All about post-click analysis. Company-wide data integration and management. Test Callbackhunter for yourself

QlikView is the Business Discovery platform for independent conduct business intelligence designed for all enterprise business users. With QlikView, you can analyze data and use the results to support decisions. The QlikView program gives you the opportunity to ask yourself questions and answer them, to independently follow the path of knowledge. QlikView software allows you and your colleagues to make decisions together.

The heart of QlikView is a proprietary software engine that generates new types of information on the fly. QlikView compresses data and stores it in memory, where it can be instantly accessed by multiple users. If the data set is too large to fit in memory, QlikView connects directly to the data source. QlikView provides associative work with all the data needed for analysis, regardless of its location. The user can choose any place to start work and any direction; The program does not have pre-configured drill paths and information panels.

After loading into the program, the data will be available in a simple and clear interface. To select items in QlikView, the user does not need to first study databases or perform search queries: simply click on the element about which you want to find out Additional information, after which the data will be automatically selected immediately and all related items will be displayed on the screen. Advanced search options - direct and indirect - allow you to search for any information and immediately receive answers to user queries.

A variety of graphs, charts and tables are available in various formats, allowing you to create the necessary data views. Different kinds, scaling, grouping and animation allow you to create a visual and understandable presentation of data. The process of creating an interface is very simple and does not require the help of IT specialists. All graphs and tables can be printed or exported to other programs for further work.

Standalone application QlikView can be used for free as a Personal Edition. Using app version QlikView Personal Edition The user has access to all QlikView features, but cannot open documents created by other users. This requires a QlikView license.

The QlikView product family also includes Server and , which are designed for centralized management QlikView applications for automatic update and sending documents to multiple users. Documents published to the QlikView server can be accessed using various clients, including a plugin for Internet Explorer, AJAX Zero Footprint, and several mobile clients such as iPhone, iPad, and devices Android based and RIM.

Test drive Qlik

You can try out all the features of Qlik yourself, including using your own data. Send us a request to the address and we will answer any of your questions and provide you with a FULL FUNCTIONAL version of Qlik for studying and testing on your data.

The FB Consult company offers you unique opportunity Test the full-featured next-generation business intelligence platform QlikView for free on your data to understand how it suits you.

Let's imagine this: you have created a new website for your business and launched an advertising campaign that ensures a steady flow of visitors. By assessing the ratio of costs and profits, you can draw conclusions about the payback of the advertising campaign. However, you will not be able to simply determine whether your resource is visited exclusively by the target audience. It is also impossible to analyze the effectiveness of all advertisements separately in order to understand which ones attract the most potential clients, and some are simply wasting your money.

Online business owners often spend great amount efforts and resources to attract users who are not at all interested in their products (services), instead of systematically improving interaction with the target audience that has already “responded.” Post-click analysis allows you to find ways to bring both the entire site and a separate advertising campaign in line with the needs of visitors. This results in an increase in sales volumes.

What is post-click analysis?

Post-click analytics is based on collecting detailed data about the audience that has already been attracted to your website through banner ads. mailing list and other advertising methods. The ultimate goals of post-click analysis are to increase conversions and ensure accurate targeting target audience.

1. Post-click analysis tasks

Post-click analytics should be carried out on on a regular basis, because only in this case does it allow you to monitor the dynamics of changes, adjusting the strategy if necessary. Deep post-click analysis will help answer at least 10 important questions:

  1. How many users visited your site?
  2. What is their age, gender, what regions are they from?
  3. What advertising sources attracted them to your resource and how many? useful actions did they generate?
  4. From which channels does the most “high-quality” audience come to the resource, which advertising brings more profit?
  5. How does the audience behave? Which pages (sections) interest visitors, and from which ones do they leave your site?
  6. What is the “depth” of visits – how long do users stay on your site, how many transitions do they make?
  7. How to optimize an advertising campaign to spend your budget efficiently?
  8. How much money do you spend to attract one client?
  9. For which specific key queries can bids be reduced, and for which ones, on the contrary, should they be raised to increase the number of targeted actions? What other phrases would you like to include in your campaign?
  10. Is your website attractive to the audience, is its interface user-friendly?

