Why do we need a mobile phone? Mobile phones in our life. Pros and cons of Samsung phones

System phone- a necessary element of every mini PBX. The main difference from a regular telephone is that it cannot be connected to a city telephone line, but only works in conjunction with your installed PBX.

Most useful features telephone exchanges are concentrated here.


in digital PBXs to a special digital port, or according to technology to another system telephone.

in analogue telephone exchanges, as a rule, to the same ports as regular telephones, but over a 4-wire line.

Main purpose system telephone is the effective processing of incoming calls and outgoing communications with maximum convenience for the user.

Besides, Through the system telephone, the PBX can be programmed and a greeting can be recorded for the auto attendant card.

Each PBX manufacturer offers its own line of system phones that work only with certain models of telephone exchanges.

Basic buttons system phones:

  • Pprogrammable buttons with indication, to which the used external and internal lines are connected. Access to these lines is carried out with one click, while you can receive incoming calls on specific lines and visually monitor the occupancy of lines and subscribers. Switch a call to another subscriber by pressing one button without having to remember and dial the subscriber's internal number.

  • programmable buttons without indication, to which city or internal numbers are assigned. With one press of a button you dial a long telephone number stored in the PBX memory.
  • buttonHold— allows you to put the current conversation on hold, which will be indicated by a flashing direct access button. To resume communication, you need to press this button again.
  • buttonFND / DND- permanent call forwarding, do not disturb mode. used for this extension.
  • buttonCONF (conference call)- serves to organize a multilateral conversation.
  • buttonTRANCFER (forwarding)- used to transfer a call to another subscriber.
  • SP - PHONE (Speakerphone)- used for hands-free operation
  • FLASH / RECALL(Flash tone, redial) - Used to disconnect the current call and make a new call while the handset is off-hook.

PBX Manufacturers We are constantly improving our system telephone models. After all, unlike a PBX, this device is constantly in sight of the company’s employees and guests. Ergonomics and device design have a significant impact on the company's image.

Upgrading system phones, the manufacturer makes them as comfortable and user-friendly as possible. The capabilities of system phones are expanding, for example, the function of connecting a wireless headset using Bluetooth technology has appeared.

Due to increased popularity and affordable prices, system phones are becoming indispensable “assistants” not only to the director or secretary, but also to an increasing number of ordinary employees, especially managers, whose activities involve intensive work in receiving, processing incoming calls, communicating with many clients and necessarily being on constant communications when away from the workplace.

Purpose of system telephones , each of us hopes that it will last as long as possible.

However, by making a number of serious mistakes in its operation, we are slowly killing even the best gadget.

But if you follow simple rules, you can extend the life of your smartphone.

Read also:At what age should you give your child a smartphone and is it necessary to do it at all?

Here are 11 mistakes in using a smartphone that lead to its rapid failure.

How to extend the life of your smartphone

1. You never turn off your smartphone

It is necessary to completely turn off your phone at least once a week.

Otherwise, your smartphone battery will die sooner than you expect. According to experts, when the phone works non-stop, the battery drains many times faster than if the battery is allowed to rest at least sometimes.

Also, stop using your phone as an alarm clock. A regular alarm clock is best suited for these purposes. He will wake you up every morning.

This way you will extend the life of your smartphone.

If you do need to use your phone's alarm, try to do it as little as possible and then turn it off during the day.

2. Leave Bluetooth and Wi-Fi always on

If you don't use any apps on your smartphone, then what's the point of leaving them enabled? For example, is it vital that your gadget supports WiFi and Bluetooth when you're walking around the city or chatting with friends?

No? Then it’s best to turn them off and turn them on if necessary.

This way you will reduce the loss of charge, and the performance of the smartphone will increase.

By turning off unnecessary features, you will save energy and extend the life of your phone.

How to extend the life of your phone

3. You use your phone outside in bad weather conditions

Your smartphone is not designed to withstand ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures, so using it in extreme temperatures is not recommended.

This may result in the battery being discharged or the device being completely damaged. Also, if your phone isn't waterproof, you shouldn't use it in the rain or snow.

If you know in advance that you will be in extreme weather conditions, try to at least keep your smartphone in your pocket and use it only when necessary.

Phone charging errors

4. Leaving your phone to charge overnight

It may be quite convenient to charge your smartphone at night while you sleep.

But experts say this is not a good idea.

If your phone is already fully charged but is still charging, it can harm the battery over time and it will start to drain quickly.

Please note that you do not need to charge your smartphone to 100 percent charge, as is commonly believed. Your phone's battery will thank you if you take it off before it reaches 100 percent.

*Try unplugging your phone when the battery is approximately 95-97 percent charged.

Try to charge it during the day rather than at night so you can turn it off when it's almost fully charged or set a timer.

5. You wait until the phone is discharged to 0 percent, and then charge it to 100 percent.

Lithium-ion batteries, which are used in some smartphones, work best when charged between 50 and 80 percent.

So says Shane Broesky, founder of Farbe Technik, a company that produces charging accessories.

When the battery is completely drained, the phone goes into a "deep discharge state". This causes the ions to become unable to hold a charge.

