Win 10 keyboard shortcuts. Reassigning Windows hotkeys

Windows 10 hotkeys have been updated with new useful shortcuts. Although one thing stopped working. We are talking about Win + F: this was used to previously call up a system search. Now, in the same way, the Feedback Center appears before our eyes, and to search, you should enter Win + S. There, everyone can cry to Microsoft specialists. In Windows 10, hotkeys allow you to quickly perform a particular operation. This is especially convenient with the Task Manager when the PC freezes noticeably. Just press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC, and the desired window will appear instantly. This is much faster than waiting for the system to “prepare the parameters.” Ready-made Windows 10 key combinations often solve other tasks, such as viewing system properties (Win + Break).

It is almost impossible to remember all this information. Therefore, when such a need arises, a person usually scrolls through the Internet in search of a list of hot keys. It should be noted that most of the combinations all include the control key Win. Billy even tries to change the change of languages. Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 that do not follow this rule are already mentioned above. Another old three is, of course, CTRL + ALT + DEL. Even with DOS, it became customary to reset the system to its initial state by pressing the specified combination.

In applications

The fundamental difference from the environment of disk operating systems is that the key combination CTRL + Y cancels the operation. Previously, CTRL + R served the same purposes. And the current option was used to delete an entire line of text. Agree that these are different things. However, this rule does not apply to all programs. For example, in Paint and Notepad, an operation can be canceled by pressing CTRL + Z.

For those who have an inconvenient mouse, many menu options from the application are convenient to access using the keyboard. This can be done by pressing left ALT (or F10). After which you can scroll through the menu using the cursor arrows. Very convenient when the screen is small or the mouse is bad. Enter the submenu by pressing the down arrow, select = Enter. An alternative is to right-click on the workspace.

By pressing a key specially designed for this (between the right Win and right CTRL), a context menu is displayed, through which the lion's share of operations is performed. You can scroll through it using the same cursor arrows as the main one. The same can be done by right-clicking the mouse or using the combination Shift + F10.

Here are some standard hotkey combinations known to almost every PC user:

  1. CTRL + C – copy a selected piece of text, a picture, a table, etc.
  2. CTRL + V – paste the copied object.
  3. Double click the mouse to select a word. Double-click again to select the entire sentence (does not work in all editors).
  4. CTRL + I, CTRL + B, CTRL + D, CTRL + U – test formatting: italic, bold, double and regular underline.
  5. CTRL + A – select all.
  6. CTRL + X – cut a fragment.
  7. CTRL + S, CTRL + O, CTRL + Q – save, open or close the file.
  8. ALT + F4 – closing a window in Windows
  9. ALT + F6 – switch between several windows of one program.
  10. Double-click on the window title to expand it to full screen/return to original size.

The Win key always opened the Start menu. The difference between the dozen is that the application used before is not blocked. Pressing Esc returns the focus back. This was not the case before, which irritated many. It's gratifying that Billy Gates noticed this. Another new feature is that the default language switching keys (left SHIFT + ALT) now work the second or fourth time. They introduced a replacement - Win + Space. The only problem is that often after this the Start window appears. Apparently, you still need to practice to fully switch to ten. The fact is that the Space key is long on most keyboards, and therefore gets stuck when skewed. So the chosen combination, even to a first approximation, cannot be called successful.

In this case, the language selection menu appears for a few moments. In this case there are only two of them, but the system allows you to install more.

Emergency help

Every administrator is faced with the fact that he has to run applications on a PC that is, to put it mildly, working slowly or not quite correctly. This action is usually performed from the command line, but Billy Gates has introduced a powerful alternative to this. You can quickly perform tasks on the keyboard (without a mouse) by pressing Win + R. There is an extensive list of modules called in this way. In particular, this is the same command line (cmd), registry editor (regedit), user account corrector (netplwiz), boot configuration snap-in (msconfig) and much more.

But after the update, they most often now use the system menu call via Win + X. Inside there is a whole galaxy of useful links, starting with a quick launch of the command line as an administrator and ending with the Device Manager.

As you can see, there is almost everything you need for an emergency solution to a particular problem. In particular, you can see the good old Control Panel and the same Run tool, for which the Win + R buttons are responsible. It’s difficult to say why it was necessary to enter the last line here (see screenshot), but this allows, on the other hand, not to break head on how to minimize all windows in Windows (Win + D). The next combination useful in emergencies is the above-mentioned CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. If the Task Manager appears in a reduced form, click the More details link in the lower left corner.

Then the presentation of tasks will be more detailed. Very often it is not possible to get into the settings. You can call them in two ways:

  1. Win+I.
  2. Win → Double click on Tab → Use the cursor arrows to select the desired option.

The combination Win + A brings up the notification menu, but we are interested in its lower part, where as many as four important snap-ins are located, which can be reached with the cursor arrows after pressing TAB once:

  • Tablet mode.
  • Network Center (pretty much the only way to get to this area from the keyboard).
  • Notes.
  • Options.

Using Win + T, you can navigate between icons on the Quick Launch Toolbar. For example, open the calculator located there (using the Enter key). And Win + B allows you to enter the system tray (lower right part of the screen). An even faster way is Win + Program_number_in_the_quick_launch_panel.

Navigating Windows 10

The Win + D key combination allows you not only to minimize all windows, but also to switch to the desktop. You can now navigate through the shortcuts by pressing the arrow keys. Enter – launches the selected one. Often the mouse fails in ten, and this method will help somehow make ends meet. There is another method - press Win + M (and return Win + Shift + M), but it is still crude. If you double-click TAB when entering the Start menu, the focus will go to the side icons, among other things:

  1. Accounts.
  2. Conductor.
  3. Options.
  4. Shutdown.

This is one of the most convenient ways to restart your PC without using a mouse. In addition, from the accounts menu you can lock the PC (the same as Win + L) or log out. An experienced admin knows that a PS/2 mouse connects only after a reboot, and any of them can fail. So keyboard shortcuts are very important in such cases.

Another important technique is to switch between windows. It must be admitted that on XP SP2 this method was a bit of a mess, and we threw it into the trash, but then we discovered that everything works on Windows 10, and with a large number of open windows, the ALT + TAB combination is much more convenient than mouse clicks. By pressing it again and again, you need to get to the application you are looking for.


Not everyone realizes this, but navigating Explorer using the keyboard is much more convenient. To call it, press Win + E. At the initial moment, the focus is in the central part. As shown in the screenshot.

When we talk about navigation, we mean walking from folder to folder:

  1. Return one level up – BackSpace (key for deleting a character).
  2. Go inside -
  3. Cursor arrows – move focus from folder to folder.

The option to copy the address bar is very convenient. It's not a keyboard shortcut, but it stays on topic. Click once on the line and press Ctrl + C.

With one press of TAB you can go to the view settings (Tiles/Rows). Return – CTRL + TAB.

The following TAB presses are not so interesting, we doubt that anyone uses them. Noteworthy is the search in the upper right corner (becoming accessible after the fifth click). The next time the focus finally moves to the left side of the window. And you can freely navigate between global PC areas, such as:

  • Desktop.
  • This computer.
  • Images.
  • Documentation.
  • Downloads and so on.

This allows you to not use the mouse at all. All the same combinations work in Explorer as in text editors. You can copy, cut, paste files and even undo operations. Holding ATL + Spacebar gives access to the window menu (as opposed to the application), where there are options to close, minimize, restore, and so on.


It is unlikely that there are many people who want to read dozens of help, but if you want to do this, hold down Win + F1. After this, instructions will not appear, as usual, but will go to the Bing search engine page. Pressing F1 on the desktop gives the same result. Well, this is not only good advertising, but also the fastest way to open a browser with a search engine ready to work. It follows from this that there is no other help available. Often you need to know some information about the system. Quick access to the required equipment is done via Win + Break.

Continuing the topic of working with Windows 10 hotkeys (the first part of the topic, dedicated to the list of keyboard shortcuts, is located), it is worth mentioning how you can change them in your own way. We will assume that you are already familiar with the main ones and have an idea of ​​what it is. For example, having familiarized yourself with the system keys for quick access to functions, you found that some of them are not very convenient for you to use. You would like to configure some functions in a way that is convenient for you.

Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. By default, the system has combinations of buttons on the keyboard that allow you to quickly perform some actions without the need to navigate through a multi-level context menu. The developer simply did not provide an easy way to reassign hotkeys for Windows 10 and older versions. In this article, we will tell you possible options for changing the keys for quick access to some operating system operations.

