The most popular queries in search engines. The most frequent request in Yandex. Statistics of requests in Yandex. Why is the sea salty?

The reason for writing a new article about the most popular word selection tool was its recent global update, which led to a number of innovations and improvements. In addition to a short story on this topic, I will dwell in detail on correct use Wordstat operators and other features of the service.

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

To start a little information, Yandex Wordstat( is a tool for selecting keywords based on user requests, which displays statistics on the frequency of use of the specified word (first column), as well as on words from similar topics (second column). With the help of Wordstat, both advertisers and SEO specialists can find out the number of queries in Yandex.

The principle of operation is that you indicate the word or phrase for which statistics are of interest. Next, the system shows everything key phrases, in which the word you specified is used, and its frequency is located next to it. Each of the following phrases aggregates information. The minimum frequency is 3.

Information is updated once a month. The update date is indicated in the upper right corner.

New Yandex Wordstat. Update from 08/07/13

If you previously used Wordstat to check queries in Yandex, you probably encountered wild problems with the speed of the interface. I think there have been a lot of complaints written to support about this. IN new version This is not the only thing that has changed:

  1. The speed of the service has been increased - according to my feelings, the service has become several times faster.
  2. The architecture of the service has been changed - previously, when using the service, the URL changed and you could go to page 20 in one click by replacing one of the parameters. Currently there is no such possibility.
  3. Certain parts of the interface have been revised - the summary table by region has been combined with data on the map, and Yandex query statistics by month and week have been grouped on one tab.

About automatic Wordstat parser programs

As they say, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. And this time it became a fly in the ointment complete ban access to the verification interface key phrases third party programs, which are very popular among context and SEO specialists. We all sincerely hope that our favorite services will resume operation as soon as possible. Here I give pivot table, which reflects data for popular Wordstat parsers as of the moment. Information will be updated as services are restored.

Service nameStatus
Word fuckerWorks
SiteAuditorDoes not work

How to use Wordstat?

Most people make mistakes when using the service, as a result of which incorrect data appears in statistics, and further actions on or promotion in search engines completely meaningless. In addition, there is often an artificial increase in the number of requests for keywords. Below I have collected basic recommendations for working with Wordstat with detailed comments that will be useful for both beginners and professionals:

Refine phrases using operators

The operators for Yandex Wordstat are the same as in Yandex Direct. I talked about them in more detail in the article ““. Main operators:

OperatorA commentExample
< — >Minus signRequest frequency excludingBuy a moped – used – Moscow
< «» >Double quotesStatistics of a word or phrase by phrase match"modem cost"
< ! >Exclamation markFrequency for a given word form!vase price
< + >Plus signForced accounting of prepositions+ how Yandex Direct works
<(|)> Round brackets and forward slashGroups statistics by queriesAir conditioning (car | car)

While the first four operators are popular because they are very often used in Direct, almost no one uses the fifth. Although in in capable hands it brings more benefits than others, and the speed of selecting words with it increases significantly. Let me give you an example: in order to collect statistics for advertising a bow tie store, you can use the following query:

As a result, we will simultaneously receive information about such requests as:

  • order a men's bow tie;
  • bow tie price;
  • how much does a woman's bow tie cost, etc.

Thus, using the grouping operator, statistics are collected in one click. The range of applications is quite wide; for example, in the example above, you can check the frequency of transactional key phrases.

Choose the right keywords

Don't forget to indicate region to check request frequency and do not focus on the frequency of words by broad match, i.e. without using operators. Look at the huge difference:

  • Buy online store - 811 430
  • “Buy!online!shop” – 1,362

When you select keywords for a site, each word must be further clarified to check the frequency by exact match, since dummy phrases are very common.

Analyze request statistics by month

Using the “Request History” tab, you can evaluate the seasonality of demand, as well as see its dynamics depending on the time of year. Also statistics by month helps to determine with a high degree of probability the naturalness of the frequency of a word. The naked eye will notice a sharp jump in the graph of words with artificial boost, while the number of low-frequency speakers will remain at the same level.

