Search for people on social networks without registration. How to do it. Through law enforcement agencies or other government agencies

If you want to find out something about a person you are interested in, you can do this using the Internet, using our advice.

If there had been the Internet in Soviet times, then the lyrical hero of a famous song would hardly have asked the trees where his beloved was now :) The first thing he would have asked was the “omniscient” Google.

In the lives of almost each of us there are people with whom, due to one or another circumstance, we have lost all contact. And then, sometimes, nostalgia comes over you and you want to know at least something about a childhood friend or distant relative. Sometimes the desire becomes so strong that some even turn to special search agencies or television programs like “Wait for Me”...

Today we will become a little host of the above-mentioned program, a little detective and learn how to search for people on the Internet.

Analysis of available data

Favorite places to search for people are search engines, as well as our popular social networks: VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Most, without further ado, simply enter the first and last name of the desired person into the search bar and... sometimes they actually find it! This approach may be relevant if the person you are looking for has a more or less rare name. However, if you decide to find, say, your school deskmate Vasya Pupkin in this way, then you will have to search for a long time...

In this case, we cannot do without a preliminary analysis of all the data we have about the desired person. Usually we only know the first and last name. However, if we think about it, we can remember the patronymic, which can narrow the search, as well as the year of birth (after all, for sure, if Vasya studied in the same class with you, then he was born in the same year as you +/- year ). In addition, we can assume that the hypothetical Vasya still lives in the same country in which he was born, and this, albeit a little, will weed out the extra foreign “Vasyas”.

If you decide to search on social networks, then another important point may be the presence of our Vasya as friends among classmates you know. Sometimes it’s enough to check a couple of your school acquaintances and the right person is identified quite quickly. So, I propose to summarize the above a little and draw up an approximate algorithm for the initial stage of our search:

In principle, you can start searching from anywhere. The main thing is to immediately decide for yourself how much information about the person we are looking for. After all, on the modern Internet you can find almost complete biographies of most people, including addresses and phone numbers. And by comparing some facts of their public social interaction, you can get a complete picture of their interests, social circle and even habits!

So, I offer you a small practical detective investigation on the topic of searching for data about a person on the Internet, using myself as an example (so as not to violate anyone’s privacy :)). Let's imagine that we only know my first and last name. Based on this, let's try to find out as much as possible about me.

Searching in search engines

It's no secret that search engines (primarily Google and Yandex) collect all kinds of information about users. Therefore, it is quite logical to start your search with your favorite search engine. In this regard, Google will be preferable, since due to the fact that most modern people now use the Chrome browser and Android-based gadgets, this search engine’s database of people will be more complete and extensive.

To begin, simply enter your last name and first name into the search bar and examine the results:

On the initial search page, Google provides a wealth of material for analysis. By clicking on the first link, we immediately get a fairly complete biography of the person (alas, this does not always happen, but still). From it we learn about the type of activity (computer specialist, copywriter, musician, teacher), place of residence and even see his photograph.

We receive information that the person we are looking for is directly related to the site. This is a huge plus, since you can find all the posts related to the site on social networks and glean additional data from there. But that’s later, but for now let’s get back to issuing. The second link takes you to the Facebook People Search page:

We’ll talk about searching through social networks separately, but such an express search can also be useful for replenishing data about a person. In our case, there were not so many people with the required first and last name, so we can quickly figure out among them the one we are looking for. Here, a photograph and information about the place of residence, as well as graduation from a university, helps us in unambiguous identification.

Let's move on to the issue. Obviously, the proposed links to VK and Odnoklassniki are not for us (age and place of residence are clearly not suitable). But then there are a couple of links to freelance exchanges (FreelanceHunt and WebLancer). If we spend a little time registering on these exchanges, we can get the person’s contact information in the form of, at a minimum, an email address, and, at a maximum, also a mobile phone number!

