The mouse in the upper left corner does not work. Half of the iPhone screen doesn't work

Good afternoon, dear reader!

Today I will tell you a story from my life. This is not just a story, this is practical advice. It’s not for nothing that this article is located in the “Everyday Affairs” section.

I have several phones. Yesterday on one of them the touchskin (or touch screen) is a touch screen that completely replaces the physical keyboard.

As usual, he “died” partially, but this was quite enough to completely paralyze all work.

light spot

The sensitivity on the narrow strip on the right has disappeared. The phone was turned off at night, and in the morning I tried to turn it on. This procedure is accompanied by entering a password. And I need this narrow stripe on the right, since I will use the number located there.

As a result, I couldn't even turn on the phone. As usual, calls began service centers and the answers: “Leave your phone number - we will call you back once we check whether we have such a touchscreen or not.” As a rule, everyone promised to call “today or tomorrow.” What should I do right now?

In general, there was only one bright spot in this whole story - the Internet. Why light? Because you will always find answers to 99% of your questions on the Internet! I found the answer too.

Which? I'll tell you now.

Where can I get it?

If the touchscreen on your phone is “covered with a copper basin,” you will need a piezoelectric element to “resurrect” it. Where can I get it? Of course, in a piezo lighter. But I don’t have a piezo lighter at home: with a handle, on a wire or a battery - there’s no such thing.

But there is a piezoelectric element. It is installed on the hob of my gas stove. Turning the burner knob, I open the gas. At the same time, I push the handle down and turn on the piezoelectric element. This is how I light the burner.

In general, I need a piezoelectric element, but I don’t need gas. I turned off the gas valve. Turned off my phone. I brought it with the screen to the piezoelectric element: the place where my touchscreen “died”. I turned on the piezoelectric element and moved the screen for a few seconds so that the spark covered the “dead” area of ​​the touchscreen.

After that, I turned on the phone, and - lo and behold! – the touchskin is working! He really recovered! He became fully operational!

The effect lasts...

Various sources on the Internet report that the effect of such resuscitation lasts from several days to one month. Today is my second day since the touchscreen “came to its senses” - everything works perfectly.

Of course, it is necessary to replace the touchscreen, but resuscitation from a piezoelectric element as an immediate method is simply great!

If my solution helps you, I will be only glad! Have you ever experienced a sudden “death” of your touchscreen at the most inopportune time? How did you solve this problem?

Computers and laptops are devices without which it is impossible to imagine the modern rhythm of life. In offices or at home, users have original devices opening up great opportunities for entertainment and work. Despite high tech and unique developments of manufacturers, some users often encounter various problems that do not allow you to make the most of features and capabilities computer devices. Common problems are the failure of additional devices and accessories: keyboard, headphones, microphone, mouse. Often, users encounter a problem where the mouse does not work in a certain area of ​​the monitor, and to fix the problems, it is necessary to understand why the mouse does not work in the middle of the screen.

Possible reasons

The reasons why the mouse in the center of the screen does not work can be due to various factors. The most common occurrence is that an invisible window automatically opens, which prevents the pointer from moving to the center of the screen where the window is open. The area can be a square or an elongated rectangle. On startup computer is coming automatically downloads a program that opens a transparent window that covers other windows and prevents the mouse from working.

The second variant of the problem, why the mouse does not work in the center of the monitor, is the presence on the monitor of a “blind zone” that cannot be functional parameters, and therefore cannot capture mouse pointer movement.

Methods for solving the problem

Based on the cause of the breakdown, users can apply various methods solve the problem and return mouse functionality. In case the mouse does not work due to a “blind spot” on the monitor, users need to change the monitor theme to the standard one Windows screensaver. Changing the theme is the easiest way to fix the problem. But the presence of “blind spots” may indicate a failure of the monitor, which will soon have to be replaced with a new one.

The following steps will help solve the problem if the first method does not give the desired results:

  • remember when the problems started and roll back the system to that time
  • remove programs that automatically load when your computer starts
  • cancel automatic download programs

The more you paid for your new phone, the greater the fear of expecting problems with his work. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t even realize the sources of problems in technology due to various reasons. In most cases, this relates to ignorance of certain features of use, as well as careful attitude to technology. For example, after replacing the touchscreen, part of the screen does not work, and you were confident in solving the problem using this method. Obviously, it will not be possible to solve it if the attitude towards technology remains the same. Therefore we will consider everything possible reasons why part doesn't work touch screen.

Part of the screen on the phone does not work

So, experts almost always advise using the method of elimination. The fact is that part of the screen on an iPhone sometimes does not work due to the simplest little things, which can be easily eliminated, and sometimes you have to completely change parts of the equipment.

Part of the touch screen on your phone is probably not working due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Sometimes part of the touch screen does not work due to simple memory overload. In our pursuit of greater opportunities and the desire to store as much information as possible, we do not notice how we simply overload our equipment. As a result, there are no more resources left for the touchscreen. And sometimes the equipment system fails, then you have to resort to the so-called deep reboot.
  2. Part of the screen does not work after careless handling. When was the last time you cleaned your screen? When traces of dirt accumulate on it, greasy spots, contact becomes worse and sensitivity decreases.
  3. The technique cannot tolerate temperature changes. This is one of the reasons why it is not recommended to carry your phone in your jacket pocket in winter. By the way, such changes can lead to condensation, which also leads to problems. The contacts begin to oxidize and the sensor starts acting up. In such a situation, it is enough to wipe the contacts with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  4. On a cramped bus or just when sudden movement You won't even notice how you damage your phone. Part of the screen on the phone does not work after the smallest cracks appear.
  5. It is likely that part of the touchscreen on your phone is not working after a slight shift or partial peeling of the touchscreen itself. Here you can use the heating method with a hairdryer. The fact is that the sensor is fixed with a small layer of glue, which can be heated and set everything in place.