Select a file manager for Android devices: Root Explorer, File Manager and AndroZip. File manager on Android - Root Explorer

Root or Rooting - gaining access to root directory your Android device. It is a complex operation that challenges users but rewards its participants. If you have yet to learn how to root Android, get ready to read as we explain the pros and cons of using a jailbroken Android device, how to access the Android root directory different manufacturers smartphones and how to root your smartphone.

Some devices have easier access to the root directory than others.

What does root mean?
The term "root" comes from the Linux world. Rooting on Android is the same as on Linux: it gives you full access to everything file system, which makes you a "superuser". Root allows you to make deep changes to software.

But for novice users, accessing the root directory carries risks, because in the process you can easily delete very important system files. This is one of the main reasons why Android smartphones don't have root access by default: to avoid innocent but catastrophic mistakes.

Access to the root directory is often achieved using a script that you install in mode Android downloads, the script then runs on its own, giving you root access in the process. This script often exploits a vulnerability in the operating system kernel, performing so-called “privilege escalation.”

SuperSU is one of the best rooting apps for Android.
As we said above, root privileges turn you from regular user to superuser with full access to the Android system. The easiest way to grant superuser permissions to apps is with a tool called SuperSU.
You can run root on a case-by-case basis, for specific situations, or on permanent basis so that the application can help you take full control of your Android. You can also remove your superuser status at any time.
If you find yourself confused about any terminology, we will try to clarify the best important terms user interface.

Once you have root access you can enable own disk on Android.

Can I void my warranty with rooted Android?
In general, rooting your Android device will void your warranty, but it's not always a transparent process. Some devices, such as Google's Nexus series, to a large extent intended for root access and modification Android developers for further promotion of the platform. But you shouldn't expect this kind of leniency from all OEMs.

Some phones were designed to be unlocked and rooted.

Manufacturer and operator positions
HTC is the only manufacturer that takes a lenient view of jailbreaking a phone's root system. HTC has famously decided to provide all its smartphones with a special unlocking bootloader that does not affect the warranty.
HTC has a list of devices with unlocked bootloaders on its official website, but notes that any future repairs you need may not be covered under warranty.

HTC is the only manufacturer that fully supports system modifications.
So, unlocking the bootloader or rooting your smartphone won't necessarily void your warranty, but as HTC says, "If the defect is proven to be due to modification of the software environment via root access, then the warranty claim will be void."

LG recently enabled bootloader unlocking for three smartphones. However, rooting LG phones will immediately void the warranty.

Sony is less harsh in this regard: “We look at these cases individually. If a modification [like rooting] is discovered in a workshop that is not related to a defect, we tend to stay on the customer's side.”

Samsung is less accommodating: “Because root access modifies the device in a way that is prohibited, Samsung will not provide any warranty for similar cases. Regarding the warranty agreement between the customer and the seller, the legal rules apply, regardless of Samsung's warranty rules."

Samsung devices offer a convenient download mode for installation new firmware, even if the company does not support such a solution.

Android root access: Legal?
This completely depends on where you live. In the US, modification of digital products such as software mobile devices, is covered by copyright law in digital age(DMCA). Critically, some parts of this law are enforced by the US Copyright Office, and they include things like rooting.

So while rooting in the US is technically illegal under the DMCA, one such exception to the DMCA is rooting Android devices "at least until 2015." And while it was big victory for fans of digital freedom back in 2012, the legality of this act must be established even now, in 2017.

For Russian users, the situation is much clearer: The Free Software Foundation has been working intensively on the issue of root access and, after careful study of the issue, has concluded that rooting a device and installing unofficial software does not affect your rights under hardware warranty.

The legality of rooting Android depends on where you live.
According to the European Directive EC 1999/44/CE, even with root access and installation of custom ROMs, the owner of an Android device can make a warranty claim for up to two years after purchase. This solution, however, only applies to hardware requirements and if the manufacturer can prove that a software modification caused the defect, then you're out of luck.

The good news for Russia is that it is up to the retailer or manufacturer to prove whether it is the custom ROM or the root process itself that is causing the problem.

In the US the situation is somewhat less clear cut, boiling down to a confusion of positions between manufacturer, operator and retailer. The simple answer is that you should not break root access until the warranty is over.

