Linux and Windows: comparative characteristics. Types of operating systems and their brief characteristics

In the modern variety of technology, it is very easy for a user to get lost. There are often cases when it is very difficult to choose one from two approximately identical devices or systems, and even more difficult to justify your choice. To help the user understand, we decided to highlight the question of which is better: Windows or Linux.

Which is better Windows or Linux

It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The Windows operating system is familiar to most users. It is the rejection of the familiar system that can prevent you from evaluating and understanding an alternative operating system - Linux.

Linux is a worthy alternative to Windows, but there are also some negative aspects

To answer this question as objectively as possible, we will apply a number of relevant criteria to the comparison. The overall analysis of both operating systems should be presented in the table below.

Table: comparison of Windows and Linux OS

Criterion Windows Linux
Price Significant cost of purchasing a licensed version of the software.Free installation, service fee.
Interface and design Familiar design and interface, modified over many years.The open developer community drives many innovations in design and interface.
Settings The latest versions of Windows are characterized by users as “heavily customizable”.The settings are concentrated in one place - “System Settings”.
Updates Irregular, varying duration of system updates.Fast daily automatic updates.
Installing programs You need to search for the installation file yourself.There is an application directory.
Safety Vulnerable to viruses, can collect user data.Provides privacy.
Performance and Stability Not always stable, provides limited performance.Stable fast operating speed.
Compatibility Provides compatibility with 97% of all released games.Doesn't work well with games.
Which users are suitable? Created primarily for ordinary users, including those who are interested in games.For ordinary users and programmers.

See also the advantages and disadvantages of Google Chrome and Yandex Browser:.

Thus, the presented analysis demonstrates the superiority of Linux in most respects. At the same time, Windows has an advantage in some very sensitive areas for users. It should also be noted that it will be more convenient for programmers to work on Linux.

XII Regional Competition for Young Researchers

"Step into Science"

Section:Technical creativity

Subject:"Comparative analysis of operating systems"

Dzasokhova Milana,

Bugulova Valeria

Place of work:

MBOU Secondary School No. 3, 7th grade,


Scientific adviser:

Eloeva Karina Elbrusovna,


G. Alagir, 2014-2015


Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………... 3

What is OS? History of the emergence of the first operating systems…………………...4


Sociological survey among students …………..…………….………………………16





To work on a computer, an ordinary user does not need to know its device or be a programmer. And all this thanks to programs that are collectively called operating systems.

Any computer that does not have an operating system is a pile of scrap metal. It will just be quite expensive scrap metal. If operating room system If you don’t install it on your computer, you won’t be able to play your favorite games, watch interesting movies, listen to music or work with any other programs.

    What kind of miracle is this operating system and why is it needed?

    What is the best operating system today?

    Which is the most popular among young people?

These questions formed the basis of our research work.

Target our work:

Conduct a comparative description of operating systems and identify the most popular one for a personal computer.

In connection with our goals, we have identified the following: tasks:

1. Analyze literature and Web resources on this topic.

2. Determine the most popular operating systems at the moment.

3. Make a table of comparative characteristics of the OS.

4. Using a survey, find out which operating systems are popular among the students of our school.


    Analysis of literature and Web resources on this topic.

    Drawing up a comparative characteristic of the OS.

    Questioning of students in grades 7-9 of our school.

What is OS? The history of the first operating systems

When we perform any action on a computer, from simply opening a folder to working with complex software systems, the operating system is responsible for all this functionality. We communicate on the Internet, or play, or watch a movie and all other work is possible thanks to the operating system.

If we take the scientific term, operating room system(OS) is a program that provides the ability to rationally use computer hardware in a user-friendly manner.

OS ensures the launch of other programs, controls their operation and allows you to work with them.

In addition, each operating system is responsible for collaboration between computer hardware, and distributes the consumption of PC resources between programs.

The history of the OS goes back about half a century. It was and is largely determined by the development of the element base and computing equipment. The first digital computers, which appeared in the early 40s, worked without operating systems; all tasks of organizing the computing process were solved manually by each programmer from the control panel. The prototype of modern operating systems were monitor systems of the mid-50s, which automated the operator’s actions to complete a package of tasks.

In 1965 - 1975, the transition to integrated circuits paved the way for the emergence of the next generation of computers, a prominent example of which is the IBM/360. During this period, almost all the basic concepts inherent in modern operating systems were implemented: multiprogramming, multiprocessing, multi-terminal mode, virtual memory, file systems, access control and networking.

The implementation of multiprogramming required the introduction of very important changes to the computer hardware. The processors now have privileged and user operating modes, special registers for quickly switching from one task to another, means of protecting memory areas, as well as a developed interrupt system.

At the end of the 60s, work began on the creation of the global ARPANET network, which was the starting point for the Internet - a global public network that became a testing ground for many network operating systems, which made it possible to test in real conditions the possibilities of their interaction, the degree of scalability, and the ability to work with extreme load.

By the mid-70s, mini-computers became widespread. The architecture of mini-computers was significantly simplified compared to mainframes, which was reflected in their OS. The cost-effectiveness and availability of mini-computers served as a powerful incentive for the creation of local networks.

Since the mid-70s, the widespread use of a unique OS for that time began - UNIX, which was relatively easily transferred to various types of computers. Although the OS

UNIX was originally developed for mini-computers, its flexibility, elegance, powerful functionality and openness allowed it to occupy a strong position in all classes of computers.

At the end of the 70s, a working version of the TCP/IP protocol stack was created. In 1983, the TCP/IP protocol stack was standardized. Manufacturer independence, flexibility and

The effectiveness, proven by successful operation on the Internet, has made TCP/IP protocols not only the main transport mechanism of the Internet, but also the main stack of most network operating systems.

The beginning of the 80s is associated with a significant event for the history of operating systems - the emergence of personal computers. For the OS of personal computers of this period, support for network functions (the ability to access the Internet) became a necessary condition.

In the 80s, the main standards for communication technologies for local networks were adopted: in 1980 - Ethernet, in 1985 - TokenRing, in the late 80s - FDDI. This made it possible to ensure compatibility of network operating systems at lower levels, as well as to standardize the operating system interface with network adapter drivers.

On September 7, 1991, Finnish student Linus Torvalds posted online the source code for what would later develop into the Linux operating system (“Linux”). The most fundamental difference between Linux and Mac OS X and Windows is that Linux is free software that is distributed under the GPL license.

By the beginning of the 90s, almost all operating systems had become networked, capable of supporting work with heterogeneous clients and servers. Specialized network operating systems have appeared that are designed exclusively for performing communication tasks, for example, the IOS system from CiscoSystems, which runs in routers.

