Safari - where to download and how to customize the free browser for Windows from Apple. Safari browser: description and capabilities

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to look at the latest one in the world - Safari. It is built on the now quite popular WebKit engine, which served as the basis for the ones I have already described: , its predecessor, well, and also for clones in the form of .

The engine is certainly successful, and thanks to it Safari turned out to be fast and stable, but besides this, it contains features from the Mac OS arsenal (mainly related to visual effects).

Although, I would not say unequivocally that, thanks to its frills, this browser seemed to me a better solution than Google Chrome. In my opinion, it also has shortcomings that may seem trivial to some, but significant to others. There are no comrades in taste and color, so let's just list all the pros and cons of using Safari on your computer.

Download and install Safari (Apple's browser for Windows)

Let's start by answering the question - where can you download it for free under Windows or Mak OS (there is no version for Unix yet):

Safari, however, has a slightly lower prevalence in RuNet than in the vastness of the entire planet. It is also noteworthy that Chrome clones also have a certain market share other than zero.

So, the installation takes place in the traditional way, except that I was somewhat surprised by the “short” summary of the capabilities of this browser, which appears in the first installation step:

It’s just that if all this appeared only in version 5, then how did the poor users work in the previous one. Anyway.

Safari compared to other browsers

The interface of the apple browser window that opens can be called minimalistic, but again in Chrome, for bookmarks, a panel with the page title is used (the topmost panel is where the title of the open page is displayed), and Safari, in the old fashioned way, creates a separate panel for bookmarks, which somewhat narrows the usable area window.

This is probably due to the fact that Safari on Mac OS and iOS is used mainly in full-screen mode (just press F11), and to switch to other tabs they use multi-finger combinations. Although, even in the Windows version, I liked the use of full-screen mode because when you move the mouse cursor to the top edge of the screen, the top panel automatically pops up, and when you remove the cursor, it disappears.

It is also clear from the previous screenshot that a separate form is used for searching, which is essentially an anachronism. Now all modern browsers are able to distinguish between search queries that the user enters directly in the address bar.

But that's half the trouble. If you try to select any other search engine in the search bar (other than Google, which is used by default), you will probably be surprised that you will only be offered and .

In my opinion, in all other browsers adapted for RuNet, you can easily connect any search engines, but in Safari for this you will need to use extensions, of which there are now slightly fewer released than or . It is clear that the problem of connecting search from a RuNet mirror can be solved.

In terms of customizing the appearance and ensuring ease of use, I like Opera best. However, Safari also provides the ability to add or remove buttons to the address bar panel, as well as enable or disable individual panels.

To do this, from the context menu of the gear (located at the top right), you will need to select the “Customize toolbar” item, and using the remaining selected items you can play with connecting the menu bar, status bar, tabs and bookmarks:

By selecting “Customize Toolbar”, you will be able to drag any of the available additional buttons or forms to the top panel. If you want to return to the original view, then just drag and drop the standard set with the mouse:

The Safari browser also has the ability to show your most frequently visited sites when you open a new tab (customizable). In my opinion, this is not very convenient, because I was raised on Opera, where I had the opportunity to create a list of the resources I needed on the new tab page.

Another pleasant moment for me was the presence of very decent tools that a webmaster may need when working on his own project or studying someone else’s creation. This is called "Development".

Initially, this tab is not available either in the menu or in the context menus of the settings buttons (at the top right of the window). However, its display can be enabled through the Safari settings (Gear - Settings - Add-ons - check the Show Develop menu box).

The thing is quite powerful, and if in ordinary browsers there is only an analogue (in Safari it is called “Web Inspector” or when selecting “Check object” from the context menu of a web page):

Here you will also find many tools from the arsenal:

Respect to the Yabloko people for such a reverent attitude and taking into account the problems of webmasters. True, another feature they added is aimed precisely against the interests of webmasters (site owners). They added a button to the address bar "Reader", after clicking on it, everything except the text itself and its illustrations will disappear from the page you are reading:

Exactly the same feature is present in the Yandex bar for Mazila and IE, but there it is implemented better than in Safari, because in the latter the display of cleared text is sometimes glitchy. Well, God bless him. This browser also has the now popular ability to anonymously surf the Internet. It is called "Private Access" and available from the gear context menu:

Moreover, the browser will completely switch to this mode, and not just individual tabs, as is implemented in Opera or Chrome. To exit private mode, you will need to uncheck the box next to “Private Access” in the context menu of the gear.

