Increase the battery life of your smartphone. Useful life of a mobile phone. What operating system is installed on Huawei Mate X

A smartphone is the gadget without which to modern man quite difficult to get by. But none of its functions will work if the battery runs out. Today smartphones with removable batteries are becoming less and less common, so you need to properly handle the default one installed on your device. This is not difficult to do if you follow a few simple rules.

1. Main rule

To extend battery life, you should not keep Wi-Fi and GPS on all the time and spend a lot of time playing games. You should use your phone as needed, not out of habit.

But there are other secrets that will keep your battery working for a long time.

2. Avoid completely discharging the battery

Surely many have heard about the “memory effect” battery. It lies in the fact that if you do not “teach” batteries to fully reveal their potential, discharging them completely and then charging them to 100%, then they “lose” part of their capacity. But modern devices use lithium-ion batteries, and they need to be charged differently.

To obtain maximum return from lithium ion battery, you need to make sure that the charge level does not fall below 50%. On the one hand, this means that the battery needs to be charged as often as possible, but on the other hand, few people want their battery to overheat (which is the case with lithium-ion batteries Maybe). Fortunately, new charging device smart enough to help the user cope with this problem - they automatically turn off when the phone is charged.
Most manufacturers have approximately the same indicators for the number of charging cycles: if you charge the battery from scratch, the battery will withstand 400-600 charging cycles, and if with 10-20%, then 1000-1100 cycles.

3. Keep the battery in a cool place

A serious enemy of lithium-ion batteries is heat. The smartphone battery will wear out much faster in conditions high temperatures, regardless of whether the device is in use or not.
At average temperature At zero degrees Celsius, a lithium-ion battery will lose 6% of its maximum capacity per year. If the outside temperature is +25 degrees, then this figure will increase to 20%, and if it is +40 degrees, the battery will lose a whopping 35% of power over the course of a year.

Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and keep your phone in the refrigerator, but you shouldn’t leave your phone in a car hot in the sun either.

4. Avoid wireless charging

Wireless charging is certainly convenient, but it has a number of disadvantages. Inductive, wireless chargers have one unpleasant feature- they heat up the battery. And, as already mentioned, lithium-ion batteries cannot withstand overheating.

5. Keep the battery partially charged

Lithium-ion batteries should be stored 30-50% charged. If a completely discharged battery is left for long-term storage, it will no longer “come to life”.

6. Be simpler

Caring for the battery is quite easy. As a rule, the service life of a lithium-ion battery is 3-5 years, and during this time many people manage to change more than one smartphone. You just shouldn’t treat the battery like a barbarian - leave it in the sun or discharge it to zero, and it will serve faithfully for quite a long time.

Well, don’t forget about such a device as external battery. You can learn more about them in our material:.

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Phone battery. 5 tips on how to extend the life of your smartphone. When it comes to the right way charging modern devices with lithium-ion batteries, opinions are divided. Some are sure that the battery should be completely discharged and only then charged 100%, while others argue that the gadget should always be charged 40–80% and should be constantly recharged. How did these disagreements arise? Let's figure it out.

Until recently, nickel batteries were widely used. It was these batteries that needed to be discharged to zero. As a result, many people have remembered this rule and use it for batteries of all types.

And modern lithium-ion batteries, which do not have “memory,” according to the standard, last only 2–3 years. But you can make them last as long as possible. We offer you 4 effective ways extending the life of batteries of smartphones, laptops, etc.

How to extend the life of a smartphone:

1. Charge the battery regularly

Devices with a lithium-ion battery should not be completely discharged. You will significantly extend your battery life if you regularly charge your gadgets.Manufacturers calculate the service life of such batteries by the number of cycles full discharge(that is, up to 0%). For example, at quality batteries– 400–600 cycles.

In the following table you can see data that confirms that it is better to charge the battery every time the battery is discharged by 10-20%.

The principle of calculation is simple, if your phone is discharged to 20%, then the depth of discharge is 80%.

2. When the battery is charged, turn off the charging

Lithium-ion batteries do not need to be charged to 100% every time. They will last longer if your gadget is always charged at 40-80%. If the battery is 100% charged, it must be disconnected from the network in time, as this factor will affect the battery life.

3. Once every 3 months, completely discharge and charge the battery to 100%

Experts recommend completely discharging and charging the battery once every 3 months, keeping it charged for 8–12 hours. This method helps to calibrate the device. After all, after repeated small charges, the battery may go into an incorrect mode.

