Complete removal of avg internet security. Complete removal of AVG antivirus

Many users remove AVG antivirus through the standard Windows tool. However, after applying this method, some objects and program settings remain in the system. Because of this, when reinstalling it, various problems arise. Therefore, today we will look at how to completely remove this antivirus from your computer.

Via the built-in Windows tool

As I said earlier, the first method leaves behind tails in the system. Therefore, you will have to use additional software. Let's get started.

Let's go to "Control Panel-Add or Remove Programs". We find our antivirus and remove it in the standard way.

Next we use the program, namely "1-click optimization". After running this tool, you must wait until the scan is completed. Then click "Delete" and reboot the computer.

This software cleans up various debris after running and uninstalling other programs, including AVG antivirus.

Removing AVG antivirus using the Revo Uninstaller program

To remove our program in the second way, we will need a special uninstaller, for example Revo Uninstaller.

Let's launch it. Find AVG in the list of installed programs and click "Quick removal".

First, a backup copy will be created, which in case of an error will allow you to roll back the changes.

The program will remove our antivirus, then scan the system, in the mode selected above, for residual files and delete them. After restarting your computer, AVG will be completely uninstalled.

Removal using a special utility

The AVG antivirus removal utility is called -. It's absolutely free. Designed to remove AVG antivirus programs and traces that remain after uninstallation, including the registry.

Let's launch the utility. In field "AVG Remover" choose "Continue".

After this, the system will be scanned for the presence of AVG programs in the system. Once completed, a list of all versions will be displayed on the screen. You can delete one at a time or all at once. Select what you need and click "Remove".

After this, it is advisable to restart the system.

So we looked at all the most popular ways to completely remove the AVG antivirus system from a computer. Personally, I like the last option best, using the utility. This is especially convenient when reinstalling a program. Removal takes only a couple of minutes and you can reinstall the antivirus again.

Antivirus from the developer AVG can be called a relatively young software product designed to protect computer systems. True, the program in its maximum configuration has a trial period of use (30 days), and the free version does not always provide high-quality protection. In this regard, many users have questions about how to remove AVG from their computer (Windows 7 or another version of the system is used, it does not matter). This can be done quite simply, but there are situations when this software package is not removed. What is the reason for this and how to bypass the restrictions, read on.

How to remove AVG antivirus using system tools: initial stage

First, let's look at the standard manual removal process. It would seem completely logical to end active antivirus processes in the Task Manager, but this turns out to be impossible only for the reason that the software package itself has self-defense enabled (including against deletion). By the way, its presence is typical for all known anti-virus products, but in some of them it is built-in, and not as a companion software product in the form of a separate application.

Thus, in solving the problem of how to remove AVG, the first step will be to uninstall the security module. You can find it in the list of programs and components in the Control Panel. The application is called AVG Protection. It should be uninstalled first.

After clicking the uninstall button, the program's built-in uninstaller will be activated, and after completing the process you will be prompted to restart your computer. A restart must be performed.

It’s worth saying right away that if for some reason this applet is not deleted, errors occur, or access is blocked, the delete operation must be performed in safe mode (F8 at startup).

Direct removal of antivirus

After removing the protective component, the question of how to remove AVG is resolved quite simply. In the same programs and components section, you need to find the main application (AVG), select it and start the uninstallation process.

Please immediately note that there may be other related applications on the system like AVG SafeGuard Toolbar, AVG Driver Updater, AVG Web TuneUp, etc. They also need to be removed.

However, even after the removal is completed, it is too early to rejoice. First you need to check for residual components. In Explorer, navigate to the AppData folder in the user directory, then open the Local directory and delete the AvgSetupLog and Avg folders. If for some reason it is not possible to delete these directories (for example, because access is blocked), first use the Unlocker utility.

After this, enter the registry editor (regedit) and search by the name of the antivirus (Ctrl + F), then delete all the keys found, moving from one to another by pressing F3. You can also use any utility for cleaning and optimizing the registry (for example, Registry Cleaner from Auslogic). After completing all procedures, restart the computer system in normal mode.

Using a special uninstaller

In a simpler version, the question of how to remove AVG can be solved by using a special program called AVG Remover, which was created by the developers of the antivirus package specifically for its removal.

Everything is simple here. Install the application on your computer, open the program, click the continue button, wait until the program finds all components of the antivirus package and confirm removal. Upon completion of the uninstallation, you will be prompted to reboot, which you should agree to.

How to completely remove AVG from your computer using an uninstaller?

Finally, there is another universal method. The problem of how to remove AVG can be solved quite simply by uninstaller programs that can remove any type of software, regardless of access restrictions or lack of administrator rights. One of the most powerful applications is iObit Uninstaller.

In the running program, find all components related to AVG (usually there are two of them for the free version of the antivirus), set the batch removal mode, perform a standard uninstallation, activate the in-depth scanning process and get rid of the residual components found. To be completely sure, use the file destruction option located at the bottom of the main program window.

It is possible that after all procedures are completed, a notification will appear indicating that some components will be removed after the reboot. Agree and restart the system.

