails with large attachments.


To create a Yahoo account, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. On the main page of the portal, in the right corner, click the “Sign In” link.

3. Fill out the form fields:

  • "First name" and "Last...": first and last name.
  • “Email address”: unique email address (use English letters and numbers).
  • “Password”: password for logging into your account.
  • “Mobile phone...”: set your country code in the drop-down list and dial your mobile phone number.
  • "Birth": date of birth (month/day/year).
  • “Gender”: gender (Female - woman, Male - man).

4. Click the “Continue” button.

5. Select a method to receive a verification code on your mobile phone:

  • “Text me a code” - SMS message;
  • “Call me with a code” - voice call.

6. Enter the received code. Click "Verify".

7. After successful verification, the message “Congratulations!” will appear. (Congratulations!) To log into your Yahoo account, click the “Let’s get started” button.

How can I change my password?

To change your mail login key, do the following:

1. Click your avatar in the right corner.

2. Select “Account Info” in the drop-down panel.

3. In the “Account security” section, click “Change password”.

4. Enter your new Yahoo profile password in two lines.

5. Click “Continue”.

6. To go to your profile, under the message “Success!” Click "Continue" again.

Also in the “Account security” section you can specify a backup email. It may be needed to confirm rights to your account if you lose your password.

This setting is created as follows:

1. Click “Add recovery email...”.

2. In the “Please enter...” field, type the address of the backup mailbox and click “Send verification”.

3. To send the code by email, click “OK” in the panel that opens.

4. Open a letter from Yahoo in the specified mailbox and click on the link.

5. In the tab that opens, click on the “Verify” button.

If you don't remember your password...

2. Click the mouse to select the reason “I don’t remember...”.

3. Enter your mobile number or backup email (which are “attached” to your profile). Click “Continue”.

4. In the additional request, select the answer “Yes, send me code”.

Once the procedure is completed, you lose access to your account. Within 3 months, all data contained in it will be deleted. Additional information about maintaining confidential information can be found by clicking on the “Click here” link.

Have a comfortable stay online!

When registering Yahoo email, you cannot check the availability of a login to enter my page in Russian. If the selected login has already been scanned, Yahoo will not warn you about this, but in fact will already say that the name is unavailable after clicking the Register button. This is not fatal, but it is also not very convenient, considering how many mailboxes are registered in the system.

If the user is logged into the system, then he can view the contents of the mailbox (or rather, the Inbox folder) directly from the start page of the Yahoo! portal. This is convenient for checking new messages - no need to go into the mailbox again. If the user needs to work with mail thoroughly, then welcome to the traditional interface. Here it is immediately worth mentioning that just while working on the article, “Yahoo!” announced an updated mail interface. True, it is not yet possible to get acquainted with it in operation, so we will talk specifically about the classic interface.

In general, it can be described as quite convenient. On the left there is a tree of folders into which letters are distributed. In addition to the standard set (Inbox, Sent, Spam...), the user can create (and, accordingly, delete) his own directories to organize the email database. The letters themselves in the folder can also be structured. For example, by default you can choose to display messages by category: from friends, from contacts, unread, and flagged. The service also has anti-spam protection, although it leaves much to be desired.

Spam messages are sent to a folder with the appropriate name by default, but some still make their way into the Inbox. On the other hand, as part of the fight against this phenomenon, Yahoo! Mail offers an interesting approach: if you need to register or simply leave your email on a suspicious resource, from where, among other things, they can send spam, you can create a disposable mailbox, which will be destroyed after a certain period.

Another important factor when choosing an email service is the size of the mailbox, as well as the maximum size of files that can be sent and received. Regarding the first point, the size of the box is unlimited. But only 25 MB is available for sending at a time, and it doesn’t matter whether you send one file or several - in total they still should not exceed 25 MB. Yahoo! Mail tries to keep up with the times, so it is not surprising that users of this service can not only send and receive letters, but also import and view contacts from popular social services and email services. Importing contacts is quite simple - for Facebook, for example, it is generally a couple of mouse clicks, and viewing occurs in the main window of the mailbox.

However, sometimes this function fails - the page freezes when receiving updates. Among other interesting features of the service, we are pleased with the presence of an IM messenger (Yahoo! Messager), and there is an option to use both a separate application and directly from the mailbox web interface, an instant messaging function (chat), a kind of photo album, as well as work with applications that expand mailbox functionality (such as an organizer, graphic editor, utility for working with Flickr, files, etc.).

