How to roll back an application version on Android. How to return the old version of VK on Android? How to return the old version of Android after updating via recovery mode

Android operating system, which is the brainchild of the Internet giant Google, is constantly being improved, and every six months the company rolls out new versions. First, updates go to the devices of the corporation itself, then the system is taken by manufacturers of other smartphones and remade for their own hardware, with its own additions, features and functions.

It's very good that the system is developing, but updates are good for a well-developed pure Android, which works flawlessly and updates are applied to it smoothly. As for other manufacturers, their modifications do not always work as expected, especially for budget devices, for which OS modifications will account for the lion's share of expenses. Therefore, situations often arise when you need to abandon the updated version of the OS, but how to roll back Android 7 to 6? This is what we will look at below.

How to roll back firmware on Android

The problem, unfortunately, does not change with the click of one button, since rolling back an Android update is only possible by completely rewriting the system. That is, officially regular means such a procedure is not provided. There is logic in this; the developers don’t even think that users will use something other than the latest version of the software.

So, how to roll back the Android version to the previous one? Just reflash the device by connecting it to the computer. Some users think that return old version OS can be done via Recovery smartphone, However, it is not. Full reset or restoring factory settings does not remove updates to the firmware itself, and if you managed to update it, then resetting the settings via Recovery will reset the most latest firmware, since she is now the only one you have.

How to roll back updates on Android without a PC

On some devices, the recovery menu has a function to overwrite from an existing archive. In fact, this is the same as restoring a backup, only the firmware will be with the previous version.

  • When you are in the recovery menu and have already selected factor reset and deleting data, you will need to select through Install zip from sdcard/choose the file that contains the firmware of the old version that you want to roll back to.
  • Select it and click Yes - install
  • We are waiting for the re-recording and installation to take place. We do not interrupt the process, otherwise your device may turn into a brick, which can only be restored by a service for money.

How to roll back updates on Android from backup

Every user computer devices, be it a mobile phone, laptop or PC, must be aware of the fact that software environment does not last forever, and you need to regularly back up your data. In case of Android is better create copies of the entire system and this must be done immediately after purchasing the device. There are many applications that create backups, the most popular being Titanium Backup.

And remember, before you update your system to next version, first you need to wait for reviews about her work, find out about all the nuances, pros and cons. And only then decide to update Android.

Surely you have heard about the Android operating system, unless you yourself are the owner of a device running this shell. This platform has appealed to a good portion of gadget owners and is the most common OS among mobile devices. Since 2009, when the first version of the “robot” was released, the developers have not stopped improving and modifying their brainchild. New versions and updates are released regularly. But do you always need to update your device and how to return the old version of Android after updating? We will talk about this in this publication.

Why are updates needed?

First of all for proper operation systems. Developers optimize performance, improve the interface, correct lags, because it is almost impossible to release a perfect system right away, and minor faults will only be noticeable during its implementation. active use. In most cases, you can find out about the availability of an update using regular message, which will appear in the notification line. You can upgrade by going to the update center, downloading and installing the new version.

Why might gadget owners be unhappy with the update?

In most cases, after the update procedure, the device should work faster, and all shortcomings should become a thing of the past. All that users can complain about are some changes in the interface or, for example, the disappearance of shortcuts from the desktop (accordingly, the applications themselves disappear). This happens because installed programs are already outdated and simply do not correspond to the new firmware.

New versions of applications or their analogues can still be found on the Play Market, and trying to return previous version OS due to the loss of old applications is a rather stupid idea. What else can irritate owners in the new firmware version is the appearance of some programs that cannot be removed. For example, these could be new services from Google. And then all users begin to think about whether it is possible to return the old version of Android. But most of all those who want to return to old firmware among those who tried to reflash their device themselves. Here, a huge variety of problems may appear, to the point that your gadget may turn into a “brick,” that is, stop showing signs of life altogether.

So before performing such manipulations, make sure that you have enough knowledge and experience, and best of all, contact a professional. Reflash the device only in extreme cases, when you cannot do without it, because such a procedure completely voids your warranty. But you can still return the previous version.

How to return to the old version of Android after updating?

First, come to terms with the fact that standard system resources do not provide a system rollback option, such as in the Windows OS. Accordingly, when you return to the old version, all installed programs and personal files will be deleted. Therefore, immediately before the procedure for returning the old version, make backup copies of all important documents, files, phone numbers, and so on. Get ready to say goodbye to custom settings, saved accounts or applications, they will be erased all except the built-in ones.

Next, you will have to perform a factory reset yourself. How to do this depends only on your version operating system, but most often this item is found if you go to “Settings” and “Backup and reset”. This parameter can also be found in “Confidentiality”. In any case, finding a factory reset will be easy. Next, you will need to perform a series of actions that are a little more complicated, that is, enter recovery. And how to return the old version of Android using it - read on.

Login to recovery

"Recovery" is a special boot mode on Android, with which you can reset settings or flash the system. If you buy gadgets in trusted certified stores and with an already installed OS, then they should have the stock “recovery” mode. How to enter recovery depends only on your device model. The most common combination is the power button and the volume down key.

For example, if you don’t know how to return the old version of Android to Lenovo, then this combination will work for most of their devices. I would like to note that before entering recovery, you need to turn off the phone. If you are looking for how to return the old version of Android Sony Xperia, then here you need to press three buttons: those that we have already named, and the camera button. More detailed instructions for various models you can easily find in the open spaces world wide web. But what to do after entering boot mode?

How to return the old version of Android after updating through recovery mode?

You can navigate through the menu using the " key" highlight", and to select a specific item you need to press "select". this mode there is no need, if you understand it well, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated. Now look for the line with " wipe data/ and select it. A new menu will open in which you will have to confirm the action. Afterwards, wait for the reboot and the OS will return to factory settings.

Charge your smartphone

What is worth noting first of all is that before starting this procedure you need to charge the device well. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to roll back the system and how long the gadget will reboot after that.

If during such manipulations in the “recovery” mode the device does not have enough charge and is unable to complete its task, then, most likely, problems with its further use cannot be avoided.

The same goes for self-flashing phone. For some users they disappeared or did not work individual functions system, up to the loss of functionality of the touchpad. In some cases, the firmware did not install at all and it was simply impossible to enter the OS. But even then recovery helped again. If you cannot enter this mode or it simply does not exist, there are a number of simple utilities for flashing this mode directly through the operating system. Sometimes you may need a PC for this task.

We told you about how to return the old version of Android after updating. Treat your gadget with care and it will serve you for a long time.

There are probably several people who would delve into this issue after they tried to independently return the version of the operating system to the previously installed one. But, if faced with any difficulties, we would decide to read online to figure out what these difficulties might be associated with. And then it turns out that there are many nuances that need to be foreseen in advance.

In addition from huge amount foreign names and abbreviations, instead of understanding the process, the information in the head turns into mush. And every sentence you read adds more and more misunderstanding to the overall picture.

Well, let's figure it out together!

Brief educational program

  • There is no universal algorithm of actions! This is the first thing you need to know about the return of Android OS to more earlier version. Each brand (and even model!) of device may have its own characteristics
  • Reverting the OS version is a process that affects the system kernel. Consequently, manufacturers make sure that only “advanced” users in this matter can get there. Root rights were invented for this. They are intended to give you administrator rights. There are both pros and cons to their use. Before you start doing anything, find out how to get them and what the use of Root rights on your device can promise!
  • If you are not scared by everything you read about Root rights and you are also full of confidence to return Android version 4.4, then another concept that you need to understand before starting the process is Backup. Speaking in Russian - .

After returning the system, you can easily restore all contacts, applications, settings, and more. The main thing is to choose the right program that will perform Backup on your device as correctly as possible.

How to return Nexus

Operating room developer Android systems and manufacturer Nexus devices is one company - Google. Therefore, for Nexus devices, the return process remains as simple as possible and consists of 4 simple steps:

  1. Download and install the image on your device Android firmware, which you need;
  2. Run this firmware directly from the device and wait for the installation to complete;
  3. Load data from a backup.

How to return everything else

Devices from other manufacturers have their own characteristics when performing a system reset. But despite this, there are still general manipulations.

You will need a PC or laptop

Typically, to downgrade Android from version 5.0 to version 4.4 or similar, you will need:

  1. Required firmware;
  2. Program for creating a backup copy;
  3. Program for establishing Root rights;
  4. Personal computer or laptop;
  5. The device (tablet, phone) on which you want to make a return;
  6. USB cable.


The first thing you need to take care of is, of course, the firmware itself. You need to clearly understand and imagine what you want to see as a result of manipulations with Android. Decide what firmware you want, custom or official? Official firmware, as a rule, can be downloaded from the official website of your device manufacturer. Custom - search the forums, compare and choose. It is necessary that the firmware is suitable for your device and is known to be working, that is, tested. To find out, you will have to study more than one forum, read a lot of reviews and ask a bunch of questions. But this must be done, because otherwise you risk saying goodbye to your favorite device!

The selection of custom firmware should be approached responsibly


The main rule of any gamer or programmer is “SAVE!!!” And in our case, this rule has the same importance.

It has the function of creating a backup copy and saving it to your Google account. But in this case, you can only save contacts. Therefore it is necessary to acquire the necessary program. And then you can reserve almost everything: contacts, messages, system settings, and information about applications, thanks to which the system will automatically download them from Google Play and install.

But, whatever one may say, you will again have to make a choice yourself. We will only list the most popular programs today:

  • Titanium Backup
  • GO Backup
  • HTC backup
  • Clickfree Mobile Backup.
Can be used various programs to save data

The backup process looks roughly the same for all devices:

  1. Install the memory card into your mobile device;
  2. Search, read reviews and download the Backup program you like on your tablet or smartphone;
  3. Install it and launch it;
  4. In the program settings, mark what you want to reserve. Don't forget to check in your settings if you have enough space to save your backup. Need this free place was on the memory card;
  5. You start the reservation process, wait for it to finish, and remove the card.

Now all important information is located on a flash drive and after returning your Android from version 5.0 to the previous one, it will be restored using the same program.


Required on your device additional program. You also choose, read reviews, ask questions, compare. Then download and install on your computer.

The process itself

So, you are all ready to start the process. Let us remind you that this process is individual for each device, so we will focus on manipulations that are the same in most cases. We present you the procedure:

  1. We do Backup (see above);
  2. We put the device into programming mode (may have a different name; see instructions);
  3. Connect the device to the computer;
  4. Launch the Root program;
  5. Launch the downloaded program and select its version;
  6. We start the installation process, wait;
  7. When finished, it is advisable to reset the settings to factory settings;
  8. Reinstall the program you used to make Backup, insert the memory card with backup copy, we start the data recovery process.


In conclusion, I would like to examine one more concept that you will definitely come across while studying the forums. This is the concept of "brick". A “brick” is a device that, after returning from Lollipop to Kitkat, stopped working altogether. To prevent this from happening to your Android device, you need to approach the matter as carefully as possible and carefully study all aspects. Only after the whole picture of the planned actions is clear and understandable can you be sure of a successful result.

Each operating system needs to be improved in order to: increase its performance and ease of use, correct shortcomings and errors.

Which is easy to do with updates. For the Android operating system, this can be done by updating its version, and this operation is called flashing.

What kind of problems appear after updating Android?

By by and large, not scary at all. Very rarely, after modification, several shortcuts disappear from the desktop, and the programs themselves are the owners of these icons. Because they have long been outdated, there are many updates or replacements for these programs in the Play Store.

Along with flashing, new useful but uninteresting programs are installed that cannot be removed.

The worst thing is if you install the operating system not through settings and updates. Like this, on your own installed version android will be unofficial software and all warranty for service of your device will be void.

How to return to the old version of Android after updating?

It may happen that you want to return the old version of Android if you do not like the update made. But such an opportunity, without harm to personal data and those already liked installed applications, does not exist.

Still, it’s better to get used to Android after the update. Install new applications, shortcuts on your desktop, and you will like the updated operating system.

The stubborn desire to return the old version of Android after the update does not leave, then this can be done.

Firstly, before returning the old version of Android, you need to rewrite all personal data from internal memory phone:

  • contacts, phone numbers – to the SIM card;
  • photographs, music, text files, SMS messages, mail letters - to a separate memory card.

Secondly, you will need to perform a factory reset. There are two options.

Reset to menu:

For different types and device models, the operation is different:

  • on Android phones version 2.3 -
    Settings > Privacy >
  • on Android phones version 4 –
    Settings > Device storage > Factory reset
    or Settings > Built-in memory > Factory reset.
  • on Android tablets version 4 –
    Settings > Backup & reset > Reset settings.

Hard reset to return to the old version of Android:

You need to enter the “Android” menu system recovery" (). First you need to turn off the device, and then use the key combination that different manufacturers varies.

  • For most phones and tablets, simultaneously press and hold the power and volume down buttons.
  • Samsung – simultaneously press and hold the power and volume up buttons.
  • Sony Ericsson - simultaneously press and hold the power, volume down and camera buttons.
  • LG – simultaneously press and hold for more than 10 seconds the buttons: power, volume down, home screen (home). Release the power button after the LG logo appears, and hold the rest until the recovery screen appears.
  • Huawei – simultaneously press and hold the buttons: power, volume down, volume up.
  • HTC – press and hold the volume down button, then briefly press the power button. When the recovery menu appears on the screen, release the Volume Down key. Find the “Clear storage” item, select it by pressing the power button and confirm the action with the volume down button.

On the menu " Android system recovery" remember the key assignments: highlight – move through the menu; select – select a menu item. Move to the line “wipe data / factory reset" and select this item. Next, in the new menu, go down to the action confirmation sub-item and select it.

In both reset options, a reboot will occur, and your device will turn on with factory settings - with applications and the old version of Android preinstalled by the manufacturer.

Many smartphone owners are wondering: “How to update the Android operating system?”. But there is another category of users. They are trying to roll back the update. Thoughts about this arise after you realize that the device, after receiving a new firmware version, is extremely unstable. So I want to get back the previous version of the operating system. Below you can read about how to perform a system rollback.

Modern electronic gadgets very much tied to software. In many cases, the device is designed for certain version operating system. For example, if a laptop was sold with pre-installed Windows 8, then with a high degree of probability you cannot put a “seven” on it, unless you replace HDD. This is the case with smartphones on Android based a similar situation is observed. Only in some cases can you cope with installing a very old version of the operating system if the device came with Android 5.0 or 6.0.

Not all users know about this, but even mobile components work with the help of drivers - in this regard, they are no different from PC components. To save money, processor manufacturers write drivers only for specific versions operating system. So it turns out that some Snapdragon 820 is simply not recognized by the old Android 4.2.

However, a rollback involves installing the version of the OS that was previously installed on the device. And manufacturers, it would seem, should not interfere with this. But it's not that simple. Rolling back the system would be easy only if a copy of it was stored in the device’s memory. But Android devices do not have such a function - the update completely erases all data about the old version of the operating system. This is due to the fact that there is not very much built-in memory in smartphones and tablets, and no one wants to occupy it with unnecessary load. That is why it is very difficult to rollback on Android; it is better not for an untrained user to do this.

Differences from the update

If you have updated Android at least once, you should know that this does not delete the user's personal data. Photos, applications, music and everything else remain in place. But if you decide to roll back Android, then this will be equal to reset to factory settings. Absolutely all information will be deleted.

Another point is the difficulty of rollback. To update the operating system, you often do not need to do anything. A new version arrives by air, after which you only need to click on the “Download” and “Agree” buttons. There is no rollback universal guidance. You will have to get a special program, install it on your computer, download a custom Recovery menu and perform many other actions. That's why the rollback to previous version systems are recommended to be performed only in case of urgent need.

Rollback on devices from ASUS

So, it's time to talk about how to roll back Android to the previous version. On many devices this takes a very long time. a large number of time. But there are also exceptions. Old tablets and smartphones from ASUS suggest the following actions, required for rollback:

Step 1. Download the firmware you need, suitable for your model. You can find it on the official website or other resources dedicated to mobile technology.

Step 2. The downloaded file should be placed in the root directory of the device.

Step 4. After scanning, a triangle and Exclamation point. Click on this icon.

Step 5. Agree with the proposed procedure.

After this, the flashing procedure will begin. Interestingly, it doesn’t matter to the system which firmware version you installed. This means that in this way you can not only rollback, but also update.

Devices from other manufacturers

To perform a rollback, you will first need to prepare your device.

  • The first thing you need to do is get root rights. This will give you access to all system files, as a result you will be able to perform any actions with them.
  • Next you must download suitable firmware on computer. To do this, you will have to visit the corresponding sites where fans of flashing smartphones and tablets are located.
  • You also need to remember to install drivers on your PC. Without them it is impossible to get from a computer full access To file system smartphone.
  • You also need to download a special flash driver. It also differs depending on the device manufacturer, so we cannot recommend anything specific.
  • Finally, installation may be required custom recovery. But if you found suitable program and have received root access, you can reflash your smartphone without going to the Recovery menu.

This should be your preparation. Then all you have to do is connect the device to your computer using a USB cable, launch the program and follow the instructions from its creators. In a word, this way you will perform a flashing, which is essentially what an update rollback is.