Brief summary

That, in fact, is all that concerns the removal of the described antivirus package. If you look at issues of preference, you can note that all of the above methods work equally well. Manual removal should be carried out if a specialized utility from AVG or an uninstaller application is not at hand, although their use seems to be the most preferable, and they are the ones that completely remove the antivirus.

One of the popular antivirus programs. Has a number of certification ratings for use on a home or work machine. Available in both free and commercial versions. From benefits One can note low system resource requirements and a large set of anti-virus and anti-spam protection modules.

This antivirus is easy to install and use, as well as remove from your computer.

If for some reason you decide to uninstall AVG antivirus or reinstall it, then you can do this in several simple ways.

Removal using standard Windows OS tools

To properly remove all its components from your PC, you must click the " Start» go to section « Control Panel" and find the subsection "" (names may differ slightly in different OS versions).

Or use the command line (Win+R) in which we enter or copy the command appwiz.cpl

After going to this section, a list of all programs installed on the computer will be displayed on the screen. Select AVG antivirus and click the “ Delete».

After the antivirus is completely removed, you will need to restart your PC.

It is worth noting that this method, although universal, is far from the best, since deleting using this utility leaves behind a lot of “garbage” in the form of registry entries and temporary folders and program files, which accumulate over time and reduce the performance of your cars. You will have to delete them manually or use third-party products to delete temporary files.

Using specialized software

To avoid this, you can resort to using a specialized removal and cleaning program recommended by the antivirus developer himself. It's called AVG Remover. It is distributed free of charge and is available in two versions - for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. You can download it for your version of the operating system from the official website of the developer

The utility is very easy to use. After downloading, just launch it and it will scan your system for installed developer products. All found programs will be displayed in a list with the option to manually select the required ones or select all for automatic removal. The entire process of uninstalling AVG products can be tracked in the console screen that opens.

After the process is completed, it will be produced.

Attention! This utility will delete all your settings, as well as license keys and certificates. If you wish to continue using this product in the future, please be sure to save this data.

Another simple, well-known and free utility for removing programs from a computer is CCleaner. After downloading and launching the utility, the program management window will open in front of you:

By opening the section " Service"select the menu item " Uninstalling programs" In the list that opens, select the required item and click the uninstall button.

Are you having trouble uninstalling AVG antivirus software? No problem, below I will write three simple ways to remove AVG antivirus from your computer. Choose the most convenient one for yourself.

How to remove AVG using AVG Remover

On the official AVG website there is a special utility for completely removing any products from this company. For 64-bit operating systems, download from this link, for 32-bit from this link support/avg_remover_stf_x86_2015_5501.exe . If you do not know the bitness of your operating system, then go to the Start menu, right-click on Computer and select Properties. Find “System Type” in the window that opens, the bitness of your Windows will be indicated there. You can also view the bit depth through Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System. Download the utility of the required bit depth to your desktop using the links above. Launch AVG Remover and click “Yes” in the window that opens.

AVG Remover will completely remove the antivirus and restart your computer automatically. After reboot, be sure to install a new antivirus.

How to remove AVG using Windows tools

The easiest way, but not always the best. Open the control panel from the Start menu.

Click on “Uninstall a program” (if not, then “Programs and Features” or “Add or Remove Programs”, depending on the version of Windows).

In the list that opens, click on AVG and at the top click “Delete”.

The AVG removal process will begin. Confirm the removal and restart your computer when completed.

How to remove AVG using Revo Uninstaller or CCleaner

You can remove AVG using any specialized utility. In Revo Uninstaller, click on AVG in the list of programs and click “Uninstall” (I don’t have AVG on my computer, so I clicked on another program in the picture). Follow the program's instructions until AVG is completely removed.

In CCleaner, go to the “Tools” section, select “Uninstall programs”, click on AVG and click the “Uninstall” button. Similar to the method above, complete the removal and restart the computer.

AVG is a well-known antivirus package that has become famous primarily due to its accessibility (the antivirus is completely free). This antivirus does a good job of protecting the system, but is still significantly inferior to popular paid antiviruses. Below we will talk about how to properly remove AVG antivirus from your computer.

AVG is considered an ideal temporary antivirus that provides an average level of computer security. And if you decide to remove AVG from your computer, it means you want to replace it with an antivirus from another manufacturer. To ensure that the new antivirus does not have conflicts with the removed AVG, this antivirus must be removed correctly.

1 way. AVG Remover.

A utility from AVG itself, which is aimed at completely removing its antivirus. The utility will allow you not only to remove the antivirus itself, but also all the “tails” that can provoke a conflict when switching to a new antivirus.

You can download AVG Remover from the link at the end of the article. Immediately after launch, a warning window will appear informing you that before starting the utility you must save all open files and documents, because After removing the antivirus, the computer will need to restart.

After restarting, the computer will be ready to install a new antivirus.

Method 2. CCleaner.

CCleaner is an extremely useful program that allows you not only to remove the program, but also all the traces that it has left behind throughout its use, including .

This program is universal, suitable for removing all programs, and will also eliminate errors in the registry and by removing unnecessary files that clog up your computer. And all this is available completely free of charge.