What you need to earn bitcoins. Moon Bitcoin service -. Advantages of mining on your own computer

Hello, in this article we will talk about the virtual currency - Bitcoin.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to earn bitcoins with and without investments.
  2. What to do with bitcoins.
  3. How much do they earn?

Working ways to earn bitcoins

First, watch a 3-minute video that literally tells you about the Bitcoin cryptocurrency:

Earning bitcoins using a computer is becoming more difficult. Just a few years ago, when Bitcoin was just beginning its “promotion,” it was possible for anyone to earn the average salary of an office worker. Now, with the advent of the big coin, we have to come up with new ways to actually earn coins.


Mining is the extraction of currency using a video card, one of the first ways to earn cryptocurrency. It has its drawbacks, although it is considered the most reliable and profitable.

About two years ago, you could earn money thanks to a video card, which did not require any expenses. The whole point was that the currency “hunter” built gold mines in a game form, extracted gold and exchanged it for real money.

Now, in order to earn money, you need to create or buy a special computer configuration with an expensive video card. Not only will the configuration cost a lot of money, but you will also have to pay twice as much for electricity. That is why mining, as an unprofitable method, goes down a step from the top every month.

Advantages of mining on your own computer

Disadvantages of mining on your own computer

1. It is possible to sell equipment at a discount at any time.

2. Complete minimization of speculation.

3. You choose which currency to “hunt” for.

4. Automatic earnings of bitcoins.

1. Equipment handled in this manner has a high risk of breakdown. Added to all this is the low likelihood of warranty service.

2. Noise and double the electricity use.

3. It is not possible to create large farms in your own apartment.

4. Due to Internet outages, work is completely interrupted (even if it has lasted for several days), and the farm has to be started again.

The offer of mining among “hunters” is considered only if it is possible to pay half the cost of electricity or not pay for it at all.

Cloud mining

The essence of cloud mining is that you don’t have to spend money on a computer, video card, and so on. You are offered to rent computing power on remote servers. However, cloud mining has been almost completely “attacked” by scammers who successfully hide after receiving the rental payment. So be careful with this.

The purchase of capacity occurs in hashes. The computer unit increment system is identical to bytes. It is advisable to purchase Giga or Terahashi. This is a more reliable option.

The average cost of one Gigahash depends on the exchange rate. For example, in 2016, 1 bitcoin cost about $650. 1 Gigahash cost 0.0006 bitcoins ($0.47). This will be enough for a stable income of 1 bitcoin per week.


Bitcoin appeared in 2008 and its cost was negligible. In 2017, the cost increased a million times. An investment carries some risk. With a long-term investment in cryptocurrency, it is possible for the price to rise, stop, or fall.

After several years, many people regret that they did not contribute, for example, in 2013. It was at the end of this year that the price began to rise, which later rose “to the skies.”

Bitcoin farm

Mining farm – a chain of computers that perform calculations around the clock, 365 days a year. The way a farm works is that you provide a specific program with the processing power of your computer. The video cards built into the farm operate at the limit of their capabilities.

Farms occupy a pyramid position. They are beneficial only to those who started doing this at the time of the birth and “promotion” of cryptocurrency. Many people, having learned that a mining farm brings in $1,000 a month, spend fortunes on it, but what happens then?

Perhaps in the first month the farm will give you the desired money. But the fact is that over time, the computing power requested by the program and servers increases. And the power of your farm remains the same as in the first month. As a result, earnings will decrease.

In the best case, the owner of such a device begins to try to fix something, but nothing works, and therefore he has to sell the farm.

Next, the second pitfall: your farm worked hard, for example, for about six months or a year. You bought it for 100,000 - 150,000 thousand rubles, and in a year its cost due to constant work will be about 60,000 thousand rubles.

But does anyone make money on these farms? Yes, on the computing power of those who buy up hangars and completely fill them with farms. They invest several million and buy about hundreds of thousands of video cards. This brings income, but newcomers who have stepped on the second pitfall make money only by selling these same mining farms.

To avoid getting hooked by those who sell farms, ask yourself: why is he selling it if it generates income? True miners who know all the intricacies and nuances of making money will not dare to decide to sell what generates income.

How the farm works and what you get paid for

Bitcoin is a decentralized unit. It does not have a single server or developer who would do this. This is why when you download special mining software, you turn your computer into a piece of the server. And there are quite a lot of people like you. If you put all these particles together, you get a powerful server.

To give people an incentive to remain part of the server, the system pays rewards in the form of virtual currency. That is, miners receive money for donating the power of their computer to the system.

Remember that it is impossible to quickly earn bitcoins, and it is also impossible to earn them simply by placing a farm on the windowsill and minding your own business. This is a kind of investment in which you need to wait for payback, you need to constantly work on it, delve into new subtleties and monitor the rate of virtual currency daily.

