Twitter account statistics and analytics are useful tools. Twitter Analytics - You're Already Using

Authorization in Twitonomy is carried out through a Twitter account. After authorization, the user account is automatically connected to Twitonomy, after which you can analyze its activity using the statistics system.

In addition, the user can connect another account to Twitonomy for analysis - the Add a user button is intended for this. It is also possible to analyze the list of accounts (Add a list). You can also analyze some keywords using Twitonomy - in this case, the system will search Twitter with the specified keyword and provide its statistics using Twitonomy.

For the main account connected to Twitonomy, the service allows you to obtain a large amount of statistical data. For example, detailed information about followers (readers of the microblog) and accounts to which the user is subscribed is available here.

In this case, the lists of readers and readables are presented in the form of an extended table, which displays short description microblog, whether the follower is mutual, the number of tweets, the number of subscribers and readable microblogs, data on inclusion in lists, time last update Twitter account, as well as data on the microblog language. The list can be customized by changing the number of entries displayed on one page, and you can also search the list entries. In addition, the user can see to which lists readers have added this Twitter account and how many lists the user has created.

The Twitonomy service allows you to view data about mentions and retweets of your account posts. You can see the number of retweets, the most active users who retweeted entries - both in general and for each microblog entry separately. In addition, the service can calculate the potential rating - it consists of the total number of followers who retweeted the post. Potential rating is the number of readers who could see a particular post.

The service provides detailed statistics account - for example, the number of posts by month, the number of hashtags used, the number of mentions of the account, a list of the most popular posts by the number of retweets.

Using the Twitonomy service, users can send a post to their Twitter account. Twitonomy also allows you to search by hashtags. Another handy tool— visualization of Twitter readers and their retweets on a world map.

All posts published in the analyzed Twitter account can be exported to a separate Excel file. Thus, the Twitonomy service can be considered as a tool Reserve copy Twitter account contents. The result of copying is spreadsheet- contains the date of the tweet, the method of publication (via the web interface or through the client), information about whether there were retweets and replies to the tweet. However, we note that Twitter accounts with content in Cyrillic are not always copied to Excel correctly - the Cyrillic alphabet is not displayed in the Excel file.

To analyze another profile on Twitter, just indicate its name in the appropriate field (Analyze Twitter "s profile of @).

Twitonomy will help you look at your Twitter account with new eyes and, perhaps, allow you to see its unrealized potential.

According to social research active audience In Russia, Twitter is visited monthly by more than 1 million authors. Together they generate about 78 million tweets per month. Twitter statistics allows you to analyze activity on user account. Service data is available for viewing in personal account.

In the table you can see Twitter traffic in relation to other online resources:

Why use statistics

On Twitter you can find out about the statistics of tweets and followers. Twitter account statistics allows you to monitor activity on the user’s page. What does this mean? By looking at Twitter you can find out how many people visited the page in a given time. last month, how many have subscribed or unsubscribed from viewing the page. Some users use it on Twitter. Using various applications, they monitor activity on the Twitter page.

Tweet statistics

Where are Twitter statistics displayed? Everything is quite easy. You just need to choose the appropriate service. For example, you can review tweet viewing activity by country.

How to view statistics on Twitter? First you need to register on a social network. Next, you should authorize your Twitter profile and select the appropriate service. For example, you can review tweet viewing activity by country. Among the many services, the most popular are:


Tweetstats is one of the best services for analytics. Twitter statistics are calculated quite simply. The disadvantage is the time required to collect data. After processing the information, the user receives the corresponding graphs. This includes the average number of tweets per day, month, year, total number of tweets, and much more.

Twittercounter allows you to view the most popular Twitter accounts and Twitter lists. You can send various messages with statistics to other users and to your wall. The authorization and operation process is very simple. There is even a hashtag search.

Twitteranalyzer has the most vibrant interface. Information is displayed using graphs and charts. You can filter your search by the following parameters:

  • top links;
  • map of followers by location;
  • top friends by interests.

Twitter statistics are also available on the social network itself. All you need to do is use Twitter Analytics. How to view Twitter statistics online? All previously specified programs work in online mode. The user only needs stable connection to the Internet.

Is it possible to make money on Twitter? Yes. It all depends on desire and strategy. How to make money on Twitter? Most effective method earnings – . You need to expand the page. The user will need good activity and a large number of followers. At the same time, advertising in Russian is much cheaper than in English.

