The top panel has disappeared from the mozilla. How to restore a panel in Mozilla

is the name of new versions of the browser, starting with 57.0, which introduced an updated interface and many other changes.

Unfortunately, with the introduction of new things, sometimes some old functionality changes or is removed. This is what Mozilla did with the Download button on the Firefox toolbar.

Bringing back the “Download” button

Previously, the Downloads button was always visible in the toolbar, but now it only appears when the browser is downloading something. Otherwise it stays.

In fact, Mozilla applied a new "Auto-Hide" attribute to the button to hide it until the user wants to download something using the browser.

To add the “Downloads” button back to the toolbar, you need to do a simple manipulation of the settings.

  1. Right-click on the toolbar or tab bar and select the option Personalization" The toolbar settings window will open.
  2. The Downloads button is already present in the Firefox toolbar. Click on it with the left mouse button and you will see a pop-up menu “ Auto hide" The checkbox is enabled by default.

Next update Mozilla Firefox brought major changes to the interface, adding special button menu that hides the main sections of the browser. Today we will talk about how this panel can be configured.

Express panel – special menu Mozilla Firefox, in which the user can quickly navigate to the desired section of the browser. By default, this panel allows you to quickly go to browser settings, open history, launch the browser in full screen, and much more. Depending on the user's requirements, unnecessary buttons from this express panel can be removed by adding new ones.

How to set up the Express Panel in Mozilla Firefox?

1. Open the Express Panel by clicking on the browser menu button. In the lower area of ​​the window, click the button "Change" .

2. The window will be divided into two parts: in the left area there are buttons that can be added to the express panel, and in the right area, accordingly, the express panel itself.

3. To remove from the express panel extra buttons, hold down the unnecessary button with the mouse and drag it to the left area of ​​the window. Exactly the opposite happens when adding buttons to the express panel.

4. Below is a button "Show/Hide Panels" . By clicking on it, you can control two panels on the screen: the menu bar (appears in the very top area of ​​the browser, containing the buttons “File”, “Edit”, “Tools”, etc.), as well as the bookmarks bar (under the address bar browser bookmarks will be located).

By spending a few minutes setting up the Express Panel, you can completely personalize Mozilla Firefox to your tastes, making your browser a little more convenient.

The disappearance or accidental uninstallation of the bookmarks area can cause certain difficulties when searching for resources from the user. Therefore, in order to avoid such difficulties, you need to know how to restore the panel in Mozilla.

The bookmarks bar is missing

Most users of the Mozilla Firefox browser often pin links to resources that interest them immediately below the input line. The location in the upper area allows you to quickly find the necessary link and follow it. However, in certain cases, the link line may disappear, which actually causes confusion among many users.

Often the disappearance occurs due to accidental uninstallation. However, in Mozilla browser provided for this case backup. To return an area with links previously added to it, you must:

  1. Click the button at the top of the browser (details can be seen in the image below).
  2. In the list that pops up, find the words “show all bookmarks” and click on it.
  3. Click LMB on the “import and backups” item.
  4. Point the arrow at the words “select version”.
  5. After the auxiliary list appears, click on the recovery archive from the required date.

Using this method, you can restore from a Firefox archive or change lost data to new links if the old ones are no longer relevant for the user.

Besides, this method helps to save not only from the disappearance of necessary footnotes with links, but also in certain cases to eliminate browser failures that have arisen after installing various add-ons and extensions from unverified sources.

Reinstalling Mozilla

If the browser crashes or is out of date, archive restoration may not be available to the user. Based on this, you need to reinstall Firefox. And taskbar tabs and other settings can be copied from a saved profile to operating system PC and transfer to external storage. In order to restore footnotes and settings in this way, you need to:

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Panel FireFox tools provides easy and fast access to all sorts of typical browser functions. This is very convenient panel, thanks to which the user can easily access this or that feature. Today we will talk about how to customize this toolbar in FireFox.

How to show or hide toolbars in FireFox browser

The vast majority of toolbars in FireFox can be either hidden or shown. What will be displayed and what will not is up to you. To hide or show the desired panel tools, right-click on the tab bar, in the context menu that appears, click on the desired toolbar, after which it will appear or hide.

There are 5 panels in total, namely:

  • Menu Bar - Standard panel FireFox browser With standard features, such as File, Edit, Help, etc. Standard in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and also in Windows 8 this panel is hidden. To temporarily show it if it is hidden, press Alt.
  • Tab panel - A standard panel that cannot be hidden in any way; all your tabs are located here.
  • Navigation Bar - This bar contains navigation tools, namely the Home, Back, Forward, Address bar etc. This panel can be hidden if desired, but it is enabled by default.
  • Bookmarks bar - Standard hidden panel, which stores all your bookmarks.
  • Add-ons panel - Located at the bottom of the browser, a standard hidden panel that stores the extensions you have installed and launched. It is this panel that provides access to running extensions.

How to customize toolbars

All toolbars are customizable, and to configure them, you need to open the toolbar settings window. To do this, right-click on the tab bar. In the context menu that appears, select " Settings“, after which the toolbar settings window will open.

By dragging and dropping icons you can arrange them where you want and how you want. This is done very easily. In the list of icons, select the one you need and drag it to the desired panel. You can also separate groups of icons using special badge- separator.

FireFox provides ample opportunities in respect of customization of icons and panels and it's just great.

I really like this point :) You can adjust a lot to suit yourself. Click and watch. what will be revealed to us:

The points:
1. Toolbars- as you can see, there is a small arrow drawn there, - which means this menu item is divided into some more sections. Move your mouse and look:

A. Menu bar- if this item has a checkmark, it means this panel is now enabled and visible. If you click on this item, the check mark will be removed and the panel will also disappear (the rest are the same).
IN in this case we are talking about exactly the panel we are talking about now.

b. Navigation bar

V. Bookmarks bar- if this item has a checkmark, it means this panel is now enabled and visible. This is the panel:

Now the useful of these three points:
Very often they ask questions like: “such and such a panel in the mastic disappeared...”. I hope now you understand the reason for such disappearances :) If the panel itself with the “view” button has disappeared, then to return it just right-click about here (a sign will open where we put a checkmark):

d. Customize- this is already an interesting point :) Click and the following settings board will open:

Here, the first thing that catches our eye is a certain list of icons and buttons. We can place all these icons on our panels for convenience :) To place any icon, we simply click on it with the left mouse button and move it to the panel in the place we need :)
For example, I moved the “activity indicator” icon:

What the icon means, I think I’ll write later :) for now let’s move on.
In these settings, as soon as we change something, the result is immediately visible in the browser. Look :)

At the bottom of the window we look, there is this item:

It’s generally clear here... The item is responsible for displaying icons. Text, picture, or both :) I’ll show you using arrows as an example:


We choose, whatever is convenient for you :) So, I’ll do it now big gap. Otherwise I’m already getting a little confused and confusing you :)

Add a panel - we can add additional panel and not just one. For convenience, of course. You can also place icons on it. bookmarks, etc. Click the button:

Enter the name of our new panel in the window and click "ok":

But that’s not all - our panel has appeared, but so that it does not disappear, we need to move some icon to it... otherwise the browser will delete it as “empty”. Moved it, - click “done” in the settings window. So I moved the icon, now it all looks like this:

After adding a new panel, in our menu, in addition to the three main panels (with checkboxes), there will also be our new one. Disable and enable it according to the same principle (they said at the beginning of the post).

And the last button in these settings is " restore", - i.e. return all settings to default :)

Phew...that's enough for now. We'll talk about the rest of the "type" points later :)