The clock on the laptop is not running correctly after a failure. Lost time: clock failures on the “seven”

Well, what is it? No matter how much you turn on your computer, does the date and time keep getting lost? How can?! I'm tired of fixing it already! Are these questions you've been asking yourself every day lately? And don't know what to do? Is your computer already 3-4 years old? But it still works great, if only not for this misfortune! And at one point you won’t even start the computer until you correct the date in the BIOS itself. And you will correct it every time you log in. How do you like this prospect?

Why does the date and time on my computer get lost?

Surely you are already thinking about buying a new computer. But if you only work in the Word text editor, Excel spreadsheets, and a couple of very simple programs, play small office games, go online to chat with friends, check your mailbox, or write and upload your articles to your favorite site, then there is no need to buy a new computer.

After all, the fact that your date and time is wrong cannot even be considered a malfunction.

These are the malfunctions:

But the whole point is a small BATTERY, which is located on your motherboard inside the processor unit. Its lifespan has simply expired. It is designed only for 3-4 years - no more. Yes, yes, you just need to replace the battery in your computer.

Is this really the reason to call a technician or take the computer to a service center?

You don’t need to take anything anywhere, and you don’t need to call anyone! You yourself can handle this problem just fine, and I will help you.

How to replace the battery on the motherboard yourself

I would like to warn you right away that when you change the battery, your DATA WILL NOT BE HARMED . So, feel free to get to work.

Go to any computer store and buy a 3-volt battery the size of a two-ruble coin. Its thickness does not play a big role, but it is better to take it by number CR2032 . The last two digits are 32 and indicate its thickness.

  • Disconnect the computer from the electrical outlet;
  • Disconnect all wires connected to it from the processor unit (power cable, mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers, scanner, printer);
  • Open the side cover;
  • Take off yourselves;

  • Find the same battery on the motherboard (it can be located anywhere, but more often somewhere in the lower part);

  • Remove it by carefully pulling back the small silver latch and pry the battery with the tip of a knife or flat-head screwdriver;
  • Install a new battery in its place. Insert it into the slot and press lightly on top. You should hear the latch click. Sign " + » must be “facing” you;
  • Close the side cover of the computer;
  • Connect all wires from peripheral devices (power cable, monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.);
  • Plug your computer into a power outlet;
  • Turn on the power buttons on the monitor and processor;
  • When the system boots, press and hold the key on the keyboard Del(Delete). This is done to enter the BIOS. On some computers, you must press a key to log in. F10. When the computer boots, it is usually indicated which key needs to be pressed (like in this picture);

  • Immediately go to the first tab STANDARD CMOS SETUP, or MAIN(its name depends on the version BIOS). In any case, she should be the first. Like this picture;

Either this.

  • IN BIOS on the home page find the entry SYSTEM DATE or simply DATE. If the desired parameter is under the parameter TIME(time), then go to the parameter DATE down arrow on keyboard;
  • Set the first digit or name of the month with the key + (plus) or – (minus);
  • To the next parameter DAY OF THE MONTH move with the key Tab(on the keyboard on the left side above the key Caps Lock );
  • Change in exactly the same way YEAR ;

  • After changing the date, press the key F10, respond to the request to save changes YES(press key Y );
  • We didn't change the time. You can do this after logging in. How to do this is described.

So you replaced the battery on the motherboard of your computer, and you didn’t have to ask anyone.


A fairly common “trouble” in computer operation is regular time failure. If you notice this error and you are concerned about it, do not rush to send your computer to a service center. You can make a “diagnosis” and cure it with your own hands.

For what reasons does the time on a computer get lost?

There may be several reasons. First, pay attention to whether the date set on the computer gets lost over time? And also at what point do these parameters fail - during operation, after shutting down, or when connecting to the Internet?

Depending on the manifestations of the error, the following options for eliminating it are used:

1. The date is correct, the time settings are lost, presumably when connecting to the Internet. The solution to this problem is to cancel synchronization of the computer time with the exact time server on the Internet. You can do this by changing the date and time settings of your computer in a way convenient for you - either through the control panel, or by clicking on the time icon in the task tray.