4. Use original charger

In most cases, the charger is built directly inside mobile devices, and external network adapters They only lower the voltage and rectify the mains current, that is, they do not have a direct effect on the battery.

But some gadgets, including digital cameras, do not have a built-in charger: their batteries are charged in an external charger. In this case, the use of a non-original or low-quality “charger” may negatively affect the battery life.

5. Avoid overheating

Regarding the dependence of battery charge loss on temperature, it should be borne in mind that high temperature negatively affects the life of the battery. Protect the device from overheating and place the laptop in warm time years on your knees, do not let it get on mobile devices direct sun rays and do not leave them near heat sources. Lithium-ion batteries have a maximum permissible temperatures usage ranges from –40°C to +50°C.

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A smartphone is a gadget that is quite difficult for a modern person to do without. But none of its functions will work if the battery runs out. Today, smartphones with removable batteries are becoming less and less common, so you need to properly handle the one installed in the device by default. This is not difficult to do if you follow a few simple rules.

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1. Main rule


To extend battery life, you should not keep Wi-Fi and GPS on all the time and spend a lot of time playing games. You should use your phone as needed, not out of habit.

But there are other secrets that will keep your battery working for a long time.

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2. Don't allow complete discharge batteries


Surely, many have heard about the “memory effect” of a battery. It lies in the fact that if you do not “teach” batteries to fully reveal their potential, discharging them completely and then charging them to 100%, then they “lose” part of their capacity. But modern devices use lithium-ion batteries , and they need to be charged differently.


To get the most out of your lithium-ion battery, you need to ensure that the charge level does not drop below 50%. On the one hand, this means that the battery needs to be charged as often as possible, but on the other hand, few people want their battery to overheat (which is possible with lithium-ion batteries). Fortunately, new chargers are smart enough to help the user deal with this problem - they automatically turn off when the phone is charged.
Most manufacturers have approximately the same indicators for the number of charging cycles: if you charge the battery from scratch, the battery will withstand 400-600 charging cycles, and if with 10-20%, then 1000-1100 cycles.



3. Keep the battery in a cool place


A serious enemy of lithium-ion batteries is heat. A smartphone battery will wear out much faster in high temperature environments, regardless of whether the device is in use or not.
At an average temperature of zero degrees Celsius, a lithium-ion battery will lose 6% of its maximum capacity per year. If the outside temperature is +25 degrees, then this figure will increase to 20%, and if it is +40 degrees, the battery will lose a whopping 35% of power over the course of a year.

Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and keep your phone in the refrigerator, but you shouldn’t leave your phone in a car hot in the sun either.

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4. Avoid wireless charging


Wireless charging is certainly convenient, but it has a number of disadvantages. Inductive, wireless chargers have one unpleasant feature - they heat up the battery. And, as already mentioned, lithium-ion batteries cannot withstand overheating.



5. Keep the battery partially charged


Lithium-ion batteries should be stored 30-50% charged. If a completely discharged battery is left for long-term storage, it will no longer “come to life”.

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6. Be simpler


Caring for the battery is quite easy. Typically, the service life of a lithium-ion battery is 3-5 years , and during this time, many manage to change more than one smartphone. You just shouldn’t treat the battery like a barbarian - leave it in the sun or discharge it to zero, and it will serve faithfully for quite a long time.


There are many ways to improve battery life on Samsung phones without having to buy anything or give up apps you love.

Although the screen consumes less power and has good processor, there is still room for improvement, especially for users who want a phone that lasts from morning to night.

This guide will show you how to improve battery life by changing several features and connectivity options to reduce power consumption.

The following tips will not affect the phone's performance. Instead, they focus on controlling the phone while doing certain actions and maintaining an acceptable level of screen brightness.

In addition, almost all users have easy access access these settings directly from the main screen.

NOTE: if your phone model and Android version are very old, then some methods may not work.

The first way to increase battery life in Samsung phones on Android

Screen brightness control is The best way Increase battery life without changing settings.

Of course, the screen looks great at maximum brightness. There is no doubt that it consumes a lot of energy to look so beautiful.

Instead of holding the screen maximum brightness all the time, change it to Auto. When you select this mode, the system will adjust the brightness depending on the situation.

When the sun is shining, the brightness will decrease to avoid glare. During the day, everything will change depending on the situation and at the same time energy consumption will decrease.

The second way to increase battery life in Samsung phones on Android

Use power saving mode to increase battery life. Unlike many other options, this doesn't really change the performance of the device.