How to recognize the root of your device?
If you bought a used Android device and want to know if it has been jailbroken or modified before, the easiest way is to check root using a simple free application for Android. Luckily, there are some great apps for checking root access.

Jared Rummler from JRummy Apps is responsible for Root Check. great app, which not only tells you if your device is currently rooted, but also prompts a good glossary of terms and links to others good apps JRummy.

JRummy Root Check App – great tool For root management- rights.
Root Checker from developer Joey Krim is the most popular root access checking app. Root Checker does almost the same thing as Root Check, but some features are reserved for the PRO version. Demon paid version, however, still provides you with explanations and links to other root applications.

Root Checker by Joey Krim is a root checker app for Android.

Benefits of root access in Android
There are many reasons to root your device, including big list root apps on Android, the ability to remove pre-loaded browser apps, and the world of custom ROMs is much broader than traditional features. Backup Devices also become much easier with root access. With root access, you can give advanced access to an application running at the root access level, like Titanium Backup, and periodically back up your entire system, so no matter what happens to your phone, you can always have an updated backup copy recovery.

There are some incredibly powerful Android apps available with root.
Root access also allows you to change the smallest details on an Android system. Of course, you can flash a full custom ROM for a complete conversion, but you can also make small changes with the Xposed Framework. You might just want to create a new boot animation, change some audio settings, or overclock your processor. All this is possible using root access.

With root access you can also increase the time battery life your Android by reducing CPU power or using automatic sleep mode with apps like Greenify. As mentioned above, deletion is pre-installed installed applications also reduces the requirements for system resources, improving battery life.

Ad bombers and full system automation with Tasker are two more reasons to root Android access, but your reasons may be personal, just like what you can do with root. You may want to change everything, maybe something specific. No matter how deep into the system you want to go, root access will get you there.

Apps like Tasker can automate every corner of your Android life. But only with root access.

Why you shouldn't root Android?
There are several reasons: root access, for example, will void your warranty, can be difficult and dangerous process, in many cases you will no longer receive OTA updates.

Once you have root access, it is also much easier for an attacker to take advantage of root access permissions. Permissions to the root directory should be done with more caution than blindly "Accept" in Google Play Store when the list of permissions appears. This is a responsibility that you must take very seriously.

Users with root access must be given Special attention those applications to which they grant superuser rights.
If you can root your phone, you'll likely be able to manually update the system software, but it's still not as convenient as automatic updates.

There are also more potential complications when updating a rooted Android device than with a regular update. Again, they're perfectly functional, but potentially more annoying to the average user.

We have covered some other reasons why you should not root Android, we have covered them in a separate article.

By rooting you will receive notifications about OTA updates, but you will have to update manually.

How do I set up my smartphone?
Since the process used for root access individual devices changes a lot, there is little point in providing separate textbooks. The easiest thing is to click the search button and find the appropriate manual. But here are some general rules.

How to setup Samsung devices
Since Samsung devices are supported by the excellent Odin software, rooting Samsung is usually a very simple procedure. All you have to do is download Odin program to your computer and run latest program Auto-Root from the developer Chainfire.

There are often other ways to root your Galaxy, sometimes CF-Auto-Root takes some time before the settings for the new device are released, but, as a rule, this is the best and most reliable one. available methods, if you are at all unsure about this process.

It bears repeating here that Samsung includes a special counter on its devices. This means that if you root your Galaxy and run anything from root apps and then return the device for repair, Samsung may deny your claim due to changes made which are not covered by the warranty.

You can easily access the root directory Samsung Galaxy With using Odin and CF-Auto-Root.

How to set up an LG smartphone?
Not required for LG devices third party programs, like Odin. All you need is a computer and some ADB commands, with which you can run the script, or you can use the application One Click Root if you are confused with ADB.

LG also provides official instructions on unlocking the LG G4's bootloader back in mid-2015, but with the caveat that you'll void your warranty if you do so.

How to set up Sony phones?
Depending on what you have Sony phone- with an unlockable bootloader or not - the process for accessing the root directory will be slightly different. If your bootloader is officially unlocked, it's much easier to get to the root directory of your Xperia and then make further changes.

You just need to check the list Xperia devices on the official Sony website for an unlockable bootloader and, if your device is on the list, you will find unique software for it. We recommend TWRP where you will find convenient page supported devices, which will make searching much easier. From here, all you have to do is install SuperSU and run it through the bootloader.