How to find a list of hotkeys

In fact, there are enough hotkeys in Windows 10 to scare off inexperienced users. In the previous article on this topic, we published the main list of abbreviations that work in system applications. But the trouble is that some third-party applications, for example, Microsoft Office, browsers or other products, may have their own shortcut keys that do not match the system ones. What to do in this case?

There are several ways to get help for each software product:

  1. Press the F1 key and read the help information built into the application. But for this, the program developer needs to take care of this. In this case, you do not need an Internet connection to use the help section. Practice shows that this option is not always available. Then you can go to the “Help” section in the program menu.
  2. Regardless of what application you are running, you can press the Win + F1 key combination, after which the browser set as the main one will launch, with a link to the help section of the Microsoft website. Some programs can lead to a web resource of their own content. Accordingly, in this case, you will need a connection to the World Wide Web, because all information is not built into the program code, but is stored on a remote server.
  3. Can be called the simplest way; When using the context menu with the right mouse button, please note that almost every action contains information about which hot keys are responsible for it. Typically, users use the same functions in each program, and over time, keyboard shortcuts can be learned to speed up the workflow.

How to change Windows hotkeys

Unfortunately, as mentioned a little above, Windows developers did not provide the ability to change any system hotkeys using the built-in functionality of the operating system. The only combination that can be changed is switching languages ​​and keyboard layouts. This operation is possible in any version of Windows, both the newest 10 and the older 7 or 8.

After installing the operating system, languages ​​can be switched using the Alt + Shift combination, and already in Windows 8 and 10 the Win + Space combination was added. But habit is a serious matter and many users find it much more convenient to switch languages, for example, using the combination Ctrl + Shift or Ctrl + Alt. What are your hotkey settings for switching languages?

  • Open Control Panel - Languages ​​- Advanced Settings - Change language bar keyboard shortcuts.
  • In the small window that opens, select “Change keyboard shortcut” and select one option from the many offered.
  • Save your changes and start using your usual button combination.

Nothing complicated, right?

How to assign application launcher hotkeys

If it is impossible to change hotkeys for performing system actions, then assigning them to launch almost any application is very simple. To do this, after installing the program, you need to right-click on the shortcut on the desktop, select “Properties” - “Shortcut” - “Shortcut” and click on the button or combination thereof, which you will use to launch the program. Please note that if hotkeys are already in use by the system, they will be reset. Be careful!

Hotkey Managers

The easiest and most accessible way to change hotkeys on Windows 10 is to use special utilities for this. We will look at the two most popular of them.

Key Remapper

An excellent program with rich functionality that allows you to reassign almost any button on the keyboard, mouse, even using the scroll wheel. Utility features:

  • Overriding almost any keyboard and mouse key, as well as intercepting the mouse wheel.
  • Redefining existing keys to those that are physically missing.
  • Change the location of the buttons.
  • Emulation of keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks.
  • Limiting the program's action to a specific application.
  • Ability to assign multiple key profiles.

The program does not clog your computer's registry and does not require a reboot for your new assignments to take effect. You can download the program from the link


The original purpose of this utility is to use additional keys on multimedia keyboards. These are those keyboards on which, in addition to alphabetic and numeric buttons, there are many additional ones for launching certain applications and functions. First of all, you can use them, but if you have a regular keyboard, without all these buttons, the program can also be used to reassign regular keys.


  1. Media Control
  • Supports almost all the most popular audio and video players: start, play, stop.
  • Adjust the volume, rewind a music or video file.
  • Laserdisc drive control: opening, closing, starting disc playback.
  • Ability to run any application installed on your computer.
  • Launch any Explorer folders.
  • All functions with files and folders: insert, copy, move.
  • Managing open windows: minimize, maximize, close, move, lock.
  • Power management: turn off, sleep, reboot, lock; setting the timer.
  • Change the desktop background.
  • Change the language and keyboard layout.
  • Network connection management.
  1. Working with applications
  • Manage any installed browser.
  • Document management: open, save, create new, print, undo and redo.
  • Email management: reply, forward, send.
  • Emulates almost any key in program windows.

  1. Additional functions
  • The finest settings, excellent customization options.
  • Notifications in the system tray.
  • Insert text, date and time according to a specified template.
  • Ability to create a screenshot.
  • 10 clipboards, advanced ability to manage their contents.
  • Several parameter profiles, customization of each of them.
  • Creating your own combination in each individual application.
  • Emulates absolutely any keyboard or mouse button.
  • Recording macros.
  • Additional external plugins.
  • Minimal resource usage.
  • You do not need to restart your device for the changes to take effect.


Initially, the hotkeys are designed conveniently and can be used without changing them at all. But if you still want to change them, use one of the tips in our article.

In the comments, please tell us if you have changed the keyboard shortcuts on your Windows 10. If so, how.

Let's look at everything in detail Windows 10 hotkeys. The WINDOWS key (a window in the form of four squares) on most keyboards is located between the Ctrl and Alt buttons. Simply pressing it once opens the menu to the user -> Start.

But various combinations of this key with other buttons, the so-called “hot” keys, can make life easier for many users, eliminating unnecessary actions and numerous mouse clicks on the screen in search of the desired function.

Some of the functions were active in previous Windows shells, but new combinations also appeared that were introduced only in Windows 10.

Let's go through just some of the hot combinations that involve the key Win and which users may like.

Win+ TAB– Convenient scrolling and flipping through all active windows. At any time, you can stop at the desired window and switch to full-screen mode by releasing the keys.

Win + S– activation and opening of an automatic search query. Using a word, phrase, or link previously saved in the clipboard (hot keys Ctrl+C or Copy), you can immediately go to the page with search results.

Win+ D— all open windows are minimized and you have a clean desktop in front of you. A useful function for those who like to do “non-work” things at work. Pressing again returns all active windows to their original position.

Combination Win + M in the same way it minimizes all windows, but does not allow you to return it back by pressing it again.

WIN+ L– instant transition to the screen with the user’s login password. The second way to quickly hide your home screen from prying eyes.

WIN+ E- a useful combination for those who are used to using Explorer and do not want to spend a long time looking for the “My Computer” icon on the desktop

WIN+ R– open the “Run” command so that you can enter the appropriate command in the prompt line.

WIN+ X– go to a window with a choice of the option to shut down or restart the computer.

WIN+ G– On Windows 10, this keyboard shortcut activates the additional X Games app. If you delve into the settings, you can configure video recording of games for later saving the video and uploading it to third-party resources.

WIN + I– go to the Windows 10 shell settings menu.

Win+ arrow(left or right) – snap the window to the left or right area of ​​the screen.

Win+ arrow(down) – minimizes the active window.

Win+arrow(up) – allows you to expand the active window to full screen.

Win+ numbers(1,2,3, etc.) – to activate applications in the order they are located on the taskbar.

Win + P– open the Projector menu. A convenient function for switching between screens and selecting a display method when connecting external devices to a laptop or computer.

Win+ T– sequential switching between icons located on the taskbar.

Win+ A– in the Win 10 shell, this combination opens all active notifications from Windows.

This is not a complete list of useful keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10. There are shortcuts consisting of three keys (in addition to letters, auxiliary keys Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc. are also used), but not every user has enough free time to remember them, so a small a cheat sheet in the form of a simple table may come in handy.

What are Windows 10 hotkeys for? This question can be answered unequivocally - for the convenience of working in the environment of this operating system. Judge for yourself, hot buttons allow you to speed up the process of performing certain tasks by reducing the user's actions. And not to be unfounded, we can give a trivial example when you need to quickly get to the desktop through a bunch of windows of running applications. In this situation, you can go the long way, minimizing each window individually, or use the “Windows + D” hotkey combination, which allows you to minimize all windows at once. In addition, there may be other reasons to resort to such hidden functionality of the operating system, such as the failure of the mouse, without which it usually becomes difficult for an inexperienced user to control their computer. We will look at what hotkeys exist in Windows 10 and what their intended purpose is in this article.

For a better understanding and mastery of the information presented below, we will divide the set of Windows 10 hotkeys into groups that unite them according to the type of tasks performed.

Managing active application windows

Show and hide the desktop

Minimize all windows except the active one

Place the open program window on the left edge of the screen

Place the open program window on the right edge of the screen

Expand the program window to full screen

Collapse active window

Navigating by icons in the taskbar

Launch applications from the taskbar whose icon positions correspond to the selected number.

Move the active window to another monitor

Close active window

Navigating through windows of running programs

System interface management

System interface management refers to a set of hot keys that provide quick access to system sections, such as “Settings”, “Device Manager”, “Task Manager”, etc.

