Create an electronic mailbox. Step-by-step instructions - how to create an email. Sending emails

To access Yandex.Mail, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have it, do the following actions:

    Please enter your first and last name.

    Come up with or choose from the suggested options unique identificator(login), which you will use to authorize in Mail and other Yandex services.

    Attention. After registration, you will not be able to change your login.

    Create and remember a password to access your account. The password must be strong so that attackers cannot access your personal data.

    Enter your number mobile phone. Using this number you will be able to recover your password and receive notifications, and you will also be able to use it as an additional login. If you want to add a phone number later, you can do so on the Phone Numbers page. If you do not want to provide a phone number, click the link I do not have a phone and select Security Question and indicate the answer to it. This data is necessary to recover your password.

    Enter the characters from the picture (this is protection against automatic registration).

    Note. If the characters in the picture are difficult to make out, click the Other code link.

    Make sure the box indicating that you accept the terms is checked. User Agreement and consent to the processing of personal data.

    Click the button Register.

After registration you will receive email address, which consists of your login, the @ icon and the domain name (or one of its domain aliases). For example, [email protected]. The domain alias is determined automatically during registration.

You can at any time make changes to your personal information, ask a different security question, specify alternative email addresses for contacting you, or edit your list of phone numbers.

How to change login

You cannot change the login created when registering on Yandex, but you can register a new one. To do this, click the link Log out of Yandex services in the account menu on the right top corner page, and then on the page that opens the link Create an email.

Attention. If you have registered a new Mailbox and want to have access to your old emails, you need to set up a mail collector from your old mailbox. If you want to send emails from both addresses, you can add the old one as a secondary address.

How to come up with a strong password

Good password- one that is difficult to guess or select.

Never tell anyone your password to log into your account. The more people know your password, the higher the likelihood that an attacker will find it out.

To compose complex password, use:

    both uppercase and lowercase letters;

  • punctuation marks:

    • ` ` are allowed! @ # $ % ^ & * () - _ = + ( ) ; : \" | , .< > / ?


      Only ~ and " are not allowed.

Which passwords are weak?

What should not be used as a password:

    Passwords that you already use on other sites or applications. If someone found out, for example, your password to social network, with this password they will try to log in not only to Yandex, but also to other social networks, postal services, and online banks.

    Ordinary words(margarita, begemot), as well as predictable combinations of letters (qwerty, 123456)

    Personal data that you could indicate somewhere on the Internet: name, birthday, passport number, etc. Even your mother’s maiden name, which no one seems to know, should not be used.

Special mailing address

If, when registering in online stores, forums or other resources, you do not want to indicate your real email address, add a + sign and any word by which you can recognize this site to your login. You should end up with an address something like this: [email protected]. An email sent to this address will be sent to the Spam folder of your real mailbox.

Special mailing address on Yandex will also be useful to re-register on the site. For example, if you forgot your password for your account on this site and cannot recover it.

Phone number instead of login

The phone number associated with your account can be used as additional login. To do this, on the Phone numbers page, enable the option use phone number as login.

Each phone number can become an additional login for only one account. At the same time, only one additional login can be connected for each account - only the main phone number can become such a login.

Let's say you made the number +7 987 123-45-67 an additional login. Now you can:

    Enter a phone number (only numbers, for example 79871234567) wherever you need to specify a Yandex login.

Features of mail with an additional login

To send a letter to such an address, the number can be specified in any format (without spaces) - the Mail will recognize both +79871234567@site and 89871234567@site.

Letters sent to this address will go to your Yandex.Mail mailbox. The address will stop working if you disable the additional login or unlink the number from your account.

If the phone number is transferred to another person, and the new owner connects it as an additional login, the email address will also pass to him. How to avoid this:

    If you have lost your SIM card, replace it in the salon mobile operator.

    If you have changed your number, unlink old number and link a new one on the page

There are two ways to work with email: online and offline. When you choose the online method, all your messages are stored on the server, and you can access them using the mailbox web interface. If you are using an email client, e.g. Outlook Express, then your letters are downloaded to your computer and you can access them even without the Internet.

You will need

  • - a computer connected to the Internet;
  • - email client.