This is the procedure to TWRP on Nexus 5X.

How to set up Nexus phones?
Google helps developers and tech enthusiasts do what they want, so you don't have to ask for an unlock code or anything like that for your Nexus bootloader. Simply enable OEM unlocking in developer options (if available on your device), connect to your computer via USB cable, go to Fastboot mode and apply simple command Fastboot or ADB (depending on your Nexus).

On our site you will find a guide on how to boot Nexus 5, the process remains virtually the same on any Nexus, however, with different factory images and versions of TWRP.

Root access to other Android devices
There are many other ways to unlock your bootloader and gain root access to other Android smartphones. Motorola also offers official page support that will guide you through the entire process of unlocking the bootloader, and quick search Google will provide the most current root methods for your device.

As mentioned above, HTC officially supports bootloader unlocking and provides information about it on its website. Unfortunately, rooting HTC devices can be tricky, and complete device failure is one possible outcome if things go wrong. Again, we advise you to seek support on the developer forums for the most current methods access to the root directory.

Root or not? This is a question you can answer.

Conclusion: Should you root or not?
As you've probably already realized, accessing the Android root directory is not for the faint of heart. You have to be willing to risk voiding your warranty, be willing to manually apply Android updates, accept security risks, and be willing to do your own research modern methods root and apply them perfectly for your device to avoid any potential problems.
But the benefits of accessing the Android root directory are manifold. You will have complete control over the system, you will be able to remove virus software, apply millions system settings and automatically create full device backups. If you already want to start but can't wait for the next step, search your phone model and start the next root step.

Write to us with your questions and share your success stories.

I think many of you have heard this expression, but not many understand what it is (not to mention how to do it). Now I will help you figure it out.

The article consists of the following sections:

What are root rights and why are they needed at all?

When you buy new smartphone, then you notice a lot of programs on it that, let’s say, as is, you don’t need at all. But what happens is you can't delete them. At the same time, they also take up space in memory!
So, root rights mean full access to the system. You can do whatever you want from changing the icon to system application before it is removed.

Key benefits of full access:

  • ability to work with system applications;
  • the ability to “give” any application full access to the system;
  • unlimited work with the interface: change icons, themes, system sounds, greeting and picture or animation when turned on;
  • full access to the bootloader, which allows you to change the firmware without difficulty;
  • the ability to install applications directly onto the memory card;
  • a backup copy with all applications that were installed on the system at that time;
  • special system manager, allowing you to see and edit previously hidden system files.

And the last thing to tell you before moving on to the practical part is this is a warning:

  • you will lose the warranty on the device;
  • you can damage the operating system if you do things you are not sure about. Therefore: delete, add, change, but only if you are confident in the correctness of your actions.

Basic ways to get root access

Naturally, there are special programs that make this easier. I will roughly divide them into two types:

  • PC programs;
  • programs for an Android device.

Below I will tell you about the main ones and teach you how to use them. But first you will have to learn how to perform the actions that you will need in any of the ways:

  • connect the device in USB debugging mode;
  • allow installation of applications from unknown sources.

USB debugging mode

The algorithm of actions is quite simple and similar on devices with any Android version OS.
1. Go to the settings of your device and select the “ Special abilities", item "For developers".

2. Set the switch to the “on” position opposite the “USB Debugging” item. Confirm your decision.

3. After connecting the device to the PC, you will see a message in the notification bar about enabling debugging.

Permission to install from unknown sources
Go to settings, go to the security section. Set the switch to the “on” position next to the “Unknown sources” item.

That's it, we're done with the preparation, now let's move directly to root rights.

Full access using PC programs

In this section, I will talk in detail about how to root your android device using some PC software.

Root access using the Kingo Android Root program

1. Download Kingo Android ROOT program to your PC.

2. Install the program.

one of the screenshots when installing the KingoRoot program

4. Next, run Kingo program Android ROOT. Only after this, connect your device to the PC via USB cable.

5. When the device is detected and all drivers are installed, click “ROOT”. The process of hacking the system will begin. When it is done, reboot your device.

I hope everything is clear to you. Let's move on to the next method.