Opening the system partition quick links menu

Opening Windows 10 Action Center

Opening the Settings section

Opening the search bar

Opening the System Properties section

Opening the Run system utility

Switching input language and keyboard layout

Launching Task Manager

Open the Windows Security panel

Deleting files bypassing the Recycle Bin

Show properties of selected element

Explorer management

Open My Computer

Maximize minimized application windows

Move through cells in Explorer columns

Selecting folders and files

Move the cursor up or down to select objects

Navigation in the folder tree

Navigation through the history of catalog openings

Duplicate the active Explorer window

Copying selected objects to the clipboard (files, folders, etc.)

Similar to the previous hotkey combination

Hotkey combination to move selected objects

Pasting copied or cut objects temporarily stored on the clipboard

Hotkey combination to highlight the entire contents of the active window

Launching a search bar

Similar to the hotkey combination “Shift+right/left arrow”

Selecting an object under the cursor


Switching display modes (if there is a second display)

Opening the game panel to record the progress of the game

Screenshot (screenshot)

Record the last 30 seconds in the active window

Start and stop recording

Screenshot of the game

Windows 10 Hot Keys – Directory of Main Shortcuts

– August 2, 2015Categories: Miscellaneous

If you want to create the impression of a user who has been using Windows 10 for many years, you should definitely learn the hotkeys of the new Microsoft operating system. Knowing the correct combination of keyboard shortcuts, you will be able to work with the interface, launch applications, activate events, change settings using just a couple of clicks on your keyboard. Below is a list of hotkeys that we think are the most important.

Fixing a Window in Windows 10

The option to fix a window has undergone minor changes in Windows 10, the same applies to hot keys. Windows can be docked on either side of the screen, just like in Windows 8, but you can now also shrink the window size to ¼ the size of the display, as well as open four windows at once.

Windows key + Left arrow – fixes the window on the left side of the screen.

Windows key + Right arrow – fixes the window on the right side of the screen.

Windows key + Up Arrow – fixes the window on the top side of the screen.

Windows Key + Down Arrow – fixes the window on the bottom side of the screen.

In addition: After you fix a window on any side of the screen or reduce its size by a quarter, Windows will automatically prompt you to fill the resulting empty space on your desktop with any other program that is currently open.

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop

Support for virtual desktops in Windows 10 is nothing short of exciting—at least until you're an independent developer who writes a utility that does the same job! This is the same as having several additional invisible monitors. Each of the virtual desktops can have its own set of applications, while hot keys and wallpapers remain unchanged.

Windows key+Ctrl+D – creates a new virtual desktop.

Windows key +Ctrl +Left – scrolls your desktop to the left.

Windows Key +Ctrl +Right – Scrolls your desktop to the right.

Windows key +Ctrl +F4 – closes the current desktop.

Windows key + Tab – view all your desktops (and running programs!) through the “Task view” page.

Cortana and Windows 10 settings

As has already become known, Microsoft's virtual voice assistant, Cortana, has become available for desktop computers. If you feel awkward shouting “hey Cortana!” in a crowded place, you can optionally choose to communicate with the voice assistant using hotkeys in the settings.

Windows Key + S – Launch Cortana with key controls.

Windows key + I – opens the Windows 10 settings page.

Windows key +A – opens Windows 10 notifications (Notification Center).

Windows key +X – opens the Start context menu.

Windows 10 Command Prompt

Windows 10 Command Prompt

The Windows 10 Command Prompt also received new hotkeys. To use them, right-click on the command prompt and select Properties. In the window that appears, uncheck “Use legacy console” and activate hotkeys using the Ctrl button, as well as two text selection options.

Shift + Left key – selects text to the left of the cursor.

Shift + Right key – selects text to the right of the cursor.

Ctrl+Shift +Left (or Right) key – simultaneously selects entire blocks of text, rather than individual characters.

Ctrl + C key – copies the selected text to the Windows clipboard.

Ctrl key – V – pastes text from the Windows clipboard into the command line.

Ctrl + A key – selects all text.

All of these hotkeys work in other text programs, however, these shortcuts are new for the command line.

To navigate Windows 10

Read also: How to Install Windows 10 from a USB Flash Drive

In addition to new keyboard shortcuts, Windows 10 inherited a whole group of hot buttons from previous versions of Microsoft operating systems. Below we have presented the most important hotkeys that will help you navigate the interface of the new Windows.

