Problems with iPhone 6 speed gearbox. Battery life. Home hotkey

The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus smartphones practically repeated the scenario of the predecessor of the “S” line from Apple. This means that, as in the fifth series, phones with the “S” prefix are visually no different from their older brothers, while they received upgrades in terms of hardware, computing power and software functions. Despite the reduction in prices associated with the appearance of smartphones, the iPhone 7 – 6S and 6S Plus certainly deserve your attention.

However, just like with your favorite smartphone or tablet, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus also have their problems. These are the ones we want to talk about today, or more precisely about ways to solve problems on the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus.

Disclaimer: Not every iPhone 6S and 6S Plus owner will experience these issues, and more than likely you won't encounter any of the issues listed below.

Problem #1: Battery failure resulting in unexpected shutdowns on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Apple has admitted that there are many iPhone 6S that are suffering from unexpected shutdowns caused due to battery issues. The problem arises from “ambient air exposure control.” This problem doesn't seem to be widespread.


  • You can get a free battery for your iPhone 6S if the device is indeed affected by this problem.

Problem #2: The speaker snores on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Some users have reported issues with speaker distortion or audio level issues, with some sounds notifications are much louder than others.


  • Go to Settings/Music/EQ and check the levels there. You can reset the equalizer settings completely and see if the problem is resolved.
  • This problem may be related to specific application, through which you receive notifications.
  • If you are concerned that this is a hardware issue, then go to Apple Store and there run diagnostics that will tell you if there are any hardware problems.

Problem #3: iPhone 6S and 6S Plus won't send messages

Some users have reported that they are unable to send messages to those who do not have an Apple smartphone.


Fortunately, this is not a problem with the device and in fact the problem is at the other end. Basically, this happens when another person had a regular iPhone and then switched to a different operating system. In this case, you should tell him to turn off iMessage. If they still have old iPhone, let them go to the Settings/Messages section and turn off iMessage. If not, then they will need to deactivate the number in iMessage.

Problem #4: Live Wallpaper Problem on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Some users have reported that the live wallpaper animation freezes after a while.


In this case, you should go to the Battery Settings section and turn off the low power mode. Using this mode, it automatically disables Live Wallpaper.

  • An easier method that works for most users is to simply change the wallpaper to an image and then switch back to the live wallpaper. This procedure can be done by going to Settings/Wallpaper, here select new wallpaper.

Problem #5: Battery percentage freezes on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus smartphones have a fairly capacious battery, but there are times when the battery charge information on the screen of their devices is not accurate, or in other words, the battery percentage freezes.


In most cases, this is due to the date and time settings. That’s right, you need to go to Settings/General/Date and Time and select “Install automatically”.

Problem #6: Network Connection Problems on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

As with any new smartphone or tablet, users may encounter some connectivity issues on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus.


Maybe they aren't ideal solutions, but there are a couple of tricks you can do if you have connection problems on your iPhone 6S and 6S Plus smartphones.

  • If you have an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus connection Wi-Fi connection continues to drop out or does not connect at all, you need to restart the router or turn it off for 30 seconds and then turn it back on. Then, on your phone, go to Settings/General/Reset/Reset network settings and add information from scratch;
  • If your smartphone has problems with Bluetooth, then go to Settings/Bluetooth - turn it off and on again. If this does not help, you need to delete the pairing information and try again to pair the two devices.

Guides: Soft reset, hard reset, Recovery Mode, DFU Mode on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Soft reset:

  • After your device is turned off, hold down the Power button until the device starts up and the Apple logo appears.

Hard reset:

Warning! Hard reset We do this only in extreme cases when the device does not respond to requests. This method hard reset completely new and different from the previous method (holding the power button and home button at the same time). With the new home button on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, this method is no longer possible.

  • Turn off the device (turn off the power);
  • Press and hold the power button;
  • While still holding the Power button, press and hold the Volume Down key;
  • Continue holding them until the device turns off and on again.

Recovery Mode:

  • Connect USB cable to a computer, but not to an iPhone;
  • now turn off your iPhone;
  • Press and hold the Volume Down key and the Power button at the same time;
  • the device will turn on, the Apple logo will appear on the screen, but you should continue to hold the buttons;
  • then the iTunes logo and an image with a USB cable will appear on the screen;
  • release the buttons, the phone entered Recovery mode.

DFU Mode (DFU mode):

  • switching to DFU mode is quite difficult, and does not always work the first time;
  • First, turn off your iPhone 6S or 6S Plus;
  • make sure iTunes is running on your computer;
  • connect the device to the computer while it is turned off;
  • press and hold the power button for 3 seconds;
  • continue to hold the power button, and then press and hold the volume down button (the power button must be released);
  • hold both buttons for 10 seconds. If the Apple logo appears on the screen, you will have to start over;
  • Next, press the power button, but continue to hold the volume down key for another 5 seconds. If the message “Connect to iTunes” pops up, you have held the button too long and will need to start over;
  • If done correctly, the screen should remain blank and iTunes should report that the iPhone 6S is connected.