You can enable it by dragging the top bar shortcuts (you need to pull it down first).

When you click, you will see options and settings that you can change as you wish. Select Block date background if you want to maximize battery life.

Also disable application notifications, verification Email and notifications in background.

Then click Limit Performance to see what you can control. This can slow down the processor, reduce screen performance, turn off lights, and close GPS to reduce power consumption.

You don't like all of this, but it is useful to make the battery last longer. You can select "Auto" when the battery is below 20%.

The third way to increase battery life in Samsung phones on Android

Samsung has more powerful tool to reduce battery consumption is “Maximum Saving”.

The screen turns black and white, limited application and data usage so that the phone lasts as long as possible.

So you can do phone calls, send messages or surf the Internet.

This mode is intended if there is no electricity at hand. When using this method, Wifi and Bluetooth (can be turned on manually) and running applications will be disabled.

The fourth way to increase battery life in Samsung phones on Android

Screen timeout control is in a simple way Extend battery life without losing any apps.

Select 15 seconds to maximize battery life. This way, the screen will darken faster and you won't waste energy.

The fifth way to increase battery life in Samsung phones on Android

Applications can consume a lot of energy. If your battery drops significantly, then you should look at which apps are consuming more battery.

To see this, go to Settings - Battery. If an app is consuming too much battery, set a limit for it.

For example, backup can only be activated when the phone is charging. If the app is not required, you can simply uninstall it or look for another version.

Limit location information if you want to increase battery life at the expense of location information. You can choose WiFi or mobile network instead of GPS.

There are apps that save your usage habits, where to connect to WiFi and adjust settings based on that.

There is an app that works on any Snapdragon device and initial tests have shown it to be useful on Samsung phones.

This guide showed you how to make sure your battery Samsung smartphone The Galaxy worked longer without having to have a spare battery (not always possible). Good luck.

Every third app on iPhone and Android uses location services to update data based on GPS. They are also used to instantly search for available bonuses and advantageous offers in a specific region. This reduces battery life, so either disable or keep an eye on your current apps. When you activate search in top panel a small arrow appears in the menu. This way you can track the activity of the program.

Watch out for the pop-up notification

Let's think about how often the battery is drained due to these invisible messages on the lock screen. It seems to you that it is not enough, but they work in such a way that they constantly require power. With each message from the network, the phone is forced to turn on and also make a sound or vibration. All this drains the battery, especially in the case of batch updates. You can turn off this fuss in Settings or in applications, leaving only the essentials for yourself.

Put black or dark wallpaper

If the display phone AMOLED, which is typical for Android gadgets, know that when using a light tone, each pixel of the screen requires a piece of energy. There is no such thing on the iPhone. Therefore, the darker the pixels, the better. Not only wallpapers, but also applications are best used with dark colors.

How about airplane mode

This is best done if network coverage is unreliable. The fact is that the OS is constantly looking for a network when there are interruptions, which is unlikely to please the battery. Putting the phone in airplane mode stops the search, as well as the ability to receive calls and make calls.

Installation of special software

For Android devices, we recommend downloading Snapdragon BatteryGuru from Qualcomm. The application is interesting because it studies the user's habits and automatically adjusts the phone's functions to prolong the battery charge. The iPhone, unfortunately, does not have a similar equivalent, but you can install power saving apps.

Remove unnecessary software

A necessary and requested step. A bunch of unnecessary programs eat up charge in the background. They are disabled in the Applications menu using the Stop or Force Stop command. Special attention Pay attention to the default programs, there is room for developers' imaginations to run wild.

Reduce screen brightness

An obvious step that is often forgotten. back side: If the smartphone is used mainly during the daytime, this solution will be uncomfortable.

Turn off Wi-Fi

An effective step to save battery life. It is often not used due to the owner’s laziness or if he constantly hangs up on the Internet. When you turn it off, the phone stops searching for the network and, accordingly, the charge is extended. When Wi-Fi is always on, there is a high risk of catching viruses from SMS or accidentally downloading suspicious software.

Do not overheat the device

Surprisingly, but true: if you keep your smartphone in the pocket of thin jeans or tight-fitting pants, it will overheat. Overheating entails not only fast discharge batteries, but shortens the lifespan. Of course, you can’t hold your smartphone in direct sunlight. Even schoolchildren know this.

This advice sounds like a joke, but it is common sense. When using your smartphone intensively additional battery will be a good buy.

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