How to hide friends from a specific user. How to hide friends on VKontakte

Some people don’t like the openness policy of social networks, when all personal information about you is in full view.

VKontakte management took care of such users.

Therefore, in your privacy settings, you can hide information about gifts, audio recordings, photographs and other content of your page from other users.

The only item that has restrictions on hiding is the friends list.

You will not be able to completely hide all your friends, the limit is 30 people.

The management of VKontakte explains this choice with a policy of openness: VK is a social network in which people are looking for friends and acquaintances, and the hidden friends of users contradict this idea.

Thus, if you want to hide some friends in the list, you can do so, but to completely hide all friends, their number should not be more than 30.

In our step-by-step instructions we will tell you how you can hide your VKontakte friends.

How to hide friends from the list in VK

Step #1

Step #2

Go to the main page settings.

Step #3

We are interested in the “Privacy” item, here we are looking for “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” Click on the default value. The default is always “All friends”.

Step #4

In the window that opens, select the friends you want to hide. To do this, simply check the box next to it.

Step #5

We wrote above that you cannot hide more than 30 friends. Let's check:

No, you can only hide a certain number of friends.

Step #6

Ready! Now there are people in your friends list that are visible only to you. But you can open them to specific friends or a list. To do this, select the following column “Who sees my hidden friends”. Here, in the drop-down list, select who will see your hidden friends.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to hide all your friends on VK, but, in any case, you can secretly communicate with 30 users, and this is a fairly large number. You can hide subscribers in the same way. The function is the same for the friends list and subscriptions.

We hope you liked the instructions, write in the comments if you use the hidden friends function in VK. Share the instructions with your friends on social networks.

Often, when using a social network, we do not know how to hide one friend on VKontakte from unwanted eyes, although this is often very necessary for us. This article will tell you and give detailed instructions on how to hide a friend’s VKontakte account.


  1. The first thing you need to do in order to hide your VKontakte friend is to enter the “settings menu”. From this menu you need to go to the tab called “privacy”.
  2. In the new window that appears on the screen, you need to find the line “who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” On the contrary, by default, the “all friends” link will be indicated. You must click on this link.
  3. After clicking on the “all friends” link, a new window will appear with the title “select the friends you want to hide.” On the left side there will be a list of all your friends. And on the right side there will be a list of hidden friends. Then you just need to select the friend you want to hide and click on the plus sign, which is located opposite the first and last name of the selected person.
  4. After everything is finished, you just need to click on the “save changes” button. That's it, the friends you need are hidden from prying eyes!

Now you know how to hide a friend on VKontakte, and you can do it if necessary! You also need to remember that according to the rules of the VKontakte social network, there is a limit on the number of people a user can hide from prying eyes. According to the site rules, you can hide no more than fifteen people!

VKontakte is a huge social network with many users, pages, a huge amount of useful content (videos, music, applications, games, etc.). And the rules in this social network are constantly changing. If previously it was possible to hide all your friends so that no one could see them, now you won’t be able to hide them all - there are restrictions for this. At first there were no restrictions, then it was possible to hide 15 people, and now it is possible to hide 30 people. This figure may increase over time. After all, everything changes! And the social network Vkontakte is now not the same as it was 3 years ago. For example, there used to be a “” section, but now it is gone and now you can create contacts in place of meetings. Previously, it was very easy - you could send 40 invitations a day to strangers from the group itself, but now there is no such function.

Let's move directly to the question of the article:

1. Go to the “Settings” section in the left column.

2. Click on the “Privacy” tab at the top.

3. Find there “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” and click on “All friends”

4. A window will open in which you can select the friends you want to hide. To do this, in the left column you need to click on the plus sign next to your friend. Thus, he is transferred to the list of hidden friends. At the moment, the maximum you can hide is 30 friends.

6. Now not all of your friends are visible, and some of them are hidden. For example, 30 friends are hidden.

7. To prevent other people (for example, your friends) from seeing your hidden VKontakte friends, you need to have “Only me” in the “Who can see my hidden people” list. By default, everything should be configured normally and “Only Me” should be set.

So they hid some VKontakte friends.

Why is it now impossible to hide all friends on VKontakte? The social network did this on purpose so that more people would move from page to page, so that they would spend more time on VKontakte and travel through other people’s pages. Thanks to this, the social network is promoted and earns more.

Why do people hide their friends? There may be various reasons. For example, a person just makes acquaintances and corresponds in contact with many people and does not want your real friends to know about these acquaintances, or does not want someone unfamiliar to find out about your acquaintances, and thanks to them learn more about you. There are different reasons. But now you know how you can hide friends in contact.

Friends on social networks is a term that is too vague, too broad. Everyone we know or once knew can be added as a friend. Even those you met half an hour ago. The “Friends” section is the only one on VKontakte that allows a group of people to unite in order to always be in touch with each other. But sometimes you have to be “virtually friends” with those whose friendship you would not like to advertise or show off. In this regard, three questions may arise: “Is it possible to hide a friend on VKontakte?”, “How to hide a friend on VKontakte?” and “How many VKontakte friends can you hide?” Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to hide a friend on VKontakte?
Answer: you can. Unlike many similar social networks, for example, Facebook, the tools of the social network VKontakte offer the ability to hide friends and even have special privacy settings so that hidden friends can be shown to certain users.
How to hide a friend on VKontakte?
It's incredibly simple. To hide a specific friend on the social network VKontakte, you just need to go to “My Settings” on the “Privacy” tab and in the “My Page” column find the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.”
By default, all friends are displayed for each user, so you'll see "All Friends." Click on this inscription. In the window that opens, click on the desired friend and he will be transferred from the left column to the right. After that, save the changes. Ready! You hid your VKontakte friend!

How many VKontakte friends can you hide?
The VKontakte developers devoted a lot of effort and time to making user accounts as public as possible, removing all kinds of privacy from the profile, photo albums and other sections of the site. Hidden friends also came under attack. Oddly enough, they can be hidden, but only 30 people.

But it’s worth saying thank you to the VKontakte administrators for this too. Users who have no more than 30 friends are very willing to take an interest in hiding friends. But very popular and sociable users who have many more friends have to make a difficult choice about who to hide in their friends list.

You can hide your acquaintances for various reasons. Sometimes people correspond with a large number of people and do not want all their friends to read about each other. Some people are afraid that through their friends’ pages they might see photos about them or read notes that are not intended for everyone. Some people perceive closed information as elitism. That is why it is possible to hide friends on VKontakte.

Why do the settings in “friends” change so often?

VKontakte is constantly changing. Sometimes these changes make it difficult to navigate the social network space, but basically they are all aimed at improving it.

The settings of the “friends” tab are especially often subject to “reforms”. According to VKontakte developer Pavel Durov, open friend lists are the main reason for the success of social networks. The rise in popularity of VKontakte is due to the publicity of this list. People visit pages, travel around the social network, bringing traffic and income to it. For the users themselves, the openness of the lists makes it possible to meet more and more people and expand their circle of contacts.

However, VKontakte management has to meet the wishes of users. Therefore, the ability to make friends invisible has now appeared. At first, a limit of 15 people was introduced, then it was expanded to 30.

How can you hide your friends now?

Settings management is simple. To the left of the photo, select the “My Settings” area, then the “Privacy” tab. Specify who should be visible in the list of subscriptions and friends. From the entire list of friends, you need to select “all but”, and then indicate the names of the people who should remain hidden.

Please note that only the profile owner can see all hidden friends.

Is it possible to see other people's hidden friends?

Previously, it was possible to look at hidden friends of another VKontakte user by substituting the id in various links or using online services. But now hidden friends are visible only if the user has allowed it in the “Who can see my hidden friends” settings. For example, he chose “Friends Only” there - then you can only watch if you are a “friend” of this person.

There is no other way yet. And why strive for this? Still, someone else's desire to keep their secrets must be respected.

