Word hotkeys. Assigning and changing keys. Shift key and function key combinations

Designed to speed up your work in MS Office and make it more productive. Agree, it is much easier to press Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste) on your keyboard, instead of executing this command in the traditional way by clicking the “copy” and “paste” buttons on the taskbar.

However, as you probably noticed, keyboard shortcuts are not assigned to all functions that are offered to our services. office suite from Microsoft. For example, I recently told you about how you can speed up your work with an MS Word document significantly. But this method has one significant drawback - after the bookmarks are created, you can use them only by going back to the corresponding panel and activating the desired tool or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F5. There seems to be a combination, but by my standards it is very inconvenient. Now, if only I could replace it with something simpler, for example, CTRL+W (this combination is already used to close the current document, but, to be honest, I’ve never used it at all and I don’t really need it)…

On the other hand, the default “insert picture” tool does not have its own “ hotkey" This, of course, is not critical - we don’t add graphics to documents very often, but when you suddenly need to provide a document with a huge bunch of illustrations, you will “suddenly” find that switching the taskbar to the “insert” menu every time is somewhat tedious.

So let's solve these problems and learn not only how to set keyboard shortcuts in MS Word yourself, but also how to override the "factory" settings of the text editor!

Well, are you ready to assign hotkeys in MS Word?

Create your own keyboard shortcuts in MS Word

First of all, open "File" tab and select "Options" item. This time we need “Customize Ribbon” settings block. We select it from the list and see an intriguing phrase: "Customize the Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts". It seems we have come to the right place.

We don’t need a long list with available commands now; we look at the very bottom of the parameters window and see the line "Keyboard shortcuts". Feel free to click "Settings..." button and admire the very unfriendly-looking Keyboard Settings window.

Let's see what keyboard shortcuts are set in MS Word by default for this command

In fact, there is nothing terrible here - although the list of available commands is called English language, hints explaining the meaning remain in Russian, and the tools are structured in the same order in which they are located on the MS Word toolbar. That is, first, in the list on the left, I select “Categories: Insert Tab”, and then in the list on the right, the command “EditBookmark” ( edit bookmark - from English.).

Adding new keyboard shortcuts

As soon as the choice is made, the program displays the one already in use. keyboard shortcut(CTRL+SHIFT+F5). I select it and click the Delete button. Now I left-click in the “New keyboard shortcut” field and press CTRL + W on the keyboard, click “Assign” and “Ok” next. Done, I just redefined the hotkeys, making MS Word a little more convenient for myself.

At the same time, there are two subtleties:

  • If you don’t like a “standard” keyboard shortcut, you don’t have to delete it. The program also provides that several hotkeys can be assigned to the same instrument.
  • The new keyboard shortcut must be pressed on the keyboard, and not tried to be entered as text.
  • If the new keyboard shortcut is already used by another function, the program will warn you about it

The first line is a warning that this key combination is already in use, the second line is that changes are written to the main template

Although, that's not all! Have you noticed the point "Save changes to..."? Yes, as in the case with, all changes can be applied both to a separate document and to the general template of the program ( Normal.dotm). I chose the second option, so when closing the text editor, I will need to follow the same steps that were described in that article.

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In today's article I will talk about Word keyboard shortcuts. The listed combinations are suitable for Word starting from version 2010.

Commonly used Word keyboard shortcuts

  • Ctrl + O– open the document;
  • Shift + F12 – save the open active document;
  • F12 - save open document How…;
  • Ctrl + W close the current document;
  • Ctrl + X cut selected text or object;
  • Ctrl + C copy the selected text fragment to the clipboard;
  • Ctrl + V paste text or object from the clipboard;
  • Ctrl + A select all text in the document;
  • Ctrl + B bold text;
  • Ctrl + I– italic text;
  • Ctrl + U – underlining text;
  • Ctrl + E center text alignment;
  • Ctrl + L align text left;
  • Ctrl + R align text to the right;
  • Ctrl + J– text alignment;
  • Ctrl + K– inserting a hyperlink into a document;
  • Ctrl + P– opening the document print dialog box;
  • Ctrl + F– opening a search window for the active document;
  • Ctrl + H– opening the text replacement window;
  • ESC– cancellation;
  • Ctrl + Z– cancel the last action;
  • Ctrl + Y– repeat the action;

Feed navigation

The Ribbon in Word is at the top of the window. It consists of buttons for activating functions, which are divided by functionality into several tabs. Each tab has its own set of commands. All commands in the ribbon can be called using hotkeys Word keys.

To navigate the ribbon, you can use one of two methods:

  1. Click the button Alt and use the arrows on your keyboard to move between tabs to the right and left.
  2. Use hotkeys to access a particular function.

Combinations are not entered simultaneously, as we are used to, but by sequentially pressing the listed keys.

  • Alt, F– menu page opens File;
  • Alt, I– a tab opens home;
  • Alt, WITH– a tab opens Insert;
  • Alt, D– a tab opens Design;
  • Alt, W– a tab opens Page layout;
  • Alt, TO– a tab opens Links;
  • Alt, L– a tab opens Newsletters;
  • Alt, AND– tab Review;
  • Alt, ABOUT– tab View;
  • Alt, H– tab Developer;
  • Alt, N– tab Add-ons.

To navigate between tabs, click the button Alt, and then switch between tabs using the RIGHT and LEFT keys. To move to a selection of commands on a tab, press the DOWN key.

You can navigate through the commands on a tab using the RIGHT and LEFT keys, as well as using the Tab And Alt+ Tab. Use keyboard shortcuts to move between groups of commands on a tab Ctrl+ RIGHT And Ctrl+ LEFT.

To activate the selected command, press the key SPACE or Enter. The drop-down list is activated by the DOWN key, moving between commands is carried out using arrows, and activation, like other commands, using SPACE a or keys Enter.

Hotkeys for creating, saving and viewing a document

  • Ctrl + N creating a new document;
  • Ctrl + O opening an existing document;
  • Ctrl + W closing the active document;
  • Alt ­­+ Ctrl + S splitting the window of the current document;
  • Alt + Shift + C unsplit window (previous keyboard shortcut can also be used)
  • Shift + F12 – saving the current document;
  • F12 – save current document as...

This is a list of the most popular Word keyboard shortcuts. For a more detailed list of keyboard shortcuts, see Word Help. To do this, press the key F1 in an open window Microsoft Word. In the search field, type "Keyboard shortcut" and press Enter. In the list of results that appears, you will find the desired article. With this I say goodbye to you, leave your questions in the comments below.

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. And the ability to use a computer, as well as the ability to read and write, is required almost everywhere. One of the main “measures” of computer knowledge is the ability to work with an office software package from Microsoft. Microsoft Office included in your package word processor Word. Microsoft Word is a program used by doctors, teachers, military personnel, accountants, lawyers, students, etc. Word is also widely used at home. That's why good knowledge and the ability to use this program will help almost everyone who uses a computer for work and private purposes.

Of course, the ability to work with Word requires a lot of knowledge; in this article I will talk about the hot keys used in Word. Hotkeys in Word help significantly increase speed efficient work V text editor. Many of you will say that it is more convenient to work with a mouse, but experience and practice show something completely different. And as my argument, I will propose an experiment, compete with yourself - send an open Word document two ways. Of course, you can do this quickly with a mouse, but if you learn to use the hotkey combinations Ctrl+P, Ctrl+Shift+l, you will probably send documents to print faster. Or try another experiment and save the open document. I am sure that the fastest way to do this is using the Ctrl+S key combination. It is the speed factor that is the advantage that you get over your colleagues. This means that your knowledge is more competitive in the fight for well-paid jobs.

I divide keyboard shortcuts in Word into several categories. And I think that this approach is more correct, because it allows you to memorize them according to a certain structure.

It is also useful to know some Alt combinations, for example.

Common Keyboard Shortcuts

This category includes service combinations keys that perform some action on the entire document. Combinations of saving a document or printing fall into this category. The following combinations are also often used:

These Word keyboard shortcuts related to common combinations, are the most used. Of course, everyone who uses hotkeys will add a couple of combinations to this list from their experience. But many will agree that the listed set is mandatory for confident work.

Move and highlight key combinations

In my opinion, it is impossible to imagine without these keys correct work with documents. When you have to edit a document, every time you need to highlight a piece of text or move a few words to the side, grabbing the mouse means wasting a lot of time.

Basic combinations for moving:

I think that, having mastered these 10 key combinations, you will be able to confidently and most importantly quickly navigate within the document. These combinations become more useful when you need to highlight a piece of text. With the exception of the keys for moving around the table, if you add the pressed Shift key to the other combinations, you can select a word, paragraph, text before the beginning of the document, text at the end of the document, text at the beginning of the page, text at the end of the page. And using the Ctrl+A key combination you can select the entire document.

Frequently used combinations

This category of key combinations directly includes those that perform operations on objects (elements) of the document. What is a document element? Document elements include almost everything you work with in a document. These are: a symbol, a word, a group of words, a line, a paragraph, a picture, a table, an element of a diagram, an entire diagram, etc. The concept of an element in Word can also be defined as follows - everything that can be selected!

I have listed the most used key combinations that perform direct actions on an object. As I said earlier, everyone has their own experience and someone is probably ready to add to the above list. But I think that few will dispute the combinations given. After all, if you need to delete a word before the cursor, then it is much easier to press Ctrl+Backspace once than Backspace many times. Or if you need to highlight some fragment in italics, then it’s definitely easier to press Ctrl+I and everything will be as it should. After all, in this case you don’t have to take your hands off the keyboard and you can just continue typing.

Rarely used combinations

In this category I include those combinations that you can do without, but within the framework separate document they are very necessary. As an example, I will give the following situation: sometimes I write texts to order and in some cases I am given a condition - the text must consist of 2-2.5 thousand characters or 1 thousand words. Thus, I need to look at text statistics frequently. To do this, I press Ctrl+Shift+G, a statistics window opens in front of me, and I get the necessary information.

I have the following set of rarely used key combinations:

You begin to understand the importance of Word keyboard shortcuts when your typing speed goes beyond the capabilities of two-finger typing. If you start to master touch typing, the mouse becomes useless while typing. It only distracts, but hotkey combinations, on the contrary, begin to help you work efficiently.

Although I should agree with those who say “why learn combinations that I won’t use.” For such people I would like to say the following. I don't always use key combinations - it's not necessary. I don't know all the combinations - it's not necessary. But there are operations that need to be performed repeatedly, and it’s simply inconvenient to grab the mouse. Therefore, for myself, I learned those that I found useful. Which is what I advise you to do.

To improve your computer efficiency, you just need to know the most useful combinations keys Windows. You can find huge lists of “hot” keys on the Internet, but it’s hard to remember everything, and it’s not necessary.

In this IT lesson I will share with you those useful keyboard shortcuts that I use most often.

What are hotkeys?

First, let’s figure out what “hot key combinations” we are talking about.

Hotkeys or keyboard shortcut(they are also keys quick access) are combinations of simultaneously pressed buttons on the keyboard that allow you to quickly perform an action.

That is, by holding down two or three buttons on the keyboard, you replace several actions with the mouse, thereby significantly speeding up your work on the computer.

Where can I use keyboard shortcuts?

In different operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) different keyboard shortcuts are used, but some of them are identical.

In most programs hotkeys are also used. Some of them are standard for certain operations (creating a new document, printing), and some are unique for each individual program.

If you constantly use any program, be sure to familiarize yourself with its hot keys, this will help speed up your work several times!

Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

And now the most useful combinations Windows keys which I recommend remembering. All of these shortcuts use "modifier keys" ( Ctrl, Alt, Shift and key Windows):

Every computer user should know this!

All PC users should know these Windows key combinations; they work both with folders and files, and with text.

“Copy”, “Cut”, “Paste” keys:

  • Ctrl+C– copy to clipboard (the file, folder or text will remain in the current location).
  • Ctrl+X– cut to clipboard (the file, folder or text will be deleted from its current location).
  • Ctrl+V– paste from the clipboard (copied or cut files, folders or text will appear in the current location).

“Select All” and “Undo”:

To select all content current folder or the entire contents of the open document:

  • Ctrl+A- select all.

I hope you already know about these hotkeys, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat them.

But not everyone knows these combinations:

  • Ctrl+Z- cancel previous action(including copying/moving files).
  • Ctrl+Y– repeat the undone action (i.e. the opposite of the previous key combination).

Working with documents opened in the program

Hotkeys that will save you both time and nerves. Why drag the mouse to the menu “ File", after clicking, look for the item " Create" or " new document "(in most programs the location and names of the items are different), when you can hold down two keys:

  • Ctrl + N– creating a new document in the program.

When you type text in Word, you need to save the document often so as not to lose it in case of various failures. But sometimes you are too lazy to pick up the mouse again, look for an icon on the taskbar, or an item in the menu; there is a simple replacement:

  • Ctrl+S– save the open document.

These key combinations also work in office programs, both in browsers and in graphic editors; both in Windows and Linux.

Hotkeys for working with program windows

When you have many programs open, and each program also contains more than one document, it’s not difficult to get confused. But these hotkeys will help you quickly switch between programs.

  • Alt+Tab- switching between windows running programs. Hold Alt and keep pressing Tab to move to other programs (see ).
  • Alt + Shift + Tab— scroll through open programs in reverse order(same Alt+Tab, but back) with big list open source programs can be very convenient.
  • Ctrl+Tab– switching between tabs of an open window, switching between documents open in the program (for example, you can quickly switch between two open files in Word).
  • Win+1, Win+2…Win+0– switching between open source software by number on the taskbar. Launching programs pinned to the taskbar (we have already discussed in more detail).

These keyboard shortcuts will help you quickly close unnecessary documents.

  • Alt+F4– closes the active program.
  • Ctrl+F4– closing one document or tab in the program (the program itself continues to work).

Have a lot of programs open, but need to quickly see your desktop? Please:

  • Win+D– minimize all windows and show the desktop (pressing again returns all windows to their place!).

Let's start with the keys that do not need a combination, pressing which individually performs some operation.

  • F1– in most programs calls help system (“Help” or “Help”)
  • Backspacego back in the Explorer window and in browsers (previous open folder or Previous page site).
  • Tab– each time you press activates another element program window for keyboard control (open a new browser window and click several times on Tab key, watching where the blinking cursor or highlight moves). In text editors, pressing TAB indents text at a standard distance - very convenient, but more on that in one of the future IT lessons.
  • Esccloses dialog boxes , various menus and some programs. Also, undoes completed actions(if you get lost in open windows program and are afraid of accidentally changing the settings, then press ESC until you return to the main window).
  • Win– opens and closes menu "".

I have already mentioned some of the listed combinations in previous IT lessons, so as not to overwhelm you today with a huge list of new combinations.

Keyboard shortcuts book

Want to learn more hotkeys? Then leave useful comment and receive a book as a gift"Magic Keyboard Shortcuts"! You can read more about the book.

Greetings, dear guests of the computer site. In this article we will look at combinations of hot Microsoft keys Word to increase your skills in work, as well as reduce the time it takes to use various functions in this program.

As I already said, you can increase your work speed several times if you use hotkeys. As with the program, many work in text Word editor. This is another one useful program from Microsoft Office. So let's look at the keyboard shortcuts most used in work.

Microsoft Word hotkey combinations.

Ctrl + A- Select the entire document.
Ctrl+ C- Copy the selected fragment.
Ctrl + X- Cut the selected fragment.
Ctrl + V- Paste a copied/cut fragment from the clipboard.
Ctrl + F- Open the search window.
Ctrl + Y- Repeat last action.
Ctrl + Z- Undo the last action.
Ctrl + B- Select bold selected text.
Ctrl + I- Select italics selected text.
Ctrl + U- Underline selected text.
Ctrl + K- Insert link.
Ctrl + S- Save the open document (alternative combination Shift + F12).
Ctrl + W- Close the document.
Ctrl + N- Create a document.
Ctrl + O- Open the document.
Ctrl + D- Open the font window.
Ctrl + Space(Space) - Set the default font for the selected text.
Ctrl + M- Paragraph indentation.
Ctrl + T- Increase left indentation.
Ctrl + E- Align the paragraph to the center of the screen.
Ctrl + L- Paragraph alignment to the left side of the screen.
Ctrl + R- Paragraph alignment right side screen.
Ctrl + J- Alignment by format.
Ctrl + Shift + L- Bulleted list.
Ctrl + 0 (zero) - Increase or decrease the space before the paragraph by one line.
Ctrl + 1 - Single line spacing.
Ctrl + 2 - Double line spacing.
Ctrl + End- Move to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home- Move to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + [left arrow]- Move one word to the left.
Ctrl + [right arrow]- Move one word to the right.
Ctrl + [up arrow]- Go to the beginning of a line or paragraph.
Ctrl + [arrow to down]- Go to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Del- Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace- Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + Shift + F- Change the font.
Ctrl + Shift + > - Increase font size.
Ctrl + Shift + < - Reduce font size.
Shift + F3- Change the case of letters. Capital letter At the Beginning of Every Word. CAPITAL or lower case of the selected text, to change you need to press the combination of these keys several times.
Ctrl + F1- Open the Taskbar menu.
Ctrl + F2- Display preview.
Ctrl + Enter- Move to the next line.
Ctrl + ] - Increase the font of the selected text.
Ctrl + [ - Decrease the font of the selected text.
Shift + Alt + D- Insert current date(DD.MM.YYYY).
Shift + Alt + T- Insert current time(HH:MM:SS).

Using function keys in Microsoft Word.

About function keys F1-F12 I have already told you that they are widely used in Microsoft Windows, in many programs. Function keys allow you to access any functions very quickly, just press one of the buttons, and what each of them means for Microsoft Word can be found below.

F1- Open the Help menu.
F2- Move text or picture.
F3- Insert an "AutoText" element.
F4- Repeat the last action (Word 2000+).
F5- Open the "Edit" menu.
F6- Move to the next area.
F7- Check the spelling and grammar of the selected text.
F8- Selection expansion.
F9- Update selected fields.
F10- Go to the "Menu" line.
F11- Go to the next field.
F12- Open the "Save As" menu.

In addition to the Word keyboard shortcuts listed above, you can also use your mouse for ease of use. By the way, don't forget to read interesting article, in which you will find very useful functions.

  • Double-clicking with the left button will highlight the clicked word.
  • Triple-clicking with the left button will select the entire paragraph.
  • Grab the selected text with the left button and move it to the desired location, then release the button.
  • Hold the key Ctrl and spin mouse wheel to reduce or enlarge the document size.

Here are some small tips for beginners on working with Microsoft Word, using hotkey combinations and using mouse keyboard shortcuts.