Since 2000, special attention has been paid to corporate network operating systems, which are characterized by a high degree of scalability, support for network work, advanced security tools, the ability to work in a heterogeneous environment, and the availability of centralized administration and management tools.

Nowadays, computers are used not only by programmers, but also by “ordinary people”. Therefore, many users do not even know the basic principles of how the “miracle box” works. This was largely made possible thanks to the most popular operating system, Microsoft Windows. In addition to this system, there are many others that are not so popular, but have their own characteristics, such as Mac OS, Linux.

OS comparisons are a common topic. Often, when touching on it, authors try to extol one OS over others. Let's try to compare the main operating systems.

Which operating system is the best? Currently, there are many operating systems of various types, but only the most common ones are known to the general public. We will look at each of them and try to choose the best one.

Let's meet the participants of our review:

Windows – a family of closed (or, as they also say, proprietary) operating systems developed by Microsoft. Currently, according to statistical data, about 85% of home computers, laptops and tablets are controlled by this OS, and its position, contrary to the forecasts of some experts, is only strengthening. This is evidenced by the impressive result of 200 million licensed copies, which the latest version of Windows (8.1) managed to achieve in less than 12 months from the date of release.Linux – this term refers to all Unix-like operating systems based on the kernel of the same name. They do not have a clear classification, so each distribution has its own characteristics and its own set of application programs. Linux is not very popular among home PC owners, but it dominates the market for smartphones (the Android operating system is based on a Linux kernel) and Internet servers.MacOS is a closed source operating system based on Unix. Developed by Apple as companion software for their computers and laptops. Devices from other manufacturers, according to the user agreement, are not allowed to use this system. Starting from version 10.6, the system supports only Intel processors, although previously work was also carried out with PowerPC.

As you know, Mac OS X and Linux have common UNIX roots. But there are also important differences between them. The most important thing is that Mac OS X can only be installed on Macintosh computers made by Apple. In addition, unlike open-source UNIX, Mac OS X is proprietary software, i.e. there is a ban on free distribution, making changes, etc. The first Mac OS appeared in 1984, which is much earlier than the appearance of Windows. Mac OS X itself is a heavily redesigned BSD-UNIX system with its own kernel (XNU).

Drawing up a comparative characteristic of the OS.

License cost. If suddenlywill be suspendedtheir work with all torrents, pirated sites and other sources of “freebies”, a lot of people will be concerned about price issues. After all, licensed versions of operating systems can be quite expensive. Fortunately, there are options available under a free license.

Latest system versionWindows (8.1) comes in two variations - regular and Pro. The first one costs about 6 thousand rubles in the Microsoft store and supports all the functions necessary for a home computer. The second (Pro version) is 3 thousand rubles more expensive than the basic one, and provides advanced functionality, including data encryption, access from one computer on the network to another, and so on. If you wish, you can always upgrade your old system for a smaller amount.

MacOS By default, it comes bundled with Apple computer equipment, so it is considered free. But if you consider the money, the cost of Apple products is significantly higher than that of computers of similar power, so overpayment cannot be avoided. On the other hand, all subsequent updates to this system will not cost a penny, and this is a big plus (previously, before version 10.9, you had to pay $20-30 in the AppStore).

Linux a completely free system, mainly built on open source software, due to which large companies that have several dozen or even hundreds of computers are increasingly resorting to its use. Calculate how much an IT department with twenty computers would have to spend per year if, say, Windows 8 was installed on them. But these are the costs only for the system itself. Need I remind you that most software on Windows also costs a lot.

System requirements

The issue of system requirements is no longer as relevant now as it was 5-6 years ago, when the fight was literally for every gigabyte of free space and percentage of processor load. However, when the user works in resource-intensive applications, the extra free resources will come in handy. Let's determine the best operating system based on this parameter:

Latest versions of Windows They are quite demanding on computer resources - for acceptable operation you need a dual-core processor, 1 gigabyte of RAM, and a good video card if you want to enjoy all the graphical beauties without brakes. If you choose a 64-bit distribution (32-bit ones are becoming a thing of the past), then you will have to install even more RAM.

With Linux systems the situation is much better - for normal functioning, a single-core processor with a frequency of 1 Gigahertz, 256 megabytes of RAM and any, even built-in, video card are sufficient. Of course, if your goal is not just to look at the system, but also to work in its environment with all sorts of applications, and not just watch videos and surf the Internet, you should install newer hardware.

Talking about Mac OS system requirements , no clear conclusion can be drawn. Apple always equips its devices with sufficiently powerful hardware so that the operating system functions without freezes or lags. Hypothetically, Mac OS can be run on a computer with 512 megabytes of RAM, a 1 Gigahertz processor and nine gigabytes of free hard drive space.

Installation and configuration

The process of installing and configuring an operating system is something that every user will sooner or later encounter. And if some operating systems demonstrate a friendly attitude, then with others, on the contrary, you will have to tinker for a very long time in order to configure them for maximum performance.

Install Windows Even a novice PC user can do it. The entire update process is intuitive. Unfortunately, a clean operating system still needs to be polished - installing the necessary drivers, setting up processes and services, and this is much more difficult. Sometimes you even have to use third-party software to optimize the system.

To produceLinux installation , you need to at least have an idea of ​​the software packages of this system and their relationship with each other, because some of them simply will not start without others. Although even installing the recommended configuration, you will have to worry about partitioning the hard drive (especially if you want to install Linux as a second operating system) and recording the distribution kit on external media.

Mac installation no more complicated than that of Windows, only now we are spared the need to enter a long license code. For configuration (settings), the built-in System Preferences tools are used, divided into five categories, each of which contains a menu with changeable initial parameters.

Ease of use

Operating system developers try to make their creations as accessible and easy to learn as possible. But if some people do it very well, others will do such a lot of things that you will have to sit with a self-instruction book for a whole month before you understand what is happening. Which system is the best for ease of use?

Operating systems of the Windows family have always been famous for their simple and intuitive interface, which makes working on a computer as convenient as possible. Yes, it is not without some drawbacks (especially the new version introduced with the release of Windows 8), but you can turn a blind eye to them. For example, many people do not like the standard Windows Explorer, so they replace it with the TotalCommander utility or similar ones.

Without a doubt, Mac OS is the most thoughtful and convenient operating system. It takes into account all the little things, the interface is polished and intuitive, which makes it possible for even a person who has recently sat down with a Mac to work comfortably. It’s not for nothing that even some PC users install their Windows design in the style of Apple’s operating system, but the result is only a pathetic parody.

It's hard to say how easy Linux is to use because, unlike the other two systems we reviewed, it doesn't have a central manufacturer. Thanks to open source, any person or organization can become a developer. At the moment, there are 6 well-known graphical shells - KDE, Gnome3, Gnome, XFCE, Openbox, Unity. Each of them has its admirers. But I will say one thing for sure - Linux systems are clearly not intended for beginners.