I decided to update this article in 2017, as a new design of the VKontakte website appeared and many functions moved or changed. The most important thing for which we use the VKontakte website is friends. Without them, there will be no news, no one to play games with, and most importantly, no one to chat with. From our friends we can determine where we work, where we studied, and even who we loved before. But sometimes you really want no one to see some of your friends, but how to hide friends in VK?

The developers of the social network are constantly making some adjustments to the interface and functions of the site, and just recently changes were made to the “Friends” section. There is a list of friends on all social networks and VKontakte is no exception. But for example, on Facebook you cannot hide friends at all, and besides, the system constantly offers to make friends with someone and this may be wrong because someone may not want to show their friends.

How to hide VKontakte friends via computer?

Let's get started, click on yours in the upper right corner of the page and select "Settings". And then go to the “Privacy” section and look for the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on it and begin to select.

As I wrote above, you can hide not only your friends, but also, for example, the fact that you subscribed to your ex’s updates. And don't forget about the limit of 30 people!

The last action remains, be sure to check the settings item “Who sees my hidden friends”, “Only me” should be selected there, otherwise there will be no point.

Congratulations, everything is ready! But be careful if someone logs into VKontakte from your computer or phone when you forgot to log out of your account, they will be able to see all your hidden friends.

How to find out who a friend is hiding?

To find out who your friend or significant other is hiding, you will have to secretly go into his phone and see how many friends he has, and then take away the number that is visible to you. There are no other ways, either hack or ask the phone and secretly look.

How to hide more than 30 friends?

Unfortunately, the VKontakte developers have introduced a limitation on this function; you can only hide 30 people from your list of friends or pages to which you are subscribed! It's a shame that you can't hide all your friends at once.

How to hide friends on VK via phone?

I searched for a long time, but unfortunately there is no way to hide friends through the official application for Android or iPhone phones. But you can launch any browser, go to

We have already touched on this topic in the material. There we looked at how you can see hidden friends.

In this instruction, let's talk about how to hide friends on VKontakte. And we will analyze this process step by step.

This is done in the privacy settings. Go to your page, open the menu in the upper right corner, and click “Settings”.

Now open the “Privacy” section and go to the “My Page” block. Here we need a parameter “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”.

A form will open in which you need to add the friends you want to hide. To do this, find a person in the list and just click on him. It will be added.

By analogy, add all users to this list. When finished, press the button "Save changes".

How to hide friends on VK from your phone

If you try to do this through the application, then you will not succeed (see). For some reason, the developers removed this setting in the mobile version of VK.

But you can go the other way. Go to your page through the browser installed on your phone. Open the menu and at the very bottom click the link “Full version”.

Now do the same as we did in the previous step.

Video lesson: how to add hidden friends on VK


So if you have a friend that you don't want to show, then the list of hidden friends is just for this case.


In contact with

Many users of social networks sooner or later face the question of how to protect their privacy on social networks. To do this, you need to set the privacy settings correctly and hide everything that they want to hide from prying eyes. Most often these are contacts of other users. To carry out this action you only need to press a couple of buttons. So let's get started.

Opening a page on a social network Enter your username and password and click on the login button.

The title page opens. Your name and miniature profile photo are displayed in the upper right corner. Click on the arrow to the right of the thumbnail.

The menu section pops up. The top line of the list: my page, then there are the items edit, settings, help and exit.

Select the “settings” line and left-click.

A general list of settings opens.

A list of settings by category appears in the upper right corner. We need the third line from the top “privacy”.

A list appears in the middle of the screen. We look for the line in the list: “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on the inscription to the right of the item.

A list of friends opens in a pop-up window. Select from the list, or in the search bar at the top, enter the nickname of the friend whose name you want to hide and click on the checkmark to the right of the name.

In total, you can hide 30 friends from the list, so think carefully about who exactly you want to hide from prying eyes. Click “save changes”. The list is collapsed, the line that previously looked like “all friends are visible” now looks like this: the names of hidden friends are written down.

The paragraph below suggests choosing those who see hidden friends. By clicking on the line on the right, a list with suggested options will pop up. In order to hide your friends from absolutely everyone, select the “Only me” option.

After completing all these steps, all the people you have selected will be hidden from prying eyes and visible only to you.