Make Yandex browser the start page automatically now. How to make Yandex the start page in browsers. What to do if the start page does not change

Hello. To view pages on the Internet we use special programs- browsers. There are several of them today. But the main and popular ones are Google Chrome,Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex browser, Microsoft Edge. Due to the nature of our activities, the first thing we do when entering the Internet is to open a specific site on our topic. A politician - news, a financier - opens a portal with the latest data on the financial market, a lawyer - monitors the latest innovations in legislative framework, athlete - tracks sports news. Most young people immediately enter social media. In short, everyone starts their day by receiving useful information for myself.

Over time, everyone determines for themselves one resource that is most useful for them, which they constantly visit. Most people, when they first launch their browser, enter the address of a site that contains useful information for them.

Today we will set the most useful site as the home page. That is, when you open the browser, the site will automatically load with useful content. How to do it? Now we’ll tell you for beginners.

How to install in browser home page? So, let's start, as always, with the most popular today - Google Chrome.

Setting the start page or pages in Google Chrome

Let's take as an example the website of the Vesti program ( with latest news in various areas of activity.

Open our browser, go to the Main Menu and select Settings.

On the new Settings tab, select the group of settings “ Open at startup»

By default it was set to " New tab» in the form of visual bookmarks. Read how to install them in our article “”. We need to choose the third option - Specified Pages . Select this item and click on the link Add.

In the pop-up window in the field, enter our website address for the Vesti program. The address is immediately added and a new field for entering the address appears at the bottom. This way, you can add several of your most visited sites, which will automatically open when you launch your browser.

If you would like to add everything open tabs at the time of being in Settings to start-up, press .

To remove a page from the list, select it and click on the cross. After all pages have been added, click OK.

That's it, the start pages have been added successfully. To check, close the browser and launch it again. The browser automatically opens the specified pages upon startup.

Setting up a home page in Mozilla Firefox

In a similar way, you can set the home page in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Let's go to Main menu and press the item "Settings".

On the settings tab "Basic" indicate the address we need

And although additional fields for entering pages do not appear here, you can still add several pages. How to do it? To do this, first open the necessary pages that you want to open when the browser starts, in different tabs, then go here to Settings and click " Use current pages».

You can also add a page from your browser bookmarks to the start page. To do this, just click Use bookmark. Next, in the bookmarks window, select the desired bookmark.

Restart the browser.

Home pages in Opera

Setting up a home page or pages in the Opera browser is almost the same as in Google Chrome. Let's go to Main menu, select the item Settings

To quickly access Settings, you can use the combination Alt keys+P.

Everything else is familiar to us. In the “At startup” settings group, set the item “Open specific page or several pages”, then click “Set page” and indicate the address in the pop-up window desired page or pages. Exactly the same as in Google Chrome. After adding pages, click OK. Restart the Opera browser.

Start page in Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser is different from all of the above. It is not possible to install any other page except the main Yandex page. You can verify this by going to Settings.

Here they only suggest opening the page quick access or open the tabs that were open when you last closed the browser. If there is nothing to restore (there will be no tabs), then the browser will open the default start page -

Launching home pages in the Microsoft Edge browser

With exit new version Windows 10 has arrived new browser Microsoft Edge included in this version operating system. This browser also has the ability to add pages for the first time you launch the browser. To do this, open the menu “ Additionally", then the item " Options»

In the “Open with” parameter group, set the parameter “ Specific page", enter the page to be added into the empty input field and press plus. After clicking on the “+”, the page is added and a new input field opens. This way, you can add as many pages as you need to start the browser.

That's all for today. We looked at how to set the home page in different browsers. Thank you for your attention. Until next time.

Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future.

Among search engines, Yandex ranks first in Russia. This popularity among the huge segment of Russian-speaking users can be explained quite simply - Yandex’s focus on the Russian audience is a preference.

This is what the owners want Android devices learn how to make “Yandex” the start page on Android. This is what we will talk about today. So.

The issue can be resolved in several ways. We will now talk about each of them.

How to make Yandex the start page in a stock browser

Go to the main application menu and open the pre-installed browser. Call the context menu (three vertical dots in the right top corner), click the item “ Settings". In the section that opens " Settings» click « Are common«:

Then select the item “ start page". In the list that opens, mark the line “ Other". Now all we have to do is enter the address of the Yandex main page (, press the button “ Save«:

How to make the Yandex start page on Android in the Google Chrome browser

Let's say right away that in Chrome you cannot change the start page, but there is still a way out: we will make the Yandex search the default and from it you can already go to the Yandex page in one click:

Open it on your device Chrome browser, press the button to call the settings menu (in in this case three vertical dots at the top right of the display). From the drop-down list of actions, select “ Settings", in this section select " Search system". Next we note “ Yandex", ready:

In the Opera browser

Using the Opera browser, as in the previous case, you won’t be able to directly make “Yandex” the start page, but by adding Yandex to “Favorites” you can display a shortcut to main screen and, when running browser(Opera) go to the main page directly from the main screen popular search engine. What needs to be done: by launching the Opera browser, we are taken to a page with an express panel. On some devices, the express panel needs to be opened by swiping left. Next, click on the free field with a plus and use the keyboard to enter the Yandex address:

Then open Yandex and click on “Add to home...” Now a Yandex shortcut will appear on the main screen:

Yandex start page on Android using special software

Yandex browser

If you install , then you will always have Yandex home page. What attracts users to this modern web browser is the ability to voice search, accelerated loading pages, Turbo mode, which speeds up loading photo and video files, watching videos without slowdowns, quick access to frequently visited sites:

Yandex search widget

By installing the Yandex widget for free, you can search in Yandex using voice input(function “Listen to Yandex”), search necessary information in “Dictionaries”, “Pictures” and any other Yandex services. The system will quickly detect bookmarks, applications that have been installed, SMS or contacts. All information about traffic jams and weather, answers to other queries can be obtained directly on the search results page:

We tried to answer in as much detail as possible the question often asked by our readers - how to make Yandex the start page on Android, I hope that we succeeded. Good luck everyone, stay in touch!

Now many users prefer the Yandex service - the main page, which you can make the start page on your computer, will save you a lot of time to manual transition. You can work on setting the start page different ways. Let's consider them further.

In order for the Yandex home page to open on your computer - make it the start page, save it automatically, several help you simple ways.

  1. Just download Yandex browser. You can do this for free, will help you. In the upper left corner there will be a Make Start icon.
  2. You can open and download the application to your computer from the website We launch and change the start page in all browsers that your computer has.
  3. In certain cases, it is not currently possible to make Yandex the start page automatically. At this time you should configure the browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome?

To go to settings at the Opera, define the button "Tools" and click on it.

Select from the drop-down list “Settings” - “General settings”. In this part of the algorithm we find a window with a tab "Basic". Your required inscription - "At startup". And opposite it is a drop-down list from which we select "Start from the home page." We find the inscription "Home" and print in address bar We press the treasured button "OK" and restart the browser.

When installing the Yandex start page in Mozilla Firefox you need to find the orange button in the upper left corner. Next we go to the point "Settings". We are almost there. Finding the mark "At launching Firefox» and choose "Show home page". Opposite the inscription that we so need ( "Homepage"), we put the address we already know. And restart the browser. You can use it.

And we can’t wait to talk about Google Chrome:

  1. We look at the browser and find in the upper right corner button. Click to open a new tab.
  2. We have an option "Settings" and then our required command « Google Management Chrome".
  3. We just have to pay attention to the button "Options"- that’s exactly what we need. More precisely, we need to select the function " Basic" And "Home page".
  4. Place a check mark next to the item "Open this page". After all that has been done, according to tradition, we write our favorite address - and finish everything with a button "Close".

Video: make Yandex your start page

As you can see, through simple combinations, subject to a careful search for all the necessary options, installation home page Yandex is a very exciting activity. Now you can quickly find the information you need or proceed to use programs and options.

If you have long dreamed of making Yandex your home page, but you don’t get around to it, or you don’t know how to do it, this article is for you.

By the way, what happens when Yandex is set as the start page? When you click the browser icon, the Search Engine web page automatically opens.

Knowing how to set a particular web page as your home page is useful. You can always make the page you are interested in the starting page and not waste extra time. We decided to take Yandex as an example, since this search engine is recognized as the most used in Russia.

The algorithm for setting the home page is approximately the same for most browsers.

We will take a detailed look at how to make the start page for:

Yandex main page in Mozilla Firefox

To make the Yandex page the main one in Mazil Firefox, follow these steps:

As you can see, making Yandex your home page on Mazil is quite simple.

In addition, Mazila provides a unique option - to make Yandex search the default home page. Searching for information in a search engine with these settings is much easier: visited sites are displayed automatically.

How to make Yandex the default home page?

  • open the browser and go to “Settings”;
  • find the “Default Browser” block;
  • find the button “make Yandex the default browser”;
  • click “Ok”.

Yandex main page in Opera

The interfaces of most browsers are similar to each other, so installing the start page on Opera will be similar to installing it on Mazil.

How to make Yandex the only start page for Opera:

  1. open the browser;
  2. go to Opera settings;
  3. We follow the path: Tools – Settings – Basic;

  4. go to the “Basic” tab. In the “at startup” line, select “start from the home page”;
  5. in the “Home” line enter the Yandex URL;
  6. We agree with our actions - click “Ok”.
  7. Yandex home page in Google Chrome

    Google Chrome is an excellent browser that is rapidly gaining popularity among Internet users. It features a simple and pleasant interface, understandable even to a child.

    Setting up the start page on Google Chrome will be slightly different from the algorithms already discussed. This is due to the fact that this browser– young and new developments are used for it.

    However, there is nothing complicated if you know the specific algorithm:

    You can also make “Yandex mail” home page th in Google. When you open your browser, you will see a page with Yandex Mail. Many RuNet users have several electronic mailboxes. For example, one box is intended for work correspondence, and the other is for communicating with friends.

    Another convenient Google Chrome add-on is visual bookmarks. They help you navigate to pages you are interested in in one click.

    Tabs are small thumbnails of frequently visited pages. In the settings, you can change their number, color, general background, and also delete or add new bookmarks.

    Their main advantage is saving a person’s time.

    The user probably wanted to install virtual tabs Yandex in Chrome. We remind you that this option is available for Google browsers Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

    Let's look at how to add a virtual bookmarks option using Google Chrome as an example:

    Yandex visual bookmarks are one of the most popular tools among users. This is not surprising, since they are useful, convenient and are constantly updated by the developers.

    Video: How to make Yandex your start page

    Yandex main page in Internet Explorer

    The Internet Explorer browser has a wide variety of versions installed on laptops or PCs with Windows.

    We will look at how to make Yandex the main page for new Internet versions Explorer - 10 and 11. The algorithm for installing the main page for earlier versions of the browser is similar to the instructions we provided.

    Algorithm for setting the home page for Internet Explorer:

    If you are the owner of Internet Explorer 9 (or another, more early version browser) and you are unable to install the main page, then write about your problems to the official website. The request will go to competent people who will answer as soon as possible how to fix the problem.

    Yandex main page in Yandex browser

    The Yandex browser interface is similar to the Chrome interface, since both were made on the same engine.

    However, there are differences, so the installation of the main page in Yandex will be slightly different - the Russian company has made its own changes:

    Browser Russian company provides the ability to select multiple start pages. Your most visited websites will be automatically added.

    Similar to Google Chrome's virtual bookmarks, this browser supports a tile panel with visited sites. It is possible to delete unnecessary sites and add new ones. This is done through the “Settings” – “Add” buttons.

    For people who don't like dubious sites, the Russian giant has developed special version browser - family Yandex. You can safely allow your children to access the computer - unnecessary information and suspicious sites are strictly filtered.

    It is difficult to say which browser is better: Google Chrome or the Yandex browser. Both are quite convenient and easy to use.

    Yandex main page in Safari

    Safari is a young browser developed for Apple products.

    All advanced users of iPads, iPhones and MacBooks know about the simplicity of the Apple browser.

    Setting your home page in Safari is very simple:

Currently, the website located at is one of the most visited resources in the territory Russian Federation. This search system, thanks to which we can always find the answer to our question, order a book in a store or purchase a trip to one of the hot countries. At the same time, Yandex is not only search, but also whole line all kinds of very useful services.

Very often people set the Yandex website as their start page. Why is this necessary? Here's the most common example - you're going to visit friends in your car and, of course, you need to find out about traffic jams on your way. As soon as you open your browser, the same start page will be loaded and on it you can view traffic jams with just one click. That is, you don’t need to type extra letters every time search bar, you just need to open your Internet browser. And if you wish, you can make the Yandex map with traffic jams your starting page!

Is there any point in talking about the weather? We think not. In a word, all the advantages of such an action are visible without further ado.

The easiest way

We will start with the simplest and easy method, which allows you to make Yandex your start page in just a few clicks.

  • Open your Internet browser (in this case it doesn’t matter which one).
  • Enter in the search bar and click Enter key. On the left side of the screen you will see the following text (highlighted in red):

  • Click on it once and voila, your problem is solved! It's that easy and simple! I'm not kidding!

However, do not forget that this function is not supported for everyone. modern browsers. I suggest you another way - to make Yandex your start page using the settings of the browser itself. Just in case.

Mozilla Firefox

So, launch the Mozilla Firefox browser, in the menu at the top of the screen, select the “Tools” - “Settings” section.

The settings page will open. Stay on the General tab.

In the “Home page” line write (you can do without www), and “When Firefox starts” select “Show home page”.

Click OK and restart your browser.

Google Chrome

Unlike most other browsers, Google Chrome opens by default empty page(in many others - the developers page).

Launch your browser. In the upper right corner you will see a small button with three stripes. Click on it. Next, select the “Settings” section.

At the top of the screen you will see a small subsection “Open at startup”. Next to the words “Specified pages”, check the box and click on the “Add” link.

Here enter the address and click OK.

Actually, that's all. Now you can restart Google Chrome and check the start page.

Yandex browser

As for Yandex.Browser, the situation here is not entirely unusual - the usual method, as, for example, in the case of Google Chrome, cannot be done.

In order to make Yandex the starting page in Yandex.Browser, first of all click on the button in the form of three stripes and select “Settings”.

In the settings panel, check the box next to “Open quick access page” in the “Where to start” subsection.

Now open the address in the browser line and press Enter for the page to load. Hover your mouse over the tab, click on right button mouse and select “Pin Tab”.

Now the browser will open Yandex as the start page.


With Opera everything is very simple.

Launch the browser and press the ALT+P key combination. If this doesn't work, click on the Opera icon in the top left corner and select "Settings" from the menu.

The settings page opens. One of the subsections is called “At startup”. Check the box next to “Open a specific page or multiple pages,” and then click “Set Pages.”

In the line we indicate the address and click OK.

Close the Opera browser and launch it again.

Internet Explorer

With this observer, things are a little different. Launch Internet Explorer and immediately open Yandex.

At the top of the browser you will see a house icon. Next to it there is a small arrow that you need to click on and select “Add or change the start page”.

The following window appears:

Check the box next to “Use as the only home page” and click “Yes”.

Now, every time you launch your browser, the Yandex search engine will open.

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