  • Register a new mailbox to set up email. To do this, go to the website of any free postal system eg Select the “Create an account” link, then fill out registration form: login, password, first and last name, Secret Question(used in case you forget your password).
  • Click "Create an account." Next you will be transferred to your mailbox. To set up mail, go to “Settings”, then “POP Forwarding”, select the “Setup Instructions” option. Next, you need to select the email client that is installed on your computer and follow the instructions provided.
  • Run Outlook program Express to set up email on your computer. Go to the “Tools” menu, select the “Accounts” command, click the “Add” button, then select the “Mail” option. Enter the name that will appear in your emails in the “Short Name” field, click “Next”. In the next window, enter your full email address ([email protected]) in the “Email Address” form field.
  • Enter the following address - in the "Incoming message server" option, and the outgoing mail server address - in the "Outgoing message server" field, click "Next" to continue setting up the email box. Enter your username, including the part of the account name, then fill out the field called “Password” and click “Next.”
  • Click on the “Done” button, select the “ Account", select the line there, click on the "Properties" button, go to the "Advanced" tab, check the box next to "Connect via secure connection" Next, go to the “Servers” tab, check the box next to the “User Authentication” option.
  • Click OK. The mail setup on your computer is complete. Similar instructions for other email clients can be found at
  • Email is necessary for full use of the Internet. An email address is a kind of personal identifier on the Internet. To register with most services and resources on the network, you will need to specify your own mailbox. Moreover, this convenient way for organizing business or personal correspondence.

    There are plenty of email services, so creating an email for your own needs is not difficult. The whole procedure will not take more than five minutes, and you can create it in any service absolutely free. The opportunities that having your own email account opens up are difficult to underestimate. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to create email on the four main services.

    To get started, you will need a email, or rather the service’s start page. In the upper left corner there will be a login form, at the bottom of which there is a link “Registration by mail”.

    Clicking on it will redirect the user to a page with a form to fill out.

    This is the most time-consuming stage of registration, but even it will not take more than five minutes. For successful creation mailbox you will need to enter the following data:

    1. A name that can be either real or arbitrary. Nick will do too;
    2. The surname can also be either real or fictitious;
    3. Date of birth in day/month/year format;
    4. It is not necessary to indicate your city of residence;
    5. But gender must be clearly defined;
    6. At this point you need to come up with a name for the mailbox or select it from the proposed options;
    7. Create a password and confirm it is correct. For temporary boxes A simple password will do. For regulars, it is better to choose a reliable combination;
    8. Selecting a means to restore access to the mailbox. This can be either an additional mailbox or a mobile phone number. The second option is more reliable, but will require SMS confirmation. However, the item is not required;
    9. Additional mailbox to restore access;
    10. Button that completes registration.

    Subsequent login to your email will be carried out using the data and points 6 and 7.

    The minimum required form filling looks something like this:

    After clicking the “Finish” button, you will be asked to enter a code confirming that the user is a human and not a robot.

    After this, the user will be redirected to his own mailbox. When you first open the mailbox, the system will prompt you to add additional addresses, customize your signature and upload your avatar. Also presets Allows you to choose a theme mail page and download the mobile application.

    Ready email box on it looks something like this (you can select a topic in the corresponding menu bar item at the top of the page):

    How to send an email

    Before sending an email, you will need to know the recipient's email address and there are four steps left:

    1. Click “Write a letter”;
    2. Enter the recipient's address and indicate the subject of the letter. The subject is not required, but its presence will make it easier to navigate the abundance of correspondence;
    3. Write the body of the message. The “attach file” button allows you to add a document, image or other file to the letter;
    4. By clicking “Send” the letter will be delivered to the recipient.

    Creating a Address

    The sign-up process for Gmail isn't much different from any other email service. However, all the nuances will be revealed in detailed instructions. So, the first thing you need to do is open the service’s start page and click one of the “Create an account” buttons.

    After this, you will be redirected to a page with a form to fill out.

    The email requires you to enter the following information:

    1. The first and last name can be either real or a pseudonym;
    2. Gmail, unlike, does not offer options for the name of the mailbox, so you will have to use your imagination;
    3. Standard procedure for selecting and confirming a password;
    4. Field for entering date of birth;
    5. Gender Determination Form;
    6. Data for restoring access. The field is optional, but it will be useful if the password is lost or attackers intercept access to the mailbox;
    7. Humanity confirmation code;
    8. Selecting your country of residence. You can specify any country;
    9. Privacy Policy Agreement. Without it, it is impossible to create an address;
    10. Confirmation of form submission.

    The minimally completed form looks something like this:

    After submitting the completed form, the system prompts you to create an account on Google+. This is an optional item, you can refuse it by clicking “No”. If you need it, you will need to click “Create Profile”. You can edit the created profile from the mailbox page.

    After creating/rejecting a profile on Google+, you will receive a heartfelt congratulations and the opportunity to go directly to your inbox. Actually, this completes the email registration.