In order to register with Yahoo email, you need to go through a fairly simple registration procedure on the portal. The only inconvenience is that everything will have to be written in Latin letters.

First you need to go to the page of the portal itself. Then start the mailbox registration process by clicking on the icon with a purple envelope:

The page that you see at this step is the login page for the Yahoo portal user's mail account. On the same page there is a button “Create New Account” (which in Russian is “Create a new account”), which will begin the process of registering your new mailbox with Yahoo:

On this page you need to fill out a form.

In the field below you must enter the name of the mailbox, which will be located before

Below you will have to enter your password. Unlike Russian-language services, Yahoo does not ask you to re-enter your password. I don't even know if this is good or not.

In the line below you will need to enter your mobile phone number in the suggested format. The number will be needed to restore access to your mailbox if you suddenly lose or forget your password, or if your mailbox is hacked.

Even lower, you need to enter the date of your birthday.

Under your date of birth, you need to select your gender.

At the very end there is an optional field where you can enter a backup mobile phone number to restore access data to your mailbox.

After you fill out the form, you must click on the “Create Account” button (i.e. “Create an account”).

To create a Yahoo account, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. On the main page of the portal, in the right corner, click the “Sign In” link.

3. Fill out the form fields:

“First name” and “Last...”: first and last name.
“Email address”: unique email address (use English letters and numbers).
“Password”: password for logging into your account.
“Mobile phone...”: set your country code in the drop-down list and dial your mobile phone number.
"Birth": date of birth (month/day/year).
“Gender”: gender (Female - woman, Male - man).

4. Click the “Continue” button.

5. Select a method to receive a verification code on your mobile phone:

“Text me a code” - SMS message;
“Call me with a code” - voice call.

6. Enter the received code. Click "Verify".

7. After successful verification, the message “Congratulations!” will appear. (Congratulations!) To log into your Yahoo account, click the “Let’s get started” button.

How can I change my password?

To change your mail login key, do the following:

1. Click your avatar in the right corner.

2. Select “Account Info” in the drop-down panel.

3. In the “Account security” section, click “Change password”.

4. Enter your new Yahoo profile password in two lines.

5. Click “Continue”.

6. To go to your profile, under the message “Success!” Click "Continue" again.

Also in the “Account security” section you can specify a backup email. It may be needed to confirm rights to your account if you lose your password.

This setting is created as follows:

1. Click “Add recovery email...”.

2. In the “Please enter...” field, type the address of the backup mailbox and click “Send verification”.

3. To send the code by email, click “OK” in the panel that opens.

4. Open a letter from Yahoo in the specified mailbox and click on the link.

5. In the tab that opens, click on the “Verify” button.

If you don't remember your password...

2. Click the mouse to select the reason “I don’t remember...”.

3. Enter your mobile number or backup email (which are “attached” to your profile). Click “Continue”.

4. In the additional request, select the answer “Yes, send me code”.

5. Enter the received verification code and click “Verify”.

6. After checking the code, you will have access to your account.

2. Enter your account password in the block below the text.

3. Enter the captcha (moving sequence of numbers).

4. To delete a profile, click the button under “Yes”.

Once the procedure is completed, you lose access to your account. Within 3 months, all data contained in it will be deleted. Additional information about maintaining confidential information can be found by clicking on the “Click here” link.
Registration in Yahoo Mail is quite simple - just select a currently free name for your mailbox, specify a complex password (I recommend using some kind of manager to store them) and add your mobile phone number (they will send you a password to access your mail if you you will lose it).

In addition, you can add another mobile number so that if you lose the first one, you will have a channel to restore access to your Yahoo account.

After this, you will be redirected to the Yahoo main page (essentially, this is a huge portal with the ability to create your own mail, read news and much more), which has not yet acquired a Russian interface. But to go to your mail, you just need to click on the lilac envelope in the left column, in the top menu or in the upper right corner:

It’s strange that Yahoo hasn’t yet bothered with translating all services into Russian, but limited itself to mail and search. Anyway.

When you log into your Yahoo mail, the first thing you will be asked to do is change its theme. If you don’t do this right away, you can always then move the mouse cursor to the icon located in the lower left corner and wait until the panel for selecting a new theme opens at the bottom of the window:

If you click on the icon located just above, the selected design theme for your Yahoo Mail will be displayed on the main windows of its web interface. This way you can try on a new skin on the fly.