By the way, pay attention to the names of the person’s profile pages. Often his nickname appears there, by which you can also search for additional information. For example, on WebLancer, right in the snippet, next to the person’s name we see his nickname in brackets:

However, nickname can be a fairly general word and if we simply enter it into a search, we most likely will not get a meaningful result. Therefore, here you should resort to some features of the syntax of search queries. The best results can be achieved using:

  1. Exact request. This is a query that does not involve any changes in word forms. It is formed if you put the search phrase in quotation marks (for example: "Ruslan TRos"). By combining various known data about a person in the form of precise queries, you can weed out almost everything that is not related to him.
  2. "Plus" and "Minus" request. This type of query allows you to include or exclude results with specific words from the search results. At the same time, we add “+” to the necessary words, and “-” to the excluded ones (for example: Ruslan +TROs +TRos -metal). The only caveat of this search method is that the query should not consist of more than 32 words.
  3. Request with mask. If you are looking for a person, but do not know, for example, his last name, then instead of the unknown word you can substitute the symbol “*”. As a result, the search results will be significantly expanded, but this may help you find what you are looking for. For example, a request like " Ruslan * TRos"will give you all the Ruslans who are somehow connected with the cables :)
  4. Alternative request. This type of request allows you to get results that include various options for the searched word combinations. It is created by separating query options with a vertical bar ("|") or the service word "OR". In our example, we found out that a person’s nickname can be written in both Russian and English. Accordingly, you can find both options by creating a query like " Ruslan TROS | TRos".
  5. Search a specific site. If you want to find references to a particular person on a site, you can use the “site:” search operator. For example, the request " Ruslan Tertyshny site: site" will display all mentions of the given person's first and last name that are on the specified site.

There are other types of clarifying queries, however, the ones described above are usually sufficient to extract the maximum result from the search results.

Finally, it is worth saying that sometimes displaying images can help in your search. If we already know the person we are looking for “by sight”, then by looking at the display of pictures, we can find references to the person we need in very interesting places;)

Searching on social networks

Some people start their searches not through search engines, but look for people on popular social networks. On the one hand, this is quite convenient, since most of them have good mechanisms for searching for people with numerous filters. However, it is far from a fact that the right person will be registered in the social network chosen for the search, and there is no guarantee that he did not create an account on someone else’s behalf or under a nickname...

How, after all, do you find a person on social networks? To do this, you need to have at least general information about the person you are looking for (we could get it through search engines), as well as a certain amount of deductive thinking and luck :) For example, let's try to find me on Odnoklassniki:

As you can see, a direct search with all possible clarifications did not give us any results... But this does not mean that I am not on Odnoklassniki :) Let's start thinking. If a person does not have his own name, he may be registered under a nickname. We have already discussed how to find out your nickname above. We try to search by entering a nickname instead of a name. But, alas, failure here too...

Let's go the other way :) In Odnoklassniki (and in most other social networks) you can search not only for people, but also for groups. As we found out, the person we need is directly connected to the site, so we try to find the site group and see who runs it:

And the group is led by a certain Frida Best. It would seem, what does this have to do with me? Let's see Frida's few friends;) Here you will find Ruslan Bogdanov, and a couple more people with the desired surname who are relatives. By simply comparing the facts, we conclude that the person we are looking for is hiding under the name Frida Best :)

By the way, about friends. In addition to searching by groups, you can go by finding relatives (who have a similar last name) or acquaintances (living in the same area). But this search option can take a long time, although sometimes it brings results.

Additional data sources

So, we have already figured out how to find a person through search engines, how to find his encrypted accounts on social networks, and now I offer you several alternative sources of information about people that can be used to obtain additional data.

Yandex, in addition to the general search results, has a separate service “tailored” specifically to searching for people. You can get to it by switching to the "tab" People" on the main page:

You have at your disposal a search bar and several filters for age, place of residence/study, type of activity and search places, among which are the most popular social networks. The quality of the search, alas, is not at a particularly high level (if compared with Google), but for a mass express evaluation of the results it is quite suitable.