Supported Software

Here we will talk about third-party programs and utilities (more precisely, about their number) that can run and function in the environment of a particular operating system. After all, think for yourself - why do you need a system with which you cannot complete the assigned tasks?

Microsoft Windows is the most common system for home and office computers, so most software manufacturers develop versions of their programs specifically for this operating system, sometimes even forgetting to include other platforms in the list of supported ones. This is especially true for developers in the computer games industry who do not want to waste time porting their projects to Linux or Mac OS. The vast majority of programs are paid, however, on the Internet there is enough freely distributed software for every taste - text editors, browsers, antiviruses, etc.

Mac OS at least and lags behind the Windows operating system in terms of the number of available programs, but nevertheless provides them in sufficient quantities. Working with graphics programs, video and audio editing, Web development and so on, in general, everything your heart desires. Unfortunately, by default, you can only install programs through the AppStore, and this can be a problem for users with slow or no Internet (with some digging here and there, this can be fixed).

To Linux systems Every year there are fewer and fewer complaints in terms of software availability. The most necessary utilities are usually included in the installer and are already available for use. In addition, the oldest hardware is still supported (while it is already difficult to install drivers for old motherboards, network adapters and other equipment on Windows 7), and the vast majority of programs for this operating system are distributed absolutely free.

Safety The issue of operating system security worries many users, especially those who store important materials, personal information on their computer, or conduct financial transactions on the Internet. Each system copes with external threats in its own way - one does it better, while the other, on the contrary, does it worse. But which one is the best in this regard? Let's evaluate each of the systems from a security point of view.

Windows is the most vulnerable system . Not only because Microsoft employees don’t bother themselves very much with eliminating vulnerabilities and creating patches, but also because of its prevalence. Hackers and other scammers understand that this system is used by the largest number of people, and direct all efforts to develop malware under this shell. Therefore, any owner of a PC with the Windows operating system installed should take care to install a reliable antivirus program and replace the standard system firewall with a more effective one.

As you know, Linux is a Unix system. , which means that punctures and holes are very rare here. Of course, you won’t be able to protect yourself from phishing pages and other scams, but you can forget about various exploits, keyloggers and pop-up blockers. There is also the possibility of data encryption. However, for this the user must have certain skills.

Mac OS can rightfully be considered the most secure Of all the operating systems listed, it is not without reason that hacker sites offer an impressive reward for hacking it. Thanks to encryption (enabled in the protection and security settings) and a clear distribution of files into system and user files, viruses simply cannot take root in this environment. In addition, new versions of Mac OS have been completely rewritten and are not compatible with Mac OS Classic, which added even more problems for attackers.

Comparison of PC operating systems

The debate about which operating system is better has not subsided for several decades, since the mass distribution of household computer equipment. Today, the OS for home computers is divided between three main competitors:

Microsoft Windows;
Apple Mac OS;
OS familiesLinux.

In this review, we will look at these classes of operating systems, comparing them in several ways.

    Performance and Security

These characteristics relate to the functional part. First of all, they determine the speed of the system on computers with an average configuration and compatibility with peripheral equipment. The security parameter indicates the safety of user data and resistance to the threat of virus attacks.

    The graphical shell has long become the standard interface for user interaction with a computer system, although information technology specialists continue to use the command line interface for their tasks. Using a graphical shell, the user can perform application tasks and configure the system. The user-friendliness of the UI and its thoughtfulness are important details that the best PC operating system must have.

    Software set

Of course, the operating system itself does not represent much practical value for the PC owner; what is more important is the range of application software designed for use in a separate system. Let's try to assess how well covered by developers

Software main areas of interest for ordinary users (professional activities, entertainment, communication, etc.).

Which operating system is better: Windows, Mac OS or Linux? We will make a comparison according to a number of criteria that are most important to users - the cost of the operating system, hardware requirements, installation and configuration process, ease of use, supported software and security.

Microsoft Windows

The main feature of Windows is its mass distribution. This is due to the fact that this is an operating system created for users, it does not force the user to adapt to the system, it adapts to his needs. This is the most widespread operating system in the world, despite the fact that according to public opinion it is the most “unstable”, unreliable and also paid.

Despite the fact that there is an eighth version of the operating system, Windows 7 still occupies a leading position in the OS market for personal computers: its share is about 50-55%. This directly affects the variety of software: most gaming, professional, and system programs are released with support for versions of Windows 7 and 8.

Pros: Guaranteed 100 percent support for any hardware; there is a driver for any device for this OS, and it itself contains many pre-installed drivers for quick hardware recognition. There are a lot of professional application programs, full-featured analogues of which are not available in other operating systems, for example, Promt and Photoshop. The interface is simple and clear, which makes it accessible for use by anyone, even those who do not have primary computer skills. And Microsoft Office applications have already become standards for office work. The user can receive any support or advice regarding his licensed Windows OS.

Minuses: Popularity also has a downside: the widespread use of Microsoft's OS has led to the fact that Windows is traditionally the main target for virus attacks, and the user needs to take care of security using third-party programs, many of which are paid.This OS is very demanding on the computer's hardware resources, especially on the amount of RAM. Its graphical interface, although beautiful and convenient, is cumbersome and clumsy. As a result, many people disable its many graphical bells and whistles. This system is considered more vulnerable than others. This is due to the security structure itself, for example the ability to always work with administrator rights (which was partially resolved in the latest Vista). At the same time, the system must run thousands of older applications that were written for XP and other versions of Windows. The user is forced to give permission to launch each such “old” program. In addition, the dialog box itself asking whether to launch a particular program provides users with too little information to make a decision. Another inconvenience: even to remove a shortcut from the desktop, you need to confirm your intentions three times. This is annoying and leads to the fact that the “Allow” and other buttons are simply pressed thoughtlessly - the effectiveness of the entire protection mechanism is practically reduced to nothing. As a result, you have to deal with a huge number of viruses that use the vulnerabilities of a given OS to penetrate, including user errors that it provokes.

Microsoft Windows XP interface

Character traits:

It does its job well, even on older computers. It’s not always friendly and understandable, but everyone is so used to it that it’s almost not a problem. Good old Windows XP, Piggy, as people affectionately call it. Lack of interface consistency. There are no clear rules for how controls (menus, dialog boxes, the appearance of the programs themselves) should look in different applications - everything is left in the hands of application developers, sometimes in rather crooked hands.

Lack of normal effects when switching between windows and minimizing them. Those that are there, you want to turn off after 5 minutes.

Outdated file search mechanism. It can only be improved with third-party applications, for example GoogleDesktopSearch.

