Where to find javascript in the browser. How to enable Java or JavaScript in different browsers

As we already mentioned in the article on how to clean your computer from viruses, when you visit untrustworthy sites, it can be very useful to disable javascript in your browser, thereby reducing the likelihood of your computer being infected by various viruses through these sites. There are also cases when your favorite site, for some reason unknown to you, displays an incomprehensible message “You have javascript disabled.” What is javascript and how to enable and disable it in today's popular browsers, we will tell you in this article.

Javascript is a programming language that adds interactivity to web pages. It is used to create beautiful pop-up menus, windows, tooltips and much more on the pages of modern websites. Since javascript is executed on the user's side (on his computer), and not on the server like other programming languages ​​for the Web, it has become a tool in the hands of various attackers who, with its help, began to exploit operating vulnerabilities Windows systems to introduce viruses onto user computers.
Despite the fact that javascript itself, due to the peculiarities of its operation, does not contain viruses in the usual sense, but with its help it turned out to be convenient to implement cyber attacks and run malicious code written in other programming languages. To avoid this, you can disable the execution of javascript in the browser you use on sites that you do not trust and enable it only for trusted sites. How to do this in the famous four browsers ( Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Google Chrome) we will describe below. How to disable javascript in Internet Explorer 9.
Open your browser. Press Alt+X and go to Internet Options. In the window that opens, go to the “Security” tab. In the “Select a zone to configure its security settings” window, select “Internet” by left-clicking on it. The icon should be highlighted in blue. After that, click on the “Other...” button below. A window titled “Security Settings - Internet Zone” will open. In it, almost at the very bottom, find the “Scripts” section with the subsections “Active scripts” and “Run scripts” Java applications" Set the switch to the “Disable” position. After this, javascripts in Internet Explorer 9 will not work.

How to disable javascript in Mozilla Firefox.
In the Mozilla browser Firefox scripts turn off much easier. To do this in open browser click on the Firefox inscription in the orange background on the left top corner, in the window that appears, select “Settings” and in another pop-up window, also click on “Settings”. In the window that opens, go to the “Content” tab and uncheck the “Use javascript” checkbox. Click OK. Scripts are disabled.

How to disable javascript in Opera.
The most convenient for disable javascript browser. While in an open browser, press function key F12. A window will open for you quick settings browser, in which you need to uncheck the “Enable javascript” option. The window will close and javascript will be disabled.

How to disable javascript in Google Chrome.
With your browser open, click on wrench ik top right. Select the “Settings” menu item. In the left column, select the “Advanced” section, where at the very top click the “Content Settings...” button. In the third group from the top called “javascript”, check the box for “Prohibit execution of javascript on all sites”. Click on the gray cross in the upper right corner. Execution of javascripts in Google Chrome is disabled.

How to disable javascript in Safari.
Open Safari. In the upper right corner, click on the main browser settings menu in the form of a gear. In the menu that appears, select “Settings” and go to the “Security” tab. In this tab, uncheck the “Enable javascript” option and close the window. After this, JavaScript in the browser stops working.

Not all sites currently retain their full functionality when the user's javascript is disabled. Some completely lose their ability to work. In this case, the message “You have javascript disabled” will be displayed, which we talked about at the beginning of the article. But, knowing how to disable javascript, you can now easily enable their support back by following the appropriate steps.

Accordingly, most of the time you have to work with the browser. In order for the program's working capabilities to be wider and all viewed content to look better, the developers are introducing some additional elements. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to enable or disable JavaScript in your browser, as well as what it is and how it can affect your browsing experience. Let's figure it out. Go!

JavaScript is a browser-based programming language that allows websites to look better and be more functional. Find out how to activate it in a specific browser later in the article.

Having launched Chrome, click on the icon at the top right in the form of three horizontal stripes to open the menu. Then select Settings. In the window that appears, click “Show advanced settings.” Next, in the personal data section, go to content settings. Then enable JavaScript on all sites.

Internet Explorer

Open Internet Options on your computer or go there through the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. On the “Security” tab, click on the “Other” button. In the Security Settings tab, enable active scripting and scripting of Java applications.


