Download green button for downloading from YouTube. How to download any video from Youtube using one key

Install " assistant" from here: Install

Method 1 The easiest and fastest way is to add a “Download” button under the video on the Youtube page

Add a button
"Download" directly
under the video

To do this, just install the browser extension Helper for your browser is the most famous video hosting site and the third most popular site in the world. He achieved such success thanks to his convenience and simplicity. However, the ability to download videos from YouTube is somewhat limited. It is, of course, possible to save a video using standard means, but not everyone can cope with this. provides the fastest way to download videos from YouTube, and all saved videos will be in the best quality. Choose a convenient method, download from YouTube and create your own video collection on your computer.

How to download a video
from the home page?

After installing the assistant, a “Download” button will appear under the video. Click on it, select the desired format from the available formats, download and enjoy!

How to download HD or MP3
from the home page?

To use this method, you need to install a free program. Read more about installation.

After installing the extension, a “Download” button will appear under the video. Click on it and select “Download HD from Ummy” or “Download MP3 from Ummy”.

Attention! This method is only available to users of OS Windows XP/Vista/7/8.

2nd way to Download videos from YouTube using SS

How to download a video
without installing the assistant?

If you are on the YouTube website itself, then simply add “ss” before YouTube to the video address. For example:

Original URL:

Download URL:

Method 3 Download videos from YouTube "" or ""

An assistant program designed to quickly and easily download files from the Internet. Integrates into the browser as a plugin.

This small extension can replace several programs used to download videos, music, e-books and images from different web resources.

After installing the add-on, a green arrow will appear next to files located on sites supported by the plugin. This icon serves as a kind of download button and will help you download videos from YouTube or clips and audio recordings from VKontakte in one click. Clicking the button will bring up a direct download link. This is especially useful if you occasionally use services like or, where you need to wait a while before the download becomes available.

We would like to separately mention that the list of supported online resources includes almost all social networks popular on the Runet, video hosting sites and news sites. Their full list can be found on the official product resource, but we are sure that they will be enough for you.

Additionally, you can install the built-in search in your browser. This will help you determine which site has the file you are interested in - you just need to enter its name.


  • works with all popular browsers;
  • support for popular social networks and video hosting sites;
  • batch downloading of audio and video recordings, as well as photo albums from social networks;
  • selecting the quality of downloaded files;
  • integration with download managers.


  • support for more than 30 popular sites with media content;
  • advantages when working with file hosting services;
  • built-in search for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser;
  • Instantly receive a direct download link.

Things to work on:

  • In some Chromium-based browsers, it is only activated if the Tampermonkey extension is installed.

The program is an almost universal assistant for downloading files from the Internet. Unlike more narrowly focused analogues, which provide the ability to download content from video hosting sites or social networks, the plugin covers much more web resources.

The extension works great in all browsers used and effectively solves the problem of downloading videos, music, images and documents. Having a built-in search significantly saves time that you would spend browsing links using a regular search engine.

Assistant is an extension for conveniently downloading multimedia files from Internet sites and social networks. This simple tool installs easily in your browser and helps you download files to your computer quickly and easily.

On our Internet portal you can download the assistant for free for Windows 7, Windows 10, XP, Vista, 8. Use the link below the text.

After downloading, you can easily install assistant by closing your browser and following the instructions. An icon with a green arrow should appear in the top right corner of your browser toolbar. If desired, you can easily disable it by going to the plugin menu and selecting " Disable on this site«.

The assistant has been developed for Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Chromium browsers. The latest version is already available in the catalog, you have the opportunity to update the extension and download Safe From No right now.

Supported Resources

The program is designed for downloading videos from Youtube, music from VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, as well as many other well-known resources, such as:,,,, veojam .com,,,,,,,,, etc.

In addition to individual files, the user has the opportunity to upload an entire album of photos or a playlist of music tracks.

Another interesting and useful option that has become available with is downloading directly from file hosting services - without any speed or waiting time restrictions.

The main advantages of Safe From No

The extension is a simple and very functional tool, which many have already appreciated thanks to the following advantages.

How works

This handy add-on will help you download the required content in one click. It's very easy to use!

  1. Go to the site you are interested in and find the file you need to download.
  2. The plugin works in automatic mode: a button “ appears in front of all multimedia Download«.
  3. When uploading a video, select the format: FLV, MP4, WebM and quality: 360p, 480p, 720p.
  4. When downloading music, hover over the file of interest and you will see brief information about the track: bitrate and file size.
The built-in Yandex.Market Advisor offers automatic search for the best price of goods in online stores. Cheap Flights Advisor does the same thing with finding great airline deals.

Please note that the developer also offers to download photo, video and audio files via a link to any resource without installing an extension. You can use its online version. However, installing the extension will allow you to always quickly and conveniently receive popular content without unnecessary movements.

Many of us download music, videos and images to our computer quite often. For this reason, most users try to find a convenient way to download files to their computer.

If you use Yandex.Browser, sites such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Vimeo, etc., and want to download various content from there in a couple of clicks, then the browser extension will come in handy more than ever.

It’s nice that users of other browsers need to download programs, install them, and happy owners of Yandex.Browser can simply enable the extension in the settings. To install assistant for Yandex browser, open " Menu" and select " Add-ons»:

In the block " From the Opera add-ons catalog"enable":

Wait for the extension to install.


After installation, a confirmation window will open with other useful information on using the extension. Here you will see instructions on how the extension works on various sites. Here are some more examples:

As you can see, the extension is built into websites and fits harmoniously into their interface. You can select different video formats and immediately see the file size.

Also, you can click on the extension button in the browser top bar to access additional features:

Go to immediately redirects you to its website and inserts a link to the file into the download field.

Download audio files- all songs found on the page are downloaded.

Download playlist- creates a playlist from the list of songs and downloads it. In the future, it (the playlist) will work in your local Windows player if there is Internet access.

Download photos- all photos found on the page are downloaded.

Settings- also don’t forget to visit the bookmarks to customize the extension for yourself. is an indispensable extension for those who love to download. It is really very convenient, works on popular sites and fits perfectly into their interfaces. It's hard to find a more useful and valuable app for downloading different content at the same time.