Another interesting service that allows you to quickly check the presence of a person with a certain nickname in dozens of social networks at the same time - NameChk:

The service is English-language, but quite intuitive. It is enough to enter the nickname of the person we need into the search bar and press the search button. At the top, information will be displayed about free domains with the specified nickname as a name, but this is not particularly interesting to us (although sometimes it is worth looking at occupied sites, perhaps one of them belongs to the person you are looking for). The social media results below are more interesting. Those tiles that are not highlighted in green are links to already occupied accounts, one or more of which may be the profiles of the people we need.

Genealogy sites

If you are looking for a relatively young person who is familiar with the Internet, you will probably find him on at least one of the social networks. However, what if you need to find one of your elderly relatives who are unlikely to be familiar with modern technologies? In this case, sites that allow their users to create family trees of their families can help you:

One of these sites is whose Family Tree Builder client is on our website. It is enough to enter the first and last name of the desired person on the site’s search page, and you will receive a fairly rich “catch” of information. By the way, in the search results I found my great-great-grandfather, who was added to my tree by my second cousin :)

In addition to MyHeritage, you can also search for relatives on the following resources:

Other people search services

Every now and then news appears on the Internet that somewhere and there a website has opened with an official database of all residents of the country. I’ll say right away that such global databases, alas, are not publicly available anywhere! However, there are some resources that directly or indirectly still allow you to obtain certain data about people. One of these sites with the most complete database of people is Telephone Directory:

This web resource does not contain information on all CIS cities, but there are several interesting sections. Firstly, there is information from the traffic police databases (mainly for Moscow), secondly, several expanded databases (with the entry “residents”), and thirdly, a database of residents of all of Ukraine, including those born between approximately 1975 and 1995 years.

Some information can be obtained through services specially tailored for searching people. Alas, most of them are English-speaking, but this does not prevent you from trying to search in Russian. The resources I found most interesting in this regard were PeekYou and WebMii.

Also, a number of data can be extracted from various government services. For Russia, these are the Services of the Federal Tax Service, and for Ukraine, the Services of the State Fiscal Service. However, the catch with these services is that access to data requires authorization using an electronic digital signature or your own TIN (available only to Russian citizens).

If in your search you have reached a complete dead end, you can use the service from the popular television program "":

Enter the name and surname of the person you need into the search bar and check, maybe someone has already searched for him through the program and found him. If there is no result, you can submit a search request yourself. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such applications, so don’t count on quick results, but if your turn does come, then it is quite possible that the people search specialists from the “Wait for Me” team will be able to help you.


A modern person who actively uses the Internet can be found without much effort. Even if he is registered under a different name and surname, using indirect “evidence” obtained in regular search results, you can determine his real and fake accounts in popular social networks, which often contain a large share of data about a person. Right down to your home address and phone number!

It’s another matter if you decide to look for older people who either do not have access to the Internet at all or are not active users. In this case, you can follow the path of relatives and friends, and also search on various services that allow you to create family trees.

And, finally, if you really want to find a person, but nothing useful is found on the Internet, you can always hire a private detective who will find anyone for money. But this is a completely different story, which does not concern the topic of free :)

And most importantly, if a person is dear to you, try to maintain contact with him in any situation. A rare SMS, email or even a paper letter will allow you to be closer, no matter where you are physically. Don’t lose each other so you don’t have to look for anyone later!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Some life situations require finding a person, establishing his location or finding out his last name and first name, knowing only a minimum of information about him. The reasons for such a search can be very different, and sometimes to obtain such data it is not possible to contact specialized authorities, for example, the police or a mobile operator. The pressing question of how to find a person by phone number can be solved independently using free programs and services. All possible ways to find someone, knowing the contact number, we will consider below.

Is it possible to find a person online for free by phone number?

Modern technologies, a variety of software, services of mobile operators - all this provides a lot of opportunities to find a person, knowing his phone number. Many services are free and easy to use; other search options will require some effort and, possibly, financial investment. Free methods of searching for a person online in Russia by phone number include:

Ways to find out a person's location by mobile phone number

Establishing geolocation through a mobile phone is not difficult; in the modern world there are many opportunities for this, which people skillfully use, both for good purposes and for sabotage. To resolve the issue and establish the location of a person, a variety of methods can be used, from the help of a mobile operator to contacting law enforcement agencies (police) or other government agencies. Let's consider in detail each of the options that will help you find a person if you know the phone number.

