Creating a new mailbox on e-mail. How to register your E-mail address (e-mail box)

Having an e-mail has become a necessary condition for the active lifestyle of a successful person. When working with electronic soap, the user receives many benefits.

The benefits of using email

  • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
  • High degree of reliability of information storage (many email resources help to increase the level of security of user data, for example, accepting only high-complexity passwords, having a security question, etc.).
  • Possibility of receiving newsletters and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
  • Accessibility (checking electronic messages can be done both from a PC and from a mobile device).

Creating email is possible on various hosting sites - Yandex,,, etc. These email services provide free services, which is another undeniable advantage of electronic mailboxes.

How to create an email and what you need for it

In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm for creating an email on each hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instructions for creating electronic “soap” on some services.

"Yandex Mail

Register on

To create a Mail email, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. To begin, go to the domain and select the “Registration in mail” column.
  2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
  3. Then the user comes up with a login (nickname), options for which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with Yandex).
  4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then completes registration.

How to Create a Gmail Email

In addition to the Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also particularly popular. Its significant difference is that its level of reliability is an order of magnitude higher than its domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from official Western Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. A foreign site does not perceive Yandex or the same Mail as e-mail. If you need to create a Western e-wallet, such as PayPal, the payment system will only confirm their “native” Gmail email.

Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately move on to creating it. The step-by-step algorithm for installing “foreign soap” is as follows:

  1. You need to find the Gmail service. To do this, write the corresponding name into the search bar and select the first result that appears on the page.
  2. In the window that opens, you need to select the “Create an account” button.
  3. After this, a registration sheet will appear in which you need to enter the following data: first name, last name, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
  4. Next, you need to enter the captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it the first time without errors.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the “Login to Mail” dialog box.
  6. At the same moment, 3 messages will arrive in your inbox, the first of which is necessary to set up your Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of your account.
  7. During the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) search history - a list of Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

The algorithm for creating an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various email services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.

Hi all! Today there will be a quite useful post in which I will tell you in detail and show you how to make an email. In the world of modern technology, it is already quite difficult to do without a personal email address. Because almost all account registrations on different websites, purchases in online stores, and subscriptions to news require an email address. This address is subsequently used to restore credentials, as well as to confirm your actions, for example, confirmation of purchase or registration on the site. Mail is also necessary for exchanging messages, documents, audio and video files. Of course, many will tell you that now there are a huge number that allow you to perform all the functions available in email. In part, many of you will be right, but as a rule, they are more susceptible to hacking than an email account, and they also initially have different purposes. Therefore, Internet users will not be able to do without mail. If you don't yet have your own email or want to create an additional mailbox, then I will help you with this.

How to make email on your computer for free?

Many people who keep up with the times have at least one electronic mailbox, because without it it is already quite difficult to get by. As a rule, the process of registering an email address on different mail servers is approximately the same, but each has its own nuances, so let’s consider registering an email on the most popular resources:, Yandex, Gmail, Rambler.

The general process for registering an email account is as follows:

    Advice! It is advisable to immediately indicate your real data so that you do not have to edit them in the future.

    After filling out your personal data, the “Mail Address” field will follow; here you need to turn on your brain and come up with a postal address in Latin;

Note! Very often, invented addresses may already be occupied by someone. Then you can add a number or letter to an existing word.

Now I have told you in general terms how to make an email. Now let’s take a closer look at how to register a mailbox on Yandex, Mail and other popular resources.

How to create an email for free on

First of all, I propose to consider how to create an email on the oldest Internet portal called The creators of this resource are probably the very first representatives of a free mail server. At some point, the website was overshadowed by newer and more modern email services, but its developers did not stand aside and seriously improved the service. After this, became more attractive to users, as the interface was redesigned, new functions were added, and account protection was improved.

In order to register a mailbox on the website, do the following:

Note! When registering, there is a field to indicate your mobile phone number. I advise you to register it so that in the future, if you forget your password, there will be no problems with restoring it.