Use automatic word selection (parser programs)

Automatic services for keyword selection I listed above. Their use allows you to significantly reduce the amount of monotonous work and time spent checking frequencies with and without operators. In the near future I will publish an article about my favorite program for Wordstat - Slovoeb. In order not to miss the release of the article, I recommend subscribing to my updates!

Best regards, Alexander Golfstream!

Today, the demand for a particular group of goods, as well as the value of certain services, can be judged based on the RuNet service “Wordstat”. Popular Yandex queries in the form of statistical data are of interest not only to professional group users. An objective analysis of a word or phrase allows each interested party to determine the “current weight” of information and outline the most accurate direction for the search process as a whole, as well as develop (for themselves) a specific action scenario, depending on their needs. What is the meaning this term and how is such a service useful? You will find the answers here and now!

The many faces of Yandex

Everyone needs something, and people are constantly looking for something, based on a certain “algorithm” of actions. We don't go to the grocery store to buy shampoo or ask why the music is so loud when we're at a rock concert. Everything in our life is more or less ordered and systematized, filled with meaning and reasonable by definition. Popular Yandex queries reflect the dedication and interest of users. This is a kind of aggregator of our life, capable of noticing the direction of our thoughts and confronting us with a fact - where we are going, what we are interested in and what is important to us. In other words, it can summarize statistical data reflecting the quantity, quality and objectivity of the words most often used to search for or not bound by rules syntax of phrases and phrases. Ladies and gentlemen, it is we who think, and we decide how to respond...

Effective search

To find the most valuable information, you need to “score” a specific request. For example, if you enter: “I want to buy a car,” a list of online resources that sell or conduct surveys and publish various materials related to general issues on motor transport, or considering specific automotive topics. However, such information does not always meet your expectations, because many users forget to indicate the data that specifies the request: car make, properties (used or new), color and price parameters. Even in this case popular queries“Yandex” may turn out to be useless for you, since it is quite possible that the desired car is sold in a place that is not entirely convenient for you (a remote city, region or region), that is, you should always take into account the versatility search process. Only in this case will you be able to quickly find the desired object without unnecessary reasons for frustration.

How can statistics on popular Yandex queries help me?

Of course, this is a question that requires precise definition. First of all, it should be understood that search engines are designed to significantly simplify the process of finding the information the user requires. Most Relevant Sites and Other Sources useful content moving up the hierarchical ladder of global demand. In other words, each search engine uses a mechanism for carefully selecting (ranking) the most informative sources unique information. At the same time, search engines exercise a kind of control over the practical activities of a particular Internet resource. It should be noted that Yandex has succeeded quite well in this. Yandex query statistics allows literally every registered user to analyze and objectively evaluate the direction of their actions, which can be related to any life activity: work, everyday life, family, etc.

Where millions strive: people, events, interests and much more

So, it’s time to move on to the main part of this article, so to speak, to the culmination of the story. After all, you probably want to know what or who exactly is an indicator of the intriguing phrase: “The most popular queries in Yandex.” However, the most complete answer can only be formulated based on the results of the overall annual indicator, the results of which can be found in the corresponding section of the Yandex search engine - “Research/newsletters.”

What interested users most in 2013?

The word “Minecraft” took the leading position. It was the construction game that became a kind of champion in search queries of the past year. The mobile social network Instagram took second place in terms of user interest. Further, the list of popularity continued with the following queries: “online postcards”, “mobile Internet messengers” and “web photo editors”. By the way, the word “slow cooker” was also entered quite often into the search bar.

However, women, as always, were most interested in the topic “how to lose excess weight,” while men devoted their time on the Internet to the IT industry and invariably showed interest in sporting events, remaining loyal to the “fans” group.

Women's emancipation has nothing to do with it, or the predictability of events

Culture as such is not in fashion today, but Ksenia Sobchak is the number one figure. People are more interested in the events that happened in “House-2” than in any passed law in the state legislative framework. For example, Andrey Panin is a popular man of 2013. And this is our “achievement”, which is formed and based on our opinion, and, among other things, is just a reflection of the finished formulation - “popular Yandex queries”. takes into account literally every element of the attention we show. Women do not change their natural beginning: family, wedding and dacha. Men are most attracted to science and sports. Of course, the stronger sex is still captivated by technical innovations and the results of advanced technologies... Everything is as usual, except for the “predetermination” of unpredictable political events! The world is developing, and the system sees some patterns...

How it works?

So, having an account, you can always use the free service “Yandex. Wordstat". Statistical data can be displayed based on several search criteria:

  1. According to the words - the very first checkbox (activated by default). Allows you to get results for the most frequently used queries or phrases entered by the user.
  2. By region - most often used by webmasters and marketers to determine public demand (local interests).
  3. Query history - detailed analysis by month and week.

In the first case, information is displayed in two independent windows. The list of words on the right is associative.

Careless influence...

The most popular Yandex search queries will always be a part of us, the surrounding society. Weather forecast and critics' review, as well as "mind-blowing news" - the result information impact. We are all subject to outside influence... However, it is you, dear reader, who can influence the overall outcome of the completeness of the opinion and regulate the meaningful value of the information; “vector truth” depends on you and only you have the right to “one”...

Food for thought: popular Yandex search queries

If you notice a certain predetermination of some services of the Yandex aggregator, do not be surprised. not only looking unique content, but are also the first collectors of “identifying” information - we are calculated, predicted and reduced to common system interactions. Alas, we are all components of a single Internet network! And the point is not whether we want it or not, the point is non-stop technical progress.


It is worth noting that the most popular queries in Yandex are also a highly competitive “product”. Therefore, in order to reach top positions in search engines, website developers have to roll up their sleeves and purposefully work on the project for many months. The result of their efforts is receiving our recognition. And it depends only on us, ordinary users, whether this or that Internet resource will be in the top. After all, the situation can be radically opposite, so always be in trend, dear ladies and gentlemen.

Let's continue the story about useful tools Yandex.Webmaster. In the previous article we looked at new tool- “Pages in search”, why it is needed and how to use it, I recommend reading it. There we also touched upon the section “ Search queries", today we will analyze it in more detail.

The section contains information about search phrases for which the site is shown in the first 50 positions of Yandex search results. For these phrases, you can track the following indicators: impressions, clicks, position, CTR.

Requests can be sorted by region and time period. The graph can be built for all requests, or only for groups, for example, requests from the Top 3 or Top 10 in search results Yandex:

Each request has its own indicators.

Yandex generates all requests itself, based on its own statistics. If you want to track rankings for specific keywords, you can upload your list:

The general summary shows the 10 most popular queries on the site.

Let's show how you can use the Search Queries tool using an example site Law firm, site region - Moscow:

    • We determine the average position for keywords in Yandex search results. Go to Yandex.Webmaster, section “Search queries” → “ Latest requests» → “All requests”, look at the “Position” column:

IN this moment It is almost impossible to know exactly the current position of a site in search results. Yandex is actively promoting personalized search results for each user. The position of the site on your work computer and on your laptop at home will be noticeably different, so experiment with the search results sometime. I recommend reading more about personalized results in our article. And also the algorithm is a multi-armed bandit in full armor.

Therefore, determining the average position of a site in Yandex for a specific keyword will be very useful.

Ideally, compare the results in Webmaster and other services -,,, etc. Cross-analysis will help to create a complete picture of the site’s positions.

    • We identify requests for which users are already coming to the site.

After compiling the semantic core, we analyze the queries that bring users to the site and add them to semantic core. To do this, go to Yandex.Webmaster, section “Search queries” → “Query history” → “Popular queries”:

In our case, to the already developed family. We have added queries to the core: tax disputes, subscriber service legal entities. We use the same keywords when composing the “title” and “description” tags, creating headings and text for the page.

