How can I send a letter to MGTS. MGTS toll-free hotline number: telephone number to contact the operator

Millions of apartments throughout Russia are equipped with Rostelecom wire lines. It is not surprising, since the company is considered the largest provider of home phone service in the country. Along with the traditional use of copper cables, IP channels are now almost universally used to transmit voice from person to person on Rostelecom phones.

If your phone is broken, check out the possible causes and methods to fix the problem.

Causes of failure

Before you rush to call a specialist and demand immediate correction of the situation, you need to quickly check 4 points:

  • Eliminate debt on your personal account. To check, the ideal option is to visit your personal account on the website By the way, in addition to your Rostelecom home phone bill, you can see and pay your Internet and television bills there. After the debt is paid off, the device will be connected automatically in the near future.
  • Telephone malfunction. If your home phone doesn't work, it's not necessarily the service provider's fault. Quite often this can be a simple breakdown of the device itself. You can check this by simply connecting another device to the network. If the connection is established, then you should buy a new working phone or try to repair the old one.
  • Broken or damaged cable in the apartment. You should definitely visually inspect the cable from the entrance to the apartment to the telephone connector. If there are breaks, kinks, or parts of the copper wire are visible, then there is a physical violation of the integrity of the channel. You can try to repair the wire yourself using electrical tape and wire cutters. But if the subscriber is unsure of his strengths and skills, then he should give preference to calling a technician.
  • Line break. Damage in the apartment is the responsibility of the owner, therefore an additional fee will be charged for its elimination by company representatives.

Rostelecom specialists have nothing to do with repairing landline phones. You can try to fix the problem at a service center or contact the place where you purchased it.

If a wire breaks in your apartment, you will have to pay to have the line repaired.

If a channel break is visually visible outside the apartment, then only a technician repairing the telephone line can fix it. Even if the break is not visually visible, then with the help of special equipment he will be able to check how the signal passes and plan restoration work. These works are free for the user.

Contacts or where to call?

If you establish a home telephone line by checking the equipment and personal account information, you will need to contact technical support.

The universal number for calling the company is 8 800 1000 800, where by selecting the direction, the system will switch the subscriber to the desired operator. The call is free from any phone, including a mobile phone, and provides 24-hour service. All calls received here are processed by a single service center, which may be located far from the client’s city.

A more time-saving option is to call your local repair office number. All current numbers for your city are posted on the website in the “Contact Information” section. This phone number appears in the contract.

You can also find out by calling the toll-free number 09 (only from a home phone) or using paid help 009 (including from a cell phone).

The operator will need to provide information about the owner, and also report that the home phone is not working. First of all, the engineer will try to establish communication in a dialogue with the subscriber, requiring him to perform a number of basic actions. If all manipulations were unsuccessful, then an application will be drawn up, which must be responded to within 24 hours. Rostelecom specialists do not repair phones, but they will be able to diagnose the exact cause of the lack of communication.

Another channel for filling out a request to call a technician is to contact us through the website by filling out the necessary fields in the “Feedback” section.

Call a technician for repairs

After accepting a request to call an employee, the company has 24 hours to respond to the problem and restore the work of the landline phone.

Call a technician if you are sure that the line break is not in the apartment.

When registering, the operator will clarify at what time it is most convenient for the client to receive a technician, since he will need access to a telephone for checking. The specialist will perform all the necessary diagnostics, identify the cause of the breakdown and fix it immediately. An exception may be massive breaks in telephone lines, for example, in the event of bad weather, but this is a rare occurrence. After fixing the problem, a technical support specialist will need to call the customer’s number to check the telephone connection.

Video: procedure for calling a technician, features and deadlines for performing work by Rostelecom employees.

Often, to fix a breakdown, a Rostelecom employee does not need to go to the client’s address; he can check and correct basic errors remotely. In this case, a follow-up call to the client’s landline phone is required to obtain consent to close the application and receive confirmation that the situation has been corrected.

