Yandex bar for firefox latest version. Yandex Express Panel: installation, configuration, removal - complete guide


To return Yandex- panel on the Firefox browser, launch this web browser and enter the link into its address bar: After that, click on the “Install Yandex.Bar” button. Then a message will appear in the browser: allow the installation of this application by clicking on the “Allow” button.

Once the dialog box appears on the screen, click on the “Install Now” option. After this, wait until the installation is completed and then restart your PC.

After reboot personal computer and restart the Yandex.Bar web browser will appear automatically as a toolbar. Yandex- panel will be located at the top of the Firefox browser.

If, after the completed operations, Yandex.Bar still does not appear in the Firefox web browser, it may need to be activated. To do this, right-click computer mouse Click on the toolbar and select the desired column.

However, install Yandex- panel it is possible not only on Firefox browser, but also on other web browsers, for example, Opera, Internet Explorer or others. It is enough to enter in the address bar of your browser, and the system itself will determine which web browser you have and will automatically redirect you to the desired page.

After that, on the page that opens, click on the “Install Yandex.Bar” button, and everything will be done automatically. After installing the Yandex panel, restart your browser and make additional settings.

Finding the necessary, timely information on the Internet is a great success. The World Wide Web is rich in thousands of sites on the same topic, but it is not always possible to find something that fully answers the question you asked in a search engine. It also happens that you accidentally open a new page and you understand - here it is, long desired and compactly collected in one place. And it can be a shame when, due to absurd carelessness, this window closes. But don't panic, let's figure it out.


In some browsers on the line text menu The program has a “History” tab, which displays a list of windows and tabs you recently closed. And if you look for the desired page after a short time has passed - after a few hours or the next day, then it will probably be present in this list.

If you have just mistakenly closed another one you need page, then it can be easily returned. To do this, right-click on the line with the names of your tabs and in the context menu that appears, select “restore closed tab”, this way you can return more than one to the overview page.

A page that was closed, for example, a week ago, can be restored by clicking on the “Journal” icon on the quick access panel and a list of certain periods of time will appear on the left - today, yesterday, last week and previous months, by selecting which you can see a list of sites opened by you in the corresponding period. The appearance of this menu can also be configured by site, by frequency of visits, etc.

Helpful advice

To make it easier to work with pages you constantly use, it is advisable to add them to bookmarks or to the bookmarks bar that appears when you open a new empty tab.

Gnome's top bar restoration method is determined by the extent of changes made to the bottom bar. However, any of these methods are carried out standard means the system itself.


If you make minor changes to the bottom panel or keep its default appearance, use more in a simple way restoring the Gnome top bar. To do this, press the Alt and F2 function keys and enter the command gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel.

Use the “Run” button and make sure the bottom bar disappears. Press combination function keys Alt and F1 to display both panels in default view. Customize your panels to suit your preferences.

If the bottom panel has undergone significant changes during operation, select a different recovery method. Call context menu bottom panel by right-clicking on its free space and specifying the command “Create panel" Wait for a new gray bar bar to appear at the top of your computer screen.

Add the necessary applets to the created panel: - custom menu bar; - notification area; - notification applet itself; - clock; - session notification applet. Arrange added applets in a convenient way and secure them into the restored top panel.

Take advantage alternative method Ubuntu top bar recovery. To do this, first call the terminal in any convenient way: - simultaneously pressing the combination of function keys Ctrl, Alt and T; - using the gnome-terminal command in the “Run Program” dialog; - selecting “Terminal” in the directory.

Type the command gconftool-2 --shutdown rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel pkill gnome-panel into the terminal text field. This command will restore the missing top panel Gnome as default. Use the algorithm described above to add and secure necessary applets on panel.


  • How to recover accidentally deleted top panel in Ubuntu in 2017

Displaying multiple documents in tabs of one application window is undoubtedly more advanced technology compared to the previously used “one window - one document” principle. This option is especially in demand in applications for viewing web pages - in browsers. In almost all applications of this kind, tabs are placed on a separate panel, the display of which can be controlled in the program settings.

You will need


If you use Internet Explorer, open the main browser settings window - to do this, the “Internet Options” item is placed in the “Tools” section of the application menu. You need the Options button on the General tab. There are three of them on this tab - click the bottom one (the one placed in the “Tabs” section). Check the topmost checkbox of the “Tabbed Browsing Settings” window that opens. Then click OK buttons in two open windows and restart Internet Explorer - the tabs will return.

In Opera, to open a similar window with a collection of browser settings, you can press the key combination Ctrl + F12. On the Advanced tab, the section related to tab customization opens by default. Click on the only button located in it (“Tab Settings”), and in the additional window that will then open, uncheck the “Open window without tabs” checkbox. The settings windows can now be closed by clicking the OK button in them.

Mozilla Firefox also requires opening the browser settings window to enable display of the tab bar. Do this by expanding the “Tools” section in the menu and clicking on the “Settings” line in it. Tab with the necessary settings You won’t have to choose for long - it’s called “Tabs”. Check the checkbox next to “Always display panel tabs" and click OK.

When using Apple browser Safari panel The tab tab automatically appears when more than one tab is open in the application window. With one tab, there is no need for this panel to be present, but you can still display it through the main menu - expand the “View” section in it and select “Show” panel tabs". The same item is also in the menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the stylized gear in the right top corner browser window.

Extension for a file, this is about the same as the tag on the luggage that we check at the airport. The loading crew, even if they mix something up, can clearly determine from this tag which aircraft the luggage should be loaded into. Likewise, the operating system must pass the file to the application that has the extension used in its name when you double-click it. If the extension is removed or corrupted, it will inevitably cause problems with file processing.


Changing the file name can be canceled without delay. If you deleted or changed an extension in Explorer and did not close the application window after that, press the hot keys Ctrl + Z. This combination is assigned to the undo function last action. If you press this combination again, the second to last action will be undone, etc. In this way you can “roll back” the situation to the moment when the file still had required extension.

If you only want to return the display of file extensions in Explorer and on the desktop, do this through the folder settings settings. To display the corresponding component on the screen operating system in Windows 7 and Vista, open the main menu of the system - click Win key. Type “folder” on your keyboard and click on the “Folder Options” link in top line search results or just press Enter.

In the settings window that determines the display of folders, go to the “View” tab and in the list of settings under the inscription “ Extra options"Look for the line "Hide extensions for known file types." Uncheck the checkbox for this line and click OK.

If you need to re-add an erroneously deleted file extension, the steps described above will also have to be done if the display full name this object is disabled in the settings. Then click on the required file right-click and select the “Rename” line. Go to the name symbol on the far right (press End), put a dot and type the desired extension. It will be captured in the file name when you press Enter.

To restore an extension whose writing has been irretrievably lost, you will have to use additional programs. You can identify the file format by opening its code in hex editor- for example, in Cygnus Hex Editor ( However, this requires some skills in working with file code. Other applications try to do this in automatic mode- try, for example, Windows File Analyzer (

Video on the topic

Yandex.Bar– a panel for an Internet browser, which includes a number of tools that facilitate access to resources, search for information and save the user’s time. If Yandex.Bar no longer appears in your browser window, you can get it back in several ways.


If Yandex.Bar was installed, but suddenly stopped displaying, check the add-on settings for your browser. So, in Mozilla Firefox, select “Add-ons” from the “Tools” menu, and in the window that opens, go to the “Extensions” section. Find the add-on " Yandex.Bar" and click on the "Enable" button in the line with the name of the add-on. Restart your browser. On the Internet Explorer window add-on management is called up through the “Tools” menu and the “Add-ons” item.

If " Yandex.Bar» is turned on, but you still don’t see the required toolbar, right-click on the top or bottom bar in the browser window. Make sure that in the context menu opposite the item " Yandex.Bar» the marker is set. Or, in the “View” menu, select “Toolbars” and check the sub-item “ Yandex.Bar" If all else fails, install the add-on again.

Installing an add-on for different browsers happens according to the same principle. You just need to select the version that is suitable for your browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and so on). Open home Yandex page. In the upper left corner, click on the link line “Install Yandex.Bar».

The website will automatically try to install the add-on in your browser. Agree with the installation, wait for it to finish and restart your Internet browser. If you do not see the link line in the browser window, visit Using a search engine, find the Internet page that matches your browser.