Experts say that partially recharging the phone gives the battery enough energy to operate continuously and protect the battery.

In other words, recharging your battery is very similar to snacking between meals during the day.

6. Using a non-native smartphone charger

Many people use a non-original charger for their smartphones. Very often, original cords quickly wear out, fray and break. Therefore, we often have to buy new chargers.

However, they are the ones who can ruin the phone. This is especially true for iPhone chargers. The chargers from this brand are quite expensive, but they are worth the investment.

Using chargers from other manufacturers may damage your phone.

It is also reported that counterfeit chargers can also cause fires and even explosions.

Apple appealed to people to hand over counterfeit chargers and purchase only original products at a discount.

7. Never clean your smartphone

Your smartphone carries a huge amount of bacteria.

By comparison, toilet seats and pet food utensils contain fewer germs per square centimeter than your phone.

There are also devices that use ultraviolet rays to disinfect your phone. Also, don't forget about your phone's charging port! This is where the most debris accumulates, which can cause your phone to malfunction.

Lint and various debris from pockets or wallets get stuck there and, accumulating, lead to serious connection failures over time.

Therefore, try to ensure that the port is always clean.

Clean it using a toothpick, a thin needle, or even the back of an earring. However, try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to scratch or damage the device.

8. When walking down the street, always keep your phone in your hands

The demand for stolen mobile devices on the black market is skyrocketing.

According to statistics, about 40 percent of all stolen smartphonesThey are specifically for the iPhone. A person walking down the street with a phone in his hands is a potential target for a thief.

Therefore, for your own safety, try to place your phone away from prying eyes. When away from home, use your mobile device only when necessary.

Mobile phones and smartphones are experiencing a peak in popularity today. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his daily life without these smart devices that allow him to get in touch with the right person at any time. But ordinary mobile phones are gradually giving way to smartphones. Let's figure it out who needs a smartphone and why? and what is it difference from a mobile phone.

So, a smartphone is essentially a smart phone that, in addition to calls and SMS, has a number of additional functions. Unlike phones, smartphones have an operating system that allows them to perform tasks that regular cell phones cannot.

However, many today use a smartphone not as a multifunctional device that greatly facilitates life and solving pressing problems, but as a kind of image attribute indicating the status of the owner.

What is a smartphone for?

So, why buy a smartphone and what functionality do modern models of these smart devices offer?

Calls and SMS

Like mobile phones, smartphones make calls on GSM networks and send SMS. Today this is their main difference from netbooks, tablets and other portable devices.

Ability to play music and video files

Perhaps this is the most significant difference between smartphones and simple mobile phones.

We all remember the first multimedia models from Samsung and Nokia that supported audio files and videos in the “.3gp” format. Today, the limitations and minimalism of these models have already relegated them to the background in the popularity rankings. Modern smartphone models support almost any audio and video formats. High resolution screens and large diagonals of the latest smartphone models are ideal for watching videos. As for listening to music, smartphone owners are not limited, as before, by 500 megabytes of a memory card. Some modern smartphones allow you to store up to 64 gigabytes of various media files.

Photo and video shooting

The resolution of photo and video cameras that was once available in older cell phone models can now only be found in the front camera of smartphones used for video communication. Modern smartphones allow you to shoot better video and take photos than video cameras and cameras. In addition, smartphones have an undeniable advantage: they are almost always at hand. This means that you can capture the best moments of both business and friendly meetings.

Internet access

For what exactly need a smartphone for business people, it is the ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or mobile communications.

Regardless of the installed operating system, each smartphone model is equipped with a mobile browser that allows you to connect to the Internet.

In terms of ease of use, new smartphone models are not inferior to personal computers. In addition, their portability and mobility, and the absence of being tied to a specific place, make these smart devices a godsend for a business person.

Smartphone for business

Let's take a closer look at the Internet tools that turn a smartphone into a reliable assistant for a business person.


Using a smartphone, you can send letters, documents, photos to business partners, colleagues or just friends. To do this, you only need mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

Video calling

Skype, FaceTime, Google Talk and many other services are designed for easy communication with partners not only through voice communication and text messages, but also using a front-facing video camera that allows you to see the interlocutor, and the interlocutor to see you.

Messengers for business

To quickly communicate with business partners, you can use instant messaging services ICQ, Jabber, IRC. But in first place in terms of ease of use and popularity is the mobile messenger WhatsApp.

All types of instant messengers and video communications are completely free. You will only need to pay for using the Internet. Considering the cost of calls and SMS made through mobile operator channels, this is an excellent option for saving money.

Using social networks

Today it is impossible to imagine business promotion without social networks. From smartphones, social networks can be used both through a mobile browser and using client applications specially developed for this purpose, in which the functionality of social networks is perfectly optimized for mobile devices with a touch screen.

Mobile applications for smartphones

Applications are special mini-programs designed for mobile operating systems and providing truly unlimited possibilities. These are different databases, organizers, navigators, guides, games, programs. They can be downloaded and installed using application stores - special Internet services for smartphone operating systems. Almost all popular applications are free or distributed at minimal prices.