How to get followers on Twitter? One of the most simple ways how to promote Twitter - mass following. The user begins to follow people, they see this and subscribe in response.

There are also many programs and services for promoting accounts. Most of them cost a certain amount. You need to monitor the page, fill it with high-quality and interesting content. In the Twitter settings section, you need to specify search and page access parameters.

Most successful plans to make money on Twitter are hidden. People who successfully promote advertising on their pages usually do not disclose information. In Russia Entrepreneurs' income ranges from several thousand rubles and above.

An important aspect of account promotion is follower statistics. This is the one the target audience which needs to be constantly monitored. Twitter statistics on followers are calculated using online application ACIDmit. Advantages - user-friendly interface And fast work programs. The main function will be to view subscriber growth. Using the Twitter application, you can see the number of followers on a specific date.

The next point will be the interest of the readers. The application allows you to see how many Twitter users are interested in a specific topic. This determines what topics you should tweet about, what kind of audience you should recruit, what you should keep silent about, and how to get people interested. certain people. This block can be divided into 2 parts. The first part is that above 50%, that is, more than half of the readers are interested in a specific topic. For example, comedy (film and television), music (hobbies and interests). The second block includes pop music, news, business, politics, and the world.

An additional feature is the location of followers. For example, you can find out who uses the Twitter service in Germany. For most Twitter advertisers, it is important to know where most of the audience is coming from. The application is well suited for sorting audiences by country and city.

The last important block will be gender. If a page is promoted by a woman, then a male audience is preferable for her. Because men respond best to tweets.

New opportunities

Twitter recently added new features. Twitter statistics are now available for viewing in your personal account. For information about your account, just go to the analytics section. There is all the information about user activity and various other indicators. These functions will help with development in the social network.

Some publications interesting content And large number there won't be enough subscribers for successful earnings. Without detailed statistics it is impossible to achieve good result which will bring the desired profit.

Exists great amount various services for Twitter. I suggest that readers of our site familiarize themselves with web tools for monitoring Twitter, namely for collecting statistics. This article contains the most interesting and useful services.

TweetStats shows the number of messages by month, the frequency of messages depending on the time of day and day of the week, the most a large number of answers specific people, and the most used clients.
In addition, there are also statistics on the words used, which are displayed in the form of a word cloud.

TwInfluence is simple tool to measure the cumulative influence of tweeps and their followers, and also provides statistics on some social networks as a bonus. Twinfluence measures the influence of tweeps and their followers, and also shows statistics for some social networks as a bonus.
The service is very often overloaded “we are only allocated 20,000 API calls per hour and unfortunately we’ve already used them all up”, so most often you have to wait quite a long time.

Shows how the number of your followers changes after each message. The “tweet effect” statistics show how many followers you have and, accordingly, how many people removed you from their lists after which specific tweets. Tweets from negative effect are displayed in red, with positive ones in black.
While logged into Twitter, you can also see statistics on protected tweets (they do not become public).

Provides a variety of statistics in several areas: Users, Friends, Mentions, Groups and smaller sublevels. Lots of information to analyze. The developers position this service as the most advanced analytical system in the world. Twitteranalyzer shows statistics on your account, Followers/Following lists, mentions and groups. Statistics on trends and “Fun” will be added soon.

TwitterCounter allows you to track your account's popularity statistics and set up notifications to your email. Unlike previous services, a widget connects to your account to collect TwitterCounter statistics. TwitterCounter shows statistics of tweets and tweep lists (Followers/Following). You can view statistics for a week, month and 3 months.
From additional features: You can set up weekly reports to be sent to your email, as well as automatic addition recommended tweeples. An option to count retweets of your posts will be added soon.
Something interesting: you can see the forecast for the growth of the number of Followers/Following based on current statistics.
Convenient: you can install a button displaying the number of followers on your blog or website.

Detailed account statistics showing all visits and so on. The service tracks your influence on Twitter - shows your “level” in general statistics tweeps and your achievements (maximum mark: 100). The calculation algorithm, of course, is kept secret, but the factors influencing your “influence” can be read on the Twittergrader website.
Additionally, the service shows various ratings (TOP tweeples, TOP female tweeps, cities and brands), generates a cloud of tags from the words you frequently use, shows tweeps who started Twitter on the same day as you, and allows you to check whether a particular user follows you.

