Multi-colored stripes on a computer monitor. A vertical stripe appears on the monitor - who is causing the problem? Single system violation

Today, in the age of high technology development, not only the latest equipment and equipment are important, but also the delicate interconnection of various components. First of all, we are, of course, talking about personal computers, which today are developing at a breakneck pace.

To ensure that they do not break and work properly, they need care and careful monitoring. Each user can provide the necessary operating conditions. For this reason, various problems may arise that cause a lot of inconvenience to users.

We are mainly talking about technical problems. They are very difficult to diagnose, but easy enough to fix on your own. In this review, we will try to figure out why stripes may appear on a computer monitor, which sometimes lead to darkening of the picture. The problem, fortunately, is not critical. Today it can be solved quite easily. Streaks on the monitor screen may indicate a problem with other equipment. In this case, you will have to urgently replace it.

What is the problem?

Before trying to figure out the source of vertical stripes, it is necessary to pay attention to the problem itself. In most cases it is purely technical in nature. Virus activity, software malfunctions and other problems are not the reasons why defects may appear on the monitor screen. Vertical stripes appear due to the negative impact on the monitor of various computer elements if they do not interact correctly with each other.

You will learn more about the nature of this problem only after diagnosing the equipment. If this situation occurs, various defects may begin to appear on the computer monitor. This brings a lot of trouble to the user. Stripes can completely obscure the monitor or replace colors. Also, the image on the screen may completely disintegrate into pixels. Why might this problem occur? If stripes appear on your computer monitor, this means only one thing: it’s time to diagnose the equipment.

Don't blame all problems on improper functioning of the video card. This element is not always the main cause of the problem. Other components of your computer may also be involved. Eliminate options related to malfunctions of programs and drivers. Deterioration in image quality and the appearance of banding is a purely technical problem. You can safely disconnect the monitor from the computer and begin checking the equipment for physical damage, dust, or other problems.

Reasons for this problem

Horizontal or vertical stripes on the monitor may appear due to overheating or hardware failure. Also take into account the possibility of incorrect interaction between the various technical elements of your PC. Do not forget also that the cause of this problem may be contamination or dust in the cables connecting the various elements of your computer. Therefore, to establish the true cause of the appearance of defects on the computer screen, it is necessary to perform a number of diagnostic procedures.

They will allow you to determine the true cause of the problem. After this, you can begin to search for methods to eliminate this problem. Remember, don’t immediately run to the service center. In most cases, you can fix this problem on your own. If the technical problem has been classified as critical, then you still have to contact the service center.

Video card

Defects on your monitor screen, including horizontal stripes, may be primarily caused by a faulty graphics adapter. In this case, you need to check whether the video card is functioning correctly. Perhaps the cooler got dusty on it. This may cause the equipment to overheat. Also check that the video card is connected correctly to the motherboard and that the wires are intact. The video card in a personal computer serves as an image processing center.

If it malfunctions, image defects may occur. The video card must be cleaned of dust using cotton swabs. If the board works fine, then the problem may be in the connectors. Check them for physical damage. If you find that the wires are damaged, then you will need to replace the equipment. If no problems were found and all video card connectors were cleaned, you need to perform another check. It consists of studying the technical features of the video card.

It all sounds quite complicated, but in reality everything turns out to be very simple. You need to check the hardware you are using on another PC. Just insert the video card into another computer and see if the stripes appear on it. If there are no stripes, then the problem is not with the video card. If there is still a defect, then the reason for its occurrence lies precisely in the graphics adapter. In this case, you need to have the video card repaired or purchase a new one.

Monitor failure

If dark streaks appear on your computer monitor, this is not a reason to panic. Just check your equipment. Problems with image deformation can be caused by any physical impact on the monitor. You can also note factors such as exposure to sunlight, high humidity, etc. To check the device, you do not need to have a technical background. Just connect the monitor to another computer. You can ask a friend for help. If, after connecting to another computer, the stripes on the monitor disappear, then the problem is that your computer is faulty. If the stripes on the monitor remain, then you will need to take it in for repair. It is unlikely that you will be able to fix this problem on your own.

Checking loops

The appearance of stripes on the monitor screen may indicate problems with the connections of the elements. They may simply be dusty or physically damaged. To check the condition of the cable, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of it. Are there any black spots on it? Is the cable itself inserted correctly? Does it have any bends? Is the device connected correctly? You can try checking the loops on another computer.

The problem with the cable is actually quite complex. Not every user will be able to independently check the wire for damage. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately diagnose the problem. It's good if you have several spare cables on hand to replace them if necessary. If, after using new cables, stripes still remain on the screen, then the source of the problem lies in other equipment. If the problem has been resolved, then you can continue to enjoy all the benefits of virtual space.

Cleaning your computer

Stripes on the monitor, as a rule, appear completely unexpectedly for the user. However, this problem is quite natural. The main enemy of any computer element is dust. To reduce the likelihood of this problem occurring, you should clean your computer from dust at least once a week. This will reduce the risk of equipment failure, including the appearance of dark stripes on the screen. To clean, use a dry cloth. Cotton swabs are also suitable for this purpose. With their help, you can clean even the most hard-to-reach places on your PC.

