What does it mean to set a in KMP player? Configuration menu in KMP Player. Controlling video playback in KMP Player

Let's go to the program settings window. Click right key on the main window and select the submenu Settings -> Configuration . As picture:

Adjusting brightness – blur – sharpness, etc.

Look at the screenshot just below

Player settings menu

A settings window will appear before us:

KMPlayer settings window

You need to do it as in the picture. Remembering the playback location is very convenient function. When you want to watch the movie later. Just close the player and when necessary, open it again and start the movie - it will continue from the last moment you watched. It is also worth remembering that for audio files it is better to disable this function.
Expand the general menu for advanced settings. Go to the submenu " Repeat/List " then on the right select the window " Playlist ". Uncheck the "Clean up" box standard list at closing." So that your playlist is not reset when closed (and you spent so much time creating it).
There is also an interesting sub-item below: “ Keys/Global " and the window on the right " Global keyboard shortcuts ". Here you can set up global keyboard shortcuts for the most common operations when the player window is not active. For example, you are working in Word, typing text and suddenly want to switch to the next song, so as not to make unnecessary movements, you can press a pre-selected key combination. Click the “Add” button, a window with a function selection will appear. Select "Play" then "Next". An entry will appear in the window. At the bottom, select a keyboard shortcut. To do this, left-click in the field next to which “Key” is written in red letters and press the key combination. For example, in my case it is Ctrl+Alt+PgDn.
Next we look for the menu “ Decoders "right selection" Using built-in codecs ". The recommended value is “Use when system codecs fail.” But you need to remember that in this case you need to download and install a set of decoders ( special programs allowing video decoding). Most best set K Lite Codec Pack. Take . Otherwise, use the Always Use option. Why did I focus on this? Because some video files have problems when played with built-in codecs. To avoid this, use my advice.
It is also worth paying attention to the point “ Audio processing ". You can check the box next to “Built-in audio processor (Crossfader)” and next to “Use in audio mode only.” Also, click the “Set” button next to it and in the window that appears, set 2000 ms in both fields. What is it for? So that there is no silence when switching from one song to another. The first song will slowly fade in volume, and the second, on the contrary, will increase. You will get beautiful continuous playback.

Also, on quiet video files, turning on the “ Automatic adjustment volume (normalization)" in the "Compressor/Normalizer" item. The program will automatically increase the sound volume.

Menu " Video processing » I don’t recommend touching it, because... You can lose a lot in computer performance. There are a lot of settings and filters, and if you activate everything, the computer will start to slow down (even a powerful one).

Well, we figured out the settings.

Some useful combinations keys (work when active window The KMPlayer, to make the window active, left-click on it):

  • Left and Right Arrows - Rewind and Forward
  • Up and down arrows - volume up and down
  • Enter - in video mode, expand to Full Screen
  • Alt+E - show/hide playlist
  • Space - pause
  • PgDn and PgUp - next and previous track/video in the playlist
  • Ctrl+D - opening DVD menu

At the request of the workers, I will describe another very useful function— display playlist items. In KMPlayer it can be configured in the most sophisticated way. Let's go to Settings - General - Repeat/List and select the tab Playlist :

Setting up KMPlayer playlist entries

You need to change the values ​​in the Title field. By default it is empty (everything should be displayed normally). By clicking the Info button, you can view the list of macros to add to this field. Here are some examples:

$filepart(%filename%) - the file name will be displayed

%album% - %artist% - %title% - Album - Artist - Track title (you can put your own punctuation marks, the same order, the main thing is that the macros remain original)

$if2(%artist% - %title%,$filepart(%filename%)) - if there are artist - track name values, then displays them, otherwise displays the file name

$caps(your title) - converts any value inside into a string with first caps, rest lowercase letters. Example SKRILLEX – FIRST OF THE YEAR – Skrillex – First Of The Year. Replace the words “your title” with the desired expression.

Also, sometimes problems arise with DVD playback when using codecs installed in the system (my discs were played without sound). Opening settings DVD - Decoder :

DVD Settings

And check the boxes next to Built-in decoder for DVD viewing(as in the picture above).