If you worked on someone else’s computer and did not use private access, then you can erase all traces of your presence using another item from the gear menu - "Reset Safari".

It also knows how to save passwords as you enter them at your request, which, in fact, probably all available browsers in the world can do (although it’s more reliable with encryption). It is also clear that it implements a text search on the currently open page (Ctrl+F).

Apple Safari browser settings

Well, let's go over the Safari settings and you can already draw a conclusion about its further use as the main browser. So, you will need to select the “Settings” item from the gear context menu or press the key combination Ctrl + B (Russian letter “b”).

Select the default browser used on your system and the search engine that will be used (probably for RuNet it would be better to leave Google). In the third field, you can select from a drop-down list options for its behavior when opening. My favorite feature is restoring all open tabs in Safari before closing.

You can also choose what exactly will be shown when you open a new tab or new window in this Apple browser. You can choose to show bookmarks, the home page, or the “Top Sites” tool, which seems to me the most successful option.

On the next settings tab called “Appearance” you can select the main and monospace fonts for displaying the text of web pages in the event that the font specified by the webmaster is not installed on your operating system. Read more about this in the article about or. Although Safari seems to be able to load rare fonts itself if the webmaster wanted to use them on his page.

You can also play with different types of font smoothing, disable or allow loading of images on web pages and select your preferred one. On the next tab, “Bookmarks,” you can configure the display of some buttons (showing or hiding them can be enabled from the gear menu or simply by pressing Ctrl+Shift+i).

The first button in the form of glasses opens the so-called reading list, which is essentially ordinary bookmarks for those pages that you intend to read in the near future. You can add web pages to it using the plus sign button located in front of the address bar.

Safari settings called Tabs, Rss, Autofill and Security do not need any special comments. Well, on the “Privacy” tab you can clear both all the cookies accumulated in your browser and cookies for individual sites (sometimes useful), as well as set up a policy for accepting cookies.

On the Extensions tab you will be able to disable or enable plugin support, as well as configure each of the installed add-ons separately. I only have Yandex Bar installed for now, but Apple allows us to look for something else suitable, although knowledge of English is required.

Well, the last tab “Add-ons” will allow you to set the minimum possible font size in which the text of the web pages you view will be displayed. Some webmasters are very shallow, so this setting may come in handy. In addition, you can activate web development tools by checking the last box:

OK it's all over Now. Did Apple make a good browser? Probably not bad.

And if Safari were the only product built on the WebKit engine, I would definitely use it to work with the site. But, to the great regret of Apple people, in 2008 Chrome was born on the same engine, and due to a combination of factors, I (and a third of the users in the world) chose it. Although, it is possible that Safari will find its adherents even in the camp of Windowsoids.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The Safari browser was developed by Apple. Initially, the web browser was distributed as a free program used and created specifically for Mac OS X. Over time, this browser was adapted for the Windows operating system and is now one of the four most popular browsers.

According to Apple's agreement with the developers of Internet Explorer, they could not install any other browsers on their products. Upon expiration of the contract - in 2003 - Safari was able to spread to the Mac OS system, and later (that is, after 4 years) it was already adapted to the Windows OS system. During the “market capture” of Windows users, the browser already had a third version. Due to the very rapid conquest of users and operating systems in the browser, shortcomings and shortcomings were identified and corrected.

Safari was created on the basis of WebKit, which is a derivative of Unix KHTML. This engine allows the browser to operate very stably, providing high resistance to failures and fast loading of sites and all program components.


Safari has a very wide functionality, including the entire range of standard features of all similar programs, and a number of additional features.

In particular, a wide selection of actions with tabs, built-in protection against numerous pop-up windows, automatic filling of forms with saved information, built-in spell checking, and adjustment of the input field when typing large texts are available.

