How to install a mailbox on your computer. How to create your own mailbox and email address. enter personal data

Getting your own email is extremely easy. To do this, you just need to choose one of the many free services email and register there. Today there are many free email providers, such as, for example,,,, mail, and

In our article we will tell you how to create email on a computer, but before you start registering, you should decide on some criteria. These include: the volume of the email box, the stability of the resources, the degree of protection against spam and hacking attempts, as well as convenient functionality.

How to create email on your computer yourself?

To create your email account, you need to find the “Registration” button on the selected site and click on it. Different mailers may have different registration forms, however, they are often provided with step-by-step instructions. A beginner just needs to stick to it.

Assigning an email address

To assign a personal email address, the mailer system will prompt you to create a login. Such a login should consist only of numbers and Latin letters, and the only characters allowed are “_” - underscore. The login should not contain popular words, and it should not be simple, otherwise the mailbox will be vulnerable to spam mailings. The finished email address looks like this: login-symbol@- mailbox address.

In addition, during registration, the system prompts the new user to create a password. The password should not contain easily identifiable information, such as, for example, your first and last name or date of birth. You'll have to come up with quite complex combination so that it cannot be decrypted. For security, the length of your password must exceed 6 characters.

Final stage

Once your registration has been completed, the user will have access to the created mailbox. Now, when you want to log into your email, you need to enter your username and password on the main page in the appropriate fields. There are also special programs for mail, such as The Bat and Outlook. They will come in handy for people who engage in intensive correspondence, as they can provide continuous access to their mailbox.

Email is an analogue of a real mailbox that exists on the Internet in in electronic format. To create your own mail on the Internet, it is first advisable to decide which service you want to use. You can register an email with various global companies, ranging from Yandex, Google and, to services from private websites and hosting.

How to create an Email from Google?

The world-famous company Google provides users with a lot of tools for working on the Internet. One of them is electronic Mailbox, combining free storage files, an easy “dialer” and a lot of other services. To sign up for Gmail from Google:

  • follow the link to the account creation page;
  • fill in all the fields provided: first and last name, desired mailbox address, password, date of birth and phone number;
  • Click “Next Step” and go to the page with the rules;
  • read them, agree with the information by clicking on the button below the list;
  • opens new page with congratulations and notification of the creation of a new mailbox;
  • It is not necessary to enter your phone number when registering. However, he in case of emergency, will allow you to recover your password or confirm your affiliation with a specific user;
  • if during registration the browser offers to save your login and password, you can agree if you do not want to enter them every time you log in (the login form will be filled in automatically);
  • after that you can immediately proceed to using all those listed at the top of the page Google services, or study useful articles on account management.

How to create an Email from Yandex?

To use mail from the largest Russian Internet resource, you need to create an account in the Yandex system. To do this:

  • indicate the required personal data;
  • come up with a login and password (the login cannot be changed after registration is completed, the password cannot be changed at any time);
  • enter the phone number (if you do not want to do this, click “No phone”);
  • if you choose to enter without a phone, you will need to come up with Security Question and the answer to it (only you should know this information);
  • we accept Terms of use, placing a jackdaw next to it;
  • Click on the “Register” button;
  • the system redirects us to a page with a notification about successful creation account;
  • Yandex mail is ready, you can use it.

Create an Email on Mail.Ru

In almost the same way it is created email on the Russian entertainment and mail portal Here the user selects the domain part for his login. How it looks – see the picture below:

  • register using the link, fill out the same lines (last name, first name, login-password);
  • It is not necessary to indicate the city and gender;
  • the phone will be used to receive a verification code;
  • replacing this data, like Yandex, is allowed with a security question;
  • click green button registration, we get another email box.

Why do you need to have multiple email accounts? It's simple - they may be needed for different purposes. For example, it is convenient to create a separate email for purchases or interesting subscriptions from sites, and another for work or personal correspondence. This will allow you to receive less spam, sort information, and have access to it when you want it. Among other things, several different emails with different passwords will reliably protect your personal data.

In order to be able to correspond by email, you will need a mailbox where letters will be received and stored, as well as your own email address. How to create them will be discussed in this material.

First, you need to decide on which mail server your email will be located. Surely, when you connected to the Internet, your provider had already allocated you a mailbox at own server. But we would not recommend using this option, since providers change, but addresses remain for a long time. Therefore, most the best option will use the services of some large free postal service.

