Address bar in Windows 8. All Windows command line commands in one place

In the days of graphical window interfaces, using the command line may seem like something completely archaic. However, not all computer control functions are embodied in buttons, menus and lists with hyperlinks. The vast majority possible actions in Windows it remains hidden from the user's eyes.

You can run some important commands only from command line. Therefore, the ability to use a console (that’s what it is also called) is a skill that distinguishes a beginner from experienced user. Linux lovers don’t face this problem at all; you can’t take a single step there without the command line. But our conversation will be about Windows and how to open .

You can open it different ways, some of which are completely obvious, and some of which are included in the functionality of the system for no apparent reason. However, we will consider all these possibilities. Even if only out of pure sporting interest.

Let's also pay attention to what user we will run as Windows console– this directly affects its functionality. It is best to open Command Prompt as a Windows Administrator.

Practical exercises

We will study all the ways to open on a first-come, first-served basis:

Method one:

Click on the key combination “Win” + “X” - in Windows 8 this standard way open the Start menu. Select menu item "Command Prompt (Administrator)". This opens the PowerShell command processor - an enhanced version command processor. For those who want to deal with the standard interface, we advise you to go to the taskbar and navigation settings.

Method two:

  • The same thing only with the help of the mouse. We move the mouse pointer to the lower left corner of the screen and again find ourselves in the Start menu. From here you can call again desired window processor.

Method three:

  • You can launch the console in the “Run” window of the “Start” menu. To do this, you need to open this window and type the cmd command in the input field, then press “Enter”. As a result, we get the same result.

Method four:

  • Press the keys “Win” + “E”. The Explorer window opens. For those who have forgotten what it is, let us remind you: “Explorer” is standard program to view content file system. In the left panel, select the drive “C:\” with the mouse, and in the “File” menu, find and select "Open command prompt as administrator". We have one more way to launch the console.

Method five:

  • You need to open the “Task Manager” (“Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Esc”). Go to the “File” menu and select the “New Task (Run)” option there. In the window that opens, type cmd and press Enter. You can call the console in this way, but it is not clear why this is needed.

To troubleshoot or automate a number of tasks, the couple needs to open the Command Prompt in Windows 8. It is a console for entering complex and simple commands, which are executed without GUI.

Each OS has its own group of cmd opening methods and with the advent new version this list is expanding. Most commonly used launch methods are similar. You can open the Command Prompt in Windows 7 using some of the recommendations from this article and vice versa.

Traditional and quick opening methods

1. Implemented in Windows 8 convenient menu, which contains the necessary system utilities. You can open it by pressing the Win + X buttons, after which a menu with an extensive list will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Select “command line” from it.

2. How quick start, you can use the “Run” command window. It opens with 2 keys Win + R. In the input line, type CMD, then press Enter or OK.

After one use, the command will be saved and you will not need to enter it again, but simply select it from the list.

3. In Windows 8, the search form is different from previous versions. Use one of the options convenient for you.

  1. Click start. Move to the right edge of the screen and click on the magnifying glass icon.
  2. Click hot Win keys+ Q to launch desktop search.

In the appropriate field, type CMD and click Enter to open Command Prompt in Windows 8.

Alternative launch methods

1 To open cmd in Windows 8, you can use the process manager. Follow the steps below.

  1. Open the manager Windows tasks 8.
  2. Click on “file” to display the menu.
  3. Clamp CTRL key, hover over “run new task» and left-click.

It is possible to do the opposite, that is, launch the task manager via the command line, which may be useful to you.

2. The method allows you to open a command line window with the location of the selected folder or local disk. It is convenient in that actions are immediately performed on the selected directory.

Open in Explorer and select any folder or drive. Click "file" and select "open command line" as the second item.

Eat alternative method. Hover over a folder or drive, hold SHIFT, and click right click. In the menu, find and click the line “open command window”. Cmd will launch on Windows 8, with the location of the selected directory.

3. Command Prompt can be opened directly from the storage location executable file. It is located in the WindowsSystem32 folder and among the large number of files is called cmd.exe. Get to it and run it double click left button.

Here are the many ways you can open the Command Prompt on Windows 8. Use the most convenient one and execute the planned commands. To use all commands, run Command Prompt as an administrator to gain elevated privileges.

The command line is indispensable program, which is available in all versions of Windows. The main task The command line is the processing of commands entered by the user. Using console commands, you can significantly reduce processing time one task or another. Therefore, the console has a clear advantage over Windows graphical utilities.

If you compare the command line of Windows 8 and Windows 7, you will not find any difference. This is what the command line for seven looks like.

And for eight like this.

The only difference you will find is the console version numbers in the first lines of their windows. When creating the eight, the developers decided to leave appearance the console and set of commands are the same as in the seven. The material in question will tell you about the main functionality console, as well as its commands.

How to open command prompt in windows 8

Let's consider six ways opening the command line in eight. The first method is the simplest. To use it, type the key combination Win + X. A window should appear next to the menu “ Start».

Select the command line in this window and it will launch.

