Television is an excellent tool for manipulating the masses


Card, any number of answers

Weekly analytical television programs are listed. Which of the following TV programs do you know or have an idea about?


Card, any number of answers. In 2013, the card did not have the position “Postscript” (Alexey Pushkov, TV Center); in 2014, there was no position “Parfenov” (Leonid Parfenov, Dozhd).”

Which of the following analytical programs have you watched at least once over the past two to three months?


The question was not asked to those who do not know about any of the analytical television programs, answered 86% of respondents. Card, any number of answers. In 2013, the card did not have the position “Postscript” (Alexey Pushkov, TV Center); in 2014, there was no position “Parfenov” (Leonid Parfenov, Dozhd).”

Which of the listed analytical programs do you consider the best? Would you put it in first place for yourself?


The question was not asked to those who do not know about any of the analytical television programs, answered 86% of respondents. Card, one answer. In 2013, the card did not have the position “Postscript” (Alexey Pushkov, TV Center); in 2014, there was no position “Parfenov” (Leonid Parfenov, Dozhd).”

The presenters of weekly analytical television programs are listed. Which of them do you like, makes a positive impression?


The question was not asked to those who do not know about any of the analytical television programs, answered 86% of respondents. Card, any number of answers. In 2013, the card did not contain the position “Alexey Pushkov ("Postscriptum", TV Center)", in 2014 there was no position "Leonid Parfenov ("Parfenov", Dozhd)"

Which of the listed presenters do you not like, makes a negative impression?


The question was not asked to those who do not know about any of the analytical television programs and do not know a single presenter, answered 80% of respondents. Card, any number of answers. In 2013, the card did not contain the position “Alexey Pushkov ("Postscriptum", TV Center)", in 2014 there was no position "Leonid Parfenov ("Parfenov", Dozhd)"

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(Nicholas Johnson, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission).

None of the mass media invaded daily life humanity is as powerful as television. More than half a century has passed since the first television appeared and began broadcasting the first television programs, but its audience is growing infinitely many times, since the majority modern families cannot imagine his life without this invention. Not every family thinks about the fact that debauchery and stupidity bring a lot into their home, they manipulate a person’s consciousness and load the unconscious with all kinds of rubbish. This happens because people constantly use television both for the purpose of obtaining information and for the purpose of entertainment, relaxation, and such constant contact begins to format the psyche in accordance with the transmitted information, even when a person seems to be attentive to this flow of information. Many who waste their time and eyes in this soulless box believe that television programs objectively convey to a person all the events that happen in the world. But is this really so?

Television is an excellent tool for manipulating the masses

Modern television has definitely adopted manipulative semantics and rhetoric - language, style, aesthetics, pacing and program construction. It constantly and consistently began to reduce time, and then completely eliminated educational, reasonable and restoring people's common sense programs. It introduced incomprehensible, unnerving, and sometimes seemingly insane screensavers (clowns falling from a chair, Santa Clauses fighting, etc.). The fabric of the broadcasts began to be torn apart by advertising, so that even works of art gradually began to lose their consciousness-restoring power. An example is the most interesting educational programs on Soviet television showing the best performances of drama theaters, which have completely disappeared from the screens of modern television.

In general, television has taken on the role of a force that undermines people’s ability to rational, logical thinking and has become a tool of obscurantism. In their place, the airwaves were filled with astrologers and predictors - on a scale that does not at all correspond to the real spread of these superstitions.

Today's news programs are pumping, and programs on historical topics basically have the goal of destroying the image of the past, while showing amazing tactlessness and bad taste. Just look at Lobkov’s “film” about the Mausoleum, where he and important look in a white coat writes the formula of acetic acid on the blackboard. The very mockery of elementary taste and elementary school knowledge became a special program to destroy the cultural core.

Or a program about underwear, where they demonstrate explicit scenes with half naked girls. Carrying out the task of constantly destabilizing public consciousness, television presenters, most likely, themselves no longer notice what unacceptable things they are saying - there has been a separation of television from everyday culture. For example, one can list an infinite number of news programs in which the presenters make “mistakes of a sarcastic nature” about tragic events that happened in Russia or in the world, giving the phrase such a sound that the TV viewer has a subconscious feeling that the disasters in Russia are tragic events are commonplace.

Modern television in politics has turned out to be the most effective means suggestions rather than print and radio, because the amazing ability of the television screen to “erase” the distinction between truth and lies, between reality and the fictional world, has been discovered, although not yet fully studied. Even an obvious lie presented through the screen does not cause the viewer to automatic signal alarms - his psychological defense is turned off.

The creation of a television image as the main technology of political struggle has become a common thing in culture and in society as a whole. Today, political “image dominates speech” - there has been a change in the language of politics. The language has become such that a politician can spend hours and, as they say, “talk about nothing.” And after his eloquent oratorical speech, it is impossible for the listener to briefly retell the essence of his speech. It is also interesting to note that if earlier politics presupposed the presence of a program, the formulation of a problem, the presentation of alternatives for solving them and an appeal to the interests and minds of citizens, now all this has been replaced by the competition of images, the images of politicians, and these images are created according to the laws of the advertising business.

The following formula began to be used in politics: “if you do not accept me for who I really am, I will become what you want me to be.”