Windows key + - temporarily hides programs to quickly show the desktop.

Windows Key + D – Shrinks application windows to directly go to the desktop.

Key Ctrl+Shift+M – restores the full size of reduced windows (useful after Win + D).

Windows + Home key – minimizes all windows except the one that is currently active.

Windows key +L – lock your PC and go to the lock window.

Windows key +E – launch Windows Explorer.

Alt+Up key – goes up one level in Windows Explorer.

Alt+Left key – go one step back in Windows Explorer.

Alt+Right key - Move one step forward in Windows Explorer.

Alt+Tab key – switch between windows (hold Alt and press Tab to select the desired window).

Alt+F4 key – closes the current window.

Windows Key+Shift+Left (or Right) – Move the window to your next monitor.

Windows key + T – taskbar navigation (press Enter to launch).

Windows key + Any number – launches the program located in the taskbar under the pressed number (for example, the combination Win + 3 will launch the third application in your taskbar).

Deeper navigation in Windows 10

Discover hidden parts of Windows by using special hotkeys that help you find settings and options that are hidden from the eyes of ordinary users. Don't use these combinations unless you know what you're doing.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc key – opens Windows 10 Task Manager.

Windows key + R – launches the Run window.

Shift+Delete key – deletes files without first moving them to the trash.

Alt+Enter key – shows the properties of the selected files.

Windows key + U – opens the Quick Access Center.

Windows key+Space – switches the input language and keyboard layout.

Windows key+Shift+Any number – launches a new copy of an already running application from the Taskbar.

Windows key+Ctrl+Shift+Any number – the same thing, but with administrator rights.

Pictures, videos and Windows 10 screen

As expected, Windows 10 was made to be a very visual operating system. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Microsoft's brainchild has received a whole series of hotkeys that allow you to save pictures of your desktop, record actions on the desktop, and also zoom in and out of objects on the desktop.

Windows key + PrtScr – takes a screenshot and saves it to the Pictures folder.

Windows key + G – opens the Game DVR program to record screen activity (provided your graphics card supports this option).

Windows key + Alt + G – starts recording screen activity in the current window.

Windows key + Alt + R – stop Game DVR recording.

Windows key + P – switch between screen modes.

Windows key + Plus – increase.

Windows key + Minus – decrease.

Windows 10 Hotkeys

Knowing the basic keyboard shortcuts for a computer or a specific program can greatly speed up your productivity and save you a lot of time in the long run. In this article, although I should have done this a long time ago, I will finally describe the main Windows 10 hotkeys.

Win+ combinations

Keyboard shortcuts that begin with the Windows key work regardless of the active window and perform operating system-level actions. Popular Windows 10 hotkeys include the following:

  • Win+E – open My Computer
  • Win+I – open Windows Settings
  • Win+D – minimize/maximize all windows
  • Win + R – open the “Run” function
  • Win+Pause – open the "System" window
  • Win+S – open Windows search
  • Win+A – open Notification Center
  • Win+L – enable screensaver/lock screen
  • Win+X – open the WinX menu (Power User Menu)
  • Win+Print Screen – save a screenshot of the screen (Images/Screenshots). More details in the lesson: how to take a screenshot on Windows 10
  • Win+Space – change language

Tip: if you don't know the meaning of some keys or can't find them on your keyboard (the names have been erased, etc.), you can always find the definition of any key in our computer dictionary, just look for words starting with the letter "K".

Combinations Ctrl+

  • Ctrl+C – copy (text, object, file or folder)
  • Ctrl+V – paste
  • Ctrl+X – cut
  • Ctrl+S – save changes/document
  • Ctrl+N – create a new file/document
  • Ctrl+A – select all
  • Ctrl+Z – undo the last action (go back one step)
  • Ctrl+Y – undo last action (go back one step)
  • Ctrl+Shift+Escape – open Task Manager
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete – open the Windows Security window
  • Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift – change the language (depending on your settings)

When working with text, the following combinations are often used:

  • Ctrl+B – bold
  • Ctrl+I – italics
  • Ctrl+U – underline
  • Ctrl+E (L or R) – align text to the center, left or right.

Shift+ combinations

  • Shift+text or Caps Lock (on/off) – print capital letters
  • Shift+arrows and Ctrl+Shift+arrows – select text by letter and by word
  • Shift+Home/End – select text from the cursor to the beginning/end of the line
  • Shift+Page Up/Page Down – select text from the cursor to the screen up/down
  • Shift+F12 – save the Word document.

