Useful tips for PC users. Useful computer tips. Which monitor to choose for your computer? What to focus on

Date of publication: 12/20/2010

By way of introduction....

An excellent, very detailed and understandable article for a computer user of any level, written specifically for our project, about the basic rules for using your “iron friend”. Can replace a couple of courses from the Computer for Dummies series :)
It will be useful not only for novice users, but also for many advanced ones. I guarantee it! (Evgeny Androsov, creator of the "Free Advice" project)

Sooner or later, a crucial moment comes in life when you are left alone with your PC. All your acquaintances who are literate in this topic live their own lives, and you understand that it is in your interests to somehow arrange your relationship with the computer so that you can use it, and not constantly bother someone when performing the simplest actions.

I also assume that no “courses”, unless they are private intensive lessons, will help you feel free in terms of elementary rules operation software package Your typewriter. Any, ANY PC user needs to learn and follow some rules and procedures so that your PC does not die from the owner’s negligence. It's about the same as using a car: You may not know what's under the hood, but if you drive it, then you should clearly understand how all the main components work, what they can do, what they can't do, and what they do. will inevitably break. You also understand that you need to add gasoline, that you shouldn’t hit the car at full speed on hard objects, etc.

With a PC everything is about the same. It entertains you and allows you to work productively, but in return it requires compliance with the rules of technical hygiene and adherence to several principles.
So let's try to bring them into groups.

Group 1. Self-study

1.1. No matter how much you use a PC, you will inevitably and constantly master its new capabilities and working methods. With different intensity, but you will. Even if you only surf on social networks, questions will still arise about organizing saved photos, music, clips, correspondence, and other things. Therefore, from the very beginning, come to terms with this and make it easier for yourself: do not try to memorize some trick, but ask someone whom you trust as a competent person, or search in Yandex/Google for a simple and understandable explanation of the principle of operation, the concept of how to achieve the desired goal. This is important for your safety and will help save a lot of time, effort and money in the future. All basic operations are simple and logical, but they will DEFINITELY become incomprehensible to you if you repeat memorized tricks without understanding their meaning: sooner or later you will incorrectly assess the situation, perform the wrong trick, and this may cost you the loss of data and a paid visit to service (possibly more than one).

1.2. Take the time to make daily operations completely clear to you. Don't rush, rushing doesn't pay off here. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot perform already mastered operations. Just before you organize something again or start something new for you, stop and try to imagine exactly what you want in the end. And follow the goal. And if you find time, you will find out standard solutions this task and complete one of them according to the instructions - honor and praise to you, in this way you have every chance of becoming a truly confident PC user.

1.3. The more you read Computerbild magazine and use their advice, the better for you. This magazine is simply a salvation for an unprepared user who wants simple explanations and detailed step-by-step stories about how and what to do COMPETENTLY on a PC running Windows 7 (XP). A short list of the main topics of some issues of the second half of 2010 is given at the end. This is a SHORT list, since it did not include training courses on all popular packages, from MS Office to Kaspersky, on testing all sorts of important hardware, on all sorts of useful tricks on the PC and mobile devices, much more was not included. Reading will not replace personal experience, of course, but such a useful source of structured information can bring your personal experience to new level- and without serious complications that often accompany the “poke method”. You can also recommend CHIP magazine, its system recommendations are especially good, for example, how to properly organize a home network, how to correctly connect PCs running Windows XP and 7 on one network, and others. True, CHIP is aimed at a slightly more technically oriented audience. There more information from the section "Science and Life". But this does not detract from its usefulness for the “common user”.

1.4. You must know and apply basic terms. A monitor is not a "computer" system unit- not a “processor”, a browser is not the “Internet”, etc. Respect a thing that can give you so much - and you will be rewarded. Is it true.

1.5. Make it a rule to learn and apply in your life at least one combination of “hot keys” per week. I’ll say more: you can even create them to your taste, Windows allows this. After a while, you will see how clumsy users seem from the outside, wading through the jungle of settings with their mice in search of what they already use almost every day. Remember: there are shortcuts everywhere and effective solutions. Knowing them is the difference between a CONFIDENT PC user (let’s forget that they lie on their resume). You will find a list of the most popular and useful combinations in any collection of useful tips for working with Windows and programs in this OS.

1.6. Everything that you learn and learn to use on a PC should work to minimize communication with all kinds of “computer ambulance": among these desks there is a considerable percentage of cross-eyed slackers and outright crooks. Remember: the master does not need everything to work for you. He needs it to work for 2 weeks. Therefore, the more you understand, the healthier you will be. Your interests are never except for yourself, they are not interested even for money. The exception is honest people who do their job honestly. If you find someone like that, don’t miss them and don’t scare them off with your aggressive ignorance. The best way agree - announce your REAL qualifications in advance and ask about the scope of your competence in the daily use of the machine, i.e. where you better not put your hands without a clear knowledge of the subject. And since it would be convenient for a specialist to negotiate everything with you, let him tell you. The topic of computer life is both a personal and technically rich thing, so a specialist, if he really is one, himself sets the framework and method of communication.

