Smtp mail. IMAP protocol, Mail ru: setting up the mail program

Yandex mail settings for clients' mail clients:

Configuration via IMAP protocol:

According to the protocol IMAP mail the program will not just download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying at once the entire structure of your mailbox - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

For settings mail client via IMAP protocol, provide the following information:

in the Incoming mail (IMAP) section you need to specify the address mail server, install SSL protection and port 993 port 143 and connect without SSL in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) section, you must specify the server address, and connect using a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server by ports 25 or 587

When setting up mail programs, you need to specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password to access the mail server. You must enter your full address as your login mailbox.

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program. You can also independently enable support for the IMAP protocol in Settings (section “Mail Clients”)

Enabling IMAP may take some time.

After successful activation, the check mark will become inactive and the message will change to “IMAP enabled”. It will not be possible to disable IMAP support for your mailbox; you can simply not use this protocol.

Setting up via POP3 protocol:

When using the POP3 protocol, all your letters (from the folders that you specify in the Mailbox Settings) will be downloaded by the mail program to your computer into the “Inbox” folder, after which they can, if necessary, be sorted into folders using filters configured in the mail program itself .

Keep in mind that many email programs, by default, delete messages from the server when downloading. In this case, all messages in your mailbox will be moved to the "Deleted Items" folder, from where they will be deleted after a week.

To save letters in the mailbox, you can set in the settings mail program the option to save copies of letters on the server when downloading, if your program allows this. It is impossible to make this setting from our side.

When setting up an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

in the Incoming mail (POP3) section you need to specify the address of the mail server, install SSL protection and port 995. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 110 and connect without SSL in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) section, you must specify the server address, and connect via a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use a secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server using ports 25 or 587

When setting up mail programs, you need to specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password to access the mail server. In case you are setting up access to a view box [email protected], the login is the first part of the address - login. If you use Yandex.Mail for domains, you need to specify the full mailbox address as your login.

If you download mail using an email client using the POP3 protocol, you can:

Leave all settings as default. Then only letters from the Inbox folder will be downloaded. Configure downloading of emails from any set of folders, including the Spam or own folders. You can select folders for downloading on the "Settings" page - in the "Email clients" section. You can also set the setting “When receiving mail via POP3, mark letters in the Yandex.Mail mailbox as read,” which will allow you to understand in the web interface which letters were collected by the mail client. When clients download mail, emails are not marked as read by default.

Today we will tell you in detail about the most used Internet protocols - POP3, IMAP and SMTP. Each of these protocols has a specific purpose and functionality. Let's try to figure it out.

POP3 protocol and its ports

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) is standard protocol mail created for receiving emails With remote server e-mail client.POP3 allows you to save an email message to your computer and even read it if you are offline. It is important to note that if you decide to use POP3 to connect to account mail, letters that have already been downloaded to your computer will be deleted from the mail server. As an example, if you use several computers to connect to one mail account, then the POP3 protocol may not be best choice in this situation. On the other hand, since mail is stored locally, on a specific user’s PC, this allows optimization disk space on the mail server side.

By default, the POP3 protocol uses the following ports:

  • Port 110 is the default POP3 port. It is not safe.
  • Port 995 – This port should be used if you want to establish a secure connection.

IMAP protocol and ports

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is postal protocol, created for accessing mail from a local mail client. IMAP and POP3 are the most popular protocols on the Internet used for receiving e-mail. Both of these protocols are supported by all modern mail clients (MUA - Mail User Agent) and WEB servers.

While POP3 allows mail access from only one application, IMAP allows access from multiple clients. For this reason, IMAP is most adaptable in cases where multiple users need access to the same email account.

By default, the IMAP protocol uses the following ports:

  • Port 143– default port. Not safe.
  • Port 993– port for secure connection.
SMTP protocol and its ports

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) is a standard protocol for sending mail messages via the Internet.

This protocol is described in RFC 821 and RFC 822, first published in August 1982. Within the scope of the RFC data, the address format must be in the format username@domainname. Mail delivery is similar to the regular postal service: for example, a letter to the address [email protected], will be interpreted as follows: ivan_ivanov is the address, and is postcode. If Domain name the recipient's domain name is different from the sender's domain name, then the MSA (Mail Submission Agent) will send the letter through the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). The main idea of ​​MTA is to redirect letters to another domain zone, similar to how traditional mail sends letters to another city or region. An MTA also receives mail from other MTAs.

The SMTP protocol uses the following ports.

To work with messages coming to your mail account, you can and should use a special software- mail clients. Such programs are installed on the user’s computer and allow them to receive, transmit and store messages. In this article we will look at how to set up an email client on Windows.

Clients Email have a number of advantages over web interfaces. Firstly, the mail server does not depend in any way on the web server, which means that if one fails, you can always use another service. Secondly, using a mailer, you can work simultaneously with several accounts and with completely different mailboxes. This is quite a significant advantage, because collecting all mail in one place is quite convenient. And thirdly, you can always configure it yourself appearance email client the way you want.

If you use special software, then consider detailed instructions by configuration of this service for working with email.

Now in The Bat a new mailbox will appear, and if you did everything correctly, you will be able to receive all messages using this program

Setting up the Mozilla Thunderbird client

You can also set up mail on an email client. Let's look at how to do this.

Now you can work with your mail using the Mozilla Thunderbird email client.

Setting up for a standard Windows client

We'll look at how to set up an email client on Windows using standard program "Mail", using the example version operating system 8.1. You can use these instructions for other versions of this OS.

This service can only be used with a regular account. You will not be able to configure your email client from an administrator account.

Wait for a message to appear indicating that the account was added successfully and the setup is complete.

This way you can work with mail using standard Windows tools or additional software. This instruction suitable for everyone Windows versions, beginning with Windows Vista. We hope we were able to help you.

Today, when you can easily get any number of free mailboxes by simply registering an account on the services of Yandex, Mail.Ru and the like, such a question as setting up a mail server does not bother too many users.

However, there are also times when knowing at least some aspects this issue it will be useful.

When it is needed

There are not so many situations when basic knowledge of setting up mail is needed by the average user. And yet, any of them can happen at any time:

  • If you decide to switch from browser to dedicated separate program. Indeed, in many respects such clients are preferable: they allow you to combine an email program with an organizer, notebook, as well as more flexible management address book and administer messages.
  • An unexpected failure occurred in the email client and all settings were lost. And then you just need to install a mail server. Setting it up usually does not require much time and effort, but otherwise you can be left without mail for quite a long time.
  • Free mailboxes can be destroyed by the administration, without explanation. And, frankly speaking, such a box looks undignified in the eyes of business partners. Therefore, you will have to create a dedicated one on the server.
  • If your provider offers a separate mailbox, then why not take advantage of this offer.

Setting up a Windows mail server

Basic email parameters, such as DNS, IP data and similar information, are issued directly by the provider.

To start using Windows OS, you will need to either download a client suitable for this operating system, or use the built-in clients. First you need to create a new account. As a rule, they are also asked to enter its name, come up with a password and login.

You may need to enable email support Windows services through the "Uninstall or Install Programs" panel in the E-mail Services components installation section.

To create a new mailbox, you will need to come up with a username and password.

In SMTP you must specify the port number 25, and for the POP3 server - 110. If the provider provides other parameters, you must enter them. In the case when the mail client you are using does not require entering a port number, you need to leave only the address issued by the provider in the “Server for incoming messages” (this can be either POP3 or IMAP) and “Name for the server for outgoing messages” ( usually SMTP only).

More fine tuning postal Windows server largely depends on what is used mail application, but the operating principle will be the same. The difference may lie in the options GUI and in menu items.

Switching from free email to a dedicated client

Sometimes you need to stay on free but use it as a client separate application. You can show this using the example of mail settings for the Yandex service. The mail server will then be configured with the following parameters.

