How to disable updates on Android? How to disable Android updates: applications and system How to disable auto-updates of Android applications on Google Play

You have an Android smartphone and suddenly it displays a notification about a system update. Not all updates are good - some may have a negative effect on your phone and you choose to ignore them.

However, the phone keeps you busy and still displays updates. How to disable it?

While for high-end smartphones, system updates are pretty well thought out (though updates like Lollipop for the Galaxy S5 aren't exactly well received), for low- or mid-range phones, upgrading to a new version can result in big device slowdowns.

It's not surprising that some people want to ignore updates and use the current version of Android. How to remove this?

Method one - disable update notification without interfering with the system kernel

As a general rule, in most cases it will likely require kernel intervention to disable Android system update notifications.

However, users of some smartphones confirm that they disable these messages in a phone without root rights (for example, in the LG G3).

The solution is to disable the display for two system applications - "Google Play Services" and "Google Services Framework".

To do this, go to Settings and select Applications. Now move your finger to the side to view all applications or click “application manager” (top first in the list) - depends on the version of Android.

If you selected the second item, then click “Options” at the top right and select the line “show system applications”

Let's start with the Google Services Framework. Find it and click on it.

Now click on the Notifications section.

After going to it, move the slider to the left or uncheck the box next to the “allow notifications” parameter

That's not all. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and move the slider to the right or check the box next to the “Hide notifications” option or disable it (also depends on the Android version).

Now we return to the list of applications and do the same for “Software Update” and “Google Play Services” - turn off notifications in both.

  • ATTENTION: you can also disable application updates, not just notifications about them.

Now restart your device. If the message still remains, then the device needs to be rooted.

Method two - disable update notifications

The second solution is to disable the system service, which runs in the background and is responsible for updating the Android system.

To do this, you need to obtain root rights and install the “Disable Service” application. Launch the application and go to “System” (on the right) to display system applications.

In the list, look for the “Google Services Framework” application and select it. Now, at the top left, select show all services running within the application.

At the bottom we should find the “SystemUpdateService” service. To disable it, simply uncheck the box next to it in the list. Update messages should no longer appear. Good luck.

Not all smartphones are fast. Sometimes these devices come with slow memory or an unoptimized operating system. All this leads to the fact that updating each application greatly slows down the operation of the gadget. And this update can start at any moment, which can drive the user crazy. Fortunately, you can disable updates on Android without much difficulty. In this case, you will be able to install new versions of programs and games only at a time when it is convenient for you.

Stop automatic operating system updates

But we'll start by updating the Android operating system itself. Checking for a new version can also happen at the wrong time. To disable automatic checking for updates, do the following:

1. Go to the operating system settings.

2. Scroll down the list and go to the " About the phone».

3. Click on the item " System update».

4. Uncheck the “ Auto update" In our case, there is simply no such item - the system believes that regularly checking for updates will not hurt, but the user will, in any case, make the decision to download the software independently.

Basically, system update settings are preserved on smartphones with an older version of Android. The creators rightly believe that a short call to the manufacturer’s servers will not harm the performance of the device.

However, the South Korean company Samsung did not get rid of the corresponding settings. But its newest smartphones turn out to be very powerful, and therefore it makes sense to abandon auto-update only if there is little space left in the built-in memory.

Disabling auto-updates for apps and games

By default, Google Play offers to automatically update every app you install. But, as mentioned above, this causes certain problems when using a budget device with slow memory. On such devices, auto-update should be disabled. But how to do that? You probably remember that you were asked about automatic updates only when you first used Google Play. Later, this item magically disappeared from the pages of games and programs. All this is for the sake of speeding up the download and installation process, as well as to make each page easier and, accordingly, speed up its loading. You can now find this item in another way:

1. Open Play Market.

2. Pull out the curtain with the main menu from the left edge, then click on the item “ Settings».

3. Click on " Automatic application updates».

4. Here you can disable this feature by checking the box next to “ Never».

5. If you do not want to receive notifications about updates, then a corresponding subsection has been created for you in “ Settings" Just uncheck the " Availability of updates».

This is how easy it is to disable updates on Android. But do not forget that from time to time you need to install new versions of programs and games, as developers regularly improve their stability and functionality.

Many smartphone users download too many applications and then complain about constant updates. Also, new smartphones receive notifications about system updates that cannot simply be closed. Today we will find out how to disable Android app updates and system updates.

Despite the positive aspects of automatically updating Android applications, this function has its drawbacks, for example, updates often require more free memory on the smartphone; during the next update, the battery discharges much faster than you planned; the user may choose to upgrade via a 3G network, resulting in spending a huge amount of money on mobile traffic.

If one of these problems sounds familiar to you, don't worry, you can disable Android app updates.

How to disable Android app updates

The Android operating system offers several options for handling application updates. You can disable all updates or limit updates to only the Wi-Fi network. You can also leave automatic updates for certain applications.

To disable Android updates (or enable them back), follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Play.
  2. Click on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner.
  3. Click "Settings".
  4. Click "Auto-update applications".
  5. To disable app updates, select the option "Never".
  6. If you want apps to automatically update only when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, then select "Only via Wi-Fi".