Thus, any television program, to one degree or another, introduces the viewer to the current culture. Even in news broadcasts, the very appearance of the people shown, their manner of communication, and the degree of literacy influence the viewer’s attitudes.

What are we watching today?

Analysis of the weekly television program of the Channel One and Rossiya TV channels from September 1 to September 7, 2014

We analyzed the content of two of the most popular Russian TV channels in order to get an objective idea of ​​the broadcasting policy that Rossiya adheres to.

Typically the most social significant programs today are:

  • information and information-analytical programs;
  • journalistic programs;
  • educational and entertainment programs;
  • cultural and educational programs;
  • children's programs.

In order to find out and evaluate the share of socially significant programs in the programs of Channel One and Rossiya, as well as to evaluate the distribution of airtime, we used the program schedule published on the official websites of these channels.

The analytical work done consists of 5 steps.

Step one

To begin with, we divided all the programs into 6 categories, combining them thematically:

Step two

We summarized the transmission times from each category by day over one week. A week is the main cycle on television, so to determine the share of each category, it is enough to analyze the grid for one week.

Step three

We summed up the time of programs from each category for the entire week, thus obtaining material for calculating the share of each category in the overall broadcast network.

Step four

Step five

We compared the indicators of both channels and presented them in the form of a general diagram for clarity.

First channel

Based on the analysis, we obtained the following factual data:

Distribution of airtime by program categories on Channel One

Thematic broadcasting per week (sum of categories): 1055+1640+1360+4735+30+240 = 8860 min.

Thus, from the table and diagram it is quite obvious that the bulk of airtime is occupied by feature films, advertising and announcements, news programs, entertainment programs and series. Only 0.3% remains for children's programs, which is at least three times lower than the required volume. At the same time, it should be noted that children's programs on Channel One are not shown every day, but only several times a week, at a time that is unprofitable from the point of view of advertising.

One of the country's main channels should be aimed at all groups of the population, and today's broadcasting policy of Channel One can be characterized as meeting the basic needs of the adult and elderly population, which represents the consumer class. They are the ones targeted by advertising on the channel. Educational, children's, and sports programs are not of interest to advertisers, since their audience is not the target audience, therefore, they are not profitable from a commercial point of view.

Thus, Channel One, which is essentially and officially the main state channel, does not fulfill social function, since it practically does not contain programs that contribute to the development of a person as an individual, the formation of the character of children, the popularization healthy image life and healthy morals.

Channel "Russia"

Now let’s look at the results of the analysis of the content of the Rossiya TV channel, the second most important and audience size in Russia.

Distribution of airtime by program categories on the Rossiya TV channel

The Rossiya TV channel also broadcasts around the clock, so we can calculate the share of programs of each category in its network.

Total broadcast time per week: 7 x 24 x 60 = 10,080 min.

Thematic broadcasting per week (sum of categories): 1565+2000+1945+2560+40+0 = 8110 min.

Here we see a slightly different picture. In the first place, just like on Channel One, is entertainment. On the second - advertising, on the third - films and only then TV series, news, children's and sports. It should be noted that “Russia” uses longer advertising inserts during the screening of films and programs, so their share is higher here. Another noticeable fact is that the duration of children's programs is slightly longer here, and there are no sports programs at all.

The broadcasting policy of Rossiya as a whole is absolutely similar to that of Channel One. All the same news, films, TV series and entertainment programs. There is practically no time allocated for children's, educational and sports programs, which are extremely necessary for children, adolescents and young people.

To make our analysis seem complete, let’s compare the share of programs in each category on both channels.

The table shows that the share of entertainment, which includes films and TV series, is more than 70% in the broadcast schedule of the two main television channels Russia. In general, there are no children's programs on broadcast, as well as educational ones. The result of such a policy television broadcasting is the educational level of television viewers, reduced to the level of thoughtless consumers of information products.


The main state channels cannot rely in their broadcasting policy on the pursuit of advertising or pandering to the “mass viewer”. The state, if it is pursuing a state cultural policy, including in the field of television broadcasting, must rely on a targeted educational policy - the formation of target lifestyles, behavior, information surrounding people, which should constitute the future desired culture of society. In this sense, state television should raise the level of “mass viewership” and not sink “below the plinth” - as long as the ratings are high and income comes from advertising.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin spoke in the same vein about the policy of federal channels in an interview with ITAR-TASS.

Correspondent: But, you know, it turns out that way, and I started the conversation with this, that a lot in the moral climate depends on you.
Putin V.V.: This is wrong.
Correspondent: That's right, Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Putin V.V.: No, it seems that way. It’s easier for you and your colleagues to blame everything on someone else. Look at yourself! As in means mass media information is provided about how you influence the minds of millions of people, what programs are shown on central television? Are we a country where federal channels must exclusively earn money and think about the cost of a minute of advertising time, so from morning to evening they need to broadcast so-called defectives? Should everything positive, educational, and giving standards for the perception of the world of a fundamental philosophical, aesthetic nature be shown only on the “Culture” channel? Probably not. By the way, I draw your attention to the fact that government agencies are looking at this from the outside. We do not interfere in the editorial policy of even state channels. From the point of view of liberal values, this is probably very good. And as a result, unfortunately, we see on the screen what we see.