Restores the express panel to its previous form. How to set up and save Opera's express panel


The latest versions of the Office software package (2007 and 2010) from Microsoft use panel menu, which is located at the top of the application window and is called “Ribbon”. If you do not see this in Word, Excel, Power Point and others panel, move the cursor to the upper left part of the window in the area with the “Save”, “Cancel input”, “Repeat input” buttons.

Click on the icon on the far right with the arrow pointing down. In the menu that opens, click the last item: “Collapse Ribbon.” The response to this action will be the appearance of the main panel in your usual place.

If you are "lost" panel bookmarks, which is also located at the top of the window as a separate menu bar, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B – panel bookmarks will appear immediately. The same action can be performed by clicking on the wrench icon, and then selecting the menu items “Bookmarks” and “Show” panel bookmarks."

In the Opera browser any panel, which the developers placed at the top of the window, can be hidden and displayed again using the appropriate command. The list of commands can be accessed by clicking the Opera button in the upper left corner of the window. Select “Toolbars” from the menu and check the box next to the one you need panel yu (addresses, tabs, etc.) to restore it in the working application window.

If you have a Firefox browser, you can restore or hide any menu bar by clicking the Firefox button and selecting Settings. And Internet Explorer users just need to right-click in a free area of ​​the bookmarks bar and check the box in the context menu panel that needs to be restored.

Key software product gives you access to its full and legal use. You should not lose it, since recovery may become problematic due to the lack of registration on the developer’s website.

You will need

  • - Internet connection.


Find the software key product on the packaging from its carrier. Usually it is written on a special sticker or on one of the packaging elements, for example, in booklets included with the disc. Also, sometimes the software license code is written on special stickers glued to the computer system unit or the back wall of the case.

If you have lost the software package product along with its license key, use a special program to view its code, but in this case its distribution must be installed on your computer. There are a lot of programs for viewing keys; choose among them the one that meets your needs. They mainly differ in additional functions, for example, storing keys in the program memory, printing it, and so on.

Find out the software code product by accessing the user account that was created during registration. This function is not available for every program, but if it is available, try to use it so that in the future, if you lose your license key, you will receive timely assistance in restoring it.

When using licensed software, copy all the codes into a separate file and save it on a removable drive; in the future, this will reduce your time searching for the necessary information, for example, when reinstalling software or the entire operating system.

If you lose your license key, also contact technical support to find out options for restoring it; it is quite possible that developers use special methods for storing information about software users product registered in their system or having confirmation of payment for the goods.

Helpful advice

Register programs on manufacturers' websites.

To store the addresses of the pages of the necessary sites, almost all modern web surfing programs - browsers - use “ Panel bookmarks" Its advantage over, for example, the “Express Panel” or “Favorites” is that these links are always present on the tap and one click is enough to go to it. This panel in the application interface can be removed or restored as desired.


In the Opera browser, in order to return the previously hidden " Panel bookmarks", expand the menu - press the Alt key or click on the button with the stylized Opera symbol. Open the “Toolbars” section and press the “P” key or click on the line “ Panel bookmarks" As a result of this action, the desired element of the browser interface will return to its place, under the address bar.

In Internet Explorer, “Panels” bookmarks"no, but there is" Panel chosen one." To return it to display, right-click the application window title and select the line “ Panel chosen one." The same item is also available in the “Panels” section of the “View” section in the browser menu - you can use this feature as well.

In Google Chrome, through the context menu of the application window, you can only disable this panel, and the easiest way to return it is to use hotkeys - press the combination Ctrl + Shift + B and it will return. The menu that opens by clicking on the icon with the image of a wrench also contains a link to this command. To use it, go to the “Bookmarks” section and select the line “Always show panel bookmarks».

Mozilla Firefox has very similar mechanisms to Internet Explorer for enabling the display of the “Panel bookmarks" And here, right-clicking on the window title opens a context menu with the desired command - select the line “ Panel bookmarks" And a duplicate of this line is placed in the same menu section as in Internet Explorer - “View”. Open it, go to the “Toolbars” section and select “ Panel bookmarks».

Recover something accidentally deleted or lost as a result of the harmful effects of viruses express- panel Opera browser can be installed either automatically, using the Opera link tool, or manually.


Activate the Opera Link feature, which prevents the loss of bookmarks and allows you to restore the lost browser express bar. To do this, call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and go to “All Programs”. Launch the Opera browser and expand the “File” menu in the top service bar of the application window. Specify the “Synchronize” command and apply the checkboxes in the desired options fields.

Create a new account. To do this, fill out all fields of the registration form and click the “Login” button. After this, all browser bookmarks and the Opera express bar can be restored at any time by activating the Opera Link function.

