Adobe flash player plugin for mozilla firefox. Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox: installation and activation instructions

Adobe Flash technology is widespread on the Internet; it is used to play video and some media elements. Flash player is used by all browsers and regardless of the operating system, so installing this add-on will be required on both Windows, Linux and Mac.

The Internet browser that you use for the first time will definitely hint to you about the importance of installing flash player. The fact that the browser program is launched for the first time indicates the need to supplement the standard functionality, and the flash plugin is one of the first in line...

How to install Flash Player in Mozilla Firefox?

The process of installing the plugin itself is not complicated, as it boils down to downloading the installation file and automatic installation. As I said, installation is required for everything popular Internet browsers, but since the installation process itself is almost identical, let’s look at it clearly using an example Mozilla Firefox.

Download and install the Adobe Flash Player plugin

  1. First, we need to go to the official website of the developer:
  2. Then go to the download page adobe flash player in top panel“Downloads” from the drop-down menu corresponding item or by following link:
  3. On the download page, uncheck the box that offers additional installation antivirus program from McAfee, and then you can click on the “Install Now” button

  4. Now another window will open, which tells about flash installation player, wait for the download notification window to appear and click “Save file”

  5. Downloaded installation file launch from the “Downloads” folder double click mice
  6. In the installer window you are asked to select the type of update for the plugin. I recommend leaving the default value: “Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)”

    This choice will help your computer keep Adobe flash player up to date!
    Click “Next” and wait for the installation process to complete, which may take several minutes depending on your Internet connection (during installation you will need an Internet connection, as they will download Flash files Player).

    Note! Don't forget to close your Internet browser, in our case Mozilla Firefox. It is advisable to stop working with other applications running in this moment, to avoid system conflicts!
  7. When finished, the Adobe Flash player installer will notify you and prompt you to complete the installation.

Instead of an afterword

That's all, after this you can launch the browser and check its functionality installed plugin, for example, by starting to watch one of the Internet videos. Mozilla Firefox can also launch automatically after installation is complete - a developer page with thanks will open in front of you...

Download Adobe Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox browser. Download and install the latest version of the plugin from the official website. A fresh build is available for download.

Flash Player- a multimedia plugin that installs as a browser add-on. With its help, website visitors can watch videos and animations. Its downloading becomes necessary after Windows installations. Flash technology is the basis of most modern websites, so not a single user can do without it.

Flash Player for Mazila - Mozilla Firefox

Download directly from the official website.

The installation process does not take much time. The user selects a modification for his browser. During installation, you must close it (if you do not do this, the program itself will notify you about this). Just a few seconds and the installer offers a choice of update method that will be used in the future.

After this, your browser becomes universal for watching videos on almost all resources. The exception is videos created using Windows based Media that requires another plugin.

Adobe multimedia technology is one of the main ones in the development of entertainment content, advertising, animation, etc. In some cases, installing this program can be a solution to problems with Skype, a widespread means of communication throughout the world.

If you have an old version of the plugin, then you need to download it from our website.

Videos do not display or games do not start Mozilla browser Firefox? It's time to update old version Flash Player for a new one. Download and install latest build Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox.

Png" data-category="System" data-promo="" target="_blank">Adobe Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox

For free!
check Official Adobe distribution Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox check
close Silent Installation without dialog boxes check
close Installation recommendations necessary programs check
close Batch installation several programs check

Adobe Flash Player is important for playing media content on pages. Thanks to it, users can watch videos, various animations, and also play online games directly on sites, for example, on social networks.

Where to download Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox? How to install it in the browser for free and what to do if the plugin is slow? Let's answer all these questions.


If you go to a media content page and you do not have the flash plugin installed, you will be notified in a small window.
1.You can download Flash Player at: It is recommended to switch directly from the Firefox browser. If not, you will simply have to determine the OS version and browser type yourself.

2.Uncheck the boxes additional offers. It can be Google Chrome or McAfee Security Scan. If the marks remain, you will also download these programs along with Adobe.

3.Click on the “Download” button.

4.Close your browser so that Flash Player for Firefox can install correctly.

5.Open the installer you just downloaded and follow simple instructions. Installation may take some time.


How to enable Adobe Flash Player? After installation, the module is usually automatically enabled, but if the media content on the pages still does not load, you need to check everything in the browser settings.