But that’s not all, next to the “Impressions” column you will see a “Clicks” column. And if there are a lot of impressions, but few clicks, you may have a bad snippet for this request. Thus, the Search Queries tool helps optimize the snippet. Let's look at an example:

    • We optimize the page snippet in search results.

The first column is impressions, the second is clicks.

In our case, there is an obvious bias in favor of impressions. The most common reason This is bad and uninformative snippets.

How to fix?

Analyze the snippet - to do this, find the relevant page for the request you are interested in.
In incognito mode, enter search bar request, in in this case"Registration of LLC". Finding your site:

Users expect to see how an LLC is registered, what is needed for this, and how much it can cost. And not in which Federal Tax Service and on the basis of what law. Little useful information.

Let’s compare it with competitors’ snippets in the first positions:

The snippet of competitors immediately offers us instructions on how to create an LLC, special offer for 0 rub.! The likelihood of a click is much higher.

There is an excellent one on our blog. How to work with them, how it affects site traffic, how you can effectively adjust the snippet.


In total, the “Search Queries” tool in Yandex.Webmaster personally helps us:

  • find out the position of the site;
  • determine keywords for promotion;
  • optimize the site snippet in search results.

The tool is very useful for promotion, I highly recommend trying it.

If you don’t know how to promote your website, write to us, we will give you free specific advice on improving and optimizing your resource.

Correct selection of keywords is the basis search engine promotion And quality settings contextual advertising. It is on the formation of the semantic core (compiling a database of queries and creating pages relevant to them) that the further result largely depends: the popularity of the resource and conversion.

Do you want to become a real SEO guru and get ready-made instructions work with the best services for the Russian-speaking segment? Then this article was written especially for you!

At the moment, there are two main ways to collect popular queries in Yandex - Yandex.Direct and Yandex WordStat. Let's study them in more detail, consider the advantages and disadvantages.


Search engine Yandex system regularly collects information about user requests - based on this data, a convenient service Yandex WordStat. It helps website owners and optimizers become familiar with the needs of Runet visitors, track trendy topics, and select the most appropriate keywords.

Screenshot of the Yandex.Wordstat interface

Among the advantages of the service, one should highlight the simplicity and high speed work. This free service has excellent functionality. With it you can:

  • find out the frequency of the request in Yandex in exact, phrase and broad terms;
  • get statistics on a particular region;
  • use “Query History” to determine seasonality.

Now about the cons. Advanced SEO specialists agree that the selection of keywords in Yandex.Wordstat allows you to compile a list of keywords of only up to 50% of the full semantic core. To save data to your computer and search for other phrases, you will need to use additional services.

Another drawback - WordStat only shows 2000 nested phrases (up to 40 pages), missing low frequency queries which lead additional traffic. Many people are annoyed by the frequent introduction of captchas, and there is a possibility of account blocking.

Advice! To collect more keywords, use paid Key program Collector or take it into service a little trick advanced optimizers. They get around the limitation by introducing queries into different options. For example: blouse, blouse, blouse, blouse.

Remember! Are you going to collect a lot of keywords? Create separate account in Yandex to avoid the consequences of potential blocking.


It is a contextual advertising service on search engine pages and YAN partner sites. Despite its different purpose (the service was created to carry out paid promotion And fine tuning advertisements with output for specific queries), Yandex.Direct also allows you to select keywords.

Besides, this service makes it possible to study the search phrases used by competitors in order to apply them next time in your own website development strategy.

The majority of Yandex users. Direct are advertisers and online sellers, so this commercial tool is also designed to calculate the profit received from promoting individual keywords.

The main disadvantage of Direct is that it is not particularly convenient for solving large-scale problems. In such cases, it is better to opt for a powerful Key Collector or free service"Wordbanger."

How to use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords?

The platform interface is simple and understandable even for beginners. Main elements of the main screen:

  • query input field - here you need to enter the search phrase about which you want to receive information;

  • button “by words” - displays the list taking into account the specified operators ( Special symbols to narrow the search range);
  • “by region” - allows you to go to the section dedicated to geodependence;
  • “request history” - generates data received over the last two years;

  • left row - shows statistics of queries in Yandex for the entered word;
  • right column - used to identify other keys from users who searched for the original phrase;
  • transition to statistics by device type: requests from mobile phones, phones and tablets.

