Convert a section break to an "on current page" break. Another way to quickly select

Document Microsoft Word, which has an extra, blank page, in most cases contains empty paragraphs, page breaks, or section breaks previously inserted manually. This is extremely undesirable for a file that you plan to work with in the future, print it on a printer, or provide it to someone for review and further work.

It is worth noting that sometimes you may need to delete not an empty one in Word, but unnecessary page. This often happens with text documents downloaded from the Internet, as with any other file that you had to work with for one reason or another. In any case, you need to get rid of a blank, unnecessary or extra page in MS Word, and this can be done in several ways. However, before we begin to fix the problem, let's figure out the cause of its occurrence, because it is this that dictates the solution.

Note: If a blank page appears only during printing, but it is not displayed in a Word text document, most likely your printer is set to print a separator page between jobs. Therefore, you need to double-check your printer settings and change them if necessary.

If you simply need to delete one or another, superfluous or simply unnecessary page with text or part of it, just select the required fragment with the mouse and click "DELETE" or "BackSpace". True, if you are reading this article, most likely you already know the answer to such a simple question. Most likely, you need to delete the blank page, which, quite obviously, is also superfluous. Most often, such pages appear at the end of the text, sometimes in the middle.

The easiest method is to go down to the very bottom of the document by clicking "Ctrl+End" and then press "BackSpace". If this page was added accidentally (by breaking) or appeared due to an extra paragraph, it will be deleted immediately.

There may be several empty paragraphs at the end of your text, so you will need to click several times "BackSpace".

If this does not help you, then the reason for the extra blank page is completely different. You will learn how to get rid of it below.

Why did the blank page appear and how to get rid of it?

In order to determine the cause of the blank page, you must include in the document Word display paragraph characters. This method is suitable for all versions of the Microsoft office product and will help remove unnecessary pages in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as in its older versions.

1. Click the corresponding icon ( «¶» )on top panel(tab "Home") or use a keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+8".

2. So, if at the end, as well as in the middle of your text document, there are empty paragraphs, or even entire pages, you will see this - at the beginning of each empty line there will be a symbol «¶» .

Extra paragraphs

Perhaps the reason for the appearance of a blank page is precisely extra paragraphs. If this is your case, just highlight empty lines, marked with the symbol «¶» , and click on the button "DELETE".

Force page break

It also happens that a blank page appears due to a break added manually. IN in this case you need to place the mouse cursor in front of the break and press the button "DELETE" to remove it.

It is worth noting that for the same reason, quite often an extra blank page appears in the middle of a text document.

Breaking sections

The blank page may be due to section breaks set from Even Page, Odd Page, or Next Page. In case the blank page is located at the end Microsoft document Word and the section break is displayed, just place the cursor in front of it and click "DELETE". After this, the blank page will be deleted.

Note: If for some reason you don't see the page break, go to the tab "View" on the top ribbon of Word and switch to draft mode - this way you will see more in a smaller area of ​​the screen.

Important: Sometimes it happens that due to the appearance blank pages in the middle of the document, immediately after removing the break, the formatting is broken. If you need to leave the formatting of the text located after the break unchanged, the break should be left. By removing the section break in this place, you'll make the formatting of the text below extend to the text that comes before the break. In this case, we recommend changing the type of break: by setting “break (to current page)", you will retain the formatting without adding a blank page.

Converting a section break to an "on current page" break

1. Place the mouse cursor directly after the break of the section that you plan to change.

2. On the control panel (ribbon) of MS Word, go to the tab "Layout".

3. Click on small icon, located in the lower right corner of the section "Page settings".

4. In the window that appears, go to the tab "Paper Source".

5. Expand the list opposite the item "Start section" and select "On the current page".

6. Click "OK" to confirm changes.

The blank page will be deleted, but the formatting will remain the same.


The methods described above for deleting a blank page will be ineffective if there is a table at the end of your text document - it is located on the previous (second-to-last in fact) page and reaches the very end. The fact is that Word requires an empty paragraph after the table. If the table reaches the end of the page, the paragraph moves to the next one.

An empty paragraph that is unnecessary for you will be highlighted with the corresponding icon: «¶» , which unfortunately cannot be removed, at least not with a simple click of a button "DELETE" on keyboard.

To solve this problem, it is necessary hide the empty paragraph at the end of the document.

1. Select a character «¶» using the mouse and pressing the key combination "Ctrl+D", a dialog box will appear in front of you "Font".

2. To hide a paragraph, you need to check the box next to the corresponding item ( "Hidden") and press "OK".

3. Now turn off the display of paragraphs by clicking the appropriate ( «¶» ) button on the control panel or use a key combination "Ctrl+Shift+8".

The empty page you don't need will disappear.

That's all, now you know how to remove extra page in Word 2003, 2010, 2016 or, more simply, in any version of this product. This is not difficult to do, especially if you know the cause of this problem (and we have dealt with each of them in detail). We wish you productive work without hassle or problems.

Today, no one can be surprised by working in text editors. But not everyone understands the intricacies of using editors. Let's look at several ways to delete a page in a text file Microsoft editor Word 2010. Sometimes you need to delete both a page that contains text and a blank page. After all, such pages can confuse everything in principle, and in particular when printing a document or when numbering. Therefore, the problem of page deletion needs to be solved.

Removing a blank page

There are different ways to delete a blank page.

Which method is the simplest?

The simplest one is the backspace or delete keys. If you need to delete next page, then the cursor is placed at the end of the previous page and the delete key is pressed. And if it is deleted Previous page, then you need to put the courses at the beginning of the next one, and press the backspace key.

Open the “Home” section and click on the icon that is responsible for non-printing characters, or rather, for their display. This icon can be found after the Paragraph section. Click on the icon. Now the document has acquired a different look - all the icons that were previously invisible to the eye are reflected on it. These will include double spaces and symbols. If you wish, you can take advantage of the situation and remove them. Now you need to find the phrase “page break” in the document, which should be at the end of the text. It needs to be highlighted. And after selection, delete it with the Backspace key. Now the blank page has been removed from the document and will not be in the way.

Deleting a page with text

Now we know how to delete a blank page. Let's move on to deleting the filled page - text, image, etc. No special knowledge in the field information technologies It doesn't really take that much time. So let's get started. You need to move the cursor to the place you want to delete. Click the “Main” section on the panel and go to the “find” subsection and click on it. Follow the arrow and get to the “Go” section. A window has opened where you need to indicate the number of the page that needs to be deleted. and then click “Go”. The selected text opens and deletes it. Close the window and delete the text in a standard way- either delete or backspace. That's all, now you are familiar with the process of deleting pages in Word 2010.


Now you know that deleting a page in the Microsoft Word 2010 editor does not require any special skills. The main thing is to follow the instructions, and then everything will happen automatically. Blank pages can be deleted very simply - for example, by using the delete or backspace keys, as well as by displaying non-printing characters and deleting them. Pages with text can be deleted just as easily - the text is selected and the page is deleted. It's simple, quick, and absolutely anyone can handle it.

How to delete a page in Word

It happens that users find themselves in a difficult situation, not understanding how to get out of a difficult situation. Some people can't even figure out how to delete a page in text WORD editor. A large number of representatives of society, it is this text editor that is used to create, edit and read certain documents used in various fields modern world. Today we will figure out how to delete a page with or without text without disturbing the structure of the entire document as a whole. There are only 6 methods, and today they will be discussed.

The first method is to delete an unnecessary text document.

It happens that a person creates new file, types text into it, then copies it to the clipboard, and it no longer needs this file, you can get rid of it right away. It is enough to agree to close the program and indicate that there is no need to save the changes.

If you decide to remain in this document, only by deleting the text, you just need to use keyboard shortcuts. First, select all the text, and then click on the Delete button. Thus, the text will be deleted, and the text document is ready for further work.

The second way is to delete clean slate in the editor.

Deciding to delete blank page, you need to use manipulations such as:
1) Place the cursor at the desired location and delete.
2) Select the corresponding icon, which is shown in the image, or press simultaneously three keys: CTRL – SHIFT – 8.

After pressing these keys, paragraph icons will appear, and you can select everything that needs to be subjected to the destruction process, and simply click on the button called BackSpace. After this, the page will clear, thereby indicating that you have achieved the task.

The third method is Deleting the last blank sheet.

Sometimes at the end of any text document there are several or one blank pages that require interaction. To quickly fix this problem, you will need to enable special characters, go to last page, click on the BackSpace button there, thereby agreeing to format the page.

Fourth way - quick removal page that contains text.

If you need to delete a page that, in addition to text, also had a whole bunch of images and other similar elements, then using special teams text editor or the cursor we carry out the necessary manipulations.

Let's say we have a document and we need to delete the second page in this document.