Hotkeys in Windows 10 Explorer

In addition to some of the hotkeys already described, you can also use function keys in Explorer.

  • F2 – rename the selected file or folder
  • F3 – go to search field
  • F4 – go to address bar
  • F5 – refresh window
  • F6 and Tab – change the active part of the window (useful if you are not using a mouse)
  • F11 – open explorer to full screen

Let's stop there. This set of useful key combinations should be enough. And in my humble opinion, most of these Windows 10 hotkeys should be known by every computer user. And to be more precise, not only know it, but use it to simplify and speed up work at the computer.

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Would you like more articles on this topic, perhaps you are interested in key combinations in a certain program? Write your thoughts in the comments.

Windows 10 Hotkeys You Need to Know » Training » Windows

Windows 10 hotkeys are often necessary for the user. This article is a kind of instruction on the use of keys and their combinations in the Windows operating system, version ten. Most of them came from previous versions of Windows, but there are also new hotkeys.

Popular shortcuts and basic hotkeys

  • CTRL plus C - copy;
  • Ctrl plus X - cut;
  • Ctrl plus V- paste;
  • CTRL plus Z-return to previous action;
  • Alt plus Tab - switch between programs;
  • Alt plus F4 - terminate the active program
  • Windows plus L - user account replacement;
  • Windows plus D - hide desktop.

Present only in OS Windows 10

  • Windows Plus A - Support Center;
  • Windows plus S - search box;
  • Windows plus C - open Cortana in listening;
  • Windows plus TAB is the Windows 10 task view hotkey;
  • Windows plus Ctrl plus D - open simulated desktop;
  • Win plus Ctrl plus Left Arrow and Win plus Ctrl plus Right Arrow are hotkeys for switching between desktops;
  • Win plus Ctrl plus F4 - close the virtual desktop;
  • Win plus Up Arrow - make the window full screen;
  • Win plus Down arrow - minimize the window;
  • Win plus Right arrow - pin the window to the right;
  • Win plus Left arrow - docks the window to the left.

Hotkeys for Windows 10 version on video:

Basic hotkeys

  • F2- rename the selected element;
  • F3 - run find files;
  • F4 - display the line for the address;
  • F5- update;
  • F6- switch between elements;
  • F10 - activate the menu in an open application;
  • ALT plus F4 - close the active element or application;
  • ALT plus ESC - switch between elements in the order they open;
  • ALT plus ENTER - display properties of the selected element;
  • ALT plus space - open context menu;
  • ALT plus Left arrow - one step forward;
  • ALT plus Right arrow - one step back;
  • ALT plus PAGE UP - move to the top page;
  • ALT plus PAGE DOWN - move to the bottom page;
  • ALT plus TAB - transition between programs;
  • CTRL plus F4 - close the active document;
  • Ctrl plus A - select all elements;
  • Ctrl plus C - copy selected element;
  • Ctrl plus D - delete the selected element;
  • Ctrl plus R - refresh open window;
  • Ctrl plus V-paste;
  • Ctrl plus X - cut;
  • Ctrl plus Y - repeat;
  • Ctrl plus Z - cancel;
  • Ctrl plus Right arrow - move word further;
  • Ctrl plus Left Arrow - move back one word;
  • Ctrl plus Down Arrow - move to the next paragraph;
  • Ctrl plus Up Arrow - move to the previous paragraph;
  • Ctrl plus ESC - “Start”;
  • Ctrl plus SHIFT plus ESC - task manager;
  • Ctrl plus SHIFT - keyboard language;
  • SHIFT plus DELETE - delete the selected item without moving it to the trash;
  • ESC - pause task execution.

All of the above keys are indispensable when working on a PC.

What are the Windows 10 hotkeys?

Skills such as using the keyboard effectively help you navigate your operating system quickly without becoming fatigued as you work through it. Windows 10 hotkeys contribute well to this. Setting up for efficiency can force you to learn certain combinations of buttons, which will help make the work of a person working at a computer much easier. There are already familiar combinations that are inherited from previous generation operating systems. It is not necessary to learn such combinations in one day; it is enough to first write down the most necessary ones, and then, as the training progresses, gradually learn new ones. All combinations are typed on the keyboard, where the Win button, or Win, or Start, or Start is a key with the image of the Windows logo. In the article we call it differently for the convenience of those who are accustomed to one option. But essentially, it's the same thing.