    Before you start working with mail, a small presentation will pop up, which you can scroll through completely, important information it does not contain.

    This is where creation ends. The address is activated and completely ready for use.

    Sending emails

    Sending the first letter is not difficult:

    1. Click “write a letter”;
    2. Fill in the addressee and subject fields;
    3. Actually, write the body of the letter;
    4. Send it to the recipient using the button of the same name.

    When clicked, you will be redirected to a form to fill out registration data. Yandex email, by the way, has the shortest registration form.

    It will require you to provide personal information:

    1. First and last name. Whether they are real or fictitious makes no difference;
    2. Choose a login that will also be the personal name of the mailbox;
    3. Select a password, the system shows its level of reliability (information from this and previous points will be needed to log into your email);
    4. Provide a mobile phone number to link your account and the possibility of restoring it;
    5. If you don’t have a phone number or don’t want to indicate it, then you can get by with a security question;
    6. Actually, get a mailbox.

    The next step is to confirm “humanity” with the help of special code.

    Creating a mailbox on Yandex is the fastest of all listed. After entering the special code, the box is ready for use.

    Creating and sending a letter

    Sending an email from the address you just created is also easy. Just click the “Write” button, fill in the addressee, subject and body fields of the letter and click “Send”. For convenience, the last button is duplicated at the top of the letter editing window.

    Creating an address on Rambler

    Starting to create an email address on Rambler is no different from others postal services. Rambler is a resource with big amount services and services, but in in this case you need a postal service, or rather a small “Create mail” button located on it.

    The second step begins with assigning (1) and confirming (2) a password. Restoring access using a mobile phone is not provided on Rambler, so the main security measure is a security question (3), the secret answer (4) to which only the direct owner of the mailbox knows.

    As an additional security measure, you can specify a backup mailbox (5) to which a letter will be sent to restore access. But this measure is optional, so new address you can create without it. After this, you will need to indicate your gender (6), then your date of birth (7). Last step– entering control characters confirming that the user is human. Then all that remains is to confirm your registration (9).

    General information

    All of the above services are free email, the use of which is not limited by anyone.

    In order not to remember which email address is on a particular service, you can use auto-filling of forms. This is indicated by a “tick” in the “remember me” line, which is located in the email login form.

    Create your own email

    Hello. In this post we will discuss in detail how creating an email is completely free.

    In general, let's set up a mailbox on the Internet. It is needed to receive and send letters. It is very convenient and quick way correspondence with the right person or company at any distance.

    So, let's start creating mail

    We will create it using everything known search service, that is, on Yandex. This is the largest Russian (Russian) search service, he is completely reliable and nothing bad can be said about his services.

    Also, in addition to the fact that you will receive free email, you will also have access to storage space for files on Yandex. This is the so called cloud storage files, but more on that later.

    Go to the website, in your browser, since I’m in Belarus, I have it at, there’s no difference.

    So we came in. In the upper right corner we see a form for logging into mail.

    Since we are not registered here yet, it means we cannot log in.

    We need to click “create a box” - click here.

    We get to the registration page, here you need to enter your name, for us it is Dmitry, last name Vasiliev, login - any of your choice, only in English letters, you will also be offered an option or you can simply write down your mobile number here.

    Next is your mobile phone number (this is very important, it is advisable to enter it, because if you lose your password or your mailbox is stolen, you can easily restore it from your phone; they don’t charge you money for this).

    If you do not want or are not able to specify a phone number, then you will be asked to specify additionally Secret word. In my case, this is my favorite movie character.

    Click - create mail. Plus, in my case, a message then appeared to enter verification characters (you may not have one), enter it and click continue.

    That's it, we created an email inbox in just a few minutes. Now you can use it freely.

    At the top left is a block that lists incoming and outgoing letters; to view them, click on them.

    To write a letter, you need to click “write”, as in the image below:

    At first it will be a little unusual and incomprehensible, but a few days of practice and you will be able to use mail as quickly and easily as possible.

    Now about the bonus from Yandex - cloud storage

    To the right of the “letters” tab there is a “disk” tab - this is 10 gigabytes free space here you are provided as a Yandex user.

    You can upload any files up to 10 GB in size here for storage. It is very comfortable:

    • You can view them from anywhere you have Internet
    • Reliable storage, downloaded files will never be lost

    This is how we created an email quickly and easily. Plus we received a huge bonus in the form of free space on the Internet where you can safely store any files.

    That's all, thanks for your attention. Ask questions in the comments.