Root access using the VROOT program

If you were unable to get root access using a previous program, then most likely your Android device is made in China. So try to do roughly the same thing using VROOT programs. Below are instructions.
1. Download the program from the official website to your PC. Yes, it is worth noting that she is on Chinese, so be careful. Click to download green button as shown in the picture.

2. Now install the program. The installation process is identical to any other, just look at the pictures and follow it. Don't forget to check the box to launch the application (last screenshot).

3. Now you need to enable USB Debugging Mode on your device and allow installation of applications from unknown sources.

4. Connect the device via USB cable. And click the "Root" button. Wait for the root access process to complete.

These are, in my opinion, two best programs this category. Just follow all the steps as described above and you will succeed.

Full access using Android programs

In this section, I will show you how to get root rights using Android programs. All actions will need to be performed directly from your Android device.

Root access using the KINGROOT program

This is a fairly easy-to-use program, which is why it is the most popular.
1. First, download the installation file from the official website directly from your device (this will be easier than from a computer). Click " Free download" Confirm saving the file. The screenshot clearly shows the site address and also shows what needs to be done. You can see the download status in the notification bar.

Note: when downloading installation file It is advisable to have a connection to high speed Internet via WiFi.
2. Now you need to install the application. Before doing this, allow installation from unknown sources. Then go to the downloads directory and click on the appropriate file. Everything is shown in the pictures, please be careful.

3. Now install the application by clicking on the “Install” button.

4. Find the Kingroot application shortcut on one of your desktops. Click on it to launch. Immediately the application will begin to determine the model of your device, as well as whether it is already rooted.

5. Now that the definition is over, click on the “TRY TO ROOT” button to get root rights. And wait for the device to reboot, which will inform you that the process of hacking the system is over.

Root access using OneClickRoot program

Unfortunately, this program no longer works for free (a couple of years have passed since the article was written). At the office The site only has a paid version for $30.

This program is much lighter than the previous one and, moreover, immediately after scanning it tells you whether it can open root access to your device.

  1. I won't tell you much about how to download and install the application. You need to perform all the steps similarly to the case described above. Everything (including

One problem you can try is to load programs into Market for android how to get, how to get “root” permission.

All, or at least almost all, Android devices come with a software lock that prevents the user, among other things, from deleting or changing system files. Breaking this lock is called root gain.

To find out if you have superuser rights on your phone you can download this no market app. It is safe because only Android will check the security status.

And why would anyone want to break the lock that prevents us from breaking our phone or tablet?

simple because some apps require permissions to change strong android and cannot work without a root. A simple example is no frills which allows you to overclock the processor

However, other applications, even stupid ones, will not work without root permissions. O Sixaxis Controller only works as root and allows you to connect PS3 control (wireless) via Bluetooth from your android device.

Another example is deleting Status Bar android ICS, which is impossible without special permission. If you have root you can remove it and play the game in full screen mode using this completely application.

But let's get down to business. How to get Root? first CARE! This may turn off your phone or tablet completely. Do this only when you are sure. Remember that something could go wrong and I won't respond!

If you really want to get the root you can first try methods using ADB (android debugging bridge). Two root apps use this technology, which is installed on any Android device.

To enable ABR in android, you must check the configuration option “ USB debugging” (or USB debugging on English language) on your phone or tablet. This option “settings->applications->development” is our Android 2.x.

In Android 4.x option “USB debugging” is “developers options” (developpers options in English) our Android 4.x. However, it is possible that this menu is located elsewhere in the manufacturer's configured devices.

Then you need to enable mobile phone or the “unknown sources” (or “unknown sources” in English) option in the security menu. In Android 2.x it is “Settings->Applications” and in Android 4.x it is “Security”. This setting is important for software that will be rooted and may install a program called superuser.

Now connect your phone to your computer and make sure it matches the ADB drivers. If your computer cannot install drivers automatically, you can download them from this site. Turn on the “ADB DRIVER INSTALL” application and click the Install button as shown in the picture. Don't worry about the security window messages, this is normal.

Now we download the root software. Two are the most famous and better, o Unlock Root and o SuperOneClick. Sometimes one works and the other doesn't, so I'll leave two options for anyone reading this.

In both software, the execution form is the same: after installation, you must run the program on your computer and press the Root button, with your phone or tablet connected to the computer via USB. To unlock, the root must click on the green button on the left side of the window.