An important function of the player is video buffering. This is needed to watch movies over the network (and via wi-fi) and movies with a high bitrate, when hard drive other programs apply. To make the video play smoothly, you need to increase the buffer. Let's go to Settings - Filters - Input Filter . Place a check mark next to it Asynchronous file processing and one more Enable buffering for files on your hard drive. Buffer size to taste, the larger the better):

Setting up the video playback buffer.

How we watch TV - we take the remote control, find desired channel and everything is ready for viewing, i.e. We press the control buttons on the TV remote a couple of times.

You can also easily configure viewing and KMPlayer control – click on the video file once and watch the movie full screen, pause and forward-backward are also controlled by one click on the mouse button, the wheel adjusts the sound level + more additional buttons on non-standard mice(and these are all those that are more expensive than 150).

Here are the screenshots KMPlayer settings For convenient viewing when using one or two monitors (or monitor + TV), 5.1 acoustics when using mice With additional buttons(to go to settings, press F2 on the player).

Make your settings as shown in the screenshots (all those not indicated in the pictures - leave them set by default):

When watching a video, all files in the folder will be played one by one in full screen mode with the ability to control the multimedia keyboard if for some reason the window with the program KMPlayer was closed, then the next time you click on the shortcut KMPlayer A full-screen window will open and the movie will continue from where it stopped; When you scroll the mouse wheel, the sound level is displayed on the screen as a percentage.

We output viewing window to the selected monitor or TV, the second monitor can be used for other work while viewing (Fig. 3a):

Clicking additional mouse buttons will allow you to move through the movie at specified periods of time (from 5 seconds to 10 minutes), and clicking on the wheel will stop or continue playback; configure the speaker configuration (from mono to 5.1):

and turn on the equalizer in the selected mode:

Video files with the extension .mkv - these are HD videos - can contain several versions of the film translation, usually the original soundtrack and one or more versions of the Russian translation. To select an audio stream, click on open window kmplayerright click mouse – select “audio processing” – and “select audio stream” – then click on the one suggested from the list.

Now you can watch videos without opening extra windows and without unnecessary mouse clicks.

Another trick is to avoid opening this window (if you have 2 monitors):

or do not press win+P on the keyboard, find the file DisplaySwitch.exe, on Windows 7 Displayswitch is located in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder; on Windows XP it can be found by Searching in the Windows folder.

right-click on the DisplaySwitch and select “pin to taskbar” and you can turn on and off the non-main monitor-projector with two right-clicks (in the picture it is indicated by an arrow):

Now one click of the mouse replaces many unnecessary and unnecessary actions. Mode selection watching videos:
computer only;
projector only – will be produced from this shortcut.

Now everything is ready for convenient control wireless mouse with additional buttons, sitting away from big screen, using it when watching videos on KMPlayer. Yes, and all the main video players in the settings have the ability to control additional mouse buttons when watching a movie - the wheel when rotating back and forth is convenient to adjust the volume, click on the wheel - pause, double (Alarm) and single right (menu call) - left (Alarm and Pause) clicks, clicks of two additional buttons (forward back for a few seconds).

We watch films and offer our own settings.


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    Windows 8, 8 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, XP, XP 64-bit


Setting up KMPlayer

KMplayer has many settings, which allows experienced users customize anything. The abundance of all kinds of settings can cause panic in ordinary users. Therefore, usually no additional program settings are made and all files are played with default settings. However, it will be useful to change some options depending on the content being played. Moreover, any experiments with settings can be canceled.

The Reset Configuration button returns the settings to default values. You can get to the settings window either by using the F2 key or by right-clicking on the screen area, then “Configure” and “Configuration”

The player interface is well translated into Russian, so the meaning of the settings is clear if you know the meaning of some specific terms. Options with values ​​other than the default values ​​are indicated with a red line in the screenshots. In the first screenshot, the “Enable advanced menu” checkbox is checked. This option adds several useful commands to the main menu, for example, the ability to take a screenshot from a video. The second has a list of built-in codecs. It is recommended to enable the VC-1 codec here as it is designed for HD video playback.

The “Decoders” tab allows you to select the codec option for the program. You can use codecs built into KMplayer, or installed ones, such as K-Lite Pack or CCCP, or system. The latter can (but not necessarily) help if the file slows down during playback.