Window management

This section describes keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows 10 windows.

  • Win + left arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + right arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow - with this combination you can expand the program window to full screen.
  • Win + down arrow - these keys minimize the window of a running application.
  • Win + D - These keys either show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M - this way you can restore minimized windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination minimizes all windows except the one in which the user is working.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination switches running applications.
  • Alt + F4 - this combination closes the running window.
  • Win + Shift + left (or right) arrow - move windows to another monitor.
  • Win + T - using this combination you can go through the icons located on the taskbar one after another. In this case, the Enter button starts the application.
  • Win + 0…9 - launches from the taskbar those applications that are assigned to a specific serial number.

See also: How to install Russian language in Windows 10

See also: Windows 10 takes a long time to load

Benefits of use

Hot keys significantly speed up your work on the computer. If you learn them, then the time will come when interaction with the computer will come into the realm of the subconscious. That is, you don’t have to worry about how to call certain buttons or windows. Of course, everything doesn’t happen at once, but the more you practice working with the keys, the faster they will be memorized. There will come a time when you won't need to look at the keyboard at all. In the age of information technology, this is a very useful skill. Only specialized programs help you set up your own hotkeys, but is it really worth wasting time if there are already ready-made solutions?

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Nothing makes working on a PC easier than keyboard shortcuts. Clicked - and there is no need to scour the menu, opening tab after tab in search of the desired action.

As functionality increases, so does the number of tasks available to manage hotkeys.

In Windows 10, the same keyboard shortcuts work as in the “seven” and “eight”, plus new ones have appeared. Let's get to know them better and figure out how to customize them “for yourself.”

New in Windows 10

Virtual desktops

One of the tens' new products is virtual desktops where you can place open documents and running programs.

This additional space helps the user to unload the work area by “scattering” the open windows across several screens.

Virtual desktops are created and controlled using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts.

Hotkeys for switching, creating and closing desktops in Windows 10:

  • Windows (key with the same icon) + Ctrl + D - create a new table;
  • Windows + Ctrl + right or left arrow key - switch between adjacent tables;
  • Windows + Ctrl + F4 - closes the active desktop.
  • Windows + Ctrl + Tab - view all windows on open desktops.

Placing open windows next to each other

Another improvement of the “tens” is the Snap function - placing two open windows on adjacent halves of the screen, which is convenient when comparing documents and copying files from one directory to another.

In Windows 7 and 8 this was done only with the mouse, and in Windows 10 - with both the mouse and hotkeys.

These are the combinations:

  • Windows + right arrow - moves the active window to the right;
  • Windows + left arrow - moves the active window to the left;
  • Windows + up arrow - moves the active window up;
  • Windows + down arrow - moves the active window down.

Command line

To enable it, open the console properties by right-clicking on the top panel of the frame and check the box next to “Additional keys for selecting text.”

How do hotkeys work in the Windows 10 command line:

  • Ctrl + A - select the text;
  • Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V - copy and paste text into the console;
  • Shift + right arrow - select text in the line to the right of the cursor;
  • Shift + left arrow - select text in the line to the left of the cursor;
  • Shift + Ctrl + left arrow - select a block of text to the left of the cursor;
  • Shift + Ctrl + right arrow - select a block of text to the right of the cursor.

Explorer, search and programs

Here are the keyboard shortcuts that control search functions, opening utilities, the game bar, etc. These are things that first appeared or changed in Windows 10.

  • Windows + G - Opens the Game Bar of the Xbox app to record screen video and take screenshots.
  • Windows + Q - opens the search module window, the same as clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon in the taskbar.
  • Windows + S - launches the virtual assistant Cortana, which does not work in the Russian version of Windows. Pressing this combination opens the search.
  • Windows + I - open the Settings application - new tens.
  • Windows + A - expands the notification center, which can also be opened by clicking on the tray icon.
  • Windows + Alt + G - enable background screen recording.
  • Windows + Alt + R - stop background screen recording.
  • Windows + plus on the number pad of the keyboard - magnifying the image using a screen magnifier.
  • Windows + minus on the number pad of the keyboard - zoom out the image using a screen magnifier.