In SuperOneClick, click on the button located in the top left corner.

Even if these two programs say that the device is already rooted, ignore them and send root one way or another. Use the Root Checker app on your phone to see if it really worked. Try both programs and reboot your phone every attempt.

If you don't have the function, you can also try the Z4Root and UniversalRoot programs. They work on Android themselves and try to get the root by exploiting security bugs (as well as the two previous software). My experience is that programs using ABR have not worked, meaning there is little chance of success using the application within their own phone or tablet. To run the application you need to download APK files, transmission or device and installation. Then yeah it's a run and cross your fingers.

And if all else fails? ok, there are trying to find in the forums someone who has achieved another specifically for your device. Sometimes the manufacturer himself releases his own software for the root, or some good guy finds online how to do it and leaves the recipe ready for use. Check the model and manufacturer of your device and get started, no, Google.

Root rights (Superuser rights) – provide the owner of a device running on the operating system Android opportunity perform any operations. That is, you get full control over the system, which allows you to run specialized applications that significantly expand the capabilities of your smartphone, edit and change system files, optimize the operation of your device, and also perform many other operations. The need to obtain root rights may arise due to the most various reasons. The instructions below will be relevant regardless of what exactly prompted you to obtain superuser rights.

Obtaining root rights can be done using special utilities that automate this process and make it accessible even to novice users. The complexity of the procedure for obtaining superuser rights largely depends on the device itself. On some models this process takes only a few minutes, while on others you need to tinker.

As part of this review, we will tell you how to get root rights on Android using special programs. We will consider the most common and convenient ways getting root. To complete this operation successfully, you just need to follow the instructions we have prepared. Before you start getting root, we strongly recommend that you study in more detail what superuser rights are and what risks they involve.

  • Attention
  • The procedure for obtaining root rights is simple and if you strictly follow the instructions, no problems will arise, but if you decide to take such a step, you must understand that potential risks remain. An irresponsible attitude towards the procedure can turn your device into a “brick”.

Advantages and disadvantages of root rights

Before you get root rights on Android, you need to decide whether this procedure is really necessary. Superuser rights have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In principle, if you get root and later find out that they are useless, there is nothing wrong with that. Root rights can be removed at any time. However, Lost time No one will compensate you, so it’s better to think everything over in advance. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we will list the main advantages and disadvantages of root.

Root rights allow:

  • Delete standard pre-installed applications, built-in services and other garbage, which by default is protected from deletion;
  • Edit system files and programs;
  • Activate additional Android functions;
  • Install modified firmware and fashion;
  • Optimize the operation of your device, increase battery performance, overclock the processor;
  • Work with applications whose functionality is only available if you have root.

Disadvantages of root rights:

  • The ability to receive over-the-air updates from the device manufacturer disappears;
  • Having root deprives the owner of the device of the right to warranty service(you can remove root);
  • You can delete files, the absence of which could negatively affect the operation of the system;
  • There is always a risk of making critical errors, as a result of which the device may permanently fail without the possibility of recovery.

How to get root rights on Android: instructions

The difficulty of rooting a device depends on specific model. Sometimes it is enough just to install a special utility and follow a few steps. In some cases you will have to tinker, for example, owners of HTC brand devices must first unlock Bootloander. The guide below will apply to most models. If you are unable to root after following the instructions below, try finding a guide to rooting your model.

Before you get root rights on Android, you should familiarize yourself with information about the types of superuser rights.

Types of root rights:

  • Full Root— permanent rights that remove established restrictions.
  • Shell Root– an analogue of the above type with identical capabilities, but without access to the system folder.
  • Temporary Root– temporary Root access (valid until the device is rebooted).

Most often you need to get Full Root, which provides maximum capabilities. Be careful after rooting with these features. When deleting standard applications You can delete a file, the absence of which will lead to problems with the system.

You can obtain superuser rights directly through the Android OS device itself or using a computer. In both cases they are used special utilities. As an example, let's look at the two most common programs.

Getting root rights using Framaroot

One of the most famous utilities for rooting devices running on Android OS is Framaroot. Programs supported great amount various devices. Framaroot allows you to get root rights on your Android device in one click, without using a computer. The utility is easy to use and will not raise any questions even for novice users. To get root you do not need to use ADB commands, system flash files and other similar actions. Everything is extremely simple, fast and clear. True, the list of supported devices is limited, so the utility may be useless for you. In any case, you should start with Framaroot, and if unsuccessful, resort to using other programs.