Using post-click analysis, you can also determine whether your website visitors are taking the targeted actions you want. Exactly what actions depend on the features, as well as the basic sales model. This could be an application for a service, entering personal data in the appropriate form, subscribing to your newsletter, downloading content from a resource, reading posts, writing comments and, of course, making a purchase.

By analyzing the behavior patterns of potential customers, you can better understand their needs and make the necessary adjustments: change the navigation, redesign the main menu, or choose a different marketing promotion method. For example, you may prefer display advertising, but your company could be more productive in interacting with social media audiences.

Application: 5 main steps

  1. Before you start post-click analysis of the resource, decide on the desired target actions of the audience. This could be registration, filling out an application or subscription, downloading a price list, going to specific pages, etc.
  2. Install and configure Google Analytics and/or Yandex.Metrica for correct calculation and display of information about visitors.
  3. Start collecting data. We recommend monitoring the indicators you are interested in throughout the entire advertising campaign, tracking changes. The optimal period for data collection is more than 2 weeks.
  4. Analyze the information received. Identify the most effective channels attracting customers, the most productive advertising sources and key queries. Analyze compliance landing pages audience expectations, calculate conversion for each source, determine average cost target action.
  5. Adjust your strategy. Conclude in what ways you can change your advertising strategy to reduce the cost of attracting an audience. Implement your plan.

Post-click analysis technologies

The word post is translated from English as “after,” so post-click analytics focuses on the actions taken by the audience who clicked on the landing page. To collect this information we use different technologies. The most commonly used services are Internet statistics, event trackers, user profiles in applications and social networks, as well as cookies.

1. Web statistics services

In most cases, post-click analysis is carried out using free Internet statistics counters Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica. With their help, you can obtain all the necessary data about the traffic and behavior of visitors to your resource (how long they stay on the site, which pages they visit, from which sources they come, etc.). Both services are very functional and allow you to set dozens of goals to analyze audience actions.

2. Cookies

A cookie is a small text document that has unique identificator. When you visit a particular site, the server exchanges it with your browser. Using information from cookies, you can determine the time and number of visits specific person, a list of pages he viewed, the resource from which he came to the site, etc. Cookies do not last long (most often less than 1 month), then they are automatically deleted.

Users can independently delete cookies from their PC (manually or in the browser settings section). But given that they contain data valuable for analysis, developers are inventing more and more “cunning” ways to store information and track the audience. We are talking about flash-cookies, ever-cookies and other files, to remove which the user will have to work hard. Why are cookies so important? They allow website owners not to lose contact with their audience.

3. Event trackers

Event Tracking is deep customization Internet tracking. Such services record events specified by the site owner regarding the interaction of the audience with various elements of the resource. For example, with pressing menu keys, playing video files through a flash player, downloading data, etc.

Each event is “tied” to specific elements of the page interface that the site owner wants to monitor. Google service Analytics constantly monitors visitor behavior and displays up-to-date statistics on audience interaction with the site. By using an object-oriented model, information is collected and grouped for each element separately.

4. Social networks

If a user goes to an advertiser’s resource by clicking on a banner ad on social networks or an application, the latter usually receives some personal information. Thus, an advertiser can learn about a person’s age, gender, location, hobbies, place of work and other data, which can subsequently be used to calibrate a targeting campaign.

Post-click analytics as an online marketing tool

Focusing on the actions of people who have already visited your page allows you to optimize your landing page to meet the requirements of your target audience and increase conversion rates.

In addition, with the help of web analytics, you can find problems in the structure and functionality of the resource, the location of navigation elements, fine-tune the display of advertising, create new strategies and calculate ROI.

When you have collected enough data using post-click analysis, you can move on to the next stage. It involves development Landing page and CTAs tailored to a specific advertisement, key query. Thanks to them, visitors do not have to explore the entire resource to find a product that interests them.

And if a user performs a conversion action (registers, subscribes to a newsletter, makes a purchase, etc.), cookies and targeting methods will help return him to your site in the future.

1. Post-click and PPA marketing

Post-click analytics is also in demand in PPA marketing (pay for actions). It allows you to track first-time visitors specific page by clicking on a link or ad posted on an advertising platform.

The pay-per-action method is a more rational method of allocating the advertising campaign budget compared to pay-per-click. First of all, because it allows you to prevent spending money on random clicks, “boosted” or low-quality traffic. That is, the advertiser pays exclusively for actions that are beneficial to him. Considering that less than 2% of the audience becomes leads or buyers, a similar accounting measure is used for settlements with intermediary advertising platforms.

In the case when on the first visit landing page the user does not perform the agreed actions (making a purchase, registering, etc.), upon further transitions he will in any case be classified as clients who passed through the initial advertisement. Special cookies are responsible for storing this information.

Points to remember

Despite its apparent simplicity, the use of post-click analytics has its own nuances. Let's mention some of them.

Landing pages how to correctly, irrationally analyze through the prism different sources. In most cases, they only have artificially “driven” advertising traffic, so identifying the ideal target audience can be difficult. Therefore, the main parameter by which the effectiveness of landing pages should be assessed is the conversion of visits into applications. Interestingly, indicators such as viewing depth and time spent on the site also do not play a special role for Landing pages.

Post-click analysis cannot calculate ROI for media traffic. Despite the fact that it has a greater impact on increasing awareness and building brand image, it is difficult to assess the direct contribution of media advertising to company profits.

It is important to understand that perfect conversion does not exist as such. Let’s say the conversion rate of your resource is 3%, and that of competitors’ websites that ordered a landing page from the same company as you is 5%. But this is not a reason to be upset. A dry comparison of numbers will not help to clearly assess the profitability of the current advertising campaign specifically for your business. It is better to strive not to achieve a certain conversion rate, but to constantly improve a number of key parameters of the advertising campaign.

Finally, we’ll give you some important advice. Gender, age, and especially the hobbies of resource visitors, indicated in the reports of any Internet analytics system, can only be relied upon for advertising in the system from the same service. In other words, if the highest quality audience for your site is according to Google Analytics are women 18-25 years old who are interested in active sports, then target this category of users in Google AdWords. At the same time, Yandex.Direct may not be included in it: in this service, you should use Yandex.Metrica data for targeting settings for the same parameters. Despite all the efforts of developers, search engines still guess gender, age and interests with significant errors.

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The purpose of this article is to give an idea of ​​how QlikView works for those who are just starting to work with this product, or for those who want to understand what this thing is.

The description covers only the most basic operations and is not a complete description of the functionality of QlikView. Examples and screenshots were taken using the desktop client version 9 of QlikView Personal Edition. More early version 8.5 or more later version 10.0 are not significantly different from it, although naturally more latest versions have additional functionality.

What is QlikView

QlikView is analytical software from the category business intelligence (business analytics), which allows users who do not have special technical skills to independently generate reports and analyze information about the activities of their enterprise in a variety of aspects, regardless of in which accounting systems of the enterprise this information is stored (1 C , Axapta, Access, Excel, Oracle, SAP, SQL Server etc.).

Thanks to the use of the in-memory operating principle, in which all data is stored in random access memory, QlikView demonstrates very high performance, often times and tens of times superior to relational or multidimensional DBMSs on which traditional BI tools rely (for example, BusinessObjects, Cognos, Microstrategy, Oracle BI, etc.). At the same time, in-memory imposes restrictions on the amount of data analyzed, since it is impossible to analyze more data than is loaded into RAM in QlikView.