Go to the Opera quick settings menu. A list will open in front of you, in which you will need to check the box “Enable JavaScript”.

Mozilla Firefox

While in the program, go to the tool window. In the list that opens, click on “Settings”. On the “Content” tab, check the box next to the “Use JavaScript” line. Please note that in newer Mozilla versions There is no need to enable this feature as it is enabled by default. To disable, write to address bar(without quotes) "about:config". In the search field write "javascript.enabled". Having marked the lines with the “default” state, click on the “Switch” button.

Yandex browser

Since it is developed on the basis of Chrome, everything here is done in a similar way. By clicking on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines, go to settings. Then click on “Show advanced settings”. Under Privacy, go to Content Settings. Allow or disable JavaScript depending on what you want to do: turn it on or off.

Disabling is done in the same way as enabling for each specific browser. The only difference is that you will need to remove the bird (dot) from the corresponding point.

Now you will know exactly how to enable or disable JavaScript in any browser. This will allow you to customize the appearance of pages, making them more functional or more secure, depending on your preferences. Write in the comments whether the article was useful to you and ask if you have any questions on the topic.

JavaScript(Java script) programming language, widely used for creating websites. If JavaScript support is disabled in your web browser options, then some services on websites become unavailable. For example: ordering, paying for goods in online stores, pharmacies, trading at auctions, posting information on bulletin boards, exchanging and converting web currencies, communicating in in social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, MoyMir, FaceBook, etc. and so on..
Quite often, a special warning is installed on website pages, which is displayed on website pages if they are viewed with the browser disabled. JavaScript functions. For example:
Your browser does not support JavaScript
Please enable JavaScript to view this page
JavaScript may be disabled in your browser settings
Unfortunately, your browser's JavaScript is disabled. Please enable it

If you go to the page Checking whether JavaScript is enabled in your browser, you will find out for sure whether the Java Script option is enabled or disabled in your browser. If it is disabled and needs to be enabled, find instructions on how to do this for your web browser on this page. You can also see screenshots (pictures) of following the instructions on the page: Install JavaScript in the browser.

Internet Explorer (5-11)

IN top line menu, select Tools.

Select Internet Options.

Select the Security tab.

Click Other.

Scroll down to the Scripts section.

Set Active Scripts to Enable, click OK and Apply

Android WebKit (1.0)

Select Advanced from the menu

Select Settings

Check the Use JavaScript box

Netscape Navigator (8.0)

From the top menu bar, select Tools

Select Site Controls

Mozilla Firefox (23-54)

In the address bar write about:config

We read the warning and click the agree button with the warning.

Scroll the list to the javascript.enabled line

Click on the line right click mouse call up the context menu.

If the false flag is set, select the line Switch (Change) in the context menu

Switch (Change) we get the true flag.

Mozilla Firefox (1.3-21.0)

From the top menu bar, select Tools

Select Settings.

On top panel select Content.

K-Meleon (1.5-75)

In the top panel select Tools

Open Privacy

Remove the checkbox from Block JavaScript

Ice Weasel (2.0)

From the top menu bar, select Edit

Select Settings.

From the top bar, select Content.

Select the Install JavaScript checkbox and OK.

Flock (1.0)

In the main panel, select Tools

Open Tools, bottom line Options (settings)

In Options open Content

Select the Enable JavaScript checkbox and select OK.

Opera (15)

In the upper left corner, click on the logo (Opera)

Select the Settings tab

Selecting Websites

Set the Allow radio button JavaScript execution(recommended)

Close the Settings tab

Opera (11-12)

From the panel, select Menu


Quick Settings

Check the Use JavaScript box

Opera (8.2-9.6)


Quick Settings

Opera AC(9.2)

Select Settings in the top panel

Google Chrome (17)

In the right corner of the panel, click the service icon (wrench) or (gear)

Select Options

Select the Settings tab

In Settings select Advanced

Click on the Content Settings button

Set the JavaScript checkbox to Allow all sites to use JavaScript

Close Settings tab or OK

Yandex.Browser Yandex (1.5) Chrome (22)

In the right corner of the panel, click the service icon (gear)

Select Settings

At the bottom of the tab, click on the line Show additional settings

Click on the Content Settings... button

In the pop-up window, set the radio button to Allow JavaScript for all sites

Click OK

Close the Settings tab

Apple Safari (3.1) for Windows

From the top menu bar, select Edit

Select Settings

Select Security

Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox.

