Logical drives in Windows 8. Creating a local drive D in Windows

Now we will analyze the solution to one of the common problems of the user after purchasing a new laptop: the system has only one hard drive on which the operating system is installed, and the user needs to create another partition without losing data. This article describes a method for dividing a partition using Windows, i.e. how to partition a disk without using additional special software. The instructions are suitable for both classic hard drives and SSDs on a desktop PC or laptop. You can safely divide drive C into 2 disks (partitions) without the risk of data loss, formatting or reinstalling the OS.

How to split drive C: into 2 partitions in Windows 10/8.1/7

Disabling system protection

Launch Explorer:

We called the window System. Click on the link System protection :

A window opens Properties of the system on the tab System protection. Select the system disk with the left mouse button and press the button Tune :

Set the selector to position Disable and press OK:

Click Yes to confirm your intentions to disable protection on this disk:

Dividing the disk into 2 parts

We opened the window Computer management. We see two partitions: boot without a letter and system under a letter C:.

Click right click on the system disk (the largest) and select the item Shrink Volume :

In the next window we see a customizable parameter. In fact, this will be the size of the free space after the partition C:, which you can use for other sections. And the meaning Overall size after compression- this is the size to which you want to reduce the existing system disk C:

We recommend setting aside at least 80 GB for the system partition. Don't overdo it by squeezing it. If you shrink the system disk to 30-50 GB, then there is a high probability that it will eventually run out of free space and you will have to increase its volume.

So ask Size of compressible space(to create new sections) with an eye to Overall size after compression(drive C) and press Compress:
(In our case, we free up approximately 239 Gigabytes and leave 80 Gigabytes for the C: drive)

After the compression procedure is completed, you will see two partitions on the map and unallocated space after them. The system partition no longer occupies all of the hard disk space, but only part of it. In our case - 80 GB:

Now we need to create additional partitions (or one partition) using the unallocated space. Click right click on the unallocated space to the right of the system partition and select in the context menu Create a simple volume... :

The Create Simple Volume Wizard starts. Click Further :

At the stage Specifying the volume size we have several options:

  1. leave the value unchanged - in this case we will create one partition that will occupy all the available free space;
  2. decrease the value - in this case we will have free space to create other partitions.

In our example, we want to create one partition that will take up all the remaining space on the hard drive. Therefore, just click Further :

Select a letter (it can be changed in the future) and press Further :

Let's ask volume label for a non-system partition, check the box quick formatting and press Further :

Click Ready to start creating a partition and formatting it:

After a few seconds we see a new section on the map:

Entering the area This computer, we also see that we now have two disks: C: And E:

... put the selector in position Enable system protection and press the button OK.

A fairly common situation is when you buy a computer with Windows pre-installed, the hard drive of which is completely occupied by “drive C”. Well, there may also be a Windows service partition, but it is not accessible for work, and its size is small. Keeping all files on one partition is a bad idea. In addition to the convenience of storing information, you can recall such a procedure as rearranging Windows. During this process, the system disk is formatted and thus you lose all the files that are on it. Therefore, if you have a similar situation, or some other one related to changing hard drive partitions, and you don’t know how to do it, read this article to the end. In it, I will show you how to partition a hard drive in Windows 8.1.

In fact, this guide is suitable not only for Windows 8.1 but also for other versions of the OS.

How to partition a hard drive in Windows

To work with disks, there are many third-party programs for Windows and for other operating systems, or even there are separate distributions: Patriotion Magic, Acronis Disk Director, GParted, etc., but we will not complicate our lives and use the standard Disk Management utility, which comes with Windows.

Right-click (RMB) on the “Start” icon and select “Disk Management” from the pop-up menu.

The program will start.

As you can see, I have two volumes: drive C and a service partition. Now we will create another drive (D) on which I will store my files.

We will create a new partition by reducing drive C. Right-click on it and select the “Shrink volume” option.

The Compress C window will open.

What do these fields mean:

  • Total size before compression (MB)— current disk size;
  • Space available for compression (MB)— free space on the partition, which we can allocate for a new volume;
  • Compressible space size (MB)— the amount of memory you decide to allocate for the new partition. I'm making a 200 GB partition, which is equal to 204800 MB (200*1024);
  • Total size after compression (MB)— size of disk C after compression;

Click “Compress”. After performing compression, we get 200 GB of unallocated space.

But this is not a new partition yet, it is only free space without a file system. Now you need to create volume D from it. Right-click on the free space. And in the menu select “Create a simple volume”

The “Create Simple Volume Wizard” will launch.

We indicate the size - all free space (Maximum size). Click “Next”

Now we configure the volume connection.

The most common and simple way is “Assign a drive letter”. The default is the letter next in alphabetical order to the previous section. That is, the previous volume is “C”, then the next one will be “D”, but you can choose another letter if you wish. Click “Next”

Setting up partition formatting.

Check “Format this volume as follows” and configure:

  • File system- NTFS;
  • Cluster size- Default;
  • Volume Label— the name of your disk. For example, I will call it “Files” since I will store music, images, videos, etc. on it.