1. IMAP settings for incoming messages:

  • mail server address:;
  • SSL should be specified in the security settings for the connection;
  • The port number is 993.

2. To configure outgoing messages via IMAP:

  • specify as the server address;
  • You must also set SSL in the connection security parameters;
  • The port number should be set to 465.

3. Regarding the POP3 protocol for sent messages:

  • specify as the server address;
  • SSL is specified as the security parameters of the connection used;
  • The port number is 995.

4. For outgoing messages sent via POP3:

  • is indicated as the mail server address;
  • in the security parameters for the connection used, SSL is again indicated;
  • The port number is set to 465.

The username, address and password should already be set to existing addresses and passwords for Yandex mail.

Setting up the Mail.Ru server

Sometimes you need to find out about the settings of the Mail.Ru mail server. In general, the setup looks exactly the same as described in the case of Yandex mail. But the parameters will look like this:

  • full email address(in format with @ sign, for example [email protected]);
  • for the IMAP server is specified;
  • for the SMTP server, specify;
  • the username is the full email address from an existing mail;
  • password is the mail password used;
  • IMAP: number 993 (for SSL/TLS protocols);
  • POP3: number 995 (for SSL/TLS protocols);
  • SMTP: number 465 (for SSL/TLS protocols);
  • you need to indicate that you want to authorize the server of sent letters, in the authentication parameters - a simple password, without encryption.

In general, the settings are exactly the same as in the case of Yandex, but only with the addition of the mail prefix. For others free servers the same parameters should be set, but with the appropriate prefixes.

As you can see, in general there is nothing complicated in such a matter as setting up a mail server. Even a novice user can cope with this task. But you can be sure that even in the event of a critical failure you will not be left without mail.

The task of setting up your own mail servers using Linux tools, Apache, SQL and the like requires deeper knowledge in the field of information technology.


Let's start with the oldest mail service After going through a simple and clear registration procedure, you receive a mailbox in any of four domains of your choice (,,, Mailbox size is unlimited, initially equal to 10240 MB, as soon as your mailbox becomes less than 100 MB free space, the volume can be increased by another 2 GB.
Maximum size The letter you send should not exceed 30 Megabytes, the number of recipients of the letter should not exceed 30.
To configure a local email client using the POP3 protocol, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming message server POP3 server -; port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  •; port 25, 587 or 2525 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • , including login, "@" dog icon and domain (for example, [email protected]);

The features of this service include the ability to use in the settings non-standard port SMTP 2525 (in addition to the standard 25 and 587) to bypass the prohibition of some Internet providers on outgoing TCP connections on port 25 and, alas, complete absence IMAP protocol support.
Restrictions on mass mailing the service does not declare. However, experimentally the following picture emerged:
after sending 120 letters, there were significant delays in mail delivery (up to 40 minutes), after sending 182 letters, error 553 began to appear (the server does not want to transmit mail), which disappeared after some time (from 5 minutes to an hour) and appeared again after sending letters. After 2 days, restrictions continued to apply. The picture did not change much even after sending responses to the initial mailing (no more than 5 letters per hour). Use free Post service, like any other free email services, is not practical for any serious mailing.

Yandex Mail

In the Russian segment of the Internet, perhaps one of the most popular free email services is Yandex.Mail.
Immediately after registration, the volume of the mailbox is 10 gigabytes. As soon as there is less than 200 megabytes of free space left in it, the mailbox will automatically increase by 1 gigabyte, provided that the user regularly logs in and logs into the Yandex.Mail web interface using a browser.
Of particular note that for a newly created mailbox you should first allow the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the Yandex.Mail web interface before you start working with this mailbox in the mail client. This feature, unfortunately, is very common reason refusal to send or receive mail in an absolutely correctly configured email client! Be careful!

So, let's give basic parameters to configure an email program using the POP3 protocol:

  • Incoming message server POP3 server -, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption)
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP server) -; port 25 or 587 (without encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption)
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is, in in this case, the first part of your email address to, for example, if you registered a mailbox [email protected], then ‘myname’ should be specified as the user name (without ‘’)
  • In your account settings, you must specify that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

Basic parameters for

  •, port 143 (without encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

The maximum message size is 30 Megabytes.

