Windows 7 network scanning. Network scanner for Windows shared resources. How to set up a scanner over a local network

According to statistics, almost every user of modern computer systems at least once in his life has been faced with the question of how to set up the Internet on a computer. It is not surprising, because recently the World Wide Web has gained incredible popularity and has become accessible to absolutely everyone who has a computer, laptop or mobile gadget. Despite the complete automation of the process, not everyone knows how to set up an Internet connection.

Basics of connecting to networks and the Internet

The first rule: you need to clearly understand that in some cases you will have to use manual mode rather than automatic connection. In addition, two main conditions must be met here: the presence of a provider and appropriate equipment (network cards, ADSL modems, routers, routers, etc.)

But now we will talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer with a wired connection, since private virtual networks (VPN) in most cases are automatically detected by computers, laptops or mobile devices and require a maximum login and password to enter (provided, of course, that the router is already configured).

What is the TCP/IP protocol?

In Windows operating systems, connections to networks and the Internet are made using the TCP/IP protocol system, which is responsible for the correct transmission and reception of data. In fact, this is not even one, but several protocols. This group includes connections via UDP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP, TELNET, etc.

If we talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer, without going into technical details, it can be noted that the set of TCP/IP protocols is associated with a kind of bridge between computers located on a network with a single system of authentication and transmission of byte data streams, separated at the beginning and united at the end of the route. In this case, it does not matter what operating systems are installed on the terminals connected to each other. This is what makes the TCP/IP system not only the most popular tool for connecting to networks and the Internet, but also simply a universal tool.

Network cards and their properties

One of the main conditions is the presence of a network card in the computer terminal, into which the cable is connected. Today, fiber optic lines are most widespread.

To understand how to set up the Internet on Windows, you first need to determine the characteristics of the network card itself. The connection speed will depend on its main characteristics and parameters. The simplest example: a leased line supports a connection with a data transfer speed of about 100 Mbit/s, but the card does not. In this case, you won’t have to rely on the speed advertised by the provider. It is clear that the network card will not be able to transmit or receive more than its nominal value.

To view all its characteristics, you need to enter the “Control Panel” and select the “Device Manager” section, find the network card installed in the system and right-click the “Properties” option. All indicators will be visible in the “General” tab field.

Internet connection methods

The most common methods of connecting to the Internet are leased lines, DSL broadband, LAN connections, satellite connections, TV networks, and dial-up. The latter, however, has already outlived its usefulness.

In any case, the question of how to set up an Internet connection for each connection option has two standard solutions.

Automatic Internet connection

Provided that an account has already been provided by the provider, you need to connect the network cable to the connector of the network card, designated LAN (if necessary, then to the connector of the modem or router).

In the "Control Panel" you need to select the "Network Connections" item (for Windows 7 "Network and Sharing Center"), use the "Create a new connection" command ("Set up a new connection or network" for Windows 7), then go to the "Internet Connection" section. Then all that remains is to follow the instructions of the “Master”. At the end of the process (after rebooting the computer terminal), you can work.

Connecting to wired Internet manually

As for how to set up the Internet on a computer manually, you first need to perform the steps described above, and then use the data provided by the provider.

With automatic setup, you won't have to enter data manually. As a rule, on the TCP/IP properties tab, the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, preferred and alternate DNS server parameters fields will be inactive, since two commands are specified in the settings: “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS address” server automatically." This, naturally, saves the user from manually entering addresses. If you dig deeper, then on the “Advanced” tab you won’t have to specify the addresses of WINS servers, proxy servers (if any are used), and even configure an alternative configuration.

However, it often happens that receiving automatic addresses is either impossible or does not work. This is where the main problems begin.

As a rule, all values ​​specified in the protocol properties tab are unified. So, for example, the IP address is assigned the value, the subnet mask -, the default gateway and DNS server - In some options, when creating a connection, the address parameters of the gateway and DNS server match the current IP address ( By the way, in most cases there is no need to register WINS or proxy server addresses.

How to set up the Internet? Windows XP

To set up an Internet connection in Windows XP, you need to use the standard method: in the Control Panel, use the “Network Connections” command and the “Properties” tab, find the line “TCP/IP protocol settings”, and then give preference to one of the proposed options for automatically obtaining addresses or specifying them manually by first going to the “Properties” tab (for PCP/IP).

How to set up the Internet? Windows 7

Creating an Internet connection in Windows 7 is not fundamentally different. The only difference is that some components have a different name, and TCP/IPv4 (fourth version) is used as the protocol.

To set up the connection, use the “Control Panel”, click on the line (or icon) “Network and Sharing Center”, and then use the option “Set up a new connection or network”. Then all that remains is to select the required connection type. After the connection is activated, you can again view all the data and, if necessary, change it using the “Network connection/Properties/Network/Protocol version 4 (PCP/IPv4)” tab, where all addresses will be shown. If they are provided automatically by the provider, the fields to be filled in will be inactive.

Other ways to connect to the Internet

In principle, there is another option for setting up a computer via the Internet. True, for the average user this procedure may seem quite complicated, especially since in this case you need to have a remote connection to the computer terminal on which you are supposed to configure access to the network or the World Wide Web.

To do this, you can use the built-in standard tools of all versions of Windows operating systems, located in the “Start” menu, “Programs” section. There is a “Standards” folder in which the “Remote Desktop Connection” command is located (for Windows 7). The names may change in other versions of operating systems. To create remote access, you can use software packages and applications from other manufacturers and developers, but, as practice shows, the easiest way is to create a connection manually on a local computer with direct access.

In this article, we will look in detail at how to connect the Internet to a laptop via a wireless network or using twisted pair, consider the features of each type of connection, setting up different versions of the OS and installed components.

Cable Internet technology options

Conventionally, all options for connecting to the Internet via cable can be divided into several main types.

  • Dial-up connection. This is an Internet connection via cable, analog modem or the same telephone line. This access is also used in a digital connection using ISDN technology, when installing the appropriate adapter.
  • Dedicated communication channel. It involves the use of a separate line laid from a PC/laptop to equipment owned and maintained by the provider. There are two types of connection: with speeds up to 1.5 Mbit/s and up to 45 Mbit/s. It is considered most effective for large enterprises.
  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is one of the broadband access options with which you can connect wired Internet to a laptop. Provides data transfer speeds up to 50 Mbit/s. This is a digital connection using analog telephone lines.

How to connect the cable to a laptop

Connecting a laptop to the wired Internet in any case occurs in the following order:

  • Dial-Up, the connection of the telephone line to the modem is configured, after which a cable connection goes from the modem to the laptop,
  • a dedicated communication channel comes to your apartment via a twisted-pair connection, it can be connected either immediately after entering the apartment or after the router, this does not matter,
  • DSL Internet also comes to the apartment via telephone cable, so it turns on only after connecting the modem.

Settings in the operating system (we will consider for different OS versions - XP-10)

In almost all Microsoft operating systems, the menus are almost the same, so menu navigation is identical for all versions of Windows.

  1. Go to the “Start” menu> “Control Panel”.
  1. Find “Internet Connection”.
  1. Item “Network connection”, create a new connection.
  2. Following the instructions of the New Connection Wizard, enter the login and password provided by your Internet provider.
  3. We find the properties of the TCP/IP protocol in the network tab and check that obtaining an IP address and DNS server is turned on in automatic mode.


One of the DSL connection options (Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet) stands out from others in its frequency of use (the majority of connected, modern access points are based on the PPPoE protocol). The connection takes place using an individual login and password.

Static or dynamic ip

A dynamic IP address is given free of charge by your ISP to connect to the Internet and can be assigned to another computer when you re-enter the network. The static version of IP (Internet Protocol) is purchased for additional money and provides more options, and is entered manually when connecting to the Internet.


VPN (Virtual Private Network) – the ability to create a virtual network over a physical one.

  • PPTP. The connection protocol is supported by any VPN network initially (the first protocol introduced by Microsoft). It is the fastest connection protocol at the moment.
  • L2TP. Tunneled layer 2 protocol, almost all devices currently support it. Simple setup, but lack of encryption and data protection makes it dependent on the additional IPSec protocol.

Wireless connection via Wi-Fi (from router)

Turning on the Internet on a laptop, provided that the Wi-Fi network from the router is configured, is a very simple task. There are several conditions necessary for this.

  • Availability of the network name and password for it.
  • A laptop with a working Wi-Fi module.

The connection occurs according to the following scenario.

  1. We turn on the router to the network and wait for the wifi protocol to load.
  2. We turn on wireless networks on the laptop.
  3. We open the overview of wireless networks and find the one we need.
  1. In the menu that opens, enter the password and click the connect button.

Checking for an adapter

The presence of a wireless adapter can be verified by the presence of a picture on the laptop box. If you bought a laptop second-hand without a box, then there will definitely be a duplicate mark on the case about the wireless adapter.

Driver installation

Installing network card drivers on your computer is an important part of connecting to the Internet. Without a network driver, the laptop will not detect the WiFi adapter. The drivers are installed from the disk that comes with the laptop; insert it into the CD drive and follow the instructions of the installation assistant.

Necessary system settings for connection

To set up the Internet, you need to check the automatic receipt of an IP address and DNS server. These settings are located along the path Start>Control Panel>Network and Sharing Management>Connection Properties>Internet Protocol Version 4 Properties.

Connection via mobile internet

It is also possible to connect a laptop to the Internet via a mobile phone.

  1. We set up an Internet access point on the smartphone.
  2. We connect the phone to the laptop via USB or Wi-Fi.
  3. Install drivers (depending on the phone brand) and connect to the Internet.

3G and 4G modems and routers

Connecting to the Internet is very easy using 3 and 4G modems, just install the drivers and connect to the Internet.

03/01/2019 at 23:43 (2 months ago)

Hello. I've been struggling with this problem for two days now. I can’t decide, maybe someone has encountered this?

1. The Internet from the provider goes through fiber optic to the home router. From the router to the computer - twisted pair cable.