To root using Framaroot, follow these steps:

  1. Download latest version programs from the official website;
  2. Install Framaroot from the downloaded apk file on your device (you must first allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the Android security options);
  3. If your device is supported by the program, the screen will prompt you to select an application to manage root rights and a method for obtaining superuser rights;
  4. Select Superuser or SuperSU. Click on any exploit, for example Boromir. If all else fails, try another exploit;
  5. If successful, a window will appear with a smiley face indicating successful rooting of the device. For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the device.

As you can see, the process of obtaining root using the Framaroot program is extremely simple and does not involve any difficulties. Main disadvantage The problem with this utility is that it does not support all devices. If you can't get superuser rights using Framaroot, try other options.

Getting root rights using Kingo Android Root

Unlike the Framaroot application, the program Kingo Android Root can be installed not only on Android, but also on a computer. As for the process of getting root, everything is also quick and simple. You can download the Kingo Android Root program from the official website of the developer completely free of charge. You can install the program on Android or Windows. First, we recommend trying to get root through the application, and if that doesn’t work, root the device via PC.

To get root rights through the Android application, follow the link above, download and install the utility. After launching the application, start the rooting process by clicking on the corresponding button. Now all that remains is to wait for the process to complete and check whether your device managed to obtain superuser rights. To check whether you have root rights or not, install Root application Checker from Google Play.

If for some reason the method described above does not work for you, try getting root using the computer version of the program.

To get root rights via Kingo Android Root, follow these steps:

  • Enable USB debugging on your Android device (in the settings, go to “About phone”, then tap on “Build number” several times until a message appears saying that you have become a developer. Go to “Settings” - “For developers" and check the box "USB debugging");
  • Connect your device to your computer via USB;
  • Will begin automatic installation necessary drivers(requires internet connection);
  • After installing the drivers, the “ROOT” button will appear. Click on it and the rooting process will begin;
  • If the message Unlock Bootloader appears on your smartphone, you will need to select Yes using the volume buttons and briefly press the power button to confirm your choice;
  • Once the rooting process is complete, a “Finish” button will appear.

Framaroot and Kingo Android Root programs support a huge number of devices. If you did not succeed in getting root for your model following the given instructions, try to find a suitable guide specifically for your device.

If you want to dig deeper into the Android system, you may find that many applications require presence of root right IN Lately There is practically no need to obtain superuser rights, but some applications still require root rights. This article describes how to open root rights on Android and why you might need them.

Why do you need root rights on Android?

Android is based on Linux. On Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, the root user is equivalent to the administrator on Windows. root user has access to the entire operating system and can do anything. By default, you are not rooted on your Android device, and some apps will not work without root privileges. Like other modern mobile operating systems, Android runs applications in a sandbox for security purposes.

A root user always exists in Android, there's just no built-in way to access it. Getting root rights means that you gain access to account with superuser rights. This process is often compared to jailbreaking an iPhone or iPad, but getting root rights and jailbreaking are different actions.

Root rights allow you to do many useful things. With superuser rights, you can uninstall or freeze pre-installed applications, run a firewall, enable tethering even if your carrier blocks it, create a system backup, and use many other settings that require low-level system access.

Applications that require root access are not difficult to find in the Google Play Store, but they will not work unless you have root access. Some apps have features that work on rooted devices. Therefore, you need to learn how to root Android to take advantage of these features.


On Android devices Root rights cannot be obtained for various reasons. In fact, device manufacturers are trying their best to prevent them from obtaining the rights to Android gadget. And that's why:

  • Safety: On rooted devices, applications run outside the sandbox. Applications can abuse the superuser rights you have granted and break into other applications, which is usually not possible. Therefore Google does not approve the use Android Pay on devices with root rights.
  • Guarantee: Some manufacturers claim that after receiving root rights, the warranty disappears. However, obtaining superuser rights will not violate Hardware. In many cases, you can perform the non-root procedure and the manufacturer will not be able to know whether the root rights have been obtained or not.
  • Breaking: As always, you do this at your own risk. Obtaining root rights is usually a safe process, but you do it yourself. If you mess something up, you won't be able to count on free warranty service to fix it. If you are worried whether everything will go smoothly, we recommend that you first look for information about successfully obtaining superuser rights on your device to be sure that there will be no pitfalls in the process.