Currently, there are more than two dozen large free postal services in Russia, of which the most popular are:

Of course, you can choose less popular services, but keep in mind that not all of them are equally convenient and functional. But large postal services have in their arsenal advanced anti-spam tools, convenient user interface, I support all kinds of email clients, my own utilities for checking mail, and also pay a lot of attention to the stability of the service.

Almost all mailers provide users with the following basic features:

  • Accessing your mailbox via a web page. This means you will be able to view your correspondence, create, receive and send emails by using a browser to access a special page hosted on the mail service server. Thus, it is possible to work with e-mail from any computer connected to the Internet.
  • POP3 access. This protocol allows you to work with e-mail not through a web browser, but using special programs, such as: Microsoft Outlook,The Bat!, Mozilla Thunderbird, Opera and others called mail clients.
  • IMAP access. It is a more advanced alternative to POP3 and provides users with enhanced capabilities for working with electronic correspondence when using email clients on their computer.

Unlike POP3, IMAP protocol Not all mail services support it, for example refused to use it.

In order to create your own mailbox, you need to register on the service you like. If you have chosen one of the four above services, then to start registering, simply click on its name, after which the corresponding registration page will open in front of you. But before that, still read this material to the end.

One of key issues When creating a new mailbox, you select its address, that is, your future email address. In general, the email address looks like this:

< Your invented name (login) >@ < Postal service name >

The “at” (@) symbol separating the login and the name of the mail server is called a “dog” in our country, a “snail” in Italy, and a “monkey” in Germany.

As you understand, the name of the mail service is entered automatically, depending on the service for which you register, and all you have to do is create a login, which must be unique and consist of a single word. In this case, the name can consist of Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

On mail services where tens of millions of mailboxes are registered, choosing a unique login, and one that suits you, is quite difficult. trivial task. So to an address containing your personal name, e.g. [email protected] or some popular word, type [email protected] , you can't count on it. At the same time, the registration system will immediately check your address for uniqueness and warn you if such a name is already taken.

When coming up with a name for your mailbox, be sure to take into account the purpose for which it is being created and with whom you will correspond. If you are creating a mailbox for business correspondence or you are an adult, then in its name it is quite appropriate to use a combination of your name or its first letter and surname, for example [email protected] . But keep in mind that too long name It will be awkward to write.

Many users use completely “neutral” and, in some cases, “puffy” names in their email names, such as “coolguy” or “bestgirl”. When corresponding with friends or registering on some resources, this is quite acceptable, but using this type of address to send business proposals or a resume to a potential employer is unlikely to be appropriate.

So, after selection unique name and entering some personal data, registration will be completed, and you will become the owner of a new personal mailbox. Now it is important to remember or even write down a few basic meanings:

  • Just created by you email address(For example, [email protected] ).
  • Login (username) to connect to a mailbox. As a rule, it coincides with the mail address itself or the left part of it located before the “dog”.
  • Created by you password to connect to a mailbox.

These three values ​​will be enough for you to work with email through a browser. To do this, simply go to the website of your mail service, enter your username and password, after which you will be taken to personal page your mailbox. There you can see a list of received letters, read them, write new ones or send replies, and much more.

Users who lead an active life online can have several mailboxes at once, using them for different purposes. For example, one of them is for business correspondence, the second is for personal correspondence, and the third is for registering on various network resources. It is possible that you will soon need an additional mailbox, creating which is no longer a problem for you.

E-mail has become so firmly established in our lives that it is unthinkable to imagine how we would communicate on forums, exchange information, photos and videos without it. useful service. Increasingly there is a need to have two or three, or even five or even ten postal addresses: for work colleagues, partners, friends, forums, mailing lists, etc. and so on. Working with such an army of mailboxes through regular web interfaces on the websites of postal services takes a lot of time and significantly increases Internet costs. And here email programs come to our aid.

What is an email program? This is a program installed on your PC in which you can receive, write, send and store emails and their attached files directly on your computer without visiting the email site through a browser.

An email program is also often called a mail client, an email client, an email client, or a mailer.

Today there are many email programs. We will look at the most common of them that work in the operating system Microsoft Windows:

Windows Mail(default is set to Windows Vista) - Microsoft Outlook Express(installed by default on Windows XP) - Outlook Office 2007 (included in the software package Microsoft Office 2007)

Outlook Office 2003 (included in the Microsoft Office 2003 software suite)

We will analyze all the main points using the example of the Windows Mail program, supplied with all operating systems. Windows family Vista. And then we will step by step analyze the process of setting up other email programs.