To understand how to build applications in QlikView, it is worth paying attention to three fundamental differences between QlikView and traditional BI systems:

  • Representation of data in the form of an associative model
  • Processing queries in RAM instead of using relational DBMSs
  • Highly interactive user interface

Associative data model

The associative data model consists of tables linked by key fields. The association model is created dynamically when data is loaded into QlikView, and fields with the same names are associated with each other. When a user selects a value in one table, all associated values ​​in other tables are automatically selected. For example, for the model presented below, when selecting a client, all orders made by this client are automatically selected, since the orders table is linked (associated) with the clients table. But since the orders table is also connected (associated) with the goods table, then in addition to all orders of this client All products purchased by this client are automatically selected. And vice versa - when selecting a product, all orders where this product appears, and all customers who made these orders, and therefore bought this product, are automatically selected. The associative model does not require pre-defined analysis paths (drill-down). It allows you to start data analysis from any place in the model in any direction.
The associative model allows you to link several tables at once using one field with same name. Every two tables can be related by only one field, to avoid ambiguity in the associative relationship. If it is necessary to link two or more tables using several fields at once, it is necessary to form an additional field as a key, by combining or hashing the fields.

Data processing in RAM (in-memory technology)

The second fundamental difference between QlikView is its own proprietary data processing engine, which processes all data in RAM. Thanks to this, the speed of performing analytical calculations is tens and hundreds of times higher than traditional relational DBMSs, since there are no disk I/O operations, which are traditionally the bottleneck in the performance of analytical systems. When data is loaded into RAM, it is compressed several times, so the data in memory takes up less space than in the source systems. For large amounts of data, it is advisable to use a 64-bit platform.

The associative data model physically represents tables loaded entirely from source systems into RAM using a special SQL-like QlikView load script, user-created. Tables can be loaded from different sources - for example, one table from a relational DBMS, the second from text file, the third from Excel, etc. Once tables are loaded into memory and linked, QlikView does not care about the data source. The downloaded data can be saved to disk along with the QlikView application (report). When the user opens this application (report), the data is re-loaded into RAM without re-extracting it from the source systems. If necessary, re-extracting (updating) data from source systems (restarting the boot script) can be done manually by the user, or automatically according to a schedule.

Republication from with permission of the author (Dmitry Gudkov)



Qlik® View. Small investments in effective solutions

The QlikView analytics system is based on the Business Discovery platform. Allows you to make accurate decisions based on various sources information. Users can create and share knowledge visualizations both within a department and across an organization. With Business Discovery, you can ask questions to the system yourself – and get answers in minutes.

Among the advantages: the ability to access from any device, prompt creation and modification of analytical applications. The main task is to achieve ideal interaction between employees, adopt operational and effective solutions

Why QlikView?

The market for analytical system manufacturers is crowded. But most representatives of the business class and IT choose QlikView. The choice is dictated by 3 factors, the combination of which creates a truly unique position in the market.

  • associative possibilities. The system is easy to use thanks to intuitive control, adaptation to business needs and prompt changes;
  • the basic principle of QlikView;
  • ease of platform integration.

The platform provides the opportunity to process information and make discoveries in order to search and find conceptually new, non-standard solutions business issues. The main difference between QlikView is that it filters data based on associations. The user searches, interacts with dashboards and has access to all analytical functions from any device.

Thanks to thoughtful color gradients, the user perceives all the information on the screen in a comprehensive manner. Selected fields are marked in green. Gray – values ​​not related to the choice. For example, when requesting “Belarus candies,” the system instantly highlights all data related to given values and separately – having no associations. The result is new knowledge and innovative discoveries. For example, it may turn out that every year in July and December the sale of sweets to Belarus falls, and therefore it is necessary to find out the reasons for the situation.
Thanks to special technology, you often obtain unusual knowledge that is not available with the traditional approach of analytical systems. Business Discovery Platform:

  • customized to the users' thinking. The user views and analyzes data, searches and finds answers in the ways that are most convenient for him;
  • offers powerful capabilities for finding unrelated metrics. The user sees not only interrelated data, but also information that does not have any associative connections;
  • supports indirect search. It is enough to enter a set of words in any order to instantly get an associative series of data. For example, if you need to find a manager for PC supplies to the CIS countries, whose name the user cannot remember, then just enter “CIS PC” into the search bar to find a specialist;
  • accepts questions from anyone in a convenient way. For example, you can circle the required indicators in a chart, graph or map, or find the desired field value in the list. During the search process, you can make refinements by clicking on fields to select additional data in connection with new questions.

Core QlikView technology

QlikView is the first in-memory business intelligence system. This solution reduces response time for users. Associative search has a significant impact on the productivity of each employee and the entire company as a whole. The QlikView platform differs from competitive products in the following advantages:

  • storing data for a large number of users with a guarantee of instant response. The platform uploads all the information that will help you better analyze the situation and find faster right decisions. The results of calculations are also saved, and with a similar request from another user, they are reproduced on the screen;
  • automatic support of associations thanks to visual highlighting. Users easily move data up, down and sideways to explore information from the desired angle;
  • instant calculation of aggregated information. Data is displayed as the user enters queries and selects values ​​- “on the fly”;
  • data compression up to 10% through the use of hash tables. For example, the “month” field has 12 possible values ​​- and all of them are stored in memory once, regardless of the number of times they are used in various sources. Thus, it is released a large number of memory without significant investment in hardware;
  • optimization of processor resources. Computations are distributed across all available cores.

Automatic association management

Traditional analytical applications allow you to create applications that provide the user with the functionality of associative links. That is, the user can click on any field and circle the desired values ​​in charts and graphs using filters to identify associations. But to implement such a feature, a huge amount of time and resources will be required to manually program all the necessary associations. If required new source information, you will have to contact the developer again to encode the necessary associations manually.

QlikView automatically processes the data. Neither users nor developers are required to manage associations. The transition from creation to a refined model occurs very quickly. On average, QlikView users need 1 day, while in the field of other analytical systems it takes 3.5 days to implement their plans.

Your investment pays off quickly

When implementing QlikView, IT departments have a role in data collection and delivery necessary information, as well as control over system security. They don't need to create anymore information models and develop reports without other departments having to wait for them.

The return on investment for the Business Discovery platform is much faster than that of traditional analytics systems. In the latter case, the IT department spends months (in some cases years) creating dashboards and reports that meet user requirements, and as they are used, they steadily make changes, which also takes a significant amount of time. This is a capacious and lengthy process.

With Business Discovery, system integration and configuration is much faster. Thanks to the advantages of the system, its customers quickly recoup their investments with lower implementation costs. According to statistics, the cost of QlikView different users were the lowest among best-in-class business intelligence solutions. QlikView gives you all the capabilities you need in one comprehensive product. This is an economical and practical solution that quickly pays for itself.

Qlik® Sense. Adaptability. Interaction. Result

Qlik Sense is a next-generation analytics system that allows you to visualize business information yourself.
The program is intuitive to use, allowing any user to create flexible, interactive visual representations. The system operates on the basis of QIX associative data indexing – Qlik technology. This mechanism increases your capabilities:

Who is Qlik Sense suitable for?

The new generation analytical system is designed to improve the productivity of each employee of the company, regardless of the principle of his work and specialization. You don’t need a lot of time to study the program – the principle of operation is intuitive for everyone.

IT departments no longer have to work at the expense of productivity and manageability. Wide range of possibilities Qlik Sense is interesting to everyone: after all, some need to regularly analyze the data flow, while others need to work with the results of the analysis.

At the heart of Qlik Sense is a responsive and intelligent HTML5 client that lets you quickly explore and extract information. key points. Each section of the system is designed in such a way that working with data is carried out intuitively.