Additionally, rooting may void your warranty, at least for some repairs.

Several ways on how to open root rights on Android

There are many ways to root Android, and which one you should use depends on your phone. In general, rooting will involve one of these processes:

  • Unlocking the bootloader: Google and device manufacturers do not officially support rooting, but they do provide an official way for low-level access to some devices, which allows you to later gain root rights. For example, Nexus devices are designed for developers and you can easily unlock the bootloader with a single command. And then get root rights to download the .zip archive containing the file to obtain rights through the recovery screen. Nexus Root Toolkit utility for Nexus devices automates this process. Other manufacturers also offer bootloader unlocking methods, but only for certain devices.
  • Exploiting a Security Vulnerability: Other devices are blocked. Their manufacturers do not provide an official way to unlock their bootloader and tamper with their software. These devices can only be rooted by exploiting a security vulnerability that allows required file to the system partition.
  • Installing CyanogenMod or other custom firmware on Android: Technically, this is an extension of one of the above methods. Unlocking the bootloader operating system and exploitation of security vulnerabilities allow you to install custom ROMs, such as CyanogenMod, which are often already rooted. CyanogenMod has a simple toggle in the settings that allows you to enable or disable root access. Upgrade to new version CyanogenMod or other custom ROM will not disable root rights if the ROM is already rooted.

In this article we will primarily use the first method, which involves an unlocked bootloader. If your phone requires exploitation of a vulnerability, then we will not be able to help you as the process is different for each phone. You can search for information on how to root Android on the XDA Developers forum. You can use the Kingo Root and Towelroot applications, which allow you to gain superuser rights in one click.

Before you can root your android, you will need to unlock the bootloader using the official method and then install the TWRP recovery environment using these instructions. We will use TWRP to root your phone.

How to download SuperSU on your phone and get root access

So, your bootloader is unlocked and you have installed TWRP. Great! You've done almost everything. To root we are going to use the SuperSU program. This best app, which can grant root access to other applications. SuperSU is also available in the Google Play Store, but this version will not give you superuser rights, it can only be used if you already have root rights. Luckily SuperSU is also available as. zip file, which we can download from TWRP. This will allow you to gain superuser rights and install SuperSU app.

So, to get started, follow this link to download the latest version of SuperSU. Download the .zip file to your computer, connect your phone via USB cable to your PC and download SuperSU to your phone.

Next, boot your phone into TWRP mode. On different phones This is done in different ways, but usually you need to turn off the phone and press and hold the power button + volume up key for 10 seconds, then use the volume keys to go to the “ Recovery Mode» and press the power button to select it.

Once you do this you will be taken to main screen TWRP. Click on the "Install" button.

NOTE: You must make a twrp backup before continuing.

The following screen will appear. Scroll down and navigate to the zip file you downloaded earlier.

Click on the zip file and you will see this screen. Swipe the slider to confirm installation.

When the process is complete, click on the “Wipe cache/Dalvik” button that appears and swipe the slider to confirm.

When the process is complete, click on the “Reboot System” button to reboot the Android system.

If TWRP asks whether to install SuperSU, click “Do Not Install”. Sometimes, TWRP cannot detect that you already have SuperSU installed.

Managing root rights with the SuperSU application

Now that you have learned how to open root rights on Android, you need to learn how to manage these rights.

After rebooting your phone you should see new icon SuperSU in the application menu. SuperSU distributes rights to applications that require them. Whenever an application wants to ask for superuser rights, it must ask your application SuperSU, which will show this request. To make sure that root rights are working, you can download the Root Checker application to check superuser rights.

For example, let's open and add the Clean Master application, which allows you to clean your device of accumulated garbage. It requires root rights for more effective cleansing. After launch, you will see a message stating that you need to provide superuser rights. Click Submit.

To manage root rights, open the application menu and click on the SuperSU icon. You will see a list of applications that have been granted or denied superuser rights. You can click on an application to change its permissions.

To remove root rights, open the SuperSU application, go to settings and select the option " Complete removal Root". If this is applicable for your device, then root rights will be removed.

Now you know how to open root rights on Android and how to remove them. Good luck!