The browser is designed in the Mac OS style; it automatically adds those resources that the user visits more often than others; it is also possible to manually add sites.

The address bar combines the functions of a search engine.

The visiting history stores not only the name and address of the site, but also a small thumbnail with which you can find the site visually.

When you restart the browser, all tabs that were open when the program was closed are restored by default.

Safari has built-in protection against virus attacks and phishing threats.

A wide selection of plugins, widgets and extensions are available to customize and adapt the browser to the individual needs of the user.

One of the interesting features is the ability to view sites in reading mode - only text and main images in the text, without banners, navigation and additional attribution.

In addition to the above, the browser supports a number of encryption algorithms, CSS 3, SL3, TSL, SSL2 protocols, and uses RSS news.

The browser has a synchronization function, thanks to which the user can download Safari to a computer, smartphone and other devices, and at the same time gain access to all the settings made on one of the devices, saved forms, passwords, etc.

The browser also has a built-in download manager.


Advantages and disadvantages of the program


According to user reviews, Safari is characterized by stable operation, excellent adaptation to Russian-language sites and support for HTML5 standards.

All functionality and interface are intuitive, convenient and practical to use. Thanks to its extensive customization capabilities and excellent adaptation to various platforms, the browser is one of the four most popular programs for viewing the web.

Among the advantages are integration with Google and Yahoo search engines, the ability to open several windows at the same time, automatic filtering of pop-up windows and alerts, and a built-in “reader” of RSS feeds.

The browser provides the possibility of hidden surfing and has a Snapback function that returns to the original search results. In addition to HTML5 protocols, support for CSS3, SSL and TLS is provided. Safari also implements QuickTime technology for comfortable viewing of video content.


Although all shortcomings and shortcomings are quickly eliminated with regular program updates, some shortcomings still exist.

There is a relatively slow process of program initialization, a decrease in the speed of data loading on some resources, and loss of formatting when transferring website content to a Word document.

System requirements for installation on Windows 10, 8, 7

To download Safari on Windows, your system must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • operating system: Windows from version XP and higher,
  • bit depth: 32 bit or 64 bit,

How to install a browser

To install the program, you need to download the installation file. This can be done from the official website or from any other. The main thing is to check the file with an antivirus before installation. The installation wizard is very simple and intuitive. When installing, you should carefully check the required items so as not to download unnecessary software.

Run the installation file.

Read and accept the license agreement.

We set the installation parameters at our discretion.

Select the installation folder.

We complete the installation - Done!

How to add a site to favorites

The Safari browser offers several types of bookmarks and ways to display your favorite sites.

Bookmarks appear as a horizontal line at the top of the work area. You can add a site to your bookmarks through the main menu by clicking the “Bookmarks” - “Add bookmark...” button. This opens a dialog box in which you can select a bookmark section and enter a name for convenient identification. The same window opens when you press the Ctrl+D key combination while on the site that you want to add to Favorites.

The Ctrl+Shift+D key combination automatically adds a resource to the so-called Reading List - one of the Favorites sections.

You can also simply drag the site address by holding down the left mouse button to any of the Favorites sections.

How to clear cache

To clear the cache in the Safari browser on a Windows PC, you can press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+E - in the dialog box that opens, the user is prompted to confirm or cancel clearing the cache.

You can clear your browsing history using your browser settings. In the upper right part there is a gear-shaped button that opens the settings menu, in which you need to select the “Reset Safari...” item. This opens a rather large dialog box in which the user independently selects which items of saved data need to be deleted.

How to find out the version

After you have downloaded Safari to your computer, you can find out the exact version and other information about the program. To do this, you need to open the settings item - a gear-shaped icon in the upper right part of the work area, in the drop-down menu you should select the item “about Safari”, where all the basic technical information about this browser is located.

How to close all tabs in Safari

You can close the current tab using the key combination “Cmd” and “W”, and closing all tabs except the current one using the combination “Opt”, “Cmd” and “W”.