Apple Safari (1.0)

From the top menu bar, select Safari.

Select Preferences.

Select Security.

Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox.

Mozilla (1.6-1.8)

Select Edit.

Select Settings.

Open Advanced.

Scripts and modules.

Epiphany (1.0.7)

On the top bar, select Edit

Change Settings

Select Privacy

Konqueror (KDE 3.1-4.0)

HTML Settings

Galion (1.3.12)

From the menu bar, open Web Content

Select Scripts and Plugins

Check Enable JavaScripts

Avant (10-11)

Uncheck (Prohibit scripts)

Slim Browser (4.0)

Select from the Tools panel.

Select Manage Downloads.

Check the Run Scripts checkbox.

Sea Monkey (1.0.3)

Select Edit.

Select Settings.

Open Advanced.

Scripts and modules.

Install JavaScript in Navigator.

Net Captor (6.5)

Select Security in the top panel

Select Scripting-Enable

Green (4.2)

Select Options


Maxthon (1.6)

In the top Options panel

Open Download Control

Check the Allow Scripts checkbox

Dolphin (10.0.1)

Select settings in the Menu

Open the Web Content page

Set Allow JavaScript

Brief information about using JavaScript in different versions of web browsers.

JavaScript is not supported by: text browsers like Lynx, w3m, Links, old versions of desktop browsers Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer; browsers in most models mobile phones: Opera Mini, NetFront, Bold, Minimo, Doris, as well as some graphical browsers: Amaya, DittoB. Partially JavaScript supported text browser eLinks(at the level of simple scripts). In some browsers, on the contrary, the ability to disable JavaScript execution, through user interface, missing for example in Google Chrome up to version 10.
The JavaScript option is enabled in all modern web browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, Safari, Chrome, by default, i.e. when installing the browser into the operating system. JavaScript is disabled for the following reasons: when the browser is used by several users with different views on web surfing, during updates software, when blocking protective programs: antiviruses, anti-Trojans, anti-advertising.
Please note that blocking Java Script may be caused by the use of firewalls (firewalls, firewalls), proxy servers, anonymizers. In these cases, changing the JavaScript option policy must be performed not in the browser, but in these programs. Often, messages about JavaScript being disabled occur due to incorrect web server settings or the use of rare JavaScript versions and frameworks on the pages, this should be reported to the administrator of a site like this. It is extremely rare that script execution fails when the program code JavaScript interpreter operating system, solution similar problem perhaps only by involving a highly qualified specialist.
Note that some users intentionally disable Java and JavaScript in their browsers. This is due to the fact that, firstly: the execution of scripts and applets written in these languages ​​slows down the loading of web pages, and secondly, scripts and applets can be used by attackers to infiltrate malicious code viruses, Trojans, worms into the operating system. Disabling JavaScript, for such users, also speeds up the browser and protects against hacker attacks.
Note: Java and JavaScript, that's two different languages programming, permission to use them are separated in the settings of web browsers. Software interpreter JavaScript code, installed on all modern operating systems. And here Java platform, for some operating systems, if you need to run programs in Java, you will have to download from the official website and install.

How to enable javascript in the browser - instructions for all versions

For a complete and optimal performance Web pages in the browser must have javascript enabled.

We will tell you what it is and how to enable it in this article.

Pivot table

What is javascript?

JavaScript can be called a multi-paradigm language. It has support for many programming methods. For example, object-oriented, functional and imperative.

This type of programming is not directly related to java. The main syntax of this programming language is the C language, as well as C++.

The basis of browser web pages is HTML code, with which programmers add various interactive elements.

