Social networks for finding clients. Finding clients on social networks: methods, tools and tips. Or maybe not pay manually

How to attract clients via the Internet? The main way is to search for clients in in social networks. Once upon a time in the distant nineties, it all started with chat rooms and forums. Now my whole life is focused on social networks. And business is actively using this. This phenomenon even has a specific name – SMM (Social Media Marketing). SMM is an activity to attract customers through social networks.

So how to attract clients? Decide which social network audience suits you best. The people on VKontakte are the youngest and most receptive to new products. On Facebook – solvent and advanced. Odnoklassniki is conservative and ready to buy a clear, non-innovative product. Instagram is simply growing so quickly that its audience is generally difficult to define and identify. But at the same time, this channel deserves the closest attention of businesses.

How to attract clients through social networks: prepare

The stage that precedes any action to promote your own brand/product on a social network is data collection and analysis.

  1. Analyze the demand for your product by searching for keys with hashtags.
  2. Know your audience. It’s good if you already have a current customer base and can do an ABCXYZ analysis.
  3. Collect a preliminary database on social networks through parsing.
  4. Create something unique trade offer for them.
  5. Prepare a content plan and decide on the frequency of publications.

If you prepare well, there will be less disappointment in the future. Social networks are working. They work for almost all business segments.

How to attract clients through social networks: decide on the format

How to attract customers through social networks: choose a promotion strategy

How to attract clients through social networks: start YouTube

That's all. YouTube is no longer a toy. And it’s no longer exotic in the context of your content marketing and lead generation. People love images, photos and pictures of cats, but even more they want to watch videos.

As a result, this has led to YouTube becoming a search engine second only to Google. It has 1.5 billion users and the number is growing every day. And now YouTube is cooler than TV. Therefore, creating video content, posting it on your own YouTube channel and posting links to the video on social networks will increase interest and increase the virality of the brand. Let's give some tips that will increase efficiency in this matter.

1. Personality and information are more important than editing, lighting, special effects.

2. Release videos regularly, at least once a week.

3. Immediately after a new video appears on the channel, provide a link to it on all social networks and blogs. If possible, pay for posting on popular public pages. Then your video will become trending and will appear in the organic results of YouTube.

4. Be sure to attach a lead magnet to the video: a link to free access for a webinar, product demo, training recording, e-book.

5. Create aha content. This is information that will shock the user with its relevance, relevance and applicability to his situation. Agree, for this you need to know your target audience very well.

How to attract clients through social networks: understand Instagram

As we have already said, Instagram is the fastest growing social network in the world. In addition, a list of effective tools has been created and tested that allow you to successfully sell using it. Take note of a few recommendations regarding Instagram.

1. Increase . Very often, accounts with 200,000 subscribers generate much better profits than those with millions. Therefore, think not about the quantity, but about the quality of subscribers.

2. Create additional value. This is achieved by increasing the usefulness of the posted content to create an aha effect. Also, once you reach 200,000 followers and your niche is at capacity, add some personal details about yourself.

3. Collect a truly loyal audience. Cunning technologies with paid traffic, as well as mass following and mass liking, may be good at the very beginning. But you won’t be able to use them for a long time. You need a real customer base. You, after all, are not Chichikov from Dead Souls.

4. Gradually start interacting with other bloggers. Interaction means joint competitions, promotions, and gifts. Ideally, you should organize 4 such events per month with bloggers with 300,000 or more subscribers. And even up to 12-15 with those who have less than 300 subscribers

We talked about how to attract customers through social networks. For this you will not need much money. But the result, if you follow our advice, will be impressive.

Monitoring Solution social media. Allows you to monitor blogs, forums, all social networks, reviewers, online media. YouScan has a unique feature for the CIS - the ability to track mentions by brand logo (Visual Insights) and by the situation of consumption of brand products. Support, knowledge base, advanced filtering, spam tracking.

Brand analysis system in social media. Tracks mentions on social networks, blogs, forums, review sites, instant messengers, as well as online media. High degree of automation - sentiment detection with 90% accuracy, automatic tagging, filtering of spam and irrelevant messages, notification of threats to reputation, personalized reports.