Finding answers

The user can ask a question in any convenient way, using natural methods of interaction without restrictions. The system instantly responds to every request, corrects analysis results and provides new relationships. For better visualization mechanism uses colors:

  • green – selected data;
  • white – information related to the request;
  • gray – unused data.

This allows the user to fill gaps in analysis that other systems cannot do.

Smart Search

Thanks to deep intelligent search, the user finds necessary information using keywords. The engine automatically provides measurements relevant to the search intent.

If you enter several values, then in addition to the dimensions themselves, the system shows how the required indicators are related;

  • organizes the results according to the importance of associative knowledge.

Thanks to this, the user gets access to knowledge in a minute, regardless of the location of the information.

Intelligent Data Visualization

The new generation analytical system is equipped with innovative methods for meaningful data transfer. These methods have the following capabilities:

  • expanded synthesis of information;
  • color gradients that simplify perception;
  • thoughtful design that adapts the presentation to the screen size;
  • the ability to respond to context changes in any area of ​​the application.

The most clear visual perception allows you to find solutions on the surface.

Building applications for end users

Company employees no longer have to wait for reports and lose productivity due to their delay. With Qlik Sense, they can create analytics applications themselves. There is no need to configure relationships and complex SQL queries - just move the required object. The application is developed in stages. The employee himself chooses the required level of complexity. Data libraries improve the accuracy of data processing. It is possible to download and combine your own indicators from several sources.

The main advantage of Qlik Sense is the ability to share analytics and collectively find solutions both in the office and remotely. Guided by Qlik Sense, the team communicates easily and quickly finds optimal solutions. Depending on the functionality and specifics of the department, the application provides required content. Users quickly find the data they need and share the latest analytical results with colleagues.

Interactive presentations create a “narrative” story, filled with descriptions and graphics. If necessary, the system conveys the essence various points view, creating multiple stories. When the team discusses a certain situation, questions may arise. The system will also be able to answer them. Thus, the speed of decision making reaches its maximum.

Work on mobile devices

Qlik Sense is the ability to work and analyze data at any time, on any mobile device, using the entire arsenal of functions. This is convenient thanks to:

  • intuitive interface;
  • responsive design that adjusts views to fit the screen size.

Now you can solve urgent problems, wherever you are at the time!

Company-wide data integration and management

The system is customized according to the individual needs of users. Qlik Sense contains a set of standard and open interfaces APIs that create powerful analytical applications and integrate visualization tools into existing solutions. To use them, you don’t need any special knowledge—it’s enough to understand HTML5, JavaScript, and .NET technologies.

The system provides powerful integration capabilities:

  • employees easily remove, transform and combine multiple disparate sources without using additional tools or external storage;
  • easily connect to most data sources (incl. spreadsheets, ERP systems and Internet resources);
  • integrate information from constantly changing sources " great content» without loading data into RAM.
  • Qlik Sense offers a set of strategic solutions for integration into the information and analytical sphere. Besides ready-made applications business users can create do-it-yourself analysis programs.

Thus, when searching for solutions, you can use any information data, analyzing it in a convenient way.

Control and productivity at the corporate level

Qlik Sense enhances your experience corporate organizations. There are now features not available in traditional visualization tools.

Management Console – QMC – a central place to manage and control all aspects of work analytical system. It is equipped large set resource and content configuration settings. The console is adaptive and supports touch control, thanks to which control is carried out from any device.

Qlik Sense provides reliable protection all product components. The administrator can manually set security settings, allowing access to certain elements for different departments and employees. Data consistency and analytical accuracy are ensured across the company through centralized libraries. By consistently reducing the volume of data, the most precise control over indicators is achieved, down to the row and column.

The flexible scaling architecture allows you to integrate and expand the system in other geographic regions. The mechanism is equipped with an integration management console that provides quick setup local and cloud infrastructures. This improves system performance and efficiency. A large number of employees can work in Qlik Sense at the same time without any impact on productivity. Qlik Sense is highest performance among analytical systems.