After completing registration, you can immediately use your mail.

How to make an email on Yandex

Now let's look at how to create a mailbox on the server of the most popular Russian search engine. Many users choose Yandex mail because it has high speed and a simple, intuitive interface.

To create a mailbox for free on Yandex, follow these steps:

Note! When you create a password, the system will clearly show you its complexity in the form of color indicators. I recommend making strong passwords to protect your personal information from scammers.

It is also not necessary to enter a phone number, but if you enter it, there will be fewer problems when recovering a forgotten password.

Congratulations! Now you know how to create an email on Yandex.

How to create a mailbox on

If everything is filled out correctly, your account will be created. And you will be taken to the Google mail interface. Since Google has created a huge number of services: google photos, play market, translator, etc. Then by registering an email account, you automatically gain access to all popular resources.

That is, you will not have to register new credentials in the future, since it is the same for all Google services.

We create mail on Rambler.

Rambler mail is already a fairly old resource that appeared about 15 years ago. But for some reason it did not win the love of users. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the mail interface is somewhat simple and faceless. Although Rambler mail has all the necessary functions and should satisfy the needs of most users, it is still more suitable for ordinary correspondence between people.

If you are considering Rambler as a corporate client, then, unfortunately, nothing will be offered to you here.

If you still decide to use this email service, then do the following:

Note! In order to quickly fill out all the fields, you can use one of the social network accounts. The system will automatically take data from them.

Once your mail is registered, you can easily send letters to the desired recipients.

Pros and cons of email.

After we have figured out how to make an email, I propose to consider the pros and cons of email services.

Main disadvantages:

  • Possibility of hacking. Probably the most important danger that email users may face is having their mailbox hacked and losing confidential information. To at least somehow protect yourself, try to come up with the most complex password possible;
  • Flying spam. This is the second problem that bothers most users. Probably, many of you have already more than once encountered a huge number of advertising letters that arrive in the mail almost every day;
  • Not always a quick response to letters. As a rule, users do not always monitor incoming mail, therefore, if you write a letter, you may not receive an answer immediately, but after a few days;
  • The likelihood of infecting your computer with a virus. Since attackers very often send viruses in emails, I recommend opening emails from unknown senders with caution.

Positive points:

  • Ability to communicate and transfer files with an unlimited number of users;
  • The ability to communicate with people living anywhere in the world;
  • High speed of delivery of letters to the addressee;
  • Free opportunity to write letters rather than sending paper versions;
  • Ability to send mailings to a group of users.

How to make email on different devices

Above, we looked in detail at how to create an email using the most popular and free services: Gmail,, Rambler and Yandex Mail. As you can see, there shouldn’t be any problems creating a mailbox. The main thing is to choose the right service and follow the instructions described here. You can create an email address from any device that has access to the World Wide Web. Be it a tablet, smartphone, laptop or computer.

Mail.Ru home page

At the bottom of this form there will be a “Register by mail” button, which is what you need. You will be taken to the mailbox registration page, which contains a registration form.

To start registering, click on the link

There is nothing difficult about filling out the registration form. It contains mandatory fields, without which the mailbox will not be registered. The remaining fields (opposite which is the phrase “optional”) are filled in at the user’s request.

Personal data

Be sure to indicate your first and last name, as well as your date of birth. But no one checks this information.

This is what the registration form looks like

  1. Your first and last name will be displayed when sending emails.
  2. To indicate your date of birth, you must select the required parameters in the drop-down lists.
  3. You can specify the name of the locality by selecting the desired option from those offered in the drop-down list or by starting to enter the first letters of your option. If your option is not in the list, then you should select the closest settlement from those that are on the list. However, this field is not required to be filled in.
  4. Gender is indicated by toggling the button.

If personal data was entered incorrectly during registration, the mistake can be easily corrected. To do this, after completing registration, you will need to go to the “Personal Data” section in your mailbox settings and make corrections.

