Marking up contact information for search results snippets. Description of elements processed by Yandex

Extracting data from an organization’s card occurs simultaneously with the indexing of your site by the Yandex search robot. Various sites deal with at different speeds, which usually depends on how often the site is updated.

We recommend adding pages containing marked up contact information to your sitemap to tell the crawler that this page is important.

Before being added to the data received from the card, it is moderated. The maximum processing time for data is 2 weeks.

How else can you add data to the Directory of Organizations?

In addition to hCard markup, to add your address to the Directory of Organizations, you can use the public form of the Yandex.Directory service or add data in the Regionality section of Yandex.Webmaster. Last method preferable for the site owner, as it allows you to track the application processing process and information about possible errors.

You can use any of these methods at your discretion.

What is the difference between using hCard and the Yandex.Webmaster service?

With hCard, you provide your contact information not only to Yandex, but to the whole world. Address data markup - good practice when creating a site. At the same time, you don’t have to think about interacting with Yandex at all and don’t register with the Yandex.Webmaster service. In particular, if you change your address, phone number, etc., you just need to update the information on your website.

The advantages of using the Yandex.Webmaster service for adding and editing contact information are more quick update information in the Directory of Organizations and the ability to track the progress of moderation.

Both information extracted from hCard markup and added in the Yandex.Webmaster service goes into a single database. Therefore, in particular, data from hCard can subsequently be seen and edited in the Yandex.Webmaster service.

In what cases should hCard be used?

It is convenient to use hCard markup when creating a new website: as a result, the site will simultaneously be included in search index, and in the Directory of organizations without additional actions from your side.

You can also give preference to hCard markup if your organization has an extensive network of branches whose addresses change relatively often. Changes in the Directory of Organizations will follow changes on your website and will not require special efforts from you to keep your contact information up to date.

Does Yandex process private data tagged in the hCard format?

No, currently only corporate cards are processed.

How safe is it to use microformat markup?

hCard - completely open format. This means that you will not be able to control which services retrieve the labeled data and how they use it in the future. However, it should be understood that any information posted in open access, can be used by attackers. Semantic markup only makes the process of extracting data from page text a little easier. Its absence does not in itself guarantee safety.

In any case, the decision whether to use microformats and what data to mark with them is yours.

You can help translate it to the end, respecting the style and general rules translation.

We remind you that your translation may be changed by other community members, so try to translate articles more accurately and more readably.


hCard is a simple, open microformat for describing people, companies, organizations and places, leveraging the power of vCard (RFC 2426). The hCard class names fully map the corresponding vCard field names to semantic (X)HTML. hCard is one of the open microformats that can be embedded in HTML, XHTML, ATOM, RSS and XML.

Want to mark up your own hCard? Try starting with or create this microformat markup yourself, following the tips for embedding it on existing pages.


This section is informative

Example vCard

This is an example vCard:


and the equivalent of the above vCard in hCard markup:

This hCard will be displayed as follows:

Note: version information does not need to be specified in the hCard markup, as this information will be included in the hCard profile that will be used by attribute recycling profile in an HTML element head.


Information about contacting Commercenet. This microformat can already be defined on this page using various utilities.



169 University Avenue

Palo Alto , C.A. 94301

Work +1-650-289-4040

Fax +1-650-289-4041

Email [email protected]

Below is the markup with some semantic improvements:

  • abbr is used for abbreviations
  • The organization name is presented as a link

169 University Avenue
Palo Alto, C.A. 94301
Work +1-650-289-4040
Fax +1-650-289-4041

hCard microformat

The hCard microformat is the most popular data markup microformat today. One of two microformats ( hCard And hRecipe) that the Yandex search engine understands and uses. Designed to structure and display contact information of individuals, companies, organizations and places.
Can be included in (x)HTML, RSS, ATOM and any other XML document.

Yandex and hCard

By marking up your contact information with hCard, you make it easier for the robot to understand what you are telling it. Thus, this information may appear in services such as Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Directory, Yandex.Addresses and many other services. In addition to this, your snippet can have an expanded view, indicating the data that you have marked up.

Example of a rich snippet:

An example of displaying an organization on Ya.Maps, the page of which was marked up using this world markup:


To understand how this works, let's look at micro markup using an example. We have an HTML page with a person's contact information. She looks like this:

Example hCard of common properties:

    • Sally Ride
    • (
      • Dr.
      • Sally
      • K.
      • Ride
      • Ph.D.),
    • sallykride(IRC)
    • Sally Ride Science
    • photo" src=""/>
    • w,
    • e
    • +1.818.555.1212
      • 123 Main st.
      • Los Angeles,
      • CA!},
      • 91316
      • U.S.A.
  • birthday
  • physicist
  • 1st American woman in space.
  • Errata and Updates

    Known errors and issues in this specification are corrected in resolved and closed issues. Please check there before reporting issues.

    The hCard 1.0.1 update is currently under development and incorporates known errata corrections as well as the value-class-pattern .



    In General

    1. The content of "FN" is broken into two "words" separated by whitespace.
    2. The first word of the "FN" is interpreted as the "given-name" for the "N" property.
    3. The second/last word of the "FN" is interpreted as the "family-name" for the "N" property.
    4. Exception: If the first word ends in a "," comma, then the first word (minus the comma at the end) is interpreted as the "family-name" and the second word is interpreted as the "given-name".

    This allows simplification in the typical case of people stating:

    • given-name (space) family-name
    • family-name (comma) given-name

    Implied "nickname" Optimization

    Due to the prevalence of the use of nicknames/handles/usernames in actual content published on the Web (e.g. authors of reviews), hCard also has an implied "nickname" optimization to handle this.

    Similar to the implied "n" optimization, if "FN" and "ORG" are not the same, and the value of the "FN" property is exactly one word, and there is no explicit "N" property, then:

    1. The content of the "FN" MUST be treated as a "nickname" property value.
    2. Parsers SHOULD handle the missing "N" property by implying empty values ​​for all the "N" sub-properties.

    Thought parsers MUST follow the implied nickname optimization, publishers SHOULD explicitly indicate the "nickname" even in this case, e.g.:


    The hCard MAY have additional explicit "nickname" property values ​​in addition to the implied nickname.

    Implied "organization-name" Optimization

    The "ORG" property has two subproperties, organization-name and organization-unit. Very often authors only publish the organization-name. Thus if an "ORG" property has no "organization-name" inside it, then its entire contents MUST be treated as the "organization-name".

    Tags as Categories

    Categories in hCard MAY be represented by tags with rel-tag . When a category property is a rel-tag, the tag (as defined by rel-tag) is used for that category.

    type subproperty values

    The "type" subproperty in particular takes different values ​​depending on which property it is a subproperty of. These "type" subproperty values ​​are case-INSENSITIVE, meaning "Home" is the same as "home", as well as multivalued, e.g. a tel can be home and preferred:


    Home ( pref erred): +1.415.555.1212

    This could be displayed as:

    Home (pref erred): +1.415.555.1212

    type with unspecified value

    When the type of a property is specified, and there is no explicit value specified, then everything in the property except for the type is considered the value of the property. E.g.

    Home +1.415.555.1212

    is equivalent to:

    Home +1.415.555.1212

    And thus the type is "home" and the value is "+1.415.555.1212".

    adr tel email types

    Content that uses hCard SHOULD reference this profile, e.g.


    This content uses "http://site/profile/hcard"> hCard .


    (profile attribute is deprecated in HTML5) Content may combine the above methods as well.

    Parsing Details


    This section is informative.

    Sample vCard

    Here is a sample vCard:

    BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Çelik;Tantek FN:Tantek Çelik URL: END:VCARD

    and an equivalent in hCard with various elements optimized appropriately. See hCard Example 1 for the derivation.

    This hCard might be displayed as:

    Note: The version information is unnecessary in hCard markup directly since the version will be defined by the profile of hCard that is used/referred to in the "profile" attribute of the element.

    Live example


    This section is informative. The number of hCard implementations has also expanded beyond the capacity of keeping them inline. They have been moved to a separate page.


    This section is informative. For further reading on hCard see hcard-articles.


    You can use these buttons on pages with hCards. See buttons#hCard for any recent additions.


    Per the public domain release on the authors" user pages (Tantek Çelik, Brian Suda) this specification is released into the public domain.

    Public Domain Contribution Requirement. Since the author(s) released this work into the public domain, in order to maintain this work"s public domain status, all contributors to this page agree to release their contributions to this page to the public domain as well. Contributors may indicate them agreement by adding the to their user page per the