Restore the express panel manually. To do this, call the browser configurator: opera:config#Sync Client State Speed ​​Dial. Change the values ​​of the Sync Client State Speed ​​Dial and Sync Client State Speed ​​Dial 2 parameters to 0 and click the “Save” button.

Enter the value opera:config#Sync Last Used into the browser configurator and change the value of the Sync Last Used parameter also to 0. Confirm the application of the changes made by clicking the “Save” button.

Use an alternative method to recover Opera browser Express panel data manually. To do this, find the Express Panel files saved in the folder drive_name:UsersUser usernameAppDataRoamingOperaOpera and save them by creating a copy of the information on removable media or a backup disk partition.

After the express panel disappears or completely reinstalls the browser, restore the speeddial.ini file data in the specified folder from the created backup copy. Confirm the selected action by clicking the “Replace” button in the system prompt window that opens and restart the browser to apply the changes made.

Video on the topic


  • What to do if the Express Panel cells have disappeared?

Gnome's top bar restoration method is determined by the extent of changes made to the bottom bar. However, any of these methods is carried out using standard means of the system itself.


If you're making minor changes to the bottom bar or keeping the default look, here's an easier way to restore the Gnome top bar. To do this, press the Alt and F2 function keys and enter the command gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel.

Use the “Run” button and make sure the bottom bar disappears. Press the Alt and F1 function keys to display both panels in their default view. Customize your panels to suit your preferences.

If the bottom panel has undergone significant changes during operation, select a different recovery method. Call the context menu of the bottom panel by right-clicking on its free space and specify the command “Create panel" Wait for the new gray panel bar to appear at the top.

Add the necessary applets to the created panel: - custom menu bar; - notification area; - notification applet itself; - clock; - session notification applet. Arrange the added applets in a convenient way and secure them in the restored top panel.

Use an alternative method to restore the Ubuntu top bar. To do this, first call the terminal in any convenient way: - simultaneously pressing the combination of function keys Ctrl, Alt and T; - using the gnome-terminal command in the “Run Program” dialog; - selecting “Terminal” in the directory.

Type the command gconftool-2 --shutdown rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel pkill gnome-panel into the terminal text field. This command will restore the top panel Gnome as default. Use the algorithm described above to add and pin the necessary applets to panel.


  • How to Recover an Accidentally Deleted Top Bar in Ubuntu 2019

The Recycle Bin is designed to store deleted files - if you change your mind, you can easily restore them. If not, they will be automatically deleted when the trash bin is full. Sometimes there is not enough space on a hard drive partition, and the first thing the user does is clean cart. This is the right decision, because there can be nothing useful there... What if you suddenly need a file that was just deleted from the recycle bin?

The developers of my favorite browser, Opera, are doing something weird again. What are they smoking there? There was a normal, good feature: an express panel. You open it and see miniature images of your favorite sites; those who have used it know what they are talking about. So, after updating to version 11.10, the express panel was transformed. Instead of normal miniatures, it turned out to be some kind of misery: enlarged logos, not miniatures... I spat for a long time, why spoil a good thing like that? They should at least consult with someone before changing everything so radically! However, the disappointment did not last long - a way to return the old thumbnails to the express panel was found, which I will tell you about now.

Everything turned out to be quite simple. To do this, copy this line to the clipboard:


Then, open a new clean tab right in Opera (in Opera!) and paste what you copied to the clipboard into the address bar, then press Enter. As a result, the “Edit Settings” page will open in this tab and will be set to exactly the parameter we need Thumbnail Logo Score Threshold(it will be highlighted in blue). As you can see, there is a value of 75. We put the value 1000 instead.

Then, scroll this page a little lower, to the end of the settings block. There will be a “Save” button. We press it, Opera politely warns us about the need to restart, which we will do: completely close Opera and launch it again.

We open the express panel and see that nothing has changed, but this is only an appearance. We press the “F5” button in the express panel, wait until the sketches are updated and - voila, everything fell into place, as it was. Well, almost everything - for example, remains my logo, but everything else has returned.

It's simple. However, the question “What are they smoking there?” is still relevant :)

PS: This method works, but, I’m afraid, not for long: the fact is that these changes to the express panel were made for a reason:

Starting with Opera 11.10 for desktop systems, content developers have the opportunity to control how their site will look in the Express Panel cell. By default, Express Panel uses a screenshot of the site being used. Now the situation has changed and site owners themselves can specify an icon, use special CSS or certain content to display in the Express Panel cell.

So thumbnails will be available until website developers start using the above feature. is an example of this - these guys reacted instantly... It’s a pity, because personally I don’t need logos, I need smaller thumbnails of sites, I’m used to them :)

PPS: By the way, about and other sketches that did not automatically take on a normal appearance, a solution was found: right-click on the sketch, a menu pops up. Select: “Update every” - “Set interval”. Set 30 minutes and check the box “Only if the server reported that the page is out of date.” Click OK, then again right-click on the sketch and select “Update sketch”. It worked for me, again became a smaller copy of the page.