Advice! To improve your work with Yandex.Wordstat, study its operators - they will save your time by eliminating unnecessary words or by combining information from several requests at once.

Instructions for working with Yandex.Wordstat

  1. Log in or register a Yandex account.
  2. Go to the page
  3. Enter the phrase you are interested in in the search bar.
  4. Click the "Select" button.

To clarify the required request, use a set of service commands:

Word order in keys

The method of collecting statistics in Yandex WordStat has a serious drawback - there are no differences in the frequency of essentially identical requests, but with in different order words Even taking into account the operator "!" the service provides the same number of impressions per month. But in fact, the phrases “radio online” and “ online radio» have an uneven number of views.

Attention! You must first activate the “Take into account word order” option in the settings.

Defining keywords based on regions

To analyze the demographic aspect, you will need the “By Region” tool. It will be useful when the optimizer is looking for queries for advertising or creating a semantic core for a site selling goods or services.

Of all the functions, the most interesting is regional popularity - the percentage that a city occupies in impressions for a phrase, divided by the share of all search results. If you see more than 100%, it means that the region’s interest in the keyword is increased, if less, it means it’s decreased.

Analysis of seasonality of requests

Would you like to determine the dynamics of demand for the selected key throughout the year? Then you need to look at the statistics in Yandex.Wordstat (the “Query History” tool).

Using the service, you can assess the seasonality of any topic with detailed frequency by month and week. In addition, the tool will save money and effort by further eliminating the “dummy” phrases that site owners have created in a short time.

Advice! To get a deep understanding of traffic dynamics, analyze different keywords from the same group. Be sure to consider obvious seasonal queries (such as “shopping for a swimsuit” or “how to decorate a Christmas tree”), as well as unforeseen important events and news that may change SEO trends.

Advice! Low-frequency operators are focused on more effective and less costly promotion; they specify the request as much as possible. We recommend using them in the semantic core.

Low frequency phrases are phrases that users have entered less than 10 times in the last month.

Parsing queries with a fixed number of words

If you need to search for queries of a certain length, type the keyword in the corresponding line required quantity times, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, a webmaster needs to find popular three-word phrases with the key “flowers” ​​- he should enter “flowers flowers” ​​into the search.

Experiments like these, up to seven words in length, can increase reach target audience, because as a result, WordStat will replace identical words with analogues that are often entered by Runet users.

Expansion of the semantic core

To increase traffic to an Internet resource, try to cover as many queries as possible that are similar in linguistics and syntax. By finding the maximum number of keys, you will create an effective and powerful semantic core.

When compiling it, pay attention to other interests of the target audience - by deciding to look at such query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, you will better understand the needs of your potential readers and clients, and expand the list of queries by topic.

Browser plugins for comfortable work

To ensure that using the service leaves only pleasant memories, we recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Helper extension or Yandex Wordstat Assistant. The mentioned plugins will significantly speed up the selection of keywords and take your website’s Internet marketing to a new level.
The first extension allows you to add own requests; it copies, deletes and appends data to the buffer.

As for Yandex Wordstat Assistant, it also displays the total frequency of key phrases, supports different types sorting.

1. Go to and click “Create a campaign” - Text and image ads.

2. Below, select the region you are interested in.
3. Open the “Group Management” tab and enter the masks collected in Yandex.Wordstat there, that is, the main phrases. Click "Save" and proceed to create an ad group. In the “Settings for the entire group” column, enter the masks collected earlier in Yandex.Wordstat.

4. Start your search additional phrases by selecting “Find words”

5. Click “Start Collection” and be patient: the operation may take long hours, especially when working with a huge semantic core.