Contact your mobile operator

Until recently, only a special service employee (police, FSB) could find out where a mobile phone user is; in modern conditions, almost every person can do this. Cellular subscribers can find out the location of a person by phone number using special services, functions, or contacting the operator directly. Such services are usually paid and their cost depends on various factors, for example, the tariff, the capabilities of the application, and the method of obtaining the necessary information.

Through law enforcement agencies or other government agencies

It is possible to find a person and establish his location through law enforcement agencies (police, FSB) or government agencies, but this process has a number of features and nuances that you should be aware of:

  • It is possible to obtain information legally by contacting the relevant authorities with a statement substantiating the reasons for such interest. It should be remembered that government agencies will not provide information just out of idle curiosity; strong motives are needed to search for an object, violation of human rights to privacy and space.
  • Almost anyone can find a person in an illegal way by turning to friends who have power, influence and the ability to obtain the necessary information through government agencies. Taking risks, you should understand that if a violation is detected, criminal liability cannot be avoided.

Using apps on Android or iPhone via satellite

It is possible to find a subscriber using special applications that are designed and work only with certain phones - iPhone, Nokia or Android. It will no longer be difficult to find a switched-on device via satellite. A special program will help with this, after its installation, signals about the movement of another subscriber are transmitted to the satellite at a certain frequency, or information can be obtained upon request. Advantages of subscriber tracking via satellite:

  • The ability to monitor the movements of relatives and children using a special program and navigator, or, if necessary, determine the location of the subscriber of interest.
  • To track, you need to install an application on your phone and know the phone number of the person you need to find.
  • Thanks to some applications, it is possible to find and locate a person not only in real time, but also to find out about his movements several hours ago.
  • High accuracy in determining the user's geolocalization (the error is a maximum of ten meters).

Popular applications that help establish subscriber localization include:

  • “Where are mine” is an application for devices with Android OS that allows you to determine the subscriber’s location with high accuracy. The program is paid, but in order to save money, a family or corporate rate for several people can be used.
  • “My Friends” is a program developed for iPhone that helps you locate your friends. A useful geolocation service provides the ability to find on a map where a particular user is located at a given period of time. The disadvantage of the application is that it cannot be used secretly; the program is installed on two gadgets and confirmation is required for activation.

On websites on the Internet, using special programs

It is possible to establish the location of a mobile phone user by knowing his number and using a special program or websites on the Internet. On the pages of the World Wide Web there are many programs that promise to provide complete information about the location and movement of the subscriber. A striking example is the GSM Direction Finder program, as well as an online service with which you can find a person’s location by mobile phone number. Features of using such programs:

How to find a person's name knowing their home phone number

Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out a person’s name if you have a home phone number. This is very easy to do; you just need to have a computer at home with an Internet connection or address books downloaded to the device. In order to find out a person's name by home phone number, you must perform the following steps:

  • Download or download from disk a directory of addresses. There are a huge number of such reference books; it is advisable to choose updated editions, and before downloading and uploading, you should definitely check the file for viruses so as not to damage the system.
  • Select the necessary parameters: region, city.
  • In certain cells, enter the address: street, house, apartment.
  • The last name and first name of the person who is registered and lives at this address will appear in a new window.

Most large sites have long had additional methods of application; social networks are no exception. Now, to find the right person, you just need to use the search, but sometimes you don’t want to register on the site, although this may not be required.

You can also search for people on social networks without registration, and you will learn how to search from this article. Even law enforcement agencies actively use popular sites, since with their help you can collect a lot of information about a person and determine his social circle.

How to search for people on social media networks without registration?

Considering how developed the Internet is now, it is safe to assume that almost everyone can be found. Of course, there are still some people who do not use social media. networks, but even they create pages for themselves, filling them with inauthentic data. If you need to find a person, first of all use Vkontakte social network. Why VKontakte? According to statistics, most Russians use it.