As an example, we will use a mailbox on with the name This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and password password.

So let's get started.

How to Set Up Windows Mail in Microsoft Vista

1. First of all, let's launch the mail program.

In the Windows Vista Start menu, click “All Programs” and select “Windows Mail” from the list that appears.

2. Let's start creating a new email account. To do this, in the “Service” menu, select “Accounts...”.

3. In the window that opens, click the “Add” button.

4. Select the type of added account– “Email account” and click the “Next” button.

5. Enter the name that will appear in the “From” field of all letters we send. For example, Anna S. And click the “Next” button.

6. Enter our email address, for example This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. , and click the “Next” button.

7. Now the most difficult part of the work is setting up the reception and sending of mail. To do this, you need to enter the names of the corresponding servers - POP3 and SMTP. Let's figure out what it is.

POP3 - from the English “Post Office Protocol Version 3”, translated as “post office protocol of the third version”. It is used by the email program to receive mail from the server. In our example, the server is, because This is where the email account is registered.

SMTP – from English “Simple Mail” Transfer Protocol", translated as "simple mail transfer protocol". It is designed to transfer mail to a server (in our example to and from the server to the recipient.

For greater clarity, let's use an analogy with a postman. POP3 postman brings mail that comes to you from the post office, which is The SMTP postman takes your mail and takes it to Postal office(, and from there it delivers your letters to the recipients.

Thus, if thanks to POP3 we receive mail, then thanks to SMTP we can send it. The operation of these protocols is invisible to our eyes. However, any email program must specify which protocols to use.

In our example:

Incoming message server for receiving mail: (where pop3 is the protocol for receiving mail, and is the system in which the mailbox is registered) - outgoing message server for sending mail: (where smtp is a protocol for sending mail, and is the system in which the mailbox is registered) Note: If you have a mailbox or, then you need to write them instead of Then you get or for receiving mail, and or for sending mail. The same principle applies to any other mail systems:,, etc. Everywhere a dot and the name of the mail system are added to pop3 and smtp. For example: to receive mail or; to send mail to or

So, we entered the server names for receiving and sending mail: and Each field must contain only one name.

8. There is another interesting option in this window. Many postal systems, including, for security reasons, request your mailbox name and password when sending and (or) receiving mail. In this case, be sure to check the box next to “The outgoing message server requires authentication.” Now you can click the “Next” button.

9. Now enter the mailbox name and password for it. In our example, this is This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and password. When entering the password, black dots will be displayed - this is how it should be, 1 dot = 1 character. This is done for security purposes so that no one can snoop on the password.

In this window, we will also check the box next to “Remember password” so that the mail program does not ask us to enter it every time we send or receive mail. Click the “Next” button.

10. Setup mail program almost completed. In the next window, we need to make an important decision: whether or not we want all our incoming letters to to be downloaded to the computer in the mail program. If we DO NOT want to, then check the box next to “Do not download email messages.” Otherwise, don't check the box. However, remember that if you have a lot of emails in your mailbox and they big size, you risk spending a lot of traffic and time downloading them.

Having decided on the checkbox, click the “Finish” button and complete the setup of our mail.

11. The newly created email account will appear in the list. Click the “Close” button at the bottom of the window.

The mail program setup is complete. Now you can write, send and receive letters directly from your computer.

How to set up Outlook Express on Windows XP

1. Open the program by clicking “Start” – “Programs” – “Outlook Express”.

2. In the “Service” menu, select “Accounts”.

3. Click the “Add” button and select “Mail...”

4. Enter the name that will appear in the “From” field of all letters we send. For example, Anna S. And click the “Next” button.

5. Enter our email address and click “Next”.

6. Select the “Incoming message server” list - POP3. In the “Incoming message server” field, enter In the “Outgoing message server” field, enter

7. Maintain your email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and the password to access this email account is password. Check the box next to “Remember password” and click the “Next” button.

8. To complete the account setup, click the “Finish” button.

9. Our mailbox appeared on the list. But that's it for setting up the email Microsoft programs Outlook Express is not yet complete. For security reasons, many mail systems, including, require your mailbox name and password when sending and/or receiving mail. To configure this option in Microsoft Outlook Express, select the newly created email account and click the “Properties” button.