Well, now you have troubleshooting instructions for the most common iPhone 6S and 6S Plus problems that you can use to fix them. Despite the above mentioned problems, iPhone smartphones 6S and 6S Plus are still here great smartphone, and they should not influence Your Choice.

Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

At the end of September the official iPhone sales 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. In total, over 13 million new ones were sold in the first weekend Apple smartphones. Due to such volumes, it is not surprising that some users have problems with their devices. Most of them can be resolved by rebooting, others can be fixed with the release of the next update, the developers say.

Battery life

There are a number iOS problems 9, which affected precisely using iPhone 6s. It happens that the iPhone simply stops responding to touches and cannot connect to Wi-Fi networks or to gadgets via Bluetooth, and Mobile Internet malfunctions. However, many have traditionally complained about the time battery life iPhone 6s.

In 9 out of 10 cases, abnormal discharge of flagships is caused by background work one application or another. In such cases, you need to go to settings, Battery section and look at the list of the most energy-intensive tasks. To improve the autonomy of smartphones, you need to return to main screen settings, then go to the General –> Content Update section and disable the specified option for the “faulty” application. The energy saving mode will also help extend the operating time away from the outlet: Settings -> Battery.

Spontaneous shutdowns

Owners iPhone versions 6s Plus complain about involuntary shutdown of devices with a charged battery. According to them, new Apple smartphones can turn off at any time, even while charging. In this case, the smartphone does not boot on its own, and you have to turn it on manually. Twitter and Facebook users have reported that this is causing their alarms to not go off because their smartphones turn off on their own in the middle of the night.

This effect is observed by owners of the iPhone 6s modification with 128 gigabytes of memory. You can completely get rid of this problem full reset gadget: Settings –> General –> Erase content and settings.

Problems with 3D Touch

Launch new technology 3D Touch didn't go entirely smoothly. Users note that this function does not work correctly in Safari browser. So, when you press hard on a link, a preview of the page does not open. But that's the problem standard browser iPhones are not running out. Users of all Apple devices on iOS 9 they note that when entering a query in address bar it is introduced in capital letters. Revert 3D Touch to proper operation This can be done by resetting all device settings. In this case, user data remains on the device.


Another problem with the iPhone 6s described in detail online was the serious overheating of the smartphone, which makes it impossible to use the flash. At the same time, as the authors of the complaint note, the smartphone is used only to view the news feed on Facebook or is simply in the pocket, that is, it is not subject to any heavy loads. The iPhone 6s gets noticeably hotter than its predecessors.

To solve the problem, some users advise closing applications in the multitasking window, since they can load information and use device resources even when background. Others note that heating appears only when the device is first started, and after synchronizing with iCloud problem disappears by itself.

Sound distortion

Some iPhone owners 6s complain about low quality sound, including wheezing and distortion. According to them, it seems that the speaker membrane will fly out or burst when playing notifications. In addition, at times the wrong speaker is selected for calls and other signals, and the volume level does not match the settings.

On the forum technical support There is debate about the reasons. Many believe that such speaker performance is caused by a factory defect or a banal deterioration in the quality of the speaker in new iPhone. However, a number of users are confident that the problem can be solved with the release new version iOS.

Home button heating

On Apple's website and on social media, customers complain that the Home button gets very hot, making it sometimes impossible to touch. Current iPhone line- already the third in a row, in which a fingerprint module is built into the main key of the smartphone. It is believed that overheating is caused software error, due to which the sensor unnecessarily carries out the scanning process continuously. The problem can be resolved by holding down the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds to perform a hard reset.

It is worth noting that almost all of the described iPhone users 6s problems indicate errors in the software of new products, and not a defect in the production of hardware or in its assembly. This way, future firmware updates will fix the issues. This will be a small consolation for users who have discovered a defect in their smartphone.

Although Apple proudly declares the vaunted stability of its devices, errors and, accordingly, complaints from gadget owners are not at all uncommon. Of course, the last two did not escape this fate either. flagship models— iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

Hardware problems

Due to the wild popularity of new devices, their serial production. That is why various mechanical defects occurred in some models. Omitting them, we note the most common hardware failures that owners of 6 and 6 Plus encounter.

Low memory

An important point - if you are the owner of an iPhone version with a small amount of memory - 16 GB, then before installing updates iOS firmware— always check that you have enough disk space; it is better to delete “heavy” content if you do not need it constantly. Otherwise, the download and installation operation will be interrupted, and the device will be plunged into a “constant recovery” mode - a “recovery loop”. And in this case, even popular utilities like TinyUmbrella or redsn0w will not be able to help you. You will have to recover via Recovery or DFU – Mode with loss of information.

And you always need to free up space in such an iPhone with a reserve. Since the received archive new firmware, when unpacking, you will need even more of it. If during the restoration process via iTunes an error occurs caused by a flaw free space on the disk - try cleaning it by deleting outdated copies of the backup. Select your iPhone in "Devices" (in iTunes settings) and erase everything unnecessary.

Blurry pictures in the “plus” version

Despite the fact that both models are similar in many ways, the 6 Plus version has its own characteristics of failures. Among them - was noted incorrect work optical stabilization, which is only available on the Plus version. It usually manifests itself as blurry pictures and videos, even when the device is lying still. This is caused by the owners using metal outer cases with magnetic locking connections. Simply remove them and the camera should work again. By the way, similar accessories have a similar effect on the compass built into the iPhone - keep in mind!

Endless loop

Even on the most “voluminous” Plus version - 128 GB, the system often crashes and is forced into cyclical reboots. Most likely, this is caused by the installation of many applications, which, conflicting with each other, disrupt the system. Also, many people blame defective controllers in TLC flash memory.

Clean your iPhone of cache and other accumulated “garbage”. But practice has shown that even deleting or disabling most of them solves the reboot problem for a short time. Over time, failures appear again. If after iOS updates right up to latest version they do not disappear, you can contact the company’s service center with a request to replace the device.

Software glitches and errors

Let's consider the most typical mistakes and common software problems while using iPhone.


As a rule, the most main mistake users is that, contrary to the manufacturer’s recommendations, update them in a timely manner software, both on the iPhone itself and on an authorized computer, many neglect this rule. And this subsequently causes problems and failures of various kinds. And it’s good if the desired operation simply does not take place, worse if system error, due to conflict software versions, will force you to restore the device. Therefore, remember two basic rules: do it regularly. backups important to you personal information, and also update all used resources before any manipulations.

A large number of problems also arise with improperly unlocked smartphones. Everyone wants to buy the sixth iPhone cheaper, and especially the expensive Plus version. But it is unknown who and how “untied” them from the contract with mobile operator, For example. Therefore, if you are not particularly knowledgeable in the intricacies of the unlocking or jailbreaking process, it is better to use the standard preset settings.

Basic digital errors

Among the most common complaints is errors with codes 1015, 3194, 53 popping up during updates.

- The most common mistake, which appears on the iPhone, with traces of “amateur activity” - has a code 1015 . Usually, when you try to install the latest version of programs, the following message appears on the smartphone screen: system message type: “Cannot restore/find the required resource” and 1015.

Among the reasons that provoke the occurrence of 1015 are the above-described “modifications” standard settings, attempts to install an outdated version of iOS, as well as if you download through an outdated version of iTunes. Error 1015 is also displayed if you are using a trial beta - iOS version, and are trying to carry out manipulations that it does not support.

And with error 1015 operating system, as a rule, is installed completely on the iPhone, but it does not turn on itself or is on recovery, not responding to user commands. The salvation from “1015” is to launch a recovery mode that is relatively safe for your data. Why "relatively"? Yes, no one will give you a guarantee that during recovery after jailbreak some other problem will not appear.

To overcome 1015, downloading a “custom” version of the firmware that does not affect the modem firmware can help. And then try to restore again through iTunes.

— Also often when updating or restoring an iPhone an error appears 3194 .

Some may be at fault here software problems(the process is blocked by antiviruses and the firewall of the PC you are using, outdated version iTunes), as well as incorrect operation of the device itself (modem failures, power failure, etc.). The first ones appear immediately - at the initial stage of firmware updates, the second - when the installation is almost 75% complete. In the first case, you can try to correct the situation yourself, in the second, you will most likely have to turn to specialists.

So, first of all, uninstall the old one and download new iTunes, temporarily turn off all antivirus protection, connect your PC to the Internet directly with a cable, without a router. After that, try to restore.

— Users often observe an error with the number 53 – if you see it on your device, it means you most likely have become the owner of a “brick”.

This error is caused by many reasons. The most common: interrupted iTunes download, viruses in the software of an authorized PC, changing the “native” button with Touch ID and problems with cables. You need to try to restore from another computer, with a different branded cable, check for viruses and reinstall iTunes.

It’s worth mentioning the buttons separately – this is the problem with the new 6 and 6 Plus. The problem is that when replacing the HOME button with a new one, touch device ID loses the ability to read the owner's data. Since the information and codes for each button are written at the hardware level of a particular smartphone. Therefore, you will not be able to access the device menu if the locking password was achieved by scanning your fingerprints. You can change and resolder the cables, but install only the “original” button.