It's good when everything in the house works as it should.

Based on the points above, we can conclude that in order to fix a non-working Rostelecom home phone, you first need to check the balance, serviceability of the device and the integrity of the home cable. In other cases, you can safely contact the support service to receive further instructions or call an employee to repair the line.

It is worth noting that you should contact the company even if you decide to fix the problem yourself, in order to receive a recalculation for unused services in the future.

People who use the communication services of a particular company and encounter problems have to think about the question of where to call? “The MGTS phone does not work” - a similar complaint can be heard from subscribers who actively use it. If you cope with the situation on your own and find out what is causing the inability to make calls, you need to contact the support line. In this article we will tell you how this can be done and provide information about which offices you can contact.

If the client’s difficulties are not related to the fact that the line is not connected to the device, then if there are problems with dialing or the inability to make calls, as well as if interference is detected, you should contact the MGTS service bureau. A qualified employee will try to remotely identify possible causes of inoperability and help eliminate them. If this fails, a contact center specialist will accept the request and arrange for a technician to visit you. So where to call? - a fairly common customer complaint. Below we will tell you how to get out of such a situation.

MGTS: technical support phone

You can report problems on your phone line from any device: from a cellular device or from another landline phone. Moreover, the MGTS help desk provides customer support around the clock - call center employees answer questions and help cope with difficulties, seven days a week and seven days a week. Thus, you can contact the contacts below at any time convenient for the subscriber. Please note that it is recommended to carry out an initial diagnosis (if possible) and try to find out. Perhaps the reason lies in a damaged wire or a disconnected device. Such information will help speed up the process of resolving the issue and start using the device again.

On the company's official website you can find phone numbers that can be reached from both a landline and mobile device.

Please note that both of these numbers allow you to contact a consultant and get answers to your questions, including why the home telephone does not work under the MGTS agreement. Before starting a conversation, you must introduce yourself and indicate the contract number or the address at which you are “registered”

How to contact the support line

We found out where to call (MGTS phone doesn't work). The specialist should briefly describe the essence of the problem. If a failure on the telephone line is associated with technical work carried out by the service provider, then, having learned the subscriber’s address, the operator will report this and inform about the time of completion. However, communication problems may not always be caused by work at the station. You should answer all the specialist’s questions as completely and accurately as possible - this will allow him to quickly understand the essence of the problem. You also need to follow the recommendations of the contact center employee. If, after the actions recommended by the MGTS customer support employee, your home phone does not work, you need to create a request to call a technician. In order to be able to arrange a time for a visit, you should leave your contact phone number in the application.

During the visit, the technician will clarify the reasons for the failure on the line, determine whether they arose due to the client’s fault (within his apartment) or are related to external factors. Depending on this, the procedure for eliminating the breakdown will be determined, as well as at the expense of whose funds it will be carried out: the client or the service provider company.

Contacting the operator's office

You can file a complaint about the quality of telephone communications, as well as ask questions, by contacting MGTS offices. Here, the staff will also tell you if there are any repairs being carried out on the line that may be causing your home phone to not work, and will give some recommendations.

At MGTS branches you can find out basic account information, consult on tariff plans, terminate or enter into an agreement for communication services, and perform many other operations.

MGTS offices

In total, there are 24 offices in the Moscow region that can serve individuals. Five of these branches also accept corporate clients. To find a geographically convenient office, it is recommended to visit the official resource of the MGTS company. Here you can view not only the list of available options for contact, but also clarify their location on the map. For each service point, the work schedule and office operating hours on holidays are indicated. You can also see how busy the office is here. In the selection form, you should select the desired area and indicate for what type of clients this branch is available (by default, the list is displayed for individuals).


In this article, we talked about where to call (MGTS phone does not work), and also provided a brief description of how the procedure for consultation and further interaction with the company will be carried out if it was not possible to resolve the issue remotely. If you find problems that the call center consultant cannot solve, you must fill out a request for a visit from a technician to carry out diagnostics and repair work.