If javascript is disabled in the browser, interactive elements will not work.

Appeared this type programming language thanks to working together companies Sun Microsystems and Netscape.

Initially, JavaScript was called LiveScript, but after Java language became popular among programmers, the development companies decided to rename it.

Netscape's marketing department believed that such a name would increase the popularity of the new programming language, which, in fact, happened.

Let us remember that JavaScript is not directly related to Java. These are completely different languages.

JavaScript Features

This programming language is available unlimited amount possibilities due to its versatility.

The main aspects of application are mobile applications for smartphones, interactive web pages sites and services.

Most of the innovation was brought about by the joining of the AJAX company to the project, which provided the capabilities used in the language today.

To save traffic and increase ease of use, JavaScript provides the ability to change pages of sites and services in small parts invisible to the user online.

This does not require turning off the site while editing or adding new information.

Changes happen immediately, without requiring a page refresh or reload.

The JavaScript feature may be disabled for various reasons.

Maybe, previous user I may have intentionally disabled it because it was not required for web browsing. The shutdown could also happen on its own.

Disabling javascript may prevent some links from opening. Below we will look at ways to enable this function in popular browsers.

Yandex browser

To enable JavaScript in Yandex Browser, you need to go to settings.

To do this, open the context menu in the upper right corner by clicking LMB on the icon "three horizontal stripes", then select the item "Settings".

After this you need to find the block "Personal data", in which we press the button "Content Settings".

In the “Javascript” section, check the box "Allow Javascript on all sites" and save the changes by clicking the “Finish” button.

After this, JavaScript is immediately activated and will allow you to view previously inaccessible web pages and perform manipulations on interactive services.

After activating the function, the browser itself does not require restarting; you only need to refresh the page by pressing the F5 key or the corresponding icon on the left of the address bar.

In the latest version of the browser, JavaScript activation is installed automatically, so there is no option to enable the function in the settings.

Internet Explorer

IN Internet browser Explorer also needs to open Settings in order to activate the JavaScript feature.

To go to the desired section, press the button marked with a gear, and then select the item "Browser Options".

In the window that opens, select the “Security” tab, in which we click LMB on the item "Internet", then press the button "Another…".

To disable javascript, follow the following steps:

  • Scripts.
  • Active scenarios.
  • Execute Java application scripts.
  • Disable.

To activate the function in the sub-item "Run Java Application Scripts", you should check the box "Turn on".

To save the changes, click the “Ok” button, after which in the browser properties window you need to click the button "Apply" and restart Internet Explorer.

The next time you run the changes, the changes will take effect and the function will work properly, providing access to previously inaccessible pages, which required activation of JavaScript.

Google Chrome

Just like in all browsers, to activate JavaScript you need to go to settings.

In Google Chrome, you can open settings by clicking on function button in the upper right corner of the window.

It is indicated by three horizontal stripes.

In the context menu, select the item "Settings".

After that, using the scroller (mouse wheel), go to the very end of the page and select the item "Show advanced settings".

When opened additional settings, the number of available items will increase significantly. Scroll down the page and find the item "Personal data", in which we select the button "Content Settings".

In chapter "Javascript", to activate or deactivate the function, select the appropriate item, and then click the “Finish” button.

Saved changes take effect immediately.

There is no need to restart the browser, you just need to refresh the page by pressing the F5 key or the corresponding icon on the left in the address bar.

After activating the JavaScript function, you will be able to view earlier inaccessible web pages, as well as performing various actions on interactive services.

Mozilla Firefox

WITH Mozilla browser In Firefox, things with JavaScript activation are a little different.

It all depends on the version of your browser.

Versions 23 and higher do not require manual activation javascript, this function activated automatically and works completely properly.

To activate the JavaScript function in version 22 and lower, go to the toolbar and select the menu item "Settings".

To enable javascript, go to the section "Content", in which to activate the function you need to check the box "Use JavaScript".

To disable the function, you need to uncheck this box.

To save the changes, click the “OK” button and refresh the browser page.