10. In the window that appears, go to the “Servers” tab. Check the box next to “User Authentication”

and click the “Settings” button. Let’s make sure that the “How to incoming mail server” item is highlighted there and click “OK” in all the windows.

11. In the Accounts window, click the “Close” button.

This completes the configuration of the Microsoft Outlook Express mail program.

How to set up email on your computer

After starting the Mail program Windows Live An Agreement will appear, which must be accepted by clicking on the corresponding button (Fig. 290).

Then the program will start and immediately prompt us to create a mail account, i.e. speaking in simple language– add your email account to the program (Fig. 291).

We indicate your mailbox, password for this mailbox and name. I indicated the mailbox that I created on Yandex. I also indicated my first and last name. They will appear in the emails I send. Click Next.

Program in automatic mode connects to the site where we have an email account registered and configures everything required parameters to receive and send letters. Then we are informed that the email record was successfully added, and we are asked to create another one (Fig. 292). But we won’t do this for now, so click on the Finish button.

Setting up email programs on your computer - Mail - Yandex.Help

When using the protocol IMAP mail the program synchronizes with the server and saves the folder structure of your mailbox. The letters you send through the mail program will be stored not only on your computer, but also on the server, and you will be able to access them from various devices.

Before setting up your email program, enable the IMAP protocol:

To configure an email program using the IMAP protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 993.
Outgoing mail
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program.

When using the POP3 protocol, all messages from the folders that you specify in the Settings → Mail programs menu will be saved by the mail program to your computer in the Inbox folder. If necessary, you can set up filters in your email program to automatically move emails to required folders. Emails you send will only be stored on your computer.

Note. When downloading emails from a server using the POP3 protocol, Yandex.Mail automatically saves copies of emails on the server, but you can delete emails manually using the web interface. If you want to delete emails using an email program, use the IMAP protocol.

Before setting up your email program, enable the POP3 protocol:

To configure an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail

  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 995.
Outgoing mail
  • mail server address -;
  • connection security - SSL;
  • port - 465.

To access mail server indicate your Yandex username and password (or application password if you have enabled two-factor authentication). If you set up receiving mail from a mailbox like “ ”, the login is the part of the address before the “@” sign. If you use Yandex.Mail for a domain, you must specify the full mailbox address as your login.

You can set up receiving emails via POP3 from any folder, including Spam. To do this, open the Settings → Mail programs menu and mark the desired folders.

When mailbox contents are downloaded by email programs, emails are not marked as read by default. If you want to mark received emails as read, enable the appropriate option.

Select the message you received:

"No connection to server"

If a message appears about no connection to the server, try logging in with the same username and password in the web interface, re-entering the data rather than using the previously saved ones.

Note. If you've enabled two-factor authentication, use your app password.

Make sure that the protocol you want to use is enabled in the Mail Programs section.

Make sure that in the mail program settings you have accurately specified the following server addresses:

  • for IMAP, the address is and port 993 with SSL;
  • for SMTP the address is and port 465 with SSL.
  • for POP3 the address is and port 995 with SSL;

For more information on how to check server settings in different email programs, see the section Encrypting transmitted data.

"Authentication required", "Sender address rejected: Access denied" or "Send auth command first"

If the message “Authentication required”, “Sender address rejected: Access denied” or “Send auth command first” appears, authorization on the Yandex SMTP server is disabled in the mail program settings. Make sure that the User Authentication (for Outlook Express) or SMTP Authentication (for The Bat!) option is enabled.

"Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user"

If the message “Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user” appears, the address from which you are trying to send a letter does not match the one under whose login you are authorized on the SMTP server. Make sure that in the mail program settings, the return address is set to exactly the address from which the login is used in the SMTP authorization settings.

"Login failure or POP3 disabled"

If the message "Login failure or POP3 disabled" appears, the email program cannot access the mailbox using the POP3 protocol. Make sure you have entered correct password from the mailbox and on the settings page, access via the POP3 protocol is enabled.

Note. If you've enabled two-factor authentication, use your app password. "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM"

If the message “Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM” appears, the contents of your letter were recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open the Yandex.Mail web interface and send any one letter as a test. This way you will prove to the system that the letters are not being sent by a robot.

Also check your computer for viruses using free antivirus programs: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Kaspersky Lab Tool.