Earning bitcoins without investment

It is quite possible to make money on Bitcoins from scratch, but it will take a lot of time. At the moment, there are a huge number of servers that offer free currency, more precisely, Satoshi (one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin). All you have to do is enter captchas, go to websites or watch videos. In general, a full-fledged job.

Where to earn bitcoins

Free Bitcoin servers are called Bitcoin faucets. The earnings are not high, but you also do not perform complex tasks. Initially, faucets were created to “promote” currency, but now they are the easiest and most popular way to make money. Plus, there is a referral program on all servers. By attracting partners, you receive additional income.

Several ways to earn currency without investment:

  1. Bitcoin collection.

The easiest way to get bitcoins. The registered user is asked to either enter a captcha or view an advertisement, and after the action is completed, they are paid from 50 to 200 satoshi.

Typically, such faucets have a timer for entering a captcha or viewing an advertisement. On some sites, the entry can be repeated every five minutes, while on others it can be repeated every hour. Experienced “hunters” suggest setting up 10 – 20 servers for coin mining, because it is very difficult to get even an average income from one such faucet.

If you have or a well-promoted social network, then this method is just for you. You can leave affiliate links to Bitcoin faucets where a certain number of people will see them. Thus, we are back to the referral system again. For referrals, that is, partners, the service determines your percentage.

  1. Automatic earnings on faucets.

Making money on a machine is the best option for finding virtual currency. This is a fairly simple method that is suitable for those who want to make a profit without any action at all. In order to earn money, you just need to install the special STARTAVTOBET application on your computer, and it will bring you money automatically.

What to do with earned bitcoins

If you have earned your first bitcoin, then the question arises: what to do with it? Before you start working, any server you want to register on will offer to open a wallet with which it cooperates.

This is absolutely the same system as, for example, if you paid your child’s tuition through a university partner bank: minimal commission or no commission at all, and the money will be received one hundred percent. Many Bitcoin faucets withdraw earnings automatically if you enter your wallet number.

After the first cryptocurrency has been successfully earned, it must be withdrawn. Many advanced “workers” advise not to wait for the rate to double or increase, but to withdraw the amounts immediately, because there is a huge risk of “burning out”.

Bitcoin withdrawal

It is legal to withdraw bitcoins to an electronic account. Unfortunately, this currency cannot be cashed out, but there have been cases when it was used to pay in online stores.

The following ways to receive cryptocurrency are available:

  1. You can withdraw through exchanges.

Exchange systems have flooded the Internet. They allow users to engage in a system of purchases and sales, as well as cryptocurrency conversion (conversion is the ability of currencies to exchange among themselves). The commission on exchanges is minimal, but you need to wait until there is a buyer for your product.

A popular exchange is a great chance to quickly exchange a coin. The most reliable exchanges are those that, after registration, ask you to make a deposit and undergo verification, and only after that they provide a full list of transactions.

  1. Exchangers.

The most reliable and proven method by many people. Almost instant payments to your desired wallets. But of course, the exchanger requires a fee for its operations.

  1. Forums.

This is perhaps the most unsafe method of exchanging currency. It is built through a forum on the complete trust of strangers in each other. And here the chance of becoming a participant in a dishonest deal increases.

On specialized forums it is possible to find a specific person with whom you will make a transaction, but this will take some time. The advantages of this option are zero commission and instant exchange.

How much do you earn on bitcoins?

The more people mine or register for Bitcoin faucets, the less you will earn. Imagine a circle that is divided into ten equal parts. A circle is information that you need to process, and for this processed circle you pay 20 bitcoins.

There are ten people like you, and when you process this circle, one tenth of all the money will end up in your wallet. Now imagine that a thousand more people find out about this circle, which means that now the reward will be a thousand times less.

The Bitcoin exchange rate is not backed by anything and is extremely unstable. It changes almost every hour. This happens because its fall and rise depend only on two factors: buying and selling.

Example. If one person decides to sell ten bitcoins, the rate will fall quite low, and if he decides to buy them, the rate will increase. It also depends directly on the news. If a well-known news newspaper writes that they want to block the cryptocurrency, then the rate will be almost equal to the minimum.

When considering mining as an option for making money on cryptocurrency, the daily income will be about 600 rubles per day. And this is with the most powerful gaming computer. If you take a computer of average power, then the maximum income will be 50-60 rubles.

Alternative ways to make money on Bitcoins

People don’t really want to wait for their cloud mining to take off or for a certain amount of Satoshi to be collected on a Bitcoin faucet.

In order to earn 1 bitcoin per week, you can use the following methods:

  1. Take advantage of cryptocurrency doublers.

Doublers operate on the “invest - get twice as much” system. In this case, you need to be careful and not jump into the pool headlong. Beginners who invest large sums to receive what they think is the same cryptocurrency are left with nothing.

In case of “victory” over the doubler, it is recommended to use only those servers that offer small percentages (2-3% per day). There is no need to “scroll” the money several times either. It’s better to do it once, withdraw and invest further amounts. This will be more reliable, and you definitely won’t get burned out.

The operating principle of doublers is based on the arrival of newcomers to the system who invest money. In this case, payments to existing participants continue. But such servers later turn into scams and are forgotten.

Earning money from honest services is not built on the principle of a pyramid, like future scams, but on the principle of deposits in official financial institutions, where they pay a small percentage on the account balance. In order to earn 1 bitcoin per week, you need to invest 15.

  1. Casino.

There are small lotteries or casinos on Bitcoin faucets. With an accumulated amount of several hundred Satoshi, you have the opportunity to win at the casino and earn currency for free.

  1. Exchange.

Traders no longer want to earn one bitcoin a week. They want the same results in a few days or even hours. Trading takes place according to the standard market system: we buy cheaper and sell more expensive.

The exchange rate does not depend on any influences. The main task of a trader is not to panic when the rate begins to decline rapidly. Just wait until the price rises again and sell. For your patience you will receive very decent money.

It took Bitcoin a little less than a decade from its inception before it became one of the most popular means of virtual transfers. There are many reasons for this: no transaction fees, anonymity, well-coordinated work and no critical flaws. Many users were attracted by the logical question of how to earn bitcoins.

The increase in capitalization, which by the spring of 2018 reached more than $450 billion, only increases people’s interest in cryptocurrency. At the same time, a considerable proportion of users are interested in the possible and real prospects of Bitcoin as a means of earning money.

Purchase and storage

If you don’t know how to start earning bitcoins, 7 ways start with this. Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​storing large amounts of cryptocurrency. For some, earning Bitcoin without investment quickly evokes associations with financial pyramids. Most users (especially at the beginning of the development of cryptocurrency) had similar thoughts for a reason. Often, bitcoin earnings turned into failure due to the fall in exchange rate. Others succeeded in joining the ranks of BTC holders in time and are now reaping the benefits. For them, making money on the Internet using Bitcoin has become a reality.

This method is not suitable for those who are interested in how to earn bitcoin without investment. In order to think about this method of self-sufficiency, it is enough to give a brief excursion into history. In 2009, the BTC rate was $1 per 1300 BTC. Currently (May 2018) the price of one military-technical vehicle is 8 thousand dollars. The growth of the exchange rate about two million times over 9 years demonstrates the unprecedented benefits of using a means of payment instead of deposits in banks. Here is the answer to the question of how to earn btc quickly without investments. And the question of how to get bitcoins does not arise so acutely. Hundreds of exchangers with a good reputation have been working with cryptocurrency for a long time.

Is the game worth the candle?

However, Bitcoin can sometimes lose its value. As often happens in a free market. Sometimes additional demand for shares, currency or any other asset arises due to existing demand. People want to buy something because they are already buying it - many want to earn bitcoins, quickly and a lot. This leads to a phenomenon that economists call "soap". The desire to take it significantly outstrips the real cost. And after some time, this leads to a sharp and sudden drop in price.

Something similar happened with Bitcoin:

  1. In 2011, having risen to $31 apiece, the currency fell sharply to $10. The reason was a series of wallet hacks, which undermined user confidence.
  2. In 2013, the price of Bitcoin fell from $266 to $109. The reason is the same “soap bubble”. Seeing the huge bitcoin earnings, users began to pour too much money into the cryptocurrency. The catalyst was the arrest of members of the Silk Road website, one of its largest consumers.
  3. In the same year, the cost of 1 military vehicle soared first to 700, and then to 1 thousand and, finally, to 1200 dollars. But in 2013, Bitcoin had bad luck, because in December the Chinese government banned its use by law. Given that a huge portion of the trading took place on Chinese exchanges, this brought the price down to $600. For some, their dreams of making money with Bitcoin have been dashed.

Now cryptocurrency is experiencing a peak: in a number of countries it has already been recognized as a legal means of payment and businessmen have been allowed to use it to pay for services. A number of critics speak in this vein: if the Bitcoin exchange rate has already fallen so much three times, it may fall again.

But for those who want to invest their funds long-term, there are a number of counterarguments:

  1. The platform has been around for a long time and all critical vulnerabilities have been fixed. Bitcoin virtual money: “how to make money?” and “how not to lose them?” – questions that no longer plague the Internet community.
  2. Most countries have already expressed their loyalty to cryptocurrency. This opens up new possibilities for how to quickly earn Bitcoin.
  3. Websites that were involved in illegal trade are mostly closed. This cleared the btc electronic money from its tarnished reputation. Both earning currency and selling it have become easier.
  4. occurs with an eye on previous drops in the price of military-technical cooperation. Most traders already clearly understand how to make money on Bitcoin.

How to invest in bitcoins and is it worth it?