Sound Settings

Sound settings in KMplayer are quite varied. You can add surround sound. Available good equalizer. You can experiment with the sliders on other tabs. The "Standard" button returns the settings to default values.

Image slideshow settings

KMplayer has the ability to view photos (“Visualization” - “Slide Show”). There are also some settings here. To prevent the player from jumping from picture to picture chaotically, you need to uncheck the random display box. The Standard slide transition effect changes slides without video effects.

Association of files with KmPlayer.

KMplayer has a beautiful and convenient set icons for media files. They are more informative than standard Windows. To associate them in the settings, you need to check the boxes next to the selected formats, or click “Select all”.

All settings in KMplayer are applied immediately, without clicking buttons like “OK” or “Apply”.

The KMPlayer is free player video and audio files, which includes a number of the widest possibilities.

Installing the KMPlayer video player

Video player KMPlayer download free for Windows You can directly from the official website of the program manufacturer. During installation you can choose individual components applications, and inexperienced users so as not to delve into technical specifications, can use the hint KMP and select the installation type - " Recommended".

Free distribution KMPlayer- not its only advantage. This video player has wide functionality and is very versatile. KMPlayer suitable for both XP, so for Windows 7 And 8 , eliminating the need to maintain other players for your computer to play different formats.

Rice. 1. Installing the KMPlayer video player.

Opening a video in KMP player

After launching the video player, the main window will open, at the bottom of which there is a playback control panel. Open a video file directly from a window KMP Player can be done in three ways:

  1. drag with mouse video file to player;
  2. press the button " Open file";
  3. right-click anywhere on the player, after which a context menu will open, where there are items " Open" And " Open file".

Rice. 2. Opening video and audio files in video KMP player layer.

Controlling video playback in KMP Player

The most necessary control buttons for playing video in the player KMP located in the left corner of the program. It's about about:

  • switching from 2D to 3D;
  • file list editor for the queue, which can also be opened using a hotkey combination Alt+E;
  • control panel (key combination Alt+G), which includes permanent settings for video and audio playback, and also contains a link to the menu " Configuration" V KMPlayer;
  • management of video filters, as well as video and audio streams.

Rice. 3. Buttons for controlling video playback in the KMPlayer player.

Setting aspect ratios for correct video display

A problem that often occurs is when the aspect ratio of the screen and the video file does not match. For example, iTunes has a widescreen ratio (16:10, 16:9), and analog DVD has a PAL and NTSC ratio, which has a 4:3 ratio, and so on. This can lead to the fact that the video will look distorted when played on a particular device, because not all computer players are able to solve this problem.

KMP allows you to manually switch the aspect ratio, easily eliminating this annoying visual effect. To do this, from the context menu you need to go to the section " Scaling" => "Screen Control ".

Rice. 4. Video scaling in KMPlayer.

To set the correct proportions for the video being played, regardless of its resolution, you need to configure the menu correctly " Screen Control". If in section " Scaling"The choice of aspect ratio depended entirely on the monitor, but here the list of aspect ratios implies the proportions of the video player itself, and, accordingly, the video file.

For example, if the user is not watching a movie in full screen, then the aspect ratio of the monitor and video player may not match. If the video being played back is distorted, you need to change the ratio to " Original", and if the video has a non-standard resolution and proportions, then you will need to click " Don't maintain aspect ratio" and manually stretch the screen borders to the required size. Very useful option, which, unfortunately, not all computer players have.

Rice. 5. Video aspect ratio in KMPlayer.

Managing audio tracks in KMP Player

If a video file has multiple audio tracks, then KMP allows you to quickly and conveniently switch between them. To do this, you will need to go through the context menu to the section " Audio" - "Track selection", where you have to select the desired audio file. By the way, the developers chose subtitles in a similar way, only they can be changed and disabled through the " section Subtitles".

As for audio processing, KMPlayer There is full control frequencies, which not many computer players can boast of. In case of poor dubbing, when the actors' lines cannot be heard due to third-party noise, the " function will help Normalization", which scans and optimizes audio frequencies in real time.