Mailbox name (login)

A login is a unique combination of letters, numbers and certain symbols that is located in front of the domain. The service provides the following domains to choose from:,,,

Choosing a mailbox name is a serious matter, since it is impossible to rename it. If you want to change your login, you will have to delete the created mailbox and register a new one.

The mailbox name can contain 4 – 31 characters.

When creating a login you must use:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • symbols: "-", "_" and "." The specified characters cannot be adjacent. The login cannot begin or end with them.

Chances are the name you're planning to use will be taken. You will be provided with a list of possible options based on your personal information. You can select an option from the proposed list or continue to select a login yourself.

List of possible login options

If the name you need is occupied in one of the selected domains, you can check it in the other three domains by clicking the small triangle in the field on the right and selecting another domain from the drop-down list.

It should be noted that in the login the case of letters does not matter, that is, the mailbox name can be typed in both lowercase and capital letters.

It is prohibited to register mailboxes with names that are similar to Mail.Ru service names and that include the words support, suport and admin.

When a green checkmark appears to the right of the login field, it means you can move on.

Composing a password

A strong password guarantees the security of all personal information contained on Mail.Ru. If you intend to constantly use your mailbox for serious purposes, you should take seriously the creation of a strong password and its safety.

The password can include 6-40 characters.

Allowed characters are:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * () — _ + = ; : , . / ? \ | ` ~ ( ).

Unlike the mailbox name, the case of the letters in the password is important, meaning it makes a difference whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters.

The password cannot:

  • include Russian letters;
  • consist only of numbers. The password must include numbers and letters. In addition, you need to use both lowercase and capital letters.
  • match your login and personal data.

The optimal period for using one password is from 3 to 12 months, after which it is advisable to change the password.

The password generation service from Mail.Ru will help you create a strong password that complies with all the rules.

Never tell third parties your mailbox password. In addition, you should know that Mail.Ru never asks its users for mailbox passwords. If you receive such a request, know that these are scammers’ tricks!

To make sure you entered the password correctly, you must enter the same password again in the next field.

Data for password recovery

Completing the following fields is necessary to ensure that you can recover your password if it is lost. There are two options to choose from:

  1. enter your mobile phone number. From the drop-down list you need to select a country and enter the phone number to which a message containing a confirmation code will be sent.
  2. enter an additional e-mail. Any other already registered mailbox will be useful if the password for the new mailbox is lost. Using an additional e-mail, you can recover your password by sending a message with your forgotten password.

After checking that the registration form is filled out correctly, click “Register”.

If you indicated a mobile phone number, you should enter the code received via SMS.

You should enter the code from the SMS in this form

If the phone number was not specified, then you should enter the code from the picture.

Click "Done". If everything is filled out correctly, then registration will take place, and you will go to the newly created mailbox, where a congratulatory letter is already waiting for you.

Login to your mailbox

Login to the mail is carried out using the form already familiar to us

In order to log into your registered mailbox, you should:

  1. Go to the main page by typing “” in your browser or search engine, or by following the link
  2. On the main page of the portal, follow the “Mail” link, or use the filling form, which is presented in the upper left corner.
  3. Specify your login by selecting your domain in the drop-down list and enter your password.
  4. Click the “Login” button. If the data is entered correctly, you will be taken to the “Inbox” folder, where you can view messages, reply to them, and delete them.

If, after entering data, an error message appears in front of you, you should check:

  • the username is entered correctly;
  • correct choice of domain;
  • language and case of password entry.

If you check the “remember” field, which is located under the “Login” button, then in the future you will not need to enter your login and password every time. The transition from the main page to the mailbox will be carried out automatically. But you should not do this if other users are using this computer.