Microsoft Windows Vista interface

Character traits:

Overloaded clumsy interface. Changed positions of some elements in the Control Panel. Lack of continuity in the visual style of the system.

Translucency effects and animation make it easier to navigate when working and switching between programs - the presence of switching between windows in 3D mode (Flip 3D), which allows you to scroll through all open windows.

Quickly search files throughout the system.

The ability to use Gadgets (analogous to Widgets on MacOS X) in the sidebar on the desktop.

Lack of built-in ability to use virtual desktops.

The ability to install an application for absolutely any task is the main advantage of Windows. This is especially true for gaming applications, office programs and many other application areas.

Apple MacOS

The system is an integral part of Apple computers and is provided exclusively with them. At the moment, the latest editions of the 10th (OS X) version are relevant.

The operating system comes with Apple computers and cannot officially be installed on other computers. Since the price also includes the cost of the computer, Mac OS is the most expensive home system, which significantly reduces its popularity. The advantage of Apple's solution is performance and stability.

We should also highlight the interface, which many users consider the best of the existing ones. Mac OS is called the most comfortable system for creating media content.

Since the operating system is developed and optimized for a specific set of hardware, itproductivity is at a high level.Moreover, she is extremelystable. The overall amount of malware on the Mac platform is small compared to the IBM PC, so there's no need to worry about additional protection.

Many users believe that Mac OS is the best operating system in terms of usability and appearance of the user interface. The company pays a lot of attention to this area, using a whole range of technologies that improve and harmonize the appearance of controls and visual effects. Moreover, the company strongly advises third-party software developers to use typical OS design methods so that users can work equally comfortably in both a familiar application and a completely new one.

Pros of the Mac OS system: The strength of Mac OS is the virtual absence of viruses for Macintosh. And the point is not only that Mac OS X is not very widespread compared to Windows, but also that traditional viruses simply do not work in a UNIX environment. Theoretically, of course, there are samples of viruses that can work with some applications for Mac OS, but their number is simply insignificant compared to malware written for Windows. Even remote hacking of a computer running Mac OS is much more difficult than hacking a machine running Windows, and anti-virus programs may be needed only to prevent an infected file from being sent to a machine running Windows, since it will not cause you any harm .

Disadvantages of the Mac OS system: The first is that Mac OS can only be installed on Macintosh computers made by Apple. These computers, unlike the PCs we are used to, have a closed architecture, that is, the computers themselves are assembled only by Apple. On the one hand, this is good, since 100% integration of computer hardware and software is ensured, plus good quality components and assembly. But there is also a flip side to the coin.

Since there is only one manufacturer of Macs, there is basically no competition here. Which is not very good from a consumer point of view. In addition, there is some problem with installing drivers. Not all devices are provided with drivers for MacOs or Linux, and the systems themselves do not recognize all even frequently used equipment.

Peculiarities: The first feature that immediately catches your eye is the system interface. For example, if in Windows each program usually corresponds to one window with tabs and toolbars opening in it, then in Mac OS “floating” windows and panels are used, not tied to a common window, but located on the desktop. Another distinctive feature of the Mac interface is the dock panel. This is a panel at the bottom of the desktop where you can find icons for files and applications that you need quick access to, as well as running applications. The panel can be edited, resized, removed and added application icons. The following are the features of the software. The list of programs for Mac OS is not as impressive as for Windows, but, nevertheless, it is not small, in any case, all the basic necessary applications for work and entertainment are there, moreover, the very concept of creating software from Apple implies that To solve one problem, just one program is enough, the main thing is that it works well. The developers of the Mac OS interface believe that this will be more convenient for users who will not be confused by countless options, and the computer itself will not turn into a dump of dubious programs that threaten the performance of the entire system.

Interface Apple Mac OS X Leopard

Character traits:

The interface is clear, uncluttered and logical. So good that they are trying to recreate it on other operating systems using themes and special programs. For more details, see the article “ »

The translucency and animation effects are very organic and help you navigate the system. They don't make you want to turn them off.

The presence of an extremely convenient Expose function for switching between windows by pressing a single key or an additional mouse button.

Availability of Spaces virtual desktops with the ability to drag and drop windows between tables.

Ability to use Widgets in Dashboard.

Instant search Spotlight searches for files and their contents throughout the system and on the local network as you type, and supports logical operations and arithmetic calculations.

Ability to navigate through the file system in Columns and CoverFlow mode.

The presence of quick browsing of different types of files by pressing the QuickLook key and organizing files in the Stack dock.

The range of software for Mac OS covers all basic user needs. The system from Apple and media content developers is especially popular. It is believed that thisthe best platform for professional activitiesin this direction.


The Linux OS comes in many versions (distributions), but Ubuntu is the most popular version for PCs. Ubuntu is the cheapest solution: a licensed copy is completely free. The system is developing thanks to enthusiasts, because of this a number of disadvantages arise: not all equipment has drivers for Ubuntu, the set of programs is limited, however, there are practically no viruses.Due to the wide possibilities for customizing the system, you can “assemble” a distribution version that is completely suitable for the ones you are using, which guarantees high performance.In terms of security, Linux is considered the most preferred OS, since it provides many mechanisms for restricting access to user information.

The appearance of the system can also be customized according to user preferences. His choice is simple and strict or colorful desktop design options with many effects. It should be noted that to control many aspects of the system, the user must learn to use the command line.

A huge number of programs have been developed for Linux, aimed at professionals in the field of programming, network administration, etc. However, for applied tasks, the range of applications may not seem as wide as compared to Windows and Mac platforms.

Linux(Ubuntu) interface

Character traits:

The interfaces of Gnome and KDE are similar to those of Mac OS and Windows, respectively.

Built-in ability to use multiple virtual desktops.

The ability to enable graphics acceleration is present, but requires separate non-trivial configuration.

Pros: Most Linux distributions are free and can be used freely and freely. Based on the program code of both Linux itself and the programs included in it, and based on them, create your own products. Supplied with a standard set of application software. In Linux, the user can choose the distribution that is most suitable for solving his problems, and then also optimize the system for himself. The existence of a graphical interface frees you from the need to edit configuration files in an inconvenient way. The security situation in Linux is generally very similar to Mac OS X. It is at a very high level on both systems and is significantly ahead of Windows.

Minuses: The result of the GPL policy is that there are now over a thousand different Linux distributions. Not all of them are worthy of attention; it is difficult for the user to sort through so many versions and choose what he needs. In addition, being free means almost complete absence of technical support for users. Another disadvantage is that the system is not so free, because you either need to buy a disk with it, which is also money, or download it. And if you choose between pirated Windows and free Linux, the choice is not in favorLinux. Despite the very large amount of software written for Linux, users migrating from Windows will find that some of the software will be unfamiliar to them. Not all programs are cross-platform and have versions for both Windows and UNIX systems. The greatest problems arise with specialized professional software, much of which is written only for Windows systems. There is no equivalent replacement for some applications in Linux.

