Word how to remove a blank page. How to delete a blank page in Word. Removing a non-blank page in Microsoft Word

WITH text editor Probably every user is familiar with Word. It is used to read, create and edit documents, with sometimes the simplest knowledge for full-fledged work the program may not be enough. Today we’ll talk about how to delete a page in Word. Let's see if it can be removed unnecessary sheet without damaging the entire text.

Removing a blank page

When it was necessary to eliminate excess Blank sheet, containing no valuable information, you must use the following algorithm:

  • Make a left click with the mouse anywhere on the extra page, this will set the cursor (a vertical line);
  • in the “Home” section (at the top), look for a display of all signs and click on it (the combination Shift + Ctrl + 8 helps);

  • Tab characters and spaces will appear on the monitor, which were not visible before. It is necessary to eliminate them from the empty page to automatically delete it. To do this, use the BackSpace button (if there is no such word on the keyboard, there will be a left arrow key, usually located above Enter).

How to delete a page in Word located at the end of a document

Sometimes a blank sheet is found at the very end of the file, although there are two, three or more of them. Such an object affects the size final file, makes it bigger and also goes to print. For the thesis, course work This page is not needed at all.

Here you can use the first method: place the cursor at the bottom and click the BackSpace button so that it ends up at the end of the penultimate page.

In case if extra page located at the very beginning (stands first), then we do the same - remove unnecessary characters, after which all the text will move up.

How to delete an unnecessary document

Such knowledge may be needed if you have opened new document, wrote the text, corrected it, copied it to another file, and this one became redundant.

You can delete it by simply clicking on close - the cross in the top right corner. A notification will immediately pop up asking you to save the changes, click “No”.

When you plan to continue working with this file, and what you have written needs to be deleted, you should select everything using the Ctrl + A keys, and then press Del on the keyboard.

Removing the entire title page and footer

In Word releases, from version 2013, this is easy to do - change the old “title” to the new one. But in older versions of the program, you should first delete one page, and only then add a new one in its place:

  • find the “Insert” section (located next to “Home”);
  • in the “Pages” subsection there is the necessary button; if you click on it, a special menu will open;
  • Under the templates there will be a link to eliminate the extra sheet.

Getting rid of the page with text

If you often work with this editor, you've probably encountered a situation where you needed to delete an area with pictures, text content, and other content. In such cases, you can use two methods.

Second sheet

For example, you have some kind of file, you need to erase the second page (slightly after it). You will need:

  • place the cursor at the very beginning of the first line;
  • scroll to the bottom of the document page;
  • click on the keyboard layout Shift and hold it, making a left click with the mouse at the very end of the final line on the unnecessary sheet. This will highlight all the content (the background will change color).

This option is suitable for any Word versions 2010, 2003 and 1997.

All you have to do is click Del or BackSpace to delete unnecessary data.

Some sheet in a large file

When working with a large text document with hundreds of pages, scrolling takes a long time. So the above method should not be used. There is a better option. The built-in Word search is useful for this. The combination Ctrl + H will help you open the window. You will immediately be taken to the “Replace” section, but we are interested in another one – “Go”, after that enter desired number in the “Find” subsection.

Do not close the open window. After moving to a specific sheet, in the line “Enter number...” write the command:

Click “Go” again to highlight the text.

After which you can close the dialog by clicking on the cross with right side. We remove the entire selected part in the middle of the document using the BackSpace or Del buttons.

How to delete a page in a Word document? It's actually easy to do. For beginners, this article will be especially useful. You can watch the training video, it will be even clearer.

To delete a page in Word, delete the contents of the page or adjust the layout and formatting to reduce the number of pages in the document

To delete a page that contains text, pictures, or empty paragraphs, highlight the content you want to delete and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Advice: Click anywhere on the page you want to delete, press Ctrl + g (Option + ⌘ + G on Mac), and then in the box Enter page number enter _з0з_. Press ENTER and then press Close.
Make sure the content page is selected and then click DELETE key on keyboard.