The next method is similar to the first, but to perform it you need to do everything with the mouse. To start it " cmd.exe"In this way, right-click on the menu " Start", after which a window will appear, as in the previous example.

After this, click on the item “ Command line" and it will open. Also note that in the first and second methods you can launch the console with rights as administrator.

For the third method we need to run " Search", which will help you find " cmd.exe" To call it, use the key combination Win + Q and enter “ CMD" or " cmd».

In the result found, select the command line and it will start. To log into the console with administrator rights, right-click on the result found. A context menu should appear where you need to select "".

To use the fourth method, you need to call the program “ Execute" The utility is launched using the key combination Win + R. IN running utility you must enter " CMD».

Now press the Enter key and “ cmd.exe" will start.

In the fifth method, to call the console, use Conductor. To verify this, open Conductor. Now go to the menu " File" and select " Open command line", where you will be asked to run the console as an administrator or in the usual way.

A convenient feature of this method is that the console starts exactly from the folder you are in, and not from the user's folder. Using this method, you can do without the "cd" command to change the current folder.

The essence of the sixth method is to launch the executable file from the command line. To do this, let's go to the directory " C:\Windows\System32" and find the executable file " cmd.exe».

If you run the file double click mouse, the utility will launch in standard mode. If you click on " cmd.exe» right-click, a context menu will appear in which you can run the utility as an administrator.

Basic console commands in eight

The console includes a wide variety of commands. For beginners, the command “ help" If you enter this command in the console, you will see the entire list of commands with detailed description in Russian.

A complete qualitative description of each command is available using the control line help command_name:

Now let's look at nine commands that are most often used on the command line:

By using as many commands in the console as possible, you will be able to complete most tasks much faster than in graphic utilities Windows. I would also like to note that if you run “ cmd.exe"with administrator rights, then all your commands will be executed with elevated privileges. Such administrator privileges give you more options because you get full access to the computer.

Copy, paste and search

In the console, these actions are performed completely differently than in most other programs.

The usual keyboard shortcuts for copying - Ctrl + C, pasting - Ctrl + V and searching - Ctrl + F do not work here.

How to copy text from cmd to clipboard

Produced in 3 steps:

If you now insert it into text editor, then it will look like this:

How to paste text from the clipboard

This can be done: right-click and select the menu item " Insert».

How to find text

And again the same context menu and the item “ Find…" Unfortunately, when checking on a PC with Windows version 8.1 it turned out that the search works correctly only for symbols Latin alphabet. We hope this issue will be fixed by the developer in the future.


The only changes to the team Windows strings 8 became ways to launch it. Therefore, if you used the command line on previous Windows, then you can easily use it on the eight. I would also like to note that in the top ten, the developers have significantly expanded the functionality of the console. To take advantage of the new console functionality on Windows 10, owners of a Windows 8 PC only need to upgrade to Windows 10, especially since it’s still free. And we hope that our article will help you understand the command line in Windows 8.

Video on the topic

Command line or as it is also called cmd in the operating room Windows system 8 is the same as in younger versions of Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, it follows that the same commands work the same in all versions.

So let's first figure out how to launch the command line. To do this, you must have a working computer with an operating system.

Some teams if you are working through account regular user For security reasons, you may not have enough rights to execute, so always run the command prompt with administrator rights. There are 2 ways to launch the command line:

In the window that appears, write cmd and click OK.

A command prompt window will open with a black background.

2) A faster way: through the hot keys Win + R, here also in the window that appears we write cmd, press ok.

In Windows 8, you can only use method 2, since there is no Start menu. Let's write our first help command, which will display a list of all available commands with brief explanations.

List of all existing Windows command line commands:

ASSOC Print to screen or modify mappings based on file name extensions.
ATTRIB View and modify file properties.
BREAK Locks or unlocks enhanced CTRL+C processing in DOS.
BCDEDIT Sets properties in the boot database that allows you to control the initial boot.
CACLS Lists data and modifies access control lists (ACLs) on files.
CALL Calls one batch file from another, and can also pass input arguments.
CHCP Output or set encoding.
CHDIR Displays the name or moves to another folder.
CHKDSK Diagnostics of the drive for errors.
CHKNTFS Shows or changes drive diagnostics during boot.
CLSO clearing the display of all symbols.
CMD Launches a Windows command line program. You can run an infinite number of them on one computer. They will work independently of each other.
COLOR Changes and sets the main background of the window and the fonts themselves.
COMP Shows differences and compares the contents of two files.
COMPACT Changes and shows file compression in NTFS.
CONVERT Converts FAT disk volumes to NTFS. Current drive it will not be possible to change.
COPY Creates a copy of a file or files and places them in the specified location.
DATE Shows or sets the current date.
DEL Destroys one or more files at once.
DIR Shows the names of files and folders with their creation date located in the current folder or specified in the folder settings.
DISKCOMP Compares and shows the differences between 2 floppy drives.
DISKCOPY Creates a copy of the contents of one flexible storage another.
DISKPART Shows and changes the properties of a disk partition.
DOSKEY Modifies and re-invokes command lines; creates macros.
DRIVERQUERY Displays information about the status and attributes of a device driver.
ECHO Outputs text information and changes the display mode of commands on the screen.
ENDLOCAL Brings the environment localization to a close for the batch file.
ERASE Destroys a file or files.
EXIT Terminates the command line program
F.C. Shows the differences between two files or two sets of files and also compares them
FIND Searches for a text string in files or in one file.
FINDSTR Advanced Search text strings in files.
FOR Cycle. Repeats execution of the same command a specified number of times
FORMAT Formatting the drive for use with Windows.
FSUTIL Shows and sets file system attributes.
FTYPE Allows you to change and view file types, which are mainly used when matching by file name extensions.
GOTO Transfers control to another specified command.
GPRESULT Displays information about group policy for a computer or user.
GRAFTABL Gives Windows feature show extended character set in graphical mode.
HELP Lists all data about existing Windows commands.
ICACLS Shows, modifies, archives or restores ACLs for files and folders.
IF Executes commands based on a given condition.
LABEL Creates, modifies, and destroys volume labels for drives.
M.D. Creates an empty directory.
MKDIR Creates an empty directory.
MKLINK Creates symbolic and hard links
MODE Configures system devices.
MORE Sequentially displays information in blocks the size of one screen.
MOVE Moves files from one location to another.
OPENFILES Shows files that are open on shared folder remote user.
PATH Displays or sets the full path to executable files.
PAUSE Stops execution of command line commands and displays information text.
POPD Restores the previous active folder value that was saved using the PUSHD command.
PRINT Prints the contents of a text file.
PROMPT Modifies the Windows command line prompt.
PUSHD Saves the active folder value and moves to another folder.
R.D. Destroys a directory.
RECOVER Revives readable data from a bad or damaged hard drive.
R.E.M. Places comments in batch files and the CONFIG.SYS file.
REN Changes the name of both files and folders.
RENAME Similar team REN.
REPLACE Swaps files.
RMDIR Destroys a directory.
ROBOCOPY Advanced tool for copying files and entire folders
SET Shows, installs and destroys Environment Variables Windows.
SETLOCAL Localizes environment changes in a batch file.
S.C. Allows you to work with services
SCHTASKS Allows you to run any programs and sequentially execute the necessary commands according to a given plan
SHIFT Changes the position (shift) of substituted parameters for a batch file.
SHUTDOWN Shuts down the computer.
SORT Sorts input according to specified parameters.
START Launches a program or command in a new window.
SUBST Purpose given path drive name.
SYSTEMINFO Displays information about operating system and computer configuration.
TASKLIST Shows a list of all running processes with their identifiers.
TASKKILL“Kills” or stops the process.
TIME Sets and displays the system time.
TITLE Sets the window name for the current session of the command line interpreter CMD.EXE
TREE Displays drive directories in a convenient visual form.
TYPE Displays the contents of text files.
VER Outputs brief information about the Windows version.
VERIFY Checks for file writing errors on the drive.
VOL Displays marks and serial number drive volumes.
XCOPY Creates a copy of files.
WMIC Prints WMI on the command line.

To troubleshoot or automate a number of tasks, the couple needs to open the Command Prompt in Windows 8. It is a console for entering complex and simple commands that are executed without a graphical interface.

Each OS has its own group of cmd opening methods, and with the advent of a new version, this list expands. Most commonly used launch methods are similar. You can, using some of the recommendations from this article and vice versa.

Traditional and quick opening methods

1. Windows 8 has introduced a convenient menu that contains the necessary system utilities. You can open it, after which a menu with an extensive list will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Select “command line” from it.

2. As a quick launch, you can. It opens with 2 keys Win + R. In the input line, type CMD, then press Enter or OK.

After one use, the command will be saved and you will not need to enter it again, but simply select it from the list.

3. In Windows 8, the search form is different from previous versions. Use one of the options convenient for you.

  1. Click start. Move to the right edge of the screen and click on the magnifying glass icon.
  2. Press the Win + Q hotkeys to launch search on the desktop.

In the appropriate field, type CMD and click Enter to open Command Prompt in Windows 8.

Alternative launch methods

1 To open cmd in Windows 8, you can use the process manager. Follow the steps below.

  1. Click on “file” to display the menu.
  2. Hold down the CTRL key, hover over “run new task” and left-click.

It is possible to do the opposite, that is, maybe it will be useful for you.

2. The method allows you to open a command line window with the location of the selected folder or local drive. It is convenient in that actions are immediately performed on the selected directory.

Open in Explorer and select any folder or drive. Click "file" and select "open command line" as the second item.

There is an alternative method. Hover over a folder or drive, hold SHIFT, and right-click. In the menu, find and click the line “open command window”. Cmd will launch on Windows 8, with the location of the selected directory.

3. The command line can be opened directly from the location where the executable file is stored. It is located in the Windows\System32 folder and among the large number of files is called cmd.exe. Get to it and launch it by double-clicking the left button.

Here are the many ways you can open the Command Prompt on Windows 8. Use the most convenient one and execute the planned commands. To use all commands to gain elevated privileges.