Peculiarities: There are a variety of custom Linux operating systems available for different user needs. For example, for working with multimedia... Commercial distributions can be mentioned separately. They are not free. These are mainly enterprise or special variants of Linux. Money in such distributions is mainly taken for technical support. Another important difference between Linux and Windows is that Linux distributions come with a large set of application software. That is, after installation on your computer, you have a completely ready-to-use system and you don’t have to look for application software or think about paying for a license.

Sociological survey among students

In order to determine the popularity of operating systems among students at our school, a small sociological survey was conducted. We selected students in grades 7-9 who were asked to answer two surveys:

    What OS do you use on your home PC?

    What OS would you like to use on your home PC?

The survey results are shown in Appendix 1 in Tables 2 and 3. Appendix 2 in Figures 5, 6, 7 shows diagrams of the survey results.

From our sociological survey we found that the most popular operating systems areWindowsAndMacOS. The largest number of students use the OSWindows, since it is the most accessible.MacOSless popular among students as it is expensive. As for the OSLinux? During the survey, many students were surprised because they did not know about the existence of such an OS.


Today, there are three main types of operating systems for personal computers on the market: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, Unix-like systems (Linux and Android created on its basis). Such a variety of well-advertised software products inevitably raises a logical question: which operating system is considered the best?

Opinions about operating systems are often formed based on habits or tasks solved using a PC. It is impossible to say for sure which operating system is better, since the differences between them are fundamental. However, for the home model of use it is still more convenient to use Windows or Mac OS.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question accurately: it all depends on the computing power of the computer, the nature of the tasks being solved, the user’s willingness to buy the OS, and so on.

It is impossible to say for sure which OS is the best. However, depending on the nature of the tasks being solved, PC performance, money, and the user, it is possible to select the most suitable system.

While conducting this research, we noticed that the three operating systems we reviewed were too different to compare them a little unfairly. Windows, for example, is the clear leader in the home segment - ease of use, a huge amount of supported software and proprietary service from Microsoft. Mac OS is focused more on work than on entertainment - stability and security are at the highest level, plus a thoughtful and beautiful interface to the smallest detail. Well, Linux systems - thanks to their flexibility in configuration, freeness and security, they have become a real godsend for web developers, large companies and just computer fans.

    Leontyev V.P. “The latest encyclopedia of a personal computer” Publishing house “OLMA-PRESS”, Moscow, 2003;

    Kholmogorov V. “Windows XP” Publishing house “Peter”, St. Petersburg, 2002;

    Tanenbaum E. “Modern operating systems” Publishing house “Peter”, St. Petersburg, 2002

    Gordeev, A.V. Operating systems [Text]: Textbook. for universities / A. V. Gordeev. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007.


    Table 1.Comparison of PC OS on a 10-point scale

    OS name


    and safety

    User interface

    Range of programs

    Microsoft Windows




    Apple MacOS

    ITwow 1 vote

    rice. 1 Comparison of PC OS on a 10-point scale

    License cost

    Fig.2 License cost

    Rice. 3Sociological survey among 9th grade students

    rice. 4Sociological survey among 8th grade students

    rice. 5 Sociological survey among 7th grade students

Today, a huge part of the world's population interacts with computers on a regular basis, some are obliged to work, some look for information on the Internet, and some simply spend time playing games. Everyone has their own needs, which means the computer must meet them. And if we are talking about hardware (the technical component of a computer), then everything is more or less clear: the newer, the better. But the “software” part requires special attention.

Each computer runs a specific operating system, of which there are a great many, each of which is suitable for certain tasks, available equipment, and so on. Therefore, the choice of this operating system is an important factor.

There is a fairly massive list of operating systems, but this article will focus on three pillars that have greatly influenced the industry and occupy the largest share among all operating systems: Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Proprietary operating systems

To begin with, it’s worth clarifying that there are proprietary operating systems, those that are distributed under the manufacturer’s license. These include Windows, the list of which is given below, and MacOS. Despite the fact that both systems can be downloaded on the Internet (stolen), the correct thing to do is to purchase a license from the distribution company and activate it.

The advantage of such systems is their development, a huge amount of high-quality software and competent technical support that will help in case of problems.

“Free” operating systems

These include almost the entire Linux family, with the exception of some developments with accounting or other professional software. These OSes can be downloaded absolutely free of charge and installed on any computer without a twinge of conscience.

Such systems are created by independent developers together with the community, so in most cases the quality of the programs leaves much to be desired, but such systems are much more secure and work more stable than their proprietary competitors.


Absolutely everyone who has ever dealt with a computer knows about this Microsoft product. In particular, this concerns the super-successful release of Windows 7. The list of Microsoft operating systems goes back a dozen generations. They are extremely popular all over the world and occupy almost 90% of the market. Which speaks volumes of unprecedented leadership.

  • Windows XP;
  • Windows Vista;
  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 10;

The list intentionally starts with Windows XP, as it is the oldest version still in use today.

Chrome OS

An underdeveloped product from Google, which is limited only to web applications and the browser of the same name. This system is not competitive with Windows and Mac, but is made with an eye to the future when web interfaces can replace “real” software. Installed by default on all Chromebooks.

Installing multiple systems and using virtual machines

Since each platform has its pros and cons, it often becomes necessary to work with several at once. Computer developers know this, so they offer users the opportunity to install two or three systems on a disk at once.

This is done simply. All you need is a system distribution kit (a disk or flash drive with installation material loaded on it) and free space on your hard drive. All modern operating systems offer to allocate space during installation and create a boot mechanism that will show a list of operating systems when the computer boots. Everything is done semi-automatically and can be done by any user.

Apple computers have a special utility - BootCamp, which is designed for simple and seamless installation of Windows next to MacOS.

There is another way - installing a virtual system inside a real one. For this purpose, the following programs are used: VmWare and VirtualBox, which are capable of emulating the operation of a full-fledged computer and launching operating systems.

Instead of a conclusion

The list of operating systems for a computer is not limited to the above. There are a lot of products from different companies, but they are all quite specific and do not deserve the attention of the average user. The choice is worth making between Windows, MacOS and Linux, as they can cover most of the needs and are quite easy to learn.

The PC performs actions in accordance with the instructions of a program created in one of the programming languages. When a user works on a computer, there is often a need to perform operations with the application program as a whole, organize the operation of external devices, check the operation of various blocks, copy information, etc.

These operations are used to work with any program, so it is advisable to select typical ones from the variety of operations performed by a PC and implement them using specialized programs, which should be accepted as standard tools supplied with the hardware.

