How to reduce an image in Yandex browser. How to zoom in on a page in the browser? Cancel changes made

Users often encounter problems when it is necessary to increase or decrease the screen scale on a computer in Windows 7, 8, 10. Not all users know how to control scaling in Windows, so we will consider this process in detail.

Managing the size of computer screen objects can be divided into two areas:

  1. resizing the Windows interface
  2. changing the scale of individual objects

In the first direction, the size of absolutely everything that is displayed on the PC screen changes. In the second direction, the sizes of programs and individual OS elements change.

How to change the scale of the Windows interface

The operating system automatically determines the optimal screen scale if there are graphics drivers installed on the computer or laptop. If the settings are incorrect or at your own discretion, it is advisable to increase or decrease the screen scale. Follow these steps depending on your situation.

1. Incorrectly set screen resolution can make objects either enlarged or reduced, which leads to inconvenient use of the PC. To fix these problems, read the articles.

2. You can increase or decrease the screen scale on a computer or laptop by changing the DPI (dots per inch). When presented with “small” or “large” icons, select the “screen” element.

In seven, click “different font size” (left), in eight, “custom size options” (center), in ten, “set custom zoom level” (center).

In the scale selection window, set the percentage; the higher the specified value, the larger the scale. Select from the list of ready-made values, or move the slider with the mouse. I advise you to check the box to use XP-style scales so that legacy programs do not have problems with fonts.

Note: Do not set the DPI too high, as objects may become very huge, making it impossible to return to an acceptable size back in normal mode. If you encounter this problem, set adequate values.

How to change the scale of individual OS objects

In Windows, you can change the screen scale of individual elements. You can easily size folders and files in Explorer by holding down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and scrolling the mouse wheel up (to increase), down (to decrease). Also, this combination (Ctrl + mouse wheel) works effectively in many programs: test and graphic editors, browsers and others.

You can use hotkeys in browsers, especially if you have a laptop and don’t have a mouse. To zoom out the screen on a laptop using the keyboard in the browser, hold Ctrl and press minus, to zoom in, press plus. To return the default zoom, press Ctrl + 0. Combinations are supported by Photoshop.

Changing the scale of the computer screen using keys and a mouse is the most convenient. However, the scaling of elements can be controlled directly in the menu, program window interface, or in Explorer by setting the desired value. For example, to change the size in Word, you can move the slider (in the lower right corner), or set your own percentage of the size.

These are the methods you can use to increase or decrease the screen scale on your computer in Windows 7, 8, 10. Use all the methods and choose the most convenient one.

On the Internet, one interesting detail related to the display of website pages could not escape the inquisitive gaze of an attentive user. The thing is that many resources are not displayed on the entire screen, but only on its central part, while the two inactive areas on the sides are painted over with a colored background or covered with wallpaper. You might think that this is some kind of browser error, but when checked, this display is saved in all page viewer programs. In addition, even the websites of many large companies often look like this - not full screen. In such conditions, any user will want to know how to zoom in on a page. Sometimes it seems that website developers seem to live in another world and do not know that even a budget modern computer is purchased with a widescreen monitor with a diagonal of at least 20 inches. The situation is similar on laptops - their screens have long become widescreen, albeit smaller.

The reason for this display of resources lies in outdated approaches to creating pages. It is believed that the site should be optimized for viewing in a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels. This makes it easier to use on tablets and other portable devices. This explains everything so simply. And users who don’t want to damage their eyesight by reading small letters and looking at pictures under a microscope have to learn how to change the page scale. Fortunately, all modern browsers support this feature, for which special thanks go to their developers. Further in the article we talk about increase, although everything said is also true for decrease.

When you increase the scale, all page elements increase proportionally, so you can choose the best ratio. How much to increase? This depends on the diagonal of the monitor, how the application is used (in a window or full screen), and the user’s habits. Before answering the question of how to increase the page scale, we note two options for changing the scale. The first is to enlarge everything, the entire page, but the second, more flexible one, is to enlarge only the text information. Browsers usually allow you to choose how you want to zoom.

A universal and fast way to zoom in on a page, implemented by all browsers, is to use the mouse scroll wheel and the Ctrl button. Laptop or computer - it doesn’t matter, it works everywhere. Knowing it, there is no particular need to look for other solutions to increase the page scale. Having opened the Internet page and holding down the Ctrl button on the keyboard, rotate the mouse wheel in any direction. As a result, the scale changes. In this method, the rotation of the wheel can be replaced by pressing the “+” and “-” buttons. You can return the default display by pressing the combination of Ctrl and zero (0).

If for some reason you cannot figure out how to zoom in on a page, you can use the classic method - through the browser menu.

In Opera, you need to open the settings and select the “Web Pages” tab. Here the scale is set as a percentage, and there is also an option to adjust the width (say “No!” to horizontal scrolling).

In the Firefox browser, you can use the View menu to increase or decrease the Zoom. You can resize text alone without images.

The famous Internet Explorer is configured in the “Page - Zoom” menu. Additionally, you can independently specify the desired coefficient.