Of course, there are many disadvantages to such an investment. For example, it will be quite difficult to predict the profitability of such an operation. And at the right moment for withdrawal, the Bitcoin rate may creep down and you won’t be able to earn Bitcoin quickly this way.

But it’s foolish to deny: in the long term, storing your savings in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency is incredibly profitable and safe. Now not a single means of payment has even a fraction of the prospects as much as the Internet currency BTC: both earning and selling it will be easier over time.

Decentralization means that even as a result of a major crisis, Bitcoin will not disappear. But a bank deposit can. And if you compare the average yield of a means of payment compared to the modest 10% per annum that is given on foreign currency deposits. It becomes clear why BTC capitalization is growing so quickly.

Exchange trading

There is an answer to how to earn bitcoins on the Internet, and for lovers of trading on Forex and binary options exchanges, cryptocurrencies will also be a discovery - completely similar tools for trading and opportunities to earn money are available here. The most popular are:

  • about three dozen with less turnover.

The easiest way to make money is to search for exchanges where information about the fall (growth) is updated the fastest. With a delay of one to one and a half minutes, the user has time to “predict” the rate and make a transaction. Only the Bitcoin exchange provides this opportunity. It has become possible to both earn and spend a substantial amount without knowledge of trading and economics. At the same time, the user does not need to think about where to earn bitcoin.

Doing Business with Bitcoin

How can you make money on Bitcoin? Another simple way to earn cryptocurrency is to create any traditional type of business accepting btc as payment. There are a huge number of options here:

  • work for bitcoins;
  • exchange of cryptocurrency for standard means of payment;
  • earnings on bitcoin from creating a store;
  • implementation of transaction security in quality.

It’s worth noting right away: Bitcoin has not yet been accepted as a means of payment in the territory. In other CIS and European countries, the electronic currency bitcoin has been fully legalized. You can both earn and spend it in unlimited quantities. At the same time, exchanging btc for another currency in foreign exchangers, and only then for the ruble, is allowed and not punished - good advice for those interested in how to make money on bitcoin without investments.

Nowadays programmers most often use btc as payment. The minimal commission for transfers from anywhere in the world made the currency very interesting for them. Yes, you won’t be able to simply earn bitcoins without investments automatically from scratch - now the currency is already self-sufficient. And also in Europe, cafes gradually began to open that accept electronic currency - this is where you can earn bitcoins without investment and become a pioneer.

Bitcoin faucets

Bitcoin faucets are another quick way to earn bitcoins, which are an advertising platform with banners. The owner creates a simple game to make users stay on his site longer and generate more income. The resources themselves are divided into two main types:

  • actually, ;
  • rotators (sites that contain several links to faucets).

In addition to the reward and income itself, you can invite friends for performing simple actions and receive Bitcoin for it. Most sites of this type have a well-thought-out referral program. Only the use of bots and macros, as well as the use of ad blockers, is not allowed on them - earning bitcoin without investments is impossible on the machine. How is the answer to the question “?” It’s not good for making money, but faucets are a good way to top up your wallet for the first time.

There are also disadvantages: the withdrawal threshold is too high, earnings on the Internet of bitcoins without investments are returned no more than once a week (usually, there are also faucets with instant payout - moonbit). And the ratio of income to time spent is very low.

Entering captcha

To earn bitcoin without investments, you will need to enter the characters from the picture in a short time. A referral program is also supported - you can invite friends and acquaintances interested in earning coins. Any such site will ask you for a simple set of registration data before starting: email, password and wallet address.

Now this area is also experiencing stagnation: the amount of remuneration has fallen with the increase in the exchange rate, which does not allow you to earn enough money. Nevertheless, as a hobby, making money on Bitcoin without investing on a machine is not so bad.

Sweepstakes and poker rooms

It will not be a secret to many that similar services based on working with cryptocurrency have existed for a long time. Many players from traditional poker rooms have already switched to Bitcoin. In a number of countries, this type of earnings is officially prohibited and transfers to and from the accounts of such companies are blocked, which is impossible to do when using bitcoin. You can earn and spend the amount as you wish. With certain gaming skills, master the still unoccupied and empty market, where the average level of players is much lower.

There are also disadvantages: given the youth of most of these projects. Clients of poker rooms may not be sufficiently developed. It is also worth noting that administrators do not hesitate to increase the commission for withdrawing Bitcoin to really serious (10–15% of the amount) values.


When talking about how to earn bitcoins, it is impossible not to mention. At its core, this process is renting out the computing power of your computer in exchange for free coins and a way to earn bitcoins quickly and a lot without investing on the machine (2018).

But at the moment, the complexity of creating new blocks has become so high that specialized chips for calculating hashes worth hundreds of dollars do not even cover the cost of electricity. Most miners have long switched to young cryptocurrencies (like ). You won’t be able to earn btc on the same platform. Now it's either or.