For more information, see the section I receive the message “The email could not be sent.”

If your email program does not accept or send letters, check that your email program settings are correct, as well as your computer’s Internet connection settings.

If you are using antivirus program, firewall or proxy server, disable them and check if this reproduces the problem.

If emails have disappeared from your Inbox, then most likely they have ended up in another folder, for example, Deleted Items or Spam. If you remember the sender's name or address, part of the text of the letter or the subject, try searching for the letter in all the folders in your mailbox.

If there are no missing messages in the Deleted Items, then perhaps a month has passed since they were deleted - the Deleted Items folder has been automatically cleared. Therefore, such letters cannot be restored.

If the emails were deleted less than a month ago, you can restore them. To do this, go to the Deleted Items folder, select the required emails, click the Move to folder link and select the desired folder from the list.

Another mail service is configured to collect letters from your Yandex mailbox

If you have a mailbox of another mail service and it is configured to collect letters from a mailbox on Yandex, then the letters in Yandex.Mail will be automatically deleted. To solve the problem, configure Yandex.Mail to forward letters to another address by enabling the option to save a copy when forwarding. After that, disable the collector on another mail service.

A rule that deletes emails has been configured. Make sure that the mail processing rules do not have any rules configured to delete incoming emails. If they are, try disabling them for a while and check whether the letters will arrive in your Inbox. Another user has access to your mailbox

Emails can be deleted by a user who, for some reason, has access to your mailbox: perhaps you forgot to end your session after working on someone else's device. To end your session, click the Sign Out link in your account menu on all devices. You can also do this on the Passports page - using the Sign out link on all computers.

Go to your visit log and check if there are any email deletion operations in it.

Limitation. The log stores about 2000 actions. If more than 2000 actions were performed after deleting letters, then the deletion data will not be displayed in the log.

If you are sure that only you have access to your mailbox, check your computer with an antivirus, change your password and additional address. Also check the Phone Numbers page for any numbers you don't recognize.

If you delete letters in your mail program, but they are still in their folders on the Yandex.Mail website, then most likely your mail program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

If your email program does not display sent emails, then most likely your email program is configured using the POP3 protocol. Due to the peculiarities of the POP3 protocol, messages in the mail program may not synchronize correctly with the server. To work with Yandex.Mail, it is recommended to use the IMAP protocol. To learn how to migrate your email program from POP3 to IMAP, see Migration from POP3.

Copying emails when moving or deleting via IMAP is due to the peculiarities of the IMAP protocol and the synchronization settings of email programs. IN in this case After completing the actions, you need to force the folders to be synchronized with the server so that the data matches. In Mozilla Thunderbird, you need to use the Compress function to do this.

The report always indicates the reason for non-delivery. About the most common reasons can be read in the article The letter was sent, but did not reach the recipient.

If you receive errors about an incorrect certificate when activating SSL encryption in your email program, make sure that your email program and operating system configured correctly:

Add certificate to list trusted certificates manually (Windows)

Attention. If you are not sure that you can install the certificate yourself, contact a specialist.

To add a certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

  1. Download the certificate. (If the file from the link opens directly in the browser, press CTRL + S and save the file to your computer; there is no need to copy the text from the file.)
  2. Open the Start menu.
  3. In the search field, enter certmgr.msc and click Enter key.
  4. In the program window, in the folder tree, click on the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder.
  5. On the right side of the window, click right click mouse on Certificates and select All tasks → Import.
  6. Click "Next.
  7. Click Browse and select the CA.pem file you downloaded earlier. Click Next.
  8. In the Certificate storage section, leave the default settings and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. (Optional) In the pop-up dialog, click Agree.
  11. In the folder tree, click on the Trusted Root Certification Authorities → Certificates folder.
  12. In the list of certificates (on the right), find the Certum CA certificate, right-click on it and select Properties.
  13. Go to the General tab.
  14. Make sure that under Allow only the following destinations, the Server Authentication option is enabled.
  15. Click OK.
Problems with certificate confirmation in The Bat!

If in the post office program The Bat! There are problems with confirming the security certificate, update the program to version 6 or higher. After updating, run the following actions:

  1. In the program menu, select Properties → S/MIME and TLS.
  2. In the S/MIME Implementation and TLS Certificates section, set the radio button to Internal.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Try sending a letter. If the certificate error appears again, then in the same block Properties → S/MIME and TLS → S/MIME implementation and TLS certificates, set the switch to Microsoft CryptoAPI.
  5. Click OK.