How to disable Android system updates

If you are interested in the question of how to disable system updates on Android, then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings menu and go to Applications - All.
  2. Find the Software Update application and open it.
  3. Next, click “Disable” and confirm your choice with the OK button.

Ready! Now you know how to disable Android updates.

In general, the thing is that over time there are more and more notifications and you want to receive messages less and less. You are less likely to be distracted by trivial matters, so I’ll explain how to remove unnecessary things and set everything up beautifully.

How notifications work

If pop-up notifications on the lock screen are enabled in your settings, then messages and calls will appear there. You can immediately read or reply to a received message; you don’t even need to unlock your phone. In the same way, you can answer a missed call or post on Twitter - simply and conveniently.

In addition, you can set the priority for notifications by pressing and holding your finger on the line, after which a pop-up menu will appear. If a notification has received priority, then it will be located above the rest, without having to scroll through the list.

How to turn off notifications

Go to the Security section - Application notifications - Disable everything unnecessary here. What exactly, you choose yourself, remove the green checkmarks from all the items.

Go to the Security section - Software permissions - Click on the application - Disable notifications. At the same time, you can remove notifications from the lock screen, but leave them in the menu, if that is more convenient.

Let's consider another option. For example, a notification has arrived, but you no longer want to receive them. Then pull out the curtain, press your finger on the text and hold it for a few seconds, after which you just have to select the desired item.

Or here's another scenario. If you receive notifications from the standard browser built into Flyme OS, then do this. Launch the browser, click on the three dots located in the lower right corner. After that, go to Settings, and there we turn off push notifications by clicking on the button. That's all!

What does the Flyme update give the user? Is it worth installing the latest Flyme update? Step-by-step instructions on how to safely update Flyme. Go?

OS Flyme is a proprietary operating system of Meizu Technology Co. Ltd., assembled for a number of smartphones of this brand based on one of the versions of Android OS. Thanks to Flyme, users of Meizu devices get more functions that are “undocumented” in classic Android. Each Flyme update brings new features and interface changes. Therefore, all owners of smartphones from Meizu are waiting for the latest Flyme OS update.

What do OS Flyme updates provide?

The Flyme OS update expands the functionality of the smartphone's software and optimizes the operation of the mobile device's hardware. For example, the following innovations were implemented in the FLYME update:

  • there is an option to set different melodies for two SIM cards
  • the “Serial Shots” album has appeared, which will contain frames taken in burst mode
  • added User Center – operating system user center
  • increased camera shutter speed
  • improved sound quality in system messages
  • added a special section for installing software via USB.

And this is not even 10 percent of all the declared changes that users saw with the latest Flyme update. Therefore, all owners of Meizu phones that support this environment should monitor the “freshness” of the version of the Flyme operating system. After all, every update makes your device an even more perfect and technically advanced device.

How to update Flyme - official version

  • At the very beginning, you need to find the latest Flyme update that is suitable specifically for your phone. The official update page is If a suitable smartphone model is not on the list yet, be patient, it may appear in the near future. Meizu releases updates to its OS every 2-3 months. For example, M3 Max received Flyme on October 17, but for M3E this upgrade was released only on December 23, 2016.
  • If the update you need is found on the official website, then you should Charge your smartphone battery up to 100 percent and start downloading the archive with the update directly in the phone’s browser, specifying the root memory folder as the save location. And this is very important, since most complaints: “Flyme update does not arrive” are provoked by incorrect saving of the archive. And if you received the message “Firmware not found” during the installation stage, this means that was not downloaded to the root directory of the phone’s data storage.

Important note: if the phone's battery charge is less than 65 percent, it is not recommended to download and install the OS update yourselfm manufacturer. During installation and debugging, the phone may turn off and the system will not be updated.

  • After the download is complete, you transfer the phone to Super user mode(). Moreover, this step can be done before installing the Flyme update. There isn't much difference.
  • After activating Root rights, you need to put the phone in Recovery mode. To do this, you need to turn off your smartphone and turn it on while holding I use the power button and the volume + rocker. You need to hold these keys until the word “MEIZU” appears and you go to the “System Upgrade” menu.
  • Once in the System Upgrade menu, you can reset the contents of your phone's data storage by deleting old photos, videos, games and documents. System files are not deleted. To start life from scratch, click on Clear Data. If you need to save all user data, then skip this step.
  • The command to start updating the operating system is given by selecting the System Upgrade option. After this, click on the virtual “Start” button.
  • Next, you just have to be patient and wait for the operating system update to complete. Upon completion of the upgrade, the phone will go into preboot, so don’t panic if the smartphone turns itself off - this is a good sign.
  • Finally, you repeat the procedure for “first launching” the smartphone. That is, the language and network are selected again, familiarization with the rules of use and all that.

That's all. Now you know how to install the Flyme update. Don't neglect updating your operating system in a timely manner, and your phone will delight you with new features and optimization of old features.