How to remove a browser

Safari can be removed from a computer using built-in Windows tools or specialized programs. In the first case, you need to go through “Start” to the “Control Panel”, find the item related to installing and removing programs - the specific name of this item may differ in different versions of the operating system. The system itself will generate a list of available programs and, by selecting the one you need, you can delete it.

Specialized software removal programs have an advantage over the built-in uninstallation system, since they not only remove the program itself, but also registry entries, fragments of usage history and other residual files that can interfere with the operation of the operating system as a whole.

Uninstalling Safari from Windows 10

Safari can be defined as a web browser that was created by Apple and comes bundled with the Mac OS X operating system as well as iOS. The application was first introduced to the world on January 7, 2003, and is currently the default program on Apple devices (since the release of Mac OS X v10.3). Also, the Safari browser is native to iOS.

Before 1997, Macintosh computers used Netscape Navigator or Cyberdog. Later it appeared for the Mac OS, becoming the eighth version of Mac OS under the terms of an agreement concluded between Microsoft and Apple for five years. During this time, Microsoft released three versions of Internet Explorer for the Mac OS, which were bundled with versions 8 and 9. Despite this, Apple still used Netscape Navigator as an alternative.

As mentioned above, Steve Jobs announced in January 2003 that the company had developed its own browser, called Safari. It was based on an engine called WebKit. Since then, the application has been modernized and expanded several times and today offers many useful features. The main ones that make the Safari browser very convenient are:

Ability to save a web page with video files for viewing on the Apple Dashboard (for Mac OS X).

Resizable search bar that allows you to choose between Google, Yahoo! or Bing.

Automatic completion of web forms (“autofill”).

Integration of bookmarks with the address book.

Built-in password management (for Mac OS X).

History of searching and creating bookmarks.

Expandable text fields.

Manage bookmarks.

ICC color profile support (from version 4).

Built-in PDF viewer.

IPhoto integration.

Mail integration.

Tabbed support.

Search by text.

HTML5 support.

Additionally, the most famous Safari plugin is Cocoa. It uses the Apple engine for the purpose of rendering web pages and works with JavaScript. WebKit in turn consists of WebCore (based on Konqueror HTML) and JavaScriptCore (originally based on JavaScript in KDE, later using KJS).

Prior to version 6.0, the Safari browser did not have a built-in web feed that supported RSS and Atom standards. The current capabilities of the program are such that they allow private browsing (a mode in which information about the user’s web activity is not recorded and this data is not stored in the session history).

In addition, the Safari browser offers the use of a security feature that allows you to block the transmission of user data when visiting sites. New versions of the application have added bookmark search and the ability to integrate between all tabs of Mac and iOS devices via an Icloud account.

Starting with version 4, the XP browser became available, offering users of this OS almost the same capabilities as for the native “shell”. However, this application was subsequently discontinued for Microsoft products due to its low popularity and the presence of a large number of competitors.

Currently, the program is used exclusively for devices manufactured by Apple: both computers and smartphones. Thanks to constant updates, today it will not be difficult to find and install the latest version of the Safari browser in Russian. The latter, by the way, contains much more features than the previous ones, and the developers do not intend to stop there.

Users surf the Internet using special applications - browsers. Currently, there are a huge variety of browsers, but among them there are several market leaders. One of them deservedly includes the Safari browser, although it is inferior in popularity to such giants as Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

The free Safari browser, from the world-famous Apple company in the electronic technology market, was first released for the Mac OS X operating system in 2003, and only in 2007 its version for Windows appeared. But, thanks to the original approach of the developers, which distinguishes this program for viewing web pages from other browsers, Safari was quickly able to conquer its niche in the market. However, in 2012, Apple announced that it would no longer support and release new versions of the Safari browser for Windows. The latest version for this operating system is 5.1.7.

Like any other browser, Safari's main function is to surf the web. For these purposes, Apple's own engine, WebKit, is used. At one time, thanks to this engine, the Safari browser was considered the fastest, and even now not many modern browsers can compete with it in terms of loading speed of web pages.

Like the vast majority of other browsers, Safari supports multiple tabs at once. Thus, the user can visit several sites at once.