Various statistics for your account. Tweetmetrics recommends tweeps you might be interested in, shows your stats in numbers and graphs, shows the ratings of all users, and lists the tweeps you interact with most and those who are this moment online (to do this you need to be logged in to Twitter). Additionally, the service shows the rating of the most discussed tweeps or those who post links for the most part.

Account statistics, its growth dynamics, its twee power. The service measures your online influence based on four characteristics, assigns a “title” and displays a beautiful matrix with a breakdown of your status. Influence here means the ability to provoke tweeps to respond, retweet, or add to the list of followers.

A powerful service for collecting statistics on the Internet, including Twitter. Trendrr is a service that allows you to research and identify trends, as well as monitor their development dynamics in different media, in social networks, blogs and microblogs.

Another service for tracking trends. Enter a trend into the search bar and see a graph of its development on Twitter, and also read the latest tweets mentioning your request. The site gives an idea of ​​the popularity of a particular request and presents its number of repetitions on Twitter on a graph.

Allows you to track mentions of your brand, name, website, or any word in general on Twitter, sending you notifications. TweetBeep - very convenient service, which allows you to track all mentions of your username, brand, company name, or any word at all. Statistics are updated every hour. Reports will be sent to you by email daily.

Systematizes information about followers. The service was created to help you become a more successful tweep. The widget connects to your account and organizes information about your audience. The report will have to be requested via special form, answering the question: “What do you want to know about your audience or brand?”

An interactive tool that allows you to create a graph based on words mentioned in Twitter user messages. TwitterStreamGraphs shows the latest thousand tweets that use the search word and shows the trend in a graph. By typing in search bar username with the “@” icon, you can track all mentions of a specific tweep. You can also read thousands of tweets from people on a specific list by typing search query in this form: @nytimes/staff

Will help you find out how popular your tweets are. The service will help you track how far your tweets travel and count the number of tweeps who had the opportunity to read them, in other words, track the chain of retweets and the total audience. Tweetreach by default examines your newest 50 tweets.

The service is designed to analyze various Twitter accounts. Twitalyzer – “serious analytics for social relations" The service counts your “scores” and analyzes the type of influence you have on Twitter.

It will help you track the time users use their Twitter account. The service analyzes the time at which your audience is online maximum quantity, and gives recommendations when exactly you should post tweets. Find out when prime time is on each day of the week!

Shows how much time you spend on Twitter. Tweetwasters - calculates the time you spent on Twitter, taking into account the fact that the average tweeple spends 30 seconds writing one tweet. The service shows your place in overall rating tweeples who are interested in such statistics.

Sledui – statistics and services for Twitter from Russian developers! Among the main services: “newbies” (automatically shows a list of new Twitter users), tweakarma (recommendations and likes service), friend-o-meter (counts the number of mutual friends with the selected tweeple), polls (the service shows detailed statistics on the tweeples participating in the survey ), events (the service “monitors” the participants of a specific event). Additionally, you can see who has recently been on the Sledui website, which of your friends are using Sledui, and how many days you have been on Twitter.

Powerful analysis tool social services, which also includes tools for Twitter analysis. Analyzes trends, tracks mentions, determines how effective site content is and much more. There is a demo version on the site.

Offline application for searching and analyzing current trends. The application shows statistics of the most influential people discussing a specific topic or trend.

the site analyzes your sleep time based on tweets.

Russian Twitter is becoming increasingly popular as a tool for promoting business on social networks. One of the most useful Twitter secrets— access to Twitter Analytics statistics, which provides the user with valuable data for the development of their account.

Twitter Statistics is a tool that will help you get statistics on Twitter posts, study data about subscribers and analyze the success of publications and efforts made to promote your microblog.

Access to Twitter Analytics

To gain access to Twitter Analytics, your account must obtain Advertiser Status. This can be done via the link . You may need to enter Additional information about yourself as an advertiser and set up Twitter Cards for your site. But nothing more than that - run paid campaigns for further use Twitter statistics optional.

After receiving Advertiser Status in your personal account (Twitter Analytics Dashboard), you will have access to four sections: Tweets, Followers, Cards for updates with links (Twitter Cards) and a separate drop-down menu with support, configuration and account management.

Posts (Tweets)

Here you will find detailed information about the interaction of subscribers with your updates. The graph in this section shows subscriber activity for the month, including mentions, follows, and unsubscribes. Get detailed information for a specific date you can by hovering over it with the cursor. Below the chart you will find information about the rating of each of the recent entries.

In the sidebar on the right, you can track your audience's reaction over the past month and see which days your posts performed best. To compare data for previous months, it is possible to download statistics into CSV format— by clicking on Export Data.

Subscribers (Followers)

To attract your audience, you need to know what interests them and take into account their characteristics. This section provides information about where your subscribers live, their interests, and even their gender. You can also find a list of 10 other accounts that are popular among your audience. Analyzing this data will give you insight into the areas and topics you should focus on to provide your subscribers with updates that interest them.

Cards with links (Twitter Cards)

Advanced Twitter Cards, which are available to Twitter advertisers, are used to create effective publications several types, depending on the specifics of your business. These can be extended links, like on Facebook, tweets with photos and a gallery (up to 4 images), with a video, with a download link mobile application, with a product application in your online store, with a call to action button, as well as an announcement of a web page with a direct link to the site. A special analytics section on Twitter allows you to track the performance of each type of card you use, past publications separately, as well as the dynamics of subscriber activity related to them.

Managing profiles (User Profiles)

If more than one person is working on a corporate profile, you can open the full or limited access to analytical information to other users. To do this, hover over the account in the right corner and select “Edit Access to account”. In the window that appears, enter your user name and select the access level.

Conversely, if you use multiple Twitter accounts, you can switch from one to another in your Twitter Analytics account. To do this, click on the username, select “Switch Accounts” in the menu and go to the one you need to work with.

Conclusion: Practical benefits of built-in Twitter analytics

The Twitter Analytics interface, like the entire service as a whole, is simple, but provides really useful data. And most importantly, it gives answers to most questions that help you Twitter more effectively, and also eliminates the need to use most third party services, which, as a rule, are paid and have fairly limited functionality.

How to analyze the effectiveness of using Twitter for your brand? How do you know if hashtags are helping you make a tweet popular and increase your number of followers? Twitter does not provide visual statistics from which one could draw certain conclusions. Fortunately, there are special tools that allow you to analyze the effectiveness of your activities in the microblogging service. We present to your attention three Western free services by Twitter analytics.


TwitterCounter allows you to visually see your Twitter follower growth over the past 3 months, month or week. If you want, you can even compare metrics to see how your number of tweets or the number of times you follow other users affected your follower growth.

The free version of the tool also allows you to compare your performance with that of your competitors.

If you have a successful competitor with an effective Twitter strategy, you can take note of their tweeting patterns to achieve your own success.

By tracking the growth (or sharp decline) in the number of followers, you can understand what interests and does not interest your audience. In the same way, you can follow your competitors' followers to immediately find out if they have done something in Lately, which increased or decreased the number of their followers.

In addition, based on the data obtained, you can make predictions about how many followers you will increase in the next month.

If you need even more statistics, you can use paid version tool. Starting tariff$17 per month.


Are you interested in finding out who is sharing your content on Twitter? has the answer. Just enter any URL and get quick statistics. Here you will also see the most influential users who recently tweeted your link.

Such statistics will be useful for two reasons. First, not everyone who tweets links from your site includes your @name in their tweet. Therefore, many retweets go uncounted unless you monitor brand mentions.

Second, you see the most influential users who are tweeting your content. You can thank them and continue the conversation to build relationships with influential people in your industry.

In addition, no one forbids you to use this tool to analyze your competitors. Perhaps users who are interested in competitors' content may also be interested in your content.


TweetStats is another one free tool, which allows you to analyze tweets from any Twitter account. Due to its free nature, the service does not always work stably and often produces an error loading statistics. However, in cases where data does arrive, you see graphs that show the number of tweets per day or per month.

A more detailed graph shows the average number of tweets per day over the past month, the number of mentions and replies.

You can also see a breakdown of tweet times by day of the week. If you're not sure what time of day is best to tweet, take a look at your competitors in this report to get an idea of ​​what's working well for them.

The tool provides a huge number of other valuable information. Including the users who most often respond to your posts or retweet your messages.

So what benefits can businesses gain by using these tools? Let's briefly summarize.

Based on materials: