Programs for 3D models in Russian. Advanced editing technologies. The best programs for dummies

In essence, modeling is the representation of an object on paper in a three-dimensional image. That is, looking at the drawing, a person can clearly see the height, length and width of the object, and its visual embodiment. Many design and modeling programs work with 3D graphics.

The word 3D comes from the English 3 dimentional, which means three sizes. Such modeling is used in medicine, industry, and the gaming industry. Applications with the help of which 3D models acquire volume will be discussed below.

The best programs for 3D modeling

3D Max is suitable for design and modeling. With this utility you can create animation, rendering, compositions. She has a large number of tools for work: VideoPost modules, FumeFX, DreamScape plugins and many others. We also use it to create professional 3D models.


  • Polygonal modeling.
  • Accelerated rendering.
  • C++ and NET support.
  • Advanced character animation tools.
  • Built-in macro programming language MaxScript.


  • Registration on the site is required.
  • The free license prohibits commercial use.
  • Increased difficulty in work.

The application interface is Russified, but you can also install it in English.

This utility has two types of license. One of them is free. The other is commercial and costs about $2,000.

This is a common program for 3D modeling in Russian. Using this utility you can work with complex 3D elements. At the same time, unlike 3D Max, this application has a very simple interface for understanding even by a beginner. Beginning students really love this utility.

Interface on English language with the possibility of Russification. Positive features are:

  • Built-in support for the Russian language.
  • Information is easily exported to Adobe After Effect and vice versa.
  • It contains tools for modeling and rendering.
  • You can select modules for a beginner, and then gradually purchase the rest as your knowledge improves.


The editor is paid. The license costs $3,000 and the upgrade costs $1,700.


Sculptris was created for modeling in the gaming industry. With her help game models easily transferred straight into the game. She has a very user-friendly interface. Sculptris is also suitable for those who like to create cars. She is not standalone application, and is included in the Z Brush utility.


  • Easy to use.
  • Is freely available.
  • Drawing UV textures.


Sculptris is distributed free of charge.


Iklon is designed for creating 3D animation. In addition, instead of drawing the faces of 3D model characters, you can use photographs. real people. This utility also supports 2D textures. In addition, Iclone supports integration with 3D Max and Maya.


  • Ready-made 3D characters.
  • Ready landscape, details.
  • Realistic interaction with the environment.


Use is free of charge. The license costs $150.


AutoCAD was created for designing and working with two-dimensional and three-dimensional elements. It appeared back in 1982. This application distributed throughout the world and is the most popular among competitors. AutoCAD files can store both 2D and 3D drawings. The interface is not complicated, but it takes some getting used to.


  • Creation of complex calculation packages.
  • Linking other applications.
  • Russified interface.
  • Ease of making corrections.
  • Speed.


The license fee is $2,000. The interface is Russified.

Sketch Up has an easy and user-friendly interface. Unlike AutoCAD, even a beginner can easily understand it. created for modeling of architectural objects and designing the interior of the room. Distributed free of charge.


  • Lines and simple figures are the basis for using this utility.
  • Absolute accuracy and calculation of drawings.
  • Grouping of similar objects.
  • Self-instruction manual.
  • The presence of a structurer for cleaning various types of debris.


Sweet Home 3D

This 3D design application is created for home use. With Sweet Home 3D you can easily redesign the entire interior design of a room or apartment. The advantages include:

  • Simple and easy interface.
  • Fast response speed of the utility.
  • Suitable for arranging furniture.
  • 3D review.


The editor will be distributed free of charge.


Blender is a program for creating 3D models. Blender also allows you to create animation. The program works stably in Windows and Linux. It has open source, so anyone can change it in their own way.


  • Cross-platform.
  • Modeling the behavior of soft bodies.
  • Setting up character equipment.


The program is distributed free of charge.


This application is a modified but stripped-down copy of AutoCAD. More suitable for two-dimensional drawing. Also, NanoCAD does not have its own tools for 3D modeling.


  • Spellchecking.
  • Ability to remove layers.
  • Convenient work with tables.


Russified. You must purchase a license.

This application is more of a constructor for children on the computer screen. helps development of finger motor skills in children and spatial imagination. Intuitively clear interface and a rich set of tools make the application indispensable in the development of children.


  • Free.
  • Models can be exchanged and models of other users can be opened.
  • You can take a screenshot.
  • Any model can be examined and disassembled in detail.


Distributed free of charge. There is no Russian interface.


This simple program tailored for design interior of offices or apartments. Visicon is not created for professionals, but for those who do not have engineering skills. It will easily help you create coziness at home or in your apartment.


  • Easy and intuitive interface.
  • Created for those who do not know how to work with projects or 3D modeling.
  • Program for computer modeling contains necessary functions for work.
  • Quick arrangement of interior details.


Distributed free of charge. Russified.

Paint 3D

This 3D editor is presented by Microsoft. It allows you to work with 3D models inexperienced users. Paint 3D came built-in to Windows 10.


  • Manipulations with shape and color.
  • Realism in textures.
  • The ability to wrap your photos around buildings.


The program for 3D modeling is in Russian and can be downloaded for free.

Lightwave 3D

Lightwave 3D is designed for creating character models for 3D games. Has more powerful capabilities than others. But it is not widespread in the CIS countries. A simple interface combines with high productivity.


  • Dual interface (modeler and layout)
  • Polygonal modeling.
  • Great functionality.


Not Russified. The license costs $1,230.


Modo was created for modeling and making models for games, films and TV series in 3D, but its interface is inconvenient. However, the speed of modeling allows you to ignore the inconveniences caused by the interface. Possesses fast visualization objects. Allows you to create realistic fur, hair, grass.


  • High performance.
  • Dynamics of rigid bodies.
  • Polygonal modeling.
  • There are sculpting tools.


Not Russified. The license is paid.

Designed for working with 3D graphics. Complex dynamics, simulation of liquid particles, smoke - all this is included in its functions. Hollywood and other film industry giants use this program to create visual effects.


  • Gorgeous special effects.
  • Great animation.
  • Working with surround sound.
  • Rendering on the Mantra engine.
  • NURBS modeling.


The program is paid. Not Russified.


This program is for those who are looking for a user-friendly interface, who appreciate practicality in utilities of this kind, and whose price does not break their pocket.

ZW3D is built for design drawings and 3D modeling.


  • Integration with various platforms.
  • Fine tuning.
  • The functionality, commands and interface are similar to AutoCAD.


The program is Russified. The license is paid.

3D modeling is the process of creating a three-dimensional model of an object. The task of 3D modeling is to develop a visual three-dimensional image of the desired object. With modern software this is not difficult to do.

In this article, you will learn about three of the best 3D modeling programs. These are Blender 3D, SketchUp and AutoCAD. This list could be continued with programs such as 3D Max, Wings 3D and many others, but according to the editors of our site and after communicating with experts in the field of 3D modeling, we decided to highlight these 3 programs.

Blender 3D

Blender 3D is free software for creating and working with 3D graphics.

The program has a large number of brushes, the ability to create layers, ease of working with animation and many other tricks inherent in Blender 3D. To be honest, all the advantages of this particular program compared to others cannot be counted. The key here is practice and learning. But if you choose Blender 3D, you really can't go wrong.

One of the main features of Blender 3D is its advanced interface, which allows you to customize all elements and tools to the user's wishes. This gives great priority when choosing a 3D modeling program.

As for the technical characteristics of your computer for working with Blender 3D, they are quite large. You will need at least 2 GB random access memory, video card with 1 GB of video memory (Open GL compatible) and preferably 32-bit dual core processor(but preferably better).


Professional software for any actions with three-dimensional objects. In the program you can perform almost any action related to modeling. SketchUp has a large number of built-in standard templates models and an effects generator, which greatly facilitates the work. The program also supports macros and plugins.

The main work that is performed in SketchUp is modeling furniture, interiors or architectural structures, but this is not the entire list because a lot depends on your task and imagination.

The free version and user-friendly interface with Russian language support have made SketchUp very popular among Russian-speaking users. Also, if you wish, you can find video tutorials on YouTube that demonstrate the program’s capabilities and provide basic knowledge about working in SketchUp.

Compared to Blender 3D, SketchUp requires your computer's specifications to be much more modest. This is 1 GB of RAM, a video card with 256 MB memory and of course at least 1 GHz processor. But keep in mind that these requirements are minimum.

This program does not require any special introduction, because it is already familiar to everyone, from engineering students (of any specialty) to specialists working in large design companies.

WITH with skillful hands and a little knowledge in AutoCAD, you can create 3D models of any complexity. The knowledge base can be constantly replenished, because there is a huge amount of literature, video tutorials and articles teaching how to work in this program.

AutoCAD is mainly used for creating drawings, but latest versions programs have expanded opportunities. But still, AutoCAD is largely intended for technical modeling. Yes, the license is expensive. Therefore, most beginners and already professionals in the field of 3D modeling prefer Blender 3D.

Model creation - first important step on the way to manufacturing a product, but here’s the problem: everyone has their own opinion about choosing a program for 3D modeling. Well, there are so many people, so many opinions. In this article, we have prepared for you a list of the 25 best, in our opinion, programs for 3D modeling. Make yourself comfortable and let's get started!

Topping the list is – naturally – Blender and SketchUp!
Yes, it's true: Blender has the largest and most active community, and this community never tires of sharing information. As a result, Blender has the largest forums, the most educational videos on YouTube, and the most Google search results.

Blender owes its popularity to two reasons: firstly, this program has so many tools for work that it simply opens up for users limitless possibilities; secondly, it is a free program with open source source code. On the other hand, Blender is a bit difficult for beginners and takes time to master.
SketchUp gets second place in our ranking. This program is famous for its user-friendly interface (an important plus for beginners) and has a whole arsenal of tools. And most importantly, it has a free version.

Don't underestimate programs for beginners!
Free online applications like Tinkercad have the most necessary tools for modeling and greatly facilitate the work process. They give a good impetus to further learning. After mastering them, beginners will be guaranteed to master other, more advanced complex programs. Thus, Tinkercad takes an honorable 8th place after AutoCAD, Maya, 3DS Max, Inventor and SolidWorks. Don't underestimate niche products!
Let's start with ZBrush - the most popular program for digital 3D sculpting, which is firmly in 9th place. If you need to model a figurine, a magical creature, or a computer game character, then this is the best choice.

After ZBrush, Cinema 4D, 123D Design and OpenSCAD comes Rhino (13th place). There are a few things worth mentioning here. We decided to separate Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, since these two programs different approach to modeling, and even the views of their communities differ in many ways. On the other hand, Grasshopper can be considered purely as a plugin for Rhinoceros. In this case, our opinion becomes biased, and Rhino and Grasshopper should be taken as a whole.

From lines 14 to 20, the list is as follows: Modo, Fusion 360, Meshmixer (a free digital mesh program from Autodesk), LightWave, Sculptris (a free sculpting program from the creators of ZBrush), Grasshopper (a graphical algorithmic editor for Rhino) and FreeCAD .
The MoI3D program (also known as Moment of Inspiration) occupies 21 lines of the list. Its creators are clearly not supporters of aggressive marketing strategy. She doesn't even have an official Facebook or Twitter page. Most of her community came from discussion club MoI and via links on the Internet.

Last places the list is occupied by 3Dtin, Wings3D, K-3D and BRL-CAD.

So, what conclusions can be drawn:

  • From 3D modelers big choice programs, between which there is fierce competition.
  • Free programs (such as Blender) have a much larger following.
To understand which of these programs is right for you, take a look at its official website, check out the prices, look at the models that can be created with its help... And only then make a decision. Good luck to you!

3D modeling programs may be of interest to a wide range of users, and not just those who plan to become a 3D designer. Can be used free programs for 3d modeling.

Among them there is a program that you don’t even need to download and install, but just “take it and model” from your browser.

Perhaps you are already using a program and it has made your typing easier. Now why not try yourself as a 3D designer?

3D modeling is a rather complex but fascinating process.

Where is 3D modeling used?

You can model anything: from simple objects like a table vase or lamp to complex technical devices type of cars. If you wish and have time, you can simulate even an entire city.

3D modeling is widely used to create the interior of an apartment or room. Using a computer, you have the opportunity to see what your room will look like before the renovation begins. Something can be changed at the design stage, removed or added as desired.

When ordering a custom-made kitchen or furniture, 3D modeling programs are also usually used. The designer can create a 3D model of a room, kitchen, corridor with furniture. Such three-dimensional models are made according to the dimensions of each room in the presence of the customer. At the same time, everything takes a long time to select, almost every detail is carefully discussed: material, color, screws, handles, etc. All this is individually selected from the mass of catalogs provided by various manufacturers. As a result, the customer, tired of having to choose something and constantly make decisions, comes out squeezed like lemon in the literal and figurative sense. And he remembers with sadness how simple and easy it was to choose in the era of scarcity (or rather, there was no choice then).

Using 3D editors you can draw scenery for locations computer game or create an animated character, carefully work out the hero’s movements and his interaction with objects and the environment. Quite an interesting thing for users, .

Let's consider current free programs for 3D modeling and not only free ones.

Free Tinkercad program and list of video tutorials

Tinkercad is worth a try when getting started with the modeling process. The program has basic tools for creating simple models from primitive figures.

The advantage of the program is that there is no need to install it on your computer or other device: it works directly in your browser.

The program is made with an emphasis on printing parts, if you have one. Try drawing something in Tinkercad, and if you like it, then you can move on to more serious programs.

But first you need to register. saving your future projects under your own account. Registration is done once, then you can log in using the “Log in” button.

To register, click on the link above, in the right top corner Click on the blue “Register” button.

Rice. 1. Select the country and date of birth for free registration in Tinkercad

Select your country, date of birth, click “Next”. The “Create Account” window will appear:

Rice. 2. Enter your email and password to register in Tinkercad

After this it will be created Account, then you can model.

Rice. 3. Modeling in Tinkercad

To do this, you can select an object, for example, a parallelepiped, and drag it onto the work plane. In addition, many other actions are possible, for example:

1 in Fig. 3 – by clicking on the small triangle, you can select: basic shapes, text, symbols, connectors and other shapes.

2 – field for selecting 3d shapes,

3 – tools for copying selected objects, duplicating them, inserting and deleting, as well as arrows for repeating or undoing actions.

4 – you can view your object from above, in front, behind, below, in general, from all sides.

5 in Fig. 3 – increase/decrease selected objects, original view, orthogonal view.

List of training videos

Unfortunately, the proposed videos do not contain Russian language, but the movements of objects - from where, where and how - are mostly clearly shown.

Free 3D modeling programs don't end there, though. following programs already require installation on your computer.

Free Wings 3D program and 2 lessons

It is installed on devices with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. There is a Russian language.

Wings 3D is designed for polygonal modeling and texturing of models.

The term "polygonal modeling" comes from the word "polygon". In mathematics, there is the concept of “ruled surfaces” - this is when a three-dimensional figure can actually be reproduced using straight lines, for example, this is how you can construct a hyperbolic paraboloid.

In the good old days, welders were entrusted with making such models for classrooms: they were given a three-dimensional drawing, and straight metal rods were offered as the starting material. Some welders refused to do this, but those of them who suddenly understood how it was done even performed this work with interest.

Here too, volumetric figures are modeled using small flat figures, so-called polygons (example in Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Dolphin with a polygonal mesh

The disadvantage of the program is the lack of animation.