2. There are three rooms in the house. Each of them has a twisted pair cable from one router.
In room 1 and room 2, connecting a desktop computer to the Internet does not raise any questions; the network is immediately picked up when you connect the cable to the integrated network connection.
In room 3, the desktop computer (PC) does not see the Internet (Windows 7-64), the red cross on the network connection icon is lit (the cable is not connected), or sometimes an identification attempt occurs and the red cross appears again.
In room 3, where the PC does not see the network, I connect a laptop (Windows 7-64) to the same network cable, everything is OK. The laptop sees the network without problems.

Those. It turns out that the network on the laptop works in all three rooms, but on the PC the network works only in two rooms.
Where to look for the reason?
— Are the wires in the twisted pair mixed up when crimping (or connecting to an outlet)?
— Could a bad contact in the power cable socket cause the signal to fade out?
— If the Internet works in two out of three rooms, could there be a problem in the PC’s integrated network connection?
— Could there be a conflict of IP addresses in this situation (although nothing else was connected to the router, only a PC)?

03/01/2019 at 23:51 (2 months ago)

Hello. If the Internet appears on the laptop via cable (Wi-Fi is turned off on it?), then in theory everything should work on the PC.
Have you tried connecting the network cable to the PC and moving the cable near the connector on the side of the PC and the socket? At this moment, it is advisable to look at the connection status (it can change quickly). Maybe when you connect a laptop, the cable bends in such a way that a contact appears and everything works.

03/01/2019 at 23:57 (2 months ago)

Wifi is disabled. We tried moving the cable both near the outlet and in the integrated network interface of the PC. The indicators on the network card when connecting the cable blink once every 5-10 seconds (in other rooms, the indicators are on almost constantly, sometimes blinking)

In general, can it be that one computer can see the network, but the other cannot (in the network settings on both the PC and laptop there are automatic IPs)?

It happened again. The sockets were turned off. They twisted the wire from the wall with the wire to the PC network connection (the Internet was on), they thought it was a problem with the socket. We bought a new one. We connected the wires by color, rang the tester, everything rings, we connect to the PC - there is no Internet, we connect to the laptop - there is Internet. I thought it was a problem with the PC's network connection. I moved the PC to another room, connected it to another outlet - there is Internet on both the PC and the laptop.

One specialist told me that the wires in this room are mixed up and that on the laptop, Windows (or the network adapter) itself tests which wire the signal is coming from and takes data from there, but on the PC the network adapter (or Windows) does not do such a test, but tries to take the signal only from a certain wire. What is your opinion, maybe this?

Today we can use a variety of ways and methods of connecting to the Internet: mobile, satellite, wireless network in the metro, as well as wired fiber-optic Internet. But of all types of connections, wired Internet is still considered the most stable and fastest. Therefore, many people connect wired Internet at home so as not to be dependent on the coverage area, obstacles and congestion of wireless networks.

However, not every new user knows how to connect wired Internet on their own. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Wired Internet connection

There are several options for connecting wired Internet in your apartment:

  • Internet via telephone line.
  • Internet via fiber optic.

Let's look at each one separately.

Connection via telephone line

To connect to the Internet via a telephone line, you do not need to run wires across the entire apartment. You just need to find out whether your telephone operator provides Internet services. If yes, then to connect it you need to:

  1. Connect to Internet service from your telephone provider.
  2. Buy a special divider that will divide the telephone line into telephone and Internet.
  3. Buy a modem or router. Here it is important to understand that it is an ADSL modem or router that is needed, because only they have the necessary input for the telephone wire.
  4. Connect a wire from the distributor to the modem or router, then connect the computer to the modem or router and configure the connection.
  5. Check the availability of Internet on devices.

A telephone line connection can be made by a technician from your phone provider. He can also provide all the necessary equipment for rent or sale. However, such Internet will depend on the equipment of your provider. If the equipment is bad, the data transfer speed will be low.

Fiber connection

Fiber optic Internet is considered the most reliable and fastest Internet today. Cases of technical problems are very rare, and the data transfer speed exceeds any other type of Internet and depends only on the chosen tariff. Often even this type of Internet is cheaper than any other. To connect to such a wired Internet, you need:

  1. Choose a suitable provider that can connect the Internet to your home. You should take your choice of provider seriously, because if it has a lot of negative reviews, then you will probably also have some problems with the Internet after connecting. Among other things, you should always take a closer look at the tariffs and promotions offered by the provider.
  2. Having chosen a provider, you need to call the company and leave a request for an Internet connection. You won’t be able to install fiber optics around your house on your own, so you’ll have to negotiate with a specialist and choose a convenient time for his work.
  3. After wiring the optical fiber, you can continue to act on your own, but a technician can help you route the wire through the apartment and connect it to the computer.
  4. If you are going to connect other devices besides your computer. buy a router or rent it from your provider. If not, then you can simply plug the fiber optic cable into your computer and use the Internet.

This Internet is reliable and fast, but you will have to run a wire around the apartment and hide it so as not to get in the way.