A clear confirmation of the assumption that customer preferences are stable is the Opera browser. Thanks to its speed, functionality and ease of use, it has gained great popularity all over the world. A significant contribution to this popularity was made by the express panel, which allows users to access their favorite resources and resources in one click of the mouse, without entering long website addresses. However, viruses and third-party programs can reduce this advantage to zero: one fine day you may find a blank page instead of the familiar express panel. In addition, reinstalling the operating system can change the usual appearance of the Quick Access Toolbar.

If you want to return everything to its place, then you need to study in detail how to restore the express panel in Opera.

Recovery process

To return the express panel to its place, you must first perform the following steps.

  • Open an Internet browser and go to its settings (to do this, click on the button in the upper left corner and select the “Settings” menu item in the list that appears).
  • When the window opens, make sure you are in the Browser category. If it doesn’t work out, then you should switch to this category.
  • In the “At startup” block you need to select “Open start page”.
  • Restart your Internet browser (turn the browser on and off) to make sure the express panel starts.

Restoring panel contents

The algorithm for restoring the contents of the express panel depends on the browser version. For users who monitor regular software updates, this process will not cause any trouble. The fact is that versions that have switched to the Chromium build (Opera 12 and later) have a synchronization tool, which is based on the work of the Opera Link service. To use this tool and register in the browser, you need to open the main menu, and then find the “Other tools” item. Then you need to click on the “Synchronization” item and on the newly opened page enter the parameters for restoring and saving the settings of the express panel.

If you do not follow updates, and an old version of the browser is installed on your device, then to restore the express panel you need to save the speeddial.ini file in advance. To find it, go to the directory with:\users\username\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera. Updating the file in this folder will automatically restore the contents of the Quick Access page.

Now the empty Quick Access Toolbar window will definitely not take you by surprise, and you can easily restore the functionality of your Internet browser, spending a minimum of effort and time. In addition, you can safely operate the settings, knowing that if something goes wrong, you can always return the browser to its original appearance without any problems.

The Express panel in the Opera browser is a very convenient way to organize access to the most important and frequently visited web pages. Each user can customize this tool for himself, defining its design and the list of links to sites to be placed. But, unfortunately, due to malfunctions in the browser, or due to the negligence of the user himself, the Express panel can be deleted or hidden. Let's find out how to return the Express panel in Opera.

As you know, by default, when you launch Opera, or when you open a new tab in the browser, the Express panel opens. What should you do if you opened it, but did not find the list of sites that you had been organizing for a long time, as in the illustration below?

There is an exit. We go to the settings of the Express panel, to access which just click on the gear-shaped icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the directory that opens, check the box next to “Express Panel”.

As you can see, all the bookmarks in the Express panel are back in place.

Reinstalling Opera

If the removal of the Express Panel was caused by a serious failure that resulted in corrupted browser files, then the above method may not work. In this case, the easiest and fastest option for restoring the functionality of the Express Panel will be to reinstall the computer.

Content recovery

But what should you do if, due to a failure, the contents of the Express panel are lost? In order to avoid such troubles, it is recommended to synchronize data on your computer and other devices where Opera is used with cloud storage, where you can store and synchronize bookmarks, Express Panel data, website browsing history, and much more between devices. other.

In order to be able to save Express Panel data remotely, you must first complete the registration procedure. Open the Opera menu and click on “Synchronization...”.

In the window that appears, click on the “Create account” button.

Then, a form opens where you need to enter your email address and a custom password, which must consist of at least 12 characters. After entering the data, click on the “Create account” button.

We are now registered. To synchronize with cloud storage, just click on the “Synchronization” button.

The synchronization procedure itself is carried out in the background. After its completion, you will be sure that even in the event of complete loss of data on your computer, you will be able to restore the Express Panel in its previous form.

To restore the Express panel, or to transfer it to another device, go again to the “Synchronization...” section of the main menu. In the window that appears, click on the “Login” button.

In the login form, enter the email address and password that you entered during registration. Click on the “Login” button.

After this, synchronization with cloud storage occurs, as a result of which the Express panel is restored to its previous form.

As you can see, even in the event of serious malfunctions in the browser, or a complete crash of the operating system, there are options with which you can completely restore the Express panel with all the data. To do this, you just need to take care of data safety in advance, and not after a problem occurs.