The left column contains the usual menu that allows you to navigate through folders (and create them), as well as sort letters. Above this menu there is a row of icons that allow you to quickly switch to view contacts, a diary (a convenient thing, especially in the same interface with mail) and activate the messenger for instant messaging (I still haven’t gotten used to them, preferring leisurely communication via Email ).

Contacts, by the way, can be exported from your existing accounts in Jimail, mail, your other accounts in Yahoo or from an account on the social network Facebook.

In the upper right part of Yahoo Mail (above the list of messages) you will find a “View” button, by clicking on which you can change the appearance of the interface.

It will be possible to activate so-called “tabs”, similar to those used in browsers (by default, they are formed on the basis of five buttons above the left column and all pages with letters that you are currently reading, writing or editing), and also configure displaying the contents of the letter immediately below their list or to the right of it (it turns out quite conveniently, in my opinion).

In the left menu of Yahoo mail, in addition to the usual folders (Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items, Spam, Trash), you can add any number of your own (although you cannot create nested ones), and just below (in the “Smart Views” area) you can quickly filter still unread messages, either marked with asterisks (you can do this yourself when viewing a letter using the context menu or pressing the letter L on the keyboard), or sorted by Yahoo into categories.

By the way, an advertising banner will be intrusively shown to you in the left column of your mail, but you can slide it out, opening the web interface to full screen, but when you refresh the page it will appear again. Apparently the free mailbox from Yahoo implies the presence of advertising in it.

The capabilities for working with correspondence and sorting it are, perhaps, no different from competitors. On the toolbar above the list of letters you will find all the buttons you need, some of which, however, are hidden under the “More” spoiler.

Is it possible that only the drop-down menu of the “Spam” button, in addition to simply marking a letter as spam, allows you to report an attempt at hacking or phishing (an invitation to go to a fake site to extract registration data, etc.).

Yahoo Mail settings are hidden in the context menu of the gear located in the usual upper right corner.

In the same menu you can correct your Yahoo account information. For example, add an alternative email or mobile phone number, which will then help you restore access to your account if it is lost (as a result of hacking or other force majeure). It is clear that it only makes sense to worry about these things if you want to continue working with the free email account you created (1000 GB in size, which strongly contrasts with competitors) in this service.

Well, when you select the “Settings” item, a window will open with a number of tabs, where you will first be asked to customize the Yahoo Mail interface for viewing messages.

By default, there is a checkmark in the “Enable dialogues” field, which, in my opinion, is very convenient, because it implements an analogue of letter chains in Gmail, which allows you to see all your correspondence with any opponent. A similar cartoon is also available in many email clients (for computers), which provides very quick orientation in correspondence and tracking the progress of the conversation in your correspondence.

We have already discussed multitasking settings in Yahoo (the ability to add browser-style tabs) a little higher. In the prince, this is a convenient thing, as is the display of the viewing area for letters under their list or to the right of it. In my opinion, this also improves the convenience of working with mail. Well, at the very bottom you can choose between a fully functional web interface and its faster, but very simple implementation.

Creating messages in Yahoo Mail

The web interface settings for creating messages in Yahoo Mail are also quite useful. In any case, for example, I don’t like the automatic addition of correspondence opponents to contacts, but the preview for links inserted into a letter is a very wonderful thing. And setting the font and universal signature for messages (including formatted, i.e. colorfully designed) will appeal to many.

Next we have the account settings, where you can change the password, create an additional mailbox in Yahoo, and also add the accounts of your other Emails from which you want to automatically remove correspondence and store it in this main mailbox. You can also select the main mailbox from which mail will be sent and see how much free space is available to you from the allocated terabyte.

On the next tab, “Auto Reply,” you can configure and format the text that will be sent to all incoming letters that arrive in your Yahoo mailbox within a specified period of time. You can set different auto-responses for letters from different email domains.

Well, on the “Filters” tab you can set up rules for sorting incoming correspondence into the necessary folders of your Yahoo mail. This can be mailings, business correspondence and much more, depending on your imagination and views on convenience.

Filters in Yahoo mail

The “Security” tab contains settings that are not typical for free email services. For example, here you are offered to create a one-time address (for registration, for example, on an unreliable resource), the mail from which will be immediately disposed of as spam (read what spam is in the link).

Mail security settings

To create it, it will be enough to enter a keyword into the form, which will be added to your main Email through a dash. Actually, the disposable Mile can be found in other applications. Here you can also prohibit the display of pictures (in general or only in the Spam folder), because they may contain viruses, and you can also configure the auto-deletion period for spam.