For Internet Explorer this is, for Mozlla Firefox -, for Opera - In the center of the page there is a button “Install Yandex.Bar", click on it and wait for the download to finish. Restart your browser.

Video on the topic



Yandex.Bar is usually installed when installing freely distributed software - just leave the checkbox next to the “Install Yandex.Bar” and “Set default search and Yandex services” items unchecked. You can completely remove this plugin from the system or disable it in browsers.

If you are using Internet Explorer, launch the browser and from the Tools menu, click Internet Options. In the “General” tab, in the “Home Page” section, write down the start page of your preferred browser. In the Add-ons section of the Tools menu, click Toolbars and Extensions, check the Yandex.Bar items and click Disable.

To disable this plugin in FireFox, select “Add-ons” from the “Tools” menu or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A. Click "Extensions". On the list installed extensions check Yandex.Bar and click “Disable” or “Delete” depending on whether you want to remove the plugin permanently or just temporarily disable it.

To remove Yandex.Bar from Chrome, click on the control button in the upper right corner and select the “Settings” section. In the Chrome list on the left, click the Extensions link. In the list of extensions, mark the unnecessary ones and click on the “Delete” button in the form of a trash can. If you want to temporarily disable the toolbar, uncheck the Enabled checkbox.

If you have the Opera browser installed, launch it and press Ctrl+Shift+E to open the list of installed extensions. Click the “Delete” or “Disable” button next to the Yandex.Bar extension.

For complete removal this plugin from the system, go to the control panel and open the “Add or Remove Programs” node. Find Yandex.Bar in the list, click “Delete” and confirm deletion when prompted by the system.


After disabling or deleting Yandex.Bar, you must restart your browsers for the changes to take effect.

Yandex is not only popular system search, but also a leading IT company in Russia, and an Internet portal with many services. According to statistics, Yandex is in 4th place among all search engines in terms of the number of requests from users. The site itself

Yandex.Bar is a toolbar for different browsers(Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome and Opera panel) with Internet search from search engine Yandex and quick access to other Internet services of this company. Functions can be customized and disabled if desired.

What can Yandex.Bar do?

Convenient search
Using Bar's search bar, you can search throughout the Internet and Yandex services. Entering a query is accelerated by the history of your queries and search tips which show the most popular queries other users.

Traffic jam indicator
The bar shows up-to-date information about traffic congestion in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and Yekaterinburg.

Weather information
The bar talks about the weather in dozens of cities around the world. You can find out everything you need: air temperature for today and tomorrow, wind direction, pressure and humidity.

Organized in Bar fast access to Firefox's built-in spell checker. This allows you to work with custom dictionaries, switch languages ​​and load new dictionaries using just one Bar button.

Highlighting what was found
The bar can highlight the words you are looking for on the page. The found page automatically scrolls to the place where the searched words first appear.

Feedback about the page
In the Bar you can quickly find out what users write about current page on blogs and forums.

Corrector address bar
When you enter the website address, the Bar itself switches to the Latin alphabet: you can type “nftvuchyukg” and you will still get to

Visual bookmarks
In a new tab instead blank page you will see miniature images of your favorite sites, as well as the Yandex search bar. One click and you are on your favorite site.

Exchange rates and stock indices
For business people The bar shows exchange rates and stock indices. By default, you will see the dollar and euro rates, their changes and the forecast for tomorrow.

Hover your mouse over a word written in English, German, Spanish, French or Italian. The bar will translate this word into Russian. Or vice versa - from Russian to one of these languages.

Location determination
Now you can find a nearby dry cleaner, pharmacy, notary office and other organizations. The bar will determine your location via Wi-Fi and IP, and Yandex will show the necessary addresses.

Your buttons
You can download new buttons without updating the Bar to the latest version. Developers can offer their buttons to all Yandex.Bar users.

Text only
The bar can recognize and display articles in an easy-to-read format. You will see only the most necessary things - text and illustrations.

Citation index
The bar shows how popular the current page is.

Notifications about letters
The bar shows the number of unread messages in Yandex.Mail and your Mail for the domain. At the same time, you can use several mailboxes on different domains at the same time.

News Photos
The bar shows the number of new photos of your favorite authors, as well as the number of views of your photos and recent comments on them.