Be positive - and you will be rewarded a hundredfold. On just one setting home network for those who do this anyhow, you can easily lose a lot of money and never get it normal internet. Take into account and remember: those who stopped learning ceased to matter.

1.7. If you have time, read These are stories from the life of “computer geeks”. Perhaps some of them will be incomprehensible to you, but the everyday stories of those people who build networks for you, set them up, install programs and repair hardware, eyewitness stories about what “inexplicable tricks” turned out to be computer equipment, can greatly help you understand how to make friends with the world of computers and specialists without unnecessary stress. It's possible and easy, believe me. At least 50% of the stories there are informative.

Group 2. Software prevention

2.1. If you are truly afraid of viruses and do not want to fight them, then install Ubuntu Linux as your operating system. Installing this system by a specialist costs more than installing and configuring Windows (due to, as a rule, somewhat greater labor intensity), but you will save an amount on the rest of the software and on subsequent system maintenance that will easily cover this investment. It is quite possible to work with office documents under this OS, and in as many as three ways, one better than the other, and at the present time, if you are ready to use qualified assistance during installation and initial setup, there are no particular disadvantages of this solution: movies are shown, music plays (by the way, better than under Windows XP, this was the conclusion made by the collective network mind :)), the Internet and all possible services - no problems. If you already have any of the Windows versions, then Linux is useful as a second OS for secure Internet surfing and communications.

It's important to understand, that rumors about the need for deep knowledge of something supernatural to use the GNU/Linux OS when purchasing qualified services for its installation and configuration are nothing more than rumors: a well-installed Linux requires several times less routine maintenance and absolutely less money for additional software. The main thing is to do it regularly backups. How to do this - find out from the installer; his services include instructions for user maintenance of the installed OS, do not let him evade.

2.2. If you own an Apple car, relax, everything will be fine, beautiful, although not always easy in terms of interaction with other platforms, and for the most part for additional (relatively considerable) money. There is no need to improve anything, and there is no need to learn how to maintain the system either. All you need is to download and watch beautiful video tutorials on using MAC OS and come to terms with the fact that for any reason you will be literally dragged by the scruff of the neck to the Apple Store. Yes, and you will have nowhere to run from iTunes. If you have a normal attitude towards this program - well, you are lucky :) But, jokes aside, if you fork out for Parallels, you will be able to normally use programs for Windows without leaving Mac OS. And it really works, although incidents can happen with unique, special and “cunning” software.

At the same time, without going beyond Mac OS, if you are a powerful specialist, you can do things that can be done under Windows OS, but this will require considerable additional installations BY. Such a beautiful box with useful surprises :)

2.3. Now and further - about Windows. The main rule is to be sure and constantly use backup system partition and folders with your data, preferably in 2 physically independent places. This is called "backup". The standard program for creating backup copies is considered Acronis True Image Home is for home users, but there are others, including free ones. Read the reviews in Computerbild magazine (see the number in the Supplement at the end) in order to understand what's what and compare different programs. The same Acronis comes in a somewhat truncated, but quite functional version free of charge for buyers HDD Western Digital. Basic principle: there must be a copy of a “clean and naked” fully tested working OS (all hardware installed on board must work properly NECESSARILY!!!), even before all additions and improvements, a copy of the OS with basic additions (updates, removed unnecessary parts, etc.), and then - supplementary (incremental) backups before each “large” installation (office, antivirus, firewall, large games).

2.4. Backup files settings of browsers and your favorite programs, documents, photos, databases (passwords from password manager programs, several important files from Opera, etc.) can be done by the mentioned Acronis, or by another program. Personally, I use a paid program , it so happens that I have it. The main thing is NOT to use the backup built into Windows. Let's leave this service to the conscience of the developer. Surely there are people who use it productively, but I personally haven’t heard anything about them.” review of backup programs test comparison" and follow the links. Experience of use is the best advisor.

2.5. The basis of a proper backup is the correct partitioning of the disk. The system and installed programs are on a separate partition, the size of which for Windows XP can be installed up to 15GB, this is enough for everything. For Windows 7 you need about 40GB - this is all for large games and large files swaps. That is, with a considerable margin. Even if you have very capacious HDD, it makes no sense to increase these partitions: a working system takes up limited space, nothing else needs to be stored on these partitions, so the space will be wasted. These partitions need to be saved from time to time using a special program, NOT those offered by Windows. Plus, it may be useful to leave the “System Restore” function of Windows XP/7 for the system drive (if you have two operating systems, then under each you need to disable this function on the unused system partition, this is IMPORTANT!). Only Do not forget before following the collection of tips for setting up and improving and delving into the depths of the OS, manually create a restore point and check the availability of a full OS backup. This can save you a lot of money.

Your data (for example, “My Documents”) needs to be located on a different logical disk partition or on a different one altogether physical disk, if you have several of them. Archive them periodically separately from the system partition (more often), sparing no space to save old versions along with updates. It can save you a lot of time and effort - at least once, but it will pay off. There is an article on the correct partitioning of HDDs in the same Computerbild for 2010, No. 21.