You do not need to register to search this site, please visit and go to the “People” section:

In addition to allowing you to enter your first and last name, there are various filters available in the sidebar. There are a lot of people with the same last name and first name, so they will definitely be useful to you:

Similarly, you can continue your search on other most popular social networks. Unfortunately, the search function is closed on some sites, so you will have to use alternative methods.

Search for people on all social networks at once

When you use search within a site, it is easier to find data, but it is more convenient to search through search engines. To do this, you can use the service It also allows you to search for people on social networks without registration, and on all sites at once. Just follow the link, enter first and last names, and also use filters for a more precise search:

Please note that the “More” filter allows you to find people on specific sites. This is much more convenient, but if the page is new or if it is not indexed, then it may not be here, so you will have to go to each site separately and search manually.

Search for a person by photo

If you have a photo, you can try to find the person through search engines. The exact same photo must be uploaded on his page, since the search is carried out not by the face, but by the entire photo. For example, this is how you can find a person from a dating site, since photos are usually uploaded there and on social media. networks.

To conduct such a search, go to Google (you can also use Yandex). You need to go to the image search and click on the camera symbol:

You will be asked to provide a link to the picture or upload it from your computer. You can simply right-click on the photo and copy the link to the image, if this is too difficult, save the photo on your computer and then upload:

It is convenient that such a search is carried out not only on social networks, but also on many other sites. Who knows, maybe the person will be found somewhere else:

If all searches for the photo have not yielded any results, try posting the photo on the forums, maybe someone will recognize a familiar face (if the city is known, use city portals, this will give you a better chance of finding the person).

How to find a person on the Internet?

A service called “People Search” was created specifically for searching on the World Wide Web. On it, anyone can leave a request to find a person, and also check who is looking for whom. To do this, you just need to enter your last name and first name on the main page:

Unlike other methods, the site offers not just a search function, but a full-fledged and high-quality service through which you can find even someone who is not registered on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Be sure to leave your information in this database or a request to find a person.

An equally effective way to find a person on the Internet is to use a special search on Yandex. The search engine has long had a separate search for You also need to indicate your first and last name, after which other parameters will be available:

The main advantage of this method is the simultaneous search for people on all popular social networks. You can try it out by entering your details and making sure that you are easy to find on the Internet.

Internal search on social networks

Not a single additional service copes with finding people like the built-in search on a website. Each social The network has functionality to make it easy and convenient to find a person. To check if a person is registered on VKontakte, follow the link and enter his first and last name. After that, use the filters on the right to refine the data:

Likewise, it is worth looking for a person on Odnoklassniki, especially if he is old enough. This social The network is distinguished by its audience; it is mainly used by people over 30 years old. Under your photo, click on search for new friends:

After this, a new page opens where you will need to enter your first and last name, and then set up additional filters:

Everything is extremely simple, and the more data you know, the easier it will be to find a person. Do you suspect that the person you are looking for has moved abroad? Then be sure to check if he is registered on Facebook, since outside the Russian Federation, this social network is the most popular. On your page, select “Find Friends”:

On the page that opens there will be a form in which you can specify various person details:

This site has the fewest filters and the largest audience of users, so it will be difficult to search.

Using all this information, searching for people on social networks will be much more effective. Even if the person indicated the first and last name with errors, try to indicate the remaining parameters. At the very least, you can easily find those with whom you studied, indicating the place and year of study.

The audience of social networks continues to increase, and at the same time internal search on these projects is developing. Every day, people use search on social networks to find friends, find out what city their interlocutor is from, make sure that the profile is not fake, and even look for the necessary information on various issues.

Searching online doesn't always help you find what you need. That is why it needs to be produced in a complex. With the right approach, you can easily find copied photos, find a person by phone number, or even identify his additional profiles. Search engines and special services help with this.

How to search correctly on social media. networks?

First, you should learn how to make the right queries in search engines. On Yandex, you can search for data for any query indicating a specific site. For example, you can take a VKontakte address and make a request to find pages related to the city of Moscow:

To display search results from only one site, you need to enter the site: function and then specify the resource address. In our case, there was a filter for VKontakte, and when using it, advanced pages were displayed for the request “Moscow”. Similarly, you can search on social networks by entering first and last names.