  1. Click on the three-bar menu and select the “Add-ons” block.
  2. Switch to the "Plugins" section.
  3. Find the plugin Shockwave Flash on the list.
  4. Look what phrase is next to it. If it is “Always enabled” or “Enable on request”, this means that the module is enabled. The second option, by the way, means that the plugin will only be enabled by you when it is detected on media pages.

Module update

As a rule, the module updates itself in automatic mode. Let's check if this function is activated.

1.Launch Control Panel. Open the flash player section.

2.Switch to the second block “Updates”. There should be a checkbox next to “Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended).” If there is a circle next to the second item, click on the button below “Change update settings”.

3.Tick the desired item.

What to do if it doesn't work?

Is the plugin version current? If Flash Player doesn't work in Firefox, check to see if it's the latest version. The table is available at: The latest version of the plugin usually crashes much less frequently.

If you have current version, check if the plugin is enabled. Instructions are given in the section above.

Flash works in other browsers, but not in Firefox

Since there are several versions of plugins (usually different for each browser), if you already have some kind of Flash Player, this does not mean that it will work in Mozilla.

Adobe Flash plugin crashed

The constant crash of the Flash plugin may be due to the player's protective mode being enabled. To solve the problem, you need to disable it in your browser settings.

  1. Go to the "Add-ons" section. We need the "Manage Add-ons" tab.
  2. Go to the “Plugins” section.
  3. Find Shockwave Flash and click on Settings.
  4. Disable protected mode by unchecking the Enable Adobe Flash protected mode phrase.
  5. Restart your browser.

This method of solving the problem, unfortunately, cannot be applied to 64-bit Firefox option. Collapse Adobe plugin Flash may also be due to enabled hardware acceleration in the browser, add-ons and themes activated in the program.

Plugin for Anrdoid

Installing the plugin on a phone running Android OS is very easy.

  1. Go to:
  2. Download the latest available version Flash Player for Android(directly from any browser on your phone).
  3. Next, you need to install the plugin. Before doing this, you need to allow installing programs not from an official source Android apps Play Market. Enabling the function: Settings> section “Security”> item “ unknown sources" We put a mark on it.

Extensions for Flash Animations

If you want to download any video or flash game, use the . It can be downloaded to official store additions.

Flashblock will become useful extension for those users who are tired of constantly popping up animations on websites. If you still want some flash content, you can click on the item and it will load.

Installer Offline

Version offline installations allows you to install the plugin on a computer that does not have access to the network. The installation package can be copied to another device and the plugin installed on it as well.

You can only download Flash Player Offline Installer from a third-party site. Be careful when choosing a resource.

In 2013, the browser's developers launched Shumway. This is an alternative to all the usual flash players, written in JavaScript. However, Adobe Flash Player displays most content on the Internet when working with Mozilla Firefox and other browsers and therefore remains relevant.

Installing and uninstalling the Adobe Flash Player plugin, as well as downloading this player from the official website

Multimedia players from Adobe, installing browser plugins:

record player Adobe Flash Player for SWF and FLV files in internet browsers:

Note. Program McAfee Security Scan Plus , offered by default for installation, has nothing to do with Flash-the player and its plugin do not have it.

On the official website page Adobe, to download the player Adobe Flash Player, You can choose your operating system, browser and current version Adobe Flash Player, to do this, click on the link:
"You have another operating system is it a browser? "

Selecting option " Flash Player xx for Other Browsers" corresponds to the player version for all browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer .

Rice. Screenshot of the window: "Install another version of Adobe Flash Player" - Step 2

Page Adobe(English), where you can check the version Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer - Test version of Flash Adobe Player

The screenshot shows the bootloader window Flash Player when installing from the official website, you must have active network connection to the Internet to download the player installer Adobe Flash Player.

Install Adobe Flash Player from the full installation package.

Installing the plugin Adobe Flash Player is done the same for all browsers.

Before installing the player, close the browser and run the installer program Adobe Flash Player for execution.

Agree to license agreement Adobe (check the box), if not, the program will not be installed.

Installation process Adobe programs Flash Player

Information from the official Adobe website.

The player is available for the following platforms and browsers:

For Windows platforms:

  • Internet Explorer ( and other browsers based on the Internet Explorer core that support ActiveX controls)
  • Internet Explorer ( Windows 8)
  • Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, etc.
  • Chrome ( Flash Player built in)

For Macintosh OS X platforms:

  • OS X Firefox, Opera, Safari
  • Chrome ( Flash Player built in)

For Linux platforms:

  • Mozilla, Firefox, SeaMonkey (Flash Player 11.2 is the latest version of the player supported by Adobe for Linux)
  • Chrome ( Flash Player built in)

For Solaris platform:

  • Solaris Flash Player is the latest version of the player supported Adobe for Solaris.