However, there is support for lighting and materials, and it is also possible to render a scene (from the English term rendering - visualization, creating the effect of a three-dimensional image on the screen plane). It is possible to export models to other programs, fortunately the program has extensions for saved files of other editors.

Wings 3D lessons

3DS MAX program and series of lessons

3Ds Max is a serious tool for an experienced designer. You can download a free trial version for 30 days, which is only available for 64-bit Windows versions. After the expiration date free version You can buy paid for a month or a year.

The program has an amazing number of tools for all occasions.

3ds Max uses a polygonal modeling method: you draw points, the points are connected into polygons and form some kind of object shape. But it's not limited to drawing.

The program has its own physics engine for calculations, which allows you to simulate the behavior of bodies in space. It is possible to simulate fire, water, hair and fur, apply textures to a polygonal mesh, and even paint with brushes in the same way as is done in Photoshop.

Thanks to the bone control system, you can create a fully animated character in the program. You can also render an object and record a 3D video under certain lighting conditions.

3DS Max lessons

Free Blender package and video tutorials

Blender is completely free package to create graphic and animation objects. The program interface is quite friendly, it is possible to completely redistribute the controls for yourself.

In the program you can carefully work out the model until the smallest details and achieve naturalistic effects of flowing water or hair movement. The program is mainly intended for character animation, since with the proper skill it can convey natural facial expressions and other small movements.

Already more 3,000 subscribers.

I remember how, while recruiting a group of student assistants back in September, I came across one interesting subscriber who, having submitted an application, subsequently openly told me something like the following: “What can you teach me? I’ve been in jewelry for three years!”

It’s funny to remember, but I myself, having once worked for more than two years at a jewelry factory, thought about the same thing - I thought that I knew, if not everything, then almost everything! That's what I thought until I started creating my own video course on Rhino. Each time, learning more and more deeply about this program, I realized that I - complete zero and it’s too early for me to teach anyone anything!

And now, when my sixth year in the world of jewelry 3D is coming to an end, I am again faced with the fact that, While creating 3D models of jewelry at a high professional level, I still don’t know many important things!

This understanding came to me with the purchase of a well-known machine in our business. "Swift". And even though I’ve been building models for the router for more than a year now and before purchasing I had a good understanding of the general specifics of the process, I was surprised at how sophisticated one can and should be in this matter. And one of my regular readers, who wished to remain behind the scenes, helped me in this discovery. Having met with this man, we came to the conclusion that 3D jewelry, like the ancient legend about the structure of the world, is also based on three pillars!

Today I propose to talk about these whales.

But before we begin, I want to point out that this article is for informational purposes only and is aimed primarily at those who have recently entered our field or are just preparing to enter it. The points described in the last part are discussed superficially in order to give general understanding essence, but does not make the reader a professional, because This requires years of practice and self-improvement. Well, now we can start.

Kit one (basic). Creation of models for photorealistic visualization (rendering).

This is perhaps the very first thing with which many people begin their acquaintance with the world of jewelry 3D - It’s faster to sketch something to make a beautiful (or not so beautiful) render! Personally, this is how I started in my third year at the institute - I, like many, was too lazy to draw rings and earrings in several projections and tinker with gouache and watercolors. Whether it’s the computer – it was built haphazardly and rendered as quickly as possible – Then our student 3D models did not go into production - anyway, when the sketches were approved, we went down to the workshops and sculpted everything by hand. A Nice picture It was simply pleasing to the eye and saved time on drawing the sketch.

As is already clear from the story, this basic view creating 3D jewelry models does not require special knowledge of jewelry production technology and is accessible to everyone. As a result, sometimes there are people online who along with modeling furniture or something similar, we are ready to create a 3D model of jewelry for you, without really thinking about what will happen next with this model.

Keith second (main). Creation of models for rapid prototyping installations.

At this stage, as a rule, the understanding comes that everything that was previously created for rendering has nothing to do with real production. We open old models and look at them in a new way, assessing from the height of the experience gained how technologically advanced they are. Personally, I found this process very amusing – naive student 3D!