Landline communications, like any other telecommunications service, may stop functioning for a number of reasons: failure of fiber-optic or copper transmission lines, network congestion, telephone failure, and much more. Naturally, in such situations, the subscriber will need to notify the operator about the malfunction of the landline number in order to submit a repair request and call a technician. But first of all, MGTS clients from Moscow and the Moscow region have quite natural questions: where to call and what to do if it doesn’t work?

What to do?

Firstly, in order to solve the problem as quickly as possible, you have to identify the source of the problem. This could be a breakdown that occurs within or outside your home. Secondly, this point will need to be expressed to an employee of the Unified Contact Center by calling from a work phone number:

  • city ​​communications – (495) 63 – 60 – 636;
  • cell phone – 0636.

The hotline operator will provide you with the consultation you need. If remote technical support turns out to be useless, a specialist will accept your request to call a technician.

Meanwhile, if you do not have the opportunity to use your home or mobile phone to contact the Contact Center, visit one of the Service Centers, of which there are currently more than 20 units in Moscow. A map with current addresses of official representative offices of MGTS, including information about the operating modes of each of them, is available at this link.

Repair Bureau

– a structural unit of a telecommunications provider responsible for technical support for subscribers. In general, assistance to the company’s clients is provided in two ways:

  1. remote consultation provided by hotline staff - works 24/7;
  2. organization of repair work - as necessary.

It is worth noting that equipment repairs are carried out by MGTS partner companies, so the quality of service, as well as the cost of services provided to eliminate breakdowns in some cases can vary significantly depending on the area, street or even house. For example, in Moscow alone, the above-mentioned telecom operator has more than two dozen permanent contractors, the number of which, in certain months, either increases or decreases.

Call the master

While you are calling to apply for a technician, leave your work contacts to the operator so that he can clarify the time that is convenient for you and send a free specialist to the appointed place.

Upon receiving a call, the repairman will carry out diagnostics of cable networks and related equipment in order to identify a breakdown. If it turns out that the cause of the malfunction is located outside the subscriber’s home or apartment, then all costs of eliminating it will fall on the provider. But if the telephone set or wire fails due to the client’s fault, then the financial side of the issue will become his problem. And as already mentioned, the cost of restoration work must be clarified on an individual basis.

Reviews about the work of the repair bureau

Looking ahead, let's say that subscriber reviews of the MGTS repair bureau on specialized forums and communities on social networks are divided. This may be due to the human factor, when the quality of the service provided largely depends on a specific specialist, or the lack of proper control of the company in relation to the service personnel is to blame.

Elena – 24 years old (Moscow):

I can’t help but complain about MGTS repairmen. I have the feeling that they have one person working there for the whole of Moscow. For example, after submitting an application, I waited 12 days for a specialist. And all this time the landline phone was turned off, and for my business, a small online store, this is more than critical. It’s good that at least there is an opportunity to set forwarding to a mobile phone.

Sergey – 35 years old (Pushkino):

Last week, a brand new GPON router, to which a landline connection is connected, stopped showing signs of life. Therefore, I immediately turned to the Contact Center for help. There, unfortunately, I was tortured with banal recommendations about rebooting the device, but after another unsuccessful launch, they accepted a request to call a specialist. He came after two hours, taking with him a new router. It is noteworthy that no one even asked for a ruble for diagnosing the fiber optic cable and replacing the modem.

Alexey – 41 years old (Moscow):

I don’t know what MGTS should do with these contractors so that they can understand the meaning of the word “service”. Why does a “master craftsman” come to my home, in the center of Moscow, on a call with a tasty fume and leave behind a heap of garbage, but somewhere on the outskirts, right next to my parents in Odintsovo, the guys don’t allow themselves to do this and do everything highest quality possible?