The Express panel in one of the most popular browsers, Opera, is an incredibly convenient solution for increased productivity and saving time when working in the browser. Its most useful feature is the ability to add a number of pages and sites in the form of small banners to the main page of the browser. This allows you to navigate in a matter of seconds to those sites that users place on the express panel, often these are the most important and frequently used Internet resources and pages. In this guide you will find information on how to install, configure or remove the express panel, and in case of an unplanned shutdown, restore it, as well as some additional instructions for working with the browser.

A complete guide to the Yandex express panel in the Opera browser: installation, configuration, removal

The presence of an express panel is quite a big difference between the Opera browser and other browsers, because you won’t find such built-in functionality in its analogues. In addition to windows for quick access to the sites located in them, it contains a lot of additional information, for example, current news, as well as collections of articles and materials on a variety of topics. To set up the Express Panel, follow the instructions.

Enabling the Yandex express panel

Usually the express panel in Opera is enabled by default, but if it is missing, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Opera menu, to do this, click on the icon in the very top corner of the window (it is made in the form of the Opera browser logo), there may also be the inscription “Menu”.

Step 2. In the list that opens, select the “Settings” column.

Step 3. Now pay attention to the items on the left. Expand the item called “Advanced”, and then click on the lower sub-item “Browser”.

Step 4. In the section titled “Start Page,” turn off “Hide Speed ​​Dial.”

Step 5. Now you need to select Yandex as a search engine on the Express panel. To do this, open the “Express Panel” in a new tab, then click on the logo of the search engine that is located opposite the search bar and select Yandex. For example, in the screenshot a different search engine is selected, and in order to change this, you just need to click on its name and select Yandex.

Setting up the express panel in Opera

In the Opera Express Panel, users also have the opportunity to personalize it for themselves, albeit not very extensive and detailed. You can open it like this: using a new tab, open the express panel, and next to the right edge of the window, closer to the top, there is a small round button with three sliders, and when you hover over it, the text “Easy setup” is displayed. It's there and you need it, click on it.

Now let's take a closer look at what can be configured.

  1. You can choose a theme, light or dark. Although this does not apply to the express panel, it directly affects the visual perception of the browser. Choose the one that makes you more comfortable.

  2. Below is an item that allows you to select the background image of the Express panel. It offers a fairly wide selection of preset backgrounds. You can also select the same picture as the background that is on your Windows desktop.

  3. Another section with parameters that affect the visual component of the interface of both the Express panel and the browser is “Design”. Here you can disable, or vice versa, enable such elements as displaying a panel located under the address bar, showing tips on the express panel (based on the frequency of visits, Opera itself suggests you visit some Internet pages. There is also the option to disable the display of news at the bottom express panel, and also disable docking of the browser sidebar.

Removing the Express Panel

Although there is no function to completely remove the Opera Express Panel, most of its interface elements can be removed. To do this, do the following:

Step 1. Go to the menu using the top corner icon in the form of the Opera browser logo. If you do not have the sidebar pinned, you will also see “Menu” next to the icon.

Step 2. Find and open the Settings section.

Step 3. On the left side of the page, click on “Advanced”, and then open the item called “Browser”.

Step 4. Select Hide Speed ​​Dial. Now you will not see sites previously placed in quick access windows.

You can also disable some other options here: the search field, advertising Quick Panels, and suggestions based on your browsing history. As a result, the initial page will look like this:

Restoring the express panel in Opera

The Opera browser also has the ability to restore the Express panel. This will be useful if you have reinstalled your browser, and you don’t want to lose website addresses from the Express panel, perhaps accumulated over many days or even years.

Note! Restoration will only be possible if you have enabled synchronization with your Opera account.

Enabling Sync: How to Prevent Data Loss

Cloud synchronization will allow you to save absolutely all the data created and saved while working in this account. This is all the bookmarks you have ever made, saved passwords, download and browsing histories, the contents of the express panel, as well as all your connected devices. Follow the instructions to enable syncing with your Opera account

Step 1. Use the button in the top left corner to go to the menu.

Step 2. Open the "Synchronization" column.

Step 3. A small Opera accounts menu will open. If you already have a created account, then click on “Login”, and if not, then your choice is the “Create an account!” tile.

Step 4. Then you only need to enter the specified login information or register an account. Immediately after this, synchronization will begin, which takes place automatically. You can view details of the data that was synced using this account at

Reinstalling Opera

Note! When using any program, be it a browser or something else, sometimes unexpected errors arise that cannot be corrected. In this case, you have to use the most radical way to solve the problem - reinstallation.

In order to do this correctly, follow the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1. First, you need to uninstall the old Opera browser using “Programs and Features” from the “Control Panel”. Find the desired line with Opera, and right-click on it, then click “Delete”.

Step 2. Download Opera from the official website. To do this, open the address and click “Download Now”. The installation file will be downloaded immediately.

Step 3. Install following all instructions provided by the installation program.

Video - Opera Express panel restore