Then you need to click on the “Install” button. The browser's security system will warn you about a blocked request, on which you will need to click "Allow". In other browsers this may not happen, and the download will begin immediately after clicking the button.

After this, a window will appear warning you about installing add-ons. It will contain a list of extensions to install. In our case, these are “Yandex Elements” and "visual bookmarks". In this window you will need to click “Install Now”.

The message will contain a warning that malicious programs can cause harm to computer or serve as a vehicle for identity theft.

After downloading and using applications, you will need to restart browser. To do this, a window will appear with a notification and a “Restart now” button, which you will need to click.

The browser will close, after a few seconds, a simple message will appear, it will say that the extensions were successfully installed. After clicking “Continue”, after a few seconds, the browser will load with ready-made extensions.

Note! The start page has noticeably changed; Yandex extension icons have been added to the panel to the right of the address bar: “ Mail", "Weather" and "Disk". Along with them, an invisible one on the toolbar is added - “Yandex.Translation”, which works in background and appears only in the context menu by right-clicking on the selected word.

The new start page provides an order of magnitude more opportunities than old panel visual bookmarks:

  1. To use the Yandex.Mail and Yandex.Disk applications, you will need to log in to your account on the Yandex mail service.
  2. Button for quick access to the latest closed tabs.
  3. Open your browser's download manager.
  4. Button to call the bookmark manager.
  5. Calling a window for working with the history of viewed pages.

In addition, it is possible to add a new bookmark. To do this, you need to click on the button located in the lower right part of the page. Maximum amount bookmarks on the page are limited to two and a half dozen.

There is no option to combine bookmarks into folders.

This action will open the add bookmark form. New address You can either enter it in a special line or select from the most frequently viewed or recently visited pages.

Setting up visual bookmarks

To set up the express panel the best way, you will need to click “Settings” in the lower right corner of the page.

Then you will need to click “More options” to open the form with more detailed settings.

  1. This “slider” allows you to change the number of bookmarks from one to 25.
  2. Here the user selects background image. Button 2a allows you to load own image.
  3. In the drop-down menu you can select the type of display of sites in bookmarks. Logo and title display available, logo And screenshot home page or just a screenshot.
  4. The checkboxes in this block allow you to: enable/disable the search bar, bookmarks bar, sending statistics and contextual suggestions.
  5. A button that allows you to make the visual bookmarks bar your home page.

Additional features

Along with the visual bookmarks panel, Yandex.Elements provides the user with several useful services, designed as a browser extension.

With their help you can quickly view Mailbox and contents cloud storage, monitor the weather and translate text from foreign languages ​​directly in the browser.

Yandex Mail

Allows you to open incoming emails from the browser toolbar. To send emails or other actions, the add-on redirects the user to the page postal service.

To use, you must log in to your own Yandex account.


By clicking on the service icon, the weather forecast for the current day for the region is displayed. Provides information about cloud cover, humidity, wind direction, pressure and temperature fluctuations throughout the day.

To receive a forecast for the next ten days, the user is redirected to the service page.


This extension provides all files stored in the cloud in the form of a list. Each of the files can be downloaded, and it is also possible to send a link in order to download files from Yandex Disk.


This feature allows you to translate foreign words directly on the page. To do this, you need to highlight the word of interest and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu there will be an item “Find translation”.

Clicking on it will redirect the user to the Yandex.Dictionary page with a comprehensive translation. From the same menu you can send the selected text via Email or make a search.

Yandex is one of the most popular brands in Russia. This company offers users of the CIS countries a lot of services adapted to local realities, including navigation tools, a search service, a music streaming service and many other services. For quick access and management of them, the Yandex team created individual applications for each of them. If you are among the fans of this company, then you should definitely take a look at the Yandex panel, which will not be difficult to install. Next, we’ll take a closer look at what extensions Yandex offers us today.

"Yandex. Elements"

Express panel "Yandex" and "Yandex. Elements" is a set of applications that allows you to organize comfortable work with all company services in any modern browser.

All extensions are a copy of the add-ons built into Yandex Browser. In fact, the Yandex panel and elements are a set for transforming Chrome and Firefox into Yandex Browser. Considering the fact that Yandex is a company, like Google, that makes money from services and advertising, this is exactly what they need.