Malfunction of internal computer components

We should not exclude the possibility of a breakdown of one of the internal devices of the PC. This may also cause defects on the screen. These elements also include tracks on the motherboard. If you look closely at these elements, you will probably find that some resistors are swollen and the strips have turned black. This may be the cause of the defect. You cannot fix such a breakdown on your own. Therefore, if you notice that one of the elements of the motherboard has failed, most likely you will need to replace the entire board.

Stripes appearing on the monitor: how to solve the problem?

This article discussed the most common causes of this problem. The first thing you have to do in any case is to diagnose the equipment. Then you need to clean your computer from dust. Dust can cause overheating of important components of a personal computer.

Vertical stripes on the monitor and any other graphic defects may be caused by the problems we have discussed. We also looked at several ways to troubleshoot possible problems. We also looked at the issue of a malfunction of the motherboard itself. It can be a source of negative impact. Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to verify. The only correct solution to the problem in this case is to contact the service center. The rest is quite easy to check. A specialized service is guaranteed to help you fix this problem.

Image disintegration into pixels, black stripes on the monitor or complete disappearance of the image, as well as incorrect color gamut - all this may indicate a malfunction of one of the systems on your computer. After reading this article, you know how you can independently diagnose the equipment, as well as how you can eliminate the possible causes of defects on the monitor on your own. Many users are afraid to touch anything with their hands or disassemble a personal computer.

In this case, if you are not confident in your own abilities, you can contact a specialized computer center. Qualified specialists will provide you with all the necessary services. Your computer will be cleaned and the image on your monitor will be restored. For a fee, of course... If the breakdown is critical, specialists will point it out to you and advise you on possible ways to fix it. Now it will be easier for you to navigate even if emergency situations arise when working with a personal computer. We hope that this article has given you new information about the management and control of computer systems.

Let's talk about stripes on the monitor screen, what should you do if vertical or horizontal lines suddenly appear on it? Some individuals advise immediately running to the masters. They say the problem is complex, and any intervention will only make it worse. Moreover, the price of such a service is about 1000 rubles. But why pay!? Let's solve the problem ourselves!

To start the reason should be determined streaks appearing on the computer screen.

Alas, but the chance of a software error is MI-NI-MA-LEN. It's a matter of hardware. So check:

A) Are hdmi and other cables connected well? Are they damaged?

I recommend unscrewing everything and blowing it out (even when you are sure that everything is in order). Also make sure that there are no serious deformations on the blue cable (which leads to the monitor). They could very well be the culprit behind the irritating stripes.

B) The video card is damaged due to overheating.

Naturally, you won’t see this visually. There are practically no swellings or other visual signs of damage on it. Indirectly, this can be indicated by a dust-clogged cooling system and Aida temperature readings.

There are two things you can do here:

1. Remove the video card, clean its contacts (especially the part with which it is inserted into the motherboard). It’s extremely rare, but it helps, I’m serious: the chances are slim.

2. check it on another, 100% working computer.

But there may be problems with either of them, the third reason is:

B) Motherboard malfunction.

Stripes on the monitor screen may be due to this. Whether the voltage jumped, whether there was overheating or a manufacturing defect is not so important. The fact is that this happens everywhere. In addition, if when examining it (there is no need to pull it out of the system unit), swelling of the condensers (such barrels) or their blackening ldquo rdquo #8212 is visible, then with 90% chance you have found the reason for your misfortune.

Faulty matrix #8212 causes streaks on the screen.

This is sadness. You can't fix it yourself. Unless you run diagnostics #8212, connect the monitor to a laptop or other PC. The stripes remain #8212 Take the monitor to the service center. I’ll also tell you one interesting method.

At your own risk: lightly press (as if you were gently massaging the body) on the monitor that is turned on, preferably in the area of ​​the stripes. Now watch out: if the location of the #8212 bands changes, the reason is in the monitor matrix or HDMI cable.

Stripes on the laptop screen.

Do the lines/ripples change their location when the laptop is opened or closed? Move it back and forth at different speeds. Are you seeing the above? The matrix cable is faulty.

Video card glitches

Spontaneous computer shutdown

Cleaning your computer from dust

I had uneven horizontal stripes when I bought it, it was a mistake on the matrix, probably the previous owners also gave away the LCD for pennies, but the problem was simply not installed drivers #8230 :)

I had this problem 3 times, they just took and soldered the motherboard, then 4 times I took it to a normal technician, he just ordered and replaced the motherboard

What kind of firewood is needed

Firewood for the motherboard? If you name the brand, I’ll try to help with the search =)

So I'm a fool, I moved my cables and let go)

I have horizontal L/C stripes on my monitor, but I tried to put them into the integrated video card of the motherboard, everything is fine. In 3 months, two vidyukhas were covered, so problem#8230 may not be the vidyuhi's fault.

I came across the fact that graphic artifacts were caused by damage to the mat. fees. This cannot be diagnosed remotely. Take it to the SC. There may also be a power supply (or surges) or there is not enough power, as a result, something starts to work crookedly and then fails.

stripes appeared on the LCD monitor, but when you move the cursor they disappear and appear in another place, what should I do?