Social network scanner. Processes information from Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, LiveJournal, LiveInternet, Youtube and many other sources. It also has functions for group work, can automatically detect positive and negative messages, control duplicate messages (this is useful because reposts and retweets are common), and provides a powerful search through message history.

Real-time media monitoring and media analysis system

Convenient service for express analytics of brand pages in all popular social networks

A system for monitoring mentions of a company in social media. A unique parameter for assessing the importance of messages. Generating reports based on data about the author of the message. Saving configured filters for message processing. There is a free plan

Powerful social media marketing management system. Allows the marketing department to organize working together, run social media campaigns, monitor conversations, and measure campaign results. There is a Russian interface

For those who sell on VKontakte or promote something, it is extremely important to automate the process. Because doing it manually will take all your time and is unlikely to bring the same benefits as if you automated customer acquisition using a program.

And here a program for automating the search for clients and referrals from the social network VKontakte will come to the rescue. The functionality of VKPRO allows you to attract an active audience from VKontakte,who is really interested in your offer, fully automatically. You receive only targeted visitors interested in your offer in automatic mode. Is this what you always wanted? Is not it? Then you don’t have to read any further, but immediately try the program for free with which you can earn money.

Well, for those who want to learn more about the program, I will further describe all the advantages of the program and in general what it can do.

So, first of all, I will say that the program really works. I needed to recruit friends for my account, so within a few minutes she sent out friend requests through a special service, after which I started adding friends and confirming my requests. In general, in three days of using the program, I made more than 200 friends. Absolutely automatic. And my account was not blocked because we are being added to interested people who will happily add us as friends.


It's cheaper than ordering friends various services. Very high speed performance of work by this program and absolute security for your accounts. Yes, and you can also add unlimited amount accounts into the program at the same time and they can simultaneously perform either same actions or different for each account. The program is very flexible settings which are suitable for any business.


This is now the most popular and safe way promoting your products and services on VKontakte. By liking users, you draw attention to your page in a natural way. Thank you for delivering like people from your target audience go to your page to see who liked them, look at the offer on your page and like you back, subscribe to your group and buy your product or service.

You configure the program and it automatically starts adding friends based on criteria. That is, you will be added as a friend to the maximum target audience for you.

This function has no analogues!!! This is just a super feature that will allow your offer to be visible all the time. Your offer will not be lost in the news feed because it will be deleted on a schedule from your page and added again. This way you can get a lot of referrals for your projects without spending a lot of time and money. The program will do everything for you!

Another great feature for attracting natural attention to your account. People don't like it when people try to sell them something. But when a person himself is interested in who wrote the comment for him, this is a completely different matter! We gain a loyal audience with the help of this program.

Very useful feature! Imagine that you have a couple of accounts with 1000 friends on which dogs have appeared, and in order to delete them you will have to scroll through all your friends and delete them manually. And the same with groups. It's long and tedious! What if you have 1000 accounts? Then you simply cannot do without this wonderful feature.

This feature will allow you to quickly promote your account or accounts. Quickly fill them with interested friends who will be loyal to your offer.

This function will allow you to promote your accounts fully automatically. When several dozen friends are added to your friends on many accounts, it will be very tiring and time-consuming to add everyone. And this way you will have time for something else.

Full list of features

As we see here there are many very good and required functions to make money on social networks, attract clients and referrals! So try the program for free! I'm sure you'll want to use it in the future!

How much does the program cost?

I will say right away that the program is worth the money! I will even say that it costs little compared to what you can earn using it.


SMM promotion - great tool to attract customers through social networks. But it’s one thing when you use a social network for personal purposes, and another thing when you use a social network to promote a company. For example, a photo of your cat will get 100 likes in a day, but a post will take much longer to reach such an audience.

Organic reach is the foundation of your social media marketing:

    • Good organic reach can be further increased by paying for promotion. Moreover, the costs will be less than when promoting from scratch.
    • Interest real people your content is excellent, which can be measured in numbers (number of subscribers, likes and reposts).
  • Your followers' friends become your potential followers, because they see that their loved ones trust you.

Engaging real people requires being smart. In this article, we share with you methods to increase organic reach. Organic reach is free impressions of your content. You don’t pay for promotion - people themselves like and share your posts, which will help you find new clients on social networks.

1. Use emojis in your posts

To create your own memes, use the generator. When creating a meme, consider the audience you are making it for. Memes are like small-town jokes that people “out of the loop” won’t understand.

A meme is any idea, symbol, mannerism, or pattern of action transmitted from person to person through pictures, animation, video, writing, or speech.

5. Post quotes as images

A picture speaks a thousand words. To increase the engagement effect, try combining a picture and text - post an image with a quote.

When you post a famous quote, you automatically gain some of the trust that people place in the author of the quote. So use quotes from celebrities that your audience loves and respects.

You can make cool pictures with quotes in Pablo.

6. Encourage visitors to tag their friends in the comments

You may have come across posts in which you recognized yourself or someone you know. For example, in a post about how to force yourself to eat healthy, you recognized your situation. Or remember how your friend complained about his strict diet.

Posts in which your customers recognize themselves gain more views and reposts. Here you can go further - encourage people to tag friends with a similar situation in the comments, which will help attract new audiences.

Try three methods that are used in SMM promotion:

    • Let people tag friends in a positive way:"Tag a friend you can't live without."
    • Let them challenge their friends:“Tag three friends who you challenge to 100 push-ups.”
  • Let them prank their friends:“Tag a friend who snores loudly.”

7. Hold competitions

Competitions work great for attracting new customers through social networks, because in a competition you can win something without special effort. The more valuable the prize, the more people will come for it.

To increase your chance of winning, you need to share the competition with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

8. Create quizzes, polls and more
interactive content

Interactive content on social page- call to action.

Can be used standard means to create polls (for example, polls on VKontakte), but it is better to use special services. For example, Playbuzz.

An example of a Halloween quiz created using Playbuzz.

9. Entertain visitors with GIF animation

Gif animation is something between a picture and a video. There should be GIFs short and funny.

You can get GIF animation in different ways:

    • Use ready-made gifs from the web or create your own. For example, using GIPHY

      What other ways do you know to attract customers through social networks? We welcome your comments!

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Any business needs promotion and increased sales. One of the most effective methods attracting new clients for many business sectors remains SMM promotion on social networks.

How more clients know you and trust your company, the more goods or services you can sell. Effective marketing is difficult to imagine without obtaining customer contact information. Using a website and a group on a social network, many companies ask users to leave a phone number or email address. Often databases are simply purchased. But both methods do not apply effective ways promotion on social media networks, because do not set up a constructive dialogue with your target audience.

How to find real clients

YouDo website professionals are masters in the field of business promotion on social networks. They are ready to inexpensively and efficiently perform lead generation through SMM, which will allow you to obtain contact information (also called leads) of visitors to your resource.

Results of working with YouDo website specialists:

  • Promoting your business
  • Sales growth
  • Increasing target audience loyalty
  • Formation of a positive image of the company

Lead generation on social networks is attracting new customers

When using generation via SMM, you only receive contacts interested people ready to buy your product or service. In addition, you will be able to create a portrait of your customers, find out their interests and needs.

The work of the YouDo site masters is aimed at ensuring that visitors to your public page or group want to leave their contact information. In return, users receive a unique offer or interesting content.

Before starting work, all specialists professionally research your market segment, search for competitors, and determine the target audience. If necessary, you can order the creation and development of a promotional group on social media. turnkey networks and filling with selling content.

The range of services for attracting clients from social networks includes:

  • Lead generation system
  • Service automated processing incoming applications
  • Structuring and optimization of business processes
  • Working with traffic channels
  • Improving the selling qualities of your website

What does lead generation give?

You will be able to meet your target audience, find new clients and establish long-term relationships with them, find out the contact details of potential buyers: email, telephone, etc.

After completing all the work to attract clients, all customers can check how well and professionally the task was completed and what is the effectiveness of lead generation. Used for analysis special systems and services that allow you to obtain accurate statistical data.

Your advantages when ordering lead generation through the YouDo website:

  • Working only with the target audience
  • Affordable prices
  • You only pay for attracting target customers

Check out the prices on the YouDo website, set the cost of the service, or invite the contractor to voice his price. By choosing craftsmen registered on the YouDo platform, you will save time and money: specialists will complete all the work inexpensively and quickly.