To get started with these tools, just visit official page“Yandex. Elements". The site has links for everyone available services, there will also be a “Yandex panel”, which you can install by downloading the appropriate extension for your browser. On this moment all are supported modern browsers, these include Firefox, Opera and Chrome (including browsers based on it). Edge is not included in this list, since at the current stage of its development it does not support extensions at all.

Yandex bookmarks panel

The first thing the user will encounter after installing the extension is a modified start page. It contains sites frequently visited or pinned by the user, information about the weather and exchange rates. There are also links at the bottom to navigate to recently closed tabs, the download bar, bookmarks, and browser history. Most important part this page is smart search string, which can provide an answer to the query even before going to the search page. In practice, this means that if you are looking for the weather in a certain city, you will see the result directly in the search bar, the same applies to exchange rates and mathematical calculations (in fact, we have a calculator and converter built into the search). Or if you are looking for a famous person, place, movie, then a smart search bar will immediately redirect you to a page on Wikipedia or answer a simple question yourself (for example, the question of how long to cook dumplings).

The panel is a customizable page (the “Settings” button in the lower right corner), the user has the right to choose how many sites will be displayed on the page (up to 25), you can add your own sites to the Yandex panel, you can change the background (images from the collection are offered, but you can upload your own). Also in the settings you can allow or deny access to geolocation data and disable the search bar.

We should also talk about the Yandex express panel in Opera browser. Its functionality and appearance different from those in Chrome and Firefox. The fact is that in some versions of this browser There is already a built-in bookmarks bar. Yandex proposes to expand its capabilities by adding interactive pages with services. For example, the weather or traffic information will be displayed directly on the start page, the user will not even have to visit the corresponding pages; Quick links to the main, popular Yandex services. In new versions of the browser (built on Chromium), the panel works the same as in Chrome.

Additional items

Yandex panel, in addition to the changes described above home page, offers much more. This is a whole set of tools for working with the company's services. This is a kind of “Yandex” that organizes quick access to mail, disk, music player, weather and traffic data, and other services. To work with them you need to have an account.

"Yandex Mail"

After you install the Yandex panel, in the top line of your browser, in addition to the usual interface elements, a mail icon will appear, after clicking on which a window with the latest received letters will open in front of you. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to work with mail this way; you can only find out the sender, subject, and view a small preview of the contents of the letter. To read the letter and send a response, you will have to go to the service website.



Despite the fact that the weather widget is on the Yandex express panel, it can also be added to the taskbar, where you can see a more detailed forecast for the whole day, and not just the current temperature outside the window. In order to see the weather forecast for the next ten days, you will have to go to the service’s website.


Instant access to free player"Yandex.Music". This widget allows you to play, stop and switch tracks without visiting the service page. For the widget to work, you need a functioning Yandex. Music account with a full library.


This one is small but useful tool will be a real lifesaver for those who are not fluent in English and others foreign languages. Unlike the widgets described above, which take up space in this element, it is integrated into the context menu, called up by clicking on right button mouse, and allows you to translate the selected text without unnecessary movements.

This extension will help those who love online shopping. When you view certain products on the RuNet, if they are available in the Yandex.Market service, the advisor will find the most profitable offer with the opportunity to purchase in your region.


The network security tool closes the line of extensions. This widget is equipped with a database of websites that have been checked for viruses, scams and phishing (theft of logins and passwords). As soon as you try to follow a dangerous link, the extension will display a notification and prevent you from doing so. Moreover, every website in search results will be assessed by this tool and will receive one of three labels:

  • green (safe);
  • yellow (slight risk);
  • red (unsafe).

In fact, the solution is not new, Yandex has nothing to do with it, it is just a slightly modified Web of Trust package distributed in Russia by the company.


If you are a fan of Yandex services or just want to get quick access to some functions, then the Yandex panel with a set of extensions will be an excellent solution that will save your time and allow you to comfortably continue working on the network, without being distracted by all sorts of little things like switch the track or view the weather for the day. In addition, the addition can increase the safety of surfing and help with work on foreign resources. In general, the Yandex panel is the simplest and most functional way to give your browser new capabilities.