How to earn bitcoins (video)


The concept of a decentralized currency that works with accounts around the globe creates a huge number of new opportunities to make money. At the same time, traditional types of business available to the average person also function if the legislation allows the use of Bitcoin in your country. Another advantage of the platform: in Eastern Europe and Asia there are a large number of empty niches that have not yet been occupied by young entrepreneurs and companies. This is where you can make money.

In the era of modern, constantly improving financial instruments, it is difficult to surprise anyone with the emergence of new payment systems that handle large amounts. However, a programmer under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto succeeded. In 2009, he published the source code for his project. This date can be considered the beginning of the existence of the Bitcion payment system.

The word is quite unusual to hear, because it has never been used by anyone before. But, despite this and a number of other paradoxes, this financial instrument has been constantly gaining popularity since the beginning of its existence, and today a fairly large audience on the Internet already knows about it. What else is currency used for other than earning and spending it? It is for this reason that with the introduction of tools for its extraction into the global space (as receiving bitcoin is called), huge masses of users rushed to master the treasured “coins”. Many people only know about the existence of bitcoin and have no idea how to earn this currency. There are several ways to get it, including those where investments are not required. This article will discuss where to earn bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin

Bitcoin stands for this: bit is a unit of information, and coin is a coin. If we talk about what “Bitcoin” is in practice, then it is a universal payment system that does not have a single center and, as a result, one owner. Essentially, everyone who uses them, that is, mines and spends them, has bitcoins. This is quite difficult to wrap your head around, but this is exactly how it works. Another paradox is that this currency does not have an official wallet.

There are many services that provide bitcoin storage services, for example blockchain.info. Here, upon registration, a long individual address is issued, which can be indicated in various services for earning this cryptocurrency. This was done for the reason that the potential audience of the currency is the whole world, so there should be enough addresses for everyone. After you have earned a lot of bitcoins, you can send them to your wallet, and then exchange them on the exchange for another currency that is used everywhere. What is the reason for the popularity of this money? Probably, first of all, their novelty and unusualness. After all, until now no one has ever tried to create something like this - money that has no real value. Another important point is the anonymity of use. At the same time, all transactions are visible to users, but none of them can track who made the transfers and to whom.

History of Bitcoin

Development of the project began back in 2007, but it first saw the light of day in 2009. The developer (or group of developers) under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published the source code of his creation, after which it began to spread at high speed across the World Wide Web.

Initially, the Bitcoin rate was equivalent to the dollar rate, but over time, due to increasing popularity, it began to grow and reached $800 per Bitcoin. And this is already quite an impressive amount, and those who managed to earn money without investing bitcoin from the very beginning, after some time quickly enriched themselves due to the appreciation of the currency. Unfortunately, Bitcoin is now falling, and its rate is about three hundred dollars. However, even this is impressive. Some predict a collapse of the currency, others - on the contrary. And still others even consider it a global financial pyramid. You can learn more about the history of the currency on the official website bitcoin.org. Unfortunately, this site will not tell you how to earn the coveted coins.

Currency Features

Before you learn how to quickly earn bitcoin, you need to understand what this currency is. After all, understanding the principles of operation will allow you to extract it more efficiently. So here are a few features:

  1. Bitcoin is not backed by any circumstances. This means that it is not a debt obligation, like traditional money. Its price directly depends on demand. The higher it is, the higher the value of the currency. To make this easier to understand, we can draw a parallel with precious metals: as long as there is demand for them, they will be in price. That is, theoretically, Bitcoin could fall to zero. Therefore, everyone interested in earning this cryptocurrency must provide the system with new “miners.”
  2. Bitcoin does not have one center. All payment system data is stored by the owners of the currency. And the number of units mined and in demand determines the exchange rate.
  3. One of the unique features is the limited currency. Initially, the code contains 21 million coins, the emission of which into the network is 25 times every 10 minutes. These coins are distributed among the miners, meaning it makes sense to maintain powerful hardware to get a larger share of the minted units. Emissions are halved every 4 years, which ensures a permanent increase in the price of the currency - the system has a deflationary structure. However, after all bitcoins are mined, they will be distributed among the owners, so the history of the system will continue.
  4. As noted above, the anonymity of using currency. Despite the fact that any transaction can be tracked, it is not possible to recognize its subscribers, since bitcoins belong simultaneously to everyone who uses them.
  5. No commission for transfers. This is explained quite easily. Since there is no single center, there is no need to pay for its work.

Knowing these features, it is much easier to understand how to earn bitcoin.

Disadvantages of currency

Like any system, the Bitcoin project has a number of shortcomings, one cannot say that they are too serious, but they still exist. Firstly, the absence of a single regulator does not make it possible to cancel currency transactions. This can be used by scammers. The second disadvantage can be considered the complexity of application. Cryptocurrency is an extremely extraordinary thing that completely changes the concept of money, so for many it is a dark forest. The third and probably the most significant drawback is the risk of becoming a prohibited currency. A number of states have already taken this step, wanting to completely control the economic situation. Bitcoin is an anonymous currency, which the government is actively fighting due to the impossibility of tracking financial transactions. This creates very fertile ground for scammers. Nevertheless, more and more often people use bitcoin for payments. Let's look at how to earn this currency below.

Ways to earn bitcoin

There are several ways to earn a lot of bitcoin. First, let's list them, and then analyze each one separately.

  1. It’s quite easy to get them using so-called faucets - special services that distribute bitcoins free of charge. How to earn? Unfortunately, the program used to extract them has not yet been created, so it will not be possible to automate the process. By the way, he's not worth it.
  2. Bitcoin mining, or mining. using the power of a computer.
  3. Currency trading on the stock exchange. Automation of this process is also impossible, but it brings significant profits in a fairly short period of time.

Earning money using faucets

This type of mining appeared relatively recently. It is not worth dwelling on it for a long time, since its profitability is not very high. In short, the point is to play a free lottery. Once in a certain period of time, the user gets the opportunity to guess the captcha, play and receive a reward in the form of bitcoins. However, their number is so small that it will take a lot of time to earn at least half of one bitcoin. You can ask a logical question: “What are the benefits of faucet sites?” After visiting, the question will disappear by itself - they are literally crammed with advertising banners.

Earnings from mining

It is worth dwelling on this method in more detail, since it is the main one for obtaining bitcoins. How to earn? Mining is mining at the expense of computing Groups of such miners, or, as they are also called, miners, organize pools to combine the power of machines for more efficient mining of cryptocurrency. It is “virtual miners” who ensure the life of the system, as they create demand for bitcoin. How to make money from this? There are two options: independent mining and joining a pool. The first option is not very profitable, since it is unlikely that a home computer will have the capacity to successfully “mine” bitcoins. But you will only be accepted into the pool if the car pays off. Therefore, many, lacking their own capacity, buy a share in the pool, which brings constant passive income, depending on the size of this share.

Earnings on the stock exchange

There are two ways here: either invest in bitcoins and wait for the rate to rise, or actively speculate on minor fluctuations. Both methods have a right to exist, but a certain amount of start-up capital may be required. Nevertheless, a competent game can bring good profits, which may well become a source of permanent income.

How to cash out bitcoins

So, we figured out where you can earn bitcoin. Now you need to decide how to use them. If you plan to continue working in this industry, then the best way would be to invest your money in mining pools. Payments are also made in bitcoin and do not require conversion. If you still need to use these funds, you can resort to the services of numerous exchangers, and then operate with regular money. By the way, some services already accept bitcoins as a settlement currency.

Future of bitcoin

There are several opinions regarding the continued existence of this cryptocurrency. Experts believe that the currency exchange rate will gradually increase due to emission restrictions. Due to this, the currency will cover a wide segment of the market. Some believe that the latest rate changes are the beginning of the end. At the moment, investing in bitcoin is dangerous, since it is unknown what will happen to its value, since at the moment the rate does not have a clearly defined direction of movement.


Now, after a more detailed acquaintance with earning it, it became clear. There's really nothing complicated about it. You just need to be patient and a little smart. Paradoxically, Bitcoin is a currency that came out of nowhere. Therefore, it is available to everyone who wants to receive it.

The virtual currency Bitcoin, or cryptocurrency as it is also called, was created in 2009. During this time, she gained great popularity, which is growing to this day. And not in vain, because for one bitcoin (1 BTC) they already give more than $600! The Bitcoin rate is growing rapidly and more and more people want to earn this cryptocurrency. Earning Bitcoins accessible to any Internet user. There are sites on the Internet that give away Bitcoin for free and they are called “Faucets”. In order to earn bitcoins, you need to visit such a faucet and enter the captcha. After this you will be credited with satoshi. Satoshi is a smaller Bitcoin coin (1 Bitcoin = 100,000,000 Satoshi). Each faucet distributes Satoshi after a certain period of time. In order to withdraw earned satoshi from faucets, you need to create Bitcoin wallets CoinPot, Blockchain, FaucetHub and Cryptonator, where they will be stored and accumulated. I recommend getting all the wallets listed. From these wallets you can easily withdraw Bitcoin to Webmoney, and for Ukrainian citizens it is possible to immediately withdraw Bitcoin to a Privat Bank card. is available to everyone and will not take much time, just visit the faucets periodically and earn popular cryptocurrency. Below are collected best Bitcoin faucets who give out Satoshi for free.

Best Bitcoin faucets

A stable faucet that distributes free bitcoins every hour (from 302 satoshi to 0.3 bitcoin). Here you can also increase your bitcoin earnings by playing the game and taking part in the lottery. You can withdraw your earnings when you have at least 30 thousand satoshi in your account. For withdrawal it is better to use a Blockchain wallet.