How to find on social networks by phone number?

You can try simply entering the number in the Yandex search, or you can use a special service. On, just enter your phone number, after which some information about it will appear, and you can also search on social networks:

On the same site you can search for landline numbers. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that the owner of the number will be found, but as they say, “Trying is not torture.”

Search via Yandex.People

Another good way to conduct a search is on social media. networks is to use a special service from Yandex. Follow the link and a regular search engine page will open. You need to indicate the first name, last name and other information about the person:

Thanks to this service, it is easiest to find people, because they can be registered on different sites and search for them on social media. networks, it will be too difficult.

Experienced users are confident that network search will very soon be able to compete with Yandex and Google, but for now it is not able to analyze the pages of other sites. As you can see, with the help of small tricks, you can find any person or information, no matter what social network. they were not in the networks.

No related posts.


Today, most people around the world use mobile telephony due to its widespread availability and convenience. No less of them use social networks, thanks to which everyone can search for any person registered there.

By opening up the convenience of communication, the social network also allows you to quickly find people if there is no complete information about them or they are hidden. Having only a personal mobile phone number or some combination of mobile phone numbers in hand, you can find an account and get in touch. This will be much more convenient than sorting through numbers, calling or writing SMS. Read about how to find a person by phone number on social networks in this article.

A way to find a person by mobile number on VKontakte that has stopped working

The registration process on VK.COM takes place through a mobile phone, which previously provided access to a simple way to search for people. Today it stopped working as additional checks were introduced.

First, go to the VK.COM website, log out of your account and click on the link below to go to the mobile version of the site:

Let's say we know a certain number 89225763248 - enter it. If a user with such a mobile phone is registered, the system will allow you to proceed to the next step. This step is to verify the last name specified in the profile. If you know, in addition to the number, the last name, then you can find the account. Without specifying the last name, it is impossible to find a profile in this way - this is the security innovation that blocks access to a simple way to find a person by phone number:

But do not despair, as there are other methods of obtaining the necessary information.

Search news and posts on

It happens that VKontakte users leave their profile public - accessible for internal and external searches, and also indicate a personal mobile phone number. The probability of such an outcome is small, but it should be used.

To check this: log into your personal account, go to the profile page and indicate your existing phone number in the search bar:

As a result, we receive a list of news, records and publications that are in one way or another related to the desired numbers. Let's say, after looking through all the information found, we managed to find the necessary information - we rejoice!

If the necessary information is not available (as in our case), we move on to another method of searching for a person.

We are looking for people through synchronization of device contacts and

To use this method, you need to follow a few simple steps. However, to perform them, you must first install the application on your mobile device and log in to your account.

To find people through contact synchronization, you must first create these contacts on your device. To do this, dial the number (89225763248 - our test one), save it in the device’s phone book:

Then launch the application, go to the “Settings” - “Account” section:

And let's go to synchronize contacts:

In the window that appears, select “Contacts only” instead of “Do not sync”:

p.s. After a while, a notification was sent to the mail that among the imported contacts it was possible to find a person with the required mobile phone number:

How to identify an enemy by IP or find out the address of a girl you like? We talk about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the “near:” operator, you can find out what residents of a particular city are currently writing about:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or looked at in the exif data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

We cut out the part of the photo where the person’s head is and upload it to the Google image search page. We are surprised by the result.

7. Find out what a person posted on Twitter on a specific day

Sometimes it's interesting to find out what a famous person tweeted before a certain date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17, 2015?

For complex tasks like these, Twitter has advanced search operators. They must be entered on the main page of the social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the above “until” with the “since” operator, you can make a selection of tweets over a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is wanted

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has any debts

14. Find out in which region he bought the SIM card

Subscribers can determine the region and operator on the website

15. Find out, find out a person’s apartment number by home phone number

The latest life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) You accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

B) In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

B) Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

D) Call the required number;