On the one hand, the functionality of the mailbox is somewhat inferior to Gmail, on the other hand, for the average user, the capabilities of Yahoo mail are enough for the eyes. Besides simplicity, it comes in different forms. For example, our today's hero is strikingly different from the simplest mailbox from Rambler in that he is much more concerned about user convenience thanks to a lot of various settings.

I would put it on the same level as a mailbox from Yandex (if you do not take into account the domain mail available in the domestic mailer). In fact, it’s a well-made, fairly fast-working and convenient service. The only problem may be communicating with the technical support service in case of problems, because it is unlikely that they will be able to communicate with you in Russian (as it seems to me, but I could be wrong).

And, of course, the size of the 1 terabyte box is simply hypnotizing. Although I don’t need this, but... By the way, Yahoo Mail can be linked to your Flickr account to send photos from it and to the Dropbox cloud storage to send everything that you have stored there.

To become a registered user, you need to create an email; to do this, go to the site at

Hotkeys for Yahoo mail

Separately, it is worth noting the calendar - you can create events and group them by topic. In fact, this is an electronic diary - easy to manage and without unnecessary overkill with design.

How to remove Yahoo

Enter the current password that is used to access your mailbox;
enter the specified code of random characters (captcha);

Mail deletion confirmation

Yahoo has a specific feature: the service does not force you to use an automatically determined language interface. If you access the English version of the site, you can easily use it.

In order to use mail in Russian, you must enter “” in the address bar. After you go to the resource page, at the top of the page there are names of items that you need to study before starting work.

“Functionality” - this paragraph describes all the tools that will make it easier for you to work with mail. Scrolling below the page, you will see a detailed description of each. “Support” – this section describes frequently asked questions and solutions to problems that arise. In the “Download application” section you will find useful links for installation and will always be in touch. Using this section, you can download the application for your Android device or for iPad and iPhone. Study this information carefully, because it will definitely be useful to you.

To log into Yahoo mail, look for a white rectangle with the word “Sign In” in the upper left corner. Feel free to click on it, a window will open in front of you through which you can log in to the system. Enter the required information in the “login” and “password” fields and enjoy communicating with friends and colleagues without restrictions.

Let's look at how to make a Yahoo! the default search engine in most popular web browsers.

Open the Chrome browser, go to the browser settings and management menu and select “Settings”.

Enter the data as shown in the screenshot and click “Finish”.

Click the “Configure search engines” button again and move the mouse pointer to the search engine line Yahoo! and click “Set as default”, and then the “Finish” button.

After changing the default search engine, pay attention to the value that is set next to the “Configure search engines” button.

In Mozilla Firefox, the process of adding a search engine is automated and there is no need to register anything. Open the menu and go to the “Settings” menu.

Open the “Search” submenu and go to the “Add other search engines” item.

On the add-on installation page, enter the search query “yahoo answers” ​​in the search field.

The search in the system is dynamic and as soon as the query is written to the end at the bottom of the search line, you should select the proposed add-on “Yahoo!Answers Search”.

Install the add-on by clicking the “+ Add to Firefox” button. After installation, the browser will offer to make Yahoo the default search engine, check the appropriate box and click “Add”.

This completes the installation of the Yahoo search engine in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Opera's default search engine setting is very similar to Google Chrome's. Go to the Opera settings and management menu, the “Settings” submenu.

Click the “Manage Search Engines” button.

Click the “Create Search” button.

In the window that opens, enter the settings as shown in the screenshot and click “Finish”.

To search, enter into the browser search bar the keyword that we indicated in the previous paragraph and which indicates which search engine will be used for the search.

In our case, you need to enter “yh” and a search query.

The keyword must be unique, i.e., not repeat keywords from other browsers.

Registration in Yahoo mail and account setup

Registration on the Yahoo mail service is practically no different from registration on other mail resources.

Go to the mailer’s website and click the “Create Account” button.

Although the site is in English, it is possible to change the interface language.

We fill in all the fields, read Yahoo’s terms and conditions, privacy policy and click the “Create account” button.

Your mobile phone number must be entered to restore access to your account if your password is forgotten.

The second phone number will help restore access if the first one is lost.

Enter the captcha and click “Send code”

Congratulations, you have just registered with Yahoo mail. Immediately after registration, you will be prompted to change the theme of the mail web interface.

Select any theme you like and click “Save Theme”; if you are a supporter of the classic interface, click “Not Now”.

Thanks to the available themes, you can quite well transform the standard web mail interface.

A useful feature of the email service is the ability to import contacts (from Google mail,, another Yahoo account, or from a file containing email address records).

To do this, click on the “Contacts” icon.

Select the location from which you want to import contacts and click the “Import” button. For example, we will show how to import contacts from the Gmail service.

The system redirects to the Gmail server. Here you need to enter the login and password of the account from which the contacts will be copied and click “Login”.

Click “Accept”.

This will import all contacts from your Gmail account. Once completed, the total of the operation and the number of contacts that were imported will be shown.

In the left column you can view a list of contacts.

If we go to the “Import contacts” menu again, we will see that the contact synchronization function has been enabled, in which all contacts that will be added to the Gmail service account will be automatically imported into the Yahoo account.

To disable this function, click “Disable”.

The Yahoo mail service is currently not very widespread among Runet users, the reason for this is the weak localization of the service, which is designed only for the search engine and mail.

To become a registered user, you need to create an email; to do this, go to the site at

This is where Yahoo! In Russian is located - select the “Create an account” option and move to the registration form.

You will need to provide standard information - first name, last name, select a login or, in other words, Yahoo user name (pop-up tips are provided).

Next, you need to come up with a unique password to secure the contents of your mail - the level of protection here is apparently not too high, because I did not need to change the case or use numbers or any symbols.

As for the password, Yahoo has its own policy in this case - for example, some time ago users no longer needed to enter a security combination each time they log in.

The system automatically saves the password that was specified during registration. However, it is now mandatory to undergo two-factor identification every time you authenticate to a resource.

To quickly recover a password or forgotten login, enter a mobile phone number to which all system notifications will be sent.

Next comes the usual information - date of birth and gender. Just below, you can also optionally specify an additional number, for example, a close friend or relative - this way, you have two possible insurance options at once and will not lose important data.

Registration is basically complete, all that remains is to log in. I was automatically redirected to the Yahoo portal home page.

To log in to your email, you need to click on “Sign In”, here you will need to re-enter your login and password for confirmation.

More precisely, even this was not needed - with the slightest substitution of the cursor, the data that was once specified when creating the mailbox appears in the lines.

All that remains is to log in and start using the capabilities of Yahoo mail.
Mailbox settings and capabilities

You can go to settings immediately as soon as you log into your Personal Account for the first time.

Yahoo mail in Russian will initially offer to import address books and contacts from services such as Gmail, Facebook, Hotmail or from another Yahoo mail account.

In the future, you will not be forced to use additional settings; access to them is traditionally located in the upper right corner - there is a “gear” for this.

Here you can also change the theme (background), set basic commands for hot keys, configure privacy and basic account information.

If we have already started talking about this, let’s proceed directly to setting up the mailbox.

The proposed themes are few, mostly nature; there are also laconic options with a predominance of one color without a pattern.

To install a new background, just select the one you like with one click, and then confirm the decision with the “Done” command.

Now let's return to the main settings - here you first need to set the parameters for viewing messages.

By the way, at the bottom you can see what space is occupied as a percentage and what approximate number of letters will still fit.

When viewing messages, everything is quite simple - you can independently adjust the parameters and set the most convenient ones.

When creating letters, for example, addresses are automatically entered into the address book, and it is also convenient to edit the font and style.

If you have a Facebook profile, you can link it to your Yahoo account in the Accounts tab.

Set an auto-reply - all email services provide this service today, and here you can also adjust the sending of another response to different domains.

The “Filters” tab suggests setting certain restrictions for letters - as an additional antispam.

To do this, select the “add” command: come up with a name for the filter yourself, then enter the requirements for the letter data - they can “begin/end” with certain words, and also, for example, “contain/not contain” certain phrases.

Then you need to specify which folder the letter will be sent to.

In addition, Yahoo mail offers to create disposable addresses to protect users from unnecessary mailings. That is, you can use this feature when you subscribe to them on various sites.

As soon as you feel that your mailbox is being bombarded with unnecessary information, just delete the address.

If you don’t want to receive letters from someone in principle, you can block the sender’s address - for this purpose, there is a whole section in the settings where this data is stored; if necessary, the blocking can be removed.

In addition, Yahoo has its own Messenger, similar to Mail.Ru Agent. Set up your contacts in a way that suits you and chat with whoever you want.

If necessary, you can block unauthorized addresses and group contacts by category.

After “Settings”, be sure to look at the “Hot Keys” section - there is a wide list of basic commands that you will need to manage tasks within mail.

The Account Details section contains all your personal information, including managing aliases - you can use different logins to log into other services.

It also contains account security settings - information about additional mailing addresses and phone numbers.

Change your password or set up two-factor authentication. Today, all leading email services have switched to this system - first you enter a permanent password for the mailbox, then using SMS confirmation you additionally confirm access.

Among other things, the Activity Log is at your service - logins to the system are recorded here; in case of suspicious activity, you will be asked to change your password.

“Settings” contains information about your location, which is determined automatically by IP address, and the profile language is also set here.

“Subscriptions” stores data about the addresses of subscriptions that you create.

As for the main parameters, that's all - now pay attention to the structure of the mail itself.

At the top of the control panel on the left there are quick access icons - this is mail itself, then there is an address book with contacts, a calendar, Messenger and the service’s mobile application.

Separately, it is worth noting the calendar - you can create events and group them by topic. In fact, this is an electronic diary - easy to manage and without unnecessary overkill with design.

So, you have received a letter, which means you will see a corresponding mark next to the “Inbox” folder (the number of unread letters is indicated in brackets).

Click on the line with the title of the letter to view it in expanded form.

The left vertical panel is entirely devoted to messages, which are grouped, in turn, into packs.

At the very bottom of the list you will find the “Recent” section - this is convenient access to all recently received letters, created drafts, and search queries for the contents of the entire mailbox.

The “Smart Views” section is designed to create folders for messages and divide them by topic - for example, “Unread”, “Social networks”, Shopping”, “travel”.

You can use the suggested options, rename existing folders, or create additional ones.

The selected letter can be marked in a way convenient for you, printed, and use its parameters to create a filter if necessary.

How to remove Yahoo

To find out how to delete mail, go to the settings panel on the right and select the “Help” section.

Type “delete account” into the line at the top of the page and click the first link that pops up.

There you will see instructions, and just below a list of actions with five points - click on the link in the first of them “Terminating your Yahoo account”.

Here all the information will be in Russian, all you have to do is do the following:

Enter the current password that is used to access your mailbox,
enter the specified code of random characters (captcha),
select the command “YES. Terminate account."

After this, the account will be immediately blocked and deleted from the system in exactly 90 days, unless you decide to use the recovery function.

To do this, you will need to log in again using your username and last used password.

Yahoo mail will appeal to those who value laconic design, reliable protection against unwanted spam, and simple functionality.

Recently, updates have been made, after which the service in all technical characteristics and externally turned out to be at the level of modern standards.

Mobile applications can be found on sites such as Google Play, iTunes,
As you already understand, you need to click on the clearly visible “Register” button. Click there and we will go through all the steps of filling out Yahoo mail registration forms.

In the form above, you must fill out all the cells. Last name and first name. Yahoo login - this will be your login when logging into your mail. Come up with a valid password, enter your date of birth and phone number. You can enter an alternative address or not. Then click create my account. That's all, dear friends, your mail under your login has been created without any problems. Very simple and fast! Now let's talk about the advantages of this mail.

Mailboxes, such as: Yandex mail, Mail mail, Gmail mail and others do not allow you to fully work with foreign payment systems, play on online auctions and make purchases in online stores, and many mailboxes do not allow you to make instant payments. Many payment systems require that the mailbox be in the com zone, so for this I analyzed the entire Yahoo registration process.

Yahoo! Positive points of Yahoo mail

After registration, you will receive not only a Yahoo mailbox, but also a large number of different services. Such as: Built-in chat, which can be used in correspondence with your relative, friend, or with any recipient. In the chat you can conduct a dialogue, both in printed and voice form, and in video mode.

Yahoo has created a very sophisticated internal mail search. no matter when the letter arrived to you, the search will find it and show it to you! For example, mail generally gave me a set of letters that were not related to my requests.

There is also an attractive Yahoo address book. In it I store the most used contacts of friends and various correspondents. It’s very nice that you can make sections in the book, for example: work, friends, relatives, etc. This sorting allows you to quickly find the desired contact.

If you have contacts, but they are not in Yahoo, then you can very quickly import your entire address book into Yahoo mail. Very fast and simple.

Yahoo Attractive Points

After creating your mail, you can access it from various mobile phones and the mailbox template will adjust to your screen size - very convenient!