Word includes a non-deletable paragraph breaker that sometimes moves to a new blank page at the end of the document. The way to delete this page is to ensure that the end of the paragraph is placed on the previous page.

If this paragraph still doesn't fit on the previous page, you can reduce the bottom margin (Tab Page layout> Fields> Custom fields and set the bottom margin to a small value, such as 0.3 inches).

Advice: Sometimes a paragraph creates a new page because it was configured that way. Try clicking right click mouse in an empty paragraph and select Paragraph. On the tab Position on page dialog box Paragraph uncheck the box WITH new page , then click the button OK.

If nothing happens, follow the steps below.

As last resort you can remove the trailing blank page by saving the document in PDF format, leaving last page.

Note: These steps only avoid blank pages if they are at the end of the document. Additionally, the option to specify a page range is only available in Windows versions _z0z_.

Page breaks tell Word where to start a new page. The reason for creating an unnecessary blank page in your document may be forced break pages.

A reason for creating a blank page in your document may be section breaks "with next page", "from odd page" and "from even page". If empty page is at the end of the document and a section break is shown, place the cursor before the section break and press the DELETE key.

Advice: To make it easier to find section breaks, try switching to Draft on the tab View.

Removing section breaks in the middle of a document can cause formatting problems. In these cases, try replacing the section break with a break that does not create a new page. Here's how to do it:

    Double-click the section break.

    On the tab Layout dialog box Page settings click dropdown Start and select continuous.

    Click the button OK.

Often, when pages are torn in documents, extra sheets appear - there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they should be removed - why waste extra paper when printing on a printer. Today we will tell you how without extra effort delete a blank page in a program Microsoft Word, you will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is that you read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again, because in large documents you may not notice how you deleted a page that, for example, you needed.

Removing a blank page in MS Word

First of all, let's go to the "Home" tab if in this moment you have another one open. There is one very useful tool– the “Display all characters” button, thanks to which you will see all the characters you have typed – up to spaces.

Click on it once and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs have appeared that were not there before?! The dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, it means there are too many spaces and this needs to be corrected. Arrows are clicks Tab keys. Blank pages are also displayed separately in the form of “Page Break” inscriptions. It is this gap that we must close!

In the screenshot above you can see the inscription “Page Break”, double-click on it with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. There are then two scenarios leading to the removal of the blank page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button;
  2. Pressing the “Delete” button.
Congratulations, the dummy page has been successfully removed and will no longer interfere with you when printing a document.

Removing a non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We have learned how to get rid of blank pages, but what about those with some information: text, diagrams or pictures? You can also delete non-blank pages, now we will teach you how to do this.

Move the cursor to any part of the page that you want to quickly delete. We return to the “Home” tab, find the arrow on the right side that says “Select”, click on it and select “Select all” from the drop-down menu.

You can also go the other way, press left button mouse and select that part of the text that should be deleted and then proceed according to the well-established scheme - click on one of the above-mentioned buttons!

Ready! Now you can delete not only blank pages in Word, but also pages with information.

If you need to add articles on the topic of MS Word to the site, so be it. The other day I optimized TTN printable forms for Excel and Word. Since in Excel the TTN has many columns, for one-time filling I recommend using printed form in Word. The file consists of two filled pages, the third sheet is empty, so delete it standard methods Did not work out. After reading the Internet, I collected all the ways to remove the last sheet in text document. So, how to delete a blank sheet in Word?

Deliberately adding a blank sheet is easy - add a page break - press the combination Ctrl keys+Enter. Often a blank sheet is added by clicking many times Enter key, i.e. adding paragraphs to the page.

We will discuss how to remove a blank sheet below:

First, let's figure out how the empty sheet was added. Add a display to the sheet invisible characters. Go to the Home tab - Paragraph section - Show all characters button:

When calling the function, even non-printable characters will be displayed. If a blank sheet is added with paragraph marks, it will look like this:

Delete unnecessary characters and the sheet will also be deleted.