Note. The switch positions have to be changed manually, because... in some versions of The Bat! The Internal position will work, in others - Microsoft CryptoAPI.

If the problem persists after this, contact Ritlabs support.

I am sending emails from a scanner that does not support SSL

Set up your MFP or scanner as follows:

  1. Specify the following SMTP parameters:
    • server -
    • port - 25
  2. Enable authentication (authentication).
  3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.

    Attention. Be sure to enter your username and password manually. If you choose authentication similar to the incoming mail server, sending will not work.

Limitation. You can send letters in this way only to addresses served by Yandex.Mail (in the domain or to Mail addresses for domains). Letters will not be sent to the mailboxes of other mail services through this server.

If you recently changed your mailbox password, make sure you also update your mail program settings. If the password in the settings is correct, wait a few hours - the mail program settings may not synchronize with the Yandex server right away.

Every network user should have at least one email account. Let's consider step by step instructions, how to create a mailbox on

Register on this mail client carried out in much the same way as on other popular services.

Creating a mailbox

To create Mailbox to mail ru, dial in address bar any browser and press “Enter”.

In the browser you will see home page service. Next, click the “Registration by mail” link.

Carefully fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk. During creating a mailbox on and registering your personal data (last name, first name, date of birth, city, gender), it is advisable to write your real data.

Of course, no one will check, but if you lose access to your mail (your mailbox gets hacked or you simply forget your password), this will simplify it recovery .

Users usually use their personal data to name their email. Ideally, the name matches your first and last name and is not yet used by anyone.

The uniqueness of the name will be confirmed by the appearance green tick on right.

If the address is already taken, the system will offer you several available alternative options.

Important! It is necessary to decide on the domain part of the mail; it is written after the @ symbol (dog). You can choose,, Choose any one.

As a rule, this information is open, it is easy to install it on your personal pages on social networks. This can be used by attackers to hack your mailbox.

Enter your login password and repeat it a little lower, demonstrating to the system that you remember it. WITH right side A hint will appear indicating the complexity of the password you are entering.

Try to remember it, or even better, write it down somewhere.

IN last block You must select your country of residence from the drop-down list and enter your phone number (home numbers are not supported).

For Russia it will start at +7. Now all you have to do is click the “Register” button.

In a few seconds you will receive a message with verification code, enter it in the field provided and complete registration.

If you need to create a mailbox on without a phone number, then select the “I don’t have” method mobile phone».

After that, select from the drop-down list or create your own Secret Question, but try to remember the answer you entered (you can also write this down).

Also, don’t be lazy to enter and additional email(if you have it).

If you check the box next to “Create a personal page,” you will automatically have a profile on the social network.

In the “Code in the picture” column, enter the letters and numbers shown as in the picture. If the characters are illegible, click “update code”.

When green checkmarks appear next to each line, click “Register”.

Setting up Mail.Ru mail

If you have personal email addresses located on different servers, before redirecting you to your email inbox, the system will offer to collect all letters into the Mail.Ru inbox.

This will help you save a little time, because you will only need to check one mailbox for new emails.

Next step There will be a photo upload and a signature created.

Last step– choice of topic. Choose the one you like best. If you don’t know what to choose, don’t worry.

You can easily change your selection later using the Settings section.

That's all. Creation of a mailbox on is completed! The next window is your mailbox, in which three letters are waiting for you.

They are from The service welcomes you, thanks you for registering, and also tells you about the capabilities of the service. These letters can be deleted.

To set up your account protection in the right top corner service, select settings. Then password and security. Check all the boxes.

  • Prohibit parallel sessions - if you log into your mailbox while the option is enabled, then all other users in your account will be logged out.
  • Show data about last login– when working with a mailbox, the login method, date and time will be displayed above the list of letters last visit, IP address.
  • Session from one IP address – the system will check where the requests are coming from. If they come from a different IP, then the session is considered incorrect, and the user will be redirected to authorization.
  • Save and display the last completed actions in the box – good tool constant control of your mailbox. The data will be displayed in the “Settings” → “Password and Security” section.

Note! When you create a mailbox on, you are given the right to set additional password for each folder in the box. This will improve email security overall.

In the menu on the left, click “Customize Folders.”