A cool feature with dragging labels onto messages, and messages into labels.

More than 30 types of appearance templates are available.

The ability to talk with several opponents in one voice and video chat is available.

A built-in anti-spyware is available that allows you to close pop-ups and scan all your emails for viruses, thereby protecting you from all sorts of nasty things.

I pay through yahoo for ebay auctions.

In order to use Yahoo mail in Russian, you must directly enter the address in the address bar of your browser. You can also write the more expected - you will be transferred to automatically.

Yahoo mail creation

The Yahoo mail login is located directly below the search button and is highlighted in a fairly large font and a standard icon in the form of a mail envelope. There is no special link for mail registration, but if there is an unauthorized user on the site, he will automatically go to the login and registration form. You can log in to Yahoo mail not only with credentials on the portal itself, but also with registration data on Facebook or Google.

To proceed to registration, use the large “Create a new account” button.

Login to mail

The registration form has a standard structure for webmail. Minimum personal information is required - date of birth, gender, place of residence. Entering a phone number or alternative email address is optional.

But you need to choose as many as 2 secret questions and write the answers. After entering a simple captcha, your Yahoo mail, or more precisely, your Yahoo ID, which allows you to use all the services of the portal, has been created.

Once registration is completed, Yahoo presents all entered data on one page. This is convenient for those who prefer to store information about their registrations in a separate folder.

Yahoo account details

By clicking the “Start” button, we go to the newly created mailbox. Here we are not expecting 2-3 “letters” from the service itself with congratulations, advertising functions and an offer to buy something. This is not the only difference from other services.

Yahoo Mail Settings

To enter the settings, use the usual gear icon.

Yahoo Mail Settings

The first setting item is choosing an interface theme. The set of themes is not as large and elaborate as, say, on Yandex, but it allows you to choose the color you like.

Yahoo Mail Topics

In general, Yahoo provides a fairly modest set of settings. For almost every setting, you can see an explanation by clicking on the question mark next to it.

Yahoo Mail Settings

For each letter, you can set not only a simple text signature, but also a formatted one, for creating which a small text editor is offered.

Creating a signature for a letter

The auto-reply option allows you to set the message and date for the auto-reply. Additionally, you can set a special response for emails from certain domains.

Yahoo Mail Autoresponder

The blacklist is called “Blocked Addresses” in the Yahoo mail interface. You can enter up to 500 addresses.

Yahoo Mail offers the ability to create disposable addresses to protect against spam.

Of course, it is possible to use other email services directly from the Yahoo mail interface. To do this, you need to enter the data of other mail accounts in the “Mail Credentials” settings section.
Finally, the last settings item is “Filters”. Yahoo's filter system is simple, if not primitive. Complex rules cannot be set.

Deleting Yahoo Mail

Since the mail is tied to Yahoo ID, once the mail is deleted, access to all Yahoo services that require identification will disappear. You can delete your account using the link Yahoo will ask you to enter your password to access the deletion page, even if you are already logged in to the site.

Then you need to re-enter the password, captcha and click on the “Terminate account” button. After this, the account is blocked for 90 days, i.e. it cannot be used. And it will be completely removed in 3 months. However, if you simply stop using your account, it will also be deleted after 4 months of inactivity.

To search for information on the Internet, most of us are accustomed to using search engines such as Google, Yandex,.

If we talk about postal services, then to the above you can add the services, less often,,

In today's review we will talk about the American service Yahoo!

Yahoo! (pronounced yahoo) is an American company, founded in 1995, owner of the world's second most popular search engine, providing a number of services (mail, search engine, news, weather, online games), united on the portal Yahoo!Directory.

Note! Among the attractive features of Yahoo! mailbox size is 1 TB, the ability to create an unlimited number of disposable addresses for registration on an unreliable resource, incoming letters from which the system will automatically add to spam and much more.

Making Yahoo Search the Default

Let's look at how to make a Yahoo! the default search engine in most popular web browsers.

Google Chrome

Enter the data as shown in the screenshot and click “Finish”.

Click the “Configure search engines” button again and move the mouse pointer to the search engine line Yahoo! and click “Set as default”, and then the “Finish” button.

After changing the default search engine, pay attention to the value that is set next to the “Configure search engines” button.

Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox, the process of adding a search engine is automated and there is no need to register anything. Open the menu and go to the “Settings” menu:

Open the “Search” submenu and go to the “Add other search engines” item.