This faucet for earning cryptocurrency is the sibling of the popular Free Bitcoin and they are both the brainchild of the same creator. This faucet also pays consistently and has a very similar interface, but unlike Free Bitcoin, here you can earn Dogecoin cryptocurrency. When registering, you need to provide your email and Dogecoin address. If you use a CoinPot, FaucetHub or Cryptonator wallet, then the Dogecoin address can be taken from there. Moreover, there you can exchange your earned Dogecoin for bitcoins! For one “Claim” the faucet will award you from 0.5 to 22000 Dogecoin. The timer here is also every hour. Withdrawals are made once a week on Sunday.

One of the best bitcoin faucets, which is entirely in Russian. Bitcoins are distributed every 15 minutes. If you visit the faucet every day, the number of Satoshi you receive will increase by 100% and you can get up to 400 Satoshi per stamp! In addition, this faucet constantly gives out bonuses that can significantly increase your earnings. You can also increase your earned bitcoins by playing the game "Dice". To withdraw funds you need to earn at least 20 thousand satoshi.

Earning bitcoins with this faucet is as easy as with the previous Bonus bitcoin cryptocurrency distributor! To get free bitcoins just complete the captcha. All earned bitcoins are immediately transferred to your CoinPot account, from where you can transfer earned satoshis to any bitcoin address, including Webmoney.

A decent faucet that is radically different from others. Here satoshis are not distributed after a certain point in time, but accumulate every minute and you can collect them whenever you want, but not more often than every 5 minutes. I recommend visiting this faucet to collect bitcoins 2-3 times a day. All Bitcoins earned automatically appear in your CoinPot account.

A faucet similar to the previous one for earning cryptocurrency. Only here you will earn Dogecoin currency. If you wish, you can exchange your Dogecoin for Bitcoin in your CoinPot wallet. If you visit this faucet every day, you can significantly increase your earnings due to the bonuses distributed for activity!

The third faucet from the "Moon" line for earning Litecoin cryptocurrency. There is also no timer and the amount of Litecoin you can earn increases every minute. After you enter the captcha and click on the "Claim" button, the Litecoin you earned will appear in your CoinPot account, where you can exchange it for bitcoins and withdraw to any wallet.

Another similar faucet with a cryptocurrency accumulative system. Here you can earn a currency called Dash, which you can then easily exchange for Bitcoin. If you visit this faucet every day, your earnings will increase due to additional bonuses. I recommend coming here to collect bitcoins 2-3 times a day. Dash earned automatically appears in your CoinPot account.

The latest faucet from the "Moon" family, where you can earn Cash cryptocurrency. Additional bonuses and interest for activity are also awarded here, so I recommend coming here every day. Similar to other faucets, Cash earned can be exchanged for Bitcoin all in the same CoinPot.

Great crane where you can earn Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency. Every 30 minutes You can make a Claim for two cryptocurrencies, for which you will receive 16-18 Satoshi. Compared to other faucets, this is even very good. In principle, you can withdraw earned satoshi to any wallet, but the FaucetHub wallet is better suited, since no commissions are charged when withdrawing to it!

Bitcoin faucets with withdrawals to CoinPot

CoinPot is a special wallet for storing and collecting various cryptocurrencies from faucets. This is like a transit point between the faucet and your bitcoin wallet, which simplifies the collection of bitcoins. A lot of faucets cooperate with CoinPot because it is very easy and convenient to work with. You don't even need to register for this service. After you collect bitcoins from any faucet that cooperates with CoinPot, your account on this service will be created automatically. In order to enter it you just need to go to the CoinPot website and indicate your e-mail. On your account you will see all the bitcoins that you collected from the faucets. Earned bitcoins are automatically withdrawn to your bitcoin wallet within two days after you have collected at least 13 thousand satoshi. The minimum withdrawal threshold can be changed at your discretion. The CoinPot service also provides detailed statistics on which faucet and how many Satoshi came from.

# Crane name Cryptocurrency Timer
1. Bitcoin 15 minutes
2. Bitcoin No
3. Bitcoin No
4. Dogecoin No
5. Litecoin No
6. Dash No
7. Cash No