Rice. 6. Manage audio settings in KMPlayer.

Configuration menu in KMP Player

On the menu " Configuration"almost all functions and capabilities of the video player can be configured KMPlayer. You can open it in three in simple ways using:

  1. control Panel, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article;
  2. context menu in the section " Settings" - "Configuration";
  3. "hotkey" F2.

Rice. 7. "Configuration" menu in KMPlayer.

An important point of the menu " Configuration"there will be a section" Decoders". Despite the fact that the standard video player codecs KMP active by default, video can be in the most different formats. Accordingly, the standard decoder KMP Player may open a file with an error or play a video in poor quality. In this case, it is necessary to change the “default” decoder to the optimal system one.

Rice. 8. Section "Decoders" in KMPlayer.

Thus, KMPlayer has the widest range of capabilities for both playback and management of video files, and clear interface helps the user quickly find the desired menu and section, facilitating easy and enjoyable work with this free, but very effective program. All this allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding the fact that KMP can easily claim the title of “best video player”.

Site administration website expresses gratitude to the author AlessandroRossi, as well as the editor Paffnutiy for assistance in preparing the material.

If for certain purposes, for example, to create a music video, you need to cut a fragment of audio or video from a film, then The KMPlayer will help you solve this problem professional, universal and multifunctional video and audio player made in Korea to view media data.

To perform these operations, The KMPlayer has a capture function for both video and audio. You can save a fragment, or you can re-record the entire story, applying various effects or settings to improve the quality of the source material. From the cut out fragments you can later compose a film or music video, decorate with special effects.

So, to cut a fragment from a video, you need to stop watching it at the right place while watching it by pressing the “Pause” button. Right-click on the player window to bring up the context menu.

By default, the video fragment file will be saved in the "Capture" folder, which will be created at C:\Program Files\The KMPlayer\Capture. In the "File name" line, the path for final file can change. By default, the player saves video in *AVI (VFW) format, but you can choose a different format (some formats may not be supported).

In the audio settings, set the switch to the “Encode audio stream” or “Encode. processed audio." Next, you need to click the “Start” button and turn on playback.” When you need to finish recording a fragment, close the player with the “Close” button in the right top corner player. If you press the Pause button, recording will continue.

In the “Audio Capture...” settings, in principle, you don’t need to change anything, except the final path for the cut fragment from a video file or audio file, if the “Capture” folder is not suitable.

If you are fairly familiar with file encoding, you can set the switch to the “Audio Encoder 1” position. You will have access to additional settings via the "Browse" button.

If you need to re-record video or audio, for example, by applying a surround sound effect to the audio track, then before you start recording, move the visual playback control slider to the left to the end, that is, to the very beginning of playback.

The KMPlayer saves the final audio file in WAV format (Windows PCM format high definition). No other options are provided. If you need a file with a different extension, for example, .mp3, then convert it with any converter, for example, the Format Factory program.

In Windows XP/7 The KMPlayer by default creates a capture folder "Capture" at C:\Program Files\The KMPlayer\Capture automatically. In operating rooms Windows systems 8/8.1/10 when trying to start capturing, the error “The specified file could not be captured” may appear.
But a folder "The KMPlayer" will be created at C:\Users\Admin\Documents\The KMPlayer (Computer/This PC > Documents > The KMPlayer). Right-click The KMPlayer window and select Settings > Configuration > Associations/Capture > Capture. Specify the path to the "The KMPlayer" folder or the path to any other folder of yours.

Some distributions of The KMPlayer have this mode enabled by default. high speed for video processing. To capture video you need to turn it off. Right click on the window The KMPlayer and select Settings > Advanced Menu. You need to check the box if not. Then right-click on the player window again. Select "Video (advanced)" and uncheck the "Super Speed ​​Mode" and "High Speed ​​Mode" checkboxes.

Source files for correct operation video captures must have the extension .avi. MP4, FLV, MKV, etc. technologies are not supported. The easiest way to see the file extension is to hover over it and see the tooltip. To convert source files You can use any media data converter to AVI.

The capture folder can be opened from the player's context menu. To do this, right-click on the player window and select Capture -> Open capture folder.