Is the Lingvo x3 dictionary not worth it? Is the situation similar in Safe Mode?

Does your computer have one video drive or 2? Boot from another one, try it.

I have such a problem - when I turn on the computer, squares begin to appear on the screen over time (after 2-5 minutes). I decided to leave the computer like that while the Internet was connected. When I approached them a couple of minutes later, there were a lot of purple stripes all over the screen. The picture was frozen and even the mouse did not work; by the way, there were white square stripes around the mouse.

What can I say, Kirill... Have you updated the firewood? Update, and then drag your car to the service center.

Thank you very much, I was very scared when stripes appeared opposite the text and labels, but the very first point was enough to identify the complexity, the plug that is inserted directly into the monitor came off slightly))

Hood) you get such a pleasant feeling when a problem is solved so easily, like: #171uiii, it blew by #187. well, that's how it is for me)))

And your experience was useful to me! Thank you! I thought the monitor was already #171 covered #187!

stripes appeared after turning off the light for a short time, what should I do?

Sergey, obviously the problem is of a technical nature. There is no UPS, right? Carry to the SC. It's a pity

When you boot the computer, several stripes first appear, and when you load the desktop, the screen turns black and everything becomes striped) Is it worth taking it to the service center?

If there are two video devices on board, then switch from discrete to integrated, but in general, yes, to the SC. At the same time, if they offer to purchase components from them #8212, then I would not agree.

I also have a problem, it loads normally, the Internet, the games are all fine, but it’s impossible to play - there are ripples and stripes on the monitor. It’s a long way to take it to the center, but the local master says it’s the motherboard. Is this true?

Your local master has an advantage over me) He could conduct a detailed analysis. I operate only with limited data) Nevertheless, I agree with him. This error is most likely caused by damage to the motherboard. If it is not possible to transport the entire system unit, negotiate with the service center to purchase a new motherboard model. If it doesn’t fit, or the reason turns out to be not this #8212, just return the product.

There is a thick stripe in the middle of the screen, everything is fine on the second monitor. I changed the connector and cable.

You can switch from discrete to built-in video card (if you have one), but in general, congratulations #8212 it took off. Or the motherboard. After what did the problem appear? It even appears on the desktop

Good afternoon. The problem is this: when loading in normal mode, the Windows splash screen shows horizontal blue bars, then a black screen and that’s it. If you boot in safe mode, it loads normally and there are no artifacts. Problem with video?

Dmitry, most likely yes. What preceded the problem?

red horizontal stripes appeared in normal mode does not start in safe mode yes

Look at the comment above, you have a similar problem, I assume.

After loading another toy, ripples appeared all over the screen. All functions work.

Ripples everywhere, even on your desktop? Or only in 1 game? You can try to clean all the contacts (including RAM contacts), try to run with one die if there are several of them#8230but frankly speaking, most likely the video card is screwed up, especially if it is already several years old

When you turn on the monitor, the screen flashes upside down and vertical stripes immediately form. Then, when you move the monitor in different directions, everything becomes normal. It works fine all day, what kind of malfunction could it be, please tell me.

Is the monitor under warranty? Have you followed the recommendations from the article (point 1)? Obviously the problem is with the device itself. But you didn’t even say what it is: LCD, CRT, etc. In general, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made without seeing the patient. Take him to the SC.

I have the same problem, immediately when I turn on the computer there are purple stripes and when it turns on for 5-20 minutes sometimes there is a blue screen but it almost reboots, what should I do?

I think cleaning it tomorrow might help.

1. cancel automatic reboot, you need to know #8212 what the error is. Let's start from this already.

2. Cleaning is good, but I doubt it will help

Was there a yellow stripe on the left? I cleaned the HDMI cable #8212, everything is ok.

I installed the video camera and vertically wide stripes appeared; against a black background they look purple. As soon as Windows loads, they disappear. Can you tell me what could be the reason?

Why did they install a new video card? Is the old one burned out? Have the drivers been installed correctly? Have the old ones been demolished?) Obviously, the problem is with the video card, but since the problem disappears after loading windows, then you shouldn’t worry too much. Error, 90% software.

I was playing a game and suddenly the screen became completely covered in vertical stripes, after restarting the screen does not respond to anything. What could this be?

It's rubbish, Andrey. Nobody can tell you remotely what exactly is out of order: maybe the motherboard, maybe the power supply #8230, although wait, what do you mean the screen is not responding? That is, Windows loaded, but hung on the desktop?

I have a problem with the LCD screen, 3-5 minutes after loading the PC, the picture starts to shake (from top to bottom), I had the same problem, I contacted the technician, he cleaned the computer, it seemed to go away, a month later the same thing happened again

Vitaly, is this related to what you are doing? Those. Is the toy running, or is the desktop just open? #8212 does the shaking still appear? Pace. did you measure? Looks like the motherboard is coming.

Sometimes it seems that it’s the pace that’s missing, but a little faster and everything would be fine

I meant temperature

Hello. When watching a video or playing a toy, sometimes the laptop makes intermittent sounds and the video or game slows down. My previous laptop was covered in the same way, the screen became striped.

Do you keep your laptop on a soft surface for an hour? How old is the device? Cleaned?

If the device is new, this does not mean that there cannot be dust inside. Or other jambs with a cooling system. Apparently, you still have it under warranty, so I wouldn’t recommend going inside on your own. There is only one conclusion: take it to the service center for diagnostics, I don’t rule out a factory defect, at least twice in a row#8230mmde, and you’re lucky

There is a new video card (well, like new, for about six months) and it worked fine. But at one point horizontal stripes of color began to appear. The computer turns off when working. Lately it's not possible to turn it on at all. Stripes appear even in BIOS#8217e when loading windows. Sometimes it turns on if you tug on the video card

I imagined you tugging at the video card. Impressed..okay. There are 2 options: either it’s completely gone or there are problems with contact. Shoot. Blow it out. You can test the computer with a discrete video card. But I’m almost sure that I’ll have to fork out for a new device. Which is sad. half a year #8212 this is either a manufacturing defect or hellish conditions. Haven't you dabbled with overclocking for an hour?

My daughter was playing on the laptop and the screen became vertical, how can I set it to horizontal again? I'm craning my neck and sitting as I type)))

Good afternoon, about 2 weeks ago a blue line appeared on my screen. I didn't pay attention to it #8212 I thought it would pass, but today when I played the game it turned bright pink. I turned off the game and it remained on the desktop. What to do please tell me

In the morning I started to turn on the laptop, it turned on but the screen did not work, I connected it to the monitor, there were ripples on it somehow, I reinstalled Windows blindly, the screen worked, I was not happy for long) vertical white stripes appeared, quite wide, I overloaded it, it worked for about 5 minutes normally and all the stripes again, what is the reason ?

With laptops everything is more complicated. (in terms of diagnostics). You did the right thing by connecting it to Monica. Didn't you take your temperature? It seems very likely that the video has been closed or is close to it. Or the motherboard. In any case, be prepared to spend money on repairs.

A transparent stripe appeared at the top of the screen. Noticeable mainly when watching movies. Nevertheless, I think that it is simply invisible, but it is always there and it is not going to go anywhere. It's as if vertical sync is not turned on (the image seems to be torn) only the horizontal bar is turned on.

Greetings. There was a problem: after auto-updating Windows 10, white stripes appeared on the screen. They appear immediately after turning on the computer and disappear only when entering the BIOS, and immediately appear again when exiting it. They have a funny property of being erased by moving the mouse across the screen ala an eraser in Paint, but after a couple of seconds they appear again in the same place. When turned on, the videos begin to flicker.

After an unsuccessful attempt to update the drivers, I reinstalled Windows and it helped for half an hour. Before I even had time to really rejoice, after going into sleep mode and exiting it, the stripes returned as if nothing had happened. After that, I rearranged Windows again, several times and always different #8212 did not help. I downloaded a bunch of drivers and codecs both manually and using various programs that sort of find the ones they need and set #8212, it didn’t help. I changed the cable from the monitor and the monitor itself, disassembled the computer itself and blew out everything that was possible #8212 to no avail 0.

I ask for help in the unequal battle against this white plague.

We approached the issue wisely. And everything was explained clearly. Now we go from the opposite:

1. We exclude problems with the monitor itself (you tested)

2. We exclude software errors (we installed different operating systems. I hope not the Tens variety)

3. We also eliminate the possibility of an incorrect connection (the bolts were overtightened, not fully inserted into the connector, etc.)

What's left? Alas, BP is under suspicion, mother, Vidyakh. Problems with the latter are easily diagnosed (if there is a built-in one).

I took a video card from a friend to check, the stripes disappeared. It turned out to be her)

Vidyashki most often get covered up, it’s a pity, of course, but at least you’ve identified the reason) you’re great)

Hello, I have this problem: when you turn on the computer, the entire screen immediately ripples, when you start the BIOS, the screen breaks into green itcher squares and writes strange white characters against this background. After Windows starts, only green vertical stripes appear. If Windows starts, which is not always the case, it starts diagnostics and writes that the computer was started incorrectly. After which it restarts and everything is all over again. I completely disassembled the computer, cleaned everything, but the problem remained. I can’t enter safe mode because the symbols are clumsy. Do I understand correctly that the motherboard died?

Evgeniy, you are right, unfortunately.

With a high degree of probability, it is the motherboard that is causing the problem. You can exclude the video camera (if in addition to the discrete one there is a built-in #8212, just pull out the first one)

Hello! Today the computer worked fine as always, then multi-colored horizontal stripes appeared, I read your advice, checked all the contacts, removed and put back the video card. And lo and behold, the stripes became vertical, I climbed down again, moved the video and they became horizontal again. Help me what to do Please.

One road #8212 carry to the SC. Either the video card is to blame or the slot on the motherboard (the mother itself) is damaged. If everything was cleaned/inserted correctly, then purchasing new components cannot be avoided. It sucks, but what can you do?

Hello! Tell me what exactly could be the matter. After turning off the network on the monitor in mode #171idle #187, i.e. when the Windows greeting goes on or a little over a second while in VLC before opening the video there is a black background, diagonal white stripes run, not very noticeable, then from left to right, then vice versa. On a regular black background (video or image) everything is fine. How long can the iron last after this before it completely fails?

But no, diagonal ones are always on a black background. How long can the iron work in this mode?

It’s really hard to say how long it will last, maybe a year, maybe a month, or maybe it’s some kind of manufacturing defect and in this mode the device will function for another five years. In any case, I would start saving money for a new component (by the way, a reason to take it to SC #8212 to find out what exactly went wrong). To be more specific (it’s impossible without seeing the patient)

Good afternoon. Our family computer has broken down. He is 4.5 years old. 07/21, after downloading the updates, I did not restart the computer, but simply turned it off. When you turned it back on, the updates were installed. The computer began to work in normal mode, but during the process white squares suddenly appeared on the screen and the screen went dark. My husband rebooted from the main button. Everything here is cloudy, the sequence of events is forgotten. But in the end the computer reported that the video adapter driver had been reinstalled. And the computer worked without problems until July 25. That day I was looking at the news on VK and when watching the video, white squares SUDDENLY appeared and the screen went blank. (But not the system unit, the valves were turning) I rebooted from the start button. And it began. When loading, a black screen with download options, because... the previous session was ended incorrectly. We vacuumed the system unit (it was time to do it anyway), changed the battery (#171 native #187 already showed 2.6V) cleaned all the contacts with an eraser (well, just in case).

The computer reset the settings because... There was no battery for some time. The beeper beeps once (#171 order#187 #8212 AMI BIOS). I tried to boot, but it began to self-diagnose, but could not auto-recover. showed the details of the problem (barely clear to me). I tried to roll back to the previous state. At 20.07. It did not help.

Every time you turn on the computer, the following happens: there is no BIOS post, it shows a key combination with their description in its color picture, then jumps to a screen where it says that the previous session was terminated incorrectly and offers to boot in safe mode or in normal mode. In safe mode there are short white bars and the screen resolution is changed to 800x600. In normal mode it doesn't load at all.

tried reinstalling the video card driver. As a result, the video card cooler accelerated to crazy speed and nothing on the screen - Windows did not load.

We tried a knight's move: we took the disk out of the case and moved it to another with obviously working hardware. We tried to boot. There are no white stripes, BUT otherwise everything is the same. Perhaps we have a combination of several problems?

What is the problem? I believe this is not the end.

You described everything in such detail that I really feel obligated to answer as clearly as possible. And help, but alas! It is much better to diagnose this problem in a service center, because as you yourself mentioned, anything can happen. Yes, and I’ll tell you, for example, #171 it’s your fault #187 #8212 are you going to run out and buy a new video adapter because some blogger advised that?) Don’t do that)) I, of course, consider myself a competent specialist, but making a diagnosis in the mode online #8212 is a game of luck. You have to watch it live.

Sometimes when I turn on my PC, horizontal blinking stripes appear. Solved by rebooting the computer. In games and tests everything is fine, only sometimes when turned on. The firewood in the video is the latest. Video card 460 gtx 1 gb. What could it be? The video card is living out its time.

Those. If you DO NOT reboot #8212 will the stripes remain on the desktop and in games?

To be more precise, I did not include games with stripes. When stripes appeared, #8212 rebooted the PC immediately. After rebooting, the PC turned on normally and all tests and games ran fine. The video card temperature reached 65 degrees and did not rise again. I also noticed a strange phenomenon, and only in one game #8212 Stalker, all parts, when starting the game, the game menu #8212 the picture on the screen was not stable, that is, somehow shifted, not centered, and the menu froze #8230by simply collapsing and opening back the games everything became normal. All other games, such as Crisis 3, Metro, work at maximum settings and there are no problems #8230 I'm wrong, maybe the problem is in the drivers, although they were downloaded from the official website, with the selection for this video card (460 gtx). The previous geforce 7300 gt video card worked fine, I think maybe the remnants of the old drivers may conflict? Or are the last days of my video #8230 coming?

Sergey, judging by what was described, the problem is of a technical, not software nature. And it’s far from a fact that Vidyakha is to blame. This can happen if there are problems with the motherboard. At Nvidia, before installing new drivers, the old ones must be correctly and completely removed; to ease my conscience, if I were you, I would do this.

Hello! My laptop was in excellent condition. But I accidentally deleted the operating system (lol, this happens) After installing a new OS, I had stripes on the screen, and the screen seemed to double, so you can hardly see anything on it and it’s impossible to work #8230 There is none of this in safe mode, everything is fine, the screen has no stripes. Tell me, is there any way I can try to solve this myself?

Can! Laptop #8212 is not a rocket, 90% of problems can be solved without contacting a service center. Have you installed all the drivers? What kind of Windows? Assembly or license?

Maybe you can give me some advice #8230 It’s a bit difficult to describe the problem, but I’ll try:

On a laptop SOMETIMES (for example, in a browser when scrolling a page, with a large number of thumbnails), a horizontal multi-colored thin (1 pixel) strip appears across the entire width of the window (NOT THE MONITOR, but the window). Appears periodically as you scroll the page and not necessarily in one place (but more often at the top of the page). Disappears almost immediately. Well, sometimes it can linger for a few fractions of a second. It's hard to say more precisely.

In other cases, the strip was never noticed (watching a video, or just large images).

What about in games? What happened after? Either way, it's almost certainly a software bug. Are codecs/drivers, adobe flash player, browser itself updated?

Video card MSI NX8800GTS-T2D512E

It has been standing for a long time, everything worked without any problems.

The computer did not work for two months; it was turned off from the network.

The first time I turned it on there were no problems.

The next time I boot, I get stuck #8212 black screen.

Then I booted only into safe mode, vertical blue bars appeared on the screen.

I changed the cable to the monitor, the VGA-DVI adapter rang, updated the firewood, looked for viruses, cleaned the system unit, changed the thermal paste, no visible damage. What can you do about it?

In addition to the 8800 GTS, does the motherboard have an integrated video card? Try booting from it. In general, there is nothing you can do here. Either it or the motherboard is covered. It cannot be diagnosed remotely, bring it from the service center.

A laptop from Toshiba, the laptop is about 6 years old, costs Windows 10, when you start the screen there are stripes, they constantly change color and dots appear, the mouse does not work at that moment, there is a sound of turning on Windows but there is no picture. What could it be?

Bogdan, during this period, has the laptop been disassembled/cleaned at least once? It is very difficult to judge, because... There are few introductory notes. From what we have, I can draw two conclusions: (choose whichever you like best) #8212 software (Win 10 after all) error. or technical (motherboard, video, screen).

>TV malfunctions

The appearance of a vertical stripe on the screen indicates a malfunction of the matrix cable. Symptoms such as ripples, screen flickering, and distortion may also indicate a malfunction of the matrix. The width of this stripe can vary from 1 pixel to several centimeters. In this case, the vertical stripe can be of different colors, black, red, etc.

The reason lies in the poor contact of the panel cable with the board, where the signal from the T-con is routed through the corresponding cables; it is glued to the matrix with one side, and the other to the imaging board. If we are talking about laptops, then the appearance of a vertical stripe on the LCD monitor screen may also be associated with a break in the cable tracks. Also, the appearance of a stripe on the TV screen can appear if there is a breakdown in contact and oxidation of the SMD elements installed on the cable, mainly resistors.

A defect with a vertical stripe can also be caused by poor contact in the connector itself, if this is the case, then you are very lucky, it is easy to deal with yourself.

The defect can be either permanent or temporary, disappearing, for example, after the LCD TV warms up. Also, the vertical stripe may disappear and then reappear as a lighter image than the main one. The defect can be eliminated by pressing on the connection point, but if the non-contact point has oxidized, then you need to press hard.

In the professional case, special machines are used to restore LCD matrix cables. The thing is expensive and not for a single occasion. It is very difficult to restore the cable yourself at home. This requires very precise positioning of the cable, a tool and a special anisotropic adhesive film. This adhesive film contains tiny bonding pads surrounded by insulating materials. Once positioned, heated and pressed, it provides electrical connection between the pads.

As mentioned above, vertical stripes on an LCD TV may appear as a result of faulty soldering of SMD resistors. Arm yourself with a magnifying glass and check the soldering joints, as well as the resistance of these resistors.


The trouble is that the cables are very difficult to restore and sometimes the only way out is to replace the matrix, and replacing the matrix is ​​almost the cost of a new TV.

If you have determined for sure that the vertical stripe on the LCD TV screen is associated with a defect in the cable connection, and professional repair is impossible, then try your luck by trying to repair it yourself.

This requires accuracy, accuracy and more accuracy. All work is carried out using a microscope, binocular glasses with an additional lens or magnifying glass.

To begin with, you can try this method: take a conductive varnish, pierce the paths with the missing contact with a needle in several places and apply varnish into the hole. The work requires accuracy and patience. After the varnish has dried, seal the repair area with tape.

The second method is more labor-intensive and try it if the first does not help.

Carefully disconnect the cable while heating it with a hairdryer. Clean the cable and board from the anisotropic film with acetone, and if there is oxidation, then clean it with something sharp (for example, a scalpel). If there are no visible signs of oxidation, then you don’t have to clean them, they are already tinned well. Apply liquid rosin and fix the train, positioning it well. Using a soldering iron, slightly heat the cable from above so that the flux alcohol evaporates and the soldering area is preheated, then solder the contacts. Experience plays a role here, the correctly selected amount of solder on the soldering iron and a well-heated soldering area ensures that the solder spreads along the tracks without jumpers.

Compared to a personal computer, on laptops it is much more difficult to understand why a vertical stripe appeared on the monitor and how to remove it, since almost the entire structure is one piece. This is a very annoying problem. It seems like you don’t use your laptop all the time, and you handle it with care, but the problem still arises. Let's find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as ways to combat it.

Stripes on laptop screens can appear for various reasons:

  • Damage (poor contact, break) of the cable from the matrix to the device board.
  • Failure of the matrix itself (only replacement will help here).
  • Faulty video card (sometimes repair or replacement of the video card is possible).
  • Faulty motherboard (often due to overheating components).

The forecast is disappointing: in almost all cases repairs are required at a service center. At home, you can only replace the video card, and only if it is not built-in. Some “Kulibins” may try to replace the matrix or cable with their own hands, but it is worth taking into account many nuances, which we will discuss below.

Important! On your own, you can only remove the video card driver and then install it again, although this is unlikely to help.

Finding the cause of the malfunction

Before you remove stripes on your computer monitor, you first need to try to determine by eye the cause of the malfunction:

  • To initially diagnose the cause of stripes on a laptop monitor screen, you will need a regular monitor that should be connected to the laptop. If the image on this monitor is excellent, without artifacts and stripes, then the problem lies in the cable or matrix. If there are also stripes on the monitor, then you will have to repair or replace the video card or motherboard.
  • Checking the matrix's response to physical impact: try with both hands, bend and twist the screen, and also try to lightly press it with your finger - of course, without fanaticism. If the stripes change, it means the cable or matrix is ​​faulty.
  • Pay attention to whether the stripes disappear or change when you open and close the laptop lid. Try both fast and slow. Changes in any direction indicate a malfunction of the matrix cable.

How can you visually determine the cause of a malfunction?

The matrix of a mobile computer needs to be replaced if:

  • Vertical stripes appear and disappear when the screen is torsed and bent, but on an external monitor everything is fine.
  • Only one side of the screen works, while the other is completely white or with other artifacts (or a wide white stripe in any part of the matrix).
  • There is a characteristic ripple on the screen.
  • There are multi-colored stripes on the screen.
  • When the matrix is ​​bent, the image becomes blurred.
  • All colors are displayed in negative, that is, black in white, and white in black.

Important! Repair or replacement of the matrix is ​​needed if there are many different colored lines on the screen or the image ripples and flickers, but when you move the laptop lid, the picture changes. The external monitor works without problems.

What to do with a failed cable?

So, what to do if the problem is caused by a broken cable?

  • Give it to the service center.
  • Search on the Internet or on the market for the same cable for the same matrix model, but this is unlikely due to the wide range of names.
  • Try to repair the old cable. To do this, you will need a soldering iron, MGTF wire, a regular tester and electronics skills. The essence of the repair is to search for a broken cable conductor using a tester, and then replace it with a new one. The new MGTF wiring should be placed on top of the old one and soldered at both ends.

Important! You can use ordinary thin and strong copper wires - MGTF is simply the most common. They can be bought in stores and radio markets.

What to do with a faulty motherboard or video card?

If the motherboard or built-in video card is faulty, the laptop will have to be repaired. This is not a cheap pleasure, so be sure to ask for agreement on the price of the repair.

If the video chip malfunctions, you may be offered three “treatment” options:

  • Warming up the chip is the cheapest option, but there is no guarantee that it will help, and besides, the malfunction may occur again later.
  • Chip reballing is a more expensive method, but if the chip is faulty, this option gives a 99% success rate.
  • A complete chip replacement is also 99% success, but this option is much more expensive than reballing, and it is not a fact that replacing the chip is so necessary.

Important! The motherboard could fail due to overheating, due to oxidation of the contacts, or could be slightly rusty due to, for example, spilled coffee. The repair options are the same as for the video card, plus some additional measures.


Thus, in this article we looked at the question of how to remove stripes on a computer monitor. This problem is not uncommon, so it is advisable for every laptop user to know why it can occur, as well as how to fix it.

Technical equipment, new technologies, subtle but not necessary interconnection of various elements - this is what modern progress has come to. We are, of course, talking about a computer, which has a lot of elements that require care and careful monitoring so that they work correctly and do not break. But not every one of us can do this, so we are faced with various problems that sometimes manifest themselves very strongly and cause a lot of inconvenience. We will mainly talk about technical problems that are difficult to diagnose, but it is quite possible to fix them yourself. And in this article we will look at where and why stripes appear on the monitor, which sometimes overshadow the entire picture on the screen. Fortunately, the problem is not always critical, so in most cases you can fix it yourself. And sometimes they indicate that the equipment has broken down and urgently needs to be replaced.

What is this problem?

Before you figure out where they came from on the monitor, it’s worth considering the problem itself, which in most cases is of a technical nature. Yes, a program failure, a virus and other problems, even an option related to drivers - none of this is the reason why defects appear on the monitor screen. This problem is a consequence of the negative influence of computer elements on the monitor or their incorrect interaction with each other. The problem is simple and critical, but this will become known only after a thorough diagnosis of the equipment. When this unpleasant situation occurs, various defective stripes begin to appear on the monitor, which bring with them a lot of trouble. Either they completely obscure the entire monitor, or they replace the colors, or the screen completely disintegrates into pixels.

Why does it occur?

If stripes appear on the monitor, this means that it is time to diagnose all equipment. You shouldn’t blame everything on the video card in advance, since it is not always the main cause of the problem. There may also be other parts of your equipment involved that may contribute to this defect. It is worth completely excluding options that relate to programs or driver failures, since image distortion, which is also filled with extra stripes, is guaranteed to be a technical problem. Therefore, you can safely turn off your computer and start checking all your equipment for damage, dust, and much more.

Main causes of this problem

Vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor may appear due to hardware failure or overheating. The incorrect interaction of various technical elements should also be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that the source of the problem can be dust and contamination of the cables, which are the connecting connection between various elements. Therefore, in order to establish the true causes, you need to conduct a series of diagnostic studies that will identify the true problem, and only then think about ways that will help get rid of this unpleasant situation. And it’s worth remembering that you shouldn’t immediately run to the service center, since in most cases you can get out of this situation with your own efforts. Well, if a technical problem is classified as critical, then there are no options - you will have to find among your friends those who have experience in troubleshooting such problems.

Video card

Horizontal stripes on the monitor and any defects in general cannot be caused primarily by a faulty video card. It is necessary to check whether it is working normally, whether the cooler on it is dusty, which can cause overheating of the equipment, and whether it is connected to the motherboard correctly, that is, whether the wires are damaged. Yes, the video card is the image processing center which can cause the problem. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the board itself is working normally, you should definitely clean it of dust using cotton swabs. Then check its connectors and try to clean them. After this, check the wires for physical damage. If it doesn't exist, that's good news; if the wires are damaged, then the equipment will need to be replaced.

If no problems are found and everything is cleaned, it is worth carrying out another check, which consists of examining the technical features of the video card. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is simple: you need to check the equipment on another computer. A friend can help you with this: just insert the video card into his computer and check if there are stripes on his monitor. If there are no stripes, then the problem is different; if there is a defect, then the problem is in that graphics hardware. This means you should contact service or buy a new video card.

Monitor malfunction

When vertical stripes appear on your monitor, do not panic. Just start checking your equipment. And it’s worth noting right away that the option with a monitor is also appropriate, although this element is not programmable. Any physical impact on the monitor can cause a lot of problems regarding image deformation. You can also note factors such as exposure to sunlight and exposure to high humidity on the monitor. To test this device, you do not need special education; you just need to test it on another computer. Take advantage of this opportunity from a friend. If after connecting the bars on the monitor disappear, then the problem is in your computer; if the opposite result occurs, then you need to contact a specialized service, since such a problem cannot be corrected with your own hands.

Checking loops

Stripes can also mean that you probably have problems in the connections of the elements themselves, which can sometimes be either physically damaged or simply dusty. To check them, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of the cable for physical damage. Are there blackheads there? Is the cable itself positioned correctly? Does it have unnecessary bends? Is everything connected correctly? If this is possible, then it is worth checking them on another computer. In fact, the problem of cables is quite complex, and not everyone can fully check these wires, therefore, in order to diagnose such a problem instantly, you must always have several spare cables on hand, which can be replaced if necessary. If, after using fresh wire options, stripes continue to appear on the monitor, then you should look for the source of the problem in other equipment. And if there is no problem, then you have already solved it and can continue to enjoy the possibilities of the virtual space. It is worth remembering this nuance, since not many people know that this can also be the cause of an unpleasant situation.

Cleaning your computer

Damage to internal elements

But do not forget about the possible breakdown of internal devices, which can also cause defects on the screen. These elements mainly include tracks and connecting elements on the motherboard. If you check them carefully, you will find that some of the strips have turned black and the resistors are swollen. It is this state of affairs that is the cause of the breakdown, which cannot be corrected by one’s own efforts. Therefore, if you find at least one of the elements listed, then you should replace the motherboard, since repairing it will no longer be possible.

How to solve this problem?

Stripes appeared on the monitor. How to solve this problem? Actually, we examined all possible solutions in this article, all of them are described above. First, you need to diagnose the equipment, clean the computer, since dust can cause overheating of important computer elements, and then draw conclusions and look for a way out of this unpleasant situation. A vertical stripe on the monitor or another graphic defect - all this is caused by the problems that we have discussed. As for the ways to eliminate them, we also examined them, in particular we mentioned the motherboard itself, which can serve as a source of negative impact. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to check it, so the only correct solution may be to contact a service center. Everything else can be checked and you can figure out what exactly is the reason for the defect appearing on the screen.

Service - guaranteed solution to the problem

A black line on the monitor, the image breaking up into pixels of different sizes, the image disappearing, incorrect color gamut - all this and much more indicates that there is a problem with your computer. This article allows you to fix them or diagnose them yourself. But it happens that your hands are simply afraid to touch anything there and generally disassemble the computer. It is in such cases, when you are not confident in your abilities, that a specialized service center will help you, where they will provide all the necessary services. For a fee, they will clean your computer and restore the normal image on the monitor. And if the breakdown is critical, then they will definitely tell you what exactly the problem is and how to fix it. Now it has become much easier to navigate this situation, which will undoubtedly serve as a positive new experience in terms of managing and monitoring computer technology.