2. The date is correct, the time gets lost when the computer is turned on for a certain number of hours. The reason is that the time zone set on the computer does not correspond to the actual location. In the same date and time settings, you should adjust the time zone selection.

3. The time and date are lost simultaneously after the computer is turned off. To understand this situation, let's touch on the theory. The fact is that in order to maintain constant settings when the computer is running, in the system, during a power outage, there is a subsystem called CMOS - a memory chip that stores all startup data. CMOS is powered by a CR2032 battery. Its average service life is 3 - 4 years. Further, like any other battery, it becomes unusable, and the CMOS system ceases to maintain constant startup parameters.

There is only one way out - the battery needs to be replaced.

On the motherboard it is located in an accessible place and can be changed without much difficulty. We disconnect the computer from the network and remove, depending on the type of system unit, either its right side panel or the entire case cover. A round white “tablet” the size of a two-ruble coin will be clearly visible on the board. This is the battery.

Having previously purchased the appropriate type of battery (CR2032) from a computer store, replace it.

After this, when you start the computer, do not forget to go into the BIOS and set the date and time parameters necessary for operation.

These simple steps will help you determine the cause and solve the problem with time failure on your computer.


Important update from October 26, 2014! Time zones in Russia have been changed and for those who set automatic time synchronization, the clock will always go wrong... install all the latest updates on Windows or disable time synchronization.

Hi all. Today I want to tell you about one not entirely pleasant problem that inevitably awaits all computer users who have not changed the battery in their computer for a long time (some do not even suspect that their big brother has one, but this is one of the main reasons Why does the time on the computer get lost?

However, not only a dead battery can be the reason that the system time differs from the present, ours, in which we live and work.

5 signs why the time on your computer is lost

1. From time to time you notice that the time on your computer is set incorrectly. If the difference is several hours, then most likely the time zone is not yours and automatic time synchronization is enabled, so no matter how much you set the correct values, synchronization will still occur and the time will be set for the time zone set in the system.

Important note! It is quite possible that you have bad programs that can block the time settings... in this case, we need to remove unnecessary programs...

This throws you back several years (usually to the date the motherboard was manufactured). In this case, we can say with confidence: you need to change the battery on the motherboard

2. When we start the computer, we can see the inscription. Next, you need to press F1 or F2 to configure the BIOS parameters (This error does not always indicate a faulty battery, but in 99% of cases it is)

3. It is impossible to access most sites, for example, when trying to access Yandex mail, instead of the usual inbox, we will be shown a message that this connection is untrusted (most likely, the certificate simply has not started to work, you are now in the past)

4. If you use an antivirus and other similar programs, then most likely you will receive a message that the license has expired or has not expired... or that the databases are out of date. I wouldn’t be surprised if the program activation completely fails.

5. Many programs will frankly be “buggy”, or even refuse to start at all. This is the first thing that came to mind. In fact, there can be a lot of problems, and sometimes such a small problem can cause great harm. If you work in 1C and check out something from the warehouse, then all this will be carried out according to the date set in the system, which can then become a major problem.

What to do if the time on the computer is lost?

1. Check the time zone and synchronization
2. Change the battery on the motherboard

1. The time is wrong due to the wrong time zone

I think I won’t open America to anyone if I say that not so long ago Medvedev came up with a bunch of changes with time zones in Russia. Due to the fact that automatic Windows updates are disabled for most users, this may cause some roughness in working hours! For example, before I belonged to the time zone (+5 hours Yekaterinburg), although I am now in the same time zone, but now it is already (+6 hours Yekaterinburg).

If you don’t install the required update on Windows and leave everything as is, then you won’t be surprised why now my time is constantly behind by an hour, even if we correct the time ourselves (after all, during the next synchronization, the system will set the correct time for the desired time zone)

What can be done in this case? — The answer is simple: disable time synchronization or set a suitable time zone. To do this, you need to click on the informer with a clock in the lower right corner and click “Change date and time settings...”

Here we need to set the time zone we need. To do this, you can install an update on Windows or choose the one that suits us! +6 hours for Yekaterinburg completely coincides with the Astana time zone, so you can leave it and not touch anything else.

You can go to the “Internet Time” tab and set up automatic synchronization. This is necessary so that if you set the right time and it will not be adjusted. I would not recommend this option, but maybe someone will need it.