Bitcoin faucets with withdrawal on FaucetHub

# Crane name Cryptocurrency Satoshi/ Timer
1. Ethereum Faucet + Lottery Ethereum 120-600000 / 60 min.
2. Doge Faucet + Lottery Dogecoin 0.2-800 / 60 min.
3. Dash Faucet + Lottery Dashcoin 170-1200000 / 60 min.
4. Litecoin Faucet + Lottery Litecoin 500-2500000 / 60 min.
5. Blackcoin Faucet + Lottery Blackcoin 0.003-20 / 60 min.
6. Potcoin Faucet + Lottery Potcoin 0.006-60 / 60 min.
7. PPC Faucet + Lottery Peercoin 0.00032-1.6 / 60 min.
8. + Lottery Primecoin 0.0015-8 / 60 min.
9. + Lottery Ethereum 50-55000 /60 min
10. + Lottery Dogecoin 0.04-15 /15 min
11. 12 cryptocurrencies -- / 15 minutes.
12. Bitcoin/Ethereum 16-18 / 30 min.
13. Snails Racing Litecoin 150-250 / 60 min
14. Snails Racing Litecoin 250-500 / 24 h
15. Snails Racing Bitcoin Cash 20-50 / 24 h
16. Snails Racing Dogecoin 0.05-0.2 / 60 min
17. Snails Racing Peercoin 35000 / 24 h
18. Hot Coins Bitcoin 5-15 / 10 min
19. Hot Coins Dash Dashcoin 75 / 10 min
20. Hot Coins ETH Ethereum 50 / 5 min
21. Free Litecoin Litecoin 200-3000/60 min

The Internet allows every modern person to keep up with the times, including making money anywhere and at any time. The Internet opens up new horizons for people and gives them the opportunity to develop in a wide variety of directions. On the other hand, the Internet is the natural habitat of bitcoins - digital coins that do not have a physical shell and function online.

Today, many people are interested in the topic of making money on bitcoins. Bitcoins can be obtained without investments - for example, by viewing advertisements on specialized sites. Of course, these are tiny amounts, unless you have to put in any serious effort to get them. And if you are serious about making money on cryptocurrency. we will tell you about other ways to obtain digital tokens.

What are bitcoins and what is the secret of making money online using this cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin(from the English bit - a unit of information “bit”, and the English coin, which means “coin”) is a new digital coin that is rapidly gaining popularity, which appeared in 2009.

The founder of this innovative cryptocurrency was Satoshi Nakamoto, and already in the first years of the existence of the Bitcoin network, its development posed a serious challenge to the entire global economy. It is worth noting that bitcoins are rising in price, and they can easily be exchanged for regular (fiat) money at the current rate.

In 2009, the rate of 1 bitcoin was $0.00076, now it has increased millions of times. The process of exchanging currency is quite simple, and you can do it at any exchange office. And now closer to the actual earning of bitcoins.

If you want to get a complete understanding of cryptocurrencies and making money on them in 40 minutes, download the free book “25 Strategies for Investing in Cryptocurrencies.”

What are Bitcoins - video

How to quickly earn bitcoins without investment

There are a huge number of different services on the Internet (so-called cryptocurrency faucets) that allow you to earn bitcoins without investment by entering a captcha (a unique number or alphabetic set that is displayed along with advertising), by viewing advertising, or by performing other simple actions. Earning bitcoins without investment attracts thousands of modern people who want to receive digital tokens and not spend a single ruble. But we need to make a reservation that there is no way to earn a whole bitcoin from cryptocurrency faucets. We're talking about earning satoshis - a tiny part of bitcoin (1 satoshi = 0.000000001 btc).

First, you need to create your wallet in the bitcoin system. This is done very simply, conveniently and quickly: there are many resources offering free online wallets. Then you need to register on one of the many BTC earnings services.

Today, some of the most popular services for earning bitcoins are:

  • Freebitco.in
  • Freedoge.co.in
  • bitvisior.com
  • landofbitco.com
  • greenbitco.in

This is not a complete list of faucets for earning Satoshi - there are quite a lot of them, and new resources appear regularly. In addition, many faucets hold lotteries, promotions and drawings that allow you to increase the amount of satoshi received. But don’t delude yourself: you won’t be able to earn more than 100 rubles a day (in terms of fiat money) using faucets.

How to earn bitcoin using cloud mining?

If you are interested in serious earnings, then first of all it is mining, or the extraction of bitcoins. To get bitcoins, you need to perform complex calculations using special devices (video cards or ASICs) and obtain blocks, and bitcoins will be paid to the miner as a reward. You can do this yourself if you set up a mining farm (for example, at home). Miners also unite into communities (pools). There is another mining method that will not require your time, but will require certain investments - cloud mining.

To make money on cloud mining, you need to register on one of the special services, such as eobot.com, which will not take much of your time and effort. It’s nice to know that after registering you won’t have to download a bunch of different applications or other files. In essence, the user rents production capacity for mining and in return receives an agreed share of the profit of this service.

At the initial stage, you will need a certain amount, which can be very small - about 0.0005 BTC. The user enters into a contract (usually for a year) and after a year should receive a profit. After this, he can extend the contract or withdraw his investments. But it is important to carefully read the terms of the contract - because the complexity of mining new blocks (and, accordingly, bitcoins) increases every year. In addition, the operation of a mining farm consumes a large amount of electricity, which also has to be paid for. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the possible profit taking into account all possible costs.

Other ways to make money on the Internet

Mining, or how to earn Bitcoin - video

We also suggest that you read the article on how to become a guru in the fashionable niche of making money on.

By earning bitcoins now, you are investing in your future!