And the ability to update the firmware via iTunes will also become unavailable - error 53 will appear again. So, in this case, you will have to either completely change the iPhone (if the password is entered through fingerprints), or install a third-party button (if the password was previously digital), accept with no Touch ID and never updated.

Below is a more expanded list of errors so that you can figure out where the problem lies.

Many owners of the “sixth” iPhone report broken screens on their devices. An epidemic of “touch disease” has engulfed Apple smartphones, repair specialists confirm reports from users. Expensive devices without visible reasons turn into “kiprichi” - the screen stops responding to touches. Most phones have long since expired, so it will not be possible to repair a “sick” iPhone 6 or 6 Plus at Apple service.

A “touch disease” of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus screens was discovered at the beginning of the year. Judging by the reports of repair engineers, it affects the touch screen controller chips of the device. As a result, the premium smartphone does not respond to screen taps. Accordingly, it is impossible to use iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus with a broken screen.

The screen problem in the iPhone 6 does not appear immediately. First, the status bar turns gray and starts flashing. Then touchscreen The smartphone stops responding to touches.

On the eve of iPhone presentations 7, which is expected on September 7, i.e. in two weeks, iFixit, an independent service center for repairing smartphones and other mobile devices, published a detailed report on the problem of screens in the iPhone 6. iFixit says that “touch disease” is a widespread phenomenon, affecting thousands of smartphones.

“We don't know exactly how many iPhone 6s suffer from the screen issue, but every repairman we surveyed said the problem was very common,” iFixit reports.

“Almost every iPhone 6 and 6 Plus is a kind of “bomb” with a cocked clockwork mechanism. Sooner or later, such a “bomb” goes off, and the owner finds himself face to face with a useless smartphone, which not every workshop can repair,” says Jason Willmer, owner of the STS Telecom repair shop.

How to repair the screen on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus and cure it from “touch disease”

Repairing a brick iPhone is possible. During the service, you need to open the smartphone and carefully remove the broken controller chip. touch screen and solder a new one. Repair iPhone screen 6 can be far for each service center.

The repairman must have at his disposal special equipment for micro-soldering, and the operation itself will have to be carried out using a microscope, it is so delicate. A technician will have to remove the broken tiny chip from the motherboard. iPhone boards and replace it with a new one. The procedure is quite complicated. This is the only way to bring the damaged iPhone 6 back to life.

Not every serious person can handle such complex repairs using a microscope and a special soldering iron. service center, not to mention small workshops located in kiosks and basements.

Why does the touch screen stop working on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

Micro-soldering specialist Jessa Jones believes the “touch sickness” is the result of the same design flaw that led to the bent iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Thin and wide smartphone cases bend more readily than previous generations of Apple smartphones. The bend falls exactly where the touch screen controllers are soldered to the motherboard. On iPhone 6S and 6S Plus body strengthened, and this generation is freed from the problem of bending, as well as from the “sensory disease”.

"Over time, with everyday use more and thin smartphone sooner or later small cracks and micro-breaks in the soldering appear between one of the controller chips and motherboard. So far the screen is working fine. However, later the owner notices that sometimes the screen does not respond to touches. After rebooting, the screen problem goes away. But the destructive process has already started and is not going to stop. The interruptions in the operation of the sensor become longer and longer, and the crack widens and, finally, one of the controller contacts comes off from the main board. Any fall accelerates the development of the “disease.” Eventually, the screen on the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus becomes completely unresponsive to the user's touch,” explains Jessa Jones.

By pressing on the screen or trying to carefully twist the iPhone 6 in a horizontal plane, you can briefly bring the smartphone screen back to life. Heating the smartphone also helps, as it can reconnect the controller contacts that have been opened due to bending. However, such tricks can only serve as a temporary solution to the screen problem in the 6th iPhone. Sooner or later, the device’s display stops responding to touches.

Jones explains that the only reliable solution is to replace both touchscreen controller chips after cleaning motherboard underneath them. The cost of such repairs corresponds to the operation of replacing the screen on an iPhone.

The vast majority of iPhone 6 or 6 Plus are already out of warranty, so... official service Apple won't help you for free. You will have to solve the screen problem using your own money.

Replacement glass iPhone 5s, a solution to the problem of an iPhone 6 that has stopped responding to touches, a bricked iPhone due to error 53, entering a death date and a lot of other problems with apple smartphones Repair specialists in trusted workshops will help you decide. For example, repair broken glass in iPhone, in any case, you will have to do it at your own expense, because on mechanical damage official Apple warranty does not apply, even if the device was purchased literally a month ago.

Employees Apple stores They are telling consumers that they are aware of touchscreen issues with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but the company does not appear to be officially acknowledging the existence of the “touch” disease.

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