Programs that organize the operation of devices and are not related to the specifics of the problem being solved are part of a set of programs called operating system.

operating system(OS) is a set of software that provides control of computer hardware and application programs, as well as their interaction with each other and the user.

The functions of the operating system are diverse and are constantly expanding due to the introduction of additional programs and modification of old ones.

The operating system forms a self-contained environment that is not associated with any programming language. Any application program is associated with the OS and can only be used on those computers that have a similar system environment.

To work with an OS, you must master the language of this environment - a set of commands, the structure of which is determined by the syntax of the language.

The OS does the following functions:

    control of the operation of each PC block and their interaction;

    program execution management;

    organizing information storage on external media;

    user interaction with PC (user interface support).

Typically, the OS is stored on a hard disk, and if it is not available, a special floppy disk is allocated, which is called system disk. When you turn on the computer, the OS is automatically loaded from the disk into RAM and takes up a certain space in it.

The OS defines the general rules for launching programs, managing data, and accessing computer resources.

PC operating systems are divided into:

    one- And multitasking(depending on the number of parallel running application processes);

    one- And multi-user(depending on the number of users simultaneously working with the OS);

    intolerable And portable to other types of computers;

    non-network And network, providing work in a local computer network.

2.2. Development of personal computer operating systems

Over the more than 30-year history of PC use, several generations of OS have changed.

The most widespread and universal OS for most types of computers in 1970-80. was a multitasking and multi-user operating system UNIX, developed by the company Bell Labs(one of the company's divisions AT&T). Currently UNIX used primarily in high-performance systems - servers and powerful workstations.

The first widespread OS for 8-bit PCs based on a microprocessor Intel 8080, the system became in the 70s CP/M-80 companies Digital Research.

The main operating system of IBM PC and compatible computers, originally based on a microprocessor Intel 8088, and later on subsequent models of Intel microprocessors, became (since 1981) 16-bit single-tasking MS-DOS(MicrosoftDisk Operating System). By the way, MS-DOS was not an original development by Microsoft - it only finalized the OS called QDOS created by the company Seattle Computer Products. Later, clones compatible with MS-DOS appeared, such as PC-DOS companies IBM,DR-DOS companies Digital Research(later became a product of the company Novell under the brand Novell DOS).

An attempt to get away from the MS-DOS standard was jointly developed by Microsoft And IBM operating system OS/2(1987). Since 1990 the company Microsoft moved away from OS/2 development and concentrated entirely on the operating system line Windows. Multi-window interface Windows quickly gained popularity all over the world and actually became an industry standard, and various versions of this OS are currently installed on the vast majority of PCs.

Graphical shell development Windows for OS MS- DOS started in 1981. Released in 1985 Windows1.0 , and later in 1987 - Windows 2.0, which due to the lack of user applications have not become widespread. By the end of the 80s, such applications (word processors, spreadsheet processors, database management systems, etc.) appeared on the market and Microsoft immediately released the system Windows3.0 (1990). In 1992, a version was released Windows 3.1, which, like and almost identical to it Windows 3.11(1993), worked only in standard and 386 extended modes. In 1993, Microsoft released a system for working in peer-to-peer networks Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

In August 1995, Microsoft introduced a full-fledged 32-bit multitasking OS to the market Windows 95, which has a number of undoubted advantages compared to MS-DOS. This OS included as a subsystem MS-DOS 7.0, which serves to ensure compatibility with previous versions of MS-DOS. IN Windows 95 for the first time a software-driver complex was integrated DirectX, which provides Windows applications with direct access to PC hardware devices - sound card, video card, etc. Another system, ActiveMovie, provided support for playing various multimedia files. Windows 95 could automatically recognize a large number of components and had a developed setup and configuration mechanism.

In the summer of 1996, a version was released Windows 95O.S.R.2 (O.E.S. Service Release), intended only for delivery with finished computers, in which many errors of the previous version were corrected. However, the main breakthrough was the transition to a more advanced file system – FAT32, which saves disk space.

This system was replaced in 1998 by Windows 98, the main difference of which from Windows 95 consisted of close integration with the Internet: in the new OS the difference between the Internet was completely erased ( WWWWorld Wide Web) – the main means of working with information objects becomes Explorer ( Explorer). Interface management capabilities have also expanded

The latest OS using the DOS kernel in the line of systems Windows 9x was a system for home PC users - Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), which went on sale in September 2000. The innovation was: an improved browser Internet Explorer 5.5 , extended driver package DirectX 7.1 , universal player Microsoft Media Player, support for digital input devices (photo and video cameras, scanners). The security system of the OS itself has undergone major changes - the composition Windows Me A number of new tools have been introduced to ensure the safety of configuration and system files.

Multitasking 32-bit kernel-based OS NT(New Technology) , providing increased reliability, appeared in 1993: Windows NT Workstation And Windows NT Server. These operating systems were aimed at corporate users, operated in an advanced mode and could support several parallel operating microprocessors (MPs).

A logical continuation Windows NT became Windows 2000- a multitasking OS capable of supporting up to 32 parallel operating processors and focused primarily on working with business applications. The official release of the “boxed” version took place in February 2000. The OS was released in the following versions - universal(Windows 2000 Professional) And server(Windows 2000 Server,Advanced Server And DataCenter Server). Inheriting the security, excellent networking capabilities and services of NT, Windows 2000 has become more convenient and user friendly.

In February 2001 it was introduced Windows XP– OS known as Whistler during the development period (symbols XP are short for English. eXPerience-experience), with increased security, preemptive multitasking, integration with the Internet, etc. Under the name Windows XP a whole line of OS was revealed to the world: corporate Windows XP And ServerWindows XPProfessional, and "home" Windows XPHome. The internal structure of the new version of Windows has not undergone significant changes since Windows 2000, but a number of innovations have appeared - a built-in voice command recognition system, a transition to support for 64-bit applications, extensive user interface customization, support for CD-R/RW recording at the OS level, etc. .

At the end of 2002, Bill Gates announced that all Microsoft's efforts would be focused not on polishing little frills, but on ensuring the stability and security of its products. And the first product created in accordance with this principle was the OS Windows Server 2003– a server-based, 64-bit, multitasking OS capable of centrally or distributedly managing various sets of roles, which appeared on the market in early 2004. A PC equipped with such an OS can act as a file server and print server; web server and web application server; mail server; terminal servers; remote access server/virtual private network server ( VPN); directory service servers, domain name system ( DNS), Dynamic Node Configuration Protocol Server ( DHCP) and services Windows Internet Naming Service(WINS); streaming media servers.

Family WindowsServer 2003 includes the following options: StandardEdition(network OS for small businesses and individual departments of the organization), EnterpriseEdition(OS that meets the general IT requirements of enterprises of any size and ensures the operation of any applications, web services and infrastructures), DatacenterEdition(OS for mission-critical business applications and for applications used in solving mission-critical tasks that require high-level scalability and availability) and WebEdition(OS designed to be used as a web server).

64-bit versions WindowsServer 2003 EnterpriseEdition And WindowsServer 2003 DatacenterEdition can only be used on systems based on 64-bit IntelItanium MPs. They cannot be installed on computers with 32-bit processors.

At the end of 2002, Microsoft began work on a new OS called WindowsLonghorn, of which beta versions appeared in the second half of 2004. In 2005, the company announced that a commercial version would appear in 2006 under the brand name WindowsVista. A revolutionary innovation is support for a new file system WinFS, which is more similar to a classic database. This means that the traditional tree-like folder structure is becoming a thing of history - when working with Vista It will be completely indifferent where exactly the file is located on the disk. It can be found using an advanced search engine based on standard database queries. Folders with a fixed set of files are being replaced by “virtual” folders that combine files based on user-selected criteria. With this approach, searching for files and opening a folder will actually mean the same operation. The Internet and its search engines are organized in approximately the same way: the user is completely indifferent to the fact that the necessary documents can be scattered all over the world. The main thing is that if necessary, they can always be called using search engines.

Another key innovation Vista is an improved security system called Palladium, which takes on the functions of a firewall, information encryption system, mail filter and antivirus.

The new OS is truly international: turn Vista from English to Ukrainian (or any other language) is possible using a special language pack.

And finally, the interface has changed. It has become truly three-dimensional thanks to the use of 3D technologies.

Comparative characteristics of modern personal computer operating systems are given in Table. 1.

An overview of alternative operating systems for personal computers is given in Appendix 1.

Table 1. Comparison of modern personal computer operating systems



Win 9.x/ME

Windows NT/2000

Windows 2003 Server

Managing external devices

Operating modes

client, (server)



client, (server)



(client), server

File system

owner (owner)


Application Management

OS stability

Reinstalling the OS

easy, long

difficult, long

difficult, long

difficult, long

difficult, long

Relationship between a document and a program

T/C, extensions






Memory organization







def. rings









Software compatibility

emulator (68k)

emulator (68k)

emulator (68k)

PC (DOS, Win 9.x, Win NT/2000/XP)




emulator (-)



User Interface

interface types



terminal/ X





Data Compatibility

Mac(Cyr), utf16

rus. fonts

DivX, QuickTime, MediaPlayer



PC hardware requirements

Bit depth

not lower than P1

not lower than P3

not lower than P3

CPU frequency:

not less than 300 MHz

RAM capacity:


64 MB

128-256 MB

64 MB

128-512 MB

256-1024 MB

4-512 GB

Multi-processor support

Hard disk space for installation

200-540 MB

1-2 GB

1.5 GB

1.5-2 GB

    Program– a clear, detailed and ordered sequence of computer commands (instructions) to solve a problem. The process of its creation is presented as a sequence of stages of problem formulation, its algorithmization and programming.

    Main characteristics of the programs are: algorithmic complexity, composition and depth of elaboration of the implemented processing functions, completeness and systematicity of processing functions, volume of program files, requirements for the operating system and technical means of processing on the part of the software, volume of disk memory, size of RAM for running programs, type of processor, operating system version, cost, etc.

    To support information technology, there are three classes of software products: system software(a set of programs and software systems to ensure the operation of a computer and computer networks), application packages(a set of interrelated programs for solving problems of a certain class of a specific subject area) and programming technology tools(a set of programs and software packages that provide technology for the development, debugging and implementation of created software products).

    Operating system– a set of software that provides control of computer hardware and application programs, as well as their interaction with each other and the user.

    OS for PCs are divided into single- and multitasking, single- and multi-user, non-portable and portable to other types of computers, non-networked and networked, providing work on a local area network.


A computer is a computing system consisting of hardware and software. Its operation requires basic software - an operating system. Without an operating system, a computer cannot work.

An operating system is a set of programs that organize and control the operation of a computer.

Goal of the work: conduct a comparative analysis of operating systems of the Windows and Mac OS families.


  • Define an operating system;
  • Consider the functions of operating systems;
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of operating systems.

1. Basic definitions and concepts

1.1. operating system

An operating system is a set of interconnected system programs that are loaded when the computer is turned on and are permanently stored in the computer's memory. They conduct a dialogue with the user, manage the computer, its resources (RAM, disk space, etc.), and launch other (application) programs for execution. The operating system provides the user and application programs with a convenient way to communicate (interface) with computer devices.

The main reason for the need for an operating system is that the elementary operations for operating computer devices and managing computer resources are very low-level operations, so the actions that are required by the user and application programs consist of several hundred or thousands of such elementary operations.

For example, a magnetic disk drive “understands” only such basic operations as turning on/off the drive motor, installing read heads on a specific cylinder, selecting a specific read head, reading information from a disk track into a computer, etc. And even to perform such a simple action as copying a file from one floppy disk to another (a file is a named set of information on a disk or other machine media), it is necessary to perform thousands of operations to run disk drive commands, check their execution, search and process information in tables placing files on disks, etc.

The operating system hides all these complex and unnecessary details from the user and provides him with a convenient interface to work with. It also performs various auxiliary actions, such as copying or printing files. The operating system loads all programs into RAM, transfers control to them at the beginning of their work, performs various actions at the request of executing programs, and frees RAM occupied by programs when they complete.

Operating systems can be divided into groups (classified) according to the following criteria:
1. By the number of users: single-user operating system (serves only one user); multi-user (works with many users)
2. By the number of processes: single-task (process only one task - no longer used); multitasking (locates several tasks simultaneously in RAM, which are alternately processed by the processor)

By type of computer technology: uniprocessor, multiprocessor (tasks can be performed on different processors; servers are usually multiprocessor), networked (ensure the sharing of resources by all tasks performed on the network).

Based on the type of interface (the method of interaction with the user), operating systems are divided into 2 classes: OS with a command line interface and OS with a graphical interface.

There are several types of operating systems: Windows, Mac OS.

1.2. Operating system features

The functions of the operating system include:

  • carrying out a dialogue with the user;
  • input/output and data management;
  • planning and organizing the program processing process;
  • resource distribution (RAM and cache, processor, external devices);
  • launching programs for execution;
  • all kinds of auxiliary maintenance operations;
  • transfer of information between various internal devices;
  • software support for the operation of peripheral devices (display, keyboard, disk drives, printer, etc.).

2. Comparative analysis of operating systems

2.1. Windows XP

The history of Windows (developed by Microsoft) dates back to 1986. It gained popularity in 1990, when Windows 3.0 was released. The popularity of the new version of Windows was due to several reasons. The graphical interface allows you to work with objects on your computer not with the help of commands, but with the help of visual and understandable actions on the icons representing these objects. The ability to simultaneously work with several programs has significantly increased the convenience and efficiency of work. In addition, the convenience and ease of writing programs for Windows has led to the emergence of an increasing variety of programs that run on Windows. Finally, work with a variety of computer equipment was better organized, which also determined the popularity of the system. Subsequent versions of Windows were aimed at improving reliability, as well as support for multimedia (version 3.1) and work in computer networks (version 3.11).

In 1995, the Windows 95 system appeared, which became a new stage in the history of Windows: the interface changed significantly, the speed of programs increased, and the Internet Explorer browser was included in the system.

The continuation of the development of Windows 95 was the operating system that appeared in 1998 (Windows 98). While the interface remained the same, the internal structure was significantly redesigned. Much attention was paid to working with the Internet, as well as supporting modern information transfer protocols - standards that ensure the exchange of information between various devices. In addition, a feature of Windows 98 is the ability to work with multiple monitors.

The next stage in the development of Windows was the appearance of Windows 2000 and Windows ME (Millennium Edition). The Windows 2000 system was developed on the basis of Windows NT and inherited from it high reliability and security of information from outside interference. The Windows ME operating system became the successor to Windows 98, but acquired many new features. First of all, this is improved work with multimedia, the ability to record not only audio, but also video information, powerful means of recovering information after failures, and much more.

The Microsoft Windows XP operating system (from the English eXPerience - experience), or Microsoft Codename Whistler, is an OS of the Windows family, created on the basis of NT technology.

Currently, Windows XP for desktop PCs and workstations is available in three versions: Home Edition for home personal computers, Professional Edition for office PCs and, finally, Microsoft Windows XP 64bit Edition - this is the version of Windows XP Professional for personal computers built on based on a 64-bit Intel Itanium processor with a clock frequency of more than 1 GHz.

When you compare Windows XP to earlier versions of Microsoft Windows, it's easy to spot many significant differences in the new operating system. Despite the fact that this OS was developed on the basis of the NT platform and, at first glance, its characteristics are in many ways similar to Microsoft Windows 2000, in fact Windows XP belongs to a fundamentally different generation of operating systems of the Windows family. Now the Windows user is not tied to any standard interface installed on the system by default: you can easily change the appearance of windows by downloading any of hundreds of specially designed “Themes” from the Internet. The traditional Main Menu, which provides access to programs installed on the computer, documents stored on disks and operating system settings, has also undergone a number of significant changes. Now, when you press the Start button, a dynamic menu appears containing icons for only the five programs that you use most often. Thanks to this, you can get started with the applications you need much faster. The Log Off and Turn Off Computer buttons are also located here, allowing you to end the current Windows session and turn off the computer.

In the Microsoft Windows environment, the user often has to work simultaneously with several documents or a set of different programs. At the same time, inactive applications are minimized to the Taskbar, as a result of which it sooner or later becomes overcrowded with icons, and switching between tasks becomes difficult. In order to relieve the taskbar and free up more workspace for displaying icons of running applications, Windows XP uses the so-called task grouping algorithm, according to which similar programs running on the computer at the same time are combined into a logical visual group.

Windows has significant security problems in terms of remote hacking of the system. Coping with this problem is partially helped by installing patches regularly released by developers. Then Microsoft products become mostly secure, but without updating, the operating systems may again be open to hackers.

2.2. MacOS

The transition to a new architecture greatly transformed the Mac community and, in fact, divided the understanding of their computers into two eras - “before the transition to Intel” and “after the transition to Intel.”

The first Mac OS appeared in 1984, much earlier than Windows. It was designed specifically for Macintosh (Mac) computers. These computers have a closed architecture, that is, the computers themselves are assembled only by Apple.

The strength of Mac OS is the virtual absence of viruses for Macintosh. And the point is not only that Mac OS is not very widespread compared to Windows, but also that traditional viruses simply do not work in a UNIX environment. Theoretically, of course, there are samples of viruses that can work with some applications for Mac OS, but their number is simply insignificant compared to malicious software written for Windows. Even remote hacking of a computer running Mac OS is much more difficult than hacking a machine running Windows, and anti-virus programs may be needed only to prevent an infected file from being sent to a machine running Windows, since it will not cause you any harm .

The system interface also has significant differences from Windows. For example, if in Windows each program usually corresponds to one window with tabs and toolbars opening in it, then in Mac OS “floating” windows and panels are used, not tied to a common window, but located on the desktop.

The main feature of the Mac OS interface is its minimalism. This means that when the application is launched, the user is presented with key, basic interface and control elements and, only as needed, the user can customize the working environment to his liking. In this case, the user will not experience difficulties in mastering the OS interface.

Another distinctive feature of the interface is the dock panel. This is a panel at the bottom of the desktop where you can find icons for files and applications that you need quick access to, as well as running applications. The panel can be edited, resized, removed and added application icons. You can also note interface elements such as Dashboard and Expose. Dashboard is a panel for working with “widgets”, the simplest graphical applications that, as a rule, perform information functions. Expose – a function to display on the screen in the form of thumbnails all open windows or only windows of the active program.

Mac OS, unlike Windows, comes with the necessary set of tools for full operation from the very beginning. And although the list of programs for Mac OS is not as impressive as for Windows, nevertheless, all the basic necessary applications for work and entertainment are there.

2.3. Advantages and disadvantages of operating systems
Advantages and disadvantages of Windows and Mac OS operating systems



Windows 1. Wide selection of software
2. Full compatibility with all equipment
3. Technical support
4. Widespread
5. Easy to set up
1. Poor security
2. Somewhat high system requirements
3. Many restrictions (digital content control system, first appeared in Windows Vista, Microsoft is always trying to impose its opinion on what is best for the user)
MacOS 1.Easy setup
2. Does not require knowledge of technical details from the user
3. Intuitiveness of use
4. Convenient organization of windows - all windows are visible and there is no need to switch between them.
5. Basic software installed
6.Good security
1. High cost of computers with Mac OS X
2. Closed computer architecture – there is no possibility of upgrading equipment


Over the past 10 years, computers have literally flooded apartments, offices, and businesses. The “smart box” is confidently entering our lives. Many people no longer imagine how they could manage without it before .

A large number of users prefer to use the computer for entertainment. In this case, Windows is suitable for people who need a multimedia center (music, cinema, Internet, games). And for those who need a computer that is not expensive and not too difficult to use for work, and Mac OS X is the best option for people who want to work on a computer without delving into the features of the system