Check “Quick Format” and click “Next”

When finished, our hard drive will be divided into three partitions.

Close the program and check the result through Explorer.

If you need to create additional volumes, do everything by analogy with the above example. And that's all for me. I hope now you know how to partition a hard drive in Windows 8.1 and more. And if you have any questions about the article, as always, welcome to the comments!!

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Some users do not know how to split one disk into several logical partitions, but this can be very useful. If you have several logical partitions, you can store information not on the system volume. In this case, the risk of losing it when reinstalling the system or formatting the disk is sharply reduced. This article will tell you several ways on how you can create a second volume D, both using standard tools and using third-party software.

Using Disk Management to create a new partition

The built-in disk management utility will allow you to perform all the necessary actions, and this program is present in all the latest versions of Windows. To run it you need pressWin+R enter diskmgmt.msc.

In the window that opens you need select drive C(or another section that you want to divide), you need to right-click on it and select the item “ Shrink Volume" In the next window you need to write the size of the new volume D; according to the standard, all free space is indicated there. But it’s worth leaving at least ten gigabytes of free space on the system disk for new programs and system files.

After this it will start formation process. At the end of it, unallocated space will appear on which you need to right-click.

Here you just have to select the item marked in the picture. In the next window you need to select letter for the new volume, in our case it is D.

Then it was suggested write the name volumes, and also select the file system and cluster. Here everything can be left as default. After this, formatting will be performed and the new logical partition will become available for use.

Using the command line to partition disks

Separation can also be done using the console. To do this, you will have to open it with administrator rights and enter the following operators:

Application of Aomei Partition Assistant Standard

There are quite a lot of applications that help manage logical partitions, as well as cut off and create new partitions. You can find many examples on the Internet, but here we talk about one utility. After the user downloads and installs it, you need to go to Main menu, select the desired hard drive, then right-click and select “”.

In the next section you will have to indicate the number of megabytes for a new section.

Then all you have to do is click OK, and then Go.

After this, the device will reboot and you can use the new partition.

People often ask the question on the Internet: “I bought a new hard drive and connected it. Why can't I see the new disk in the system? The fact is that after physically installing the hard drive into a computer or laptop, it is necessary to programmatically initialize and mark it. So, how to set up a connected new hard drive in Windows 7? Nothing could be simpler.

Update 2016: Despite the fact that the illustrations were taken a long time ago from Windows 7, these instructions are also suitable for Windows 10 and 8.

Step 1. Right-click on the system shortcut "Computer" and select "Manage":

Step 2. In the window that opens on the left, select “ Disk Management". After this, a dialog box should open on the right side “ Initializing the disk". In it, click “OK":


Attention! If you click on " Disk Management" dialog box does not open, right-click on the left side of the disk image in the area that says "No data" or " Not initialized" and select " Initialize disk". (See 2 pictures below.)

The task is to call the same window “ Initializing the disk". In it you must make sure that the checkbox next to “Disk n” is checked and click OK.

Step 3. Right-click on the right side of the new disk image and select " Create a simple volume»:

Step 4. Click "Next":

Step 5. Select the partition size. By default, the maximum partition size is set. Those. the partition will occupy the entire hard drive. If you want the new disk to have several partitions, then at this point select the size of the first partition. For example "10240". Then the new partition (aka “partition”) will occupy 10 GB of disk space.

If to create the first partition on a new hard drive you did not select all the available space (which was the default), then after the created partition there will be unallocated space on the disk. To create additional partitions in the unallocated area, repeat these instructions with steps 3 .

After selecting the partition size, click “Next”:

Step 6. Select a drive letter. Click "Next":

Step 6. In most cases, the file system type should be left “NTFS”. Select the volume label, such as "Games" or "Archive" and click "Next":

Step 7 Click "Finish" to exit the Disk Initialization Wizard:

After this, you will see that the disk has begun to format:

Wait until the caption “Good …” appears on the right side of the disk image instead of the word “Format”:

Now you can open “Computer” and check if a new section with the desired letter has appeared.

The marking is done. You can use the drive!

If the question of creating partitions on your hard drive has ever arisen in your life under Windows 7, then you almost already know how to partition a hard drive in Windows 8. The process is almost exactly the same.

Both systems have a standard function, and the difference between seven and eight is only at the beginning of the process.

Procedure for partitioning a disk in Windows 8

Press the Windows + R key combination. The “Run” window will appear.

Here we write the command “ diskmgmt.msc" without quotes and press Enter,

Select the disk on which we will create a new partition and right-click on it.

Then, from the drop-down menu, select “Compress”, as a result we will get free space on the disk and press the right button on it too. We need the “Create a simple volume” item, and in the next menu we select the size of the new partition, and in the next the drive letter.

And in the next window we indicate the type of file system.

After the end of the action, our goal is achieved, there is a new section. All that remains is to format it for work.

How to partition a disk in Windows 8, watch our video: