Using private incognito mode in the browser. How to enable Incognito mode in different browsers. Private mode in Opera

When viewing pages on the Internet, each user usually leaves behind “traces”. You may have noticed that filling out forms on websites can already be filled out automatically (login, nickname, e-mail, name, password, etc.), and when entering address bar of some address, frequently typed addresses are already substituted, and frequently visited pages (sites) open faster than the first time, etc.
The point is that you usually save all this information, and it is also transmitted and remains on websites and on your computer in the form.
On the one hand, this is convenient, because you don’t need to enter all this data every time and everything happens quite quickly, but on the other hand, attackers can gain access to this data and use it to hack you. And another person who uses your computer can see your browsing or download history, and in general all your activity on the Internet.
In this article I will show how you can use the browser in private browsing mode (incognito), as a result of which your data will not be saved anywhere and no one will know where you were and what you did.

What is private mode in the browser?
This is a mode of viewing web pages in which the browser leaves no traces of its presence either for the pages themselves or for other users. It is also called incognito mode.

As a result of this viewing, the following information will not be saved:
- web form and search data you fill out;
- entered passwords;
- all visited web pages;
- cookies of visited sites;
- download list in the Download Window;
- cached and offline content;
- user data.

By the way, you can create bookmarks in this mode and they will be displayed in normal mode. This is convenient when you “wandered” the Internet, found an interesting site and decided to save it so you can look at it later.

I would also like to note that when you turn on this mode, a new window (not a tab) opens in which you can visit pages, and a recent page will also be opened. Those. As a result, it turns out that you can sit in both normal mode and private mode at the same time, which allows you to sit in one window, for example, and surf the Internet in another without fear that your data and information may be found out.

Private Browsing in Internet Explorer

Method 1: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P.

Method 2: menu Service - Browsing InPrivate

In both methods, a new private mode window will open:

Private browsing in Firefox

Method 1: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P .

Method 2: menu File - New private window

Method 3: right-click on any link on the site, and then, in the appeared context menu, select Open link in new private window

In any of these methods (except the last) the result will be a new private window:

By the way, if you click on the menu Tools - Settings in Mazil Firefox:

then the settings window will open, and there will be a tab Safety, in which you can make the browser always be in private access mode:

Private browsing in Opera

Method 1: keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N

Method 2: Top Menu Operas - Tabs and windows - Create a private tab or Create a private window:

As you can see, Opera has also created a private tab, maybe this will be just as convenient for someone.

By the way, Opera also has settings

that can help with privacy:

The private mode window in Opera is as follows.

You've probably used incognito mode, for example, to log into several accounts at once. mail accounts or view photos of cats in the workplace. Now that your online activities are being vigilantly monitored by search and advertising bots, incognito mode seems like a very tempting option. But it doesn't really provide privacy.

How is incognito mode different from regular mode?

In incognito mode:

  • Browsing history is not recorded;
  • Search queries are not saved;
  • Files are not saved;
  • New passwords are not recorded;
  • Not saved temporary files and cached website content;
  • Data is not recorded in forms on websites.

As you can see, the list is long. But incognito mode only protects a small part your data. Google honestly warns about this in their browsers. Chrome users receive a notification when they launch Incognito Mode.

When you open a tab in incognito mode, you will see a corresponding warning. What we're trying to convey is that your activities, even in private mode, are still visible on the sites you visit and may be visible to your employer, your educational institution and, of course, your Internet provider.

Darin Fisher, Vice President of Chrome Engineering

Firefox also displays a disclaimer.

Private browsing mode does not make you anonymous on the Internet. Your ISP, employer, or the websites themselves may track which pages you visit. Also, private browsing mode does not protect you from keyloggers or spyware, which can be installed on your computer.

Mozilla Support

What provides true privacy

By by and large all these tricks of search engines aimed at targeting advertising do not particularly interfere with users. However, in some cases, getting rid of such annoying attention can be useful.

For example, you intend to purchase a gift for your wife and are looking for suitable options in online stores in incognito mode. After some time, the wife launches the browser in normal mode and sees a bunch of advertisements with offers to buy smartphones and jewelry. This is annoying and can ruin the surprise.

There are several ways to avoid this.


Virtual private network hides your IP address and replaces it with the IP address of the remote . This will make it more difficult for advertising platforms to associate your IP address with your browser.


This anonymous network, which passes your traffic through several random hosts before connecting you to the final server. You can surf through Tor at least occasionally, because the speed is not very impressive. But the privacy measures in this browser are excellent.


There are several that make it difficult for advertising platforms to identify browsers. One of the best is Ghostery. It blocks most tracking trackers on pages without affecting surfing speed in any way.

First, let’s talk about what incognito mode is in a browser and why it is needed. Incognito mode is a mode in which the browser does not save any information about its use. History of visits, downloads, entered passwords, cookies and other data that can be used to determine what you did on the Internet are not saved at all or are deleted after closing the window.

What will incognito mode give you:

  • search queries are not saved in the browser
  • URLs of visited sites are not saved in the browser history
  • entered passwords are not saved
  • the files you download remain on your computer, but they are not in your download history
  • the ability to log in to a site you are already logged in under a different login
  • If you are authorized on any site in normal mode, in incognito mode this authorization is not taken into account

What incognito mode will NOT give you:

  • Incognito mode doesn't hide your online activities
  • your internet service provider "sees" which sites you have visited
  • if you use a work computer, the sites you visit will be visible to your employer
  • The sites themselves “see” that you visited them
  • if you log in to any site (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.) under your account, it will be noticeable. You won’t be able to become “invisible” by simply turning on incognito mode

How to enable incognito mode in the browser

In all modern and more or less popular browsers, incognito mode is activated using key combinations ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). The exception is firefox, in which private browsing enabled via key combination ctrl+shift+p. It is also possible to enter this mode through the browser menu, about this for each of them below.

Incognito mode in chrome

To enter incognito mode in Google browser chrome, use the keyboard shortcut Or click the button "Settings and Google management chrome"- three dots "New window in incognito mode":

After which a new window with a dark design will open. You will receive a notification that the browser is running in incognito mode, and in the left top corner icon will appear:

Incognito mode in Opera

To enter incognito mode in opera browser, use the key combination ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). Or click the button "Menu" in the upper left corner of the browser. Then select "Create a private window":

After which a new one will open with the inscription "Private browsing":

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

To enter incognito mode in the Yandex browser, use the key combination ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). Or click the button "Yandex Browser Settings" in the upper right corner of the browser. Then select "Incognito mode":

After which a new window will open with a dark design, in the upper right corner there will be a dark glasses icon:

Incognito mode in firefox

To enter incognito mode in Mozilla browser firefox, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+p (⌘ + Shift + p on Mac OS). Or click the button "Open menu" in the upper right corner of the browser. Then select "Private window":

After which a new window will open. In the upper right corner you will see a mask icon on a purple background:

In addition, in firefox browser Built-in tracking protection, which is enabled in incognito mode. This function does not allow to collect detailed information about you. Tracking systems such as Yandex are disabled. Metrica, Goggle Analytics, all kinds of traffic counters, etc. This does not mean that the site owner will not know anything about you. This only means that he learns much less than he could have learned.

In this article I will show you how to enter incognito mode or how to enable incognito mode in different browsers and on different operating systems. More precisely on Windows and Android. Incognito mode is the so-called private mode, using which you can be sure that no one will be able to track your actions.

Features of incognito mode:

  • Website browsing history is not saved
  • The history of file downloads is not saved, but the downloaded files are successfully saved on the computer
  • Cookies are deleted immediately after all are closed. open windows private mode
  • There is no way to open a closed tab
  • The IP address does not change

Enable private mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

InPrivate in Microsoft Edge

Incognito mode appeared in Microsoft Edge in recent Windows updates 10. But to ensure that they don’t repeat themselves, they gave it the name InPrivate. But essentially this is the same private mode that is available in other browsers.

How to open incognito mode on your phone

Most smartphone users use Chrome and Opera to surf the Internet. Therefore, here I will show you how to enter incognito mode in these mobile browsers.

And so to go into incognito mode in Chrome on Android you just need to press a button in the browser Functions(three dots from top to bottom) and select New inset incognita.

To open a private tab in Opera, You need to go to open tabs and swipe right to switch to private tabs. Then click + to open a new private tab.

You can also see how to enable incognito mode in the browser on your computer.

That's all. In this article, I showed you how to enter incognito mode on your computer and phone. I hope the article was useful to you. You can now sit in the in social networks from two accounts in one browser. Well, now no one will know your secrets. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share the article on social networks.

Incognito mode is the security of your data and your computer on the Internet. How to enable it? detailed instructions how to use this tool in all browsers.

Hi all!
Today we will talk about incognito mode in browsers.
Incognito what is this anyway? In one word, it is your safety.
Security of your data on the Internet.
Why do you need to enable incognito mode?
Did you know that no matter what website you go to on the Internet, it all merges?
What exactly?
Yes all! Your location, name, age, interests. Logins and passwords, by the way, too.
Do you think why exactly those advertisements appear in browsers, what are you interested in?)

Did you know that Google works for the FBI and leaks all the information about every Internet user?
In Russia there is no accurate information on this score, but I think Yandex is doing the same thing).

What are the advantages of accessing the Internet this way?
All your views are hidden from prying eyes.
Logins and passwords are not saved.
No need to clear cache and cookies.

Let's get started, let's start with Yandex.

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser?
This is done quite simply by simultaneously pressing three keys on the keyboard
"Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N" If you have operating system Windows.
If you have a Mac OS operating system, then the key combination “⌘” + “Shift” + “N”
If you did everything correctly, you should see a tab like this.

All. You can use it without fawn

Incognito mode in Google Chrome is enabled in 2 ways.
A combination of 3 keys or through the browser settings - whichever is more convenient for you).
1st method
Using a key combination.
Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N” at the same time
2nd method.
Through google settings.
Come in and choose. "New window in incognito mode."
Like the picture below.

If you did everything correctly, you should get a picture like this.

Let's move on to less popular browsers in Russia and neighboring countries.
Let's start with hacker
from the Opera browser.

Incognito mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Opera?
Opera incognito mode is also activated in 2 ways.
1st method is the same “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N”
2nd method. Go to Opera settings. select an incognito window.

Incognito mode in Mozilla

how to open incognito in mozilla?
There are also 2 ways.
1st combination with simultaneous pressing of 3 keys.
By the way, here other buttons will be used, unlike in other browsers.
Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “P” simultaneously
2nd method.
Opera settings, then select “private window.”

how to exit incognito mode on any browser

In order to exit incognito, just close the window with the incognito tab.
The instructions are universal), suitable for all browsers.
You can watch a video from YouTube on how this is all done.

That's all for now!