With the release of the next generation of mobile devices, the line separating smartphones from regular mobile phones is becoming less and less noticeable. Sometimes it’s simply impossible to figure it out on your own what is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone. And yet we will try to do it.

The main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone

Availability of an operating system. Smartphones have a processor, which makes it possible to install an operating system on these devices. Today, the most popular operating systems for smartphones are Android, iOS, PalmOS, Bada, SymbianOS, WindowsMobile. Many people mistakenly consider the ability to download Java applications to a phone as having an operating system, which is not true. Java technology is not an operating system, but a virtual machine that runs under the phone's operating system. It is in almost all cases closed (that is, it cannot be changed).

Multifunctionality. The set of functions that cell phones are equipped with usually includes regular voice conversations, the ability to send SMS messages, use photo and video cameras, and play music tracks. To be fair, it should be noted that in modern cell phone models the functionality has been significantly expanded. So, you can watch videos, play different games, connect to the Internet, including using Wi-Fi.

All of the above functions are also available in smartphones, but the capabilities of these devices are significantly expanded by the presence of a file manager, organizer, archiver, programs for reading and editing files of any format, a GPS module, the ability to download programs from other developers and a number of other functions.

Important difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone is multitasking, or the ability to use several programs simultaneously. In regular cell phones they are launched one after the other.

Why do you need a smartphone? for business? The answer to the question is obvious: this is a real personal computer in your pocket.

External characteristics. Dimensions are usually the main parameter, distinguishing a smartphone from a mobile phone. As a rule, smartphones are always larger than mobile phones. However, the rapid development of technology has contributed to the fact that the difference between these devices in this parameter is becoming less and less obvious.

Smartphones have a large display, and in modern models it is almost always touchscreen. The dimensions of the screen make it very convenient for work in terms of clarity of the displayed information.

Working with documents, searching or communicating on the Internet, watching videos and listening to audio files - everything becomes much more convenient if you have a high-quality screen with a large diagonal.

Reliability in operation. How more difference between a smartphone and a telephone? Less reliable in operation. This is perhaps the only parameter in which ordinary mobile phones are clearly superior to smartphones. If you drop your cell phone on the floor or flood it with water, it will not stop working. As for smartphones, they can become damaged even from the slightest physical impact. In addition, repairing a smartphone is much more expensive than repairing a mobile phone. Therefore, purchasing smartphone for business or just for personal use, please note: they must be handled with great care.

In the section on the question: What is a mobile phone for? given by the author Fal oss the best answer is I agree with you completely!! ! There are such cameras that not a single mobile phone can compare with it.... my husband has been interested in photography for decades.... and he has a lot of experience in this... he says that pictures taken from a mobile phone are when there is no more professional camera at hand and for those who know little about technology.... and also for lazy people and show-offs. For me, a mobile phone is primarily a means of fast communication, and I don’t understand what the comparison with a car has to do with it. If a mobile phone for 4 - 5 thousand maintains communication well... then why the bells and whistles. But the car is cheap, malfunctions, and of course you want a more technically advanced and safe model. Good luck.

Answer from Lyubov Aristarkhova[guru]
Recently, one shot proved to me that taking photographs with a phone is very convenient. To my question, why not buy a normal camera, he answered: Because you can’t make calls on it))

Answer from Overgrown[guru]
No, I don’t agree, why carry so many gadgets at once? It's better when everything is in one. The bag won't be that heavy. And it’s most pleasant to hold a good thing in your hands, and not cheap junk...

Answer from I-beam[guru]
from the series why buy a Mercedes, you can drive a shitty Lada

Answer from Special[guru]
Nowadays, a mobile phone is no longer a luxury, but a means of communication. It’s no secret that using a mobile phone you can not only communicate at a distance, but also access the Internet using both a computer and a telephone. A large number of programs have been written for mobile phones, with the help of which many opportunities open up, such as communication via Internet pagers, working in browsers, paying bills.
But a mobile phone should be purchased with the user in mind. Why does grandma need a photo and video camera on her phone, Internet access, an infrared port, etc. It will be enough that you can make and receive calls from your phone. Well, for the active and young, I think all the amenities that are in a modern phone will not be superfluous. But on the other hand, the photo and video camera can be removed from the mobile phone (to make a separate line of phones), i.e. I need a communicator, not a camera with a phone. My opinion is that the phone must meet a certain requirement, and not all in one. Why overpay for a photo and video camera that I have and they are self-sufficient. Mobile phone manufacturers need to think about this issue.

Answer from Nik Novak[guru]
A mobile phone, like any other means of communication, is used for communication, be it just talking, texting or the Internet. Its mobility lies in this, all in one. The camera, a thing in the phone of course not necessary, but interesting, makes it the most “all-in-one”. Personally, I exclusively talk on the phone and exchange messages; very rarely, but still, I go online to check my email or read the news. I have never used a camera.

Answer from Єея[guru]
No, don’t forget that technology is constantly developing, now the camera is not so important as new opportunities, for example. receiving email directly to your phone, or two active SIM cards in one phone, in general, I don’t agree with you.