To the features service, you should add so-called “one-time” addresses for your e-mail, which look like “your login + [email protected]”, for example, [email protected] or [email protected]. A message sent to this address will be sent to your mailbox. This feature can be useful in many cases where you don't want to share your real email address.
Another feature— mail aliases (pseudonyms) of your mailbox in the domains,,,,,
You can enable and configure this feature in your account settings on the Yandex.Mail web server. Subsequently, you will be able to receive letters to the aliases you have configured. For example, you created an alias (alias) [email protected] And [email protected]. Letters sent to these addresses will arrive in your mailbox. More detailed information You should search for these options in the appropriate section of the Yandex.Mail help system.

The service also does not declare restrictions on the frequency of sending. During the experiments, it turned out that after sending 90 letters, error 550 occurred; in fact, after that it was possible to send no more than 4 letters per hour. The delivery time for letters did not decrease.
After 2 days, restrictions also continued to apply. On the 3rd day, after generation return letters the possible delivery speed to new addresses exceeded 80 letters per hour and remained this way for at least a day.

Another free email service provides search portal Mailboxes in the domains,,, and are available for registration. The initial volume of the box is 500 Megabytes (in fact it turned out to be equal to 512 Megabytes). It can be increased in stages up to 1500 Megabytes. Increasing the volume of the box is possible when the amount of free space is less than 10%.

The parameters for setting up an email client using the POP3 protocol are as follows:

  •, port 110 (without encryption) or 995 (with SSL encryption);
  •, port 25 or 587 (without encryption or STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including login, "@" dog icon and domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In your account settings, you must indicate that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server IMAP server -, port 143 (STARTTLS encryption) or 993 (with SSL encryption);

Unencrypted IMAP connections are prohibited in this service. Features of the settings include the requirement for the contents of the “From:” field of the letter: the email address you specified in the mail client settings must match the username with which you log in to the SMTP server.
The size of files that can be attached to a letter is limited to 20 megabytes.


Post service search engine GOOGLE. The new mailbox has a size of 7659 Megabytes without the possibility of expanding the space (at least the author of the article was unable to find any information about expanding the space for mail in help system service). Only the domain is available for registration.
WITH using Gmail You can send and receive messages up to 25 megabytes in size. Maximum amount recipients in a letter sent through the mail program are limited to 100 addresses, and through the web interface - 500 addresses.
The features of this service include only encrypted connections via the POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols (and even on port 25 a secure connection is used).
Please note Special attention note that, as in the case of Yandex.Mail, before using a mailbox on in an email program, you must first allow the use of POP3 and (or) IMAP protocols in the account settings in the web interface on!

To configure your email program using POP3 protocols, use the following parameters:

  • Incoming mail POP3 server -, port 995 (with SSL encryption);
  • Outgoing message server mail SMTP server) —, port 25 or 587 (STARTTLS encryption) and 465 (with SSL encryption);
  • The username (login) on the POP server and on the SMTP server is full name of your mailbox, including login, "@" dog icon and domain (for example, [email protected]);
  • In your account settings, you must indicate that the outgoing mail server (or SMTP server) requires authorization;

The settings of the mail program using the IMAP protocol are identical, with the exception of the incoming message server:

  • Incoming message server IMAP server -, port 993 (with SSL encryption);

Another feature of is that certain types of files are prohibited from receiving and sending, namely files with the extensions “ade”, “adp”, “bat”, “chm”, “cmd”, “com”, “cpl”, “exe” , "hta", "ins", "isp", "jse", "lib", "mde", "msc", "msp", "mst", "pif", "scr", "sct", " shb", "sys", "vb", "vbe", "vbs", "vxd", "wsc", "wsf", "wsh". Moreover, such files are not accepted (or sent) even inside archive files. However, if necessary, this limitation can be circumvented by placing such files in a password-protected archive.