Scroll through the document to the beginning of the page that should be deleted. Place the cursor over the beginning of the line until an arrow appears and press left button mouse, thereby selecting the entire line, and using the mouse wheel, go down to the line that ends the page, and then simply click on Delete button, thereby deleting the entire text fragment.

With this method you can delete multiple pages. You do not need any special knowledge, just a light action with your hands, and thereby the results will be achieved.

It happens that you need to delete not the first page at all, but, say, some 433, and going down to this page is a tedious and tedious process. We suggest you save time by using the information below. First, you need to open the search menu, to do this, press two buttons on the keyboard - CTRL - F.

Select the tab called “Go” and indicate the page number we need.

Thus, you were able to go to the page you need, after that we close the search window, and again, using existing knowledge, we delete text information, which seems superfluous to you on the page. If you randomly deleted something wrong, then there is no need to be upset, because everything can be returned to initial values, by clicking on the “Cancel” button.

Fifth method - removal title page.

Using the 2013 version of the text editor, you don’t need to do anything, because the title page is replaced automatically, and in earlier versions this software, all actions must be done manually.

You can remove a cover page using the following steps:

Select the tab called “Insert” in the editor.
- Go to the “Pages” group.
- A menu called “Cover Page”, you must specify a value for the page to be deleted.

If you are using versions earlier than 2007, remove title pages is also not required, because they look exactly the same as all the other pages of your document.

The sixth method is to delete the page without losing the printed text.

It turned out that without deleting pages, you can make the text look compact, thereby increasing free place, and there are also significantly fewer sheets for printing. To achieve this result, you must again click on the button responsible for headers and footers and invisible characters.

If you had to edit text documents, which were created by someone else, then you must have encountered problems. One such problem may be blank pages that cannot be deleted. This is precisely the case we will consider in this article. Here you can learn how to delete a blank page in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Blank pages can usually be deleted without problems. Simply place the cursor at the end of a blank page and erase all spaces and line breaks. After which the blank page is deleted without any problems. But in some cases this doesn't work. You can press the Backspace and Delete keys as much as you like, but the page still refuses to be deleted.

More often this problem associated with non-printable characters that are on the page. To solve similar problem and to finally delete this unfortunate page you only need to do a couple of steps. First, you need to enable the display of non-printing characters. This is done very simply. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you you need to open the “Home” tab and click on the “Display all symbols” button. You can also use the combination CTRL keys+SHIFT+8 .

If you are using Word 2003 then this button should be somewhere on the toolbar.

After clicking this button, Word document All non-printable characters will begin to display. Now you need to go to a blank page that is not being deleted and remove all non-printing characters from it. Besides everything else, you must remove the page break. Because it is he who, in most cases, blocks the removal of blank pages. To remove a page break, place the cursor in front of it and click on DELETE key on keyboard.

In some cases, deleting blank pages in Word may be blocked by a section break. If such a non-printing character is on a blank page, then it must be removed. It is removed in the same way as a page break. You need to place the cursor before the section break and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

If necessary, after removing the blank pages, the section break can be restored. In Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 To do this, use the “Breaks” button on the Page Layout tab.

Working with documents involves not only typing text, but also formatting it and bringing it into compliance with certain requirements. Therefore, it is so important to know how to delete a page in Word and get rid of extra numbers. This allows you to improve appearance document, which has a positive effect on its readability and overall perception.

Removing blank and extra pages

To delete a page in Word 2010, just remove all the characters that are on it. Even if you see a blank sheet of paper in front of you, there may be hidden formatting marks on it.

If at the end of a Word document you see an extra empty page, then do the same with it - display hidden symbols and delete them all.

If there is text on the sheet you want to delete, it's best to highlight it before deleting. Otherwise, you will have to wash each letter separately, which is inconvenient. You can select text with the cursor by holding down the left mouse button.

Another way quick selection:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of a piece of text.
  2. Hold down the "Shift" key.
  3. Place courses at the end of the fragment.

Removal procedure blank sheets in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 it is absolutely identical. No new methods have appeared over the years.

How to remove page numbers in Word

Adding and removing numbering in Word 2010 is as simplified as possible - all these procedures are performed by pressing one button. The procedure will be as follows:

There is an easier way:

  1. Double left click on the page number. A footer window will open.
  2. Select a number.
  3. Click "Delete".


Removing sheets is sometimes accompanied by changes in document formatting. The user simply accidentally removes the signs that are responsible for how the text is placed on the sheet. This rarely happens, but if it happens, correcting the defect becomes quite problematic. The easiest way out is to copy the desired fragment and paste it into a new document.