Group 3. Approach to equipping your Windows PC with additional programs

3.1. Be sure to constantly use a firewall, antivirus and antispyware from third party developers. One "naked" free antivirus coupled with Windows7 Defender - this is NOT ENOUGH for security. There are a few free solutions, I will highlight a fresh comprehensive solution from Agnitum: Outpost Security Suite Free. The complex of free Comodo Firewall + AviraAntivirus Free(or AVG Antivirus Free). In the second option, you also need to select an anti-spyware program for this pair. When using free solutions, you need to launch a fresh one every 1-2 weeks Dr.Web CureIt, downloaded from the developer's website.

IMPORTANT! CureIt! must do the primary quick check with screen dimming when you cannot use your PC. But this is not enough, after such a check you need to manually run a FULL check, here you can do without darkening, i.e. You can continue to use your PC during the scan.

There are no “absolute” antiviruses, although Kaspersky constantly hints in its advertising that they are just such a solution. This statement has an army of supporters and a close-knit group of opponents. But the solution is really good, although it costs money. Not too big, you will be right if you pay for them - from all sides. The desire for total free software without piracy is an art, you will master it, but gradually. Not all at once.

3.2. All advertising and window junk on the Internet is effectively extinguished both by browsers (Opera 11, for example) and by firewalls. The anti-advertising and anti-spyware system Ad Muncher has many fans, and for good reason. In general, there are many competing solutions in this area; you should find out which of them are this moment not only free, but also effective. the same Computerbild will help you with this.

3.3. remember, that paid program it's not always better than free. Quite often the opposite happens. For all basic actions on a PC under Windows, including video editing, there are quite capable free programs, and starting this list, of course, is Open Office and the Google Docs service. They cover almost all needs for working with different types office documents. Microsoft has also opened a similar “cloud” service. In general, the more you focus on “cloud” Internet services, the safer your data is. The only "but": if you have a slow channel or a limited amount of traffic, this may cause difficulties. And, naturally, if you believe in a World Conspiracy, this decision is not for you. In general, as practice shows, the optimum is somewhere in the middle :)

To burn CDs and DVDs, you don't need to install the pirate monster Nero. Free Astroburn and other programs will cope with this task.

On the Internet there are “gentleman’s sets” collectively created on forums from free software for all occasions. There is a similar list in the Appendix (from ComputerBild). So don’t rush to spend money, you won’t always get something worthwhile for it, and this will only become clear over time. In any case, make active use of trial periods. A properly organized backup of the system partition (before installing critical programs) will help you extend these periods many times, but this is illegal, you didn’t read it :) In addition, many products limit their functionality for a trial period. In general, everything is the same as everywhere else: there are honest people, and there are also self-righteous and lazy rednecks. To avoid getting into trouble, there are Common Sense, forums and magazines.

3.4. If possible, DO NOT use the built-in media player in Windows. It spoils both the sound and the image, and getting it to show something correctly (without distorting) is another task. VLC Player and/or GOM Player- for cinema, WinAmp or (for those who want more) Foobar with author's modifications - this is a decent one free way turn your PC into a real entertainment center. There are other options worthy of attention; you can try them out along the way and choose the Most Convenient Player for yourself.

3.5. If you want to work with files 2-3 times faster than through a standard "Explorer" - master file manager like Free Commander or paid Total Commander. The author's assemblies of these managers allow you to perform all the basic and many additional actions with files from the keyboard, which is precisely what gives you an increase in speed. Built-in modules will allow you to almost not have to access non-programs built into Windows (notepad, calculator, etc.), and direct links to important parts of operating the OS will allow you not to waste time walking through beautiful, but inconvenient and poorly organized menus Windows.

3.6. Internet: Use at least 2 browsers and 2 different password stores. The most common pair is IE + FireFox, this is especially convenient if you use Mozilla ThunderBird for mail. Personally, I'm used to Opera, but IE is ready for specific tasks such as encrypted communication with a bank, etc. If you like the built-in IE, pay attention to its latest version and Maxthon Browser, which is essentially an add-on to IE, but at the same time it completely expands the functionality and ease of use. Try it! For lovers of privacy, there is even Browzar, which is terribly secretive and private :) Whether it is necessary is up to you to decide based on your personal experience.

3.7. Using mail through the page mail server in the browser - this is bad manners. Of course, if they write to you and you write :). Using the built-in Windows client, starting with version 7, according to rumors, is no longer as dangerous and inconvenient as before, but it has several fundamental disadvantages, one of which is the need for an antispam module. In general, an email client is the case when there is something to buy for money: The Bat! from Ritlabs (Russian). This client is really good and inexpensive. Supporters of high-quality free solutions can be advised to try 2 clients from Mozilla (Thunderbird and SeaMonkey) and Opera's built-in email if you use this browser.

And, of course, the Goole Mail monster with its individual client and gadget-notifier modules for the desktop, Opera and Firefox. The service is convenient, although it requires a good channel and habits.