*** For Ubuntu Linux libhal package required

Adobe Flash Player update.

On last step set the desired one update mode Adobe player Flash Player

If the program update mode is enabled, you will receive an additional resident process on your computer.

Update program Adobe Flash Player will download automatically after downloading Windows and when connected to the Internet, it will check for a new version of the player, depending on the settings of the task scheduler Windows.

Rice. Service Adobe updates FlashPlayerUpdateSvc(dispatcher screenshot Windows tasks 7)

Further configuration of the player is done in the settings manager Flash Player, whose shortcut is in control panels Windows XP (for Windows 7 at: Control Panel\System and Security, or in control panels, in the search bar type: Flash Player.

Rice. Manager Flash settings Player.

In the settings manager Flash Player you can turn the update function on or off, configure the camera and microphone, define the confidential data storage mode, define the peer-to-peer network, ...

If there are some problems viewing streaming video or certain requirements for the content being played, then here you can adjust the player to the web applications of a specific site ( virtual office, Flash game, 3D worlds, etc.)

Uninstalling Adobe Flash Player

Uninstalling a program Adobe Flash Player produced regular means Windows or any specialized program uninstaller.

If for some reason you cannot remove the program, use official utility from Adobe -

Adobe Flash Player - a new version plugins for browsers: Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Yandex Browser. The player is necessary for correct and fastest playback of Flash content on web pages, as well as for supporting interactive content.

IMPORTANT!!! Before installing the latest version of the plugin, the developers recommend uninstalling any other installed version flash player using a special tool. Download the removal utility Flash plugin Player is available in the download section.

Flash Player Update

All versions of the plugin support the auto-update function. When installing the player, you can indicate your consent to auto-update in the corresponding dialog box. This parameter can also be configured in the control panel of your computer by going to "Manager" Adobe settings Flash Player".

The "Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager" utility also provides settings for how the plug-in functions interact with sites that request the use of a webcam or microphone.

For more than 20 years, Macromedia, and now Adobe, has been delighting us with its new developments in the field of Internet technologies. Almost one of the first products of this company is Flash technology. Today, Flash is developing rapidly and has found its niche in Internet technologies, providing multimedia applications: movement, sound and interactivity. The main advantages of Flash content are its independence from the expansion of the user's monitor during playback and the minimal size of the program.

Flash Player description

Since 2008 Flash started be displayed on literally all devices, on personal computer, on cell phones And consumer electronics. In order to provide interactivity to the user, and play required content, player required. In this regard, a native player of the same name was developed flash content, called Adobe Flash Player.

Flash has also been able to display 3D scenes since the end of 2011, thanks to hardware support. Modern video cards combined with Adobe Flash Player for Windows create spectacular animations and complex structures in different games, applications and programs.

IN Lately Internet technology is developing very quickly and in connection with this it is also necessary constant update player versions. There are many versions of the player, and in order for the computer to display and play multimedia files on Flash, required latest version player.

Everyone has it software product has its drawbacks, and the updated Adobe Flash Player is no exception. For this reason, you should also be aware of the following disadvantages:

Excessive player, although lately developers have been trying to reduce the player's impact on the processor.

If the site has text information on flash, there may be problems with indexing the site content for search engines.

It was also discovered that it is possible to control the microphone and camera on your laptop or PC remotely through the player.

So, if video, audio or flash game on the website, needs to be updated Adobe version Flash Player. Typically, in such cases, the browser automatically displays a notification about the need to update the player. If such a pop-up panel is not visible, you can update manually. For example, download Adobe Flash Player for Opera, Chrome, Mozilla and IE on our website.

Main features of Adobe Flash Player:

  • High level of interaction with Flash videos, content and applications in full screen mode.
  • Playing video High Quality using latest technologies compression.
  • High fidelity text reproduction using an improved text engine.
  • Live support dynamic effects using filters for Blur, DropShadow, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Bevel Gradient, Displacement Map, Convolution, and Color Matrix.
  • Innovative media compositions with 8-bit alpha channel videos.
  • Blend and gradient modes.
  • Additional image formats: GIF, JPEG, Progressive JPEG, PNG and many others.