Clean it up.

But the empty sheet is often not cleared simple removal? The problem occurs if a blank sheet is left at the end.

How to delete the last page in Word?

When Delete buttons and Backspace for clearing last sheet don't work, you have to use tricks.

The easiest way to remove the last sheet in Word is to go to the last paragraph and make the font as small as 5.

Second way- play with the fields of the document, if in in this case reduce the top or bottom margin (to 0.5), then the TTN table will fit on two pages. This can be done through Preview— Page Settings window.

Third way— when printing, indicate that you only need to print 2 sheets.

Other ways to remove the last sheet in Word

Apparently the example is a small mistake by the developers and standard function There is no way to delete the last sheet. But I recommend several additional ways. Methods do not always help.

  • Try the Page Fitting function, in versions higher than 2010 - Shrink per page. It is located: Preview - Shorten to page.

  • In versions of the editor from 2007, go to the menu Insert - Pages - Blank Page, click on the button and another blank page appears. Delete the page that appears with Backspace, click delete again and our problem page should disappear too.
  • Select the last paragraph and right-click the menu to open the Font dialog box. Check Hidden to hide the paragraph.

Removing a blank sheet when printing in Excel

If, when printing tables in Excel, you end up with a blank page after a filled sheet, then you need to set the print area correctly. Read how to do this in our.

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Removing extra sheets in Word is usually not difficult, but problems may arise. When the obvious actions are completed, and the unnecessary ones are visually blank page cannot be removed, please use these instructions.

Below is how to delete a worksheet in Word 2013

What problems might arise from this?

There are several complications to this obvious matter. First, there may be hidden characters at the end of the document that are invisible in normal mode, and because of which the program refuses to remove it. Second - incorrect settings Page breaks lead to the fact that some information (for example, on design) remains in the last field, which appears to be absolutely clean.

If the fragment that needs to be deleted contains the necessary data, for example, technical design notes, they must be transferred to the previous one. Without this, cutting a sheet in Word 2013 will not work.

How to find the button to display symbols?

This button in all versions of the program looks like a symbol resembling a checkbox

By clicking on it, you have access to all symbols such as Page Break, Wrap, Table Marks. Pressing is done in one click.

It's on the main Word panels, in the “Paragraph” section. The figure shows its location. By clicking on the “Non-printing characters” checkbox a second time, you disable the function, and the text again takes on its previous appearance.

Delete the page

Put away extra spaces in Word in 99% of cases you can use the following scheme:

  • click the “Non-printing characters” icon;
  • place the mouse cursor after the last character indicated on the previous fragment;
Press Delete or Backspace until extra sheet won't disappear
  1. Place the cursor on the area you want to delete.
  2. From the main panel, open Find.
  3. Click "Go".
  4. Enter the number of the required element in the box, click “Go”.
  5. Click "Close" and immediately press the "Delete" key.

After these steps, the program correctly transfers information to previous page and removes the excess.

If the text does not fit, reduce the header and footer. To do this, open the “Page Layout” tab, go to options, then open “Layout”. Adjust the size of the header and footer.

Delete using page break options

In rare cases, when the above steps do not help, you need to check specified parameters. Yes, delete blank sheets In Word, spacing between parts of text often gets in the way. To test the hypothesis, you need to go the following way: select the part of the text before the extra break, go to the “Home” tab and then to “Paragraph”. There, open the “Indents and Spacing” tab. In this section you can install great importance Before or After the interval.

In the same block, in the “Paragraph” group, there is a section “Position on the page”. The following items may be checked by default:

  • do not break the paragraph;
  • do not be distracted from the next;
  • from a new page.
Remove or add marks, try deleting an unnecessary sheet in Word 2013

If a table crashes, check its boundaries. If it does not fit on the allocated fragment, the cell border is moved. If you copied text without knowing you were copying a small table with transparent borders, or if you created one yourself, turn on the Non-Printing Characters feature.