For me personally, there is no competitor to The Bat! due to the undemanding nature of the channel, the ability to keep an archive of several thousand letters for 6 mailboxes in convenient instant access, as well as the function of preliminary reception of headers, which is why I I don't know what spam is. Well, storing folders with letters where it is convenient for YOU, encrypting the database of letters and correspondence in Pro version it's worth a lot.

3.8. Recommended individual programs to remove unnecessary software. The sample is Total Uninstaller, but it is paid. A free option is Myuninstaller. You need to have this and be able to use it. Regular deletion programs in Windows - good way to the serviceman. Not immediately, of course, but guaranteed.

3.9. To maintain the OS, you must use it regularly garbage collection programs from the register and unnecessary files from disk. Well-known and well-established Reg Organizer(paid), but there is also free options CCleaner, for example, is a very worthy program. On the website of its developer you can also download the program - defragmenter, which, when used regularly, will help prevent a drop in the speed of the system partition of your HDD. The same free program can be downloaded from the Auslogics website (it’s Russian there). The key root in the name is DEFRAG.

Using the above approach and the principle of regular maintenance is not a guarantee, but it is a serious claim for the trouble-free life of your PC and secure storage Your data.

Group 4. Iron

Your PC should not overheat. Never. Once a year, do preventive maintenance of coolers and all available offal compressed air and/or a special vacuum cleaner - this is if your apartment is VERY clean. Otherwise - more often. It makes sense to install dust filters on the air intake openings on the case - they are inexpensive.

Also, once a year you need to change the thermal paste where it is used (processor, sometimes chipset and video card) - this is done by specialists.

Especially for those who like to put a running machine “out of sight”: You can only do this in such a way that all the holes are open, and all the heat-dissipating surfaces too. For example, an actively working laptop often needs to be cooled additionally through the keyboard panel. Therefore, in hot weather, there is no need to close its lid while it is counting something, backing up, defragmenting, or even distributing a lot of torrents.

In addition, when buying a laptop, pay attention to what reviews about it are on the Internet: if the machine is good, but gets hot during operation, this may require you to take additional measures when using it: for example, a small table fan for some models not based on AMD processors - a necessary summer accessory. Otherwise, the HDD inside will constantly operate at temperatures above 55°C, which means increased wear.

Increased PC noise- a reason for checking and diagnostics. Postponing this is unsafe and may cost money.

Never skimp on network filters and UPS. Cheap Chinese crafts from a stall near the metro can backfire on you. Prices for devices of the same power can differ significantly. A bad filter can cost you your entire PC. To choose from, there are discussions on forums that are searched by Google using a well-written query. At least - "Best" network filter comparison test." When reading, avoid placing too much trust in the websites of sellers of the relevant equipment.

Grounding and galvanic isolation connected equipment must check the electrician. A USB port in a laptop burned out due to a spark is often beyond repair (unless you know an electronics engineer), the consequences can be more serious, they just won’t appear immediately. When connecting, you need to keep in mind that in houses sometimes industrial equipment is connected to the household network or thrown there, or even to heating radiators, 380 volts. There are many idiots, but your PC is one :)

HDD be sure to change every 3 years, even if the old one is working fine. A used 3.5-inch disk (this is the size for ordinary desktop-under-desk cases) can be used as storage for a “long backup”, i.e. one that contains second copies of the main backups, a backup of the “everything old” folder and the like, and therefore is not turned on constantly, but mostly lies on the shelf. You need to understand that the resource of such a disk is far from exhausted, but the probability of failure after 3 years of operation begins to increase, and grows faster with age. If you have already read a little about failure statistics by year and manufacturer, then you can vary the mode of use of the “pensioner”. For example, if he didn’t have to work hard as part of his home PC (he was a second non-system drive), then he can continue to work as the main backup. Set up the production of second copies of your backups a little more often - and a reasonable balance between reliability and economy will be maintained.

Well, a laptop-sized HDD 2.5" or smaller (rarely, but it happens), calmly insert it into a box suitable for the connector (go to the market with a drive to try on), buy a high-quality USB tail for it so that your drive works from ONE USB port, and use the resulting one as a large flash memory.

Group 5. Additions

Personal Computer ALWAYS versatile. You can use your PC for a variety of purposes. Neither the choice of operating system, nor the specific set of installed software, nor the size of your machine and its monitor has a decisive influence on the purposes of use.
Therefore, in matters of choosing specific parameters of computer hardware and the set of software used, the decisive role is played only by the ease of use of the resulting complex for your tasks. What is good for you is good. There is no absolute.

That is, as a rule, a person does not need a “cooler” computer, because if the user does not play sophisticated modern “shooters” and does not constantly encode large amounts of video, does not write programs, and does not create complex three-dimensional projects, he simply does not have there are tasks for a powerful machine. Instead of buying excess power, the money is better spent on a few key things from a convenience standpoint:

1) Buying a laptop or all-in-one computer instead of a desktop PC. This makes sense for many reasons: because of a more reliable power supply (due to the laptop’s battery), and because of portability, and because of the overall size, and because of the finger control implemented on some all-in-one PCs. At the same time, no one forces you to use only one built-in laptop screen; connect a second monitor to it at home and use two at once - it’s VERY convenient. You can also use modern TV as a monitor, some people prefer a larger size :)

2) Buying a good monitor: larger, with a more expensive matrix. You can’t buy eyes in a store, this must be taken into account. The image should please you.

3) If you listen to music and watch movies on your PC- buy Bigger HDD for the collection and a better sound card. And headphones, in which the music will be something interesting, or acoustics higher class. Practice shows that an extra 5,000 rubles for these purposes can greatly change the result.

4) If you use a PC as a media center and for the Internet, still buy a computer with forced ventilation, albeit super-economical. Also remember that the built-in audio cards for output Hi-Fi music- not a solution at all. Inexpensive, quiet PC, large external HDD and external (additional) sound card at a price of 6,000 rubles - this is the basis for getting real high-quality sound for stereo. But for cinema, it is quite acceptable to have “tulip” outputs on the PC case for connecting a set of “5.1” acoustics and/or a standard optical output. With a bitrate of up to 256 kbps and an acoustic price of up to 10,000 rubles. (together with an amplifier or active) You will not hear the difference. The choice here is purely a matter of taste.

Useful advice can always help in an unusual situation.

And if, useful tips about the computer, it’s stupid to neglect them.

So I will, occasionally, and maybe constantly, combine some of them into useful articles.

At least they will be little surprises for many, due to the fact that it is unthinkable to know everything.

And so, I discovered something interesting for myself and for you on the Internet...

  1. Lack of additional RAM strip (memory for motherboard)

Installing an additional RAM stick, however, this is not always the solution: there may not be a free slot on the motherboard, or it may be impossible to find a suitable model.

If you want to slightly increase system performance without installing additional equipment, then you should be interested in learning how to increase RAM with a flash drive.

About ReadyBoost Technology

ReadyBoost - software technology Microsoft, which allows you to increase the speed of your computer using the memory of a plug-in flash drive. IN total up to 8 can be used within this option removable media, the total volume of which does not exceed 256 GB.

Removable storage requirements:

Availability of free space from 1 GB and above.
Support USB interface 2.0 and higher.
Transfer speed of at least 3.5 Mbit/s.

If these values ​​​​do not mean anything to you, then let us explain: all modern flash drives have characteristics many times better than the requirements of ReadyBoost technology. Only old media with a small amount of memory (for example, a 512 MB flash drive) will not work, but almost no one uses them anymore.

In addition to the hardware requirements for the drive, there are several important software characteristics that your operating system must meet.

ReadyBoost technology is only supported in versions older Windows Vista(7/8.1/10). On XP, information on how to use a flash drive as RAM will not help you.
The system must have the SuperFetch service running - without it ReadyBoost technology does not work.

If one of the operating conditions is not met, the system will report this in a notification. We've sorted out the general points, now let's see how to enable ReadyBoost Windows 7.

Increase random access memory flash drive!

If, when you connect a flash drive, an autorun window appears, then you can enable ReadyBoost directly through it by selecting the “Speed ​​up work” item.

2. A few words about the self-timer, because it’s important!

All programs are automatically registered in startup, the user may not even notice this (uncheck the box before installing the program), and sometimes there is no way to refuse to prevent the program from being added to startup before installation.

Any program can be disabled from startup, usually done like this - right-click on the program icon in the system tray and something like “Start the program at logon”, unchecking the box removes the program from startup.

What if there are many programs?

Then you can use other, quick ways to remove programs from startup. You can disable a program from autorun in Windows without third party programs and editing the registry.

For this it is enough:
1. Launch the “Run” dialog box using the Win+R hotkey combination.

2. Enter msconfig and click “OK”.

In the “System Configuration” window that opens, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the unnecessary boxes of those programs that do not need to be launched with the operating system.

Leave antiviruses and firewalls, and all sorts of uTorrent, Download Master, Skype can be removed without regret.

Next, after unchecking the unnecessary programs, you need to click on the “Apply” button, exit and restart the computer for the changes to take effect, if after the reboot unnecessary programs are removed, then everything is fine, but if any programs remain in autostart, then you need to use special utilities .

Okay, let's continue our steps about increasing memory with a flash drive!

With autorun disabled, go to “Computer” and find the connected flash drive:

1. Right-click on the flash drive and open “Properties”.
2. Go to the "ReadyBoost" tab.
3. Check the “Provide device” option and use the slider to determine the allocated memory space of the flash drive.

The amount of allocated flash drive space depends on how much RAM you have. There are different recommendations, but in general they boil down to one thing: the larger the storage capacity, the higher the system performance will be.

When you click the “Apply” button, the cache setup will start, after which your RAM will receive additional space thanks to the flash drive.

Now you know how to increase RAM using a flash drive. By the way, instead of a USB drive, you can use almost any device that has built-in memory, be it a player or a smartphone.

The procedure remains the same: you connect the equipment as a removable disk and allocate a certain volume as an addition to the computer's RAM.

3. Smoothly moving on to the third usefulness... useful tips.

How to write an ad in Word program with phones that are printed perpendicular to the text?

So, first we need to create a sign. To do this, click “Table”, select “insert”, then “table”. We need to choose the number of columns and rows. Let's choose for our table, for example, 5 columns and 2 rows. For starters, this is enough for us. Click “Ok”.

The created table will immediately appear.

Now we need to merge the cell in the first row. To do this, place the cursor in the top line, then click the left mouse button, selecting the cells.

In this case, do not release the mouse, but select the entire top line to the end. As a result, the entire line should be highlighted in black. Now click “Table”, then “Merge Cells”. As a result top line will become whole, not broken into cells.

Now let's type the simplest ad text. For example, about selling a computer. Here is the text “I am selling a used computer in good condition. t.555-555-555.”

The number, you understand, is fictitious, but that’s not the point. Now we will print the text on vertical tear-off sheets. We write a text like: “I’m selling a computer. t.555-555-555.” In order to avoid typing the text again, copy it and paste it into each of the columns using the “copy-paste” functions.

As you can see, the text in the columns is written straight, but we need it vertically. For this already in a known way(left mouse button) select everything with the mouse. And now select “Format”, then “text direction”. Select the desired option. After that, click “Ok”.

As a result, the text on the vouchers became slanted.

4. Let's move on to the fourth usefulness... useful tips.

You go to a certain resource, but instead useful information, Online of this resource Threatening messages about breaking the law and so on appear.

At the same time, the computer is blocked.

The point is that you need to send an SMS to specific number to remove the block, or simply transfer to this number money.

How to get rid of this scourge?

This is one of the most simple methods. No special knowledge is needed.

a) turn off the computer.
b) immediately after turning on, press the F8 key to enter safe mode with command line support
c) when the system boots, open command line via “Start” (for Windows 8, combination Win + R).
d) in this line enter the inscription: rstrui
We will have a file rstrui.exe

Let's open it and enter the system recovery function.

All we have to do is select a restore point. Try to choose one in which this banner has not yet appeared. For example, last day.

We confirm our decision to perform a system restore by clicking “Finish”. We will be asked again if we really decided to restore the system, we agree.

The process has started, you just have to wait until the system is completely restored. At the same time, do not interfere with the computer restoring the system. After recovery, the ransomware virus should disappear.

Option with flash drive...

If your PC is already locked, install the program on a flash card from another computer, for example, from a friend’s computer. Or you need to prepare such a flash drive in advance, just in case!

Go to the manufacturer's website AntiSMS. Read all instructions carefully!

Download “WinXP-based Disk” and “Disk Burning Utility”, which are located on the left side of the column. This utility writes it down correctly installation disk with the program on a flash drive.

The disk contains the ransomware removal program itself. Windows based XP (a small stand-alone OS), which will boot on its own, regardless of your operating system (if you wish, you can select boot from the right column with the Win 8 image, but then our actions will be slightly different, read the instructions on the utility’s website).

Also, download the top AntiSMS.exe utility, we will need it to restore settings after infection. After downloading the disk image and utilities, be sure to insert the flash drive into your computer (it is advisable to remove all data from the flash drive; we will format it).

Then open the utility (it is advisable to download them into one folder). In the utility window, select the AntiSMS.iso image and click “Open”.

Our program for writing an image to a flash card opens. The program will display our flash drive and its capacity. If you have several flash drives inserted, select the one you need. Check “Format flash drive”. Then "Grub4Dos".

If you have a Linux system, check Linux. Next, we just have to click “Start”.

We started the process of formatting the flash drive and writing the AntiSMS.iso image to it. After a few seconds the procedure is completed, we will see a message.

From the inscription it is clear to us that the procedure was successful and the flash card is ready to treat the computer from the SMS virus. We turn off the computer and the boot process begins.

After loading we will see a desktop with Windows XP. Let's select the shortcut with the handset and we will start treating the computer. After treatment, the following message will appear on the desktop: “Now everything is fine, the hard drive is cured!”

After treatment, you need to scan your PC with an antivirus.

Then, you need to enter msconfig into the command line and select “Normal startup” to enable startup back, but without pests.

If, after the actions of the malicious program, your Internet does not start, you need to run AntiSMS and reset the settings.

To do this, click on the label with our blue tube (the same upper utility for restoring settings that we downloaded from the top of the site). After launching the program and selecting “Run full recovery settings" and click "Start".

Our system is healed.

5. Let's move on to the fifth usefulness... useful tips.

Did you know that µTorrent, used by everyone, will become paid!

The most popular torrent client today, uTorrent, will soon be distributed to on a paid basis. This news appeared on the developer's website (according to Macdigger).

It became known that the development team decided to switch to a different monetization model. It lies in the fact that now you can download files using the client only for money.

MEANS...qBittorrent instead of µTorrent
Or this:

Good luck, Friends!

Hello friends. Today I will not write huge articles or lessons with dozens of pictures. But I just want to give you a lot of short tips that should improve your time at the computer. Whether you are new to computers or an experienced user, it doesn’t matter, everyone will find something useful here. Among so many!

Do you think I can write for you? ? Now we will check it.

01. Be vigilant.

02. Don't sit too long at the computer.

03. Clean your PC from debris.

04. Delete files you no longer need.

05. Benefit from it.

06. Play in moderation.

08. Master the computer.

09. Look for answers to any questions on the Internet.

10. Movies, music and more are available for free.

11. Online shopping is much cheaper.

12. Learn new things via the Internet.

13. Master the touch typing method.

14. Learn how to reinstall the system.

15. Make sure that the laptop or computer system unit is not overheating.

16. Install a good antivirus, such as Avast or Kaspersky

17. Remove the flash drive safely.

18. Try working in Total Commander instead of regular folders.

19. A router is a great thing wireless Internet this is great.

20. Format new flash drives in NTFS, because FAT is already outdated.

21. Master Photoshop - an excellent and necessary thing.

22.V Lately The fastest browser is Google Chrome.

23. Use it to synchronize bookmarks, notepads and more.

24. I switched to Windows 7 a long time ago. What about you?

25. Update your drivers regularly, for example with Driver Genius

26. Make free Skype calls around the world from one computer to another.

27. Keep your passwords in a safe place, such as on a flash drive.

28. You can block access to the site through the hosts file.

29. You can delete something that cannot be deleted using the Unlocker program.

30. To watch videos on the Internet, you need to install Flash Player.

31. Don't leave your email address at every turn.

32. System Restore will return your PC to a working state.

33. Use automatic switch Punto keyboards Switcher.

34. Use uTorrent torrent for downloading files: movies, music, programs.

35. Once every 3-4 months, open the system unit and clean it from dust.

36. Don't eat at the computer.

37. Clean your keyboard occasionally.

38. The computer must be in order.

39. Fresh thermal paste must be applied to the processor; a radiator is installed on top.

40. Once a month, take a break from the computer for a day, or better yet, two.

41. To convert videos or songs, use the Format Factory program.

42. Scan all your hard drives for viruses once a month.

43. Do not leave foreign objects on the laptop keyboard.

45. Don't store large files on your desktop.

46. ​​Make sure that system disk there was enough free space.

47. Never send SMS anywhere. You still won't receive a code in response.

48. Uninstall programs correctly, for example, through the Uninstall file.

49. Teach computers to others, help them with their work.

50. If Odnoklassniki does not work, then first check your computer for viruses.

51. Netbooks are dying out; it’s better to buy a tablet or a full-fledged laptop.

If you, dear reader, found at least 2-3 tips useful, then it means that I wrote this article not in vain. Dozens of people who read it will take them into service in the computer world.

Don't be afraid of the computer! Many people who have lived part of their lives without a computer believe that a computer is difficult, or that they will break something, or that some “luminary” scared them computer viruses, or they are afraid that working on a computer is harmful, or, or, or...

It is important for novice computer users to understand what they are going to use the computer for and what benefits it will give them.

Let's talk about all these fears, and then we'll start learning about the computer. Believe me! It is very interesting. This the whole world who is ready to open its doors for you. Only if you want it yourself.

The computer is difficult. Will I be able to master it?

If there are small children in your environment who are allowed to play on the computer, ask their parents at what age their kids learn the basics of working with it. On my own behalf, I will say that this is a very early age. Starting from the age of 3, a child is quite capable of using a mouse, which means he can begin mastering a computer.

Why do such young users easily cope with this?

First of all, there is great interest. This shining screen and the changing pictures on it attract attention, and the ability to press buttons and see the result is one of the favorite entertainments of inquisitive fidgets.

Secondly, lack of fear. They are not at all afraid of breaking anything.

If a 3-year-old child can cope with such a task, why can’t you cope with it?

What if I break something?

In practice, it is quite difficult to break a computer even for a novice user. Unless, of course, you go inside the system unit with a screwdriver, a hammer and great curiosity. Another thing is that it, like any complex equipment, can break on its own. But this does not depend on you, so there is no point in being afraid of it.

What an inexperienced user can actually do:

  • Change program settings, which will lead to its incorrect operation;
  • Remove files from your computer that are necessary for the operation of the operating system and installed programs.

Regarding the first point, a lifesaver would be:

  • System recovery capability provided in Windows;
  • The presence in many programs of the ability to return settings to original values(default) by pressing one button;
  • Reinstalling programs.

Well, the golden rule is that if you don’t know how the program works and accidentally opened its settings, don’t change anything and don’t click the “Save” or “Apply” button. Right action will press the “Cancel” button (English – “Cancel”) or the cross in the right top corner opened window. If you don't see the desired button, a cross will be the best way out of the situation.

On the second point they will help you:

  • Basket - special folder on your computer where deleted files go
  • Reinstalling a program whose files you accidentally deleted
  • System Restore if you accidentally deleted system files

Is it harmful to work on a computer?

I think that you have repeatedly heard the same thing about reading - strain on the eyes, watching TV - both the eyes and, in my opinion, the adequacy of thinking suffer, mobile phones - there are so many horror stories here that if you believe at least some of them, it’s better to run somewhere in the wild dense forest.

Let's discuss what is said to be "harmful" about computers

  • Radiation from both the system unit and the monitor
  • Problems associated with sitting for long periods of time
  • Tunnel syndrome due to working with a mouse
  • Psychological dependence

Computer radiation

Let's start with radiation. Are you afraid of the refrigerator in your house? What about a TV or washing machine? But they, like a computer, are a source of electromagnetic radiation. Please note that this is not the same thing as, for example, x-rays. And it is not nearly as harmful as they scare you.

There is also the concept of “acceptable standards” and all modern household appliances, including computers, do not exceed them. And in most cases, the radiation emanating from them is several times lower than this norm.

To reassure you, here are a few more facts:

  • The computer case shields electromagnetic radiation emanating from the components inside it;
  • Modern “flat” monitors emit much less radiation than representatives of previous generations;
  • Distance matters. Do not stick your nose into the monitor and do not place the system unit on your head.

Oh yes! And get a cactus next to the computer, closer to the monitor. A popular sign is that with its needles it incinerates any radiation. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding...

Be smart! Electromagnetic radiation- not radiation. Don't be intimidated by ignorant "advisers"; If you want to understand more about this issue, talk to professionals.

Load on the user's body

I won’t argue – there is a load. First of all, on the eyes. But no more than when reading or watching TV. But I think if you refuse these benefits of civilization, the computer will not come into your attention zone.

Most human eyes can cope with this load. True, subject to a reasonable approach. There is no need to stare at the monitor for hours without stopping. Give your eyes a rest. Exists a large number of exercises to help relieve tension. For example, just close your eyes with your palms, after rubbing them together until warm. Hold them before your eyes for just a minute and you will feel almost complete relaxation.

I’ll say the same thing about sitting for a long time. Control yourself. Remember that “communicating” with a computer is a very exciting activity, and you need to know when to stop. Do gymnastics after sitting in front of a shining screen. And think about the fact that maybe the computer will teach you to do it more often.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, or, more simply put, if your wrist starts to hurt from working with the mouse for a long time, can also be corrected with special gymnastics and self-control.

Psychological dependence on the computer

Addiction can arise from anything. If some activity gives us the opportunity to escape from reality, at least for a short time, then it has the necessary potential to form addiction in us.

Think about how prone you are to any addiction. If yes, then again do not forget about self-control. If you're really scared, go see a psychologist. In general computer addiction rather threatens a person in adolescence, and this is less common for adults.

So please pay attention Special attention, if it is not you who are going to study, but your child. Here it is necessary to establish rules - how much time he can spend at the computer per day. Well, watch his behavior, if you notice excessive enthusiasm when the child refuses other things that were previously interesting to him in favor of the computer, take action.

At the end of this part of our course, I would like to wish you, as novice computer users, self-confidence and success in mastering this undoubtedly interesting and useful science. A modern person who does not own a computer causes slight bewilderment among those around him. And this is not at all surprising. What can you say about a person who does not know how to use a washing machine, vacuum cleaner or TV? But soon, and perhaps even now in big cities, these are completely ordinary household appliances.

You may need to count the number of characters or words in the text according to various reasons. For example, a copywriter working to order is required to write texts of a certain size. Typically, text size is determined by the number of characters with and without spaces. In another case, you may, for example, need to translate the first 200 words of a text from English for a school assignment.

Counting characters or words manually takes a lot of time and is completely unnecessary. It's a century outside computer technology, so the computer will do the job for you.

In various cases, it becomes possible to turn off the computer at a specified time. For example, in the evening before going to bed while watching a movie automatic shutdown computer will help you not to worry about it if you fall asleep.

Setting up automatic computer shutdown is very simple, and everything can be set to standard using Windows, using the Task Scheduler or some other methods that we will consider below.

In order to answer this question, let’s first try to understand some of the properties of the electrical components of a computer and the reasons for their premature failure.

Some users think that frequent switching on computers are harmful primarily due to electrical overloads. However, as practice shows, PC parts fail not due to electrical shock, but due to thermal shock. When you turn on a computer, its electrical components heat up, causing them to expand, and when turned off, they cool and contract. This leads over time to mechanical damage details.

Many people know that there are many services on the Internet with which you can not only exchange messages for free, but also communicate with other users through a video camera. Here are some of the most popular services with which you can communicate via video calling: Odnoklassniki, ICQ and, of course, the most popular free service, Skype, I will not list the rest.

As you have already noticed, I indicated that Skype is the most popular service for communicating via video calling. Because Skype is considered the largest telecom operator in the world. No social network can compare or become a serious competitor to the Skype service. Even when Google launched a video calling service, it could not be a competitor and did not shake Skype's rating.

We will talk about the built-in function in Skype.

I think that many have tried to install some program, application or game, but then suddenly at some point something doesn’t work out for you, or you don’t know where, where, what to click, although a more experienced user has already told you how and what to do . I also had such problems until I found out that with the help Skype programs You can share your screen with another user while communicating with them using a microphone.