Google Chrome is constantly improving, so it is impossible to predict exactly where developers will decide to place the zoom feature. At this moment, you need to open the menu (image of a wrench) and select “scale”. It is quite simple to control: “+” to increase, and “-” to decrease. The icon next to it is full screen mode (F11), a very useful feature in some cases.

When you open any website, you see the creation of the designer who initially determined how this page would look. Including the default font size. Each of us, at least once, has been in a situation where it is simply inconvenient to read information, the font is either too small, or, on the contrary, large, and to read the text you need to scroll through several pages.

Of course, modern browsers are equipped with a function that can help in this situation. It's called "Page Scale". There are several alternative options for how this can be done, and which one you choose depends on whether you want to change the zoom on one page or apply this as a default to all sites you open.

Keyboard shortcuts

This is probably the easiest way. In order to zoom in on a page in the Yandex browser, you need to hold down the Control (Ctrl) key located in the right and left corners of the keyboard and press the “+” key in a few clicks (respectively, in order to reduce the screen scale, press the “-” key ). A plus will accordingly increase the size of the elements, and a minus will reduce it.

Reference! This procedure affects not only text but also all other elements on the page, including scaling images and video blocks.

Sometimes the user accidentally changes the zoom of an open site and cannot return the default values. In this case, too, there are no difficulties. Just hold down the Ctrl key and press the number key “0”. The page scale will return to its default values.

Zooming with the mouse

This method is somewhat similar to the previous one, only instead of the “+” and “-” keys, the mouse wheel is used. The process is the same:

  • Press the Ctrl key on the keyboard;
  • Without letting go, rotate the mouse wheel;
  • To increase the scale, rotate in the “away” direction;
  • In the opposite direction the size will decrease.

In addition to visual perception of changes, an informer is implemented in the browser. When carrying out the procedure, a percentage scale display counter will appear in the upper right corner:

Using this method, you can choose the optimal size for displaying elements on your screen. To select default values, use "Ctrl+0". The second way to achieve this is that the pop-up informer has a “Default Zoom” button. Click on it and the browser settings return to the initial settings.

Editing using the program settings menu

If the user is uncomfortable using the keyboard, the developers have taken care of alternative ways to change the scale.

To change the scale, click on the menu icon (located in the upper right corner of the program window and looks like three horizontal lines):

In the pop-up window, select the first item and use the “+” “-” icons to set the visual display mode of elements that suits us.

Attention! When using the above methods in the Yandex browser, your edits are automatically saved in the web browser configuration files. As a result, when you visit this site again, you will not need to resize the pages you need.

If all previous operations related only to loaded pages, then the following setting will make changes to the program itself:

  1. Click on the menu icon;
  2. In the pop-up auxiliary window, select the “Settings” item;
  3. A new window will open, which you need to scroll to the very bottom;
  4. Click the “Show additional settings” button;
  5. Find the “Web Content” item and change the necessary parameters.

In the settings, in addition to the page scale, by default there is the ability to change other font parameters:

Display content "Full Screen"

In some cases (when launching a browser game or reading mode), you want to remove all auxiliary elements from the monitor screen so that they do not interfere. This feature is provided both in the operating system itself and in the options of your Internet browser.

In order to expand the content to full screen, just press the F11 function key on your keyboard (top row of keys). In this case, all frames, status bar, browser address bar and other auxiliary elements, if any, will disappear from the monitor.

As in other cases, we can use the program menu:

  1. Click on the menu icon (top right);
  2. In the window that opens, go to the first point;
  3. Next to the zoom buttons there is another button, which is responsible for expanding the window to full screen mode:

Cancel changes made

The first way is to use the above instructions, only in reverse order. If you don't remember what you did, or you didn't make the changes, you can use the second method.

As already mentioned, all changes are saved in a special browser configuration file. To clear the configuration you need to:
1.Open the menu;

2.Go to settings;

3.Find the “Personal Data” section;

4.Click the “Content Settings” button;

5.Go to the “Scale” item;

6.A pop-up window will display all the zoom changes you have made for all sites;

7.Click on the cross to the right of the site address to delete the settings.

Thus, we see that the developers of this software are trying to take into account all the wishes of users. Changing the page scale is a useful feature, and its use will help you customize any site you visit to suit your perception, regardless of how its design is implemented.

We all use computers in one way or another every day. We spend hours every day in browsers or similar applications. Have you noticed that you can’t see the text well, that you stare and strain your eyes? You are not alone in this. Fortunately, all popular browsers and programs allow you to zoom in. This means that you will see all the contents of the program better and more clearly.

There are times when some elements in the browser or in the program are too large and because of this it is extremely difficult for you to use the program. Then it is necessary to reduce the scale of the workspace. You can choose which specific scale is more convenient for you to use.

This is quite easy to do. There is a completely universal method that is suitable for most browsers and other applications. To use it you will need a working keyboard and mouse. All you need to do is:

  1. Hold down the “Ctrl” key, which is traditionally located in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
  2. Without releasing the Ctrl key, rotate your mouse wheel forward if you want to zoom in on the image, or backward if you want to zoom out.