6. Filter the received keys from non-target requests.

Want to learn how to use Yandex.Direct to select keywords for maximum benefit? Find duplicates as well as obvious negative keywords that are not suitable for your site, and then remove them all collected by the program phrases that contain them.
Interface features

In 2017, Yandex.Direct developers distributed options into semantic blocks and improved usability - working with the service became even more pleasant. Previously, the platform supported two versions of the interface: light and professional.

Now all that remains is a convenient advanced option, with which you can find out the frequency of the request in Yandex with the addition of negative keywords, independently adjust the keys, manage bids and receive data on financial expenses.

Other services and key selection programs for Yandex

  • Key Collector - helps automate advanced collection of the semantic core, obtaining effective search phrases as quickly as possible. In this paid program The latest statistics are always used and updates are released frequently.
  • "Slovoeb" - convenient free analogue, suitable for compiling a large list of queries. It analyzes regionality and seasonality, allows you to determine the timing of promotion, as well as calculate its approximate cost.
  • "- it can be used for free and without registration. The service instantly selects search phrases from its own large database. It shows not only their frequency, but also competition and seasonality.


Having gained experience in selecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat, Direct and other programs, you will become a real promotion specialist, because its basis is precisely right choice keys. After compiling the semantic core, all that remains is to create quality pages, relevant to the selected queries.

Good traffic and crazy conversion to you!

Yandex began in the late 1980s. And today it is one of the most popular among search services. The main feature of this search system is that it searches for keywords without taking into account the number of parts of speech and prepositions used in them. Displays sites upon request, based only on keywords. This feature is very convenient for users, but analyzing queries in Yandex becomes more problematic.

In addition to the popular today Google and the named search engine, Rambler is also used. It is more accurate in terms of searching queries, but less popular.

What is "Yandex Wordstat"?

This special service was created by Yandex for webmasters and optimizers. This system helps to create the semantic core of the site and choose the right keywords for each new article that you publish on your site. And this significantly increases the number of visits.

In addition, Wordstat helps to assess the competitiveness of your Internet resource.

By registering in the mentioned system, you can use keyword selection to find the most popular queries.

The system provides information about requests throughout the month. By entering the word and phrase you need in the topic field, you can filter the results by region.

When selecting queries, you can use special operators, which make searching easier.

Most in demand

In 2012, a list was created of the five topics that people most often search for on the Internet. Ryan Dube, an SEO with 10 years of experience, helped put this list together.

These results cover the entire global population. Let's look at them:

  1. So, the requests of children and adolescents came first. Here are questions about why parents forbid something, and how to kiss a girl for the first time. There are many topics that children and adolescents are embarrassed to discuss with adults. However, this is a completely healthy interest, and there is no need to be afraid of it, experts say. Although kids should think about how to clear queries in Yandex before parents find out what questions are swarming in the heads of their children.
  2. The next topic raises doubts about mental health most people. These are scenes of rape and torture. As they say, no comments.
  3. In third place was the question “How?” with many variations. How to build, plant, cook?
  4. In fourth place are purely female questions: how to seduce a man, lose weight, remain attractive and desirable?
  5. And of course, many people read articles on the topic of certain diseases. Many of us prefer a quality text to a doctor's consultation. We usually look for symptoms that seem to us to be a manifestation of a non-serious disease on the Internet.

This Yandex query statistics helps you decide on the choice of content if you are looking for a topic to create and develop your own project. It’s worth focusing on when choosing a topic for a new blog.

The most frequent request in Yandex

Probably, many Internet users once wondered: what queries are entered into search engines? People work with websites themselves different topics, develop online stores and companies, and this is, as a rule, the basis of their search activity. It helps to track what questions most often concern users. special system"Yandex". So, which one is the best? frequent request in Yandex?

A large number of users solve operational issues. The rest are concerned mainly with pressing matters that are related to small personal needs - to eat, play, watch and, of course, talk. The following are the results obtained within one month.

World online

Nowadays, people do almost everything on the Internet - work, study, shop. Fortunately, their percentage is not so high that the city streets are empty. But at the same time, the most popular query in Yandex contains the word “site”. This mainly includes website promotion (as many as 146,000,000 requests per month!). Some are looking for specialists to promote their own websites, others are trying to master this skill on their own. After all, a well-promoted website brings in good income.