This is where the first problems arise for those who, like me, began their swim in the ocean of 3D jewelry on the back of whale No. 1. At this stage, the fashion designer begins to pay close attention to such aspects of technology as installation, tolerances, allowances, thickness, shrinkage, etc. and so on.

Of course - because now, if we are lucky enough to work at a good factory where there is an RP installation, we can see the results of our creativity! Even more - not only to see, but also to get hit in the neck for them! Especially at first, while we are just making desperate attempts to stay on the slippery back of whale No. 2.

As you gain experience, you can do this better and better - an understanding and sense of thickness comes, and now the machine produces your models in batches in exact accordance with what you built on the computer. What you charged is what you got!

Keith third (advanced). Creation of models for a CNC milling machine.

And this is where even experienced fashion designers like me, who consistently sat on the two previous pillars, fall down! It seems that you already know everything and can do everything, but here you have to face a number of issues due to the specifics of the technology. Here everything is no longer as clear as with whale No. 2 because whale No. 3 is much more capricious and obstinate than the previous two! By by and large There are only two main such whims. Let's look at them.

1. It's worth starting with the fact that a milling machine has only a few degrees of freedom – the spindle with the cutter rises and falls from above (this is the vertical axis or the Z axis), and the platform with the workpiece can move in the XY plane and rotate depending on the number of rotary axes, either in one plane or in two (I’m not taking into account super expensive machines , where the workpiece can rotate as desired), substituting different sides under the cutter.

Hence the first problem - With this approach, it’s not possible to reach it with a milling cutter everywhere. – especially in undercuts – for example, selecting “meat” from a signet. In such cases, you either have to get creative with writing additional control programs, or carry out complex installation of the model. This is no longer the installation that is done for an RP installation, when you just need the soldering and overlay to flow with gold of different colors. Here, sometimes, you have to be sophisticated in the most terrible way.

2. During calculation control program(UP), the software that is intended for this is always gives some allowance for model elements in the horizontal plane so as not to damage this very model. As a result, having built, for example, a model with roots the way many are accustomed to building for growing, we will subsequently see that our roots have become considerably fatter. This is just one example.

The second manifestation of this specificity is that if the distance between two elements is less than 0.3 mm, then due to the specified allowance it will simply be eaten away and no material will be selected from there. This problem is partly due to the fact that the cutter always has a tapering angle of 3-5 degrees - in fact, this is the reason for the need to create an automatic allowance - so that when deepening between the elements of the model, the cutter does not damage its expanding top part these elements.

There are also a number of other nuances for example, related to the diameter of the contact patch of the cutter, which in most cases is 0.1 mm. This makes it futile to create relief features smaller in size than the specified value. Or the same 3-5 degrees of inclination of the cutter, which gives a diamond pattern on some parts when milling occurs towards each other with the workpiece rotated 180 degrees.

And that is not all. It would take a long time to list all the nuances of the router’s operation. moreover on this moment Due to very little experience working with a milling machine, I myself do not know all of them, but nevertheless, I tried to present what I consider to be the most important thing in this topic.

To sum it up.

I hope this article will help beginners understand that when taking a step into the world of 3D jewelry modeling, Don’t expect everything to be easy and simple, and all you need to do is master the tools of the relevant programs to build 3D models of jewelry. This area of ​​modeling, like no other, is replete with all sorts of technological nuances and comparable in level of complexity and necessary knowledge except with industrial design.

If you are a master of handcraft, then understanding and mastering all of the above will not present any difficulties, no matter what whale you start your exciting voyage on. But if you are a specialized student educational institution and you don’t yet have experience creating jewelry by hand or even came to jewelry from a different field, be prepared for severe storms and remember that whale number 1 is only the first and most harmless of the three monsters that you will have to tame over time, so as not to drown in this raging ocean.

Well, as they say, I wish you seven feet under the keel and a fair wind!