Note! Instead of using the mouse wheel, you can use the “+” or “-” button on your keyboard. The effect will be absolutely the same.

In most popular browsers, you will see how the scale changes, and you can see the picture much better or use the computer more conveniently.

But if for some reason you were unable to use this method, then we will separately consider each browser and some programs so that you can definitely find a solution to the problem.

Changing the scale in browsers

Let's look at specific cases of scaling in browsers. It is in such programs that people often read books, scroll through social network feeds - in other words, work with elements that require changing the scale. In all popular browsers, this process is somewhat similar and is very simple in itself.

Note! By default, the scale is set to 100% in all browsers.

Let's start with this browser and look at 3 ways to change the page scale in it.

Yandex browser

On a note! Remember also about the universal method with the “Ctrl” key, which you can use and thus

Another method is to change the scale throughout the browser. That is, changing the screen scale, and not a specific page.

Important! Please note that this scale will be displayed on absolutely all sites and even after restarting the program.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

The scale changes similarly in this browser. To change you need:

Internet Explorer

Here's where the differences appear in the scaling process:

Interesting! Internet Explorer was the only browser on the list with a default zoom of 150%.


There were also some differences in the zooming process in this browser. You will need:


This browser differs from all others, including in the way it changes the scale.

Interesting! All of the above instructions for changing the scale are relevant not only for regular computers, but also for laptops. The algorithm of actions there will be the same.

How to return the original scale

Let's look at the example of the Yandex browser. What to do if you brought the page too close and now it has become inconvenient to use. Of course, you can simply reduce the scale in the same way, for example, using the key combination “Ctrl” + “+”. But there is another way:

  1. Open your browser settings and scroll to the “Personal Data” section.

  2. Click on the “Content Settings” button and scroll down, all the way to the “Zoom” button.

  3. Click on it, a page will appear that contains all the changes on various browser pages. You can hover over the change that is bothering you and click on the cross. After this, the scale on the selected page will return to its original size.

Changing the scale in Microsoft Word

In a text editor, it is very important to take a good look at all the interface elements, as well as the text itself. To do this, sometimes you need to zoom in.

This program has two ways to change the scale. It is worth noting that both methods work well, both on Word 2010 and on more modern versions.

First way. Using the scale in the right corner of the screen

As soon as you open Word, a blank white work area will appear on the screen:

Second way. In the "View" tab

Changing the computer screen scale

There are times when you are not satisfied with the scale, not in a specific browser or program, but in general, throughout the entire computer. There is a way out of this situation, you will need:

So, we found out that changing the scale in browsers and programs is not so difficult. Anyone can do this. After this, you can finally begin to enjoy working at the computer, and not peer and read the text.

Video - How to zoom in/out on a page in Yandex Browser

Not every website is designed conveniently and clearly.

In some of them, articles are written in small print, which makes it much more difficult for people with vision problems to read.

Even if the eyes work well, the visitor may simply not like the font.

In general, it is undesirable to strain your eyes trying to look at very small letters.

To make it more convenient for browser users, Yandex has introduced functions for changing the size of letters and page scale.

How to change the font sizes of all pages on Yandex browser at once?

In order not to mess around, each time changing the font sizes on sites (which is inconvenient and takes a lot of time), you need to enter settings for all pages that you will visit from the browser at once. This is not so difficult to do, so even a “newbie” in using the Yandex browser will figure it out.

No matter what page you are on, look at the upper right corner, where there is an icon in the form of three horizontal lines. By clicking on it, you will see a list of browser functions, select “Settings”.

Swipe your cursor all the way to the bottom of the page and you'll see the More Settings icon. This is what you need to click on.

Here you need to find “Web Content”, where you need to make changes. You can do it faster: change the scale of the page, which will change the size of all its elements.

Font sizes are divided into:

  • very small;
  • small;
  • average;
  • large;
  • very large.

If you wish, you can only change the font size.

But you can also completely replace it with a new one by changing the size and changing the style. To do this, click on “Customize fonts” and the following window will appear.

The sizes themselves are set as standard. But, as you can see, replacing them with more convenient and beautiful ones is not so difficult.

Let's consider how the appearance of the site can change after changes.

You will design everything the way you like (if you wish, you can remove the changed font). Work will be more pleasant: no fonts are too large or small - everything looks the same, including:

  • your mail (email, Yanlex);
  • your social networks, for example, VKontakte.

Sometimes the results disappoint users of the Yandex browser: it was planned to create a convenient and beautiful website page, but the result was not the best designed Internet platform. This is normal, and the creators of the site cannot be blamed for this. When designers design a website, they pay attention to all the little details (down to the size and type of fonts). Therefore, after your changes, the resource may look unusual.

Yandex is a very convenient browser. If you access your Yandex profile (synchronized with a mobile device) through a phone or tablet, then the settings you changed when using a computer are also applied and do not change.

Is it possible to change the size of just one page?

What if you don’t want to change the font on all sites you visit at once? Change the dimensions of only one page. To achieve this, you must immediately press the “Ctrl” keys and the “-” and “+” signs.