This is especially true for online stores. And they are next on the list. Users actively make purchases via the Internet, ranging from underwear to... large equipment. The number of online stores is growing steadily. Many create their own and work only via the Internet, others increase the number of sales by creating a catalog.

Advertising sites are no less in demand. Among them, the leader is OLX, previously called “Slando”.

Facebook and VKontakte

Facebook is also one of the most frequent requests in Yandex. He is in the top ten most popular social networks in the world. He is accompanied by YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Weibo, etc. The number of users is about 1.4 billion. At the same time, 160 million are citizens of the USA, Brazil, Turkey, Great Britain, and Mexico.

With the decline in popularity of VKontakte, which was previously liked much more by Russian-speaking users, the demand for Facebook has increased significantly. But at the same time, VKontakte is trying not to give up its positions. This is the only Russian site that took 8th place in the top ten most popular social networks in the world. More than 228 million users from many Russian-speaking countries are registered here. Despite the ban on VKontakte in Ukraine, many Ukrainians continue to actively visit this site. Therefore, one of the most frequent requests in Yandex looks like “my VKontakte page.”

And since our population loves to communicate with foreigners (including using special dating sites), the next most common request is “translator”. By the way, many foreign students are registered on the VKontakte network and communicate with Russian-speaking friends. In this case, both interlocutors are forced to use a translator.

Time for business - time for fun

The most interesting thing is that the number of requests for the word “game” totals 75,984,283 times a month. Most requests relate to popular game"Tanchiki", which is especially popular among men, and children's games online for boys and girls. They allow you to keep your child busy while doing household chores.

Slightly less often than games, people search for movies to download or watch online. It is noteworthy that when you enter the word “love” into a search engine, it immediately returns films in the genre of drama or melodrama. Mostly Turkish.

What do people prefer to watch? Large quantity queries in Yandex indicate that most people watch shows (like “Kitchen” and “The Bachelor”), as well as American films. Most often they belong to the fantasy genre. TV series are no less in demand - both Russian and Ukrainian, and American.

Urgent problems

The following requests in Yandex, according to statistics, relate to news, calculating the amount on a calculator, and the weather forecast for tomorrow. The weather forecast, by the way, is often correct.

And of course, the horoscope. Yandex provides a huge number of sites with horoscopes for today, tomorrow and for the month. Not far from horoscopes in terms of frequency of requests is the dream book.


Fortunately, they download not only films, but also literature. And they don’t just pump. It is often read online. I am glad that reading literature is still a popular activity for young people. Currently, you can read books online on several sites completely free of charge - “Litmir”, Loveread, Knizhnik, etc.

It is noteworthy that the top three most popular genres of literature are women's love stories. This includes historical, modern and even fantasy. The number of romance fiction novels is growing every day.

The Russian detective story is also very popular. While foreign detectives are rarely read here, Russian detective stories, including women’s detective stories (many of them have a fair amount of humor), are searched for on Yandex very often. They are read online, downloaded, and purchased in online stores.

"Why Chicks"

The question “why” is one of the most popular queries in Yandex and Google. Most people are interested in why this or that organ hurts. Great amount queries in Yandex are focused on headaches, back pain and swelling of the legs.

Slightly fewer people are interested not in health, but in relationships with the opposite sex - “why is he...” or “why is she...”. And here the variations of the questions vary - it could be betrayal, difficulties in mutual understanding and unpleasant situations in which the partner showed himself to be the worst side. The history of queries in Yandex shows that such issues are usually discussed on forums.

In addition, the following questions are often entered into the search engine:

  • "Why am I stupid?"
  • "Why can't I lose weight?"
  • "Why am I an idiot?"

Usually discussion similar problems happens on forums.


The history of requests in Yandex is incredibly voluminous, and that’s all popular topics incredibly difficult to cover. But we tried to describe the most popular queries that interest the Russian-speaking population on the Internet. We hope you found the information useful.