Oddly enough, in the 21st computer century we still cannot do without mail, or rather, without email. Every newcomer, when getting acquainted with the global Internet, is faced with the task of creating and registering his own free mailbox, since without his Email he will not be able to register in any social network or various services, and besides, using the email mailbox it is convenient to send messages anywhere Sveta. From this article you can learn: what email is, how to register a mailbox, which email service to choose for your email address, and many more interesting and useful things.

Email - what is it?

Email is a technology that allows you to transmit messages, pictures, videos and music files at a distance to other Internet participants (in English this is: electronicmail, abbreviated - e-mail oremail). In other words, e-mail is an analogue of regular “paper” mail, but only on the international Internet. The following concepts are also used here: letter, send, receive, attachment, signature, address. In everyday life, people usually say “electronic”, “soap”, “box”, “email”.

If you think that email is a fairly young creation, I hasten to surprise you - it is already more than half a century old! According to the most recent data, the appearance of e-mail is 1965 - it was then that Noel Morris and Tom Van Vleck (employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) developed the program « mail", with the help of which it became possible to transmit messages between workstations connected to one large computer:

After the advent of the global domain name system (DNS), domain names were used for communication, for example: box@, it was then that the so-called “dog” appeared - @ .

And finally, in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, mass email services appeared:

  • 1996 – Hotmail launched;
  • 1997 – Yahoo! mail;
  • 1998 – Russian service;
  • 2000 – Yandex Mail;
  • 2004 – Gmail Google.

The advantages of email include: ease of remembering the email address, which usually looks like this: mailbox_name@service_domain; another plus is the ability to send any information: text, files, images, audio, video, programs, etc.; independence of postal services; reliability and speed of mail delivery.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted such a phenomenon as SPAM– mass mailing of advertising information without the consent of the owner of the mailbox; Like regular mail, email is also prone to delays in the delivery of letters; and the last minus is the limitation on the size of the sent attachment; usually it should not exceed 10 GB. Mail) is a mail service from the oldest search engine “Yahoo!”, quite popular in the West, but not very widespread in our country. There is a Russian interface. Can be used for secondary purposes. Register here:

How to register an email - I share secrets

If you have read this far, then the issue of choosing a mail service (see above) has been resolved for you. The registration process for all mailers is basically the same and has been described many times on the Internet, so I won’t repeat this. I’d rather share with you some secrets that few beginners know about:

  1. You can register as many mailboxes as you like on different services (Gmail, YandexMail, MailRu, etc.). There are no restrictions on the number of email addresses for one person.
  2. To create an email, it is not necessary to indicate a phone number; you can do without it, then during registration you will be asked to enter a “secret” question, the answer to which only you know. Advice: If you are concerned about the safety of the contents of your mailbox, indicate your mobile phone number when registering, this will protect your mail from hacking by 99%. If you already have an email account, you can also link your phone number to it; this option is now available in most email services.
  3. Choosing name for your email do not create too long and complex, they are difficult to remember, here are examples of such “stupid” addresses: as.petrov_otdelserv@, alina1988.menedjer@, kri987456321@ - apparently people have difficulty with imagination... Of course, all the beautiful and short names have long been taken (in networks even sell such “beautiful” boxes!), but with some effort you can come up with something original and easy to remember, for example: 77box@, doctor77@, freemen@, infomehanik@ :-).
  4. Email password It is important that the more complex it is, the more difficult it will be for burglars to pick it up. But there is a flip side to the coin - the longer the password, the more difficult it is to remember. Therefore, I recommend making passwords 10-15 characters long and writing them down separately somewhere in a notebook. You can, of course, store passwords in a browser or in special programs, but this is less secure. Include letters, numbers, and symbols in your password. Sharing a trick– to make it easier to remember the password, type it in Russian words, but in the English keyboard layout, for example, your password "Puss in Boots" in English layout it will look like this: « rjndcfgjuf[». But don’t leave the password in such a simple form, complicate it by adding capital letters, several characters and numbers: “ Puss!in!Boots10"- in English it will look like this: « Rjn!d!fgjuf)