You do not need to restart the browser for the changes to take effect. After activation, you will be able to fully view web pages and perform actions on interactive services.


The situation with the Opera browser is almost the same as with Mozilla Firefox.

The only difference is that the function is not automatically activated in any of the versions.

Activating JavaScript in different versions happens in different ways.

Versions from 10.5 to 14

First of all, we need to open the browser settings.

In the upper left corner click the button "Menu", in the context menu we move the cursor over the item "Settings" and click on the sub-item "General settings…".

After this, a new window with browser settings will open.

You need to select a tab "Additionally".

In the left menu of the tab, click on the item "Content", after which we activate the function by placing two checkmarks on the items "Enable JavaScript" And "Enable Java".

To deactivate, these checkboxes must be unchecked.

Activating and deactivating javascript in Opera versions from 10.5 to 14

After you have checked or unchecked the boxes, save the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

Now we restart the browser for the changes to take effect. All javascript functions will be available to you.

Versions from 15 and higher

In these versions of the Opera browser, activation of JavaScript is much simpler.

In order to open the settings window, you need to press the Alt+P hotkey combination in an open browser. In the menu that opens, open the tab "Sites".

To activate the function, you need to check the box "Allow JavaScript", to deactivate – "Disable JavaScript".

After this, just click the “OK” button to save the changes and refresh the page you are viewing with the F5 key or by clicking the corresponding icon on the left of the address bar.

There is no need to restart the browser.


To enable the JavaScript function in the proprietary Apple browser– Safari, you need to go to settings.

To open them, you need to press the button "Safari" and select item "Settings».

In the window that opens, go to the “ Safety", where in the section "Web content" To activate the function you need to check the box "Enable JavaScript".

Accordingly, to deactivate JavaScript, this checkbox must be unchecked.

After that, save the changes by clicking the “OK” button and update open page in the browser.

There is no need to restart the browser; changes take effect immediately after saving.

Microsoft Edge

You can activate javascript not only in the browser, but also in the operating system itself. To do this, you need to call the function window "Run" hotkey combination Win+R.

In the appropriate line you need to enter the command “gpedit.msc” (without quotes) and press the Enter button.

Command editor group policy computer systems

After that, on the right side of the screen go to the following folders: Administrative TemplatesWindows components Microsoft Edge.

Open the file in the last folder "Allows you to run scripts such as JavaScript".

In the window that opens, select the item "Turn on" or "Disable" to activate or deactivate the function, respectively.

After you have activated/deactivated the JavaScript function, save the changes by clicking the “Apply” button.


Today, almost all developers use javascript when creating websites.

Therefore for correct operation Sites often recommend enabling this feature in your browser.

Javascript is universal language programming.

With its help, almost all modern websites and services are able to provide image animation GIF format, as well as the operation of clickable links and attachments.

JavaScript also allows you to correctly use flash games and applications, for example, VKontakte games.

But availability activated function not enough for this.

Must be installed on your computer system latest version programs Adobe Flash Player.

In other cases (for example, browser games), the presence of a flash player may not be necessary.

VIDEO: How to enable JavaScript - detailed instructions

In this tutorial we will look at how to enable and disable javascript in all major browsers. Let's look at everything using the example of Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser and Google Chrome browsers.

How to enable and disable JavaScript in the Opera Browser

How to enable or disable JavaScript in Google Chrome browser

In the open browser, in the upper right corner, click on the button in the form of three bars and go to “Settings”.

In the "Personal data" settings block, click on the "Content settings..." button

A pop-up window will open in which, as in the Opera browser example, you must select Allow or Deny script execution.

How to enable and disable JavaScript in Yandex Browser

It will be latest browser which we will consider. Everything is as easy with it as with Google Chrome. In the upper right corner, click on the button in the form of three stripes and go to settings.

We go down to the very bottom of the page and click on the “Show additional settings” button.

In the “Personal Data” section, click on the “Content Settings” button and configure script execution in the pop-up window. At the end, click the “Done” button.

This is how you can enable or disable JavaScript in all major browsers.

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