This is where the parameters are set. Right here you can perform time synchronization immediately.

I hope we have sorted out the software problems - let's move on to the hardware ones.

2. Change the battery on the motherboard

The most common reason why the time on a computer goes wrong is a dead battery. The fact is that when the computer is disconnected from the electrical network, it needs power so that the system time does not get lost and the BIOS settings are stored. In those moments when there is no power, battery energy is consumed. (Many people are surprised that the laptop also has such a battery)

Such a battery can be bought at any store where you can buy batteries (sorry for the tautology)... It is called CR2032 and has a voltage of 3 volts. It is quite inexpensive, and you can notice it yourself without much hassle.

Open the cover of the system unit and inspect the motherboard. It often happens that the battery is not visible due to the video card or some other bulky piece of hardware. As a rule, there is a holder on the side; if you press on it a little, the battery will “pop out” on its own without much effort. If you have to use force to get it, then you are doing something wrong.

If we don’t install the required update on Windows and leave everything as is, then you won’t be surprised why the time is constantly behind by an hour, even if we correct the time ourselves (after all, during the next synchronization, the system will set the correct time for the desired time zone).

Reasons why the date and time on your computer may be constantly lost

Most likely, if your clock is constantly lost, then the time zone is not set correctly. If it really is not yours, click on the “Change time zone” button and select the correct one in the drop-down menu. Then click “OK” and check whether the time will be lost in the future or not.

In the same “Date and Time Settings” window, you can also disable time synchronization via the Internet, this also helps in some cases. To do this, go to the “Internet Time” tab and click the “Change Settings” button. And uncheck the box next to “Synchronize with an Internet time server.” Then click “OK” and exit the settings.

A common reason why the time on a computer goes wrong is a problem with the BIOS battery on the motherboard, which is time to change. It is worth noting that in this case not only the time, but also the date is lost.

Moreover, there is a pattern: this happens every time after turning off the power to the system unit.

The problem is solved by replacing the battery.

This procedure is simple: Turn off and unplug the computer. Open the cover of the system unit. It’s easy to find a BIOS battery, there’s only one of these: round, silver, the size of a five-kopeck coin. Unlock the latch and carefully remove it from the motherboard. After studying its labeling, purchase the same one. Even better, take it to a computer store for a sample. Insert the new battery into place and you can turn on the computer.

Don't forget to set the current time and date on your computer.

Greetings, friends! My friends contacted me several times with various problems in the operation of the computer, the reason for which was the discharge of the three-volt battery inside the system unit.

And the problems were the following: someone’s anti-virus programs stopped working correctly, they began to panic because of license errors when trying to update. They refused to work with the Internet and showed errors connecting to the server. Every time I turned on the PC it happened again. And only one paid attention and asked why the time on the computer was lost after it was turned off.

Source of the problem

The CR2032 battery, the size of a ruble coin, is located on the computer and powers the CMOS memory, which stores BIOS settings, including date and time. Why is the date not lost when rebooting the computer? The fact is that at this moment the supply voltage is provided by work. And after disconnecting from the electrical network, the voltage disappears, and the data in the volatile CMOS memory is lost. Conclusion - the battery needs to be replaced.

If you have a desktop computer, then you can change it yourself. Unplug the power cord. Remove the side wall and carefully pull out the battery, pressing the lock. Put a new one in its place. And, if you are the owner of a laptop, then it is better to contact a specialist, because disassembling a laptop is much more difficult. You can also ask to clean your laptop to avoid overheating in the future.

After replacing the battery, you must set the correct date and time. This can be done in the BIOS settings or in the operating system itself. Right-click on the computer clock and select Set date and time.

On the Date and Time tab, you can change the time zone and current date and time.

Sometimes there is a problem with the transition to daylight saving time, then this is solved by updating the system. In Windows 7 and higher this problem no longer exists, but in Windows XP it may still exist.

On the Internet Time tab, you can configure your computer to automatically synchronize with a time server. Then, when you turn on your computer, it will synchronize the time with the Internet. I specify as the time server. Unlike other time servers, it doesn't let me down.

I hope you gained some useful information for yourself. Have you had a similar problem and how did you solve it? Share your experience in the comments.

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