Safari supports the following web technologies: Java, JavaScript, HTML 5, XHTML, RSS, Atom, frames and several others. At the same time, given that the browser for Windows has not been updated since 2012, and Internet technologies do not stand still, Safari currently cannot fully provide support for working with some modern sites, for example, the popular video service YouTube.

Search engines

Like any other browser, Safari has built-in search engines for faster and more convenient search for information on the Internet. These are the search engines Google (installed by default), Yahoo and Bing.

Top Sites

A rather original element of the Safari browser is Top Sites. This is a list of the most frequently visited sites, opened in a separate tab, and containing not only the names of resources and their web addresses, but also thumbnails for preview. Thanks to Cover Flow technology, the display of thumbnails looks three-dimensional and realistic. The Top Sites tab can simultaneously display 24 of the most frequently visited Internet resources.


Like any browser, Safari has a bookmarks section. Here users can add their most favorite sites. As in Top Sites, it is possible to preview thumbnails added to bookmarked sites. But, already when installing the browser, the developers added a number of popular Internet resources to the bookmarks by default.

A unique variation of bookmarks is the so-called reading list, where users can add sites to view them later.

Web browsing history

Safari users also have the opportunity to view their web browsing history in a special section. The interface of the history section is very similar to the visual design of bookmarks. Here you can also view thumbnails of the pages you have visited.

Download Manager

Safari has a very simple manager for downloading files from the Internet. But, unfortunately, it has very little functionality, and by and large, does not have tools for managing the download process.

Saving web pages

Safari browser users can save their favorite web pages directly to their hard drive. This can be done in html format, that is, in the form in which they are posted on the site, or you can save them as a single web archive, where both text and images will be packed at the same time.

The web archive format (.webarchive) is an exclusive invention of the Safari developers. It is a more correct analogue of the MHTML format, which is used by Microsoft, but is less widespread, so only Safari browsers can open the webarchive format.

Work with text

The Safari browser has built-in tools for working with text, which are useful, for example, when communicating on forums or leaving comments on blogs. Among the main tools: checking spelling and grammar, typing fonts, adjusting the direction of paragraphs.

Bonjour technology

The Safari browser has a built-in Bonjour tool, which, however, you can opt out of during installation. This tool provides easier and more correct browser access to external devices. For example, it can connect Safari with a printer to print web pages from the Internet.


The Safari browser supports work with extensions that enrich its functionality. For example, they block advertising, or, conversely, provide access to sites blocked by providers. But the variety of such extensions for Safari is very limited, and cannot be compared with the huge number of add-ons for Mozilla Firefox or for browsers created on the Chromium engine.

Safari is a browser from Apple, which, according to the developers, is the fastest in the world and is faster than Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome. It has a number of convenient functions regarding quick access and search for information. The Top Sites feature provides up to 24 thumbnail images of the sites you visit most. It monitors the sites you visit and automatically adds the most popular ones. In addition, the Top Sites panel looks very nice, which can be seen in the screenshots. In addition, Safari provides a convenient search for sites saved in history.

Key Features and Functions

  • Top Sites
    Top Sites is a panel with thumbnail images of your favorite sites. Top Sites keeps track of the sites you visit and adds the most popular ones. You can add up to 24 sites.
  • Cover Flow
    Visual viewing of the history of visiting sites and sites in bookmarks. All sites are presented in the form of pages that look the same as the last time you visited them. That is, in order to find a site that you once visited, you only need one glance.
  • Search in history
    When you visit websites, Safari automatically saves text, images, and other content in your history. So it's easy for Safari to find almost anything. You can search for individual words, phrases, and even image titles. Search results are presented using Cover Flow, which displays page images. This allows you to quickly remember and find the site you need.
  • Nitro Engine
    According to the developers, Safari is the fastest web browser in the world, ahead of products such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome. Safari delivers ultra-fast performance with industry-leading web display technologies.
  • Windows compatibility
    When you use Safari on Windows operating systems, you feel right at home. This is because Safari uses all the native Windows controls, namely windows, toolbars, etc. And despite the fact that Safari is primarily a web browser for MAC, Windows users do not have any discomfort when using it.