On the add-on installation page, enter the search query “yahoo answers” ​​in the search field.

The search in the system is dynamic and as soon as the query is written to the end at the bottom of the search line, you should select the proposed add-on “Yahoo!Answers Search”.

Install the add-on by clicking the “+ Add to Firefox” button. After installation, the browser will offer to make Yahoo the default search engine, check the appropriate box and click “Add”.

This completes the installation of the Yahoo search engine in the Mozilla Firefox browser.


The system redirects to the Gmail server. Here you need to enter the login and password of the account from which the contacts will be copied and click “Login”.

Click “Accept”.

This will import all contacts from your Gmail account. Once completed, the total of the operation and the number of contacts that were imported will be shown.

In the left column you can view a list of contacts.

If we go to the “Import contacts” menu again, we will see that the contact synchronization function has been enabled, in which all contacts that will be added to the Gmail service account will be automatically imported into the Yahoo account.

Yahoo Mail in Russian — how to create a mailbox?

To use Yahoo mail, you must create a Yahoo account.

How to create a Yahoo account?

Yahoo account – allows you to use all services without additional registration.
To log in to any of them, you must enter your account username and password.
Yahoo mail in Russian login - login and password.
Link any of your Gmail, Outlook, AOL and Yahoo accounts to Yahoo email to access your messages in one place.

Yahoo is committed to making everything that matters to you as convenient as possible.

Best-in-class Yahoo Mail, the latest local, national and international news, finance, sports, music, movies and more. Yahoo Mail! - 1 TB of free mail storage space.

Yahoo Mail supports accounts of other mail services, i.e. you can use account data for registration - Gmail, Outlook and AOL. In this case, a Yahoo email address is not required.

Get a free email account from Yahoo Mail!

Yahoo Mail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the Yahoo server - Yahoo Mail.

To register on the Yahoo mail server, go to the page -

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your Yahoo email address is working.

Yahoo Mail - How to Delete Yahoo Account?

Before deleting your account, disable additional services if you are subscribed to paid Yahoo services. Otherwise, charging for them will not be stopped. Cancel your current subscriptions on the Yahoo - Payment Information page. On the “My Services” tab, click the “Cancel” link for each.

You can delete your Yahoo account, your associated email address, and your access to other Yahoo Services at any time.

After deleting your Yahoo account

Access to email, services and services that can only be accessed using a Yahoo login and password will become impossible. This applies to all information, data and settings, such as:

  • My Yahoo
  • Yahoo Groups
  • Yahoo Mail
  • Yahoo Address Book
  • Yahoo Jobs
  • GeoCities - Yahoo's free web hosting service
  • Yahoo Portfolio
  • and other services and services of the Yahoo!

Download important data before deleting your account.

Deleting an account means losing access to your Yahoo!, Yahoo! login. Mail and associated profile names. You will also delete your account data and settings throughout the Yahoo! network. This applies in particular to all information for:

You can delete your Yahoo account by going to the - Account Deletions page, reconfirming your password and your decision to delete your account. You can find out what information may be retained in Yahoo archives after your account is deleted.

Once your Yahoo account is deleted, it cannot be restored.

If a user deletes a Yahoo account, it will be deleted from the database after 40 days.

Please note that copies of any information may be retained in backup storage for a period of time after a user request to delete an account is received. Some of this information is retained even if user credentials are deleted from active databases.

Yahoo Mail for mobile devices

Best Email App for Using Accounts
Gmail, Outlook, AOL and Yahoo.
Whatever email service you use, you'll be sure to appreciate the stylish design, user-friendly interface, and unmatched speed of Yahoo Mail.
With a new look (choose different backgrounds and font colors for your Yahoo mailbox) and powerful features like lightning-fast information searches, password-free login to multiple mailboxes, Yahoo Mail's best mobile email app will make you feel free. Yahoo provides a rich selection of online resources, including communications, search and information tools, public forums and social networking services, information content, media and entertainment services, through its network of properties that can be accessed through a variety of media tools or devices.

about Yahoo

Yahoo! EMEA Limited
5-7 Point Village
North Wall Quay
Dublin, 1

Yahoo! EMEA Limited is registered in Ireland.

Founded: March 2, 1995, Santa Clara, California, USA CEO: Thomas J. McInerney (Jun 13, 2017–) Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California, USA Subsidiary: Yahoo! Japan, Polyvore, Yahoo! Indonesia,